mMhmM SSw^^KSP^' r.".. -tit 3^-^wU*-open *t i^^po^ttojii;>t: :tho;:Ppmini6n Bffi^^^f<^;t^'|WtwW<itt::- ot the ^Sffi^'-'^Uway 'system; from _M^itoafreftl, by;proonrhie;. wn- S^^TO^ovW iieDrammond Oouu- ^^d^Q^Gr^d aWnfc KallwayB, S^:.tiej^g"carried' in the Oommons arti5dDfeftted in tne Senate by a straight ^^:'^0&'or87"to;10.: The Qoyerxi- J^^pllOTeft.ty^viBjf notice to odd JSmfr^'Supplementary EBtimates the Wm$$#*W 'w *be iboye named S^OT P^bliBhers ot tne Avoca Herald ^&wiiiy^ *y* the Palmerston Kepor- o&beri^ed a delinquent subscriber and P^opveied;judgment for seven years' lifsiiliBbtiption: with coats amounting to pigAi;"' The- paper had been' ordered |^t<$xiea-and had been returned from v$$hej>pBtofflce as refused, but the sub- lllwibir had not paid up arrearages and PliSitatne was continuedfton and the lijiaperianailed to his address.' Thede- i^Wibnipf the court was that ft subscriber P^epiained a eubscriber uuWalfarrear- M&gfes *w*e paid. Wffrit&B* new license law came into force p|!o^^Wthe 1st 'ot July. As to the ^iiiinber of licenses, this will not affeot ^J.llcenfle holders before next May, when l^it will rest-with the boards to fulfill fl'iiftt section of the now act. From the J ;i6t;:; of July- fiuops will have the iJ^yilege'of selling cigars in unbroken ^ paoiages of not lesa than fiftyoigarfl or ;|;^fty cigarettes or five pounds of to- li^Toaoco. to be taken" away, and not to bo jSJiiiedbr' consumed upon the premises. fptiShppff will have tho further privilege l|?^oJ filing at any one time, one-half pint %-^if;spld in unbroken packages, other- p r' wis6 the limit remains as before three ^f hall pints; All hotels, saloons and Mh-'ahbps wilihriye to close every evening S!;.: at Eleven. b'olook standard' time in the S^lJ'vOitiefl.; attd-fewns and at ten in the town- $$;ishipa3aud.,villages^ No liquor shall be K-;Vsoldto any person of either sex under "vlj; Siyeara of age, nor shall any such per- $'vv Son be allowed to linger or loiter in or ^about the bar-room or other room on pi.- ^promises in which liquor is dispensed. f^'v.Any . license holder oonviotedthree ^times within a period of two yottvfl, |SKlpaes his lioenso. ^Theflo aro tho main ^gieatures of the bill affecting our license f;.r<holders, beginning with tho month of OttDEJl-IN-aOUNOIL IXSUfift. ^ v^ "Word has been received "from th fer"Attorney General's Department, "To- Vfe;V:Ton,to fchat;the application.of fcbo Essex ^;- Town Oounoil for power to issue $5,000 |jt, worth of debentures has licon approved ^! -by the. Lieutenant-GovernQr-in- |i>v GotinojVand that the order would issue. ^i' '!^t "will*wbe rememborod that flomo ^J?jraoiiths ago the town council, sooing li^the: absolute necessity of putting iu K.,.; boilers and making othor *J^ ^necessary improvements id tho wator- Mj'^/JvtprUa, decided unanimously to poti- ':X-'J-"%i6n\'the Lieut.^Govornor-iu-Oouncn Hifio,iop" power to issuo tho debentures. fetff-TJieir application was opposed by aomo ^Kp'ratepayers' iu town who Bent down a K-'^eohtra petition signed; by sovoral. ^;),i ;;Three large petitions ininvor were also fe^-'fprjvyardbd and Messrs. Fovsythe and %>jfeKennedy appeared before thoProvintiial fevr^vSeoret'ary and Attorney Goncral and l^f:- argnod the case before thorn, who took W"4 thematter into thoir consideration jH^/f^fter asking for furtuor particular**, [;& wliich were subsequently furninhod,. gi;vXhe money must; bo used for, tho pur- teposes called for in tho ordor $3,000 fesjfbf:;uow,.boilers' and ,'dtlior ,improvo- ^nienWafc present needod, and $3,000 to ffft.'e-p'ay tho Imperial Bank for money 'borrowed to put in domestic connoc- ^ tipiis, etc.. Tho> application seem to l^ineatthe approval of tho majority of fcS:^o ratepayers in town. We have T^j^e|ird obnsiderable of lat'e* of I3ssdx*B M^^vy. debt and high rato of, taxation. fe^je'debiEmtm'e amounts to &^^V"ifeY,T|00/-to'jneiirly,i $30,000 loss Jf^^i.jS^ an^l very little a^0^e,%an half what Leamington*s ib, **^ 'i}mteypitaiation is a little high, but t;ie accounted for by the fact that wo paying too. much each yoar on j^fe^es.whioh']yn$6 isBu'od forf,per- ^Sl^P^vementfl. In a few yearfl 'raise"but a,very small S^;^:'^^ ........ yAWOOlxv each year forv debentures. The 5&caibn;'was in acoordoj that the ap- acoordonoe with the it^yaud' th^'town's-, interets WMWffio, i^t their. waterworks, on a M^^^'-'^^r ;^"-^e reaj8b,n ^^^'^u^v^ii :eecledr'nb one -:'require4 for their engines i&^thft: Waterworks receipts for, admission to We ccJl^ tite-^Igonvi*i"'; Wn4w'!,&$- i&*B& :o^n^ty-oa':)Wonflft^^ ". : A large number of the members of Great Western and Windsor Mftflonlo lodges; attended HerviosB at tho Bruce avenue Baptist ohnroh Monday after noon. ' ' ; The races under the management of the Windsor Jockey OluJ) will start on Tuesday, July 6th, and will run thirty days. It will be the best meet ever held here. WhenEev. J, 0. Tolmie, of St. An drew's Presbyterian church, returned home Saturday night after being ab sent several days, ho discovered that $20 had been stolen from the house. Andrew Archibald, of Detroit, was arrested Monday morning oil the charge of having tried to cheat John Allison out of his dinner. It is alleged to have been the second time he tried to do so. He was dismissed. The Windsor Speoialty Manufactur ing Co. (Ltd.), has been organized with a capital of $10,000. Directora, William McGregor, . M.P.; George Bartlet, James A. Smith, James Ped- die, B. Pinohin, Miles Cowan andj A. W. Joyce. Frontier Encampment, No. 2,1.0.O, F., have elected the following officers: W< J. Brett, O.P.; J. O. Drake, B. W.: T.Q. Denoh, F.S., Geo. Breen, Treas.; W. S, Cody, H.P.; A, E. Scott, B.S.; Delegates to the Grand Encampment are Geo. Breen and Wm. Douglas; Mrs. Sophia Boiamier, relict of Greg ory Boismier, died on Friday afternoon at her residence, 05 Ouellette Ave., at the-advanced age of 81. The deceased lady was born . in Sandwich East, a short distance above tho site of Walker- vilie, on Oct. 20th, 1810, and has "ever since resided in the district. Frank Hurd, who gives Grand Bap- ids-as his place of. residenco, was oh Monday convicted in police court of haying picked Mrs. Kirk's pocket. He was remanded for aontence. Martin Moran was remanded till- Friday morn ing for trial on the charge of picking the pockets of Mrs. Bucub and Mrs. Blinsott. . Wm. Grahan, aged 1,7, n .raoe track tout who has followed the races eincehe was 11 years old, according to his own statement, was on Saturday, morning morning found guilty of stealing $40 from the room of Bailiff Aakow, John asked Mr. Bartlet to be lenient on tho boy and hewas let off with nine months in the Central., ,,, " .. ' . , The second company, boya* brigade of St. Andrew's Prospytorian ohuroh, mot at tho Sunday school room of the church Satnrday night and waB install ed. The officers aro: Captain A. Black; first lioutonant, G. Dixon; second lieutenant, H. Pouting; adju tant, David Choyne ; color sergeant, F. Eood ; sergeants, M. Thorburn, J-. WoodiBon, H. Buchanan; cori>brala, A. McKoathran, A. Tumbnll, A: Dixon and S- McDonald ; lunco corporals, A, Snraguo, V. Jones, J. Fullor. In structor* Bailey will take chnrgo of the band which will begin practice on tho new instruments this week. Tho down grade on Ouollotto avenue, between Sandwich and tho wharf has proved a source of dangor to man>' women on whools. The ntrcot is pav ed with oobblo hIouoh, and this seems to aid in making the riders lose con trol of thoir wheels. During the past fow days several female riders havo come danhing down the hill without being able to stop their whoe'la. There is an iron fence at "the ferry lauding, and the vofmlt iu that tho wheel in dam aged againat it and the rider thrown against tho iron piolcots^ . Monday a girl, yas uiiablo to coutrol her wheel and it waa goinggat 'a.terriflo rate to ward tho iron foneo, when W. HironH, cashior of tho Windfior ferry office, hastened to her rescue. Ho caught tho young woman in his armB and broke her fall in part, but Hhe was go ing with such force, that. her head, struck the . fence and alio was slightly hurt. The wheel had to bo taken to a repair shop. J. H. Torongoau, farm implementB dealer, iu Windsor, aolda wagon, on the iuetallment plan to Oharle's LaRue, a farmer near .Windsor,. DaBue moved, about the middle of May, to the vicinity of Saginaw without notifying Lpron- gean. A few days Ia(;er Lofiue died 'and was" buried in the. Elmwpod peme- tory* in Detroit. TOrongeau" heard- about the funeral in Detroit and fchen located 'the LaBne: family. He found the wagon and attempted to take it away. A crowd of XaBue's neighbors prevented this. Torpugeau. hired six^ meh and went after the wagon. It had' TiA^DB. wi^Ji-: *r&ti otraa .:-/Winn np^oB'Yo^.;;: /> ' mbcteria^ tim^s iy has offered more, or stronger proof of its sterling merit tiat has I)r. Williams' Pink Pills. The cures are not those of people in^foreign lands, but from all parts of our own country, and, the statcSments made are easily verified by everyone in the vioihity in which the cures reported occur. When such proof as this is offered doubt must cease, and the medicine must bo awarded the palm of superiority oyer all others. Every mail brings letters from grateful people in all parts of Canada, who have been cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, sometimes after'years of illness and after other medicines had failed, and it is the words of gratitude spoken by sufferers thus restored, to health that has created the enormous demand this medicine has. The following .etter is but a fair sample of hundreds constantly being received: The Dr. Williams7 Medicine Co. Dear Sibs, I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to' the medicinal valueof Dr. Williams'Pink Pills, as a blood purifier and health restorer. For ton yenra I was a victim to a complica tion of troubles, beginning with quin- Bey^and followed by rheumatism and bronchitis. My physicians told me the trouble had become chronic, and that every winter I would have to house myself up or go to a warmer climate. Two years ago I was confined to my bed aud room from February until May under the doctor's care: One day while reading of the oures wrought by the use of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills, I determined to try them, and I found a euro at last in this splendid medieine. I nsed a dozou "boxes of the pills and I have never been better in my life than I am now, and Ihave not boon troubled in any way with my old complaints since I discontinued the use of the Pink Pills. An I have already stated I was a sufferer for years, and during that period spent a small fortune iu doctor's medicines and drugs, only to find in the end that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills accomplished what all other medi cines failed to do. W^on my friends who know how often I was laid aside with illness asked me what cured mo I am always happy tosayDr, Williams' Pink Pills. Youth gratefully, Mns; J. A. MoKniy Cataraqui. 1 Mr. and Mrs. UoICim are among the best known and most esteemed resi dents of Cataraqui, Out. Mr. MoKim has been a travelling salesman for pianos and organs in the district in which ho resides for upwards of twenty- five years. What strongor proof than the above can bo had for the claim that Dr. Wil liams* Pink Pills cure.whon all othor medicines fail? If you are.ailing give this groat medicine a fair.trial and tho result will not disappoint you. .The public ace cautioned against numerous pink colored imitations. Insist npon takiug nothing but the packages which Wil liams* Pink Pills for Palo People." , f Inds! 013^^ Goods ^elected with the gre^fceat care, in the beet Markets and mfttked at the olosfto^; ..".. '? aSig Tr ade, 'M*^:- WlSSk And liav^prepa^ed^fo beg to call special a#eiill^Ei| to our fine assortment of^ Wiiiaow Shades, Lace Curtainsj Union and Alli^^l^ Carpeta, Carpet Lining and Stair Pads. New Goods at close prices. '^S$l The Ladies All Agree v7. Tliat we hLve evidenced Exceptionally Q-ood Taste in tlt^S selection of oar Summer Dress Goods, Prints, Gloves, Mitts, Hose, Vests, Blouses^ Belts and Ties, ' Our Nexir Parasols Are Elegant We havenotForgotten the Men. Our Range of Snits,Suiting^|||s Qhirts, Collars, Ties, Hate, &c.,is unusually large and attractive, and Prided the Lowest. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Is Replete with the Best Q-oods in the Market. New Colors^ New shapes and Extra Values, Our Grocery Department--1*"^1 Right as uEual. '.'. J.J w COME AW SEE WHAT WE ARE DOINQ. M. J. WIGLE & OQ. DUITOTJUJ BLOOK. BSSBSL, Special Sale of . AS m SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. Special Lilies of Dress Qoods 'r--T-'T'<#a Dress G-oods, Latest Stiades, at 25c per yard, allwodlii Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. ,'.;/. ^^:tf$i Fancy Black Soleil at very low pricesr- " ^ Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. OLOTHING. . . e handle notMng but best makes at the lowest prices.. BOOTS and 3HOBQ; *di$S& t* Special Line Ladies' DxfbfiJ&M for $1. Men's Brogans for $1. '" Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices- We Lead the Trade in best G-oods at lowest 1 '5^ GROCERIES, prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. A: ^ Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, ?$m Wool ! Wool ! # been taken, to a: lofceat aijd; tliq iiarts' were scattered over 40 acres. All the pisgea but'^ivro\ were located yrhen a ^jpg oHriends of tho LaRues rushed upon Torongeau and UiB.Vmen;.^;^ fight ^asfleiroe aud > several if the men were xo&de hlrioottBciouB by hlowe a)nd two of Toron(teau*fl men had severe ^oalp;woTin4#iomblo^fl.^& largo: 100,000 Lbs. Wanted at . . The Kingsville Woolen Our Prices : Our vVagons aro out on their old routes Hold your Wool wntil thoy 'call on you. ; THE BROWN & WIGLE CO., of Kingsville, Lid. -f LEAMINGTON Is Selling all Goods At-Goa| for Gash. Try him. . Q6s$is At Old Agricultural Building. Leamington. 13* 8end, in Your Oi'dera for Baalcefca a Few. Daye \ . liofore you Need Them/, if poaaible. . '.; ... Beppy Boxes and Cpatesflo^^ 'Get'the Strongest) and ueateft Fruit Packages from Us. Boys and girls wa,nte4 tp tack Berry Boxes. / , !.'. ',"' ~'>::'/.-'-"l V ^ General County News, v Dayid Oltitterhuck, p! Sand-wioh^ West, was placed on,^ e^ariiinatioii at Sandwioh on Friday on the charge of groBely.iuaxnorftl 'conduct, iii Iseo!uoing; Emily Beatty a'Voii^^^iri.noi.^a^. overBi^en/un^er^^romiflQof marri age. .Glutter^^ Beattyv^/ftnp^iM'MB'ter^^ B^'he;ia;::hQtVJe^^v^^^ v :.'. BfJePackaaeaGva'rantetdto ' ;prflinpUy(ift^d prmwienWy . euro aU forme of WiJnxnw finAUv.InwUtv* CtnuwNfiton a4 a oarhf crraoe. OMbMnprf0Tn>edc[TeF fiSy^w In tltouandf ol m $m Removed : To Corner Aberdeen 'filodfe^ ^jjp' r^W. The ^hoe Business of this Store1 has been OT0|uHA THE FAGT3 oil its Merit-rPrice is a consideration in buyixig^A , Of having the newest and Selling ':'P^]tte^oipffl margin of Profit is all theArgument t^^^ii^% ;;foif--bripk:'saleB;v-""V-.', ^ ^^^^S^ The more you compare Goods and prices ifl^lm"' " .. celiainVyou-will be'to^spend^ur.;J)n^|^ 'We':'w'aAit'yodr, Ttada'tod^we^:6^t^m0SI^6m - - -"-_'* * ^*Ww*a|'pwiWMjip^iipiiBW H 78