Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 2, 1897, page 3

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'A MK..I' ^tefei^f^y. -./.-.-l i&vft'.ft'?-/ :'. mM^y?'^ "" l|f );; .Quality:and Fit Sl^1-^"-.;^ ^ $>'.'vV-< ', 'WM'NG: GOODS ^^>:-;;Dying and Cleaning in Connec- 0t'!>'; ...toOn. .,:. . . , . . ;;^i'^. ' Tpyniio^^ the nam of Three, Thoq sand Eight Ban dred and Eighty BollarB and Twenty penta lor'MmFi^ing[Vthe same. ; Provisionally adopted the 19th day of;Jane, Whebbaa, pptteo in Writing signed by Wm; Hensmsuand o(horr and petitfon iifloed by MS^ak OArSpbenaod othetiaDdnoMo* by O B. \yaldon and Jauie* l&wtin have been lerved nnon the Municipal Council of the Township or Oloheatet North,itatlDg that if they did not etly*lonB*h^*i^,oldwntoti-liapinfalntothB Biter Cahaiil.. I find the,leasing-oat and doa- ?nolttdod,^*.(W, Of thli iwoant I have taaedJ the Township of Maldwtone for banaflft to -the iald ToWhHnS With imrinVTaEae in the Town, Sr Bmox fpr outlet/with *7t,8ff: lhelattdaln the ownihip of Oolobetter North. with tl.WlB 'wboneOft, ana ,GW,K fo* outlet, and,tho ownihip of Colchester North far; hepefi*' to rorboneflt, Townihipc _______t^ _._ roods with B8M&,, Accom fj:|>:,-v^y SOUTH W00D8LEE. fe ^5'Qne Potior'Suite, . . One Bedroom Suite, 'ix'j-.^QnB' 'Extension Tab 1 a, wW^WOUe: Sideboard. You Can Get Six Chairs, ife;';0ne Rocker, hi-?; Ill All For $40 -ALSO- North and other drains leading from H to the Canard, whioh were causing their lands to be overflowed and damaging thenS that they would bring action for damages ajalqeMheni, , Ahd vThbbjub, ' thereupon the eald counoil huproootca an examination to bemaJdby J. B. purpose, of the said area proposed to bo drained and the moaor Bnggeitea fo* tho dmtnage thereof, ahd of other lands and roods liable to auessmextt under this Act and has alto pro cured plans,specifications and estimates of the drainage work to be made by the said J. B.Lalrd, and an aasossmont to be made by him of the'Ianda and roods to be bonenttcd by.%aoh drainage work and of other lands and roods li able, for contribution thereto; stating, as nearly as no can, the proportion of benefit, -Outlat lia bility and lolurlng liability, whloh, iuhinopin. Ion, will bo derived or friourred in eoaeeanenoe of snoh drninaco work, by overy road and lot or portion of lot. tho gala assessment so made bo. Ing the assessment hereinafter by tbla by-law ensoted to be-assessed and levied upon the roada and lots or parts of lots hereinafter. In that behalf especially set frrth and deeorlheU, and tbe report of tho Bald J. B. Laird in rea- peet thdreof, and of the eald drainage work, being as follows: To the Reeve, Drpaty Reeve and Men to I pal , CunclUoTH"Pi the Townahlp of Colohoetor North, la Counoil assembled : Gbti.bimb, In aooordanoa with Inatruo* tlone from your honorable body I have taken the notloo eigqed by Wm- Heneraan and others and also the Petition signed hy'Murdock Camp- bell and others and notiooa by O. K. Weldon and James Martin, and beg to report thereon as follows :~In accordance with tbe Bold notice, I have examined tbe ditoh on tho south side, of the Towplino between Maidstone and Colches ter North, from near the Hlohfgau Central Railroad, west, to tho elderoad between lots 19 and 18, In the 14th concession of yohrTownahip; thence south to the 14th concession road, and found lo greatly ont of repair In most places you .wUlOnd plans, prodlea, spooiflaations, etlmafcfls. ;asBm<6nU and all /other paper* Deeessary for galdatice la tho oonitiuatlon of eald drain. This drain shall be kept In. ropftlr by a tux on the lands ana roads. now as sessed,' *-. . ':-'.' _ . ibaye tbe honor to bo, g^ntlomen. Your obedient servant, ' ';-.',' ' JA^BBflliAIRb.OIi.B. BeSMt, Maxob Mth; 1807. Aif WnmnaAfl, the eald eonnotl are of opinion that the drainage of the areaa described Is de- aurablef- .'.", Thor'foro. the said Municipal Conn ell of the eald Township of Colchester North, pursuant to tho provisions of the Dralnogo Act, 1B94, enadte as follows: 1st. The said report, plans, sesimonta and eetlmatss aro hereby ana the drainage work as therein indicated and ao- ocifloatlone, as onta and eetlmatss are "hereby aiopted ape e ni and in mnoh need of improvement. a:oo in, oom- SUanoe with said petition I have laid out a i sot forth ehall bo mode and constructed In cordanoe therewith. Sod. The Reeve of tbe aald township may borrow on the ortidlt of tbe corporation of tho said Township of Colchester North the Bam of Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Twenty Cents,boing the amount of funds naoeaflwy (or the work and may Issue debentures of the corporation to that amount, in Bums of not loss than $50 eaob, and. payable within ten years from the date thereof with Interest at tho rate of Ave per oeutura per -annum, that Is to say In ten o 4 ual instalments, such, debentures to be pay ,ablo at tbe agency of tho Imperial Bank, at the Town of Essex, and to nave attached to thttpa coupons for the payment of Interest* 3rd. For paying the sum of 81,08416, tho amount charged against the said lands and roada for benefit, and the Bum of 81,000.80, the amount charged against the eald lands and rood Tor outlet liability apart from tbe lands end roods belonging to or controlled by the mnnlal- pallty, and for covering Interest thoreonfor ten years at the rate of five per oontu per annum ; the total special rate over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (In the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and oollected), upon and from tho undermentioned lota and parts of lots, and roads, and the amount of tbe said total special rates and interest against each' lot their guard* ao that,time and moDey may npt'bO' wakd0;K^^ There ate certalu doalerg and etore. keepers ^hoaelife-objaot la the makiof? of large profits pheyory";'a'rtiblo iney^w)i;;';"i, . These dealers are now, endeavoring to eel! adulterated . and imitation : package dyes for Ibo fliime price as the "honest dealer asks: for reliable and never-faUiug Biamioud Dyea, Few ladies have the Inclination to spend time or money to experiment with worth- leae and pclaonoua Ingredients pat ap to outwardly. Imitato the marvellous Dia- tnond-Dyee. If you want good work yon must qse the beat dye*. Tears of thorough testing proclaim the fact that Diamond Byes are the strongest, brightest and moat economical; tbey are the only dyes in the world that are specially warranted, Each packet, when directions are followed, will Rive satiafaotory and an to nibbing results. and interest aoainat oacb lot or . _ ^tt of lob, reapeotlvoly, ehall be divided rain on the east eldo of sold slderoad, from | Into ten equal parts and ono such' part the 14th conceHsion rood, south, to the road' in ; shall bei assessed, levied and oollooted as afore- tho rear of the Maiden road lota north; thence ! said In each year for ton years after tho final westerly on tbe south side of tho said rear; passing of this by-law, during which the said rosQ to tbe old Wilton Tap Drain; thence south-' debeuturee have to run. Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, :*,>- Picture Mouldings ana :& > vEyerything in theFurnituro Line at Close Prioea-^-fcho Best Goods in the Market-r-the bulk of which is ont- own manufacture, there- /fore we will guarantee it fcho ost ! in the Market * .'* *" * * f'-to-v.;-"- Mb:,- fit1- Undertaking A Specialty. d o s a 3 op CD o 4) a a> w w o 0 5.# 3 S.5 8 O S Q-H CD ^ *" OJ - >o OS M u at o o ^ 5 (CT 5" *3 u V a, w aS o 43 a g jo Wrinkles In Letter Wntipir. Good form of writing notes or letters bos been a handed aoaaiderably. You must no longer have a margin at either eido of your page nor divide wbat yon have to eay into paragraphs, but write it con tinuously. t You maan't write da each aide of tho shoot, one after the other, just as they oomo, Uso the front page first, then turn It over and fill np the baok; if yoa still have Bometbiug left to say, attack the other side of the front page, writing cross wise from top to bottom, and ao on down, filling both the inside pages. This accord ing to an eminent authority, is "considered to be tbe uioest way among the niaost peo ple," That settles it. Neither must yon date your letter at tho top right hand corner any more- Put it at the lower left hand corner at the end of the letter. Write it alt out. The eoonomy of time and space implied by the nno of figures is offensive to good society. Iu an informal note; however, you will be permitted to fore the end of another year may be ad- .Tii^d;W;^i0e,,'i/;;"!,,'^"i'*V;V^ >.-'. / The Btoos.raising'iriduBtrv in South Da kota is profltable, and eaaUrn-oapitaUia now beiug iuveaUicl iu cattle and1 sheep growing in that state, Diverafled farming, the-growing of. Hve stock, and the prodqots of the dairy, are plaolng Somh Dakota formost in the rapka of thB Baocesef ol Western States, Those deBiring full information on the aubjeot, and particularly. those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to oorreapond with A. J. Taylor, Oauadiau Passenger Agent, 2 King' street East, Toronto, Ont. Inaooordiooe wijtilniltaoj, found many infabfieS triorfI'JjL b anoes inaioate that tbeMa|#,hW inglta deadlywbrkifor'tliffe^^ in thatdUtriot/^VVnen'tt:jliij&i Corn Beef Hash Chop fiuo BDfiloieut cold corn beef to make one piut. Mix with it an equal quantity of cold boiled potatoes chopped. Vat theso into a frying-pan, add ode cup of atookor water, a tubleapoonfal of but. tor, a tablespoonful of onion juice and three dashes of pepper. Stir until boiling hit, and serve ou buttered toast. Mra. S. T. Borer in July La flits a' Home Journal.' Prof. Craig learned thattheao)e ed tree's, in-tbe Niagara Jdist^fit^h" lmrwrted from the UaitedSiaUif/vl "3 & 3 - BTB H pt w bf Pt n hf Ptnhf Pt'spt E pt 8 wpt Spfc 284 284 285 265 284 1!80 ^1 ' Pirsfc-ClaBB City Hacks in attendance '*";'".. when required. All of the, above to be had at ,, . E0d6x Furniture.Warerooms. J. ft. HICKS & Co., Essex New Bakery. I #. % # .,.' I beg i(s infovni tbo citizens '-- , of Essex and vicinity that I have Opened a Bafcory at my residence, Victoria St., wboro can bo found a fall line of '. .. , -'.-' ' . . BAKER'S GOODS. I Bake the Detroit celebrat ed Home-Mado Bread, which la tho latest and most appc- ,'"" tizing. Patrons can obtain , this Bread by calling at WILKINSON'S % # GROCERY, 0 He is handling tho goods for ,me,'_ .' Please Give He a Trial ',;. and be oonvincod that lean <; suit *you. Goods will bo ffresh as my wa^on gobs to : all parts of the town every morning. ItS^-Wedding Cakes a spool-. ' ,. alty. WESLEY BURDIGK. 14 S pt n e qr 281 8 pt 281 Sopb 282 K.pts hf 282 Ept 282 Pt S w qr 283 Wptsbf 283 Ptwis hf 283 Pt a bf 283 Pfc whf ahf 283 Pt whf shf 283 PfcwhfBbf 283 Pt whf ahf 283 e pt a ht m 3 pts 236, N qr Bqr Shfnhf N hf ahf Ebf Whf Wbf E hf Whf Ebf 13 NptNl BptKj N Wj 286 9 9 9 9 10 10 U 11 12 13 13 11 15 10. 17 0 9 The Coast Line to MACKINAC * "~V~ w&- $xik'\','. WW-1'*':', sfe mi- -^^^:-----i~^'><>--.-:M'ACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers " Tbe Greatest Perfection: yet attained In , .Boat' Construction Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decorstlon and Effic ient Service, Insuring tbe highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED A1<ID SAFETY fj!^-;:'-,'>."' '=<;', . p|;;^ Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac !$$&"-' ':<-./.^ETOSkEY,"(THE SOQ/' MAHQUETTE toff;.'/'.'-1-,1 . Vi;"," .^^OWRA-TBRfoPlctureaque Mackinac and. ^' " tarn, locludlofl: neali and Berths, prom 't- -} 'Cleveland, *iSi from Toledo, $iflt from mm:. DetrolV' |M3.'0a..:.. K>^,^ , I Between Detroit and Cleveland ,TJS'ii-M :j,,-2? SarUest ffi^iJ-t;; JtriAtmTor all polnU 3ast. South: end 8outb,- tv ': V.^^t and at Detroit for all points Nortb and ta'J\u-:Ttrorthwest...... 12 12 . 0 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 IB U lfi 15 lfi 18 17 17 18 17 ' 6 6 7' 8 8 8 9 9 {). 0 9 0 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 18 1-1 10 6 fl 7. 8 9 U 11 12 N Jehf 12 i n; wbf Ma W; e hf 18 N: W,hf ,14 N; Bhf,H N fe bf 16 ; Nttp>Mfi SI :* S4 . Bi . N pt Spfc S W pt N Wpt Ept 17, N Ept S E pt Si Ni *. Spt - B'plN'*.N pf . NMptBi N-ptSi S pt KB"* - Pt N'M pt pt K pt S i pt : pt : NntEi SBpt Wi . 11 a.UfB'NWi N ..: :'. Niw hf 3 53 2 40 a*. 60 20 ui 02i ao 16J 10 8 4 3 3 H 2ft 52i 90 27 25 -. 25 25 60" B0 60 50 100 60 60 100 100 . 95 18 26' 76' 100 60 60 100 200 100 100 100 100 195 95 100 45 110* 76 20 06 "4 00. 100 100 ; iofi 85 - 48i 69} 40S 3 60 ". 60 * 7 20 24 lfi it 20i 77 074 100 125 8!) 85 . lift 180 144 10B 72. 86 ; 25. 25 25 25. 25 25 25 . 2S.: 25: '. 25,^ 8 1 80 8 45 1 20 32 00 2 00 30 00 120 100 5 55 9 1 80 3 45 , 1 20 82 00 YW~ 30 00 1 20 TOO 5 55 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 10 50 16 50 20 00 20 00 75 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 18 46 8 00 .1 9 00 12 00 G 00 G 00 12 00 05 00 70 00 70 00 IBS 00 13S 00 10O 00 40 00 80 00 18 60 17 85 10 50 8 00. U 50 *G0 d 00 6 06 C G6 12 76 6 65 3 26 4 00 5 60 40 G 05 . C 65 05 3 65 , 35 a 00 15 1Q 2 75 16 25 . 13.00 ' 90 00 140 00 10O 00, Id 00 3 25 14 50,' 13 86 10 05 8 65 4 80 . 2 00 ' , 2 00 '2 86. fi 86 3 66 2 65 ; 800 w'-SiOO 8 85 886 1 8,0 1 00 60 20 25- ' 20 20 15' 15 16 80 1 80 32 00 1 T BO 00 30 00 60 00 00 00 68.00 28 80 25-00 26 00 25 00 60 00 60 00 116 00 60 00 60 00 27 00 7 15. 4 55 1 20 5 85 25 40 00 60 00 50 00 21 00 "4 00 80 00 GO 20 25 20 20 .15 15 " 15 80 1 80 32 00 5 35 5 36' 5 :w 6 3o 10 50 10 50 20 00 20 00 75 00 90 00 70, 00 100 00 100 00 88,00 42 25 3 00 0 00 12 00 G 00 - 0 00 12 00 90.00 .95 00 06 00 195 00 195 00 215 Of) 100 00 80 00 40 60 25 00 15 05 4 20 20 H6 85 I 00 6 05 e-ce 12 75 5 05 3 25 4 00 5 80 40 6 06 : 0 65 .; 05 : 2 65 35 2 00 - T5 15 . 2 75 10 25 18 00 130 00 200.00 150 00 85 00 6 25 14 60 13 36 10 05 8 65 4 80 2 00 3 00' 2 85 . 235 , 2;65 : 2'05 .' 8.00 8 DO 8,86; 8 86, 9 64 I 03 "80 9 60. 60 10 80 86 80 1 67 54 30 18 06 ' 08 06 00 05 06 05 09 54. 9 CO 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 01 . 4 96 4 05 c 00 6'00 22 50 27 00 21 00 80 00 80 00 26 40 12 08 90. 2 70 3 60 1 80 1 80 8 00 27 00 28 60 - 23 50 68 50 68 tQ 64 50 30 00 24 00 12 15 7 60 4 62 1 26 6 11 25 1 20 2 00 2 00 . 8 83 1 70 98, 1 20 ' 1 74 . 12 2 00 2 00 .28 "79 11 CO '. 05 05 ,82 , 8 07 3 90^ B9 00 60"00": 45 00 10 60 1 87 ,4 86 ' - 4 00 3 01 2 60 VM, 60 60:-" .," 70 vo .80 80':.1. >:/ 90 90, v ',00 1.00 8 2 4 1 41 2 84 48 56 60 60 46 80 1 56 1 30 --7r23 2)34 1 00 78 26 88. 26 26 20 , 20 20 39 2 84 41 60 6 96 6 90 0 96 6 06 21 45 21 45 20 00 36 00 ' 97 60 ' 117 00 91 00 . 180 00 130 00 114 40 54 03 3 00 11 70 15 60 7:80 7 80 15 60 117 00 123 50 123 50 258 60 253 50 279 60 130-00- 104 00 52 05 82 50 19 57 6 46 2G46 1 10 5 20 8 05 8 65 16 58 7 85 4 23 : 5 20 7 64 62 8 66 ,8 65 1 28 '-;. . 8 44 46 2 00- 20 20 8 67 , *. 18 82 1 10 90 1 169 00 1G 230-00 26 195100 19, 45.60 ;. 4 8 12 18 85 1 17 85 1 18 06 1 11 25, 1 6 24,, . '(" 3,60' 1 * .2:60 ' . 8 05 . ..'. ,' 8 05 ^8 46 ,' ." : ;3 90. 8 90 ! > ,4 B6 ..- '.':, ' . s*::-:'- ," >"..' 23 45 10 16 30 68 16 13 72 23 13 08 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 23 16 GO G9 69 2 14 2 14 2 GO 2 00 9 76 U 70 9 10 13 00 IS 00 11 44 6 49 39 1 17 1 56 78 78 1 66 11 70 12 35 12 35 25 35 25 35 2796 13 00 10 40 5 20 3 26 1 90, 66 '3 66 . 11 62 86 ,86 1 66 74 42 62 75 06 , 87 .87 12 34 05 2G 02. 02 8(1 88 69 exptess tbe year in figures bat the day of the month, never. Russian Salad with Sauce Tar tare. Out into email, clioe-shaped bitp, two ounces of oooked cold beef; the same of cooked.cold tongue or cooked ohlokou, and, if you like, about one ounce of cold boiled ham. Now pot into the bottom of your flalad-bowl a little of tbe tongue, then tbe ohioken, and a half a dozen eatdinea; epnnkle over tbo top the bam; garnish around the dish and In the centre with crisp lettnoe leaves; cover the entire top With e&uee tar tare, aotf yoa will have a delioious Russian Halad. Mrs. 8. ". Eore in LadioB1 Home Journal. How the Cuban Drlnba. The manner in whioh they queuch thirst ie a Cuban art. Elevating the clay bottle on hia wrist until it ie slightly above the top of hiB head, tbe native turoB the water loose at a distance of 10 to 12 inches from hie month. The stream about ^the Biz* of a lead pencil falls by a pretty carve in fall view until it passes between the lips. Thus tbe Cuban quenches hie thurst with out epilUng a drop. The accomplishment has it a utility. As the water passes in this oontinuouB pouring from the bottle to the mouth it ib before tUe eyes of the drinker and any foreign matter is seen. HELPLESS FOK SIX MONTHS. Rheumatism Held Him in Chains Suf fered Uotold Tortue The Grout South American Uheumatio Core Waged' War and Won a'Complete Victory Belief in a Few Hours, "T have been a great sufferer from, rheumatism. I was completely helpless for over bu months, I tried all kinds of remedies but,got no relief. Having notic ed strong testimonials published of tbe cures effected by South, American Rheum atic Cure I obtained a bottle of it, and , re ceived relief from pain from tbe firat dose, and in an incredibly abort time I was ol- tirely freed from my sufferings." James K. Cole, Almonte, Ont. Bold by J. Thorne. Jiurdotk Pith'da not gripe or sicken, cure Constipation attti,Sick Headache, They S w-f S i. N w,t N ei K w i\t N e qr N w qr S w qr S e qr , N oqr N hf.eqt 22 N w qr 22 Nhfnhfehf22 .18 19 19 19 .10 20 20 21 21 21 ,21 8 eqr S wqr N w qr N e qr 8 e qr B wqr S 0 qr ' B w nr N ht U hf . N hi Nhf ' Kill Wpt 22 22 28 23 20 20 23 23 24 25 28 20 30 31 B qrnhf 31 Neqr. 81 ' N pt. 32 TI 0 qr 23 .Kf.wqr. 28 Total on Lauds . Tocul ou Koada 200 50 50 50 60, 50 60 60 60 60 50 26 50 26 25 26 50 50 50 50" 50 DO ,100 100 100, 100 100 69 45 50 40 ,60 60 B 65 1 35 1 35 4 65 20 00 30 00 40 00 20 00 1 85 1 35 20 00 5 00 20 00. 6 00 1 35 1 35 10.85 10.86 10 00 , 1 35 1 35 1 36 20 00 20 00 2 65 2 66- 2 65 1 00 45 1 35 1 05 1 35 1 B5 20 00 20 00 20 00 4 66 40 00 50 00 60 '00 20 00 1 85 1 85 20 00 6 00 20 00. 5 00 1 85 1 85 10 35 10 35 10,00 1 85 T 35 1 85 20:00 20 00 2 05 2 05 2 65 1 00 '.45 1 85 1 06 1 85 1 35, 2 CO 40 40 . 1 40 12 00 15 00 18 00 0 00 40 40 6 00 1 .50 0 00 1 50 40 40 3 10 3 10 3 00 40 40 40 6 00 6 00 '" 80 - .80. . 80. 30 14 40 31 40 '40 11 25 1 76 1 75 6 05' 52 00 66 00 78 00 26-00 1 75 1 75 20 00 C 50 20 00 fl 60 1 75 1 75 13 45 13 45 13 00 1 76 1 75 1 76 26 00 26 00 3-45 3 45 45 30 59 , 75 30 75 76 12 18 18 - 60 5 20 6 50 7 80 2 60 17 17 2 CO, 65 2 CO 65 17 17 1 85 1 35 1 80 17 17 17 2 60 2 00 85 86 85 13 00 17 14 17 17 from New Jersey and Ne'wT^rkJ$M3 state iq the Uaion is now injeotoi^ not confined to poaob treei' *lbtte^Sbpl pear, and apple, iq;faot all fr^it'1* with the exception if '. the'. oranS?,i equally sensitive to its attaoliw,^:snd^ 1 1b,yet no known remedy. The ypt killed by kerosene emulBtoo, or ;wlin soap, but anything that is m&de pqijtja euoDgh to bill it, after it has becVroi| cased, will also kM the. teeeV; ;/ip^^ seen under a mioroBCope, ta browfllf color, with a email, proroinoutgrpy^ in centre, olrqnlar in form., It 'taut as nearly aa poaalble although differttitj oolor, the seed end of a naval orahgfli;,T* female ia a oircalar, groyieh ecale, jh'iV*"' ;-^roddIah purple border. . They pi their young alive. The liUle/infteifei mediately utarta off oh an exploring vto'j travelhog a few inches, when, flndlijgv vacant spot, it inserts its probpaoiii^jjSS begins its deadly work. A gummy^i)f tlon from it hardens, and torma.. a.^1 under which the ingest HyeB Us all< span of life. The trees may live for jioJ5 three years, perhaps more, hut they||i lost their vitality, and soon die.',] > vliii? Prof. Craig also visited; Essex ooui where the manilla, or peapb, ro^j^is prevalent. Iu one oaae tbe fruit rot0i't._ in the other the tree itself deoay'a. .. Ite"-1" be easily detected. Gam exudes-tflBM buds in many parts pf the tree, and f<" a knotty protuberance. -Tbe, wopi' its fresh color, and after a year or twt tree dies. One cause, and probiblyj moht frequent, is leaving dead .W.'deojM fruit on the trees. They shoula'lai oases more particularly that of't betril and poach be picked offend bnne'^ySE dissased parts of the tree Bhoujd be o^tfi and after the frnifc ia'/ pickeol 'tije'j ahoaJd be thoroughly fprajed^aB^Bt? the oaae ie very bad, it may r' rpgaJi. One orchard la the vicinity of Rptbyei^ almost totally ruined from this causeiil aulesa the trees are destroyed, the die^ will ;6ommunioate itself to at?rrbuny orchards, ahdoaase much Iobs.'The; oarl, another dieeaBe to which th^ajtrtH liable is oausiog . maah anxiety. ih'Bifl" Itaoauae ib not yet fully detarriajrj)a6ln| it pan bo successfully fought by UB>tf spraying mixlnre epocially preparefeitio and wet seasdas will astdeb the parjisii^ whatever it may be, whije dry arii;*w[il weather diflooarages its. gcqwlili There is not the slightest doHbp^toayJr1 pedt has come with. trees iraporteji"froi tbe Ucited Status aud the dovernnwr will bo asked imp6rtafcipn's)$ well as of plums, peaobos and peata, wm are as likely to spread the pest as the-1 thomselvea. r.:'.-.':- ;*'1W,^S I 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I'*' "l'f "..mi3a llfAllYCn-Asonts for 'Qneen VIot If AN I CU Her Belan ondlilamprid^_ loo." Overflowing with latest and riahestsip; ttiras. Contains the ondorsod biography,Ot'Bi Majesty, with authentic History of berjettf" ablo reign, and f ull^ aaoofint, of - the'Pfam, Jabiloe. Only $1.60. Big boofi Tremend demand. Bonanzn, for agents. OommJi^ per cent. Oreait given. Pxel^ht pald.'-Q free. Duty paid. Write qulojt for outfiti. territory* Tbe Dominion- CbnipQJajV-IDjBH 33UDearborn St., Obtoafio. ,.;j..v;,;\v^itf'^ ltshed_____ .. .. . , , $16 woebly and expenses.VPo'aitibii'; JKeferonce. Enoloae seW-addroBfied s , ^ velopo. The National, Bto^nllalDfl^C Mmm 81,064 15 81,000 80 83,044 95 8913 49 835 25 835 25 250 68; 86,958 44 1,085 88 9395.84 108 58 Total on Lands and Ho ad a 83,88020 81,164 07 85^,044 27 8504 42 55 81 88 74 31 12 69, 26 20 0 ao M n m 80 4* itb.Fof paying tho sum of SSBfl.OB, tbe amount I aflsoaeod ocainBt tho eald roada ana lauds of tho I municipality, and lor ooverlng Interest tbereoc | for tan years at tbo rate offlvo per aontam , per annum, a special rate on the' dollar, auffi-1 elnnt to vroduoo tho retiulrod yearly amount | tho rotor,, over and .above all other raten, ho levied and collector (in .the same manner and at tho aftmo time as taxoa aro levied and collected), uiion and from the!whole: ratable property in BaldTownsblp of Oolohoster Nortb, inoaob year for ten yeara after the| final Inass- lug of thia by-law, during which the. salddoben- turesbave to run. , Bth. That Jamoa HXftird, together with, tba Council,la hereby appointed oommiasloner to let tbe Qpntraot for the said drain and works connected therewith by tender to tho lowoHb bidder (not oxoeeding the BHtimato), bnteyory snob contractor with two good and satiafaotory sureties.fiball be required forthwith to,enter luto bonds for the dne performance < and eona- plotton of the contract, according to said, pi bub and speoiOoatioaa and within the' time, men tioned within each bond, unless otherwise 6r- dorod by tho Council; andit shall be the duty of enoh oommiBSionerB tooadse sold drain and works connected therewith,*' to /be made and constrnoted In accordanoe witbjuoh plans BndEpeolfloations.not later.tban.tbo'lstday or November, A. D; 1697, (unless otherwise ordered by the Oounclli;and,togrant oertlfloatestothe Hoovo from time to time, to eooh -oorltraotorr letfl thirty, per cent, of the amount due, until the contract is rally completed I arid, doly ao- coptcu; and for. tbodaoperlqrmanqe ot. those and au other duties of commlBBiODerB ,tbe a * commiatf------------* - a-',,-i"JJ- comtnii cited, tho "14th Ooneeaslon, Bear Bead and Qesto Sidoroad. Drain By-law.' A.O.ATKINSON, JOHN A. THOMAB; : < Clerk. ;< , Beevo, I horuby certify that the foregoing ia a trne copy of abylaw provisionally adopted by the mnnlclpol oonnoitof tho said Township of Ool- ohesterNorlb, on the ntneieentb day of June, A, pi IBVIj 1 ' ' ',' ' Olerk of tbo Muulolpallty of Colohoetor North- :' ")-r*>. ____..jori^ihaUi-bo^TOtlHM'-^V'-itedelvff,*, tniesJbn.,pf one'ia^d;\onfl.half'pe>eaa>Ft::<pn:. ,.the:&?%eo:sj tW^^&Mdt$$i' rcanired forthwith,torl)n^rr|into'bpndB.,ln the?Btim-pl .icoo,v for j;m; :^mr^^\^ mh^pWp^ ' , NOTIOB la hereby given;-that a Oonrt brBe- + vision, hold pursuant to -the provisions/of the. Drainage Act, Iftfti^ for th*: hearing end trial of appeals mado . against the, above as sessment* or anyjpart thereof, will bold its flr^t slfctlngB- atthpTpo------------' on Be hour ___ __________ anypexeou. Intending t^/appeal. aga!nsV:tb ,._. ----------_._ ^y-riartJitbereofMtiat ^efore.4h^ tim^^ea above asaeaBtrienter -an, not latar than ten days ilo*^o^bplatag;6fiBald;^r^;ifle OlerX) of this munloipaUty ft written notice of - flaobflppfla^orothorwiaeh^wHlbetoblate to be haard In'that;behalf# ?> &Vd?w<^$>*fy$*' Arid: W^rv;notfoehereby^vefi aaMidterit^vvft^W^fiMto ar* ' Wan^d- A'MAN:.^nd^ Shrubs, KoseB^albsandBanMUfl^wn' Viees, Small Friiits,. Seed Poiatoee^i outalogue only the hardiest afldti^t varieties that succeed in the-' ooldea; Ntiw aeajion now QowmBneihtf iyajomj! frca.salary and oipenBespaid.froi full time, or liberal oonimlBBlon.tor;P_ r Apply now, addreaBli)g/n6ares^^.pffl? qboloe of territory; /;: i:v^t:!A^'i ,'XiUKB BlWTHER8-,0p^ "' intornatlonoaistirMi! . >:OHWipo,,^OX:p^|ti --.v'l."^^.b"^^VwMv: mm'-.- ;.i;,"This:is"'Qri;-'a^Wr>isMn'6'^ the trutli :;,^bQut:J;Milbriii'^iiM Nerve. PHtey^^^^^^ffl assL

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