TO :,^^*l^^7^?p^^:'Vw^ trnmw H.ll1 J'.'l'-J.i! i '.' ' " . ..i.. . . *** ' ....., ijii fmmmmmlmmKm Wli ^*.:::; .; '"'* M&*y. *,> '. We invite inspec- p|ti<)n Qf our stock of fcjiumitier.,' Dry. G-oods. ^^^' "^i^fenge, com parison in. quality and , ^ ; iptice. Our assortment lfl;'6i/ Wash Fabrics for .'. j>r>.':- ft>W*v Pfe:' llWarna l|ly Weather W' And Costumes Includes \\_aists. ^i;;.V , Figured OhaHies at 6o' a yard, feir-'^ JSandsome Colored Crepons at lOo a W.^'jurd.; White an.d Colored Muslins at !TOr'V ya^d^l'1,:B!^J^tifll^DimitieB ai 13o K&W'oyard; .OKflofc^dand Striped Linens ^ ". yar.d. - Colored Striped , Crinkles at 20c a yard. Prints .and (Hnghams from Coup, &oT - . . li^Blouse Waists feiV".' Made in the latest stylo, "with and without detachable collarn and -cuffs, in Prints, Sateens, Linens, Ac, from 56cteach. . pap' 'r^ aVW '-'i'j MtVtV;.J. T. SOMERVILtE, 5 MD..C.M,, n.c>.*S. Otl^J Gbadtjate or Tbinixx '"DNtvBBprjnr, . '}. -'XBunTX Mbh>ioai* CoiAtlori, :r ToaoNTOj Ontt. Qfpiob and Rbsu>bncb. House lately ooqupied by the late Dr. George MoKenzie. Tat-box Btbebt. - - Essex, Ont.' The Farmers and Traders Life and Accident Jlssuuaiice Co, I*T. Jamoa H. SUU, Prosldant, Jobn OiunpboU.Vioo-Frasldeno. D.E. Gftlbraitb, Beoretftry, P. M. BVaior. ManaHlng-DIraotor, Head-Office^ 8t- Thomas* Ont. JjowMt ttaten. Tjp-to Date Policy GonfcrMti. Enorgotlo, reliable local agonts wantea, Addre=, ^ IK.JlftJWi', Qenora.1 Agoat, Box 7M, Bt. Thomas. ...... SSSB2C Music -^ Store; K ARJn I organs- ; ^'.' Ladies' White wear : ; jDJR4 WJZ-K& 26o and Upiwr&s. SKXHTS 6O0 and Upward*. ,-;.; .MI0JX.T 0OWJSr&\SOa and Vp. These arewoll ma^o garmeutH, 'full filzed and aiioely finished. ' P : T. I * --'--- A Special liine of . . , , Gloria Silk Parasols^^ Aflsorted handles,, 28-inoli' frumot strong and handsome, extra value at $1 leach: Pure Linen Crash Tow-oiling, extra value in & heavy 1^-inoh striped border, ro'frni- lar price 10c, for yc. a yard. ^0-incli Loom '/] Damask Talilo Ijinen, * iloww :pat- ': torn, spooaal-at 35c.-a "'yard. m%.:- ^ten's: Fine. # R. S^Williams' Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos. 0> Singer Sewing Machines. .,......Hnyo Jtiat recelv6d a~....... . New Supply o Vlollus, AUloIiarpi, IlarmoulcaM, Cultnr*, dkc. Vlollu nirtDira and Supplies for all the above Inatruraebtrt n hand. Tun Id (J and Repairing a Specialty. MaobtQo Noodles and Oil In Stock. ," . H. M. TATJIj, 2ud Door North of m,c.n.. Strayed. STRATJDD Into the premises dr the Wer- Blppied, ou Lot Oonooasiou S, Township of Maidstone, about the middle of May, two ye&rllngs spotted red and white. Owner will.prove property, pav-ohargoa "leywlll beBoV AtKXAHDon CtuMH, Maldatohe. 4t ud take tbem away or the] lag to law. /will bo Mid exeord- rtatfe Lost. ADAIIK BAY & yoars old, tore-top clipped, right hnd led slightly enlarged owing to recent sprain goo4 roadster, lilborfll reward oEered tor recovery, Address. W, H. BOMB 4IjIJ, Hardwero Morobant, Woodsloe. Sow Astray. STKAYBD VHOU THE PBEMIBE8 OF'TIUB undurslgnod, Koxth Eldgo, a Large Brood 'Bow, color betwoeii blook ttnd brown. Any person itlviuff Information that wilt lead >to tor rooovory will be suitably rewarded. PISTliia .QILBOE, North Kldflo. ""una Sard, 3H07. M NOTICE, , Odlor.od Oainbrio'SliirtH with Oo\- liar and Ouffrt, ufiUal 75o. lino, 'jor 160c, oacli; ' '. fe':';" M- aw In Millinery . . "ibupartiuenl; for the romaindor of tlio Hoason, On* Pk'kihs .prevail, carry" MiUmery .Goods 10, Htwisou to another, must 00) We arc now buying -torn at Walketvillu atUipaying 25 cen** perbuchpl for No, 1. . HlkAM Wauchr A SbNS,'(LtcI.;) "iW^lkcrvill^ fune Sth, 0:89/. pKr';-'.'^" .'*' ns.w(i never a m$$"':r' **-. -over from ono .S;;;;vi Evorytlihi^ m ^P'.Otlier.-.Depts."," /. {si^A-..' : $U&--- m$h' '^ r-------- W$tK?-*y<w--'<'-~?'><'?f>' .,v EWtyt"';. "" , I^^t>i,i:ll0:f::s.i:^;.: SAM IJEI, DEAN, IS PKHPAUKD TO UNDERTAKE THE CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS And Remove Nl(JHT8pllj. Ou Slion-r NorioK, first Glaus, Gleao'W'vrfc Guaranteod, A.dtIr*iPB Box 28it Essex. :; :A B^ruotloii ql -*Sw foot pine plank Bid-. woJk on the; east side of Medora avenue fronting on. lot 6, plan 176, met pur- enant to notice. PreBent: Wm. Eiddipk, Av Baines, Joseph Robinson and Fred. Robinson/ After taking the oath required under the statutes Wm. Biddiok waa duly ap pointed chairman. Mx.-Noble, the owner of lot, ft, plan 170, was heard with regard to the build ing of said sidewalk, but entered no protest against the assessment thereon. ' Moved by Joseph Bobinson, second ed by Mr. Baines that the assessment under By-law No. 206, for Bidewalk^on lot 0, plan 176, he confirmed. Carried. The Court of BeviBion then ad journed, i Monday, June 28th. A special meeting of the Council, |he Mayor in the okair. Present :---The Mayor, theBeeve, the Deputy Beeve and Councillors J. A. Rose, D. Whitney, J, A. Hioks, Wm. Biddiok, A. Baines, Joseph Robinson and F. Bobinson. The Mayor explained the object of the special meeting, by saying that he had been requested by the Fire, Water and Light Oommittee,to call the Coun cil together to take into consideration the unsafe condition of' the boiler at the waterworks and the necessity of putting in a new one. After some discussion it was moved by Wm, Riddick, aecondod by A.. Baines that tbe Town purchase one 1boilerr necessary for the waterworks, and that the Fire, Water and Light Committee, ask for tenders,'and wheU purchased, have waterworks builcling properly prepared and boiler plaoed therein, and that the Clerk preporet forthwith the necessary By law for the above purchase, the said boiler to bo paid for out of tBs:year'fl rates. Car ried unanimously;'.; "Council then adjoiirned, , Essex Wins the Cup. Tor- wards ........A. Jeffrey 0. Baughman .........L. Welsh E. Biohardson ;....,.....B, Pizer Laiug and W. -E. W. Stotts and J. Baker and Butcher. THKoidoHt buHlnoaa'lD town. . Eatabllaho lava. Flrst-olaes bread anil oukos of al tcindu. Weddlag oabes a. speciality, Grooortea provisions, (lour, food, salt aad pork. Oohfeo tlonery.eroohery.^laBBware. Gannedfruitsaod vofiatables of all kinds. Goods promptly ie I vered to all parts of tbe town; J. M. EIOEB UlAIITCn-Agents for l'Qu fffHIIlCU HurUolRuflud diamond Ju leo."- OvorflowlUK witb fateat and rlohoBt plo- V, na, ibl-. for 'Quobb'Victoria, Uul tures. Contains the'ondarsod blograpby'of Her Majoaty, with authontlo History of hor rotnarl-f- ablo rolgn. and full oououut of the Diamobd Jablloo. Only $ J.r>0. Bin book Tromondous demand.': BonaniGa for aftonta, Comnllsslon 50 .......Ji.'tJr&dlt,Rlyen.^!Pj "" "" * atypi territory. Tt roe, Dntypuld- wrritory. 056 Dearborn Bt Cbloaso. 'rQlRbt.pold.' Ontftfc rite quick for- onUlt and fur 'iont. 'XJr&dlt given roe; Dnty paid- Writ ___ Uo Dominion Comimny, Dept. 7~, on Thursday morning !6f; last Veek,| the bain ;eB';A.^;$illenb^^ '. , The Bocphd match between the Wind sor an<03ssex Junior foot ball' teams for the championship of Veninsular *FootBall League was played on the grounds of the former on Friday even ing last and resulted in a victory for iha EflBex boys. This game gives the Essex team the cup offered by H. 0. Fleming, of Windsor, ifor the champions of the league. The teams lined up as follows: -. "'. Windsoh. , Esbbx. V, Raper..,.........Goal'.......i....G.Fostflr Rondot .......> T>nn*u i-......MLaing Tiernan..,......; *ao*fl- IaIox. aourlay Gundy.......-...V tl 1# ('.........Boohford White ...........-h^LVl-;"........AUis0U Gundy...........) baoks I......J. Beemao J. Butler..,w....J. Tier nan ..... MoHardy...... Gall............. Millard ........ Goal Empires Oouse. Touch Lines - O'Connor. Referee H. Taylor. Ehbox won the toss 4iri<^ de-funded the north goal. The i>lay throughout the entire game was even though the Essex boys put up the. best game during the Last half. The first goal wan made about 15 minutes aftor the commenoo- metft.'by L. Welch forEssox and the first half closed 1 to o:for.Essex; About; 10 minutes after half time Gall, for Wind sor, evened .up the score, hut the tie was not.for long as five, minutes later on a corner kick by J. iT. Boeman, Everett Richardaoh put the ball be tween the posts. Tjy as" they Would tho Windsor, lioys, notwithstanding the oheors and efforts of thi crowd, couldnot snooeod iu .adding, another goal to their credit and the game'was awarded to Essex,:: The'Windsor boys played-J. Butler, a Heuior'.player .but ij. J. Beoman played liini to a finish and would not give him a ohanee to shoot op. goal. ,, , ' A.oyolone swept oyer; the villages of i^nzo^iahd'Oolon^hus, near Pariv on F>Jiday^f. last week, doing great douv agflto property. |,' ., ^AVolotfld man named Mbsoley, who kUleH Fawner JohuBtrong;\n'ear;prrysr'. talSpTings, /Miss. t^if^yfday&^g<^^<i whpwW^ftrrested^ait^ who watficonflhe'd in ^aolj'was: hati^ecl, b^aynjob^W moriiingf;;:\ :^^mur4brer"^;had '^bee^v two creek at Chatham while drunk and was drowned.'.'"., " Horatio Brayoap was run oyer by a Grand Trunk engine at Belleville and killed.; _--j. Dr.;Joyner, a graduate of Queen's University, Kingston, was drowned at Clayton, N-Y* The Crovernmenir"has decided to abandon the work of building a reform atory at Alexandria.. A farmer named David Martens was struck by lightning and killed during a heavy' rainstorm at Winkler, Mani toba. / Canada contains 100,000 Indians and their cost is less than a million dollars, or ten dollars per head, which is cheap enough. A Londonderry deputation waited on Sir Wilfrid Laurier to urge that their city be made'a port of call for tho new fast line. Charles,Guy, a conductor on the Hamilton Bndial Railway, foil from a car, was run over and died at the hospital from his injuries. A Fort Qu'Appelle Frenchman named Gttllarneau tried to swim across the lake while temporarily insane. Ho was drowned. . A strange man, probably a tramp, about 45 years old, jumped over the Falls from Prospect Point at noon on Friday. ; The body was not seen after wards. '. Mr. Tarto has announced bis inten tion, to visit England, France and Bel gium, with an engineer,.to examine harbor improvements with a view to extending; the Montreal harbor. The Farmers Binder Twine Company of Brantford has opened negotiations for the taking over of the Grand Trunk shops there for the purpose of starting the manufacture of agricultural im plements and farm appliances. John Freeman, an old resident of St., Thomas* was crossing a railway bridge north of the city when an express train ounce along and. one of the coaches struck a bosket in Mr^ Freeman's hand. He was thrown to the creek below and iustantly killed. , > ' ' The Dominion government has pro vided that all the railways subsidized shall be;; begun within ! two years, arid completed.'1 within four' years and that companies earning a bonus of oyer $tt,S0O Shall be obliged to carry'.the mails for ten years over the subsidized portion of their lines. Duncan Cameron, William Cronkery and Stephen Kenny, farmers, took shelter tinner a tbalaani tree during a -storm at Boanhburg, Ont. Lightning struck the tree and Cameron was killed instantly. The others were stunned, but will recover. Duncan Cameron was formerly Deputy-Reeve of Wost- meath County and in his Slut year. There was also a horse killed by light ning, at Beachburg. Stewart, 8-year:old son of John Gil- motir^of Ottawa, aud two. companions named Higgins und -Beid; 10 .and 12 years old, of phelsoa, were drowned in the Gatineau hoar Chelsea, last-Friday afternoon. They were playing on a bo'om in the river, whon it is 'surmised one'of the little fellows fell in, and in attempting to help him out the two oth'erS'Wero drawn into the water and drowned.' The GatiUeau River at Chelsea is swift with rapids in/^overal epota. It is thought likely that the bodies, were carried, down by the swift current,.an<l will be found in some other water below. . - Z" HSfS Owin; to the-^ N Forced Money Raising"<:*umm ew Spnng'. ^GomM$m For 30 Days; Beginning June i^S^^S < ^v'-Ji^tJKllU , * \v-.-iJ/r.wsB3 Stagnant condition of trade for the past two months we; are-^oyegcl with new Spring Goods and in order to pay for tbem on thel;lat^gl we are forced to convert a large amount of goods into cash r.witfimj next 80 days, in other worde, we are compelled to crowd three "WM business into one. In view of the scarcity of money we are aware!:! accomplish so big an undertaking extraordinary inducements will to be offered and prontH saorinced, in fact many lines will have W}3^'cl| at less than cost. However, we are prepared to face the Iohs in br4e raiBe the money required. Never in the history of the cloth infect has such an opportunity been offered to the public of Becuring,up^J?! Clothing, Hats and Fumishinga at such low prices., Below, we;'.i^fflft; a few of the bargains you can expect and we assure you--ihipfitif bn wivwn +.1>**nrrYtnilf. anfif a trfrtrtlr. * reductions will be given throughout the entire stock. A Pew Sample Bargains we are offering In . . Men's Blue Hergo Suits, always considered cheap at :<J'r'p&m now.:...;..',.;.if Men's Fine Black Worsted Coats and Vests, regular price $10^ now^';.w)& Men's Union Tweed Bants, well worth 91.30, now.............................. 1,,$$ft Men's All Wool Tweed Bants, cheap at $1.7fi, now...........................' 'VjSal Men's1 Fine Black Worsted Fants, worth $8, now.........,........,..^..,.i';;;'rj<l(i^ Men's Bioyole Suits, All Wool, worth $5, now............................^..w/yg^L % Men's liainproof Rigby Coats, warranted, worth S10, now................. ' >m14m Boys' Imported Tweed Suits, (12 to 18 years), worth #5, now.....;..^:,Wflffl Children's Imported Tweed Suits, short pants, 4 to 14 years; wo*tW&v$,({P Children's Wash Suits, Blouse and Pants,. 4 to 14 years,""worth' $1.25 !%$ Men's Spring Overcoats, Custom Made, worth $10 to $l3/JhowVfV.vKt^ Some -oiriBc ^l bargains In 4- -f -f v^v. Furnishings. Men's Flannelette Shirts., *.,"... Men's Laundried Cambric Shirts, with collar attached.......... Men's Regatta Shirts, separate.col-; lars, slifihtly soiled, wcre$i, now [en's Unlau"',-,*J ckSr* ,..~-t>. 50c, now. Men's Unlaundited Shirts, worth 19 50 7 Men's Heavy Cotton Sox .seamless, 4 for 25c......... . Men's Heavy Cotton Shirts nnd Drawers.......-.. .......... . Men's and Boys' Cotton Sweater*.. ' Boys' Wool Sweaters sailor collars $1 oof Men's and Boys'4-ply Linen Col- { lars, 3 for 25c ............... io * Perrinsr Best Cable Sewn Kid Gloves...... .*.....!. ...-.. 96 Gloria Silk Umbrellas, steel rod.. 75 Men's and Boys' Lanndricd Shirts 41 23 25 HatsANDCafi <^-C^-<^, i. Men's Tweed Bicyole, ,Capr:.^'*f"t^ -j*>^*iSp . Men's Black' or.:;Browh-"F^o^^'ifi ; spring style, worth $*t2S; n^;iji^| Men's Stiff Hats, style l8^'i^,M Boys' Straw Hats, worth 3S^iPWjr^"JjSU Men's Strawllats, worth',35c^;.no^;ii% Christy's Celebrated Engj<iftt4W^^! sold -for 1ms than $3* ^ittytW^ price'$5, now. I..'--'"^ *.ri'?>/^^S 75 Ladies' and ChildianV Sprfifi^J^S Jackets, rgulr.pTl^-^^;fe"1ei^3'^ '.' V/^xfa Bemember ho goods will be charged during this sale as Cashi^^i" after and Cash we must have. Sale begins June 1st and ends June' STO^;.| '.*iwf.r The Big . Store, Cor. Quellette -^vehuiB-^ttS!^ . Sandwich' Street, Windsor.';. ^^CJrSWm ; American. Marcus Daly, the American turfman, has ofiorod' $125,000 and hall hits turf winning^ for-the horse Galtee More, winner of the Borhy. J. B. HoWoli, Hr., a farmer living Jive railefl southwest of Onto, Mioh;, was fittaeked by a mad bull at 7 o'clock Pridayeveuiner of last w.oeki and near ly hilled. His son Albert bamo, to his asftiBtiinoo with a pitehiork'l and was alsotramped under the enrage*! ball's feet., :: brought George, au- 'other. soU, to the'scene. He.suoceeded in.stuunieg thol animal wifelira club, after a;desperate fight, aji^r^ fatherandbrothSrfromtheir;dangerous ; l&iABmAW^^ po8itipn.,-Theold;;gentleman nad:.his bohools; bogm\ tb-day^(iJ^ oUar(bone broken, ftfid he. ^ras [terribly -2nd, aiid ; close Saturday:,: afternoon J Bci-atcijied and bruised.:;;' Alb'eiifreBcaped. iQirm^/e^mHi'r^eg'ii on ^on^,:Jtlly V-:Oatherine .i^urray,::aM'i^n^;.a| ^i^Jp^'jSi^^^^^ ;^ayne;county; ^^h^rt,^^ll^^': ifa^wtto^ Additional Local. CnKitniES ore ripe. Having is in progress. Wm. BattekT, of GrosBe He, visited in town thia week." The Dominion Parliament was pro rogued on Tuesday night. Mna. (Pb.) J. E. JrcNtran and children are visiting in Chatham with relatives. The O.W.A, meet at Chatham 'is inj progress, the dates being July 1st, 2nd and,3rd. . ' Mrs. G-JE, NayTjOR spent a few days in Amhorstburg this week with Mrs. H. Hodgman. < 1 Mrs. D. .T. "WniTNEy is Hpoudiug a conple of weeks with friends and re latives in London. , Our American cousins will celebrate the Declaration of ^Independence on Monday, July 5th'. ;.; Bv Ohatham.foot: ball team refusing to'play. Windsor team on Saturday, the Windsor team are awarded the Walker cup as champions, of the Peninsular Foot Ball League, '.', Wm~ -Hkfb'uon was upiibofpre' I-*.. M.l Hoamari oh Huturday on an imforination; laid by chiofof Police Bisebn charging himwith being drunk and disorderly. T^iuo, S land costs. ; ,..,,! ; Mas., IfeR. Brott and:two: children und her mother, Mrs,- M/"Roberts; 'left On Tuesday to[ spend three or -four weeks with the latter^ daughters -near' , ,ae^e^ftI^::::v^ :i: Japan's protest againsti-the^ tioii of HawaH,;is';regar4"ed;;^ia serious matter by ih6 Ame|iqSi ^0|li In a 'fight \ between'y, Jtap^ Freuohworkmen at Barmiugnj Louis du Khoue on Weunesd week, two Frenolmleri-\^e^. ^ The district isJntejiseiy:exoTOaJ ^^lwr^<:ato^B^yjft|^ Queen being aiihoBt;to^l!^]|j^ contradicted in.iion^0p{^g| y no more impaired ,thaS)|r^|i^ pooted in a. Svpmrtn, ot^^f years.. , ^'.vl'^-C^'M^L In anticipation br^e'pft^ftS;, pending tariff bijlby/tli^^n^ ;0ongress the;"- 'Le^slatiye|^" r J amaoia has decided ^'o;v MoSfife duties on a number of artiole^JJf from the states/,-.' p-0^&^}^ Accor ding' to aivipeB;"iu^'^|o| the^tate';iepar'tuieu^^ the Uqited States, n^ia^ii^yi.3 tne'Mob^me^aiiBiiaT^^^ ni^j^ ;Stop^'^e*'::.?SS^^4^^iSi