$#ftji$ri'jft ' 'y^. prominent part to ^^^"vj^'s^m-w, the, Queen Mi^S?procession the following ^toft'wassent, to all parts of the pepple J may CM bless them. "In ^]t^o^'thei eight million people who [S^in'jipidoft: to witness the cele- ^JOT^-tibn and the great rush consequent &eji#bn, .'no(t on- accident is reported. i^^ri-Jklajesty'stood the strain iiemark- S^|y;yaK- . *n^ip Arbiind 'The World .on a Crescent. H, Herbert, started out from Vio- ^ B.Oii'in 1894, and has sinoe that BJ^M&V been making a trip around the rf|f;fe^'prid and will soon be back in tho P^United States, having completed a very P^itttS.eating'trip. , Poritions of his let- R^iei* to the Western Wheel Works, and $ia?B'o to his friend Elmer Hagoubaugh, 'i'S^e are able through tho kindness: of fyft.Mt* Herbert to publish, and wo feel ijffiZS-t'hey will bi of interest to many of tho ?S'. Oresoent agents. . Bogata.U.S. Columbia, Feb. 2, 1807. .' "Westekn "Wheeii Wouks, Ohioago 111.: ,.V; Gentlemen I started out from '&!' British Oolumbia (Viotoria) in 1894 and mfi. xpde south through Washington, Ore- U'gpnr California, Arizona, New Moxieo, fcvL' '- Texafl, Arkansas, Tenuossoe,'Kentucky. $-:v,MIndiana andMichlgan, where I traded my wheel "which was now when I &}!,': : started, and which was a Monarch, to p B. J.Hagenbaughfor aNo. 1 Orescent, St 1894 model. This wheel was virtually a new machine when I loft Michigan In the spring of 1805, I wheeled to ^.') Boston, thence to Halifax, shipped to '*$!? '. Liverpool, whooled to Houthhampton, te* shippod to Simontown (a few miles from f&rl' \Oape Town, South Africa), wheeled to i'ti J* Kimberly and back to Cape Town, nnd fj0^--thonoe to Johannesburg, on to Peter j*$ naeritsburg and Durban iu Natal; ship- ^ ; ped_to_jier.th, Australia, wheeled to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sidney, Brisbane and baok to Sidnoy; shipped to Auck land, Now Zealand,, and 'wheeled Wifii through the island through the towns '$': shippod V" /from Dunedin in a tramp steamer to |j';'- Taloanaua, Ohili, wheeled to Vulidivin, |^:-Valparaiso, Santiago, and aoross the ' Andes to Buenos [AyresV Montevideo, rrilla.Conooption.and Ascension, Para guay," thence aoross country to Inqui re, up the coast to Callao,, Lima, and thence keeping on highland .mostly between tho rangos of tho Andos to Bogota, and now to Panama. My Crescent has covered since I left ,-.>, -Michigan in 1895, about 21,000 miles, S'V .'rind all the wear, barring a front saddle spring or two, consists of a replaced front sprocket, and some woar on the ^ft*".rear sprocket, and chain. I did not iS /start out on any wage, uor to hiako Sr>f'r. money or, to seek notoriety, but merely te'i'V-to see the country, and consequently SH?: ! s& &<: ... fe- have not made any noise about tho trip.' In fact I did not know how much of a trip I was going to< take. I am very .muchpleased with the wheel. Tfc bus stood raowoll, and I cannot Hay- too much for it. Wishing you much success With your 1807 wheel, I am, Yours truly, ,H, H. HtmimiVi'. & *' ', Throughfcho kindness of Mr. Hagen- baugh we havo tho following 'Personal letter, which gives more fully Mr. Hor- *#!^M^<ycporioucos: ' |s-jv: ; .Iriquique, Gljile, S.A.Bopl.'8# 1800. iDjaAJt.Fniis.vji El&eii, M. -'I.wish you would(Hond to tho Wost- ^;;,^rn'Wheel Works, of!, Chicago, anil got &' me.a;rear sprocket whool, 8-tooth for ' "their wheel of 1804. Send also some of he dailies, as I get to boo very htfclo ;^ Arperiean news here. I inu in the %$.'. midst of the nitrate country. They say " ' that hear here there was- a battlo be tween the Chilians and the Poruvums, and that saltpeter has thoroughly pro- !/. , sqjyed the bodies of the slam, which //inspection. ,-,... , . ^"'v.-'V'The.caotus tires you sent camo O.K., feaiid afolthe finest thing for tho rough :^;i*6ads we get in this country (when wo ^iO'got aiiyroadaatall) that I havo ever J.-;;;;;seen.-:In your last you asked ray hd- IjjjSV'Viee about wheels. As you know, I upstarted out in 1804 with about $5,000, ll'.rwith the avowed purpose of sooiug the P;,cbuntry-ftnd-'wearing out tho wheel. $$ $&# you know, I have wheeled through |gi\Bputh "Africa, Australia and South ^'Ameriba, and have about .succeeded in fereftrfrg. out the 35,000, but not tho v&*ms~*i which still seems to bo good to ^rom'"the'-'Fi^l^e^ f}-[[' Nearly Very person'in this Beotlbh is acqnninteci witliMi-i PaVidMoHftrdy, the^'popular^r loader 'qt^St^-^drew's qhurah;ohoir, Fergui, ,Onr reipprter called upon Mr* MoHardy at his borne in Upper Niohol, recently, and from him and his estiniable - wife a tale of terrible suffering was. elioited, suffering that has brongntaonoe exceptionally strong and healthy child to, the .verge of tbe grave. The subject of tho sketoh, Lena MoHardytis fourteen years' of age, and her parents say she has not grown any since her illncRB began some two years and a half ago. Her terrible suffering dates from the time' sho was vaccinated in June, 1804, and what she has since undergone has aroused tho deepest sympathy of all the friends of the family, In conversation with Mr. MoIIardy and hifl wife, the following facts were elicited: "Two years ago last June," said the father, "Lena was vaccinated by a doctor in Fergus. The arm was very sore and swollen all sum mer, and became, so bad that it became a mass of sores from the shoulder to the elbow. In October, 1894, a larjjre lump appeared on her baok, over one of her lungs. Tho doctor who vaccin ated her, treated her all summer, cal ling very frequently, but tho modicino he gave hor did no good and hIio wns growing weaker and woaker. Whon the lump broke out on her back another doctor was consulted, who mud Hbo was in a vory bad state of health. Her constitution appeared to bo complotoly undermined, .and hor uppotito hnd completely failed. The last doctor called in gave some outward applica tions, and Iancod the. gathering, but it did not' give tho patient any benefit. Nino Hiich gatherings liavo appeared since that time, .but eaoh broke and diwappoared of Us own accord, only however, to bo followed by another. Tho child booamo very puny, and little" or no food would remain on hor sto mach. At night she would fairly ravo with the pain in her arm and back, and consoquently hor trouble wafl aggra: vated by a loBB of sleep. She had tho host of attendance but to no avail, and she was slowly but surely funking, Friends advised a treatment with Dr. Williams'J?ink Pills and as a last re- sort thoy wore triod. To the surprise of both parents and friomULona began to improve soon aftor beginning tho uao of tho pills. Her appetite rofcuruod, she bociimo stronger and her gouoral health much improved. The. soros hayo not yot loft hor back and arm, but hor constitution, is being so very much im proved under the: treatm'ont with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that hor paronts are Iookiing foracomploto cure. Mr, and Mrs. MoHardy thank I*iuk Pillw for fcho prosout improved condition of thoiv child, as thoy have done her more good than tho scores of bottles of doc tor's modioino which she took. Br, WilliamH' Pink .Pills aro a blood builder and'norvo restorer. Thoy sup ply tho blood with its life and health- giving propoi'tie's, thus driving disease from tho system. There are numerous pink oolorod imitations, against which tho publio is warned. Tho genuine Pink Pilla can be had only in boxes tho wrapp'or around which bears the full.trade mark, (,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People" KofiiHO all othors. _ Jlittte^of ........ Yt-r ^G^onwooaatruek T M31, Louis'OUbpetiflBeBBed as tenant on lot 17 conlO, JohuQbuld oBsessed for h wpt 14;;|f(M"RaflTown<ir,instead of M Orozior; Levi Myers assessed as owner' ahd M F, gfor^O con U and Henry MyerB H an4 M Oh motion, court adjourned till June 12th. - ' Monday, May 8lBt. Nomination meeting called at 12 o'clock a. m. by the clerk. Qeo Cole- mott was nominated for councillor. No other nomination being made Mr Oole- nutt was declared elected. Saturday, June 12th. Council resumed as Court of revision on Assessment Roll. Present,"Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors-Brush, Colenutt and Ouellette. Geo" Oolenutt made declaration of office nnd .qunlinj cation. Wm Wright struok off for. pt lot 0, N M R being double aBsessment; Jeremiah Harris put on as M F. On motion Assessment Roll was confirmed as revised and Court adjourned Council motfor regular business All tho members present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and on motion adopted. Moved by Meesrs Kennedy and Colenutt that the application of Walter Boyle for $200 damages for dirt out of roftd ditch alleged to have been improperly put on his property cannot bo entertained, but when Mr " Boyle moves fence off the allowance tnis council will then cause the dirt to be levelled most completely Carried- On motion Mr Ouellette was appointed to look after ditching on Maiden Road. On motion, Messrs Kennedy, and Ouellette wore appointed to examine drain on south side of Colohestor North and Sandwich South Townlino from Hue botwoon lots 8 aud west to Pa- quotto Corners and report at next moot ing. On motion checks wore issued to Brett & Auld for printing & publishing By-law 887, $0.5; Cyril Paquotto sal ary as assessor STo"; M Barrett attend ing meeting of County Council $Jt; J A Hicks for coffin and rough box for Miles Bush, $10; E Noal charity for Wm White, .82; B Noal charity for Buckingham i$1.02;^ cleaning rub bish out of Foster Drain SI. 50 to bt ohargod to lot 8 con 8; Mary'K Benson- charity $9; Yona Olson, balance of drain N M R $20,17; Lewis Jones, work dout on Edgar Side Road and 14th con drain TfBT JaH& Laird award on Hulloy drain $W ohargod to lands concerned ;:Thos Brit- ton, charity, $2; Cyril Paquotto, for making assessmout on Gas Line, $&fi0. On motion, members of Court of Re vision woro paid $3 each and check is sued olork for $24. On motion, check issvod W H Kennedy$8t20for damage caused to H H Fields' land by M O R failing to construct culvert in time; J" A Coulter, Court of Revision on Col chester North and. Sandwich South Townlino .Drain #18; Joseph Toineuiiro repairs to ecrapor, $250; J A Coultor salary aa Clerk for 5 months, $00, Quiu- Iiui, award, $1.50; A 0 Atkinson C months salary as councillor $10, Hulloy award, $1,110; Mrs Laframboisei charityt S-f>. Mr Onellotto was authorized to lay out Albert Trombley's statute labor ou Thompson aide road and,have .wanbout filled on Canard. Messrs Laird and Onellotto wore instructed to lay out the Kind's Crook Drain. On motion Clerk was instructed to Hottlo with Essox. Mr OuolloUo was authorized toproouro a scraper for West Townline, Andordon to pay half. On motion Okas Cunning ham wns appointed Road Ovorsoor in stead of Goo Colenutt, On motion col lector's time wns extended July 10th, Council adjourned. $;.;l^#:^^ ......... tiospible margm.; ;,v-,-i- ' x-.n:'\-<^'^m r, ,, ... ........o.,, . .... ...,-.......-,. ........ . .,;. ^^i$M a g fit"-- ,:m And have prepared for it; we beg to pall special att^lfdp to our fine aseorfcment of Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Union'-mA"^is^i^' Garpot^Oarpot Lining and Stair Pads. New Goods at oloeeprices. "^L?-ffl$$!ft -: -j&M +f$m That, we have evidenoed Exceptionally Good Taste:---jbi^i3Si selection of oar Summer Dress Groods, Prints, Gloves, Mitts, Hose, Vests, BlouseM Belts and Ties, ."V|^^ The Ladies All Agree Our New Parasols Are Elegant. We have not Forgotten the Men. Our Range of Snits,SnitingsS, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats, &a, is unusually large and attractive, and.Prioea:;;t]fi^ Lowest. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Is Replete with the Best G-oods in the Market- New Colors t| New shapes and Extra Values, Our Grocery Department is All Right as usual. m COME AVD SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING. M. J. WIGLE & CO 3DTT1TSTA1T BLOOIC. ESSES. Special Sale of cm SPRINQ DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES ANO GROCERIES. Special Lines of: IDress Qoods 'eta m m " KM. Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool*! Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black Soleil at very lo-w prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. OLQTHINa .. . We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. V^ '^i? BOOTS and SHOES; Special Line LadiesVOxfordsJl for $ 1 - Men's Brogans for $ 1. Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices- GROCERIES We Lead the Trade in best G-oods at lowest prices- Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded: ,<sfc- Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, W '. Mil c?m Colclicytcr North Council. ^ ODtte'hpmeTv'ifcb ilieI atldition of auothor I'Sl^rookot. 'So iuaoh can I Bay: for tlio Jresoent; and,I am free to confoHH fcUnt- "tiQifirm.that puts upas good a whool i,v',ns5ne .has proven to mo must bo a jjxithat "we could bank upon .You kuo w l&At'Ct ftm not travolintr in tho interoBt of Mit^i^estern Wheel Works nor upon a BO I would bo perfectly'--frtio ^.tellyou.-that' tho Crescent was not were that the oase, . I EdU: wheel,from here to tho United ptateaJ pbasibly to OMoacp. i^Wimiiig you the luck; J a ^ Vrnii-fl Afr.i fe ,-, . aua< Youra, etc., " H,H. Hkiuihiit. |^W?:0hurbli & Sond are aponts for tiiia Mlstriofc'for the Orescent bicycle feAn-inianotionhasbpeu issued to ro- ^^ato the;KiDgsvillp citizens going on ^fc'^heir gaB'.weU.-'.^'.; &^PEe^KingeyiUe raoes will be held on ^p^i^ion'^ay, at.the;.l)riyjhg-. Park, "* 'J,v,! The,events will be a 2.4q ,Oi- Ojaod pace, 3-minute trot and pace, ^y^arrpld ^ri>t tuxd. pace and a running '^ojp'ior';which1 handspjufl1, purees will :M^yenv'!!\^er"eviH'Alfi6 be a pigeon ft r^oiin^ ;Watoh. bicycle and' pony W+&-'$ " JB&iU'jrJ.rC'.,' 'i, ::.\: -:?r Saturday, May liOfcb. Oounoil mot, as .Court of Itovisiou, ou tho AbaeHfimont , Uoll. Moiiibora prtiHont, Iioovo, Deputy Itovo and Councillors BruuU ana Ouellotto. Oaths of oflloo woro takon aud sub- soribod; Hoovo .waw appointed chair man. Mvfl, 'Cloniont Giirnac, had dog Htruck oil; Jacob Wobb, bitch struck oil'and assessed for dog" instead. Tho following ' nnmeB woro added : Thoa Torougeau F B and M l'^Tamee Torongeau'1? B and Ml?,Houry Donley .V H and M 3?. David A Koano V B and MP, Jonathan Thurman H and MF,' Henry. Imeior I1 B and M JP, Thos Tor ougeau jv I* B and M I1, EH Torongoan F H and M F, Bhisiu Tor on go an'F S and M F, Wm iiutt F B aud M -F, Ifiaao Ohavis 3? B and M F, Thos MoLaugh- Iin'M l^John Chovalior H and M F, Henry Walton F. S and M F, Hiram Horrimau H and M F. Chas Roadhonso F B and MF, Alox Dingle M F, Jas Stovonsou M F, Xj.O'Jouoh H and M F; Albert AUiuM F, Wm Elford Hand M1^ Jas Xiitoior T aad M F, Philias .Inioier T.ftiia MR Alfred Xjnoier Mlf,: Xhos^uoier Taud H F, Thoa McBoth F 8 and M>, Noah Webb,MF, Jas Hiokoy T; and M F, WnCHood M F, Jonathan Strawthera F and M F, H O Misner F B and,M F, Bylvanua Hes- bon T aud M F, W W Hbllingworth and Kiohard Hollingworth M F added, John Batten sr H and M F, Joseph Grondin F S and M F, Alet Eagle W.F, Paul Moraud.F, Faul Moxand's aesessr ment' changed to Jas Griffln fit lot 15 con 0; OB weldon aasessed for village lot 10 plan. 378 changed to Bon 'Bow manj. and village lot 38 plaii 378 to John, Sutton: Joseph, Ohas and Ed ward Campjbell assessed for n A lot 22 S; M R as i teuauts and O B Sweet'. aa owner of same; Walter Fenn assessed: as tenant and Edward Fenn as, 'Owier' of n ei: 31 N MB; e f 11, JST M Br as*, ossed'to Ohas Boberts instead of, Wm Church; T?hos; John, Janies and Onae f Wool! Wool 100,000 Lbs. Wanted at . .The Kingsville Woolen Mills. Our ^ricee 20c. Cash, 22c, to 24c.. Trade...-- Our Wagons aro out on their old roato^.' Hold your Wool until thoy call on you. THE BROWN & WIGLE CO.* of KingsvillerLtd. THE LEAMINGTON c*'W The Tailor, Jim hit Is Selling all Goods At Qtis$ for Casli. Try him: ; )vcccmccm^ Removed : To Corner Aberdeej^^Bloi^ir 1 . ^---'^y^aj^gpg At Old Agricultural Building. Leamington. IS" Bond iu Your Order* for Basltots a Few Days Jieforo you Need Them, if possible; ,, . . Bewy Bo^es and Grafces Jiocu Ready fof Quick DeliVefy. Get the Btrongoat and n.oftteet Fruit Paoliagos from, Ub. " Boys and girls wantod to.taolt Berry:Boxes. GARDNER BROS, di CO, High School Noes, The Gold Medal offered by B. Ii. Park, for competition among tho High i School students, is, now on view at his Btoro. It is a beauty and well worthv Working hard for.; VVho will give one. next year,; '. /',":' The First Form Promotion examina tions bo^an yesterday and wlU end this" afternoon,, Entrance 'and,!P. 8, lieay- ing take place'the first 'Thursday of next 'weeks', and .on Friday the Depart mental Fprm I, e^minationa.be^ux, The Hjgh School board have greatly improved tl;e .appeftranoe of ihe school founds 'tyit^ptig - -- - out of the buildiiig. Cook's Cotton Root Compound -I^t&e^jonly. aafe, 'reliable monthly medicine' ah -which ladies can depend in : the Hour andiimeofiieed, Ie prepared in two degrcea of strength. ', \. '-." > ONo. X / for. ordinary cases is1>y far the beat dollar medicinelcnown ^-aold toy druggist one Dollar per box. ' N*0. a for special cases^-io degree* iol4 V^ggJeta,. One box, Three Ddllara; two boxee, iHve Dollars. ,; N6;i;orNo.i midle4:ott Receipt of '" ir.Ooisrto. The Shoe Business of this Store has been built ug^ on its Merit ?^pl? rHIHl OEn^OT?- m ,cccJm Of having the newest and Selling on the Clqe^l margin of Profit is all the argument tfot ig^ee^lM for brisk sales. .'. :'\-^:!|^ The more you compare Goods and price.s,;^)bt,e;;i^6|^ certain you will be to, spend your nmey iforeh;'^ y?e want your Trade and we^ffer ^ou:.:thiav^B9^ >y<\:^^^& ' '*' ^-V:^,i^^ tSrSign ot'the Golden Boot, WHITNEY net "puiodk^ .B^sBx;;ti#^^lii .;'.'..o,;,r.ov.i;:' . _ vbtigli and rehdered%,........ ' wiTI:2