$&'," V ""^rlV'"" '< r V'*"'" '1 *tvV.A^:,. Ss-L-^.- t; tflo. 25. ESSEX, ONT.,E,BIl>A.Y,y JUNE 25, .1897. We invite inspec- of our stock of Summer Dry Goods. com- i||S-er: challenge %a,rison in quality and ^pricevOur assortment Jpf Wash Fabrics for.. &-':^' . J. T. SOMERYILLEv ;; M.D., CM., n.C.P. & S, Oiit. Graduate of Tmuity Univbbsity; ' ITmiiTiOW of ( .__Z.___ Trinity/ Mbdioal Coi/dbOb, . Tokonto, Ont, Ofi-iob and Bbsedbnobw House lately occupied by the late Dr. George MoKenzie, Talbot. Street. - - Essex, Ont, W*V ^IvVarm _ r W aists. gfesArtd Costumes Includes* PgfS-.. $S***V.'..Figured Challios at flo a yard. S'^pAU^BomB Colored Cropons at lOo a WiVf^$x^."White and Colored Muslins at j^feStio^a yard.- Beautiful Dimities ux 13io JpvlVyard; Checked and Striped Linens Kilt', mo a. vard. Ool fcrjrinJdes- at 20o a yard. Sttv XlJ *iil n*r.a Pfi\rn tin lir\ Srrt Golpred Striped Prints and ^r^inghamsfromGo rip, Ac w2$T& '<':- ^Blouse Waists M&C'-Madci iu 'the latest style, with and 3$$:^without detachable collars and cuffs, "&/';::"iri 'Prints,- SateenH, Lineris, &o., ?;'H ; from 5<>c eaoh. The Farmers and Traders Life and Accident Assurance Co, LT'I>. Jaraofl H. Still, PreeMont, John OunvbeU.Vioo-Proflldont. 13. B, Galbraith, Secretary, P. M. Vnuor, Managtng-IDlreofcor.. Head-Office^ St. Thomas* Ont. LoweaUlUUs. Up-to I>ate Policy Coutraeta. Euorgetia, reliable local agoats wanted. Address, .. /. W, MeKA Y, Gonoral Agent, Box 704, Bfc. Thomas ..v'-SSSSZ...... Music *.$tbrft P??liadies5 ' Whitewear Mf}>"r--'JDJ2AWJ$II& 36a and Upward*. fm^:L':SJCinT& Mo and Upwards. miit^.'&IGJBT GOWNS too and Up. jpg:J,:-These aro woll rnado .garment*!, full fc'sized and'-nicely finished. A Special Line of'. ... p Gloria Silk Parasols^ "?. Assorted linndleH, 29-iuoU frame, _ ,.' strong and handsome, extra value Iffitf] ""WV-.v; - ' Piano and Organs* v-^ R. ,S. Williams1. Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos. ' Singer Sewing Maoliinee. .........Havo just) received a......... Now Supply,ot Violin*, AutobarpN, Uarmoulflaw, QuKafi, See. Violin Rtrlntr* and Bnppllea for all tbo ubovo I&atrumoQU a hand. .,,-. ' Tuning and Kopalriug a Hpoclalty. Mnohlne Nofldloo and Oil la Stook. H. M. FAUL, 2nd Dour North of HI. .11. OHridrf. J ; ' W.. Feetham. ocoupied the pulpit of the Methodist. church ' (wt Sunday aftemooix. . Herbeit Orofwafl married at Hagers- ville on June 2nd to Mies Lydia'Beijt, Of that town. The young conple have oommeuoed housekeeping here. Mrs. Lewis Hutohinh received word laat week that her brother, Wilmor Trimble, son of Andrew Trimble, of this place, was drowned on the Sunday previous at the place" in Minnesota where he has been living* He wan 14 years of age and hia relatives here havo the sympathy of the whole community. ' Oesto- Miss Elsie "Weldon sjient Sunday in Harrow, J. H. Rodd, of Windsor, spent Sun day at the home of his father. Rev. Mr, Kennedy, preaches his fare well sermon next Sunday night, David JamieHon, accompanied by his brother,. viBited at M. Barrett's this week. James Crozior and, sister, of Windsor, called on friends in Gesto and vicinity, on Tuesday. Miss Eva Creeper and Bon, Sweet Tvere married on Tuesday in Essex. They spent tho day in.the city return ing in the evening. Many friends con gratulate, Wo regret to announce.the death ql Mary Ellen, daughter of Wm. Camp- boU^ex^Reovo of Colchester North,' which took place on Sunday laat. De ceased was 18 years of ago and a victim of consumption. 'Iho funeral took place on Wednesday, afternoon * to Oottam cemotry. Tho Sunday-Schools of tho Gesto circuit are uniting for a monstor pic nic to-morrow (Saturday.)'.. They go by a special train-from"Camp Palmer and New Canaan leaving 'at 0 a.tn. to Walkorvilie andthonco to Belle Islo. A largo number will likely go as tho railway fare has been made oxtromoly low and a splendid $imo is anticipated.. rlare Lost, ADAltIC I(A.Y-otnowl>at dapplod B yoarfl old, foro-top otlppad. vlght hind Jo Bliifhtly onlargod owinc to.roQoui npraln good'roadster, IJibernl ruwnrd olforod 'or tooovory, Addrosa, .W.H. KUMH^rjIj, . . Eardwnro Morohaut, Woodeloo, '.IT,';"- . % Pure Linen Oraflh Towelling, extra value in a .'heavy 17-inoh Striped border, rdgu- ' : lar price lOo, for ?c. a yard:-.. J]60incli lioom ^// Damflsk Table Xiinon,^ Jloxrer pat- #V;v,;"r;tern, special.at 35c. a yard.;' Mien's Fine Sow Astray. STKA.VKD FUOM TUfcl PJlBMiaEB OK THE) uudorslgnod, North Itldffo, a X^rge Brood Sow, oolor botwooa blaok and brown. Any. EorBOn Kiviog Information that will load io er rocovory wlllbo unitably rewarded. \ . PBTBB GILBOE, North llidKo. Tnne 2flrd, ,3807. ' *A NOTICE, We are now buying com at Walkcrvlllc arid paying 2$'cents per bushel for No. I. IIibam Walkkk A Sons, (Ltd.) .Wiilkt'rvillo, fune 8th,' 1897. ; , 11 ' ' ' .... tH Wr Colored Oambric yhirtri with Col-' K",iar:and OtiiTs, itHual ,7/>o, Hu'o,. for M -1'" 60c. each; ' - ||a(;;.M.iilmery BirtliH. . . -^ LlNTON In Colchester North, on Thuredny, June 17th, to Mr, and Mrs. James Lin- ,ton, a soa still horn. ' ' Thornton In Gosflcld North, . on [unc 32nd, to Mr.-and Mrs. Scott Thornton, a " son. . '. Litti.KWood In Gosficid North, op Mon- . day, June 2lfct, to Mr. and Mrs.' fohn Littlcwood, ft Bon.1 j^J,,! overirom one season to another. BBSKfl".'("Everything must O-0.1 iSJfer Depts. Marrmeos. Sweht On the aaind Inst,, at the Methodist ParsonageVEsscje, by the Hev. Dr, Pascoe. Benjamin, son of Francis Sweet,to Eva, -daughter of Joseph Creep er, both of CpJChester North. yoRK-^KNlSTKB,, At Ruscomb'Statlouj on the 16th inst, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Hey, W, Aycrs. C. A York, Of Niagara Falls, to Miss Elixabeth Ann Knister, ofKuseomb Station. t S^ftMULBTOK At the .Methodist '. Parsonage, South Woodslee, on Wdrtes-: day, June 23rd# l>y Rev. \V- Avers, Us. . -i . Pewbleton, of McGregor, to Miss jfidith WUcox, of South Woodslee. ; j BAKTitR. At the residence of the bride's parents, Elmste'ad, on. Tucaiay; June nd, by the Rcy.A. Thibaudcau, Stewart Baxter, of Wyandotte; Micjr., to, Misa Gertrude; second daughter of^ John . Barnes., W^LKiER Smith, Cottam. The cheese factory continues to make about twelve choose daily. ^ , Jaa. Bennett und wife started., last week on their annual tour to Walker- yillo, Toledo, Delhi and KingBville, whore Homo one of their family reside. Rev. JT. Ilor, (Baptist), will preach, in tho Methodittt Ohuroh noxt Sabbath evening at 7*.il0 p. m. Frionds cordi ally invited. ^ On Sunday, Court Cottam, No. i!4i*5, I. 0. F.t, held their first annual church parade. Brethron wore pronout fromKssex, Woodslee, Staples, lioam- ington, Ruthven, ICingsville and Har row, 'The'.members of the differont Courts .gathered at, the town hall. Woodslee Band headed tho ! procession followed by a number of Young Bri tons, after Which oarad ' ovor 200 I^ores- ters. . Tho procession pawsod down Talbot street as far as the hotel/ Where thoy countor-marohod and, then march od to the Mothodist Ohuroh, Hey. W. H, Shaw gave a very eloquent sermon vory much in touch with, the society. Aftor service tho brethe^u returned to tho hallwhoro they dispersed.. To the Editor of the Fubm I'jihkh^ ICindly allow mo spaoo in your'paper to publicly express my, gratitude to tho Independent Order of ForeHters for tho heneHtsX.rooeivod during my recent illness.. The fratornity is wo*thyv.tho attention of all men. '.Brethren of Court Cottam, No 84&CT, visited mo daily.; Notwithstanding tlie faot.that I was a member of the Order only six days when hurt I received full allowance for the tiuio-X ws sick and as prompt pay ment of the Biolc Bonofit claim as., the mails would permit. , 'Peter Fox. \'. The young lady member* of > the Bible ClasS, desirous ,of Hhowini* their high ii'ppvebitttion of her Horvices, pre sented: Mrs. (Rev.) W. U. Bhawwitha valuable present and an Address, prior to her departure for. South Woodslee.: The following is tlie address : '.Tuuo.20tli,. 1807.' ] Now thai you are about to sever your connection with us ; as a Sunday school.w cannot t>er- mit you to leave without expressing" ouy appreciation of the services you have 'so' willingly rendered-.;, You have ever Ijoen faithful, in your work as ft teaoher,: a<d in. the performahde pf other.duties which .hayodeyplyed uv>- on you,, and ihroughput"ybur-rstay amoiftg us; Jtavo: nobly obeyed the Mas- iafla-.'nrnnffmtfnAl'^^mnl1- Wftrlf.ili' 111 XT vifl-. South Woodslee. R. Cudmore is moving back to Edgar Mills, Geo.Dornton has accepted a position WithW. H. Rumball. Mrs. Bailey, of Alhiiua, has been visiting at Thos. Pair'Hi Isaac Hillier has been quite ill f rom a relapse of typhoid fever. Mrs. H. C. Sees has gone on a visit to friends in Buffalo and Owen Sonnd. Misses Hall and Faul, tho new dress makers here, are'meeting with good success. Rev. W. H. Bhaw will occupy the pulpit of the AVoodslee Methodist church next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, of Peterborb, who had been visiting at N.' Louks' left on Tuesday morning for Chicago. The Maple Leaf band of this place went to Tecumseh on Tuesday to furnish music for the St. Jean Baptiste celebration, The.Continental MiuHtrels, a. lot of yOung fellows from Windsor, who were out for an evening's sport, gavp an .entertainment in Van Evcry'a hall on Saturday evening Inst. H, 0. Rees'. stave mill has been closet] down, the stock haying all been using up in making stnvos. More logs arc bolng bronghfc in. Tho saw mill is still runniug. The Epworth League of the Metho dist church held a Jubilee meeting on Tuesday evening of last week when a capital address on tho Queen was given by Oliver Wilcox. W, H-. RumbaU's horse was placed in the -parsonage grounds on jVtonday night of last week but when he wont for it the next morning it was not there. It is believed that the; animal jumped the fence andran.away. No trace of it has yotbeent found. ' On Wednesday evening of last week, an enjoyable time was spent at Conrad Hedriolc*B residence in Rochester.by by about 70 invited guests. Ice cream and strawberries were sorvod, erokin- olo and other games wove indulged in aud muHio was contributed by Mr. and Mrs, Mclnteer and George Fraba. Among the guOsts were Mr, and Mrs. Murphy, of Potorboro. A|> quite wotldinir took place at the Methodist Parsonago on Wednesday morning when James Pombleton was united in marriage to Lucinda R,, daughter of John Wilcox, of this plaeo. ftov. W. Aycrs porformod the ceroniony and tho young conplo wore assisted by Joseph Mansoll and MIsh Edith Wilcox. Aftor tho nuptial, knot was tied the parfcy.drovo to Essex whoro Mr. and Mrs. Pombloton took tho oast bound expi-esn to spend their honeymoon at Mr, Pombleton's old homo. The groom is M.C.R. agent at MoGregor and will rosumo his position about July 1st, The young oouple have the best wishes of n largo number of friends for a happy marriod life. ; : Mitoholl 'A Hooker had their second delivery this season of implements, buggies, etc., on Thursday of last week. Anout40 teams.wore in'the proopssion and the Maplo Loaf band furnished music. When opposite the warerooms of Mitchell & Hooker, the group was photographed by J. Mabbitt, of Ilar^- row. Aiter tho parnde spoeohes were made by F.P, Bouteiller, of Belle Rivov, who also occupied the chair, Reeve Corbott, pf Maidstone, J. J. Pcwhirat, John Wilcox, Wm. Mitner, of Chatham, Win; Spiers, of Ridgetown, Harry Oockshuttj of Brantfovd, Mr. Wbittakor. D. Mo Ooig and A. B. Mc- Ooig, of Ghatuam. Messrs. Mitohell & dlookor are also going into; tho -fu'rnij ture business," . Rev. W, Ayers, who has beenjappoint- ed to Point Edward,loaves to-day (Fri day) for his,Jiew Held of labor. Afare^ well banquot Vaa tendered him ; by members, of the congregation lost (Thursday) evening *hen Mr^ Ayers wafc i>resented and the, following address; ,' , [.ToJtey^Wdito^/AyorJt^ ' . -( ' PitNtor- 0/'the ^MhddM tVmrcfh Diejui Sin , and Bbo. On the eve of your departure for;Pbint Edward we wish, in'spate way;, to: express our ap- 'preoiation Of1 your labor in; trie oom^ niuhityior(the pist two years:-' ~:^ O. -t^JtUGjDi !i '>"-'r.frf ,.; V..i'-'A:viAN :. Forced MoneyvRaisin^'Sia||^ ew 'Spring" Qbod!|l For 30 Days, Beginning June;isi^^^^i ", y^Ms Owing to the** vm :.;v-'" Stagnant condition of trade for the past two months we are overload with new Spring Goods and in order to pay for them on the' let ;<tf5*P wo aro forced to convert a large amount of goods into cash; w^hir)c|j next 80 days, in other words, we are compelled to crowd three ;m1o|^ business into one. In view of tho scarcity of money we are aware thaty accomplish so big an undertaking extraordinary inducements Tyill.^JjafS ., to-be offtivod and profits sacrificed, in fact many l^ies will have tobeppj at losH than cost. However, wo are prepared to face the lrifls in.; or#er; 'a few of tho bargains you can expect and we assure yon that siji^ reductions will be given throughout the entire stock. / ,' 1"^ A Few Sample Bargains we are offering In, . . $}* Men's Bine Herge Suits, always considered cheap at #5, now..........-.$& Off; Men's Mixed Tweed Summer SuHh, well worth 86, now..............;..;.":.'8*Sfifla Men's All Wool Halifax Suits, always sold at $0, now........:....... ,"1 Men's All Wool Fancy Tweed Suits, worth $10 to $12, now..........;...,: -'7$ Men's Fine Black Worsted Coats and Vests, regular price #10, now.i.r, fe Men's Union Tweed Pants, woll worth 91.25, now.................,.i,*,.\..;;,-?'^i'jfc Men's All Wool Tweed Pants, cheap at 1.76, now..................... 'tjlt r..>* . U>'7{ ___ _ . i Bovh' Imported Tweb(f Suits, (12 to IS yearH), worth JB5, now....'.!'..."..' ^SiSu, Children's Imported Tweed Suits, 'abort pants, 4 to 14 years, worth$&~nttfH^S Children's Wash Suits, Blouse and Pants, 4 to 14 years, worth $l*25,:uf'.55f Meu's Spring Overcoats, Custom Made, worth #10 to $12, now........./ 7^0|j Some of the ^.t-. now............ Men's Fine Black Worsted Piints, worth $8, now..........................., Men's Bicycle Suits, All Wool, worth $5, now..................... Men's Rainproof Rigby Coats, warranted, worth glO, now bargains In * v -f Furnishings. & t 19 .38- Men's Flannelette Shirts.'..../.. Men's Laiinriried Cambric Shirts, . with collar attached ............. Men's Regatta Shirts, separate col lars, slightly soiled, were$i, now Men's Unlaundricd Shirts, worth ^oc, ,now......*........." Men'c Htiavy Cotton So*,seamlciis, 4 for a5c*-* * Men's Heavy Cotton Shirts and r Drawers...............,,,.. Men's and Boys' Cotton Sweaters.. Boys' Wool Sweaters .sailor collars $1 06 ..Men's and Boys'4'ply .Lirico Col lars, 3 Tor. 2$c".....'.......';.. IO Pcrrins'. Best Cable .Sewn Kid Gloves.,..--................" '06* Gloria Silk Umbrellas, steel rod,. 75 Men's and Hoys' Lanndricd Kliirls 41 SO 7 25, HatsA% Men's Tweed Bicycle .Gapsiw^y 'Boys' Navy Varsity Caps.'V.'-.-'Vi-^v^fj "Men's IJJock or, Brown FecJprasV)!^ spring style, worth $1.25; now^o8' Mien's Stiff Hats, style 1896, r.egu:'i'jij lar price$2.50to $3, now/...,.^jr^fl Men's Stiff Huts, latest style, worthy 1:^ ."$3 now.,..,'........,.,,,,,'!ijjgif' Boys' Straw Hats(,woith,35c(rtoWi: ,-\?-$ Men s Srraw Hats, worth 35^ now; ]'$$ Christy's Celebrated English, never;? sold for Iesi than 3, Detroit S' price '$$, . tftysffi /5 Ladies' and Children's .SpringVA'-ijj Jackets, rdgular price froni $6 to' $13, your choice 'for.....'..... '/i;o- . Remomhor no ^oods will be charged during this sale as it is Cash we ^jj' after and Cash wo must havo. Sale begins June 1st and ends June 80th. -; v^f&j The . Big Store, Cor. Ouellette Avenue and K^g^ ::'^i<0$k J. Or 'PEGE.; also wish you to take with you this purse as a tokeu that the sentiments oxpressed in this address are not.mere- ly the! outcome of a nassing emotion but that they are a permanent growth ovor increased as: we have witnessed those years the patient, courageous, horoio toiler at work in the Master's vineyard, aud will remain with ub long after those wo delight to honor have gone from us to their victories.over evil ( and to gather sheaves from another part of the ^reat Harvest Field. "FaitE- On .We^ieday, Turte i6th.. Alfred rWalher, .*$, Ingersgll, to' ,;.Miss.lJpi|te/SmkHt..otX(nglft)&. ' '/'"'- Deatue. GAWDj^L-^InGestoV oh Sunday, lancaotlii ^v^;: Mary EUeriJ dauEhlei aged iSyeitt' er of iyni, Cnplieil( ter^^onlniond, '('G6:,work in;nxy vine-. We<ehallf,greatly "rniss -your-. yaluable'h^lp,iu- our^SabbfttliVs^hod^ but we. PWVt^fttfy^^^ epared to heli? others as yo^vhaye fteJrir; ed-tw^^v/We'.asH.'y'pu^o'^aooe^ set notpecause of its intrineio value, but in order to show-ina email degree, iou^thorojiielh'^w^WM M^M. .'., "' . *. w church, '- Untiring:: andrriniUriehing. in ^our zeabas an oavOoate of tep>p;e!ranoe ^nc), nkoral reform,' you have; riojfronly /plaoed'the^ethodiBt';eliu3pph^;but; this ptu*e; cpinmTOty;^^ Maidstone. "~ JToh. Hmifch Hpent Monday at Lenm- inijtou. Miss, Maggie Nospitt spout Sunday \vith her parents here. WissT). House will leave shortly for n few' weeks' visit at her home in Pe- trolea.":' '; <'1 , On Saturday last,, Nelson Little; with tho assistance of his neighbors, raisoil tho frame of a large and oom- modioiiH barn*. On Monday evening, a pleasani,tuirj priso party was given by Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis on their son Henry, it being tho ocoasion of his coming of age.! V;:; On Saturday, evening, our. aohobl boys played i;a Jrieiodly game of 'foot ball -with a team from Essex; ;J'T3fe re sult of the game ; proyed that wo. Wye the material here, and that all the boy need'is. practioe,_t6; uii&e', them raplc, secbn'd'tb.nbne;;-'^; /":--: : On !Priday>ybning last,,the. pupils:ql. %-8. No.%;.gave "'^n.^^o^bl^^t'er^: taiiinieht'ju;,^ fliderihj^ thefh^ was,;made,\iibrprba^ tions, songs andmuaiowas very oredit- aDle;.r&oJ'an;!enjb^e-^^ intended for the jubilee boh \"i^^m "$0}ffi and locked up. Ho became yei*y v$p^ and threatened to pull;the^ polib&^ratf tion down on d partly'. succeeden^,^|r" father went to Windaor o^iit^f and, obtaining a warrant :,frbniSgj5l Magistrate Bartlet, had ;him-^k^ to Bandwich jail. He-was:yetry;vlww and it beoamonecessary to. -sfriapK^ before he could he T.emoVe'^I:^C4^OT 'A very pleftpant'eye^t;;td9k^i|^(^ the residence of Mr,' 'ind'^JMfrSijI^ Barnes, of KImsteadV on^ada^M ing, June 92nd, the occasion; hej^"^ marriage of 'tueir s0pbnd;^d^up11 Gertrude, to Stewart Baxter^-b|^ dotto, Mich, ^cibrfae'waiii.^fi^^ a handsome.costume; of;';-S>visV6jglHH and trimmed with Valenoieune8-j^y4|g she was assisted by^her'cpu^m^|p|t BerthaBohinsoni;; of 1":.-^iWe4^?j^p^1 sister, Christina, wio'vwer^;liij^|ia^ SwisR,'rnhsHn.'and\';,ci:i^ .white'^nd'phik roVear,^ assisted ; ^V^Ofk^'Iffi^jm Wyandotte, ,ieh;:^'Thei.QCiie^'^raM perfornieijvby Bey;'^^b^ffliff jEpraoetulIy3 J^e^^^i^M was; perfo^m'e'6;;,t^ejObr^)?J^^fl^ .^,:r,;a.;Vye^;;Vela^ ^table^^and'yirQoni'a^'i^'eVeMto &e:osteem:$^ wJ^TU&t^ tuaeii