Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 18, 1897, page 2

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Summer, wh.n th. .....ra. .1.., ' ^Igg? 5"hl8 trimlng, phi*, Ke.klclwt . * *i*0 it laXi*cpliS or hot, ;v.ff:rr;'r.v--',llan,'Molw, Wa^riefcar, pleased with what he's got, ' gitfwhi &nd furaei and sweara a lot* r,,u-m.v, whethtr lti right or not K;'tJHILD'S'WOfiLD. >&;'fe-.Thu; child was In ita seventh ycar,,apd $$t*S*-garden, 18 tlnina as 6' .1, wiw on the ls- ^ii^iridv The hoUBO nlio was on tho wuno !s- |Jv lnd and wae tho pliloo whoro tho child nto fe^alicl'alopt and obeyed. But Its life was in ^Jt3ha'.fearden. . ,' tSfe^ho house fftoodn pond, nndtwobrldgos ^fiwund It and the garden to tho world. tty ^Vtjhe'-lower bridge stood the old mill, and |F'^^hen Its fijnte wna rnlfwd n flood of water itewiiiod and twisted down to a smooth gruvel iw and then floated quietly to tho on'fl toot. Over ngulnst tho upper hna,any ionnHo .* ThvintUw-B dfcnattvr, JftiMll, & thlj, liufc halrod bhUd, withpol blui eyei,Unit-, ted long^ abookinai for fasr tall: brother, .who wob n iqon. The child thought of JiiW aa Saul, ha ttood ao much hichtr than hli brethren,' when, tho long > '^:- bridge a niighty dain held the Island from .^|'f::.d*8trriotion. ,Y7hen the pond bnclc of It jf^! ,-iraa full, the water pourotl In 5 emooth, ^{. green stream over It and was. dashed into $$*f,y:./spray and .fonni and torn to shreds on tho SftSr??.;^1 Jagged rocks bolow. ' fef-.: In summer time when there had boon ^j; 'but Httlo m'.nfiill^tlio great timber of tho tj?"5,";dana was bare, and tho child, when no one Jij^/'waa looking, oould walk fearfully across, f0-f:u' between the line of water shelving to the %-;.l"' right and the black maun of aheer rook nfc i;-V.'i;v the left, Thon It was that the child oould l^'v'1.. climb over the low atone wall that kept the garden In nnd go down among the jewelwocd and stramonium and clawing black harry vlnoa shut took toll of gown _*<-., and apron, and explore tho pools and bot- KJt.'" ^HdTnaloss, plt In tho Hvor bed. Tho vyuter Ife-v"" always stood in these, dark and still, how ever severe the drought, and no stick over I; m !& %'r ounded tho depth of. the largest of them. Ho it mint have been bottomless, like some of the fearful things one hoard rend on Sundays in Scripture. And, though the child, with the hair of lta flanb atand- Ing; up, dropped in atones, and even reach ed down an ann'a length and brought longer atloliA, and' tried . them again and again, the deep ]K>ol wan a kind of sacred royatory forever. If the ohlld had not been alone, If it hod had a brother, one f and na tion of its Heventh year must havo boen lost. , There were ho]es without number In the bed of this stream upd sharp pointed rooks. 8b that when the pond uboye was full It , wae a jrrnnd torrent that foamed roaring to tho harbor, where. It found the quiot millstrcani curlina^jumiiid tho garden's foot. A steep bunk at the right Bhnt the rlyor from tl o world, and so made It the eh lid's own forevor. On tho pond, made olusslo as Winder- mere by sor-j, geoso tloutod double In tho long BumnijT days, and Jenfc enchantment, ' and birds nosted In the ohns thut dipped their hrunohes In the water, nnd bees hum med* In tho clover. Then tho expniiHU tiur- ' ' rowed, and ii simple river met it, creeping along by the hifihway, flouting botwoen ' two guardian churches with tall uttioples, : under u lont bridge, and so through the town to thu mill and dam, . The ohild'a thought went bnckwnrd with , it, always Mtarting at the foot Of tho gar- , den; The stream bore an Indian name, : and might havo hud ita source in the midst of oumpllreoaud wlgwumH.and biroh bark canooh, and frightful warwhoopflnnd torn- ' nhuwks, perhaps a mile,, possibly two ' mlloH away. Miles were vaguo moiimircfl, -like tlmo. , There witro two lessor things In tho ; child's lifo-4ho mill.und the dame Hchool. ' The flrflfc buvongod to an old, old man, like thOKQ porsonH who llvfld before the flood; whoso hat nnd hair and cont and eyobrowa yvere always whlto, yen, and IiIh bootN, and . "whatever else ho wore. There was n woft, rumbling kind of eilenoo ahviiyn within the mill, where tho hoppers rrmde little whirlpools of dty grain, Rolng down nnd down and down, and tho child leaned over with o thrill tingling 1U wholo body, and. kiHw thnt.ituelf could Ijo drawn down and down and down into tho wide, iloury ljngw below, choked and lost forovo^. Tho Kofb dust filled tho air end Koftencd tho buii- * light, nnd whitened tho enbwobn among the . I'aftors and ltwasall eomethingapartfrom tho world and tho garden, Tho wcond thing wan tho Damo Hehool, whore a very old lady years older than the miller kept ten prlwoiiors on mi up per floor of her own house froni ft till 19 -^ ud.frbm 1*1114. everyday but Saturday. , Tho child did not 'then know that llborty -wuKonly Bwtsotwhon bought with a great price. , ; Kvory inorulng an tho clock paused ou ' the Htroko of 0 tho dnmo folded her hundH and prayed, sitting upright llko Buddha, whilo lu>r cupllveH knelt, each In Itw plnco. ; . At the right hand of the iiniiJKo stood tho best girl of the school, 0 years old, perfect in word and deed and called monitor, who walked around on tiptoe and rapped on . the head with the foi*rulo uny culprit who pooped out, lb was a dlabollo plot, not fully appreolnted at tho tlmo by tho prisuiV- eri for who could hir the. Hteulthy np- preach of balamlty and blindly wait, not knowing which.way to dod'geJ So heaven ulone bad the bcnofJfc of the morning prayer. All day long, winter and summer, sum mer and winter, like otomlty, tho ohlld thought, little hands knitted und sowed, . '. with book always In lap. , Tho dully ,, ' stint' watf'marked by the. fate - In eup , * *pri Bjwetaelos, sitting in a hi^h ai'inohair, v- >nd no child left the room till its tusk was ' !.' perfeotl'y finished. ffi$f'.. The spelling olasa of six stood_with_tpos ' 'li li'on a craokof the wide floorTjourd nearest .' /the teaoher, where her long arm, likb Jus- }>' tiqe's, could rouuh any offender, and whore ;:. - nothing oould be hidden from her all see- .V.i. '.Ing eye. The first child in the row named the second named the third named /'^V-^Vlady'Vand epBlled H; the fourth named \;:-"t%" and spelled it,, But if No. fl, ' twhitlnfif nervous Huge re In her apron, ^Dftmcd VJady" instead of "ahady" her - 'flrjgore woro ruppod fx>r moving, and she V'was diWnoed.andaent to the foot, For order stood on a level wi(% accuracy at this tribunal; There was no figure five, on a hoWinob iquareof paper1 for N6V S that ,day^ hoajd'ln hor rmatoboard matohbox jv::.:-. is : r>.. *,' :K i>' atooklng had grown by painful half leohea nearly to the too, tho abarp eyes of Dame Fate discovered o dropped stitch in the be- Blnnlng of the leg, and ravollod It all but from bottom to top, Toare for little Abi gail, and no figure Ave I v The heart Qi the ohlld wae hot within Its boflom as It saw fall one after one the pink |nd blue and yellow na red yarn marks llko milestones all along the way marks knitted In by the teacher's bony fingers and tied In hard knots on the wrong sldo; marks novcr to bo removod save by tho mistress hand yvhen the task was done. It seemed like a waste of life. But Abigail took up her wonry "bouts" again, with the puttence of despair. Every other Saturday morning aohool kept, thnt satan might not havo too much vergo and ojnortunlty, und tho cafcohlsm was ground into the tough fiber of mem ory in place of ot.hor tasks. But tho sow ing and knitting ktpt on. At one of these evory others the child looked out botwoen tho two lengths of window oortuln and oaw a shaggy dog bounding In and out of the, water, nnd laughed softly to ltsolf. But Damo Fate, whoso eyes were every where beholding the evil, eplod the orimo, pinned the curtains eloner together, set two sharp thumbs In tho hollows of thu small shoulders, shook the ohlld dizzy, und turned Its buck to the Suhool, where It learned as an extra task "Tho Lord Is my shepherd," ete. It was" the old funhloued way of tbViohlng ehlldron to love tho Blblo. Tho catechism question 'for tho day was, "Wherein constats tho sinfulness of that estuto wherelnto mt\n fell?" And thounswor, "Thti-slufulneaa-of-thatrostato- whorolrito-innn-fell -consists -ln-thu-guilt- of-AdauVs-flrsfc -sin-the-want-of -orlgloal- rlghteouHnofiM-nnd-tho-corruptlon -of-hle- whnlo - nature-whloh - is-commonly-callod- orlglrjal flln-toguthor-wlth-all-aotual-trunfl- greas Ions-which-proceed-from-It,'r But tbo child wus far away, Evun the whimpering of tho ABO babes under the ftirrulo for rustling about did not bring tears as usual, for its eyes woro sot on green pastures where littlo white lumbs kicked up their free hcols, and mother sheep took no notice, but nibbled nnd baaed all day long, ^ia If thorn were no harm In It! Tho leading beside still waters made qui to another picture. But might It not bo done by some older, wiser playmate With a string, to keep tbo ohlld safoly on shore botwemi river and meeting mill stream, whore chip vessels would tloat und. dip and veer distractedly, go undor and rise againP Tbo paths of righteousness took thought, Butj might they not be those that led from porch to garden gate, where one never disobeyed or ran outside of bounds never but oncof That was last year, when Kovombor .Winds wore blcuk, and the child, at Abi gail's : beckoning uoross tho mill stroum, strayed out and to tho lower brldgo In a vagrant way, looklngfor something, neith er child knew what Ho they stopped at tho gentle lady's door and asked to see tho squlrrols in tho whirling ougo that sniolled Warm and forelgny, and fed them with, hickory nuts, ami tlmo went on. Thon thoy took hold of hands and ran and ran and ran, swinging down tho hill, und tho child full In tho sand at tbo bottom and knew It would never breath** again. Then thoy strolled across tho way to tho queer house with winded iloor, where tho child slipped und foil, and the mlllor's daughter, * who had boou there beforo, snuteliod up the imusnul guest, shook off the sand and wont on to tho dark, low room whoro the queor lady, llko her of Shallot, weaved ull day long, and eared for nothing else. Klioworo a strange wool en gown, coarse of texture. -for the child took a pinch of a stray fold that left bare n Ixrny nook oxobpt for a snuffy korohlof twisted about it. Tho child saw a blue ehook apron, too, and groat folt sllppers'on tho treadle, und a fow gray hulrssurowcd Into a tight little knot, small as a filbert,' beneath a black cap. The two wntohed tho tilmttlo and the web and heard tho ohing of tho loom as long an it was new, and when thoy moved to go the weaver opened her thin lips for tho first tlmo and wild thoy might pick up qulncoa in her garden, for there was going to be a frost by night. Bo tho two simple ones ploltod up cold quinces till die dny- Ilght wjw 'gono, and thoro was no moro time for them thun If they had lienn angels in tho sun. But that night, when tho wind Khriekod, and the child lay with a swollen, throbbing throat, novor knowlnff beforo wliat night wan llko, nil tho sorrows of tho trawngroHRor piled their weight on Its hot bond, und' It'cried out in awo of tho unknown, likq a certain pious littlo queon' . to be, "I will bo good." For had not tho mother fjcuroliod every nook and cornp'r1 In hoinjo and garden und Gent tho mlllor's son to drug tho pond, just an a dhivorlng little figure In blue ging ham cuuio loitering In night, with a burned ginger cooky in tho pnrplu fist that did not gnisp tho sunbonnot, and tight littlo heartstrings that oonfiolonco whs tugging atf But these last did not show. Tho damo school in summer time hold ono only . joy. It was the' thought of hot July and August days, when tho clouds piled up llko woolly mountains and light-' Kings fltrcaked tho sky. Then tho fa to of tho armchair, lnmelled by something mys terious and Invisible, etopped work, stop-", pod down and gently shepherded her will ing fiook to a room across tho hallway with ono .green paper darkened window and a high foather bed. " Any child was ullowcd to sharo the bed of safety with the tlomo, whoso dignity gave way before tho god of thunder, but there'was not even a tradition that In the fliirk pnHt nges nny child had so demeaned ItBOlf as to uccept tho privilege. ' Tho least ones, played softly behind tho lino high hacked ehalr, whllo the!oldeis Drawled under tho bed and whispered made up ntorles and eamo out llnty und feftthery When tho storm was over without a touch f the ferrule even from the damo, who tat cowed in the middle of the bed, n deposed and bo ep tor loss quoen. I And so all ber small flock reveled In storm and thunder and never knew what fear was,, except to depio Its imago when thoy saw it, 'AJyn Yates Kolth In New York Post. displayed and a mpoonm of selies of tbo paper la kept, 3?xnch journalism is much more personal In regard to its lit- erary oompoaltion than that of England orAmorloQ, A lorge proportion of^thft-1 artiolea. are signed with . tho. names of the writers, oven when vthq work ia uiore or less of a routine nature, such ssthc sporting or law departments of the paper. Ou the other; hand, 'the own ership of newspapers Is less frequently lodged in .single hands thon is the caso in America, Very many of the Trench (mpoift axe owned by companies or asso ciations, while the stock of noveral of tho best known, such as The Figaro and Petit Journal, Is bought and sold daily ou tho Stock Exchange, tho quotations appearing as regularly as those of- rail way shares or Government bonds. Tho circulation of all but n very few ot tho Paris pup ore varies enormously, according to the pon touts'. If a paper contains a striking articlo, well ndvor- tiBod previously, or if itsfonilloton, con tinued story or memoirs, which mo.4 of the French journals consider an .eeHcn tial part of their daily issue, is by ar<m woll known author, tho circulation *dll run up 60,000 or 100,000 in a w<*k and drop again as soon as the special feature is discontinued. . When IiQ Jour began publishing M.' Henri Roohofort's memoirs, its circulation wont up five fold, although the price of tho pnpor hnd been doubled in order to mako hay while tho sun shone, Tho French press is much moro con centrated in tho capital than that of other European countries. In Germany, for instance, it is hot theprensof Berlin that has the largest circulation or the greatest influence. In this, as in many other matters, howovor, tho French press only hoars out the saying, that "Paris is Vrau'oo." Ohautauouan. Blood is MMntli:tb r^jf^t l^thi Tnii H soientlflo faot, flvery organ; neryo. nd muscle must b< fed and notulahwl. It Is the function of the blood to furnish this nourishment, and the quality of -nourishment these organs receive depends on the quality of the blood. If the blood la iBHUorof Mowlam Liaonm. Icaurancft agent' .MfabboMoeati Dwelling. TALBOT STflEBT, 588B3I, UNDCRTAKINC. Undertaker Pare and full of vitality. It will properly feed and support tho whole mechanism of the body. If It Is poor and thin disease aud Buffering will be Inevitable, Tho great success of Hood's Barsaparilla In curing stubborn oases . of scrofula, eczema, rheumatism, neuralgia and many other similar troubles, is based upon Its power to nrloh and purify the This Is also the reason for the great popu larity of Hood's Barsaparllla as a building up raedlolno. By making pure, rich blood, It gives vigor und vitality even In. try ing seasons, whon, owing to impover ished blood, thousands are complaining of weakness and weariness, lack of energy and ambition, and that tired feeling. HPLUMMEB,: Undertaker aud 'Dealer. Coffins, homo and faatory from 13 to tSO, Mo3regor, Out. - eurutate say" ' 'Don NEW PUNCTUATION MARK. A. JJudly Needed Invention Hug-f;eatd by tlio Cauntlo Copy ltailer, '*I shall bo famous. I havo an idea that will send my namo thundering down through tho agss/1 romarked tho. copy reader, ' "Humph I" replied the humorist. "It_ will bo tho first idea you bavoqyor;,hnd. You spend most of your tlmo destroying tho good ideas of others. " "Well, that tuny be, although you nover have any idea to destroy, seeing that you got those which yon havo from Joe Miller's jokebook and the old ul- nianacs." "Oh. well, let's havo your ideal" . "To tell-the truth, it was suggested to mo by yon." : ' "Ah! I thought as mnoh, and yotyou t be in too big a ' hurry. You haven't heard my idea." "What ia it?" "I havo iuvontod a punctuation mark for humor. It iflintended to show tho reader whero to laugh. In olden times, you know, tho point of the joko usod to bo printed in h alios. Nowadays there in no way to show tho point, and, s many of tho jokoh, such as yours, havo no point, it in impossible to print the point in italics. Now, leuggcntthat a punotuntiou mark bo pluoodattho bo- ginning and at tho end of everything supposed to bo funny, so that tho roudor may bo prepared to laugh when ho be gins to read und know when he has reached tho point and it in.time to laugh. I would suggest that tbo murk bo two littlo squares placed above tho lino, and I 'shall call it by my namo. .What do you think of that for an itlou? J It wna suggested by your stuff, us I told you." But tho humorist had given tho copy reader a look of scorn and had vanished. Sarsaparilla Xi th beit In fact tho On True Blood Pnrlfleri u j, r\3if ouro l"ver Ills; easy to nOOd 8 PUIS take, easy to operate. 2Ca f O. O, P. BNTBfiPBlSE Lodge,' No 21(i, uiootsovery Thursday ovoulng at 8001n OddfeUo-irs'HalMutblrd storey Dnnstan blok. Vliltieg members uf other lodgos will reoalve fratornal welcome. FHFCu. OILDOfci, N. G, OBNTBAL ENOAMPMKMT. No. 60, moots iu Oaarellows'HaU.SDunBtun Blook, ou tte tira% Mid third Tnosday in each nJouth. VjaltorR cor- Holly reoolved. Members of subordinate lodges (u tUfc jurisdiction, luvited to jolb C. KANNAN. O.P.. O. IT. HILL, Soo. EBSBX FIliE BBIQADB. MEETH FIItUT Friday evenlnfj in evory month for brl- ado meeting and third FrMay for praotlao in tho Firemen's roc in ip thu Htoue butlJinR. Jan. MoMurrav, Omef; Bam. Hmltb, Captain; Fred. Hyatt.Treasurer pOUBT ROYAL, NO. 212,1. O. F~ \j ,: Mootssoeoud aud fourth Tuesdays lit each iiieeth in i. O. O, F. Hall ut o'clock p. Ui. Vibitlug brethuru will bo ulvou a fraurual wnl- oomo, W.J.Dowar, O. ., W. O.Bhaw, It, 8.. M.J.WlKle.O. D. H. O. It. A. R*h-Fin. Ba uud Truonurer. BIRDS AND KITES. ,... . .'v'-'*.,- i-VViVr-l'^'iSrWk;" ;f|brjif;-tti-",tln;: dipper, , 'however " 'i\!&f<']&*ty!^;'$'** htWe:HpW.inai^ht:pe.l;For these ra)0v> totffiwiftrlxk^pl IhraoWah >vatr that ' ' ;^^tfla.W.b^lep-paH In the entry;; Flvb V roVouet<^n tens for a 9 Inch rerwonJ^OiWe got tosbtop ua)n karoaen* to abort ' MaJclnsi at Ohans*. . "Hov yoz got any pethroloumT" she In quired: as sho entered tlio grooary store carlylntbarooming, i "Yes," replied the clerk. "Aro ye sure It's petbroleum an no thin oisef" ;;;:v .' ,', . , - *"Absolutely certain.?' "Wllj yea Kin give ino-iOoenta'.tfoTth, un.X.Vfant^.it^^hurrjr.; /l.The'toUiius.says', Itul.blU Tbut Climb. A coiTOHpondoufc writes to tho London Fiold thut while ho was hunting rabbifa with forrcts in January ho fouhdrabbitB on' throo occasions in wiHow trcca which overhung tho water of a mill stronm; Tho jnilior said that it was not an un usual circumstance. Homo months ago Tho Fiold told of othor rabbits which had boon shot, liko raccoons, or opos sums, out of trees in England. In re cent yours caues of rabbits in trees' hiivtf boon reported with morousiug frefpaonoy. From Australia has oonlo tho. mot ro- markablo story of rabbits as,climbers.. Tho only way in which rabbits could ho 'kept out of certain tracts of laud in Australia was by the building of wiro fences .about- thorn, tho . fences having mcishos so small that the beasts could not crawl through und being so high that thoy could.3iot jnmpovor. TJm rab bits havo clawed at tho wires until 'their nails gradually have uuoonid hooked. Bomo of tho rabbits loarnod to soalo the fonoos, and then gront additional ox- ponso v/ub uccossary, for tho top of tho fouoo had to bo bout over llko' iv J up side down, with: tho hook out, so that the rodents oould 'not,'got over tho top. Australian rabbits aro said, to be learn ing to climb trees for thu loaves*. Th, Fthered Orturt>e Cannot TJnd*r- ittand th Btrance Filer*. Many amusing experiences have boon the lot of tho sofanlists who huvo boen nmuipulnting kites for .scientific pur poses, eays the Chicago News. Largo birds aro always mtcrcsfcad in tho strapgo devices flouting in the air and cannot quite make out what thoy are. Prompted by sharp curiosity, thoy hov er around the floating kite und subject themselves to the danger of becoming entangled in tho silken Hiring and be ing dragged down to earth. , No bird, however, has. ever alighted on u kito or attacked ono. Whilo one scientist was fly nig a train of five kites a couplo of, years ago u largo, silver tipped eagle name snddonly out of tho higher air and swooped round and round the first kite, looking against tho sunset sky like a huge silver .ball. As tho train of kites was pulled in tho eagle followed, visiting one kito and then an other, seeming uncurtain jut whut,to, do. In a fow minutes,, whon ho scorned -to<hnvo'uY;uif1c!d that thoy wore not good to oat, and ho know nothing about thorn, anyway, he indignantly flow off mid was vieWi . ,. Another experience was hud with stork tliut camo from tho Now Joreoy side of thu . Hudson and flow straight for the queer object iii the uir. Ho ap parently had uindo up his mind to go straight through it, bnt changed and dove underneath. Ho wont around and abovo it, and through n ghisii it.could bo soon. thut. bo cocked his oyo at tho intruder in a mosfcomjeal manner. Ho started away a fow hundred foot, changed his mind, and came swooping hack. Ho finally reluctantly wonfc.away, .mystified over this queer addition to <tho inhabitants of tho air. While kites woro high in tho air one March flocks of gcoso flying in the wedgeflew over. Thoy invariably stop ped, broke up, hovered, above tho'queor objeot, and at lust slowly reformed and flow uway. Whilo the larger birds all romo from, heights above tho kito, the small birds of tbo uir will illicit ou tho string holding tho kito and sway to and fro. ,. _______^. OlgarettflB at Auction. , ' A purty of. regulars in Charterland' had boon ant for some time in tho veldt, and their supply of minor luxuries had long since given out. Thoro wus nob a pipe of tobacco to be raised in tho wholo force, whon some good, thrifty soul .pro-, iluoed a package of ^cigarettes and said fhut he would put thorn up to auction, This was. done, and tho packet of ton pieces was disposed of in ten lots at, an avewigo prico of 10 shillings tmch. Johannesburg (South Africa) Btaudurd and Diggers' News. Drought. Horn ft to Him. CruHht After all,'right doesn't al ways'make miglit, does it? : . ...' . 'Kvunlnmui I don't.kiiow about thut. The mtitriiininiiil rltn ffcenis to. have 'iniido . a-mU'r .'"* vo>j. tftiuhnjond Dis- Uo Had Fivllen Off. . Patrick was a new man in the light horsorcgimont, but his cheerfulness anil Witty replies had already established him aa a favorite. Ho had ono draw back, howpvor, and that was, his awk ward noss, when on a horsp'sback. Nat urally his position roquirod tho opposite of this, and Patrick worked, hard and faithfully to acquire the case hud natu ralness of his comrades when riding., Ho congratulated hlms'ojf. that this was at last aocomplishod.; But one day when on partido his horse shied, and threw him with ' considerable forcA , Whdn. he re-.' gained couBoiousness,.he found.thathis arm ha,d been broken with tho fall.. With his qsunl oharapteristio good humor tbo/. poor fellow smiled inhis pairrae he said:,; 1 '^i:;*^'Sf^ who have, dency to yilGHICAN (TElffTRAL " The Niagara FcdU RavU."~ -OOINO EABT bttmbaptioBt. \'<>fiMl's;'-'Vstesv..l)iT?'afltaL evory riiinday >frUa.>$ ojolorA ;p ,uiS Bobool fttlO a.,m; i'riahV ?btu:U,> _ 8am d&y Bohool at 1*40 o. m The vubUo are dlaUylaWUd, ' PRBBBlTEftUN, W.'M,: vlo*BonHabbattiatlla.m. and'__________ bath school at 2:80 p. m. Prayor m< etlng aaa-i-i PttBtor1! blblo oltiei on Tnoaday at 7.30 p. m-f'Vi Social Union on Woflnatdav at fl.lB pHj^; X^jjfta liiPTiBT unuivOu. itflv.M. 1*. UampbiU, Fas#^ tor B:i vlfeoB oaob Habbatb at U a., m. andf v l> m. Prayer mooting on Tbucsuay eveubig ^. atso'oloak. B^atslree. All aru cordially W*4$ Boman OA*rnorjc. Ft 0. E. MoO&W Paator. Bet * - -. m. Bunday Maidhtone High mass and sermon at 10.flfe a, ra ^j veapareuud oenodlotloa at ? u, m. 0. Bj, Mo*^ Ooe.P. P. V .--l.tJi Salvation Aairy.^Capt. .Ottway aa'a' tloat;wt Coo in comutand, Balvatlou dieottufis.. VVud* ,-noaday.TburBUay and Sunday ovoulagBiFrsaaJtA,fjfS Easy.buturday oveulng ands p.m. buuday;i*oU: >?$$ WBOUC-JfiBBOX Fr, O. K. IfOuTMuW)! rlec evory other Sunday at BMtpi^kix tionoolatBp.m. ' ".' ^vvhH^M Allure woleomo. Taking offeot May, 1807, Mall Ep. Exp. Aocom Mixed Dotrolt....... Windsor.... Pal ton........ Maldstoneo ISbbox......... Woo<lBloe... Kuaoomb ... Oovaber...... Hiilgetown.. Hoilney....... St. Thomas Loudon ......... t. Tliomas... Iloduoy.......i, nidgotown..... Oombor........... UuBconib....... Woodaloo....... Kbbox............ Maldetoue Cr Polton............ Windsor......... Udtrolt,.......... a.m. 5.20 C.C0 0.08 11,11) (J.iW 0.42 7.(il) 8,'iO H..10 0.50 <a.)n. 0.20 U&0 a, m. 10.00 10.U5 7.18 11.00 a.m. 8.47 lb.'oo ooiria webt. Kxp. p.m. 1-2.10 A 4D H.M' 107 6.SW fi.40 Q.B0 : fl.o:j. 0.1-1 (l.'J-l a..IB 7.10 t.25 p.m, an 6.04 B.10 5.ii8 fl.:)7 B.B0 CM 0.05 7 10 7.38 H.-10. a. m. 4.00 4.1.1 430 4 4Q fi.Bl till) 10.50 11.3,1 2.'2f noBa mooting!,'for oUrlBtiaas hrtia*y eveauigand-,w. 11 a.m. Hunduy; Knoo Drill 7 a.m. every BnnHtffi'jJSs. ah .. -iAlW - j=mi LEGAL. ^^^^^';^ !,> A. WISMKU, liarrbttur, bulioitor, Wotary.-^K Hi, PublioAo. Moiiwy to loan. OffloB8,l>an*[;>^ stun Ulook,up-atah-B,KBsex, .A-iv' :.'<%>La ,_.__________________________" ;: '. "^'Ppjj CLAHKK, COWAN, BAHTLEV & BAWStMl!i$fM Uarnsterfl, oto. OiBos Moueury Block*,. --J ' . A. N. A. lAttTl*a,' ^5P ' ?V4if HIONHV u.'WALTWuh li.h.U Attorney una' Counselor at la*, Soltoltor in Chanoery, Praetor In Admiralty, xutont Solicitor, Office, CUiWtrol Couiaidrco Uuildlng, Detroit, Mich..' $* L. L, U. M. K. GOWiN, M. 1 A. It, lUnr^KT, lit A. uih against porBons , In tb6 '.vfij uotwl.) ' , :'-:'^ tie/1 bunk, KbboX, Out, 'j.M"'fSf! (Canadian claims United Htatoa oollout UeforoucoBi lupoi J. L. Potord. Kaij., Jlarrlstor, eta., Wladeorl Out, K.A, Wiflmor, Ksq. Harriator, otc.( Eaaox, Oat' 'l"cM ..... . ---------------- -' :V.^| M MEDICAL. US. BRIKN & U1UEN. .1.40 R.V.I 10.23 0.05 11.35 B,Hfl 7.D5 12.0B 12.10 Mixed a.m. a.ui, fi.lA i;.ir, 7.11 7.97 H.67 0.09 0.10 1)33 9.4!) 0.04 lC.lfi 10.6U C:30- 7.27 8,17 12.40 1-10 13S SOO 3.20 3.37 4 00 Amtterstbura I>ocal Traluw. p m 6.P5 0.14- 0,21 (\'21i 0*10 0,46 WEST , a.m. a.m. 11.40 7.2ft 13,(10 7.40 1210. 7.42 VIM H.00 13.40 B.05 138301 Ed cars L K A' D H XiDg MoGtobO**' . Gordon Ambers ttmrg KA8T a.m.a.m h.03 0.35 0.02 9.1B 6.47 0-07 K.46 0.05 :t 5.25 0.SO SO CIO 4.67 4.B& 8 40. 4.8.t 8.40 4.30 All trains are run on edntrftl standard time, whloli Is sixty minutes Blower tban Ebbox tlma. For inforrnatlon nnd ratoH to aolon ----'-" *-"jply t__________---------, _ houias, O. W. HuBploa, Gen ista movinfl woefc apply to Jobn G. Lavou, Paa ReiiKor ARBnt, St, Thomas, O. W. HubhIob, r oral ^aHflonRor and Tioket Aflont, OIiiobro L. H-&D.R. Ry TJMK TABLK NO. oa, taking effect Monday.. Hept-27,1800. Trains ruu by Rantern Stand ard Tlmo. Dallv oxoopt Sunday ii1 M 0.25 12.00 0.83 13.30 0.3'j'l2 40 U.43 0.B0 0.B7 lOiVi '10 00 111.111 in.27 10 37 10.4A torti 11.11 ia;4B &3. STATIONS. V M fi:20 0.27 HM M0 12.6J1 0 47 1.10 (5 U 1.10 G.ty l.!M) 7.10 1 60: 7.17 2.03 7.27 2 35 7.117 UB07.44 U.4B 7-M 4.10-8.C0 DopWalkorv'leAr WalUervtllo Juno. .....,,.. Pelton ......) OMoufltlo...... ......\ Paqnotte.... ....;. MoGrogor .... ...j Now Canaan. ... f MarnlKleld . ..... Harrow .... ^......f Amur... A " 0 10 11 03 8 67 8GU 8 47 B42 H80 H20 h irJ 8 11 Khlcttville......[SCI Uutuvnii 11.20 4.25 8.17 11.26 4 40 8.22 11.36 C.P8 8.32 11.43 5.20 8.40 11.60 5:12 8.47 1150 fi.CB 8.53 12,04 0.05 000 12.11 GIB 9.07 12.16 0.Q5' 0.12 l.?4 6.45 020 12.115 7.00 0.31 I'. M. r. m, r. m ... liflamlnutoti ... ......Wuoatley ..'.. ......1 ltonwlek ...... ......CoaUworth ... ......fGtmwood...... .........Merlin......... .....'.,- linxton......... ...... Bandlfion ...... ...iOedarBprlrES..* Hlonbelm Junot'n ......Itluuhti'ai...... ........Willie........, Arltldyotown Dtp 7 61 7 40 7 21 7 16 7 10 A M n.5o; AM B.U7 5.17 5/8 6.00 4.40 4.33 4 25 4.00 3.45 8.16 2.41.' 1.5 1.3H. , . ... 1 15 B.4& 7 00'l2 3i): 5.30 ^5 D Jaa. Brien. M. ft., It. It., C- P. S., gradnate ot Qugou'h Unlvt*8ity, KiugBton, member of Col- . * lege of Fbysiolann aud tiurgaons,Ontarlo. Grafl-,/ "?&uat.iut Now Voik 1'ot.t Onuluuto Medical Col-.'-.'^l-, lej<0. ' , .. . : ::,yJJ. W. Biion.M.I),, O.M.. F. T. M. C. Honor i:' graduate of Trfulty Medical College, Honor "i-^'i graduate o( Trinity University, Moniber'oxtoO .'^i^ Oolloge of r'nysloluus and burgeous, Ont. " " """' Qiad- Medloal tiato of how York Post Graduate Collogo, Olfloeover Essex Modloal Hall 'Irilg store. ".' Couaultatiou rooma. Loth on groundHooraud, ii Orst flat ubova, Telepbone in botb olUce ana ^ realilouae. All onlla attended to from office, dru({ Btore, or reBldenoes. KeaidenooB, Talbot "i street, near fair nrounila and adjoining Fbhb I'UEBB OlEcu. .,' ---------...... ^^ DH. J, h, JhltiilKii, Aesooiate Coroner lot tho County of 1Sb8ox. , ........,":' J. Maria Jouuor, M. >. O, M., Trlulty UnlverV! -fifl Blty;M. 0.1'. and ti. Ontario; XjIc. lioya'i CoUegeJ.-;"W Fuyai61aii|j, Londun, >-i*e.; lac tiobolambip v^diA v^'f Gold Medalist. Trinity College, lBStfj, appointedV ..:l,-l ItouBo Pbyaiolun aud tiurguon, Toronto ueueral'i . :.jl HoBpltal and Hetlaent Acooucbeur Burnside^ & Lying-in Hospltul,Toronto, 1864. Hpoclalty,disr": >'.| uasBBOf women audobildren. lieBldonco, nouae.r, .jfl lately occupied by Dr. Dew or, Talbot stu, KBsex,; J.. ^ Olflco in Imperial liat,\t Blook, ground fioor*/';,' oppoblte Tbume'fl drug store. MuUfelnoB dis-'," - punned In tbe ollloo, Telephonti connection '"[. with both ottlue aud resxuuuou. Private tele>' :%) pnuue liu Uotwnun Cyril Panueetu'u uousq and';V'^ Viiu Kennedy's house uud otllue, at Paqaette->v4 Station on the Jjj-i AD Kit, $ Nl^bt culls attocdod to ut ollloo or residence.',",)-j/J HP, MAHTIN.D.D, S., It. D. S. v in Dentistry, Koyul College Graduate of Dental durgoous, Ontario, uud Cburcoa...moderate. Ofllce, over -........ 18-lv cat Hall,' Tulbut stteot, KSsox. niversity of Toronto. ^S Medi-'i^I ;- a',' VETERINARY. 1' M. 7.60 7.43 7.37 7.33 7.W 7 oo 7-117 7 10 7.03 0.62 H42 G.30 0.18 0.0U G.61 0 51 0 4ft 0 40 081 0 24 5 20 6 10 0 00 A.M. 12.21' 12.1'J 12.001 11.281 11.2Ul 11. W: 0 28 MM B.lfi 5.07 COO 4.IW Lift, 4 45 io.oo1 r4.ns A.M.P.M. f Flng Statious. Trains stop only when there tire puBSvngerfl ai or for tbeoo stations. Slixed tviilnfl are at al tlwos subjoot to bo oancollod Genora' Ruporlntondnn . WM WOfjIiLATTv WH. RXCUAIIDSON, VETER1NABY SUB-'-K GKOtJ. Honorary graduate pt Ontario jM Ve tor I nary Co1U*ro, Toronto; member of On:'!l3 tarlo Votorlnary Medical Society;.Dlplomtsfi ln"'u<' Doutlstry; treats all diseases ol doxneBtlcatfld.i'^fe uulhialB; cuttle dehorned by the latest improved <y$ liOilvitt clipper Calls by telephone or-telo*^ gravh promptly attended to. JUesidenoe,tnutc('W dooraoast of. grist 'mill; office in post oftipe^ buildido; Ebkox iiiflrmary, directly opposite.-'C'jy jiltf* LAND SURVEYOR. J> MKB 8. LAIJtD, Provincial Lanla. 8urveypr|^ and county Kugineor, Kesex Out. < . ;-,;..;^jU OUlco, uunstan Blook; up-a.tatrs.>m AUCTIONEERS. HBNlty. HEDIUCR, Auctioneer. 8ui^,l promptly attended to, AtJdross, SbutbM WoodBlee, Out, PerfignB desbdng toaeaure ,m.6'Mil muy leave'Word at the V&^n PnEBfl oflloe. i -'-t;!.-f?iH j.Mf SiNOIiAIR, yjICKNSED.ATjbTrONBB3afJ for tbe County of Eaaex.baillflof Ulghtntl Division Court, All kinds of Fariq ai?'a othjww Hulos conducted promptly, lutes reaBOnajbm aijd tuniished ou aupUoacion. lanquiterp maM ui>i)ly at W. D. Htjaman'a offlcq. orat ,the ofQoM ol blvialou Court Clurk. Wra.Lalug.; i; ! t.v.r'sfiS D; To Drive miywliore, you want a Good if ao, You think of Scott's Emulsion* as only for those who?.- have- consumption or inherited a ten- it. Almost its greatest Use .is -for those whose condition is so im paired as not to be able. to get the good' they should out of their ordinary food. , In hearly every case with these/ Scott's 'IJ^iulsion of; Gocl-r-; Uyer.Oilb^ Stiithulates , tolor^;:;^ndJ;:pluir^jp tpjitrbl^.tlie^^ ' '- acc Mil"..... h Mjtvte ohnn t\rt r.'.rrr Ai+: ,' : ......;.jt;nd the plnco to get it is at. , JOHN IMOUGAp Livery, Sale & Feed Stables , Good Hostlors-iu attontianco daylaud night. rHORSE-SHOEiNa tn this;braneh of our business Vol' first olasf Workmen and wilt guarantee satisfaction, In Sboeluiv Horaea that luterfote. Ovor-Rcaoh nr haveOornaor Contracted-*?, '" Wemabea SpooUHy of Shoeing Road and Traok Horaea. JOHN GOIIMD15Y,' - ' v : .' . p.'f.'.vil LlCliNSBD AUCTIONEER for the Count; of Ebbox. All kinds of form atock. aalos^elM^ oouduoted promptly and on Bhort notice, Rdtfll rouBOi>uble. PorNona desirable to airauR* 8*1 may io ao by catling at,che JPubb PnEflB Offl oirhv.auulvlusto . ^'i^'^^iss iiBBflX w. P.O.Box 155 ' :WJsMYrt' IpjlAKK McCLOBKEX,, Mxaascdae^^luiS. 1 Bevou yoarB'oxyorienoe as an anoMniQiwrl the Couutv of Essex. Sales cotiduoted-prtoir*' nnd on reasonable turiua.: Earths jflea*^" fix the date for ft salo'oen drive by polling ufc the Fxtsa- PBEBB,omJ have arr'aaiwd'^lth Mr. MoOIdBkeyjwd?f* the dateo fdrsaloaby telegfraph,onjixfllyi. all oliaffie to'the norBon holding ,.tha: stt)(M dress Frank McOloakey,Maldatone,Crusiifrt I ' ', ij ' " -\' cANQ AH0V'LOAN^CtM^ GBOliaK J. THOMAS,' OettyeyaijbeA miasionor, in H^Oqw.l>unsMg * fin Real Eatate anfl '.Mof^^iffiSSSS at the loweat ra,te of lwfi{./*m5$,J and sold, Inaaranoe taken In tt^im* leaaaa a apeoialty, 1 Chargee.^mwleMfe; buflioess _prompUy .. atteDdAK-^C Central Teleoncne" office, ofltablo ewplovmeat- as wo have nowoatRuaslativftrietlftiol Nursery atooltand^ev^ftaed MttM^J^mhPKitS&R*)' ^A^;NT^B,^^(>^r!rW

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