Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 18, 1897, page 1

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X.'i WW ^^^mk^^-'-r-,'.,., "\>- ' n1 HJNE 18; 189^ Mjm:&>-* wmofiamh >;wV>^ If&^We Invite inspec- of our stook of WiHttmer Dry Goods, ijps cliallenge com-: JffimoQ iii quality and fe^cji Our assortment pljWasli Fabrics for, . IF'. - , ^!:'.l"",;V:Pp,i .!v>i' ONBJ Booond Hand Brigtne, ^tf?rM Powfg Ooodi Cheap lor caah. Apply W J. F. McQUEHlH, AtLrind BroB. ofHoft. J. T, SfOMERVILLE, M.a.civt, ac.p.4 8, ont GBADtTATB Off TbINITX TjNlVailBiTI, FIrf40W, OF TuiNirr MapiOAii'OoijLKaM, TOBONTO, OKI, * Ob*iojb anp Residence. House lately occupied by the late Dr. George MoKenzie. Talbot Stbeet. - - Essex, Ont. The Farmers jjpd Traders Life and Accident #ssuraiice Co, IT'D. James H. Still. ProeldeuV John Campbell, Vice-PreBidenfc. D. B. G&lbralth. Secretary, " P. M. Fraaor. Managing-Director. Head-Office* St. Thomas. Ont. leather Waists. And Costumes Included Kll^FJgured'Oballies at Go a yard. t$WWonie Polored Cropons at 10c a i^WKT-^WiiTO and. Colored' Muslins at ard, " Beautiful Dimities an lityo Checked and Striped Linens . it7^t8io:,, ft yard. . Colored ' Striped / GrintJes at 2Qo a yard. Prints and j&Hnghams frota 6"o .up, &o.. louse Waists .t^~y^y pgjfcade'ih the latest fltyle, with and *'Without detachable collars and cuffs, ^<Wiy'r Prints,. Sateens, Linens, &o., R$fyfrom 50c1 each,. fcft-Y'Y' Lowest Bates. Up-to Date Polloy 0o& tract*. EDorgfttle, reliable loaal agents wanted. Address, /, W. McKAV, - General Agent, Box 704,8t Thoram ..ESSEX- i.fJ-i" IfJDiadies' White wear fef- p&Y"; i>-*U WiW&V 55c and Upward*. ffirt^fiJOXTS 500 and Upward*. mtf\WI0JZT 0OWNS SOo and Up, r ..Thesft-are well made garments, $$'sized and nicely finished. full * ', A Special Line of a Silk Parasols_^s> Assorted handles, 28-iiioh frame, strong and handsome, extra value nt.$i eaolh 'aV'K gfc ,- ...... |5^ure-Linen ^6'^; Crash Towelling, extra value in a 4p;^; .heavy 17-iuoh striped border, rogu- jp-"Y' lax prioo lOo, for 7c. a yard. 00-inch Loom Damask Table Linen, flower tern*- epooial at 35c. a yard. l^at- II p R. S. Williams'* Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos. v # Singer Sewing Machines. ..*......Have Jnflfc reoelved a.......,. New tfupply ot Vlo]in Autoliarpf, hdarmoulca^, tiultar*, &o. Violin Nlrlu^M and Supplier !ov all the above Xnatruuiont* n hand* Tun log aod Hopairinrt a Spoolalty. Machine Noodles Hud OJ1 lit Stock. EM FAUI, 2nd Door North of ITI.C.R. New Bakery. ^ ^1 3, Men's Eine ;;:V'i,;' Colored Cambric. Shirta with Ool-. _jj(',:; *..Jar arid Cuffs,' usual' 75o, lino, for. f$ .each, V ll(,ilJ . V-ii1;?",!' - 1 tjfwiy . llriiMilUnery Sg ..Department for the romaiudor of the seasonj Cut PntoBS prevail, i#i,; raa -we never carry MilUnor'y Goods ' '^'j over from one season to another!. [^ Everythiugr must GO I. 10.-:':: Jph'er"".-iDepts,. W&iXOps'S- 'aim -'jsjrdjss.. mkv^iCloawwG.'. . yj&AbS'jUWPAPS. ta-'iYX ; .", .': 'iSi:- . w^--^ ' I beg to inform fcho ctfcizona of Essex and vicinity that I havo.Oponod a Bakery at my rosidenoe, Victoria St.,, wboro oan bo found a full line of . . . .- . . BAKER'S GOODS. I Bake the Detroit celebrat ed HomorMade Bread, which is the latost and moat appe tizing, Patrons oan obtain this Broad by WILKINSON'S $::':#: . GROCERY, ^ He is handling iho goods for . mo. Please Give Me a Trial and be convinced that T can suit. y6n. Goods will bo Fresh as my wau;on gooa to all parts of the town every ^morning. : K3* Wedding Cako'B a speci- WESLEYBUBD1CK. SAMUEL DEAN, IS eRE^ABED TO UNDERTAKE THE CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS , ' Alirt Remove NIGHT SOIIj. On BbonT Notiob. Tlrat, dlasa, Clean Wotk Goftrantdod. Adi,lroHH Box 204; Saaex. TTOTJfCE, 'We mmmmm, _ are "now buying corn,at Wnlkeryille and iiayiwg 2$ cents .perbiiffbeV.fpr No x. HiKaw' Walker A Sons, (Ltd.) WalkeryiJle^Tvnetyb, 1897; .,; ;. A. futile, attempt to aaaaaflinate, Prep;^ dent aFanro, of France,; was made on; Sir Biohard Oartwright laid ,on the 'v,,'1|!/,:Bmw.,Tqvb' Council;,':,',"' :;'./; \^eolkiyf:^ttn6'15tV: Council met at 8 p.m. Present, Mayor Thomaa,in the ohair, Reeve MoDougall, Deputy Reeve1 Johneton and Oouncil- loraRldiiok, Raines, Hicks and Job. Bobineon. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. An order to Joseph Ferry for wort on Victoria avenue drain brought out a discussion in which it waa ehown that the estimate was $188 and the job had been sold at $50. The contract was let to W, % Jones. Joseph Robinson, commiBsioner for No. 0 ward, reported on the matter of aitoh complained of by PavidWhitney, recommending that the ditch : be dug, the property to be charged two-thirds and the town one-third for benefit to road. There -would be about 60 rods of ditch and the estimate is about B cents a rod. Messrs. Hicks and Johnston moved that the commissioners have woJk done Carried. A petition -was presented asking for a sidewalk on.the south side of Irwin avenue and signed by S. B. Ottway, Ed. Corey and Mrs. J. W. Riohardson, The Mayor thought it should be laid oyer until matter was brought in in proper schedule showing the length of sidewalk in front of each lot and other particulars. We should be sure we won't have to go to the bank and borrow the money to pay for the,'walk. Jos. Townsend addressed the council about the condition of the drain on. Arthur avenue. He had taken up some of the tile which were filled up with dirt;. . Moved by Messrs. MoDougall and Hicks, that Wm. Biddiok, A. Raines,, Jos.' Robinson! D. '.Whitney and Fred. Robinson be members of Court of re- vision on June 34th, on By-law 360, for sidewalks on Medora oyenne~-Oarried. MoVed byMess*0' MoDougall and Hioka, that Messrs. Johnston, Jos. Robinson, Raines, Whitney and Bid diok be members of court of revision on July 6th,on By-law No.267,for Vic toria avenue drain Carried. Chief of Police,Sieson addreaned the council asking use of hall for conven tion of county constables to bo held at Egflex on the afternoon of Wedaesday, June 38ro!. Moved by Messrs. Hicks and Riddick, that request be granted Carried. .Mr. Sisaon asked for instructions relative to bicycle by-law. He bad one young man arrested for riding on the walk and was going to lay an informa tion ngain fit another when the Magis trate informed him that the council had taken go mo notion in regard to riding on some of the side streets. If the council wanted him to enforce the by law ho would do so. The Mayor read the petition present ed at tho special mooting of'the council on the 5th inst. and signed by 25 resi dents, on Laird avenue asking that' bicyclists be allowed rido on that street if the speed did not exceed 8 miles an hour. The .statement was made that tho members ,at tho special meeting wore in favor of allowing tho bioylists to run on sidewalks on back stroots, but not on main street. Mr. Wortley entered and took his Boat..' ' . The Finance Oommitteo reoommend- od payment of aecottnts of T. H. DeCow, lumber, 59 cts;; Essox Fire Brigade, 375, for'* i year*s. salary ; Jos. K, Thoinpaon, drilling ft-inoh; woll - at watorworka, 19250; Ijaing Bros., lumber $107.61.'; t_ [- ':' On motion of Measrs. Riddiok and Mol^ougall.tbe reportwas adopted. . Mr; Riddick brought up the matter of the crossing pear Naylor's mill on Talbot street, which was in nood of repair. The Board of Works, ho thought, ishould also attend to the main,Btreet.; . Mi-. Thomas said' his attention had lieou the culvert near Thds. Irwin1**. . '.'.'..' ' , The Arthur avenue, drain came, lip for another, diiiousalon;, but no , action was taken as the members, could not decide on how to proceed. If the'-, drain; wore put in under the frontage system those aaeessed for the drain should pay for out.' . >. ' The Mayor.ifl to lookup tlioby:law and sep how the drain is to be cleauod.' The Collector's.time^.'was extend,ed, till'next .ineetirig/;;:;!;.'; ; I. Mr:i EngUsh,',general, -agent .of i:; the Waterous7Enfi^9;06.^;i^fdressed .the council about boilers.- , tH did- uot think-.'it fair.-that \mfc '-te^derXshould: Court of Revision. .' Court of Revision on the assessment roll of the town for 1897 was held at the town hall, on Wednesday Tevening Messrs. MoDougall, Riddick, Johnston and Jos. Robinson being in attendance. There were fourteen appeals entered and eleven of these were considered when court adjourned till this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. The appeals were disposed of as follows: v > CM. Cawker, lots 24 and 25, plan 170; assessed at $1,000; confirmed. Peter Course', lot 08, plan 228; assess ed at $50; confirmed. London Loan Co., lot 14, plan 228; assessed at $200 ; reduced to $160. Hamilton Provident A Society lot 17 and 18, plan 220, assessed at $60; lot 68, plan 347, assessed at 820 ; pt of lot 10, plan 181', assessed $8,500 ; lot 18, plan 285, assessed at $750 ; lot 5, plan 292,' assessed at $600 ; lot 1, plan 800, assessed at 8860, were all confirmed, Blook 118 was reduced from $800 to $80 ^ as the building had been removed from lot; lot 10, plan. 100, was changed to another partv and bl6ck 20 was changed from the non-resident roll to the Hamilton Provident and Loan Co., and asaesed at $400. Canada Savings and Loan Co., lots 67 and GO, plan 176, assessed at $1,200; confirmed. Dominion Savings and Loan Co., lotsfll and 12, plan COB, eaoh assessed at $1,200, were confirmed. James May, Iota 1, 2 and 8, plan 820, assessed at $1,700; confirmed. John Feenan, lots 28 and 24, plan 800, assessed at $40; confirmed. Eclmond Jones, lots" 10 and 20, plan 200; assessed at $350; confirmed. Mrs. McGhie,, block 1{J assessed at $276; reduced to $50 per acre,- a total of $208,50.' Okarles Noble, 'lot 6, plan 170, ass essed at $150 ; confirmed. . Grenville Em&< '^i^y|||^| know a store'iTpoUcy niid the progressive store usuafly manages that you do knotrt anfwfcS things are comlnr *- every week for th spite of themselves aentation, What _ . ____ ency enough to make us careful in the use of words and doubly careful to put nothing (n^the^ paper that isn't in the itore. , ; !^^ CHEAP REA0INO. Those who wish to get good reading cheap in the form of paper covered books will be Interested in our assortment. This list gives an idea what you can get for 15c : Essex County Council. FOURTH DAY, Thursday, Juno 10th. The council met at 10 a. m.F with a quorum present. A. communication was road from C. H. Ashdown; Seore- tary-Troasurer of the North Essex Teaohers' Association/in regard to the grants in connection with said associa tion. Mr. Durocher'presented a peti tion from certain inhabitants of Sand wich Went and Auderdon, re a bridge. Mr. Wintemute gave notice of a by law to ropeal By-law No. 110 and fix the salary of. tho Fruit Tree In spector at. $1 per day without mileage. Moved by Mr. DoroeherV secondod by Mr. Fox, that the mem bers of this council tender-their most sincere thanks to tho members of tho Executive Committee of St, , John Baptist Sooiety for having Bent to each inombcr of the county council and their ladies an invitation to their celebration winch takes place on the 22nd of June, inst,, tho day of the Queen's Jubilee. Carried. ' '." vrt'TH.nAX',' Friday, Juno lith. ' Council mot with all members pre- flout..Mr, Wiuioniuteprosontod a poti-, tloitothb House of Conamona *itx re gardto the fisheries. The Road and Bridgo Oommitteo proHouted thoir re port recommending that tho grant for abridge over the Canard River, on towiilino between Auderdon aud Col- ohoHter Noithbo granted; ancl J. S. Pntton and J, H. Laird bo appointed a oommitteo to havo said bridgo built; thftt! grant asked for by Mr. Fox to assist in buildiag u bridge over the waahout on Cedar Crock, be not grant- o<) ; that grant asked for by Mr, puro- ober, to build a bridge over the Canard river on : townline between Ajiderdoh and Sandwich. West he laid over to the January soasion, 1808 ; that the report of the committee ', appointed ,; at. the January ses'sion to have brideres over Belle Biver,-on the tpwnline between Maidstone and Kocheater, be adopted; that a small" bridge on the Ttigolet brauoh of the Canard on tpwnliue. be tween Anderdon and Sandwioh West, be oxamined by. Mr. Burocher, and have,the, bridge repaired,and i ab6v- lutolyneceBSary to have it rebuilt, but not to have it rebuilt if it can be mado safe for ,a year or two by; .Moved* J>y Mr/.$tone, seconded by Mr.,Fatten, that the report of the Road and Bridge Committee he adopted.1; ?' Moved^'in.amend^en^ by JtdT.Fojt;; scoonded by, Mr. Laird; that the Road; and Bridge, ;-'Cbmrnifctee;,:,;;reporti'.:;':be.' amend.edv 'l^^-:.^ Mr. Mukon's Weaversand Waft, Between *tv/o Sins, " Jimmy Harlowe, ." Hard Times, * Eric Brighteyes, " Missor Mrs,, '< At War with Herself" Lady Grace, " A Gilded God, " The Doctor's Secret, " Broken Ties, " A Passive Crime, , ** A Wicked Girl, Out of his reckoning " F. Kanes' Fortune " Dick's DarJing. Maid,Wife or widow ", Playwright's daughter" Will, by H. Rider Haggard. Mrs.M.E, Braddon. Bertha M. Clay. W.Ciarke Russell.. Charles Dickens. H. Rider Haggard. Wilkie Collins. Bertha M. Clay. Mrs. Henry Wood. Mrs.E.BurkeCollins Rita. Bertha M. Clay. The Duchess. Mary Cecil Hay. Florence Marryat. L. T. Mead. Clarence L. Isbelle. Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Annie Edwards SHOES. =s*. Mi Oxford Shoes, round and pointed Toev ^-!J$ :oCaIt Rega^^.3 r. ' Oit. *\its;-:;:.';"Xyi \2$ Pairs Ladies', Misses' and .boyV,' ^%W. (ford Shoes, round and poin*"A t^* '.win in Dongola, Kid and Casco lar price 8i and $1.50 pair, your choice for.............. .# * ,*" HOSIERY AND 8L0VES. Ladies'Tan Cotton Hose, ftU;'-l(whiV.;-"ji^H ioned, high spliced heel and toe, fineVr^ 1ality, at"..............'- - - - - .. ,V, *:.*#$& Ladies' WhiteCotton Hose, silk finish, i^^ full fashioned, special at...........',.. 25d/il- Ladies' Black Cotton Hose; fastblacki"^.V^.'^S full fashioned, ribbed tops, at 2 pairs for-.35$$$ Children's Tan Cotton Plose, Siei ;.',;'^ 5, 6, 7. 71 and 8, from................ i'sifcS Boys' Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, .fast ':^M black, from.......................... -lOC^J Ladies'White and Cream Silk Gloves^'^V^ corded backs, at.......*....'......V,.\250,'^ Ladies'White, Cream, fc Black arid Tan Pji^ Lace Mitts, alPpure silk, fancy backs, at H$&b Ladies'real French Kid Gloves, ,6 and^1';;.^ 6 hook lacing, in tan, biown.and black,at 7Sc:ij$! Many Goods here areftotally different to anything you'll see outside and prices positive'^ ly below anything you'll find anywhere, every reason why they should be with buying arid > selling advantages other stores really know nothing of. . , . l'")/'fe '$$'$? Special Bargain Day Every Wednesday. .- C. W. HENDER3H01 Always HlRheatu5itajJt*t-Pr,Ice Paid for Batter and Eggs In rolla or crooks, . ^';/X^ -i* The County Inspootor of Fruit Threes presented his report which was filed. The Inspector reported that since his appointment be had destroyed, as badly diseased, 1,400 penoh trees, 100 plum trees and 180 cherry trees, in ad dition to the ones destroyed by his orders at. Kingsvillo. During the j>re- bent season he has spent more time in tho northern port of tho county, in which he finds a great many diseased plum and cherry trees. The Gtaol Committee presented the:r report whioh was adopted. ' rl'ho Finance Committee's roport was read and laid on the table. Moved by Mr, Fox, seconded by Mr. Patton, that Finance report bo amend ed by granting the Fruit Growers' Ak- Bociation atOHuda, $25. liost. Moved by Mr. Scratch, seconded by Mr. Lamarsh, that the report, of Finance Committee be amended by. giv ing $200 to fcho Leamington and Mersea Agricultural Sooiety. Lost. The yoas and nays on Mr. Beratoh's amendment were as follows; Messrs, Lamarsh, Horntch, Fox and Brown Mossrs. Patton, Mailloux, Durooher, Doziol, Buchanan, Wintemute, Cole and Stone^ 8. . Mr. .'Laird moved the Council into Oommitteo of the Whole for tho. second reading of the by-law to con^rm the settlement with the City of, Windsor, re improvements to county buildings. By-law read a second time. The coun cil resumed. By-law read a third time and passed. The council wont into Committee of the Whole for the second reading of tho by-law to oonflrm tho settlement with the Tpwn of Walkerville, re im- prpveraonts ,to.county liuildinCB. B^- law read ni second time. Council re sumed. By-law read a third time ard passed. . " ,Mr. Wintemute moved the Council iutcGoinmittee, of the Whole for the; second reading of the by-law to Repeal by-law No. 103," to impose a ilnty on Hawkers oud Pedlars. By-law read a second time. The1 council.; resumed. By-law read a third timeT and passed.'^ The.hy-law, respeptihg .salaries 'and duties of county officer^ was rend a -first'tiine..'.' ".,,/ 'J^'\+:\'i-'Y' "' 'A' byrlaw to ea,ualize the assessiri'ent, levy.county'rate*;^and provide ^WjK n^ent of .school: inspectors, (was. ,.rea4 a ^rflt'time^.^^^Y':.';. Y"';"^:A'.'^';Y;;;'lY^ ;; Aby-law to r^ise ^ sini/ot'^l^QpO^fo^o pasaed. Among them were twp bij^'l laws appointing arbitrators to'.eettle;| matters in regard to S S No, 2 ond.^S^ No, 11, Oolohester South.; ^dr*^ Home, Inspector Maxwell* and '.'.J! Brown, being appointed arbitratorb; ilti each case. In: the, matter of the DejWr/v tion for a now shool sectioii on the m&i concession of Gpsfield North.-' Ju.dgre^ Home, Inspector Maxwelland, J, J)^^ A. i)oziel, were appointed arbiiiratoro;;'Jsj The Finance Committee's report wafl&r adopted. In tho report a grant .of ,?4Qd^* was made to the Great South 'WeBte^tdM Society, and ajOOto each of theto^rfe, ship fairs. A motion to grant $($'$M Hotel Dien was defeated. The"&.$$$ to tlm Warden for bis sbrvic^e dn^jn^f1 the year was fixed at $150.and &<^ council agreed to . pay; $80. to : ^piswM Dion,.half the cost of ;cnring for;'Rj$$| Mahor, of Koohester, who had hislegi broken some time ago/. / i-'/ .i^tM. EQUALIZED 'ABSJJSraNT.^;;.;/;^:i'^S Amount.' 'Actesi'-^Jtla^Jl $ 690000 a2,63i^,| 622,000 .30'.*83^'^r;65|S .1:167 000 34-3^YS35#; . 738,000 28,073:;a^SJ 1,618.000 30,000/ .33 44.640M37^3| 1,558,000 57.07*/. '2$fc 702,cooY20(5^6i;34g 850.000 32>33SY?r 762iOoo i Townships- Andefcdon-.. Colchester N Colchester S .,,.. Gosfield N ...; fiosfield wSv.:,. Maidstone.-... Mersea .;...;.. Maiden' ...... Rochester.... '. Sandwich; E, . i Sandwich S,,.. Sandwich W .. Tilbury.W'.,.. Tilbiiiy.N.......,. Towns. , Amhcrstburg .. : Sandwich-..... Essex ;..... ._ Leamington.-..,'; VlLMtJEK. Kingsvillu .... Belle River.,... 633,coo. 23 57^35^ ; :^.. 582.POO - 22.721;;' 3 j.'OJ j4^ .' 325 OOO Y: lfi ':. ^ .:>::-rWM 250.0CO 275,000 200,000 Total., i...$13,247,600' A fltatement showing ; .tlii^fc;'.'.;li^SS oeipta .. from : Auctioneers';;:lj^o'^iii'ffS|** from January, 1st >tb.;Mayjh\^,:^m ^^niounted"to,.$110/aff-;ipHp^ai^^ Gee, Amherstbhrg'}{,], Fl Maidstone. OroBfl ; YTob. McOIoi 'Wa8i;ryad;;a;.flrst';tin :^JDioye^"h^;ife^'^ dpngh Comber " ^^M^MSi W .The/Supreme ^PWfcr^^^ffgftr3 hxedthe:22^ ih^ofthe;:pr6tflt;^m^t.A!afc^|f AiB^ney^'ri'.jparftiiWiY^

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