Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 11, 1897, page 8

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JSWra ' - ^ ^'-Thoy.aipo. called 'oiiiMr.J Imsty'a parents K^alKodxiey. .;.- : a^prth>W^erT^ne brewery. He has Been at thb head of the Walkoryille tiaffi$&$^^ hap :SgiiwjU^ public ior Mr, Bbtt'a Buddeiraotion' VAr; 1$ "' . Camg^Palrociy, , Harry Miaener ib on jhe Bipk list. $> :'.#: v.'Oi.B,. Taylor was in Detroit on busi- fe*M. ness on Monday last.; *.. ,.Mr. Noiborgall, ot McGregor, was in P|V.'the village on Wednesday. fe John H. Milne, of London, spent Tueedfly in to\yn with Wilbur Ohuroh. ')\ A dance took place at J. Rally's on Monday night. All report having "a goo4 time. . We would like to know what takes '; W. 0. to Eaaex every night. If ho oah'tiide his wheel ho drives pat. ( ^We were glad to boo so jnany I turn but to Sunday School last Sabbath. It is needless to say that the men wore Badly in the minority. ; ., } ' . , HUCrB. John Lolly mot with a very Berious acoident on Tuesday last. She was coming down fltairn whon in some -way she slipped and fell sprainingi hor back aud one of her limbs. We hope soon to see hor around tin dor the skill ful treatment of I)r.'J, W. Brian, of "Essex: ' '"'. r An: entertainment is to. be . hold . here next Wednesday night which .promises to bo an interesting affair. It is to be a farbwoll toBov. Mr, Kennedy -fallen ftto,^ lessee of the St, Jo^Mijafactory. Bothfactorios ;wUlbemi6\^!^ "'. & concert was teld iri the Byrnedale Bohool house, Boohenter township, last Friday. An oxcellent programme waa presented by the young people of the seotiOn.-:::'.-"".:.i,;V.'v;;". &; i ' ft \- fe'V ^Staples. ' Fire brbke;.duti': in the dwelling of John Kenyon about 2 o'clock Thursday morning of last week and destroyed house and contents. The flames spread to the butcher's shop and S. A. barracks, and all three buildings were destroyed. Bid it' not been for the)rain in the eatly part o( the evening, thore is ino' telling where tnis firtf would haye stopped, West^ N Pufotir;; J,; Voilaajii, / Jphn p Jessop; Sandwioh East, A St. XotUB,jf Jpan-Arnold*. Wm TXre, GebV Pfttill6; Rochester township, B Smith, ADe2iel; J Walkerj Tilbury West,. A HaUiday, B E .DodBon,, JD MoAliater; Tilbury North, G A Morris, Israel Chauvin, A Oxenier; Walkerville, liuke Montrenilj Belle Biver, F P .3'onteiller;-Windsor, A. MoNeo and Dr. J O Reaumo. - r^.'i Ooafleld Nprth Council. / Saturday, May 30th. &Connoil met as Court of Bevision on Drainage By-law No- 91, for- the re pair of the 7th concession and W. T. Line Drains. The Beeve reported that the Council of Gosflold South had ap pealed to tho Referee against their as sessment for the repair of said drains.' On motion, the Court was adjourned to June 12th, at 1 p. mM the Boove in tho meantime to endeavor to effect a settlement with Oosfield South.. -WHBaBAfl.oompldliithaBbepDnifcdo by Jobn W, Bardfok and oihtri, owpori, 04 ihown by tho ioatroviMd Acwument Boll of the proper ty hereinator Mt forth to bo banaQMod by. tbo ptittlnft In' bettct MpsJr' bf ttie drain - on tho weatildo of.Vlotortii.Btreab.haTa noticed tho Oounell of the Town ol KMax that, the said draia was vory mtiob out ol repair and ro- qaeited the aaidMuoioipai Council to pat the uald drain in repair QB floon.^s poaslblo. Aifo WminBAB, tnereupon tho HanlelpaJ OQunoii of tho Town of Eibax oaojaod ao examination to bo made by 1m. B. Laird, OX.8., being a person oomjwteofc for anob Jjnrpom of the Bald looalitj be mod. who is Boon to leave. Rofroshmehts m w- trT\" ' fe; ^" IS}"- consisting of ice cream, strawberries and.cake will bo served. Thia will bo followed by an interesting programme in the Bohbpi-house. Among' those who are expedtod to take part are Miss Wil- eon, . elocutionist of Detroit, Miss Higgs, Miss Misonor and Miss Clark of the city. Those contributions, along with local talent, will, wo think, insure a very interesting program and a good time may be expected. Cot tarn. Miss Oocolia Quiok if visiting on Pelee Island for a few weoks., I Walter James left on Friday to attend tho Mothydiat Conferouoe at London. 'James Stewart, a young studont; preached very acceptably in tho.Motho- . diBt ehurch' last Sunday evening,, ' He has more than ordinary ability.1 Isaac Jackson and wife left on Mon day for London whoro Mr. Jackson is representing Trinity church, as lay 'delegate, at the AngHoan Synod that oommenood in that oity on Tiioflday. Mrs. Jackson is visiting with relatives. Her health has not been as good of late as her friends would wish for and it ' is noped a ohange will benefit her. i For a small place we. sometirres . got . up a big excitement. Latuly there hiis been quite a talk as if Oottam; was not large enough o hold us all in harmony, and hint as if some one whoso.' course has jnot boon suitable to all others and low whisperings about giving someone invitations to leave. Now it would ap pear' that several are talting tho hint us wo find on Monday morning the County Councillor left followed by tho Town- Bhip'Clork and-Jesse White^ . ; ' "', ;i ;'Harrow.. Miss Edna BousBoy is visiting with friends and relatives in Buthvon, 'Mrs. TJ, Rose, of Essex, is visiting withher.son, George, of ihls place.; . Freeman Ford is on the sick Hat this week. Henry Herdmania slowly improving from his severe attack of rheumatism. Miss Bertha Roee returned to Essex on Monday after spending Sunday at her home here, T. It. Flood ia>ttendingthe Metho dist Conference at London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are visiting with their,Bon, Edward,of Essex, V North Ridge; Jack, frost called on wu ^ again last W--,'.') Wednesday,morning. ; WfflX,s,,;-'^iutorAvheAt is heading out, and the indioations are good for an average- cropj '.' ..'.". >*:. : John A.R090, of EaaoxihaspurohaHed ^^Vpart oM6t370,T,B'.1N.,. fifty acres all ^^'^ 50O. f """";' Miss. Lottie Johnston, of Maidstone, 11;v spent last week with her grandmother, .lie ;Mrs,:'EdwinColeuutt- Ifej-:; Bo^ert Haggine and wife Wereguoflts. '&r/ipf,JiamesHaggins,.aftA family, ,'Xoun8J ^x'Keiapd.'lftst'Sunday; " ',-' 0i,^v! Mrs. Bouben Perkins has resigned $0^ji&gc#l\i6n as organist. bf the, Belle "'^.^.^V^B^.Metiiodiet^'ehuroL r\; ^iV.:J4fep'Aiinie Colemai^, of Essex, and W$iffi&l Mory-i3iokfl,;'of Ridgotowil, were ^^;^e]^neflts of Reuben Perkins aid wife; ^;5|f;^ff:^idayi/"" "' fefg;;';::^:;J-Taylbr, Wm. Beeves,: Biohard g^[^^jjm^^ in ^;;JS]actw,ioh^ti^ifl.week attendingth!e court |j$e^ ' , gv^^^a^^Bedeiler'and Mrs-.X: -Winter tw^Oy^tp /.Harrbw last Tuesday aiu} ^^t^i^-^slie;; of' Comber, iB"^here |M|!^ '.'with ^>%o^m\roMihT- Peter Gilboo , and , alsp '.-,', Maidstone. J. Keofe spent Sunday at; his homov J. B. Puerth in Chatham on ,Satnrdayr . ) '... j. ; '. 1 ' i- ) ' .| '. FoiW[ Wilson spent in JCingsville. J. Kenney and Mr. Major spent Sun day in McGregor. Mrs. MoQuigana was tho guoat of Mrs. John I>unn on Sunday! Tom and Frankie -McOloskoy ap'ent Sunday afternoon in Woodsloo, Miss Tossio McDonell is serionaly ill. Dr. J, W. Bribu ia attending her. "Ohas,; Barrett and family from De troit, were, in town on Sunday. Mifls 'Roddon, of Detroit, called on friends in the vioiuity orl Sunday; Miaa Maggie:Nesbitt, of.Leamington, visited her parents here on Sunday. , Frank MoHugh, of Detroit, was tho guest of Miss Ada Halford on Sunday. Mibb Hattiie Powers was thq guest of her aunt, Airs. Kline, of Elmst6ad,'laHt week. Wm. Crosby will leave shortly On n trip to the Old Country and will return in thoiall. Miss Cora Wiglo, who has been seri- oaslylll is, wo are pleased to roport, improying. '.. .--. J. Beattio, C, Craig and Miaa Martha Boattio, visited friends here on Satur day and Sunday'. * , - Some'of our onterprising farmers havo again; boon improving Talbot Boad by use of tho scraper, \ T W. D. Beattio in confined to his bed with a severe attack of inflammation.' Bov. Mr, Thibaudedu has been at tending Qonferonce during the past week.'. "Mrs. Elijah Wismer, of Markham, paaaed. through Essex from Ann Harbbt "where she had been visiting hor parents and stopped in Essex a f ew driya call ing on hor brother-in-law,. E. E,' Wis- mor, of Maidstono; and other relatives in Essex.- Town- She loft on Saturday for hor homo in Markham, county of 'York;. : Mrs. W. Hastings, of Sarnia, has re turned homo froin a -Visit with her brother-in-law, E. E. Wismor, of Maid stone. Sho says Essex is tho nicest place she has boon in since she left Piokoring Cut! Mr Hastings is coin- ingdownin the fall to the fair and if he can find a farm to suit he will buy and move to Essex, Saturday, May 20th. Council mot, aa Court of Revision on the Assessment Boll for 1807. The following appeals wore, heard: 0. E. Naylor, aasesBed too high,' S. Cowan too high, in proportion to others, H. Stic]fwood aasesBed too high," W. Lee, too high in proportion to other lands, Chae. Johnson to be assessed as owner of W J, S ^, Lot 270; T. 'B, N., instead of I. Thornton, Lorenzo Mayes to be assessed as T. & M. F. of Sj; S i, Lot 12, concession 0, with Geo. Boss, Alfred Moo to strike off a dog, G. Hilt lier assessed too high in proportion to others, S, Wolfe tp^Jaigh. in proportion to Albert Helkie, John, Patrick and Archie MoLean, Walter James, Bobert Swoetin and others, J.; F. Milieu to aaaesa F. Church as F. and M. F. with his father, and Chas. and J, I, Jones as F. and M. F. with , H. Speeohley, to charge the Ontario Natural 'Ga&'Oo.,.. with statute labour and to-correqt cer tain errors iu statute labour marked on the roll. BjIoBsrs. Naylor, Stickwopd, Lee, Cowan, Hillier and, Wolfe gaye evidence in supiiort of their appeals aud Messrs. James, -'McLean ' and Sweetin replied in their own behalf. The following appeals,;of which, no notice had boongiyen to the clerk, wore heard: To assess Wni. Dibley and Geo. Liokmah as oWnors of pt of Lots SandO, concession 11, to aaaess Boht. Carder a^ F.' and : M- F. with Jos, Carder, feo put Geo, Carder on tho roll as M. F,, to: assoBB G. W. Mercer asT, and M. F. with J. H. Smart, to aasesH W, Lee aa J], and M. F. ,with Celah Leo, to strike a dog oft the assessment of F B Millen. Tho Court decided the appoals in faVor of the following par- ties, viz: W Dibley, Goo Liokman, Bobt Carder, Geo Carder, G W Mer cer, W Lee, F B -Millen,; J I Jones, Ohas Jones! and L TVIayora, F Church to bo placed on jroll as M Fonly, "'the errors in statute labour to be correotod. All othor appeals wero laid over to the next aesttion of the Court and tho Clerk instructed to notify I Thornton,, 0 Johnston, A Moe and Dr S A King, to appear at aaid adjourned session. The Court waa then adjourned to Saturday, Juno 2flth, at one p. in. iv propoied to by the Improvement of the said drain,. and bag, alio procured puu, and eatlmates of the work to bo mada by the Bold Jamei B.Lalrd and an aBBoaiment to be made by him of the root property to be benefitted by the Improvement of the flald drain, stating, aa nearly a* bo on, the proportion of baneflt, whloh in hie opinion, will bo derived in consequence of aaoh Improvement by every road or lot, or portion of lot, the aid aaBOBBuent bo made being the aBaeao- mentby this by-law enaoted to bo aaaoBaed and levied upon the lota and parts ol lota horo- Inaftor oapeolally aet forth , and doaorlbbd and the xepori ol the.flald. James 8, Laird la ae follows: To tho Mayor and Council of the Town of Essex, In council aBaembled; Gehtlbmsh In aocordonoa with instruc tions from your honorable body I havo taken the notloo or petition Bignod by John W. Bnrdlok and others and have laid out a drain on the west aide ofVloterJa street, from Block lfl, south, to tho Boar Boad. a distance of 200 rods, and beg to report thf reon as follows : X fonnd the said drain very much filled up In most plaoes and very badly In need of Improve ment, I would tbereforo reoommnnd that the said dltoh be cleaned out In accordance with the annexed profile and speolfloatlona. I nod that it will coat; all expanses lnolnded, 8183, ;to put said drain la a good state of repair. Of tbls amount I havo taxed tho Town of Essex forbenent toroada- with 955.45, The romalo- log I07JWI have assessed avalust the lots and Eiarts of lots that will bo In any way be unfitted y.the cleaning out of said ditch. This, drain shall bo bept In repair' by a tax On the lands pud roau now asaesBod aud in the flame propor tion as now aseeued except tho enginoor In charge of the repairs dooms It neceasary to ohange tho proportion on acoonnt of the altored conditions of the drainage ByBtem. Aooompanylng you will find, plans, profiles, estimates, spec inflations, assessments and all othor papers, necessary for guldanoe In the construction of said dltoh. -. I have the bonor to bo. Qentlemon, ::/^*>m^mm :C: ; :Is;FiUea'to:dveHlit >^&W 'Ti.1f:Tli.*t '/ V"."**.iM,3*ira ; i\$+W$}!M Our Stock is ;ne^ atid-^c^^m irt all dt3partmeni)s. ^y:^WMMi :'.-- MWS&' ? We show the laJrgest assoiSriil of New: Black and Obibrli *p -' ^#i Your obedient servant, JAMES S. LAI" ~ Ehbox, May 4th, 1897 JAMES S. LAIItD. PX.B. And Wuriueab, the said Ooucll Is of thn opin ion that drainage of the locality described la desirable; *Jo it- therefore enacted by the Muolaipal Oounailotthe Town of Essex, pursuant to the .provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act of |893, and amondments thereto : let. This Beport, Plans and Estimated opted and the said drain and works connected therewith bo made, and ooustrnoted in accor dance therewith. 2nd. That for tho purpose of paying tho Bum of 807.06 being the amount assessed against the said laudB so to bo benefitted asaforeaaid, othor than Roads belonging to the Mnnlolpolity, tbo following special rates over and above all other ratoe shall be assessed and levied In the same manner and at the'same time as taxes urn levied upon tho undermentioned lots and parts of lots and the amounts of the said spoolai rates aa aforosald shall be assessed and levied against each Jot and part pt loo, in tho year 1807. ' liiflfcof lots and parts of lots In the Town of TCsaoX' assessed for the improvement of tho drain on the vest Bide of Victoria street from Bloak 12 touth to the Hoar Hoad, Dress Goods Also a new lii^e Black Dress; Goods. 100 ladies' Shirt Waists at ^ISi of Priestle^ f . . , h "" -'- .L*- f '^ -"# each. ... ... '.'ct'^M ." ':-^j^ A lot of Remnants of Dress Goof at half price. Men's^oys' and Youths* Clotinin^ 3 n o ta -Si g u id en M (D a; o a> a * ^ w ...- The final dooision in the Loudon eleo^ tibh trial will <-bo"delivered- on Juno 20th'.;r":'" '. An Indian boy mot doatb in Jasper Tass by. falling from a. tree whiou oyer- hnng a precipice to the rooks and Ice 200feei;below. :V . 8- A. Bedford, Superintendent ot t]bie. ISxperimental farm in Brandon, Man;,, says that the ,area :bf land nndor,orqp this year in Manitoba, ie considerably larger 'thaji in any.preyions aeaapn, .and that fcha grain; is' ^ye^ .up .and Ipo^ ing very hoolthy." An: uri^flual quan tity ofland;has been purohaaed, during the::paBV;Heapb ^t^f^^!d^^%e own nae and for .that of ^'^eiriiabTi'^'.'^i large nniibero^ ^to^th^iovin^^^j^e^ ^;:;^d ;^e /^ Saturday, May 20th. The Council met, pursuant to ad journment. By-law No 02, to prohibit doge from roaming at large and to per mit them to be killed, was read the first timeantVlaid pver, "W H Kennedy, on behalf of JoaWyatt, claimed $100, compensation for damages caused by overflow of old No 5 Tap Drain. Laid dyer. The petition of R Osborne and others, to form new school section, Jaid over from Jaat sosaion of the Oonu- oil, was refused; .Wm. Ash asked the .Oounoil to repair 10th concession drain Or take water awy irom JT Boar Bond, JM Kftywas commissioned to [attend tp tlie matter.: H Barlow wak; oolh- niisaiohed to repair bridge on .Snyder Branoh Drain with the Keovo of Gpl- ohoeter North, and the; Deputy Eoeve was comrnissioned to dig drain on 9th oonoession road. . Tho following orders on the Trans-, nrer were passed :-^,$2,, 3 O Brooker, stamps; $4,. UriasPhijlips/ ivalue of sheep, killed by dogs ; $8, J.Oampr bell, oharityfor Jphel $2.(53,. J Lyons, iohflrity ,tp date; $8, D li Lamarsh, re pair of Bcraper ; $7, T Osborne, ditch ing on flth concession road, N R. 8L fund; $100, pruce Fox, ,loarriroip..TiIe Drainage Funds; $(J, j Pykefti refund S L for 1896 j $8, ,is Oaborne, refund 0 L for lB9p'|;$lf! '3{3}!i^^n^/t^^d[iQ^ tat; ftl", Ja Matdtt, wood forr-.piiMp-, branch '^yO0^^-]di'aH/^p^i gflJ^JKrei^; ^ pUb]|j[sian^ vertieing Court of Reyiflion and drains B.T.R. Blook.A.. 6 81 -10 ** w 1 2.85 3 50 n . 2 : 2.80 8 50 i *'. 3 2.75 8 50 (1 , " 4 2.70 v 3 50 It a 5 2.05 8 50 i II1., "0 2 CO 3 50 4 " 7 2.55. 8 50 * ' .".; 8' 8.LI0 8 50 I* "0 8.07-100 8 50 i " 10 5.17 0 10 ' a 11 3 4 85 (t - 12 li 1 20 * " 13 .*/* ** " " U I-' . ' lfi i ( . r> 3 Plan 322 3.1,5,6 26o. enoli u 7,8,0,10 20o. oftoh 0 a O - - *^ ** & 2 o* ^^3 > 9 80 GO 75 1 10 ,.l 50 2 50 3 00 3 50 4. 00 i 50 8 65 1 4 00 2 00 I 10 1 35 9 00 1 00 1 00 '80 75 20 at astonishingly low prices^ ]irfM Wanted- 20,000 lbs. of Wool. ' ESSEX ^ Will Give You ' 1^ ii .'.r i S-18 05 49 50 . l)Ed. Vox ibe.pnrpoBo of Pftjlng tbeaamof *Sfi.d5, bolDfi fcbe total amount asseBHod aoalnHb thofltreetflln tbo Town ol Eaaox, a BUfflolent spool il rato ovoraod above all otbor rates shall bolayied la tbo Hatne mapnoranclat the eamo tliao an taxes ivro lovlodupoa the whole ratable property la tho Town of Essex In tho year 1897, Uh. That this By Law Bball be pablibbed onooln ovary week, for. four oooBoatlve\\treka, iu the EBBBxPnEE Vuebb, and sb&U come into foroo on and after tho final paflslnft thereof. and Bball be lenowtt and may be oltod aa.tbo Victoria HtrootDralnafle By-Irtiw No. S67. ', JOHN-WALTERS, ' . GEO. J. THOMAS, .".Olork.,, , , ' Mayor..., I boroby cortlfy that tbo foregoing la a crno oopy of. a by-law proviBionoJly adopted by the municipal oonnoll of the sold Town of Essex on' the flrat day of Jnno, A. D. X8OT. < 1 JOHN WALTERS* Olerfa. NOTICE Is boroby givon that a Court of Bo Tieion will boTiold at the Town Hall, Efisux. oa the 6th day bf July, 1897, at tho boar of 8 o'olock p.ta/.., for the hearlns and trial cf appeals rqade 'against tbo above asBOSB'. r^AND- "-*'.- .... -iivi.v'itai ...THIS MONTH..- - ^ ^ 111 r. i \ i t. iir mm And Don't You Forgei| taenia ; i.i\,- 1,:,i'i."' i'.:,o Vtfiflffl nifint, or any part theroof, In the manner,, pro videdby the Dralnago Act, leoi. A' notice uf Huoh' appoal to be serred'on the Clerk of the Mnnlofpality at loftBt ten 'days before ^h.a< first moetlDCofaaldOowt.' .." Vl And-tartner notloo 18 hereby ftlVen that anypno one Intending apoly to have euob By-law, ortany Sort thereof, qaaehed; must not later than ton aya after, the- final fiaaBlng thereof,^ fgrve a notloo In writlnc, anon the Olerk of tbe Uunlol- nalityof blQ Intontlon W roalto appHoation for that tbe High. Court at.Torpntp; dae: lng 'ffie Bix weekB next onaulue tho final poising. ... ,'"XW,Olerk, ;' Doted o^KBBOTt,; tbls )it day.plJ^ea807^,(1 m%.

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