Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 11, 1897, page 7

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iif mw0 iM^'^-^'v^w ;":';' v'-vV'-"- l^unoring from loan o! Vitality, Emls- ,_J"ilonfl, Yiurtow&l*, Sttinlnal WoaltneBS, JWiqO, .. BypliUli, Gleet, StrJaturo, Ulood mivVpr ,'At)7; dUeaw affecting tho God i to- EU7'Ortiu; con b& anffuroii of Bolontifio itjnemi and of: ft radical ant! rornaioont if'bj'omlling on Bit, HAT^E. Tho Doctor podingpfforvot a foflolt of $500 for auy ljj.,et t^la^ind thfct lid UttdorfcaUoB and ^^nrov,v,,'\.;'. .,.. '. y ~"H Suflorlnfl from Female WcaUnoas, I IiaBflitude, Looorrlinfla, Dlanlauo- or Ulceration ol the Womb, Neuralgia, pWiilttt,- .Bmemicw, Tumora, Ulood' Poison, IJOtoho*, Fafclal plbflgoremonta, or'lrom any a}Wy peculiar to their box, mo nkilfolly ana jooemlully treated by DB. HA LB. 2ho Doa- ^hUuaaoVpi' twenty, yours ol oxporlononln UlnfetneHoriiBlatHeeJs au eduo&tad physl Vand a sit Mod Bpocialint. iV,4-; affections ot tho Tnroat and Imiitfs aro (jpiltQv.tra'ateA at tbc Institute, by Its. stuff of JjWVWT expert. British Bpoolaltatef oiipooially jrftarrah and Catarrbal-DoatnoBtr, ABthina and Ijttmohittfl; alao, Rupturo, without an opera* * I5,:aud all DlBcnutH of tbo ltoatuiu, fmou uti les. Ulceration, JTiasuro, Fifltula, and Pro VorsFalUog.' No proration or dotoutlon business nacoaHury. i&Ityoa cannot call, sand .stamp far queation blank lor homo troatmont, J^OSoe Hcmra.O t> 13,1 to B nud 7 to 8. No aJSundav'hours. ftrf- -; BUlTlSHMBDIOATiiybllTDTK. tft : iioWaahlngton Avo., Potroit, Mlah : W. H.HAIiE.M.D ^aief CdcBultlns PbyU-oian,, riSr'.Bswaro ol tiuvollntf uootora. and othor, lpirofl. They blood to Jivo, luiditvo tq blood in Victoria's Koitfii .frJPrbshress ..: . rgv/'Wheu Viofcorla was called to tho throno tfie Uaited Kingdom, aoutainod 26,000,' 5j06b people," writes WilJiam Goorgo dor- $&an\bf "Wuat Victoria has noon," review- |ftig,ia^ha' jiitta L%diea' Uome JourunI, tfae world'e progress daring tho sixty yoiira fll.tbe English sovereign's ralo. "To-day Bi)iiwover 30,000,000. Tuo *wiso raeu' of ^iiptima saidthenation would go topleooa. liShey claimed it oould oover govom Uh 'libpae and colonial possesions. Under Victoria the now territory acquired ulono %ijione-sixth larger than all Kufopo. To-day 'viotoria rules over 402,51-1,000 people, or ^t^enty-'aevon perooui. of tho population,of >Jthe globe. Her Empire extoodH ovor 11,- 39.9,816 square miles, covering twonty one ! per oont. of tho land of tho world. Tho ignited States, at tho fcimo of Victoria's fJBp.rpba.ti6n, had ouly 17,000,000 people; to- USijty it has 70,000,000. ArUannaa, Mmsouri l^noL'IioaiaUna vfira then Westoru froutior State's.', AU our territory west of Iho Mih- 'Lalwnppi contaiued less, people than Phi In. Idelphia baa to-day. Our ^runout truns ^MiflBiSBippt populatiou uxceodB iu number Jjiiiat OfJUe whole country in 1*8.17. Our J?^"territorial area haH inoroasod aovouty-ilvo H-SSfc'pwf-bQpti^.our National wealth has in c ^'/.breaaod about 17 hundred per oont." : , WoT.hinp liettr. llf'v'Miss Emily Oryig, Alrrionto, Out., wiyfl; S'i I have never fouud anytliitiK bettor tlmii j;';'yonr ifowlor'a Extract o! Wild Strawberry Lflfe^aior p*ins in the.atonjaoh or (liarrhroa. A Mr^few doses aured mo of nevoro diarrhfm IjVafterother mediciuGH-hud (ailed. Wo al P^TSr&ys 'beep- it in the houaoaud ijavo ovury sfflsji'.ifwnflaenco in'its virtues. {ji{'> |;VlWfcat Woman 0\vs to Society. itffe " ' "Woman fituudn us a saorod tjuardiun of jgS^li'ture'.bomea'ftnd'our nation's proiiponty, K^/and"to her muHt wo look for truo rotormw. ^fc,ipo her standard muat Hooiefcy coroo. Ijot feiher bo sure to place it liudi and k'oup it m;('pute,,aud make it apiiy impurtiiilly'to all Sfefe'jpeoplo, Lot her keop out thomi whom shu feivhhdwa fall fhort of hor standard, and uovor pJi^'Vipbhdoae.iu tho stronger sex what who obn K^'^BmnBinlho waakor. .Loii hoc think not fe^fcOielervate aoolety by liidinji or uondouing Vr:A:;.ithe'evils which HUrrouud her on every Hide 4'^but only by shutting out .thoHQ whom nho Sfe^Sf'iuiTound it imponhiblo to. ruiao to her l|te;Btapdat-d;: Thu future geucratiouo will jMl^^riBft who will bless her for hor heritage, W^jipBtead of curHing. her for hor misery. - "H^wipiht L,' Moo3y in . Juno' Lidiea'- llotidpi SJfbUrriil. ' -/ 'r'.' '. ' $^';'!. , ' |iir<nclnti8 Ouro*l- l^ilE'aflna-T, IVIxuiohk i*Oo.,.TonoNTO, Os'i'. ^ i)KAR Sii^S*-1 luivo nnod Halyard's f^ellow Oil for my children when thuy liaTT broqchitm and always with groat huooihu. ^use italeofot.Horo throat, and. can nay <tixere ib nothing to>qual it as a sure euro. MBS. JAMES O'lillTKN, , Huntiivillo, Out. " I berta and fmlt ioo6 make i;ohaap; b> '.wdil a'a'^'i'tt f>prfcty \;!,"dle*Be"rfc." ; :,"BeJ*ot/'.: 'ibiai- freezer oatelqily, and 4b will bo snr. prising how am all ' a quantity of ice Will serve fot^Tre^zliig, . Strawborriofl are the fonadation foe a. favorite frozen dolloaoy, if red and ripe, Maah a ijuart with a pound of granulated sugar and- juice of two lemonB; allow this to stand for an hour; add a quart of cold water, strain and freeze. This is suQolent for cicbt perflontf. Mixed fruit may bo troatod in thiaaame way, and'prodQcca eorl' of tatti-frutti of excellent aud subtle flavor. Cherries should be Btoned and treatod aa above, but the pulps of course retained. They will become tender and tho ilavor drawn out by standing in the sugar. The lemon roav be omitted, if desired, "btifc for fltrawbernes and raspberries it ia a decided Improvomonr, Can nod oherrica answer nicely, but uoed lees water. If a oherry wator loo is desired, mash tho fruit, and to a^uurtadd tho kernels .of eight utonos, bruiaed worked to a paBto and mixod through, to stand during the hour before atrainlng............... One pint of onrruufc juico, a pound of granulated sugar . and a pint of boiling wator. When cold, froczo, turning tho da ah or briskly. When rather etiff, re move tho daHhor and add the white of an "gtf boatou Btiff as a meringue, with a (ablospoonful or.powdorodsapar. Stir this woll'through tho whole, and Hot aside to "ripoh." Tho removal of the dasher und beating in tho egfc! oauvortH a wator ioe iu- to a ehorbort. Grape juico may bo uood instead of outran*; or, indeed, any juioy fruit. Tho,oulv difforoncohotwoou froKohBtraw- horrleu and ruHphorriod is that in mailing tho latter they must ho niaahud before Branding in the sugar for an hour; whereas tho eutrar Is .sprinkled through tho wholo strawberries, and they aro mashud at the ond.of tho hour, ;;\ And'yitifiarrnenm '.'.hejtd' aohe, and kidney'; troubles. South Amorioan ICiduoy Curo tho Only Spooiflo for'Kidney DiBoaHO A Liquid and Solvent Never Kails. lyiodioal Suieuco has proved beyond a doubt 'that the solid partioloa whioh pans through tho kiduoys m the ordinary coiitho of oiroulatiou and which iu time ho grind and wear tin ho organs that they bo QQino disoasod and will not. perform the functions for win oh fch'dy woro created 'require a solvent to dissolve and eradicate, from the system those foreign suhiitauces, and tho great. Soubb Amorioan Kidnoy Cure haflprovun lo bo tho beat und most soiontitlo Hpeclflc remedy for such, and the teHtimouy of thouutmde who have boon cured by it when pill doses have failed in the bobtdemouHtratiou of tho fact that a solvent must be udramiHterod,. If in des pair use this romody. !* '" - |Jf iVl'.'i lA&A1" m Satan's .PlnmiJuu Color.- fef.pbme persona ;say that rd is Satan'a ':r^' Jf.thm bo true, Satan aoems to have fffDOarkcd moat-wniiaVn fur'bia own thin ' Hoa- ^fSui'.' Never-bbfore has there been siieh a W^azB f or ted i u- e ve ry ti'.TittB extcudod to the woraoa'a pookat^ iraacmtible shade. pocket^ Jjoathor Dooka in moro ways thun one ifiterpbaufca are briuKiug oav'a. roit variety [tOjponaM^"6'0*!?3' pursea aud Otrd otian, &)ttao3ih(? hues add are aellin^ heoi fnst. '^ome of the ar.tiolJBB are plain ; Ofchete h ivt; '^Ift'in.flU.ver or gilted tnrnmingH, Dri^ht ^^eene and purpled come next to the.".r<ld.t fe;jinvfttv6rwlisu it comos to loather ui &u. novel pfi*v*'::ff": >:.;* : Those: "WorryingPiles: %r^T;f-..;.'-..-j'-.; .>.\,',.. ." StQ.ieVrappliaatipu of Dr. Asnew.'a Oiiit- lifiidji'^Y/iti give":',.vba comfort. Applied |ve0/nii/bt,for three to hix nights and a 'Vjrfc'ifcfift otad in ttie most atubbbrn oases >^MQv;tile.etifp|;'.Qr uohiuK piles. t)r, ;nfejy^ Ointment cures Eczema' and all jhiuc aud buruiofi diaeaaea. Itaota lite ^i^i;':35,c.e.ntfl.v;,..;' ";. ,/,. ffl$w$ftaiftyh*i,'4fa\ ah'atridhy Bur* 'lEHi-'-v( A Clover Spinster Lunplioon. ' Borne wiso damsola who burn tho mid night oil cavo a "Spinster Lmiohfcou." Daisies, their petals clippod into a big rufllod !oap with a big chin how and foc- turB of all nutlcnaltiofi oiarkod on thoir- yollow disks, poepod from every dornor of tho room,.and uoUdud to tho guosts ovor a big brown j'fg full or dulpieu iu tho ooutro, of Iho tiiblo, ' Tho iionhiblo menu, bttnin- ning with elam bouillon, and continuing on through tousted brown hroud and min ced hoof, fruit enhid, fro/.nn ..mihturd, lady itngorH mid coffoo, wna eatuu amid much merrimiint. Jnno LiLdioH1 Homo Journal. In matters of health and If (quo mao or woman can afford to take risks or experi ment foplfBhly. A wrong movo, or follow* ingthe advloo of the oareless or iguoraii^ may roBuIt in serious complicatiOna,' This ia especially true in regard to the use of medicines when people are in a low oondi- tiorj of health. When :the pbyaioa,! powerB.are impaired When you are'weak, nervous, irritable do- epondettt, aleepless, or weighed down with that dull', and tired feeling that usually commences at this season of the year, it ia wiao and prudent to use the ropdtomo that ban trlven health, vim and activity to thonsanda of weak tho past. This safe, cortain und health-giving remedy in Paino's Celery Compound whnh ie now ho extensively proscribed by the ablest doctors in Canada, The iudora- era of Paine'a CoUry Couapound, besides those in the ordinary walka of Hfp, are clergymen, lawyers, judges, membcra of parliament and bankem, huniireda of whom it husroscuBd from Buffering and death. Avoid the numberlcaB liquid medioinea that are worthless fiom a medical Htand- .point, and that wo have nevur galued tho shadow of a' reputation. Put your faith iu Painu't* Celery Compound, and whtn you purohnHo bo sure you are supplied with the right article. Boo that tho bottle and box boar the uamo "Taine'e Celery Compound" and tho stalk of Celery; thiu is tho only genuine mako the kind that makes people well. ;Thfrdrkbf-i]bfkii|n6we(a^o,^m6V9l'ii If they aro overworked they fail to do'ap. I'ben trouble bejgfha.' It gets worso and worse. Hbltf the kidneya to dp their work*. , Doan'a Kidney Pilla aro true kidney helpers. They oure all kidney troubles. Chaae tho uric aoid out ot the system. Ox Gall for Carpet Gleaning. An old houuekeepor Hays thai thore may be manyiiow liqutdtj for freshening aud hrighteniug carpets but aho ban yot to tlnd anything that will do better work than ox gall. Uho one gill to a gallon of cold soft water, btirring the ox gall into the wator with u stick. With a soft hruab rub the carpet, maktu^ a white lathor. Two person should do this work, one following tha other and wushiug the lather-ofl with olear wutor. The water uhould be rubbed often, and then tho carpet uhould be rub bed with aleau olottiB until dry. A Summer Specuflc. Dr.. Fowler's 13xtracj"~"of Wild Straw berry cures cholera, cholera morbus, diarr hoea, dysentery, orumpn, colio, Hammer .ocmplnint,. oauker of tho mouth and alt bowol coraplaintfiof children or adults. It ia soothing, offtiotual and never failing medicine, .which gives .immediate; fculit-f and speedily effeota a curo. . . Mr. Jam.a Gueaa, Br., well known in Essex, haa this to say about Doan'a Kid ney Pilla : * "Formany years 1 have |had terrible pain aud lameness in my back aaused un doubtedly by kidney trouble. Tho nrine was highly colored with a great deal of sediment, and I was also aftlioted with aovere neuralgic paiiis in my head, dizzi* uesa, Bleopleasuoaa, flntterlng of the heart, ahortucaa of breath, oto. "Many a night I was so bad that 1 dared not lie down, and as a matter of faot I was in a terrible condition, completely worn- out, and debilitated, "I oommoncod tho ueo of Doan'a Kidney Pills whioh I got from Mr. Sherrm's drug store, aud oau say that they are a groat kidney and heart modioino, as well as an exoellent tonio. *'I have boon getting hotter oyer nince I be^an to lake them two montliH ngb, and to-duy havo no buck or urinary' troubles. They have also removed all the heart troubles from whioh I suffered, and I heartily recommend thin valuable modi- oitio as a Bpeeillo for a)l forma of {fiduey oornplaiut." ttanld Heart Beat. ilra, Jaa, Grist, Blenhoim, Ont,, saye: I waH troubled with rapid boating of tho hearc and a atrau^o sinking feeling, I took MUburu's Heart and Nerve Pills and they cured, me. The heart weaknoas and throbbing, together with tho nervousness whioh it caused, have completely dinap poared, and I am atrongand well." UAGYAR&S PECTOXAL BALSAM enres Coughs, Cohh, Asthmat Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles, A Triumph Won. . "-Uofo'ro taking Doan'a Kidnoy Pi.hi felt that diabetea hud its grip upon bio. N'ow I l(nov/ that it ban boon mot and de- foatod. I havu u-Hod Iho pilln for sometime and now onjoy ^ood hoalth. I shall ulwaj'H bo f;lad to tHtity to tho moritH ot thin triumphant modioino. Sighed, HIOHARD LYMAN,- . """ . 'St. Johu, N.B. : . Quoon Victoria's, Bi; Funnily Qtieoii Victoria his h'd ovor Movohty dosoeiidaiit,ovor Hlxty of whom aro hv- iuu- '8ho. has had uiua qhildroi^jioven of whom aro living, and innumoritb'lu grand- ohiUlron and groat-grand-ohlldren, Hor sons and dauglitim who am living art.: the Priuoaaf Walea, tho Duke of Connaught, the Duko of Kdiuburgli, tho ox-EmpreHs Frederick, of Germany, tho Pmtci^B Ohriatiau, |ho Marbhiouusa of Tjorne, and thoprhioess 'Boatrioo, Among her dee- ooudantB are; P.rirooH, PriuoosHs, Dulles, DuohoHaea,, .two JHmpn>sHe8, :o"o MaroilionoyH and a Lady- William ueorge' Jordan in June, Indies' Home' Jouraul. ' . ' . Two B^ttltiK-CJiiroh PlmpIeH. '" Gi?,NTi;*K.ii'iiN,~-l,tor a lon time I had idmples breaking out all ovor'my far.; I waa told obout B'.B.B , and startod ite uv-e: After taking one bottlo X was rauoh hotter, and the secmd bottlo ", made a complete cure. I have recommended it to otbtrn of my friends, and thoy h.vve found it uni formly satiafaotory. '.; , ': '...' "'- ', WhltJbroad. .On*,' NORWAY- PlttE- SYkitP'-'strtngtkw thi lungs and cures, all Throat Trouble*', DeliciouB Tutti Friitti Pudding Tutti Frutti pudding ia made by putting Olio quart of cream iu a double boiler; add to the yolks of nvo eggs a cup of sugar; beat until light; sfir thsso in the hot oream. Cook u inomeut, take from the fU'o. strain, and when oooladd i toaapoonful of yauilla; turn tho mixture into the freezer und rroc-ase; when frozen Htir in one pint of whipped cream and one cup of cherries, chopped Hue,'half the quantity of plnr- apple, chopped tine, aud throo or four gromi gaguH, All tho fruit; mnat bo Bonked for an hour in nrango juion,-- Mr.i. tj. T. Horer in Juno Ladies' Homo Journal- MANY WOMEN MOWED. .At tho pcoaout timo maiiy"'tuiuuftiot-urcB of crude and adulterated paokuao dyes ure making lively ellorts to induce tho whole sale and retail druggists anil grocers 16 buy their dyes. Theoo common dye a aro.quoted at. Buoh low prloow thatsomo proftu-lovinu dualera are tempted to buy them'. Tllo profit-lov ing doulora tlien tu-ko care to sell the(<o adulterated dyes to the inoxporieuood and oarulesH at the >iame price as the popuhr. and reliable DiiLinoud Dvqb aro sold for, TIiih iniquitottH aril dooeptivo.worlt Iub oausod avast am lunt oMoss aud troubl" to many, in C-iimda, aud wifl continue uk long as women are foolish enough to take anythibg that is offered th^m. If homo dyeing work.ia to be a BuccotB' ful and rrniioy-savlug work, ov.ory 'worain should aoe th(ib.Hhe gets the Diamond Dyes, as they are tho* only guaranteed paokage dyea in the world. With the bipod ful) of humprai the bout- od term ia all the more oppretsiye. Give tho Byatom a 'thorough oloanfiing iviih Ayei'e Sarsaparilla and a doag or two of Ayer's Pill, aud y.>u .will 'enjoy .Som- tner.HS never;<before in'ybur life.; Just try thia for, oiioe, and "you'll pot.repeufc it. Without a Poer- Works Miracles Dr. AgneVH O.ure' for the Heart i with out u riper. This great remedy relio/wf instantly the inoBt aggravated and dittr^i<s- ing forma of .heart .tltsflase. . It' is ih* best and h.uiokeut aoting formnU for liourt trouble'known to modiouj poience, and ihi UBauda of tlmea has tlje hand -of tht- riip destroyer been ita .nVeii ; Ji there ib palpitation, ahortne^a ot brtatlV; pain in the left aide;;- amotlienug poiiHa- ti6na~dbn^'delay(-.6r'yo9^miivlbe,,'bottMte^<' iiithe long lU^of ;thpae -whoi' bavejgpiiW Over'; to- the. gpoat majority, booaue the beat remedy in the Wor^d,..^o-dfty- wanC'voi WOO PH08PHOBINB, The Great EhiflUH Ilcmcdy. Six Package* Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently curo nil forms of tfervou* WtdkneBS, EmisB{pn*t8perm- otorrhea, Jtrtrxjtenoi/andaU cSfcatsaf Abuso or Excuse*, Mental Worry, csaaCBstvouttf Before and After. ^ Mch i()on faaif>to /tv., flrmUti, Jtuanltj/rOonaumj>lton and an early orava. Han boon proscribed ovor 03 yoars In thoosauJa of cimcfl; Is tbo only ItcUuhto and Honest AUdtctne hnottm. Askdnifittlfltfor WoodVPhoiphodlneilf ho ottvrti Kimo wortlilosa motUolno In. ptaco at thia, Incloso price In letter, and wo will send by roturn mall. Price, ono paekago, $lt six, $6. Ono wttl t>lca*c, tin will cure. Pamphlota troo to "any odtlroag, Tlie Wuod C<i>roprtny, Windsor, Ont., Canada, O" B6hl In Knflox and ttvorywhoio ,lu CaniuTu by nllroBpouBlblo llruuaiRt. ESSEX Hal Uoalqivircoi'H, tor Saliool Bonks. Sohoo Buppltoa,,N)to Papot\lStivelop;n, Inks Writing Tibh tvaad ofli^u Stationery *4uMim DIBPKNBINa ANP.PAMIIiY' "...'OALTiAT. ' . WINDOW; BLItoDa Away down, '. , brIINA'\VARM,. ' ' .BRtU-A-BUACE, / ' .-, 'NOVELT1BR,': ' BOO^a AND STATIONERY, ' SCHOOL SUPPLIES, , ,l '..' TOYS bi?:XUL KINDS, .:/'. ." BEBLIlN WOOL -and FINGBKING: v.YA'f^a.':^;":' .::;;, . rift/ ^^" ^fcbteJfi^TO/^ "Z;.^5ft 5? v-\^!^t/./".-i j^i^gjr: \rr i^T5in^SHVRitAr,:p,xrTHffOi*V^N;bB, , YY -VSToiued torriv-i1','^r^-tir>n4mlo>:.eifta1S. .ltahedlicuie \n Qx^HrH' rX%ywyA&7ty>WyQ.K\a eiSwoeWly RtnJ nTOftft^fls;1.; ^ohUIoii pormdnoDl. Boforouce. Rnclna-iHal^ad'h-MR^d.titAniplldebM Wanted-fin Idea ^- .r ',, t-t-'v,-| ',.(V;I1 " ' n M '^, ;^5iJt^' jfr -'"'riM r;:;j5 , J ,',':.-'.:.<w, '\~x$ ( *. i .' ' ,v DON'T WOy. a Stove until yon Befe:|j the new stpolc at~ ^ UM ::::lfi M See the Oxford's Stoves, Best id the World. ManufaoturQ by. the Gurney Foundry Co,, of Tconto, (both Wood aii^ oal). We have them in took, Oarpricea are the loWett^i pncea Call and Inspect General Tinsmithing and Repairing attended to. lotfest>: St 8&= North, of Railway Track, - - Essex.'^M ,,__,," ' ".^"'.'fcffil &>& 9 .' ',. '.'IV.'-VMS Wo (ion supply you with all Ukde|of W< odori^ Mat6ifial> pli^Bijjfl?, and drnamontal. Pine, Hcmlotk and nb^ve .Lnmbdr alway^S on band. Bliing-bs, Cedar Pcbie Doorfl'^ Bash and (loul ^Get Your Made Now.- .- ><.-,$ ::t.^S!?^^EJSEx **&W ' Qg^OOO :Cl}HEp :IN SO; YEARS; 'GURSS GUARANTEED OR NO PAY J SIODO IN GDtDFORA caseave sPUJUU IH UUUf CANNOT CURE OPj SELF-ABUSEi EHISSIONS, VARiebi| CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT^ I DRB (iLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTENT CV, NERVOUS DEBILITY/ UNNAt-i I URAL DISCHARGES, ETC/ ,;: The New Method Treatment ;is$i$ Greatest Discovery of the Ag^il FOR CURING THESE DlSEASiM 'J Tlw.ur.npds of young and middle apod men aro annually swept to a pronti'tUreM i2'"iv.o tUmiurb hAl,V 1SOI3CRETIONS, nXCESSLJS, AND BtUOD D13GASE5. Ul yon ImvoanyoMlio.roUowlnK Rymittome conflult UBhororo-ltlB too late. Are ypn JipE?'l lim 1 viP" -tf^s !"" X^^iMWfr Hi ' ': :"^ JL ' ' "* '.. a Nmirucn WltEOE. oiiuo tho brain lioooinoo aottvo, tho blood purified'." cio that all plmplea, blotcboanndulcorfl disappear; , tho norv-oa nooamo.otrohK aa etnol. bo that noryous-,.,.... noon, ' haahftilnees aha doapohiloncy dtaappoar; . thooyoob<icotno.hrfght, thd raco lull and clear, . , onrey rolnrna to tlio body; and tbo'morol, -physical-.. ttiirt.iMJXuar.syBtonio ;aro invlgoratodj alldralnp ' ., "^J ooasn^no icoro vital vmBtdlrorci:tborByBto:m.' Tho , i'l ifl various oruahfl, bpcomo natural arid manly,/ 'Yott'V'. j '3: Wo] yoursolf a man and know piarrlaffo, cannot .bo',' <[ ' We,1nvtto.alrtho'nB'/t' *,,uorll<lontially and, troo ot ch'ar^o. - Don:tlot qnae^a^' . '/fSr.nU'taitirBronyoavot^your bard'oarflQd UoUara. ,; ,.;i .-v. "i.1-"', '^SYPrtlUS.istha'Jhoifcipn^Alimti^misrf BLOQO <Ueoaa. Itpnpa tho verylUo bjood of ft^o ;., vlcttm aridanloaBonticoiyottidlcatod from thynya--v,:

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