i?i,l.".-'-K"','-1J.' ,'-'- 1NIC.: NERV0U8 AND Buffering from IoH of Vitality, EuiIb- *Iom, Viricooele, Bern In al Weakneea, ddtaf;[\ fcypullli,, Gleet, .8Wotnrt, Blood <o*"any dlseoM afrootwg tha Qepito- Organa, can bo; aiBured of jie|oh,tdflo t, and of * radical end Jpernament eftUlng on Dli. HALE. The Dootor jding offer ol a forfeit of WOO for any ryot this kind that, hq undortakos and S0M' ' ICII Suffering/rom FemaloWeakncas, CH XoBBitado, Lecorrhoea, Diiplaoo- 3 Uloeiatlon -of-the Womb.Jlouralgia, li;BatrennflB. Tanioxe. Bipod. Pojaon, Facial Diaflflaronionti, or! from -any ~* --*-------a these maladies, fa an educated pbyai- :. And a. akUled specialist, f affeoUoofl of the Throat and Lunge are frtraated- at the Institute, by lta etoff of Il^expfltt British aiiooiallstB. oejiooially and Catarrnal-DeafneBa, Asthma and nwubitf; also* Bppturo, without an opera* ti and all D J wanes of tho Bootuu.auoh as B;: rjloeratioa, 'Tlimire, Fistula, and Pro i ,X)r Falling. So-operation or detention >ua!neBfl neoeBaary. ?ou ,oannot call, sond stamp for question for homo treatment, Je'Bottre. 0 to-12,1 to 5 and 7 to 8. No idav hours. BjfcT:: BRITISH MHDIOAI, INSTITUTE &!>:'. w Washington Ave., Detroit, Mich. Kfe'W.",H.HAIiB.M.lJ. TCousultlnfl Pbyfllolau. toware ol ^ravelins doctors auu otnoi Thoy blood to live, and live to blood. 1j Iplres. mf$p Bights pt a, Young Wife. B^'Befota everything else the young wo- $$Ap has ft right to expeot from ber hus- ^tiitncl tfndernesB, sympathy and faith," naya Bath ABboaore, writing in The Jane oh? Home Jonrnal of VWhattoEx- ;'^5^(iProD3 a Young Man.*' " But bodqo- " IBS, in his cagerneBB to make' all life fair Jier, he fanoiee pho is a doll, end not a ODQ&n. And a doll is a very h elfish toy ; [tctexnanda careful treatment all the time, :d,it gives nothing but a pretty appear- in return. It is the foolish wife who ipeote infalibilHy in her husbaud. She "ptfeta that there is a differeaoe between" housewife and the houae moth, tiho ifioald expoot from her .haabaud polite- J^to it all "times, and a certain. ^entloneRB ' t eVery man possessing the real lnstinot . ,,inan gives to a woman. But she ?|S|id not ^expert from him too muoh. ^Jiae no riflht whatever to a&k of him tenon to live a lazy life horseif, ana piiyi,TBp *" her da?B ftn<J veara to vain %^le thoughts. . , When the wifo ^fmake"her husband's home-oominc a nia home-stay in R a pleasure and a and,his leaving home a Borrow, ^nen-and then only, can. ah*-e<peot a r^eat deal from bim." f$CWo JBottles Curprt dimples. %$wknxuvst for' a lonj* tirno X had BjlAples breaking out all over my face. X f^Mtoldaboot B.B.B., and started ltsttno, Eter.'tftbing one bottle I was mnoh hotter, md the Beoond bottle made a complete lib aye recommended it to others of f frjeada, and they Lave fouud it unl- Mply satisfactory. xrr'f A.'F.BEST, Wbitebread, Out, cw> The Bntlmsiastio Shopman. ^?A shopman was ahowiug a lady somo ; He had a (?ood oommand of tho jiugaaRQ, aud kodw how to oxpatiato on ^he good qualities and show tho boat ppints of ihe gpodH, An ho piokod up a ifcrasol from the lot on the oountor aud 0Jpened it he struck au attitude oC admira- ffon, and, holding it up, naid: l^'Now.tiberoi i8n,t jfc lovely? Look at '%'t ailk. \partioularly obaorvo tho qual- ityitUe fiuish, tho ^noral effoefc. Pass i^puihaod over it," ho Haul, a<i ho handod ffethe lady. "Isn't it a beauty?" I^'ias." 8*d the latlyj ' "that's my old ine. I juat laid it down tliere." 0&yr* l fe^Mbat opnghs .may .be cured in a few *jiqttrB or at any rate in a few daye, by the M^i)f Ayer'a Oborry Peotpral. With huo)i ^'prompt.and nure rouiody as thin at hand, ^ttfiB no need of prolonging tho a^orty fe'-weeksand monfchH. Koopthia remedy. I -your houpo. Signs ol Long. Life. I^TheiirBt.obnditionB of louKeyJty," b*ib writer on health and hyjjione, "are that ie'heart, the luugu, dl^estivo or^iuia and i^brain should bo larye, uaya Tlio Now 'rJjiif Free Press. If those organa are igethe truuK will boJoD^ aud the limbs Bltttiyely short. Tho person will appear Iftjt'wheu uoatod and ebort when . ou . biu jtiQ&lf. ?he hand will .have a large palm j^diWiU uot bOilhioU, with *8hort fingot'H.. 'bebraia will be nitinted deep iu thu ,^','Wbiah will bo indicated by low ears. 'Dark blue, or dark brown '^j&re favorablo bii^uh. Large. nostrils, j^anind widnt. iudioi)ita powerful lungs< tjo^traoted or b*lf ologed nostrils indicate ' 'Wlftnd feeble lnnfia." Ritel Tb oallft Illy Iiemblom*tidol fern "The ^r^r vltaela iiidioaiivd of unobang. iuitthiitihSp: j?.^V; ; The primroae is in Eoglaud an emblem of inoouatanoy. . "^~Tho China Aster ia Bet down as indloa- tiveof remembranoe. The pat plant is In Italy regarded an omblematio of muMO. , (, ..j ^j; Tho red oaroatlou Is regarded in Spain as an emblem of despair. . The' myrtle - plant has always been re garded aa an emblem of love. The pink is oonaidored in the south of Franco aymbolio of pare affection. Tho lotus in India. Ib emblematic of life; in anoient E^ypt it was a death flower. The purple oolumblue, in both England and Scotland, is svmbolio of determina tion, . > la tho south of Franco the handing of a aweot pea by a young woman to a young man is a polite way of stating that aheja tired of his company. .......^ ' A Summer Specillc. Dr.. Fowler's EatraoS of Wild Straw berry ouros obolera, cholera morbna, diarr.* hcei, dysentery, orampa, colio, Bummer oom plaint, can Iter of tho mouth and all bowel complaints of children or adults. It ia soothing, effectual aud never failing medicine, which gives immediato relief and speedily effects a' on re. BeaBts, Birds and Fish. Kaoh salmon produoes about 20,000,000 eggs. Vet toads aro sold all eight pence apiece in Paris. Germany oxporta 760,000 canaries every year to all parte of the world. Stray dogs ato cremated in XJirmidg- ham England, at the rate of 0 a day. It ja said that tho Oreqnlahd whale sometimes attains the age of 400 years. Bluebirds, tho harbingers of spring, have already been notioed iu Now Jersey and in Pennsylvania.------- The eea baa no herbivoroua animal. It is a great slaughter-bouse, vrhore all tho inhabitants prey on eaoh other. The California Board of Examiners baa reoommonded an appropriation of 8287,000 to pay ooycfte-Boalp claims, portantaiid delioato urgiqal operation perforpaijd wejj^ll in' the very beat jior-' geoo. When we have rflOSey put a Way ICapfd Heart Boat. Mrs. Jafl. Grist, Blonheim, Ont., Bay a: I waH troubled witn rapid beating of tho heart arnd a Btrango eiuking feeling. I took Milburu's Heart and Nerve Pilla. and they cured me. Tho heart weakness and throbbing1, together with the nervousness which it caused, have completely disap peared, and I am. strong and well." The Ring Pinger. Aooording to pretty good authority whioh goes back as far as the fifth oentury, tho third fiugor of tho left baud was DHtd as tho one upon which to placo the rings, partly lieoaueo the left linnd was not em- plovod so muoh au tho right, aud thus the oostlyjowela woro apt to be better preserv ed, and also because tho third finger is protected ou both sides by the socond and fourth fingerH; and still another reason, and that tho most potent of all, poriiBpa, beiug that the third Ungor in the only one whioh cannot bo put out straight alone while the others are folded in, this peculi arity; offering additional Boourity to the rings, an in all its uiovomoutH it must bo acoompanigd by cna of tho flngerti on oithor Bido. "Not Exactly Itlcrht." ThouBands of pooplo aro in thia condi tion. Thoy aro siolc and by no means will. A single bottle of Hood'a Sarsaparilla would do thorn a world of good. It would tono the stomach, oroato au appotite, pur ify aud onrioh tho blood and givo wouder- ful vigor and vitality. Now is rho fcirao to take it. Hood's PjUh onre uaunoa, niolc headaohe, indication, hiliouanuaii, All drugijinta, 25o. Nothing Bettor, te--:V;" . . IBB Emily Creig, Almonte, Ont., pays: 4ave never found anything bettor than viJf^wler'a Extract ol; Wild Strawberry ^minB;in,the stomaoh or diarrhcoa, A rjmfn"cured me of severe diarrhoea rp^ther medioines had failed. We al ^J^p H in the hpnae and have every ^e^ce,in its yirtuea. )p$j?J$S:-pttd:i \UVMJR COM* WJwftHeadacfe) ^r are cured by Bur- 3Htf"i""-'f' * ' ' """" }^Hpod!a Sare.ftparilla'. purified the i^d'reh^'ea a;^aBt amount of sriffer- Lidiotf iuteres ted in artistic noedlo- work should not miHo thiH number, the regular departmoutB of Tatting, Oroohot- iu'g,Laco-MuUiug, etc, bolug supplemont- pd by Emma Hayv.ooil'H apooial dodgna for Faoby Sfcitohoa aud 'Emhroderiea, aud JiJccloHitLHticttl Embroidory, and Bortha E- J. Jllodgott'iJ dirootioiiH for making an erabroidored box forproaoutntion to a Juuo bride. Ordor from tho local agont for the Butleriok PatteruB, or addrefls Tho De lineator Publishing Co., Ltd,, !|3 Itioh-. mbudSt., Wont,, Torbutfl.< Subscription prioo of ThoDolinoutor 81 per yoar, or.Ko. por single copy, ', ,. What wo Inliorll, Wo are not to blame for, Wo oauhofc bo iieldreBpouaible for the dispositions arid tendeuciea whioh wo deriyo from bur an cestors, uor are we reaponaiblo for tho germs of disease, *. which may inanifesi' themaolvoB in our blood bh a heritage from former generations, But wo are reaponei- ble If we allow these,germs to develop in to series of diaeasea whioh will impair our usefulness and destroy our happiness. We aro responsible if we transmit to our dos- o'eudanta the disease germa which jt ia possible to eradicate by tho use of Hood's SarsapariilaJ the one trae blood purifier. ThiB medlolne has power to,make nob, red blood and eetablieh perfqot health in place of. diBeMe.^.^ .'.v.v:'v-. , -..;; , ; }JW/?m*Y, PINE SVHUP sirmgthtim ;*/#' W*jaepoaItpl{;i^/jhB BafoHlTHj5, atroM^Hl batik. 'When we have bo'bne" dyeing work to do it ia wisdom to uae the safoat, strong' est and faateat dye. . Ye are of teat' work and experience prove that Diamond Dyes are the best in the world the dyes that give the grandeit and most saiiafaotory reaulta. '.. If you are unfortunate enough to be talked into baying the low grade dyee the imitations that are Bold for the sake of 1 aro pronta your goods will certainly be ruined and your money-thrown away. See that your dealer givea you the Dia mond Dyes wheu you &Bk for them. Evry psoboge ia warranted, bo that, you are fully protected againat Iobs. A Bicycle's Care. I. Use oil, but not too much. 3. Clean.boariugs one? a week. 8. Keep the tires welt inflated. 4. Frequently inspect to see that the nute are tight. 6. Every wheel has its weak point. Find out that of yours and aob according ly- 0. Wipe the handle bars after every rnn to remove tho moisture of peBpiration and in damp weather to do the eamo for every part whioh la liable to rust. 7. Care in picking your way will not only make easier riding, but savo your wheel as well. 8. In winter bang the wheel on the wall, if posaible. If left ou the .floor the tires must be kept well inflated or tho part whioh is on the floor will become liable to puncture. 0. A little grapbito occasionally will make the chain all the smoother. 10. Brakes should be ued with care. II. Romember that oil will eoftop and uuully rot any rubber with wbioh.it oomea iu contact, A Trimnyli Won. "Before taking Doau's Kidney Pills 1 felt that diabetes had its grip upon me. Now I know that it haa been mot and de feated. I have uned the pills for sometime and now enjoy Hood health. I ahall always bo glad to testify to the merits of this triumphant medicine. , Signed, RIOHARD LYMAN, St..John, N,B. Home-Made Ginger Beer. An old family rocipo for ginger boor that is easily made is this: Put one and one-half pounds of granu lated sugar in a largo crock or bowl, add two oauoes of around ginger and one 1 emou sliced thin. Pour over these elpht quarts of boiling water and oooaaBionally stir uutil tho liquid btioomee bko Warm! then add one quarter of an yeast cake that has been diBBolved, mix well, and when perfectly oold strain into bottloa and fan ton the oorka securely. Keep the bottles iu a refrigerator twelve hours aud then' put them iu ' a oool place. This beer will be ready to use in four or five days- Preserving Colors in. Flowers. Tho natural colors of flowers may ho prouorvori with almost their original bril liancy after beiufl dried thoroughly in sand- Tho Qardiners' Monthly, whioh suggests this aimplo prooea for' manu- Faotiiriug artiiloal flowers, states that tho rnoat delicate floworB can be mado in thia way to look for several years &b though they had boon freshly gathered. The flowor auould bo placed iu a pan or othor diah aud covered with perfectly oloau dry uand. This should bo sifted oyer the flcwer" no as not to break or bruiwo tha potalM. Every ohiuk aud cranny Bbould be filled without disturbing the-natural poHitiou of the leaves. When the pan ia full and'o'vory orevioe haa boon tlllod aolld- ly tho floworB aro allowed to dry for sovorai days. It la oftou effeotivo to warm tho sand and koop the buried flowers |u a warm oven. The eaii'd H.houtd then bo re moved, (iroab oaro boiug takon uot to break or taar tho loaves, whiob will bo vory brittlo. KroiioliitiH Ouredi. MKBBiiy, T. ItfmuuiiN i Co.t TonoNto, Ont. .Diakii Siuh, I have used Hiigyard'a Yellow Oil for my children whon they had brouchitiB aud alrvaya with great auoooBe. I uao it also for eoro throat, and oau vay there ib nothsng to equal it as a sure ouir, MRS. JAMES O'BRIEil, Iluntaville, Ont., ' :,'. Hints For Young Married people opt ia theory bat a,, well, known .fact; M; t$$Ui^-;r;:-\! >.;1n'v...\-.,:> ;,-4'-'.("-.' lf".V"1.':', '_. Try to be' satisfied on a email sonlo. Try not to look at richer homes and covet their abstly furniture. .',':-, Try to cultivate, thti moral aaurago that will resist the arrogance of faahibn. Try to avoid the too commou mistake of making ahuuwifleeffort to begin wheie the parents, ended. ' Try'going a, step further aqd viait the homes of the Buffering poor when secret diefaction la liable to spring up. "y-;" r;^,r Try toibeoheerfulin tbie family oircle, no matter how annoying,may be the bUBiT neas oaree and, the hooaekeeping/trialB. arrang" log the family eipenHOBand share, equally in any-B^ifrdenial^au'd eoonom^i';^;'-.',:'; with skilfully,[While- adoroing :theyhduBe :; : ,* .^aw'ipl'- lotfor'peopfe^ner^, are that, naffer from backache, from tbb mllilduVre eitting In his oflloe dipping oonppua, down to the hpmble oitizeh Whof Bwin'g^ii pwk for a dollar i day; nbbtjdy^U- free from it. It aU'dorneafrom the same o&uBeYThe kidceje are to blame.1 7 ' Doan'sJiidney Pilla are the one simple remedy that can be relied upon in all forms of kidney troubles. Some of your nefghborelhave tried them, and no one hae found them wanting. Here is what1 one Essex man Bays of them. Mr. J. H. Grow ' states: "Doan'a Kidney Pilla have ourod me of pain in the baok ond other kidney and urinary dim- oulties with whioh I had been a Alio ted for five jeara. "I am glad to bo able to 'atato thia a my own experience and cam reaommendl their, use to anyone suffering with pain in the baok or othor kidney troubles." . Mr. W. Feet ham, well known n Chat ham, as the' obliging manager of the, grocery department with Meaara. For- fiythe, Anderson & Co., highly eatoemed in ryii^ioUe oiroles in tit. Thomas, Out., states: "I have been ofllioted with serious kid ney and back trouble for some time, and was laid up for a long whllo with my com plaint. 1 procured a box qf Doan'a Kid ney Pille from Mr. Bhorrin, druggist,. aud they have remoyed every symptom from whioh I Buffered. *'Ah a medicine for kidney troubles and pain in the baok Dean's Kidney Pills can not bo uxoellod. I heartily, recommend them in ovory reapoct." Only two reigns iu history have been longer than that of Queen Victoria. One was tbat of Alfonso t, king of Portugal, who reigned 78 years, from 1112 to 1185. The other was Louis IV, who occupied the French throne Ti years, from 1648 to 1715. Health aDd happiness are relative condi tions; . at, any rate, there can be little happlneas without health. To give tha body its full mouHiuo of strength and en ergy, tho blood should bo kopt pure and vigorous, by tho uae of Ayttr's tiarnaparllla. HAGYAJiD'S PECTQKAL BALSAM turts Coiig}tst CoUi, AslJitna, Jiromhitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies * can depend in the hour and time of need, la prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known - sold ty druggists,' one Dollar per box. N<>. a for special cases lo degrees Stronger sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. X, or No. a, mailed oa receipt of price,and two 3-ccnt stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. 1ST Bold In Kubox and ovory where iu Canada by nil roflUDiiBlbJii Druoclat. ESSEX Hall! Eloalqtnr&oi's tor Qohool B)oks, Sohoo Supplitia. Noto P-ipar.Envulop.ia, Inks Writing Ttblit iiid ofliae Stationery ^Uewa vena fr9( DISPENSING AND FAMILY. DauaorsT CALL AT -F0II \hh KtNOS'OF- : WINDOW BLINDH . OHINAWARE, , : ', BniU-A;BUAOE, FANOY GOODS, NOVELTIES, , . BOOKS AND STATIONEHY, . 'SCHOOL, SUPPLIES, : '; , TOYS OF ALL KINDS, BBBLIN WQOL aud FINGBKING WWTBD-SBlV'BRit FAITHPPL MJJN OB . Woiiiott to itwAl ' v ro3t>ouible OBtah- -h>bod htuao (u Ontarlc 3a,lary, ^760, payable "js t&>weakly and expooaea. PoalDlon periuauenV. weakly and expenses. Foal Dion p Ueferenao,' Enclofla aeU-addreaaod at '.en veleop. The Natloial 3tar OuUdlog, Obloago. 1: 'fi;-- :'^^;S wintii ......L V^i%tt ' ' y.trri'm mm tt "^ <-* *>?> r.y" U.'> ;>:f.if r," *0M ,,,,,. , ,x$0 m ',-,'.-fie dj*t$vi<ii<}-2^*r:ti*i$. .l.iS BU"S a Stove until you Be thenew stock at >&. See the Oxford's Stoves, Best in Ihe WoHll* Manufactured by the G'W^ney Foundry'Co., of Toronto, (both Wood and- o al). We have them in tock. Oiir pricea are the lowest* General Tinamithing and llepairing attended to. North of Railway Track, - - Essei \-tJr ." >? , >$? Buildirtg* ? m We rtan- supply you with all kiudyfof Wooden Material, plain and oruamontaL ' Pino, Hmiloik and nativo Lumber alwaji on hand. Shin^oa, Codur Peats Dooxa Saah ftiul (loal. nance** ^(Muqkm - acdUKiiaoeM acdo xiiaKoi s GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY DISEASED!MB1 CURED TUf1 IIC AN VK * young men, middle aged men and old men eon look back at I1UUOA|i1pv their boyhood days or early manhood with a aish of remone, ' The bjoorane* of earlyroath, or later en a rolMpent llf* as "one of the boya" has sown - tlioBeedaforntmremumiua. 8ELP ABUSE 1bavertiblealn avahistnature and 11 will bring a rloh harreei. Blood and Private Diefa sap tho very life and vitality HM of the vlcltm. Our NOT HKTHOD TKHATMBW wW poaitlvoly cure aU the follow-. lngduoasMi. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS. NERVOUS PEBILITV^ . K MESS, PIMPLES, LQ8T MAMHOOD, UNNATURAL Kl ft DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASE ^ " 4BF Vflll ^^TlP^^.^^^'l^^wdeblHtotediilredm^ fink IUU ( ambitlon-llfoleu; momof/poor; oaaily fatigued; excitable and Irri- taeio: eyee ennken, redandbloxred; pimplodon facoj dreams and night lowiee; reat- leu; boggard looking; weak back, bone pnlnni hair loneei oloore: aoro throat; varico* < cole; dopoHit in nrlno and drains nfc ato]; dlBtrnatfol: want of confidence! lack of.' m 'KM ',';'V.-^^ M :>.,,'.;: cuergyimdBtMngth-lVH QAN OURB YoU"o'r ^ASK WO FAY** || CURES GU/tRANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL tf*M, VB*. R of o almllur dteoaae, adylBod rao to try thorn. I didao and i'n twombntbFwajUW4 ,0fc ,. Jyonrod. ^hyU^J*Ilfcpraiujo. I am now married and have two healthy thiid, I VARlnnRFI F fttlRFn "Varloooolematlellfpmiwrabie.. I wad TOakWr; no ambition. The Golden Monitor* oponod my eymt Tho NeW Method oftiotirient olw tin. Kennedy and Kergan oared mo in a few weelu. PUTfiHeON, ionKT^ - S EMISSIONS':,CpEDi: iS a weakonea me phyBloally, BomeJiy and n Into 'decline' Cccneamptlon.) Mh EMEU80N Mlatee his experience; UI lived oi 1: nil ^ .... _to nv" banda. ^riearaedthe tWfH imd*thTCATDl had oapped.my ^ludlty. ,1 took th^Ke^MeUiod T^tment and waa oared. Ateohopll Uarned-an early 'habltr'whlol dootore flaid mentally. Family .ally The Oofdea Uaidtdr,? edited AKergnn, fell into mr, handV I. learned the THU had oappedm.ttiy,vitality., I took-tha KeW MethM___,__ friends think I waa cured of consumption.* I have, aeat them W go: JjJ menaa tainir j waa cured of conauniptipn.; I have, aeat them many- MtfafefcC: aU'oi'W U manffood"*0 "* -Tlwlr--Now .Method Treo^ent enppUe^!rlgo^i!^^ = <JYPHII IS nilRFI) ,Thi8 ^rfbleblciddlaeaiwwaeii^^ ror elg^rW OlrnlL 0 bUIlCUii yeora, Hadti*enmenmry;fot twoyoara, **" returned. > hyes red, plmplea and blotohuon theeklu.ulcora In thi tongue, bono'poina. falling out of hajr.weaknef9.ete.'My brother; onred of (iloet und Ktrlctaro by Dre, Kennedy and Kergan. reooni - diseaaa^BU yeora."-W.;R';M^Japlown;::^ K REAtttiftl Kit WBtf^qia;.. I vl Our _ ____ cninlon Kreeof (marRa;___ ;(fllr^tod)/qnI)iaeaoaDf .P'i-^YB^B?tlJinrf.,jo; mm 36