JUlHo detail Wflkes ivdrcrtlfllng atupid, and-when wc emphaiitc Special Bargains you toitiVfor'granted there nre lots of things that.never get into the papers. Hundred* of Spliti^Me JEquoIIy Cheap and Equally, Interesting, What we want particularly li'for ffe^c U there ia to see. The atore la the place to see goods aod examine them, not 7cwipRpe.' You can judge the entire trend of values by these leaders. im*-r'-....... ' ' *' f MEN'S WEARABLES. iMea'p i-DUttdn, Sacque SuiU, in Dark JjjfQ?dv Gray Tweed and Navy Blue ^^^e;;^eU'niade and lined, very special Sftfc'^rii *. W.95 ' Joys' 2f'piece Suits, in Canadian and' Jllsh Tweed, Dark Grey Shades, good an cloth linings, sizes 22 to 28/ extra ^iu^ftt. ;>..,..,.,.............. ....81.95 ^'Slen's Soft Felt Hats, Large Crown, wither Sweat Bands, Black only, j&;;Jifeii*s Colored Cambric Shirts, Laun- l^dricd Bosom and Separate Collars, in fefiue and Pink Hair Line Stripes, special iff fe^Moh'i Laundred White Shirts, Single w or Double Bosom, Soft Cotton Body jfe(Cprnfort /Brand), extra special at.... fe WASH GOODS. sfe*-';*7-inch Small and Medium Check fe.'Gjpfihams, Fast Colors, regular value 8c ffiper yard,- special at.................. f]>v:-;37-:and 2S'inch American Prints in Slight and park Colors, Small Neat Pat- fftterris, fast colors, special at............ ^A'^*7*irich Crinkle Cloth in Light Colors, ffJJ?eat Stripes, Suitable for Wrappers,, fast ' v}.CQlors, Very special at................ ^oc 75c Soc 5c 5c 5c 0L0VE8 AND HOSIERY. Ladies' real French Kid Cloves, 5 and 6 Hook Lacing, extra fine quality, in Tans, Fawn and Brown, special at.... 75c Ladies' Taffeta and Lisle Gloves, in Black and Tan Colors, all sizes, special at 15c Ladies' Black Cotton I lose, Ribbed Tops Fast Black, full fashioned, special at 2 pair for........................ 25c Ladies* Black Cotton Hose, Silk Fin ish, (Hermedorf Dye), with Colored Tops in Pink, Blue, Cardinal, Yellow and Heliotrope, full fashioned, double heel and toe, special at........ r.........,, 25c WASH QOODS. Full Standard Canadian prints in all Colors, including Indigo Blue, Black and White and Fancy Colors, special at.... 9c 32*inch French Organdie Mouscline, in choice Floral Patterns, very sheer; re gular price 20c per yard, extra special at I2je 32-inch Heavy Prints, in Light aud Dark Colors, Neat Stripes, Spots and Floral Designs, regular price ixtfcpct yard, special at...................>.. 10c P1^These goods are right in line with your present needs. You may take it for granted that &wehave everything a Man, Wonqan or .Child may ^require to wear, and prices arc less than {^anywhere else. Special Bargain Day Every Wednesday. .... C. W. HENDERSHOT. Always HlRhest Market Prioo Paid for Butter and K#rb In rolls or crocks, Bgo;VThree 4*raghter# Bn>rvlve-Mr., BauglimMi an4 Mra. Bon Baugh^aa, of .Essexv-%"y: .: "":VrVvA-'V^y^V"' A nbw Bwindle la being porpetratoi,! upon the farmers.'; A man drives up to. 'the farmer's homo with a carriage, and in ft hurried manner announces that he is a messenger from some near by tele-, graph office, And nays that he has a tele gram announcing the death of a friend. Ho secures $2 or $8 in payment of ox- delivery, and leaves immediately,, bo- fore the farmer has time to realize that the alleged dead portion in the despatch is no relative of his, and that it is just a little soheme to fleece the farmer. Guibbkt G Wiar*H and' Britton D. Wiglo, sons of Gordon Wiglo, of Palo Alto, Oal., but formerly of Eflsox Town,1 received the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the California State University on the ltfth inst. In 1890, these two young men with their sister Elsie graduated from tho San Jose High School and in 1805 graduated from the Stanr ford University receiving the degreo of Master of Arts. The. two bro thers took a post graduate course and last year had tho dogroo ofB.A. conferred on them. Ofi the 18th jnst, they wore both admitted to the bar. ---Gilbert has been a J. P. for three years and for some timo past Bjitton 1'ofl been principal of tho Gilroy High School, Only another ovidenco that Oauadians will mako thoir way to tho front whon taking up their residence inthoU& M1IP111HPIP 11^ Finds piir Large ^ Goods selected with the greatest care, in the best Markts~ni-iriarked at the; ^lofl^Bt possible margin. a Foot Ball iOOL! Wool! Woon ^100,000 Lbs, Wanted at W* m & 3i The Kingsville Woolen Mills, $>ux Prices : 20c. Cash, 22c, to 24c Trade... mv- #'^'#" THE BROWN & WIGLE CO., of Kingsville,Ltd. Tho first game in the Peninsular Foot Ball League series was plnyod on the Agricultural Grounds on Friday even ing last between tho Ebhox and Chat ham teams and resulted in a tio, 1 to 1. ThoOhatlmniboyH wore HOinewhaE heav ier than thoir opponents some of tho latter having but lately been playing in tho junior team. A good game waft put up and good plays wore numerous. The following teams lined up: - EflHMX. CHATHAM. J. Fuorth......Goal......P. Hicklin And liave prepared for At' we beg to call special atteiilibii 1| to our fine assortment of Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Union and All-wool Carpets, Oarpot Lining and Stair Pads. 'New Goods at close prices. The Ladies All Agree . . \'^^"S^ That we have evidenced Exceptionally G-ood Taste in the selection of our Summer Dress Goods, Prints, Gloves, Mitts, Hose, Vests, Blouses Belts and Ties, Our New Parasols Are Elegant. . srfTX We have not Forgotten the 'Men.'Our-Range of Suits5Suitings, . ghirts, Collars, Ties, Hats, &c, is unusually large and attractive, and Prices the Lowest. m OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT"^^7 Is Replete with the Best Q-oods in the Market. New Colors; New shapes and Extra Values, Our Grocery Department 18 All Right as uEual. COME WD SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING. M J. WIGLE & CO. DTT1TSTkHT BLOCK. ESSEX- . Bucks A.W. ICeaue.T. Gourlay / H.B.Taylor ) Gr.W. Allison \ half hacks Xj. I), Stotls J 8. Pizor *w fThe isii-xnc Essex Free Press, Ift1'-' BRETT i AULD, PROPRIETORS. m . FBIDAY, MAX 28, 1807. >^ippiiicJATioif ia being made by tho iSJCoWn Council to tho Lioutouaut-Gtov- ^caor in Council for-vowor to borrow way of dobonturoH tho eum'of $5(- ijOfti. Petitions in oppoaltion to tho anting of, such power have boon sent His Honor and contra- potifcions isking tot such powor are now in oir- inlation and will also bo forwarded to &6 Lieutenant Governor. Of tho 85,000 (ekod for, 9,000 is to bo paid in taking ipthat amount riow duo at tholm- serial Bank for domostio oonnoctions, oAier imprpvomoata to waterworks sl|jia4y.put in and paid for, and tho [bflanoe is for putting in Wo now (bqijors and other, ropairs aud improver jmeutH to tho watorworka sytom. tTUere is now a floating (]obt nfc tho (bank, on which tho town is paying 0 Ippi? cent.interest annually, wlioroas tho Idebenturos will oall for 5 por cont. On te$8;000 above roforrodto tho town ','now '. paying 180 each year for fteresfc and still not roduoiug tho incipal. If tho ordor-iu-ootmoil is Ttained tho .^(OOO will bo paid up in years at tho rate of 8401. St oaoh ?ar. The town of Amberstburg four irs ago obtainod a similav ordor to je tho sum of $0*000 for tho samo >pseB that EnBex is now asking 35,- for. : County Court Jurors; frlie^following lists of jurorw oinpan- ja'dfor the OountyCourt, with a jury, ^jph begins at Sandwich on Tuesday [K^/before Judge Homo: feftid Jary A. J, AHworth, of Gos- l^outh ; Janxos Bondy,.of Maldon ; IptLyliennett, of Bandwich Easfc;)Wm. ptfebf Sandwich South; Adam Hark- Pp^*abjiry.:Woflt ; Felix Molooho, [ffladerdon; Joseph S. Malott, of S^ar Robt. Paddon, of Windsor; }^uallins, of IJoamington; Goo. ^qbidoux, of A-mhoi'stburtj:; !P, Xj. & of' Oolohestov North; Peter toianj of Sandwich and 0. H. Wiglo, ^^fc- Jury Alex."'Borrowman, of IgJMdon; Prank Bush, James punu- v'^ of Essex; T>. Banwoll; E. Jp, rtiign'. > and Robert Weir, of ceryUie; H. J. Coupon, P.- H. |h 'and B. G. Westoott, Leaming- Michael DoBlippe, of Colchester feJanies J; Gahan and Alexander ^|:oiVTilbury West; ThoS; B. ^Siv iliewifl Laforet, Wv M. Xeflctr, Wjkjjrlen. and Sam, MoOauiey, of ^ 'ftej*;^*; Jaoque; F, H. Lafoud, MoCormiok and J. F. Roynolde, ^OTrB.-Keith, Tilbury ; Thofl. >isv of Amherstburg; G-.(Lalonde, of Bolle Rivor; Potor Lamareh, Henry Leslie, N. B. Mo'rso, J. A. Musgrovo, Albert McMillon, Andrew,f. Noble, F. Roissnor, D. B. Roid, Wesley Roid and B. RoadlioiiHo.of Morsoa; Ernest Ouol- lotte, of Sandwich; Malcolm Quick, Asa Shoploy, Thos. Sutton and John *Wright,of GolchostorNortli; J.S.Quoon John Rouaud, S. Stowo and Simon Smith, of Wm. Hooves, W. J. Taylor, Scott Thornton aud.R. Whit- more, of Gosuold North; M. Soxton, of Sandwioh South. Additional Local.- Mw* Vjoivu ?x uiiis spending a wook with i'rionds in Leamington. H. M. FAWi went on a btnunosa trip to Clovoland, O., this wook. W. H. RioifAitDHON has roooivod or- dors this wook for sovon bioyoloH. X). Jamkh BitusN has boon quito ill for a fow days. W. R. Wwrjis, of Detroit, visited his brothers, M. J. and N. P., in town, on Monday. 0. J., A. and A. W. Gardner, of Leamington, spout Sunday last with frionds in town. Mna. W, H, RroiuimsoN is in Do- troifc this wook visiting at-Honry'Rioh- son's and with; other frionds. Mns. K, Fiunkh, of Toronto, is in town givinginstruofcions in the outting and ilttiug of ladies drosses, oto. Fkkp SiNAHAO, Miss Annio Wridp and Mrs. Robert Gordon, of Leaming ton, called 011 Essox friends on Thurs day ovouiug last. ' Mrs. Mtodook, of Toronto, who' has boon visiting with Mrs. H. M. Paul, horo, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Raymond, in Leamington. ' On Tuesday last, at Detroit, a mftr- rinjjo Iiconso was isHuod to Simon G. Taylor, agod Uti, of Amhorstburg, and Lytlia F. Miffln,.-38, of Detroit. ltiav. J. G. Buown, rotumod mis sionary from India, will give .a lecture on India in tho Essox Baptist church on Tuesday ovoniugnoxt. No admission foe will bo phargod but a collection will bo taken up in aid of missibnH.Rov. Mrr Brown was stationed at Essex some years ago and would bo ploasod to moot all of his old time friends. Mns, Et,ii5AjaBTit MiaENmn died at tho home, of her daughter, Mrs. Bon Ba'ughman, in town, on Tuosday, In the 74th year of hor ago. Decoasod had boen ill for about six years past aa the result of a stroke of paralysis, and about Christmas last came to Essex, since whioh tiaie she has resicl- od with her daughter, Mrs( B, Baugh- man. Ou Thursday evening last,, she was seized with another stroke to which she sucoumbodori Tuesday.' For sever al years past she had residod with, her; daughter in Niagara Falls. The remains were convoyed from here to WeUariS- mpsS':-,^.yl..t.^.- :-.: '. G. S. Balmor S. Courtney H. Holmu A. W. Kolly P. Pijrgott C.Shaw W. Ohuroh | A. Anderson, A. Dixon Forwards J R. OOok A. E, Laing R. A. Stark A. Gourlay /'" . \M. Sheldon Game was called at <J o'clock and Chatham winning tho toss elected to piny with tho wind. Both toamswdrk- odhard.during the ttrflfc'half aud but for the good'goul-keopqr of tho Chat ham team the Ebhox boys would have made, more than one goal, the hall boing kept in front, of* the Chatham goal nearly all that half. At tho open ing of. tho second half changes Wore .toado on Chatham's oloveu- Cook wont to tho outer loft and Stark, who was too badly hurt to do much wingrushing, plnyod centre, whilo Anderson woutup on tho ooutro right, Shaw fulling in. Tho change had immediate oftoot. Stark kiclcodoflf to Cook, whopaBBodtc Shaw, who in-turn sent it out to Anderson. Tho latter riishod it down tho wing and sent in a hard wing shot which Fuorth sent back into tho iiold, but before ho could got back to his post tho ball was returned by n quick shot and sont between tho posts, This was, howovcr, thoouly mistukoFuorth mado and his gonl-kuopiug was exoellout.. The Essex boys, us soon as this goal was made, sot to work with a will and kept tho hall hovering in front1 of Chat ham's goal continually. Finally about ten minutes before timo was up, on a corner kick by Church in a sorimmago before tho goal, Alex.' Gourlay sont the ball between tho posts- No othor'goals wore mado. The Chatham team put up an oxoollont combination game. Hud Ehhox boys plnyod with tho vim in tho flrnt half thoy displayed, in the second, half tho game would, no doubt, result ed diiforpntly. Tho aoorind game of -tho BorioH will bo pjayod at Chatham to-morrow, (Saturday) and tho winners will play tho winnorH of .-tho Detroit- Windsor series for tho championship,. -------------------------------------^-.fc Tho Winnipeg dootors held a moot- ingTiUdworo unanimous in thoir opposii tion to tho proposed Victorian Ordor of Nursos. Goorgo Boggs, a Kingston man, em ployed in a drugstore at Syraouse, N. Y., poisoned himself booausohisBWpot- hoart disoavdod him. . Mr. Fitzpatriok, . Solioitor-Golioral, has givOu notiob of a bill to make tho Controllers of Customs and Inland Revenue members of the Cabinot, James McKonzie, a ten-year-old Dundas boy, is doad. Ho was bitten by a dog about ten days ago and it is thought ho diod from rabios. Robert Woolloy, Hamilton, a letter carrier, and his wifo and child wore poisoned by eating canned iish. Thoy recovered under doctors' oare. .: John H.'R.Mol Son, president of the MolsouSrBauk, and hOad of the well- known Montreal brewery firm, ded Friday morning, after an illness of several months- ; /' John Gennhart, aged 45, and Ethel Rockey, aged 15, of Walsingham, were arrostea at London on Monday, on their way to Port Huron. The man is charged with abduoting the girl. ' Special Sale of SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. Special Lilies of Dress Qoods. Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per "yard,-all wool. Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black Soleil at very low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. OLOTHING.. We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. "/it- m BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxfords for $1. Men's Brogans for $1. Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices. GROCERIES, "We Lead the Trade in best Goods at 16-west prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded, J. A. FRANCIS. <&* Highest Price Paid for Wool arid Produce, In order to dispose of all my Stock, I am making a Big Out in Prices as will-be seenby the following: Black .Suits from.>...........,.*. $14' 60 Upwards Fancy Worsted Suits from.. 16 50 Tweed Suits from,. .......#.... * .* -*-" 10 50 Black Trousers. .......... ................. 3 00 In Men's Furnishings we have a nice range of Nobby Goods, Soft Shirts for warm weather, J?ine White Shirts and a Line of Unlaundered Q-oods at'7&& cents. We have neckwear which we are offering at 15, 20 and-.2_5 cents in Very neat, pat- (t U terns We want you to see these Goods. ItM money saved to deal with us. DEWAR vm J3hsox 3ta>*kot Wheat red per. buabol ..,, 8 VVboat, whito ' .... Corn, '. Oats * Timothy Soed ...'.* Clover Bood - Elay poe toa........... AUilia , ... Pork Live woight,..... Mafctou ....... *'.i-i. Hided .'..*........... Cliiokouy por lb......... Butter .......'... Lard *........ Efjgti, por doz :.,,;..,.-.. Potatooa, por bushel .... Carrots..'........ ?. Wool Unwaebed ......... Wool Washed .. ...-- -< (15 to 16 to- 70 70 .32 10 1 -25 fl'OOtoi 00 C 00 to 0 00 HOOto <i 00 1 GO to A SO 5 00 to 5 00 4 00 0 11 7 . 8 7 ac 40 10 17 ...0...O... ^ ...;iiough and renderodv..., .....',Delivered at tho Essax imperial Soap Works .;^..B. SIJOTK, Prop. You Can Get Ono Parlor Suite, ' Ono iiodroorh Buito, One Extension Tab lo,. Ono Bidoboaird. Six Obairs, One Rocker, J B I I All For -ALSO- Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Moulding? ana Everything in tho Furnituro Line at .CloBe Prices the Beat Good&in the Market the bulk of which is pur own manufaoturo, there fore we will guarantee it tho est in tho )&arkQt * * 'if;/- Undertaking A Specialty. Firat-Claas City Hacks in attendance ":..' *:/All of the aboyci to be had at ^ ;,.;',; o , ; V NeW Bakery. ^ I bog to inform tho oitizeas of Essex and vicinity .that I bayo Opened a. Bakery afc/ my rpsidonce^ Victoria St. whore can bo found .'a full line of . .' -. > ,.vv:*VyiE :w I Bake the Detroit celebrate' 'J^fit'M ed.Homo-Made Bread1, wbiohv\;: ' J^|| is the latest &nd moet appeV \ ^0 tizing..; Patrons can obtain; \i ;SM^ this Bread, by calling at :\:. '":/,:J;X:>}$fi BAKER'S GOODS. .:.:GtiOCE/?Y,y^^.;;y He lb handling the goods tot :i;f^ wffi$s& me,, ' '. ^'.lV'^vv'^v^lOTp Please Give Me; a^TrtaKlS , 'O^d^e.oohvinoed.J^atJ^oah'^v^ ^reah^s^my^agon:;^^