>;*-Vi in ,, idlollntl!irt,ofDlroll li)AY,TUE8DAY AND WEDNESDAV ONLY r/Hiimakba^efoUowlajf onor totbcatolt: ^raUdf who cill upon hito tor trentraqntt ^gjrm/'froin.'now; until furUior notice, tfthoy Kfiljlj^ will ^^lti-twt only ol'W^BUlt^tka,, awnumtlan mQrffifrirt, bu> lso all mlaor.mtOfficii opera }ftjiiiii.. .Hcmombor,' no charge wbatovor ^taal' ^niaclft for any services rendered (moOicinc '^xiopteflr from now until farther notice, um. ^*il those who iJOgln treatment while this offer Sojdil'ffdodi ViUrobarre aerrioes tree of charr- ^ throo months, from the date -thoy b*r' ^'i,lfivalidsaroreQuostod toavull themflcivtic gW^bfleroVtho oarlleat poasiblo moaioui. s.L ^^CunufluaUyloi-B" somber or calls may con ;iIKiUua/t<iaooo *ttbdrawiit. * Patients abould ^jjtiail'pnlyon the days lndloated, namely f Moc- lif flay Tuesday Oi Wednesday of each week. ;:'v:;Mole and Vamala Weakness, catarrh and ^^Kanl IJeaXneaa; alflo, Ruptpro and all Dia* y^eftMB ot the Rectum axe positively ourod by ;^<Wt now treatment. ' ii^./Uyou-oancct call, send attmp for qoMtion v:<Wanlttorliomctretaiea, _ KM&' Offlo* aours to B.' ' ^?::;.^BBBi5i MBWCAL institute (Washington Ara., Dmorr, Mw H*^llll I Ml Ail "Untruthful Flag. f\.:'; If ever there waa anything in the world _ v'}'fliat wont by contraries, it ia the Chinese -$'f"'r It will be reoailed that it ia one of rj" ine. gayest "of national standards. The b/ody of the banner is of a pale yellow, saya f.^.v C (tho PittBh"ar Diepatob. In the upper ^ljS!v;jy\'..' loft,l>*>^.9<>?uor,ls a email' red sun, and "^ '.'^'.."looliinB atuit is a fierce Oblnene dragon. WS5; "Abonti.OOO years ago, bo the story tons, :"VfVs;.;i';tt6 Chin^ma$e-war upon th Japanese. ;(;;"|J^ They prepared for a .<eat iovaaion, As a *< 'n - prophecy ty victory thoy adopted a atand- %^-V ard whiob. is \ that of the present time. |i^|;;;They took kt tie iron' of Japan and made it ESSVfiry amal^.Tnla,they pat Id front of the d'-Jifc'.;:'dragon's *popth (o express the idea that Wf$:.%ke Chinese 4Wi would devour the Jap- fe/Wiese. It, ^appe'nftdt>hbwever, that the m$}-..Chinese fleet, conveying an army of 100,- 0& -000 men; was wrecked on its way to Jap uS'an, by a great storm, and all but three of ll^^a^Qp.OOO perished. The result of the precept,war has not been any more oon- ,^ vincjinK than the first affair, that the Ohi- |$ nefle flag has been' inoorreotly oorioeived; Jgfc.v-'. ?- 'V-My husband was ,'v E*V- nv. . HuBbana Is Well. Mm. Wm. Hambly. BeUevitle.OnMays; troubled with kidney complaint, rheumatism, Iobb of appetite, Sleeplessness, etc., anl could not get re* lfef until I got a box of Dean's Kidney Pills for bitn< Ho has now ubed focr box. as in all and ia perfectly 'cored." Doan'b Kidney Filla are the ones that oore. Remember the name, Boan's. JSovel Insurance. i>.. .'" A peculiar form of ln'aurano* is just now in active demand iu England. Many por- aons who have invested largo same iu rout ine windows along the route of tho great Jane procession have miuimized their risfa by taking out policies on the life of ; the Queen. A lar^o number of suoh in enranoeshave been e0ected at Lloyd's at the rate of five guineas per oout. for three months. Double this poroontage is .the quotation for ' KiBkWwbiok. euaraliteo the insurer from Iobb through tho abandon- ment of the procession from any cause whatever. As much as SO guineas per cent.premium has been paid on lar^e BUtuH ; against tho risk of the route being ohaug* d. .- .xf'.'r Erysipelas CummI. Gkntlbicbu, In the- spring,of 1893 I was taken with erysipelas iu tho fuoo, whiob left me in a very bad state of health tout having taken one bottlo of Burdock .TJlood Bitters" I oan truly say that it ourod me. You are at liberty to rofur uiryono to me for further partiqulars as regards this wonderful medioine. JAB. B. OROOKJGR, South Parraiugtou ,AtmupoliB, N. B, Too PbBBible. KniokerT-"Wo had to dicbargo our pabtor baoause ho miaprouounood a word," [;'. .'/'Yob. He said, the dear departed had fpni >,; gone to "the undiscovered country from Rfe."; whose burn no traveller roturaH.'" M;fc.. : -------- KI^' fe;v:' We are not to blame for^ Wfl eanu6t.be l!g',:*';- held responsible for tho, Jiapoaitlona and %; ','.-.\ tendeuples whiob we derive from our an- |-;;^w:.i oestors, nor are we reapouniblo for the ^' 'flermB.ol' dieeaae, whloh may manifest 1,^V(; ,, themuelveB in Onr blood as a heritage-from' >E"' ' 'oraier generations., But wo arG rospobai- km hie if we allow these germs to develop In to series of dineases which will impair our ttaefuluessand dostroy par huppmoHa. -Wo pM'rM:r' ",!&TQ^responsible if we transmit to'dur/'dea-- k%^'I,,; ', ,'Oendants the .liaeaae. germs whloh it ie M$v"::'! : - possible to eradicate by theuse of Hood's KfiJpV . SarBaparilla, the one true blood ; purifier. w*'m& *'! This modioine has power to make rioh, red p^w.^V;':.bipod and establieh perfect health in pluoe ^^ " f^iv>:*" '. ; 'A.bandy device for small rooms oonbieta of a metal band attaohed to a, bracket to ffi^.,j|f ,hold the.wash bowl,.wliibb oau be swung- M;'V>r down.against the wall when not in use to M,y->;.hp^the>owl oat Of the.way. ' W^^^U^P.-removes iiuot/fts of ail kififis frvm c?M4' r^ereeUeBmoothlyv ',',..;'. "t\:.: '-" aiie-yirfu^rtthCTbone are bo tnftny that the^iitdry ot-tyfrz$6t&&lon spundi almost' &> ggod..t6 Jghfcw* I* on tf o&i&dlni-f l-fc#&; of stlflneai, aid wb,i|e^n9Ver loosing iu.flrmneM il ! so flexible that it never breaha, It-oao-** waebed and Batched through, and It is ao Jight thit-il ban be put into Bummer waists or white pettiooftU. > It la used In bodioes instead of whalebone, and in this oapaoity has the merit of never poking up and of preventing any break at the top of the ooreet. The eight gowua which Mrs. MoKinley bad made, for * the inauguration were all finished with featherbone in both skirt and bodice, and Mrs. Bryan haa ordered it to be used in a gown whiob she ia now haying made in Lincoln, Neb, Mrs, Bryan's gowtr ia a plain tailor- made, of a changeable bine and green wool fabric. It ia lined with cbauf oable bine and green taffeta silk, aud the hat that will be worn with it will be trimmed with miroir velvet, matohing the gown, and combined with a bit of something red. >alne'a Oeierr Compound Complete* .' >.,. lr Oarw^nra. i|oi*^er, of vj ThorntaUI, Onl. . ir Undoubtedly the Best. GKNTiaMBN, I wish to say that Dr. Fowler'a Extraot of Wild Strawberry haa proved a wonderful remedy in j my family. We would not be without it for twice its price I say it Is the ubst (not merely one of the beat bat the best) nuudioiae every brought before the pablip forlsammer com- plaint or diarrhoea, either iu children or adults, , JOHN UNDfiRHILL, Licenae CommiBsioner, Strathelalr, Man. Planned by Rodents. The residents of Pelee Island have been'. Buffering from a plague of rata ' for some time. : A few days ago a number oj farm ers Btarted out to rid the neighborhood of tho pest, and after a day's bard work 1,100 rats were killed, A great number of val uable frnlt trees have been destroyed* by the rats, and the farmers are afraid that unless dr&Btio measures were adopted at once, the 1897 crop will be seriously dam aged. The rabbits,'too, are also breeding faster than they can be killed off, and meantime they are improving their oppor tunities by destroying as many plum trees as they oan. On Boia Blauo Island, rats have become a common sight, and as an experiment, the authorities on the Island are advertising for twenty-five oats, with which they believo they'can keep'the rats from increasing too rapidly. FAVORITES F0RL0NG YEARS, 3?or long years Diamond Dyes ' have been the favorite family dyes in the Dom- iuionof Canada; and although imitation package dyes have beon plentifully offered for salo.tteir groat inferiority to the "Dia-! mond" iu strength, fastnetis, beauty of color and brilliancy was known to tbo great majority of women, aud thoy were condemned and avoided by all who valued good aud bright colore. No Hentiible wo man san afford to nek hor goods with poor dyes when the "Diamond" wore admitted ly tho world's boat. . A moat Important point to remember is that the Diamond oost no more than the orado and common dyes sold by some dealers for tho sake of large profits. Ask your dealer for tho "Diamond"; if ha vatuos your trade ho will be in a posi tion to supply you. liagyard'a Yellow OIK The great pain euro. XIsod externally aures rheumatism, awellinas, spraina, bruises, stitfod&d, pain and soreness of ovory description. In torn ally, UBed it ouroH oroup, colds, Horn throat, hoaruoBS, anthum, broaohitis, quinsy, etc. Price 2tfc, all drugyist. ' What a bleaatng.it would be to humanity if all suffering men atid women anew, just What Palne'u Celery Compound is able to do.-"; ' --. The work that oanuot be done for the sfok in long years at experimenting with other medioinea is saoeeBBfully carried to victory by Fame's Celery Compound in a few short weeks. The curb of Mrs. Hopper' fally proves the assertion made above. After years of failures, mlaery, agony and deapondenoy, Paine's Celery Compound made a "now woman" of one who had become a mere wreck one who was fast neariug the grave. Have faith, snffererl A strong dehveror U every ready to help vout From to-day let your hope he centered in Paine'a. Celery Compound and its power to cure. Ic has never disappointed any; it oauuot fail with you. BeadMra.Uopper'6 wonderful testimony: "With very.great pleaaure and Batisfae- tiou I wish to add my testimony bo what has already been said in favour of Paine'a Celery Compound. , For a very long time 1 sufferedtifooi genoral debility and run down 'iyhUm. Having, heard of Paine's Celery OOmpound, I determined tp givd it a trial, and I am happy to say it baa done for me more good than I ottn express. For tenyeare I doctored with other medicines without any good teauttB; but after UBing Paine'a Celery Compound I am perfectly restored to health, oau eat well,- digestion , is good, and my .Bleep is sweet and sound. Altogether, I am a new woman. I always recommend Paine'a Celery Compound to my'friends." ---------------------------1^ .. v Personal Bxpeneuce. Mr. H. Hitidsoa, of fiindson Broa., Wat ford, OuLYsaya: "From personal* experi ence I recommend Milbnru'B Heart and Nerve PHIb for narvousnesa and general weakness of the system, and can Bay with out doubt they are the beat medioine I ever usedt" r Teooh Boys to Know. That good health la .better than wealth. - That booefit, induatrioua habits are bet ter than money. That manly boys loye aud obey their parentv. ' That to Bpeak or even thick disrespect fully of women is to- dishonor their own Bweet mothers and sisters. That a clear oonsoienee is worth far more than tho applauso of meu. TEN "YBABS IN TH33 TOILS. South Amerloau Kidney Care Loosed the Bonds and Freed the Prisoner It Re lievos iu But Houre,. " This is to certify that after taking eix bottles of South American Kidney Cure I urn completely cured of stricture and gravel, having suffered from these ootu- plaiutfl for over teu yuars. I felt relief ulmost immediately, andafter taking tbrei.* bottles felt greatly improved.' 1 continued ita ufce unLil I was satisfied I was perfootly ourod." Willis Goff, Chippewa, Ont, . .m. ,^-t *y .,. ......f | / Urw'Aqt'Ji,...... !r The nama of terrible poison. It U formed In tb|humanBya^r^; ^' >'. And oa~as^rrheum^|iimt olatioa, hea^d ai^e,;and;WA:n*y; *ro<fl?le^^""/' ;'"':' :? Th* wort of thyw^be^tStiw ramov;it. If they are overworked they fail to do so. 'Then trouble begins. . It gets worse and worse. Help the kidneys to do tbeir work, poan's Kidney Jk'ills are true kidney helpers. Theyaqure all kidney troubles. Chase the urfa acid oat oE the ay stem. Mr. James Quesa, Br., well known, n Ebbox, has this to say sbout Doan's Kid ney Pills : . "ffor many years 1 have {had terrible pain aud lamenesa iu my back caused un doubtedly by kidney,trouble. The urine was highly colored with a great deal of sediment, and I was ' a I no afflicted with severe neuralgic pains in my head, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, fluttering of the heart, shortness of breath, etc. "Many a night I was so bad that I dared not lie down, and as a matter of fact I was iu a terrible condition, completely worn- ont, and debilitated. "I commenced the nee of Doan'a Kidney Filla which I got from Mr. Sherrin's drug store, and oan say that they are a great hidney and heart medioine, as well as an excellent ionic. "I havoboen getting better ever' since I began to take them two months ago, and to-day have no book or r urinary troubles. They have also removed all the heart troubles from which I Buffered, and 1 heartily recommend this valuable medi cine as a apeoiilo for all forma of kidney complaint." .: ! i i i Improve tho Ooniolexvon. The olearnesa and consequently the beauty of the akin depend so nonoh upon ibe health of the body that no one can hope to nave a brilliant and healthy oom- plexion who suffers from indigestion, neuralgia, anaemia, etc, therefore dne'reT Sard must be paid to everything which ef fects thi general health if yon want your skin to be in good oouditiou. ' The best- aids to beauty are abundant ablations of the entire body, wholesome and easily di gested food, plenty of fresh air and sufQ- oient sleep. *m BURDOCK rlllS small, safe, ami suu% wgulate the liver and cure Constipation. '_____ __! .'.--------1------ .r WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE. The Great EnjcHafc Remedy. 8Uo Tbahagc*. Guaranteed to promptly) and permanently euro all forms of UerVotta WtdkntM, Emlstions,8perai' otorrhea* Impotondvawt all effect* of Abuse or Zxceuti, _^^^^^ Mental Worry* ca><te*u,u ^*^ j <>.'. ofTobaeoo, Qptumar.Stimu- BefQTeandAfW. tant^iohtohsaonUa&toIn- flrmitv, Intanitv, Coimimption and an early grave. Haa boon prescribed over SO yours In thouumdB of cflsesj la the only Reliable and Honest Itcfiteine fcnoim. AakdroKglstfor Wooo'a Phophodln|lf ha offers soma worthless medicine In place of thb. Inclose price In letter, ana wo will send by return mall.. IMco, one imokago. tU BlX, 5. One will pUaaetaiaJvHUoHre. Famnhletafreotoanyaddrei*. The "Wood Company, . Wladtor, Ont,, Canada. Vsf Hol(J In Beaox and ovorywboro in Canada by oil vesponstblo PrURulst. ESSEX Etiquette in OTa-pan. Busiuqhh iu tho JtipanoHo parliaraont, as jn our own, q'ooms ,to bo aorao.tiraoa of tatbor a frivolous oharuotor. A whole re cent sittiog was dovotod to cousidBriuf:; whether a membor had not violated parlia mentary otiquotto by attending tho open ing in a fro ok coat, inutead o( the rogula- tton drosa suit. Finally, the offending member wa solerauly warned of his "iu- disoretioii," narrowly eaoaping boin(( baud- od oyer to tho disciplinary opmmittuo for punishment Pulmonary pbnsumption, in Us early stupes, may bo otuiokiHl by tho uho of Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. Ih stops the, diptroHsiug cough, aoothoB irritatlou of tho throat and lungs, end 'induces muoh-neod repose. Hundreds have testified to tho remarkable virtues of this proparatiou. : When' Buying Shoes. In buying shoes it is well to remember that the foot are one-third of an iuoh long er when the body is standing than when seated, and the elongation iu further iu- oreasod when walking, for the weight is then thrown entirely on one foot at eaoh alternate stop l bo that in ohoosiog cuo's boots it, is absolute uooousary. that an, allowanoo should'be made for this.' The shprtnoss may not, be felt at once, bub aftora few weeks it becomes very mani- fpBt; and, moreover, by forcing tho'great tou back it is apt to produce u bunion on the joint. They Do'OoodWork.' Tbo following 'letter tulh what peoplo think about Laxa Liver-Pills: Dbak Sxuti,-^! gladly tofltify to tho, vir- tuoa.'of Iiaxa'Iiiver Pills. X used: to bo troubled with severe hadaohos and con stipation tor a long timo, and took these pllie hoping for a cure, and my hopes were rapidly fulfilled* , I have found them a never failing remedy and heartily reopm* meiidibom. Bignod, MI3S A. LAWBON , Monoton, N. B. IN BED FOR WEEKS. . Aud every/Br a; h she Drew was ab Ek :. oruoiaiiihR Pmn-*Khdumaiam had l'us teued his Talons on his Prey Bonth Amerioan Rheumatic Cure Snatched her from his OraHp. "For fifteen years I had* been troubled with rlifiumatinuj. .It had settled in my back. At times the pain was so severe as tp entirely lay me up for weeks at a time. I was. juat about discouraged and had given up hope when: I was recommended to try Bonth Amerioan Bbeumatlo Cure. I did bo. The first .bpttle.exiabled, me to loave my bod, and in oun veok from the tfime I. commenced its use I wan com pletely cured. > It ia undoubtfuly the best remedy in the i world .for. rheumatism-" MrB.JohnBeaurnontiBlora, p,nt.; " -."," , NOAHTA-WrX/MB $YittfP: heals tU /mhJ.\; .' l A Difference in Time. ,." A famous astronomer, whoso knowledge of arithmetical factw was a dreadful ougine of oonvoraution, once diverted himself by asking the company if they were' aware of the immense distance thoy were from heaven, it waa, he informed them, bo many miilioqa of diameter^ of the Bolar By at em, and.would take many thou Band years to traverse. "I don't know the dis tance uor the time," exclaimed a Sootoh- uiun wbo.was present); "that It would take yon to get to heaven, bat I know this, that it will not take you a millionth part of the time to go to the other. pUoe." . ; TffA7-tiACJC/NG dQ^ff/ank?M- ly cured by Fagyar(Ts Pectoral Balsam, Pt he ;, If the s,y stem Ye fortified by -Hood's, Sari aa'i thor* Qoadqiiitrcura tor Sohobl Books, Baboo &iipplieB, N)te iPapor.Envolopos, I^{n Writing- T i,bliti aui QlUOe StP.Vtonory Sb* DISPENSING AND FAMILY OALfjAT May's Bazaar, .. WINDOW BLINDS Away down. OMINAWABB, BUIO-A-BRAOE, FANCY GOODS,, : . ..BOOKS AND STATIONERY,, sqaooL SUPPLIES,' ^V , TOYS OF ALIi KINDS, . ' 'BERLIN WOPL aud FINGKKlNa ' . 7_ New S\>7ok ofLateWaf/^ -'vjtiii ^ajon to trwQf' ^rreiponH'tblo' eHtab*' Hutted bf-uae Jn QnUrlo ' Jalary. ($760,- payable ei> wool*Iy.find exposes;',! Monlploa perruanoat. Uor^ronoQ. ;lpnoln^qsulf-a^lrnttatvlstttinnfl(l u- veledp.l^bfl'Na.tioial.Sbar.lJtindluA; phloago. , Protect TOUr tdsut': thr iVitLy^bHna rHtou^ealth - .r-'r'-vTtfsryn*. T^W/tK "7'-;11 . ^' -,^.. v^-^'.-r;^^ .*j' ;^J! (: :, ft'.Tf\- 7fc"-:"."fy>m ' ^v^^JWto^iiiliBtttf^WiTV'B! BUI a Stove uhcil you si^p the new atoek at 0 0 $*$ Si See the Oxford's Stoves, Be&f lit the World. Manufacture* by the Q-urney Foundry Co., of Tc-onto, (both Wood an^l oal). We. have them in tock. Our prices are the lowest....... C3aJLl and Insipect. General Tinsmithing and Repairing* attended to. North of Railway Track, - - Essex. 'Wx 9 We nan supply yon with all IuLds|oF Wooden Material, plaint and oraamontal. Pine, HvmlboL and native Lpnaber alwaji" on band. Shingles, Cedar Poata Doom ^ Bash aud Ooal. ^BelYoirt Doors and Bros. yfir r y -u^ iVM4*.i.h.-... guP/OOO- C?JREP IN 20 YEARS. dPCjr G GUARANTEED OR NO PAYlK&^" #P^'1>^ .^y ^ >,i $iooo lffeoiB.,a^<asaii SEtF-AWSE, EniS$IONS? VA^ICO^j CELE. CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT^ URB OLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, COST MANHOOD, |MPOTI^| CY\ NERVOUS DEBlUTVf UNNATt^ URAL DISCHARGES, ETC, j^l .^ Tiie New Method Treatment is the" Greatest Discovery of the Age# FOR CURING THESE bl8EA8fe| ::r.tiMmlH of young and middle aged men are annually swept to a promaturo c.-vLV..'L!iroirli EAKtY INDISCRETIONS, EXCESSES, AND BLOOD DISEASE5,;,,'.$$ -m \iH\i\ tu\y at tho fOlIowlDR symptom a consult usbotoro It la too lata; Are yorijaejtf, >-,hi 'ind woutt, tlogpondeat and Bloomy, apeoks beforo tho oyos with dart circles und**! .'.w.rrt, wijulc tinok. klilnoys Irritable, palpitation at the heart, bsshful, droarae aq ;u.'i:K'B. mulimmitln urtno, plmploa on tnpfaco, oyos aunkon, hollow cheeks* cacewMr,r *iii"aton, jioorr memory, lltoleaa, dlptniBtfuU lack enoreyanil Htrengtli; tlrod mrirri^ Ali^iYOUOWUKOK. ;>oii, and mnUo n man ot ypu, , Under Us lnflu- "**>) Suit all plmploB, blotchoa and uloora disappear; , -i'.\ uorvoa become strong as steel, eotbat aorvoua-'., ' r; 'ti'n (lyoabncomo bright, the facofult and clear, i lyrotitrna to tho body, and tbemdral, physical ly\ .'(ostiul eyetoniQ oro jnvlgoratedi, all.drains .Miiri'1' i\d nioro vital waste from tho^system. .The ,' . "ru'toufl. organs,uoeoniQ natural and manly. You c.iil yourooir a man and knowmarriage cannot bo , - tdlluro, Wo invito all tiiP.nClloted, to consult us ' v .'.mlldontially ini-1 Irtibbrchnt-eo-. Don/tlefquooks - f:M-nt\rauirB n.'ryrtu'o(.your-liarU"earned dollars. ' '..'/ ,'."" ' ""ilAS;.;TfO I OL0OU BEE^MSEASEbj; 5VPHII.';- ;.i tbo mofltprOTaiontandmostoerloiis" ' Bl.uOOdl ,-. Iffliipothovflryllfoblooaof tbo . ( vlctiin !)():, ;tl-s*n ontlrttly eradicated troiii the ays- ' < torn win ofcivi, t;*ii tirraprins...uewaro or Morbu " It'oniy flupproBbOS the 0"" "^ VOUNQ OR MIOOL1 z*} ;;T.r UKHKDITAnVB p+'^r'r^'fW lymptoms-onr NBW METHOD poaHtvelyour^ltiqr^set E-AOBD MAn-Vou'vo loa a gay Wo, tlr indulgedla-thV.J of youtb. Bolt-abase ocjater exeosBoa have broken dowr, your ayewnii'.i^o^f*! aymptoioe stealing; oreryou.^U6ntatly.pnyittcaliya^ sft yonuaoil to bo or should be.' LuaUul nj-aotioea raw tJOA ('i-JdanserslanalaVV ;..' iWl|^ ~ " "* " < Are yQuaVtetlm?,lIaTi>:you lbefhopo?. Aryon.cottiepWP|t!J . ^rtay otir blood lieon d tseaaed?, Hare yoii any weakioaw iOm J U ours yoi'.'What it has dono tpr omoreinriuno tvr yoou:,a