Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 28, 1897, page 1

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M" r.J,' m&iAWi' XIIt^No. 21. B8SEXi ONT.j FBIDAY. MAY 28, 1897. WHOWCNo.^1 2!:V ?ftpER50N& Co. Wf"\ -C,-ik ' - \$-M'"",: Kf.':r i.. "1-; Bttr Stock li. Of warm weather wearing apparel be found well assorted and our We direct special atten- of Dress Goods, and-Underwear, and m and felt Hats, as well as house- JlfioW^./.oiir display JI+dieQ'Bhixt -Waists x'-'* K Millinery, Men's Furnishings J%)Id necessities such as Lace Curtains, f'v&S'ji^ Ciipetfl, Table Linens; Napkins, etc Hotdquartdrt For Fine Witch Repairing. The New Jeweller, Has all the latest tmpvovad tools and devices for adjusting the flnsib and most oom- pUoated Watohea, and^ Can Guarantee Satisfaction. * Orders taken from Catalogue for all kinds of Watches, Jew- elelry, Silverware, &o Bcmombor the Stand, Hay's Blook Three Doors South oJ Imperial Sank, Jolly Old Uncle Josh. HU Oreat Generosity Towards ', Newly Married Niece* . His Talbot Street, Eesex. For Sale. ONB Beeoad Hand' Bngtae, 85- Horee Power Good. Cheap for oath. Apply to J, F. MoQUBEN,- BtXAing Bros.oftloe. Court of Revision. TOWN OF ESSEX. NOTICE la hereby giTen that the Court of Bavlalon on the Aasaaamebt Bolt of tho Town of Essex, for 1807, will hold its First Sitting* at Peak's Hall, Es*x. on Wednesday, June Wth, 1807, at me hoar of 6 o'olook in the evening. . _ ^^ JOHN WALTKBS. Town Olork Eiiex, May 19th, 1887. ' , the %';; .'. Shoe Department, wfe ^appear to getttogan increasing share of the j, due no doubt to .tfce/iiine-teated qualities of the Shoes we sell, IftSd the'dose figures at winch we sell ijxu - "Wo have tho sole -Agency here ;Jf<jr some of the best makers in Oanada get He Ooods direct from them. Court of Revision. TOWNSHIP OF SANDWICH HOUTH. NOTICE la hereby given that tha OTret Sit tings of the Court of Uevlslon on the Assessment Ballot the Township of Sandwich South, for the year 1B07, will be held at the Town Hall, Oldaastle, oh Saturday, Jape 0th, 1807, at the fear of 9 o'olook in the forenoon. JOHN MOVKAHtSr, ' Clerk of Sandwlah Bonth, Maldsrtooe, May 1Mb, 18W; * 'JfaHasBartmont of Ladies' Oxfords in and Tana, commencing at 0$o a Special values, in Hen's Fine -. &fj$0ttgo1aand Oalf Shoos. [Largest stock; fehaJSasextto choose from. . - GhatltaBi Loan and Savings Co. IKCOayOBXTBDA.D.,l88l CAIfsTtr-AJL. - - $1,000,000 9I*cty'(D Lnd on Mttrpcmac** of Pro ductive Real Bsrtate. Htf* itfarmers and Others Wanting to Borrtno aiitBest Rates sAmUJapjl/ypersonally. "Ho kjelav. lscpenaee low. SAVINGS BANK. Jtaposlts of $1 and upwards received and high} eatourront rata of Interest allowed. , Debentures Issued bearing lutorseb payable! ihulf yearly for three or Ave years, S. F. CAKWNER% Manager. <*r~yi& Wi. Hie Farmers and Traders Life and Accident ~: Assurance. Co, i XiTn^ .Tamos H, Still, Pmuhlout, John Campbell, VloO'PreBldont. D, K. Galbralth, Bearetary. P. M. Praaor, Mauaglng'Dlreotor. Head-Office^ St. Thomas, Ont. e Want ^Lowest Ratoa. UiHtoDae Policy Oontraota. EuoiRotlo, reliable local agonta wanted, , AddrtBS, t . . /. W,. MtJtAY, _______Qonoral Agqut, Box 70J, Bt. Thomaa -.....ESH>E2C..... .- Your Grocery Tirjuki, sind te&A iy?p are in a position io ^vo satis- j |;ioii/ Everything of th*> best quality prices out lose. Ovx iCVookery also is -worthy of your tEftpection. ARUllatlo Rosaaaca f Bsmx In Which a " nuabcr of Proihlncnt Daslneee Man Take m Vtry Consplcaons PmwU ' (mr*w. B. a.) "MIjbs Summers--Polly--I-I dare I '" Bat the speaker took a header over bashfallness, only to hear a sweet "Yes, Charley." is " Again a lapse into silence, followed by an encouraging "Yes, Charley." V_. "Oh, if I might only hope to er Another failure of language. It was eoemingly a hopeless case, and might have boon, only for a demure "Charley, I havo said 'yes* twice, and if you nean it, I mean it, too, and " And to this day that young man will insist that he popped the question. All this happened away "downeast," and it wasn't long before there was a wedding. Not much longer before there came a. letter from Folly's Uncle Josh, out here in West Ontario, who wrote effusively of his delight to hear of her exhibition of what he called "grit," and he proposed that if the young peo ple would locate at Essex he. would start them up in life, as a wedding gift. Of course they accepted, and were soon bidding their friends adieu. A few weeks subsequent to the above conversation a travel-stained party arrived in Essex. Our friend-Uncle Josh was in charge and he led - the party straightway to a hotel. "The Aberdeen, aaid he, "is a typical Canadian hotel of the best class. I am acquainted with the proprietor. George Bears, scad he is mine host after mine own heart, a thorough business man, endowed with that delightful intuition that makes a guest feel at home, com fortable, contented; and in mighty good In ok. The house is one of con venience; the apartments are well fur nished and the cuisine excellent.'I have engaged rooms there until your own house is in readiness." -. *' After breakfast?-' said the old man, " I am ready to go buy your outfit. To expedite matters I have ordered a car riage from J. McI><iagaai,our enterpris- Srtgliveryman." Wnen.thehandsome carriage, with elaborate trappings and (prancing horses dnw'qro'far front of the ihotel Polly declared at the "finest turn out she had ever seen."' " Yes Sir-eo," [replied Uncle Josh. " the three S's. " Speed, Safety and Stylo' ia McDoug- isira coat of arms. So.youngfolkfl.when you want to taico a drive, either for business or pleasure igo to him for a rig every time." His wedding, party anq funeral equipments are unsurpassed.' It wat in this styMsh tumonLthat the rounds of the oi^J"were made. Uncle Josh ordered the driver to take thorn to the -afllo of A; E. Lovelace where a cosy cottage was bought, and "in the matter>of insurance," he con tinued, " thatis .of importance." You xrill want a risk on your new house,, and then you can't do a more sensible or satisfactory thing than to4give your wife a paid-up policy in life insurance. Our good friend Lovelace not only has lines of the .solidest and best com panies, but he is an expert and trust worthy underwriter. His companies all belong to the old reliable category, being prompt in .tho adjustment of losses. It's better to be safe than sorry and you'll surely too safe in the Love lace, agency. Should you ever desire to negotiate & loan, he is the man to see." "Having provided you with a cage for the bird,? said Uncle Josh, "now the first thing we'll look after will be tho furnishings for it." Hereupon Polly energetically declared that she had hoard so mnoh -abput J, A. Hicks, thst she had decided to go there. The, result was that they were ushered into >suoh a bewildering display that the girl was at first at a loss how to select. But she soon yielded to the seductiveness of a magnificent parlor suite, that would do credit to old Antiquity him self. To this she added an'easy rooker for Uncle Josh, and didn't* forget a most convenient and ornamental writ ing desk for " Hubby "Charles. "A pretty good start."..said the old man, "and now we'll go to W. H. Rich ardson's bighardwaro and stove store. Hero Polly's houeowifel^iiistinctB-had full play in marvels of kitohen-appara-. tua. "There ia not an establishment in tho country that carries a more com prehensive stock", of.' household furish- saa -d..nn.......mi n~f,V/2t '. --VV.^AMMto .' -. iJrtiJi lit- oes r% Men'5 Shoes. Women's Shoes. Solid Leather Working Shoes. *...., qo ox5uoKle....................,..,,,,,,..* *,*. 00 Bed Harvest.........................m..................... 00 Medium Tine Lace or Congress..................... 90 Fine Lace or Congress...............................$1 15- Pine Dongola Laoo or Congress.................... 140 Pine Satin Oalf, Lace, Razor Toe..,,...........* 1 48 Hand sewed Goodyear Calf Shoes all Toes, were$4, now*............................,............, 2 75 Our assortment of Men's Shoes is complete, com prising all the new up-to-date styles and shades of Tan. Solid Leather Strong Shoes........................... Medium Weight Lace Shoes........................ Pine India Kid Button............................... Pine Kid Button. Patent Tip.......................... . A bargain lot of fine Dongofa and French Kid ,, Button,' Plain, at..................................... Our regular $1.66 Shoes at.........................,.JM ...t................... I A bargain lot of Bongola Button, were $2.75, '~T;- now just one-half price..............."........... 1^88 . Oxfords, in all styles, for 69o., 75c. 80o., fldo,; 1, $1,06, .$1.90, Ac It pays to trade with us. You aave something oh -"% every pair.. ; ::;'- 'j$| . ( All Goods at a Discount of 10 to 50 Per Gent. Two Stocks to From. Choose \a Boys' Shoes. Mi isses 5h oes, ' j^S Solid Leather Sohool Shoes..........'........... " .. " Medium Shoes......'.............., Pine Shoes, Lace, full foxed..................... Pine Satin Calf Lace Shoes.....;.....;............ Pine Dongola and Satin Calf 8hocB...,..,..... All the Latest Shades of Tan and Oxfords. Youth's Shoes from 76o'up. .$1 ., 1 .. 1 78 86 00 18 45 Oxfords at 69a,-75cM &c 00 06 Button, Spring Heel, Plain.......-.-.............. lip......... ......>.......^pl Those usuallv sold for $1.25 and $1.50. Button, Heel Shoes......... ................. 00 Child's and Infant's Shoes too numerous to men* tion. We fit all from Grandma to Baby. Bring" ',#& the little ones to the city with you. : :,-i";"'-S iv . * . ::..,-..'^ A.1 f The <3reat Discount Sale of Shoes Still Going on at J.S. 25 ^apdMcii:pc Store to Rent: Safe and Fixtures for Sale. "Lefssee goto watch, didn't I," queried Uncle Josh of Polly, "and E. L. Park's ia the place to get one cheap." Entering the pop ular jewelry store the old man gallant ly acquitted himself of the promise and then directed Jolly's attention to tho superior stock of silverware carried by the house. '-'There is no other such house in town," said the old man, "and I will guarantee the quality to be the very beat. Piuk out your family clock while here," he added. "Park carries a magnificent line. Don't forget an other fact," ho continued, "if over you unfortunately need optical goods, this is the place to come." , "Oh, say, Uncle," exclaimed Polly, "where oan I go for dry goods ? This dress is hardly suitable, X must admit*" "Well, my girl, if you want to select from one of the most popular establish ments in the city, I will direct you to M, J. Wigle& Co.'s who carry all the latest weaves in fashionable dress goods and you are sure to be guided right in your selections. Yoti will find Wigle & Co., pleasant to deal with and their employes polite and expert, while the prices cannot be duplicated. In a few minutes-Polly had selected a pretty dress and then her inquisitive eyes glanced over at the shoe depart ment. "Oh my goodness/' she exclaim ed, "what a prettv pair of slippers/1' "Yes indeed," knowingly replied Uncle Josh, "Wigle & Co-i keep a splendid stock of shoes, just look it over." It "Haiti" commanded Uncle Josh, as the party came in front of J. Thome's handsome drug store, "Walk right in." "Why Uncle, We're not sick, aud " "QuessI know that, but I auspeot it it won't be long before this young man begins to take an interest in matters of paregoric and " "U-n-c-1-e!" "Well,, eo in anyway, Polly may find some toilet articles she wants." Sure enough, before loaving she purchased combs, brushes, face powders and ounces upon ounces of fine imported perfumes and Charley got a bottle of Thome's Tonic and Congh Medicine. "Don't forget," added Uncle Josh, "to come here with your prescriptions, as Mr. Thorne is competent and uses pure and reliable drugs." Woman like, Polly was discussing the matter of how she would arrange her new house and was interrupted by Unole Josh. "And these house fixins remind me/' said he ' 'that you haven't got your dishes yet. The most famous stock in extent, quality and complete ness is at Wilkinson's. But the average reador need not be told what an array of tableware Polly had to select from. There isn't po itively, a' thing in the lino of china, crockery, glass or porce lain needed for use or ornament in any part of the house that oannOtbe found at Wilkinson's in definite variety and at wonderfully low' prices. They also have a splendid stock of lamps, and Polly's large order suggested her thor ough appreciation. might have been policy not to have ex-'., By ihe way,. Uncle Josh." Bpoke up fnr?^ {^*i;^ J i.a the young lady, I think we've negleoted TT At? "NT $ Piano and JXilJrtJN I Organs-. .. ;#;" R- S. WiI!bniVPiatibs. Evans Bro. Pianos. ^ Singer Sewing vMaqbioeSp .. .. Nw Mnpply o Vloliu*. Antoi*mrp*9 .URrmou|cat CJuitara, Ac. Violin Strinica above lostrutnantx abl SappHea /or all tho n baud. Tonlr ft and Hopalriug a BiJoolatf y., HaoUlrio Needles and Oil fa Stock. ing," Tomorked tnole Josh. "Every possible piece !of kitchen furniture from a tin dipper to a cooking range is hero ,.iu all styles end: voa-iety.? If Polly faila to accomplish wonders in the culinary-art, it will not be for want of -superior' cooking utensils, for she purchased 'an "Honor Bright", steel range cook stove with all - equipments needed in a Well regulated kitchen. ., . While Polly was getting her kitchen, fixings, Charley's i.wheelthaa's instinct drew/in toward RiohardBonBVfine bicy cle display^ "Ido declare." he ex claimed "hero is the .Cleveland bike; tended that invitation, had not Uncle Josh known what wise economy it is to hade at Wigle & Co. 's for Polly found .goods, and prices so seductive mat she purchased an outfit from a satin slipper to a handsome.walking boot. Charley invested in gent's fine shoeq; while Uijcle Josh indulged in a atoUt form boot. " fusion, of Charley, tho old man indulg ed in ft half serious criticism of hid per sonal appearance. "Tou are decidedly H.',"TMr-" I goingitoiget a whe^i^^ and poorryortti oini^.H, able, simple and for wonderful; easy rrri ;.ij^_ uiA^w ai,v ti liftwo ot Baker and Butcher, rpHB oldest'. business aa-town. 1; 18T6.; ffira^fllaan-brijad ana **dtv,: waddin^gWf mphmt#& off style for a towv8inan,,t "and: we'd: better go and talk to Mr. Wigle about some new duds while, wei-'areJ here.** After Charleshad-fltted- himself jn- a neat business suit,; from the piles of garments tlmt cover the tables ,of.this establishment, Unole .Josh declared: "Now you look like a newly, iharriecl man.'* . Before , leaving; Charles.' also invested ip a complete outfit of jgent's- furnishings, from the late style fiat to ft dozen After this visit, Unole Joah suggested a resort to some place of refreshment.; At the tabic tho old man jwaxod'philoB-: another item of great importance. We surely must have carpets, lace curtains, portiers and other house furnishings. *' "Jes so, Jes so^" replied Unole Josh "and I've, got the very place right in in my eye. That's Forsythe, Anderson & CoTs. Talk about carpets, -They keep the prettiest fioor coverings, you ever saw and theut prices ^re below the whisper of competition',- Polly! was soon i revelling in perfect elysluui: of beautiful carpets', rugs, handsome laoe ourtflinsand other draperies. It did not take the girl long to soe! bargains, so before thoy left Uncle josh had hand ed Porsytee, ' Anderson & Co.,,aoliee% which had a, desirable figure , marked .'I would like to make you GcqnainP edwittiH. PvJtfartlh; my dentiBtiriendi too," Bald' the old manashe took;?bs y6uh&^reT(a^veSTli>Jitairs bvcrCthffJBsseJc Medical v^fttl^-fl^tt^yjOT^-e^e^'Jiiny1:.^ supplement your nfttittralteetHyi " DonHyou mention false"-'^ L liesV^^'m'i:'my;\v'?4outl;';if^iwim. ., .. ^Ohi :mXor ^fc!^i^g>^iCWJi it," he said, but, by the way,'whaW!'W ?iono would you mostprefer?" "I thinks,;;-^ 'd like to have a Karn which I nnderJ ^r-i?J stand is sold by H. M. Paul. Sever^Jy\' ,^ people have reqommeno^id it to me for '^C its purity of tone, sympathy of touch,';"'?$& beauty of finish and a whole lpt of other;,;" '*'*H good points." ' Tfou couldn't choose ,; etter intstrnment,*' replied the .-old \^| man,' "and sure enough my friend Paul^.y'Jf is the very man to see about it.T' PbUy^% selected the coveted piano after 'VF$4fi$i?$m Unole Josh snggeated that a "Singe^^i^^ sewihg machine would go well with the- other music. The idea pleased: Polly, ... and she was soon the possessor ;ofr (tjV^ lightruhniiwr "Singer" also. '.'. ^ "Now, Unole Josh, I don't want tor"^ appear selfish," remarked the young';; lady as they emerged, from the mi|-;^ linery store, 'cause Charley is in it t66-r r^ andl've been trying to persuade htey-Sq lordship to get a dress suit, Hei'ongjbtT^ to wear one at our reception, XSy. sfl'tftyft means.", "Correct Von are,: FollV; aiS^ dress suit goes, we'll drop into iV; J&$$fjl Dewar's tailoriag establishmenf'andf'/'^ leave his measure. Dewar understadi8:!^frS the correot styles and on'fits and ,w^i<;|M manship, I: tell you he can't be beat. ' % He is a close student of the Cohanging , ;;^ fashions. His stock of Buitihgs haye--;.}:;^L been seleoted "with care, while his jaribiesJ^S are consistent; with the high quaUtyv;Js and workmanship." . OharreyTeftmsVS? measure and when his sujtwo^ made,\ ^ up, Polly said she'd have fallen ih^loye^; ;S with him sooner had he/'beeniwea^S'^i;?^ clothes made by a high class tailor like-*'1'1 Dewar. . \,:"^^^f^m, "Bytheway," exolained'UnoleJoshi/.S!r' with a paternal air. "the next thing to^^S look after is the lumber, fqr '.ttcwbriXB^'^i^S proyements which are absolutely ne^esij';|5^ sary. Come with me and l!ll introduo0 VF&f ybu'tp. W^ Mark,DeOew;>hb:".vh'--W;v>^ prmoipaideaJferin'that line:here;v,H;e1;&S oarricfl the n>oet complete line of'Jbu)\ffi$?M 'ingmaterial Jiri^:-.the'country;' fjoviaQptty^m d^essed^everything. ;^m;i,&e-:Biffi^^^ii!S!* the foundation. to the staves/ 1or/iftxG*wM ar'e-:. 'here',wp..* might!^*),^SMtiS brdereui'JJurnberV.'ior/ :Heha6;juet:toi4;m:e:heis;sinjn|So^^ Camp Palmer and Willvtiake^vnifebw^OT ablenote""saha'e as^cae^a^d^^^^^pajgp Mi ioxge^aUinS^gill mi mmmmmmwS.

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