Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 16, 1897, page 8

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"i Ji"1 lit':- '* ".'" '. Puce. E*nzr Grant has again started to at the mill. t John Purvis railed his barn on Thurs- day of last week. __________ .r\ Major, the owner of the pepper till here, is laid np with the grippe. M1*B P. Vivier boa put an ornamental / lawn fence in front of her house. W- ': Oeorge MoMahon is about to leave ub to join the U. S. withh his family, to take np some land In Northern Michi gan. ------- , . o-.............. ... Camp Palmer. Mua Bowie Huloaater had been vis- itlng her brother here for a week, but naa now returned to her home in Essex. : 'Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, ar., paid a visit to friends in Amheratburg for a fW days last week. A. Woods has returned hero again to run the drum saw for Mr. Miuener. . Wigle. of Kingsville, wbo had been running the butohor shop in this town, has been foroed to return home *rom the effect of blood poison setting n his left arm, which causes him much pain. Wood#lec. Mrs. Olara Bttokborptigh and Miss Dora Sohooley, of Woodileo, have re turned home, after spending a few days with Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Windsor. Edgar mil*. Peter Langley, of Edgar Mills, left on Tuesday night to join the angels in - -TJnole Barn's land. Joseph O. Sweet, near Edgar Mills, is the owner of a large black hen that laid four eggs in one day. Mr. Swee was In the yard, near his hen coop when the hen came out cackling and while walking off she dropped two soft shelled eggs which wero grown to gether. On going into the coop, Mr. Sweet found two more warm eggs, be ing fresh laid by the same hen, as no other hen was near. The latter two were thinly shelled and all full grown eggs, These eggs were laid on Wed nesday, Maroh Hist, and on the Satur day following your correspondent saw the eggs and saw the hen on tho nest doing business again apparently well and healthy. Correspondent, At THE GREAT CORNER STORE fcT- Gesto. JVanois Swoet, sr., is building a now frame house in this place. His son Fred, has the contract. J. "W. Widdifl has returned from a '*rlp down east, where he spent about 1 wo weeks visiting friends and relatives in those parts. O. E. "Weldon hafl sold his saw mill *o John Ohevalier, who movod into own last week. He will have the mill- Winning in about two weeks; Isaac Xiear who was arraigned heforo Magistrates Eodd and Barrett, for nou- upport of his wife and family, was Cound guilty and given 80 days to mend viiS ways and properly support his ;'Upily or go to jail. NorthVldsre. Miss LoaiBa McOreery, of Cleveland, Ohio, is here visiting relatives, Mrs. B. Mason, of Mount Pleasant, 'Alien., is >isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. "White, of this place. The annual Easter Vestry Meeting connection with Trinity Church, forth Kidge and St. Pauls Church l^ssei, hold on Eastor Monday t io o'olook a, m. and 8 o'clock p. m, '< epectfully. ., Considerable tile draining is being lone by the formers in this pari, the present season, thoy know from practi cal experience that tile draining is a i-CQod thing. Wo also notice that a con siderable amount of wire fonce is being i>ut up thin season. Jjamo.Qf Samuel Ash's barn was [ed lttsffc Monday, on tho 8th concoa- D# on account of tho rocont rains and b0Av it was very muddy, but that did Jot] prevent tho boys from having a |ve1y time. Tho opposing foroos wore id on to battle by their respective cap- is Isaac Elford and Thomas Burko; ie battlo waa fought with great in- |ensity for n whilo, but Burke's boya rere tho victors. Tho defeat was a bad Ino, as tho victors marched to tho trap per table and ato tholr supper, and lose who indulge in tho wood wore Fiaving-a sinoko after supper before tho ;thor fellows had finished. Wo ore Mad to roporfc no Hvoa wore lost.and no I >no injured or missing. Tho barn is [0 feofc. long, 80 foot v/ido and tho posts [<iro 18 feet long. (ioafleld North. Stephen Bailey raised a barn, 1)5x50, on Saturdey last Peter In man is all smile*. He is the proud possessor of a baby girl. Jno. and Albert Graham intend going into tobacco cultivation very extensively this season. Mr. Daugharty has arrivod and taken possession of his form, which was form erly owned by Juo. MoNutt. Jno. Ohevalier has moved his saw mill from 7th concession to Gesto. His family havo also taken up their abode there. Wliat is our loss is Geato's gain. The dogs in the township have boon getting in their work and should be looked after. Ed. Loo had three sheep killed and two worried on Saturday night. On Tuesday, W. Loo hod thro* killed and two worriod. Amou Noble had three killed and two worried on Saturday night. Of High Grade Dry Goods. Millinery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and House Furnishings. At Unheard of Low Prices. PEINTS. 8,000lyards of the best 32 inch Prints, regular price 12 cents per Yard. Koduoed to 10 coats per yard, all new designs and patterns. 2,000 Yards of the best 10 cent Prints; Reduced to 8 cents per yard. 10,000 Yards of NEW^DREBS GOODS, Selling 25 per cent, below regular prices, BLACK FIGURED LUSTERS for B7J cents per|yard. Regular price 50 cants por yard. Shirtings, Cottons. Flannelettes, Ginghams, Table Linens, Napkins. Cretonnos, and Sheetings at astonishingly low prices.* HO Inch Bleach Cotton for fi cents per yard. Roller Blinds, flomnleto, for 25 cents. Great Valuo in Wall Paper. Boys' Sailor Suits at $2.00. * South Woodslec. Roads aro vory bad around hero at iqnt, Wm. Mohhop is propnrmg to raise a n,.40x70, this week. oar load of hogs was shipped from station on Wodnosduy. J. Keating spout Tuesday with Tends iu G-ofito and Ehhcx. [Mr. Reagan, of Ridgotown, shipped load of. pork to tho east from here is weok. rro. Mylon, of Graham sidoroad, taking preparation for tho erection la now bant. Irs. M". Kelly is aponding a few jeks with hor sister, Mrs. P. Cuu- igharn, of Gonto. ohio and Win. Noblo havo each Used fine largo barns on their farms, [a Graham side road. leveral persons havo bought whcols, ?y>t tho present outlook, they may liable to uso thorn about two months it of the year. [ngh Kaletottd, of Woodsloo, was on [dnday, tried at Wiudsor on a charge [Selling liquor on Sunday. Evidence taken and tho magistrate reserved decision. [On Saturday, Judge MoHugk con fined the .conviction made by Magis- *ate Bartlet against F. Bonnet for soil- ig without a licenao in tho Halstoad Louse at South Woodsloo. [.'V'VTJiile raise tho purloin ytato on tho main beam of Archie Coble's barn on Thursday last, John \Ioef jr,., lost his foothold aud foil a <listarice of dbout'20 feet. He was not ^ibuflly injured though severely l.jarred., V Bella, only daughtor of Mr. Wight G. Ijnith, was married .to Mr. Av Spencer liikson, nephew of Mr. Dickson, Gen- viil Passenger Agent, * Grand Trunk talhray,': ttf/the Rev. Mr. Fleming, r^sbyterian Minister, JEssex; They Et by eyening train for Toronto and ' Eton. '.". ' Maidstone. Miss J. Delmoro, of Essox, was vis iting her grand parents hero. Miss O. MoHugh is attending the North Essex Convention this woek. A. Wilson has erootod a ilne wood nhod and tank house combined, Joseph MoPharlin who has boon ill for tho past month is slowly improving. Wm. MoOIoskoy, flpent a few days with his unole, J. Sheridan, on Middle Koad. Miss Julia Hart, of Now York, spent a week with her friend, Miss Malvina Olino.' Miss Lena Oakoy in spending a low wooIch with her brother, Samuel E. Oakoy. It. Danihor is out again after an at taek of quinsy. J. Ronth has hirod with H. Arnald for tho summer, Angus Gliuo has bought J. Ronaud's farm. Tho price not known. J. Lawson has put up n fine now born. J. Dunn iH tho contractor. ...__... James Oonroy is improving the farm groatly since horoturnod homo. Horbort Novins has routed Mrs. P. MoHugh's placo and will move thoro. shortly. Miss Nornh Keating, toachor of S. S. No. 10, has rosignod hor position as toaoher, to take effoct at Enstor. Mrs. Arch. Taylor and Miss H. Loo spent Tuesday at Gornerville, the guentfl of Mrs. John Lonk. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wiglo spout a few days last wook visiting frionds in 'Kingsville. Thos. Naur has loft tho country and takon his abode in Bandwioh South, Ho is muoh missed by his ninny friends. Sunday evo last whilo returning from sooing tho "idol of his heart" Ed. Los- poranoo had tho misfortuno of falliner into tho ditch. Worogrotto anuounoo tho death of Mrs. A. Wright who passed away last wook leaving tho horoavod husband to mourn hor loss. Ho has tho sympathy of a largo community. A reception was- given at tho resi dence of John Taylor, Talbot street, on Wednesday evening of Inst wook, in honor of' his son, Scott and bride. A very enjoyable ovoningwan spout by those who attended. Tho special committee appointed at tho January soHHionv of the County Council to havo tho bridge over Bollo Rivor, in tho village of Bollo Rivor, re paired, met on Tuesday last and award ed the contract for a stool bridge to the Central Bridge and Engineering Oo., of Poterboro, Orit.,.tho bridgo to bo 108 foot long, in throo span'e, . to cost &8,10 por lineal foot. Tho bridge is to bo completed ready .for traffic by July 7th, 1807. Tho Committoo also had tonders from tho Dominion Bridge Co., of Montreal; Hamilton Bridgo* Co., of Hamilton, and tho Detroit Bridgo & Iron Works Co., of Detroit, but tho tender of tho Central Bridgo and Engineering Co., of PGtorboro,was the lowest and therefore tho committoo had tho contract inspected aud ap proved by A. H. Clarke, tho Oounty Solicitor. The cost of a part wooden aud part iron bridgo would be in the neighborhood of $tf00.- Tho committee composed of J. E. Stone, G. A, Win-.. temute and A, Cole thought it being the jubilee year of Her Majesty, they would have this bridge named victoria 75 cents, $1.25, $1.50, And Upwards. Men's Clothing to Order. Imported ^Scotch Tweeds from $lfi.0O a Suit and Upwards. Gentlemen^now is fyouritimo to leave your order. Pino ^BlackSWorsted ^Suitings- from #18.00] and up wards. Porfoot.Pit and |Satiflfaotion Guaranteed. HAT SI the latest Creations in Stiff Fe- i dora and Straw Hats. Kid Gloves, Bilk Gloves and Silk Mitts. Every lady will want new Gloves for Easter. Wo are Showing an Immense Variety at popular prioei. OOBSETS.-AU the leading maked in COMPTONS and the Cele brated IX & A. Corsets. HOSIERY. A Special Lino of Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Hose for 215 cents a pair. Regular price 40 cents a pair. Lace Curtains at 25 cents a pair and upwards. MOISTS SXJITS A. Complete New Stock on Sale afc a great Saving from Regular Prices. BoyB1 Suits in Immense Variety and Style afc Groatly Reduced Prices- MEH'SPAHTS Por oo ooatxts Regular Price $1 50. % M .T. D( KING'S BOOTS AND SHOES aro Acknowledged hy ovoryhody to ho the host mode in Canada ; wo havo a full assortment and we offer Soveral Hundred Pairs in TAN and CHO COLATE at ono half the' rogular prices, also groat bargains iu Black Dongolas and Kid Shoes___ Call early to get urst ohoioo. W* Special Low Pricos for Sugar hy the Barrel.1 DIEBEL & BRICKER Sandwich West. About 0.H0 p.m., Sunday of last week fire was discovered in the house of Thos Totton on tho gravel road in thia town ship. The noighbora camo to tho rcsouo with pails, etc., and aftor a hard strug gle Buocoodod in putting out tho fire but not until considerable damage was done. Tho loss, which is fully covered by a policy in tho Guardian, is esti mated at $200 #100 on furnituro and $100 on tho building. Tilbury- West. Tho Municipal Oounoils of Tilbury North, Romnoy and Marsoa hnvo boon served with notices of nsfloftsmont on tho proposed Big Crook drain. Tho total ostimatod cost of tho work ifl $45,708, mado up hy tho following as- HOHflmonts on tho lands of tho ilvo in- torostod townships : Tilbury North, $U,7fl0.fl0; Tilbury Woat, #18,960.70; Tilbury .East, $1,011.60; Romnoy, pr 748.20; Morsoa, $8,021.00.' Arner. Miss Elisa Kqoso was roturninc from taking hor sister, Mrs. B. Staddon, out to hor mother's to spend a fow days. Whon coming down the hill by S. Malotte' one of the thill straps camo unfaatonod. Miss Kooso got out to ad just it, whon, from purely bad habit, tho pony startod off. Tho lines being of unequal length, ono got out of reaoh, With tho ono, tho pony was drawn off tho south side of a 8J foot grade, tho buggy making a rovolution or two, and both shafts woro broken, tho whiiUe- troo, tho crossbar, the axlo & o., hut fortunately no injury was sustained by tho driver nor tho pony. A schoolboy rode tho pony homo. """ Colchester North Council. Oosto, April 10th* Counoil met, as per adjournment, Present Itoovo J- A. Thomas, Boputy Reeve I>. Kennedy, and Councillors Atkinson, Brush ahol"OuolIotto. Min utes of the provious inootiug road and, on motion, adopted. Complaint was in honor of Her .Mafeaty. The .name will be in iron on the centre span. made that thoro aro obstructions in Wil ton Brain, along Boor Roach On mo tion, B. A. Brush was appointed to look after the drain and have tho rubbish oloanod out. Thos. Nolon's statute labor was, on motion, commuted, on; part of lot 8..S. M. "B.; IX A, Brush, commissioner. On motion, D, Kennedy, was appointed to have obstructions cleaned out of Wilton Brain from Rear Road .North. On motion, John Keano's statute labor was commuted for two years; A. C. Atkinson, commissioner. On motion, Reeve to communicate with L. E. & X>. R. R, Co., re culvert on 8thJjoneflasi6n. On motion, Clerk to wrife Sondwioh South Township that we will forward them tho. amount of assessment on Sandwich South Townline Drain, as early as possible, also, An derdon Town ship tho amount of assessment on Sucker Crook Brain. The clork was instructed to proparo a By-Law for Sandwich South Townline Brain. By- Law No. 080, appointing Pound Koep- ors, Penoo Yiowors, Road Ovoreeors and Hog Commissioners, was passed and adopted ; appointng Pound Keep ers: 1 P.Poirior, 3 Yony Okon,8 Robt. MoOallum, 4 John Miller, fi E. Thorn, OHorman Quick, 7 Jacob Banty, 8 M. Swootman, 0 Thos. Bnrtley, 10 M, Brouillard, 11 John Brown, 13 Wm. Hyland, lfl S. Gosuoll, 14 Ephram Priour; Road Ovorsoors : l Thos. Sut ton, 2 Philip Butlor, 0 R. Hamilton, 4 B. Cunningham, fi Geo. Colonntt, 0 John Campbell, 7 Albert Gerard, 8 John Bay, fl Wm. Vincent, 10 Wm. Croon, It Peter Brookor, 12 3D. Trom- bloy, 18 John Paquotto, 14 Alfrod Shuoll, IS Jas. Gerard, 10 W. G. Hens- man, 17 Thos. Konnody, 18 Lawrenco Bpneau, 10 Wm. Maynard, 20 John Hoile, 21 John Brown, 22 Goo. Brush, 38 John Batten, 24 T. Woyburn, 35 D. Barliss, 30 John Elford, 37 Goorgo Oiphory, 28 JnmoS Saltor, 30 E. Cooko; Pence Viewers: 1 Jorry Kloo, 2 James Hollingworth, 8 Thos. Orozior, 4 Wm. Blight, fi P. Cunningham, G Thos. Bat- ton, 7 John Elford, 8 Worthy Gould, OH. Cadarott, 10 Jaa. Linton, 11 Robt, Garlic, 12 M. Drouillard; Hog Com missioners : 1 John MoBeth, 2 John Koano, 8 P. Butlor, 4 Thos. Sutton, C John Roadhouso, fl Jacob Banty, 7 B, Troinbloy, 8 S, S, , Aokloy, 0 Jamos Glnssfora, 10 John Haggard. On mo tion, checks wore issued E. Orozior, for culvert on Maldon Road, at Campbell Sido Road, f$20; Mary A. Benson, charity, #4; B. Tromhloy, 3 value of shoop killed by dogs, $88,138; Victor Bondy, for valuatlug sheep killed by dogs, #1.CO; John Sutton, fpr provis ions for Joseph Martin, charity, for two months, $8.48; J3. Neal, for Wm. Whito, charity, ^8; E. Neal, for Mr, Buckingham, charity, $1.60; Lewis Jones, for work dona on Sandwich South Townline, Edgar Side Road and 14th "boncosshJn Brain. $1.10; Mrs. Briscoll, charity, $3; J. 8. Laird, for assessment and report on the Sandwich South Townline Brain, $j; J; S..Laird, for surveying? Passingham Brain, esti mates and report, $0; Henry Baker, for services as auditor, $20; Mrs. La- frombois, bharity J5; .Henry Lnoier, for repairing road by replacing crushed stone, $1.50. On motion, the Auditors' report was adopted as received by the counoil. On motion, journed. Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Taxes, Whereas, hy virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town o Essex, in the County of Essex, and authenticated by the corporate seal Town oy Essex, To Wit: cocts "E rp S a"CarS f ta'XM duc th*on Wit a-r1^^^^"0/1"1^1.11"1^11155'1'11 taJCS and costs arc soner paid I shall, oft Hall, in the Town of hsseic, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said land<! as so thereof as may be sufficient to pay such arrears of taxes and all lawful costs incurred. reclc'a much Plan. 310., 3io.. 223 Lots. ,27. 223. 223- 207. 20?, 220. 265*. 322. 247. 247. 247. 34?. 247. < 45. 46, 47. 48. 49, 5i 52,53.54,1 55,69, 74. 75. 77............J .............61.............. .............20, 21.......... .............27, 28.......... ............23. 24.......... ..*..........iftj,,,,,......... ... .. ...... ..20, 21.......... .............0.............. Taxes. $ 7 00. 3.04- Costs. .$2 oB, . 2 05. .27.... .28,29, ,64.... .42.... id 13.......... 13 o.......... 4* 9o.......... 21 91.......... 25 53.......... 4 65.......... 15 35.......... 16 83.......... 2 55.......... 48. 59- 73- 27. 58.. 12.* 84.. 24.. 43- 05.. 20.. 21... 05... 05.. 05.. 05... 05.. Total. $ 9 05 5 oo- . 160 71 - *5 1* 44 74 =4 n 27 96 6.70 7 55 19 04 4 60 . * >. 53 71 32 M W. D. BEAMAN, Treasurer. # m m s- I bog to inform tho oitiaoas of Essox and vicinity that I havo Oponod a Babory at my rosidonoo, Victoria St., whoro oan bo found a full . . . , . Baker's Goods. I Bake fcbo Detroit aolobrafc- ed Homer Mado Bread, which ib tho latest and most appe tizing. Patrons oan obtain this Bread by calling afc WILKINSON'S # # GROCERY. # He is handling tho goods for me, Please Give atrial ** JM ES3E2T. Mu$io W-Stow .it and be oonvinood that I oan suit you. - Goods'. will'- be- Bteoh as my wa^on goos to all parts of the town every morning. , '1ST Wedding Cakes a speoi- WESLEY BUR0IGK. KABN{gg^ # R. S. Williams' Pianos. . Evans Bros."'Piano's. # Singer Sewing Machines. ......'...Have jusb reoelved a,.,..,... .',., New Hup ply ol Violins Auiobarp*, DarmouloaN, Uuliari, &c. ' '-'tS Herbert Temple, insurance agent, who was married at Smith's Falls three weeks;Ago,; shot himself ot tho Groa- o^sl Violin scrloffi and BappHoaior above loBtrutnenta on burtd, TuniDft and Bepalrlng ft Spoolalty. . , -^ Maohlno Needlesand Oil ialStop)e.';. .y,/^ 1 ' ,,. i.M/'IiuUgl in Oentral prison lteneedto 38 months' ". and JL Bieklea>; 8$ ' :. J: V/.V.M' \<:: l l^:.i^iii y^:i^^

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