Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 16, 1897, page 2

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%^$?$\W'K':<- : *? :- BE i m. A***pi+u%uA It wm thli: Tsrt irrhtU ho bad not the courage to expos* hli YtUalajr, he was willing to leavt It to Froridftno*. If then vm nioh a thing, ha said, the mhttor would nil bom* out own in th* t&o of fiDpttcnt ImponibiUtU*. Then followed-iffie cou- fetalon. He bad been playing * crooked Kne with Johnston for ycara, buVat t the senior paruuor had become sus picion* and nad atarted an lnraatigatlon of the books hhnaelf. Ruin and dlsgraco qontrouted Oarrin, mid in a paroxysm of fear ho had taken ono of the keen flro axe*, and, or**ptng behind tho unfortu nate man, split his bond open with a blow. He Tired next door and hud no difficulty in getting to his house utmo- tioedr cleaning the ax aud roBtorintf it to Its place on tho "wall on the v.'ay back. He norer expocted fmoh luck ua Wilson falling into a circumstantial evi dence trap, and he lot him go to prinon without a qunlm. But hiHconsoieiuni'or spirit, whaterer you like to call it, couldn't stand the strain, and ho fell back on morphines, both to quiet his nerves and furnifih an exouso for tho Buicido ho contemplated. He had tried in'm small Way to atone to Wilson's family by Bonding thom, anouymounly, nionoy every month sufliuicut to kimp them fairly comfortable, In the third clause of tho document ho bequeathed n handnome amount to the woman whom he had made 'worse than a widow. Ho loft (10,000 to tho wretched man he had allowed to go to a cull when ho could have saved him with a word. Kvery- thing whh Htraight oh a die. There'wan not an ambiguous word in tho document, anu tho signature vim properly witness- ed by the cashier and one of tho clerks. "I got back to the of lie o without any more dolay and wrote my Htory utter I had given tho city editor im outlluo of what I had. Ho juHt jumped out of his. chair with delight und did a doublo shtifllo in tho excess of his exuberance Tho boys thought ho had Huddenly tfono mad, but ho gave thorn no satisfaction, and I, too, kept my discovery to mynnlf. He asked mo what I was going to do with tho confession, I told him my idea was to weo the governor myself and so- oure poor Wilson's rflloaso. Ho said a follow that brought in a story like that could do any darned thing ho ploasod. "The governor happened to bo in tho oit^y that dny. When I told him my Btory, hi! started an investigation at once. He sont for the superintendent of police and the judge who bud tried the case; an old friend'of hiH. Tho man who had lot mo into tho lodgeroohi was also um- moned to corroborate my statement, and . letter* written by Calvin woro seeored bo tho writing in tho confession could be identified, fortunately everything ran smoothly, and before 0 o'clock, with the concurrence of the judgo, tho gov ernor dooldod on roloaaing tho prisoner, giving as a doublo reason for bin pronipt action that tho best way to redrew the unavoidable wrong done Wilson wilh to give him his liberty without a moment's unnecessary delay. " Then he sent for Mrs. Wilson and her two littlo girl*. Sho came all in ft trem ble, a* women any, for tho officer had given her an inkling of what was going on. And tho roleaM Jim's volco broke. Tho boys refilled their pipes hastily and in the cloud of smoke that followed the next moment the tears that filled tho oyes of tho re porter who was supposed to bo hardened to human misery wero hidden in tho "wreaths that mounted to the blackened ceiling. "It was a groat scoop," ono of the fellows Haid, "tho greatest of the year.'* Gcorgo Brown in Detroit Ncwa-Trib- uno. A Queer X*rlti*tliood. Tho most extraordinary costumo worn in religions ceremony in that of the . priests of a hill tribo near Dnrjeoling, in In dirt. A photograph of a group of theflo po onliar priests haw just boon brought buck fiom India All of tliem wear manlcs of enormous size, painted in tho moot hid eout manner, possibly by the priestly , artists. The colora are chiefly bright rod and yqllow- The fnoos havo atruiigcly shaped noses, eyes and ourH,. and many othor things ore dono to make thorn as striking an possible. Whon all those priests are engaged in ono of the elaborate cornnionics of their religion, the scene HnrpjtHseH anything on tho comic opera stage. Tho fierce hill men of Darjeoling aro very much iin- . pressed by tho tho night of tho repre sentatives of thoir goda decked out in this fjiflhion. Ono maak indicutes that itn woaror roproHpnta tho god wlio looks after tho Bpoiu^s of tho tribesmen and helpH to ' drive tliem homo. Another doity curen for tho bowH und arrows, etc. Tim war rior who hopes to do good work with any of thouo woaponn must liberally, propitiate the priests. Tho hill men havo a particularly groat ccromojiy once a year, whon, led by thoir prioBts, they go out on to tho plain iind indulge in wurliko exoreiRca, bid ding defiance to all creation. Tho city of Durjoeling, being in tho hills, is used .to a considerable oxtont as a health sta tion by British residents in India.. Tlio Burroundiug cpuritry, also otillcd Par- jeoliug, ia inhabited by a fierce .race, who arc only kept in order by judicious treatment Many of thom havo onlmted in tho Anglo-Indian anny.-^Ban JFran- cisco Kxomiuer. "I lovo elmoH all flowani ikal Mow,*' Bald <aMtr Vir airiir....- v,-, wDn4 dumIm, wb%|romr Van* jou flll, Tfc#ril Mh^jrpn tthH /tli wbaWr ohlU .;, And aBni IWfw|aatttd woo ,' JBm ftiaa-.Mnt * tlt ean b, ri*^aad 4ft*p ud Koddl* ol" ^'tfe *fo preklwiiaowrt that blow." ' ttfd*4aV."a>-tb*viiilfldar. Tfcelr UH{p tmom bltnk mnA wink. tty telly ihh almost to think, - And *h*a In dlah or vaao thor dwoll Thalr thooRhta they ranst eii^.h otnnr toll, Thy h*sk to oheek will onddls aa\" Bookman. BECOMING INDIANS. CLAIM THAT ANWRtCANS ARC DEVEL- OPINQ 6n THAT LINE.. InTMiina: lkBblMM IdAwm to tn* Aborlla A Stttdy of Hda. With Bp^ Attmt|on to th* Kl- dtnti of Faanaylvsnia. A BEPOBTER'S YABN. Move Comiuitout. Gnaaio Boally, mamma, I don't know which ono I love beat Eoggy or Jack . ' . - Mammae-Why not loavo thoohoioo to . Bbmo competent judge? GuB*io Some one verged in tho arts 1 of love? -. '. Mamma Bear, not Some one well : up, in Bradatreet'*.- New YorV Journal. Do Pile* mentioho a. blind Boulptor f^f,^\' ,'^tb. Kulded by the sense of .touch alone, 'I Btraok Mills to gefcoff tonight, bni it wouldn't go. I told him it wan little Milly'a birthday, and tho youngster* had flot thoir hoartn on having mo spend tho evening with thom. X couldn't touch him oven with that. Said he Was uhort handed and couldn't spare mo. Con found these oity editors! Tho good na ture is all blue penciled oat of them. *' "Vou're always grumbling, Jim. It you don't liko tho littlo inconveniences of newspaper work, why don't you got into something else? It wan your own dosiro to get on tho police beat, nnd you ought to toko all that goes with it good naturedly. Quit your growling and toll us a ntory by way of ponanco. Wo have a couple of hours before u* yot." Jim loved to tell a story. Ho hod boon n reporter for many years, most oi the time on criminal, and ho had an ex- porieno* for nearly ovory day in the year. Hi* fac* cleared, ho refilled hl pipo and stuck his foot on tho table. Hie thrco follow morning papor men fol lowed his examplo and amid tho curU of wnoko this is the story Jim told them: "Ono moming about 18 years, age Richard Jolmston of the firm of John ston & Calvin, a very wealthy ontjtern lumber concorn, wan found dead hi hii ofuoo. He had told his wife tho night before ho. wan ted to look over the bookM, for things were not going quite to hi* satiafuction. Tho big ledger lay spread out on tho desk, bin face buried in it* blood etui nod loaves. The head had boon almoHt split in two, und tho cut was rc clean it was evident un nx had boon the instrument used. Tho dotoctivos went to work at once, and within %i hour* Fred Wilson had boon arrested on nuspi- oion. Ho was a cousin of tho murdered man and had boon out of work a long time. Ho had novor boon in any kind oi trouble with tho police, but ho had u character for Bhiftleuohena, and it ww no Beorsfc that h' und Johnston had had Homo words a fow days before over u loan he had bogged. Ho hod been hoard to say that a man who had heaps oi ruouoy and would not help his rolutive* might bettor be dead. A glove wai found In tho ofllco that was identified an his, and, to make tho chain of cir cumstantial ovidouco comploto ho had paid a number of MUh thovorymorninp tho murdor wnM committed. "Hia lawyer* admitted their olieni had gono to tho office, but douiod any quarrel had taken placo. Tho very re verse had happened, they olaimed, Johnston had arranged the visit and had oxproflscd his rogrots for being ho sovor* to his coufiin, finally giving him money enough to oloan up his debts nnd make a fresh start. This defcuBo, in tho opin ion of tho judgo, tho jury and tlionows- papers, wns so. daring that itwaa re garded oa overshooting tho murk. One juryman, however, was a littlo doubtful nnd stood out for manslaughter in the first degree. The others yielded, the verdict wan so rendered, and WilBon was sentenced for life. When asked ii ho had anything to say, ho replied thai ho had told his story through his law yers; that ho utill adhered to it, and that, if there was u just God above, iti- truthfulness would be proved somo day. Ho wont to prison and was forgotten. "I toll you, boys, that case bothored mo moro than littlo bit, I novor at nny timo behoved Wilson was guilty, strong ns tho evidence was. I had sov* erul talks with him, and ho novor wav ered in his story, no matter how I tried to trip him up. I spent most of my loisuro timo following imaginary clows. It was no use, nnd I gavo it up after o few months, "Vivo years afterward Calvin, John- Bton's purtner, died Buddenly, and, though obituaries wero rather out of my line, fori was still doing criminal, 1 asked for the assignment on account oi my .previous interest in tho firm. I had a htizy idon that Calvin had known more of tho affair than ho had protended. On thoso lineH I followed up my old hunt, and I was not a bit surprised tc find cut from ono of the servant girli- that a small bottle had been found in tho hand of tho dead man. X ran down that Mdo of tho story at tho start and showed tho doctor up in groat shnpo, for ho hud givon a certificate for heart fail ure, haying been induced to do so by Odlvin'B friondH. Thon I wniited a pic ture but tho douco a picture was to bo had. Finally an old friend of Calvin's told mo thoro wna a largo crayon of tho lumberman in the lodgoroom whore they met, Calvin had been ono of the past presidents, and on rotiring, shortly after tho death of his partner, hud pre sented tho ledgo with this pioturo, fol lowing a custom in voguo in that par ticular body. Tho man who told mo ol it was ono of tho trustees, and ho offered to go to the room with mo and lot nic have tho portrait. I did not want, oi course, to bother with tho frame, so I proceeded to take out the baok. While 1 was doing so tho trusteo looked for some marriagf licenses. E. oonwi,BlohardohBt.,Biwi, Oat. It ia an extraordinary question in an thropological science whioh has been propounded popularly of late. The inr fluonoo of environment upon tho race resident ih the Uuited Btates must in tho courts'of four centuries produce per tain marked and undeniable phynioal results. It ia not generally acknowledg ed by American anthropologists that there is a teodouoy of reversion to the type indigenous to tho soil. But foreign itudontH of race, with more perspective, havo offered interesting food for reflec tion. A writer in the Chicago Times- Herald, commenting on the ajwortion of tho Fronoh authors that on this conti nent tho Amorican white man has varied toward the Indian type, offers a support ing study which ia curiously fasoinatiug possibly vojitly important. First, the familiar faces of the carica turists' creation uro called in as wit nesses. Tho Yankee and the southron large and looao limbed of thoso pioturos are types, oven aA the stout, full faced John Bull is a typo found In another environment. Both Americnu favorites of tho cartoonist have high cheek bones and usually excellent straight noses. Those witnotwtt* are not, of course, scien tifically admissible. The faces given ns by tho caricature makers are impres sions, not testimony. Scientific, however, is tho study of fered of tho Pennsylvania Gonnans* happy, thrifty, frugal people, who havo been subjooted to Amorioan conditions for noarly Wo centuries, with very lit tlo intermingling with other races, much lows than the English peoplo in Hew ISugland or hi Virginia. It is true that the pervasive and be guiling Irish have intermarried some what with these old Pennsylvania set tlors, but in tho main it is a very exclu sive, puro blooded Palatinate steak. Data htivo been seourod relative to a largo number of school children and to adult malOH from 28 to 50 yesr* of ago, and many copies of portrait* of original settlor*. Ik appears that ntature in creases and that othor important gonor- Alixationa may bo mode, tentatively of course. The inoroase of fingor reach is marked, and the head measures are im portant. "The anthropologist places consider able value upon certain proportions or relation* between measures," says tho student of tho subject. " Thus tho longth of the head and tho broadth ofHherhoad, when ooinpared, give numerical expres sion, which is called the cephalic iudox. To find It tho longth is divided into tho broadth and tho result multiplied by 100. A head one-half as wido as it is long would have an index of 50; one threo-foarthav &a wido as long would havo an index of 78; ono as wido as it was long would havo an index of 100. Thoro is no raoo whose hoad is normally so wido as to havo an indox of 100 or so narrow as to havo one of B0. Tho higher tho indox, of course, the broader and sounder tho hoad; tho lower tho indox, tho longer and uarrowor tho head. Ger mans genorally aro notably round head ed. Topiuard gives for aonio people of Lorraine the index of 85.11. Tho average index of 100 Pennsylvania Germans is 81.0, wkioTTiu notably loss and nar rower. Tho heads of our northern and oafltoru Indians are still longer and nar rower. We cannot at present mako a furtuor comparison with profit. What wo havo already uaid may prdvo erro neous whon wo learn tho aotual Palati nate, typo. Wo osBumo now that* the Palatinate Gorman a woro of medium staturo, light haired, blue or light eyed, round howled, with .a fingor reach of 1.0-13. Wo find that tho Pennsylvania German children uro dark in hair and oyes, that tho mrm. uro probably of in- oroasod stature, that heads appear to bo lengthening, that arm roach appears to bo increasing. In all thoso rospects the Pennsylvania German varios from tho assmnod Palatinate typo and in tho di rection of tho Indian. If our nasumptum proves valid, we may claim that our ovidenoo shown change, which, if con tinued, may form an Indian typo from the. Gorman." All this, it must bo notod, is abso lutely distinct from any of tho roasona for ditouflsing tho tondoucy of Araoricnnn to revert to original types from tho in- flltratiou of tho rod Indian blood itsolf in tho veins of tho white race. From tho days of tho old .French and Indian wnra flrosido talos of Now England iutormix- turo of that sort havo boon eonimou enough. A recent novol hon expressed tho country knowledge in Now England that there is an occasional "streak'.' from ancestry that approached Now . England from the west as woll as, that which approached it from tho oast across tho Atlantic. In tho western statoo and torritorioa tho great numbors of half . broods whoso doucondauts find thoir way into tho lifo of cities brings to boar a curious and unrcckoned fovco in tho do- volopmont of the fiber and sinew of tho race in North Ainerioa. Boston Tran script. "Cores talk " in favor'^ of Hood's BaxsftparllW, u for no other niedi- olne. It* greet cnroyecorded in truthful, convincing language of grataf ul-Wlon and women, constitute its most efl*otiv ad vertising. Many oi the** eurei wre mar- vetoa*. They have won the confidence of tho people; hava givon Hood's Euursap*- rilla the largest Bales in the world, and have made necessary for its m no fact are the greatest laboratory en earth. Hood's Barsaparlllal* known by the cures It baa mado^ouree or scrotals, salt rheum and eczema, cures,of rheumatism, neuralgia nd weak nerves, cure* of dyspepsia, liver nd kidney troubles, catarrh and malaria. Such Cures as This Prove Merit. " My'little nephew waa a plump and healthy baby until a. year and a half old, than Bores broke out behind hln ears and spread rapidly over hla head, hands and body. A physician nald the trouble waa scrofula humor in tho blood. The ohild became one complete sore. We had to restrain his handH to keep him from scratching the norttfl. Wo were Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, and in a short timo he bad moro life. He Improved rap^- Idly, his. skin becarne entirely clear of BOroH and ha Ifl now n htuilthy child."| MB*. FLOREHCOi Akdbewh, Cleardeld,' lows. MBABBflWlftiiner of Manage Llooo't. ^ Comtfii{on*cinO .J..eto. Ooato. Oat, IoBuerof Morrlflee tilcenso*. Id* ~ acvmxontJt Night oDToa ft pwollioc. " ___________ OHUROH D|HBdTOItr'-.^^l Mwi h60J8T, T__ 'very Huailny nt IX a* m. and 7 v, m, Babni School at U.Bli p. m. O. IS. Naylor, Bucarlntai ,iit of aohvul. ^piro>Wi'I>aflue'prayormeetLw ^ rubfrdaysvenlnVatS o'olooli, dno/al piayayi metUnsohTnursdayeveDlntv. : . a ou ^ UNDI^Tj*KIMC; HPLUMME iTt, Ondertatcor and rurt-itti.r Deolor. OofflnB, homo and factory rile from $3 to B0. McGregor,On*- __ AROJUT^OTa TOHN A. MAYC00K, ABOUITEOT, &o.t Ilonm^O and 11, 'Fleming Building, WintlBor, Out Phono Q1U- CBUuoh'.oh- ENOiAND ltov. A-l/.uoverly.ia-Y1 |UjnitteDt,^t. Paula, li:&ux. Din ' Mrrlatl::': UvK|> aatt&Uy at U'.m ,'/ o'clock, pm Bundajt; 'BohOUl atlOa. m, jhrlnlty (Jjjuroh.NorthBlois . Bnn.H day Bohool at I.lOp. m, The pttbllo are OOB- dlally Invited. \-if -----_^l, , .llfrl PnKBurTBBiAN, W. M.Kleming, Pastor* Baz- vloaa on Sabbath at U a. m. ami f ,80 p. m. Babm bath School at2:B0 p. m. Pray or mietlngand Paator'a bible olaas on Tuesday at7J0 p,-|0 Hoolal Union on Wodnoodayat $MV- :" I' Uil'TlB i.uunou. liov.M. P. Campbell, Pa** tor. ui vices eaah Habbatb at 11 a. m. anbVT.' li..:;. I'myur mooting ou Thursday eTonlaa< ut 8o'clock. Beatufreo. All are cordially wat-" oomudy ': Sarsaparilla Ii the best In fact the One True Wood Pnrifler. SOCIETIES IO. 0. F.-ENTBUPBIBB odKe No Slfl, rnooteevery Thursday, uveulng at 7.*nln Oddfollows Hall, In third atoroyDunntan Blok. Visiting morubore of other lodgon will rooojvn fratorn&l wolcomo. FKEO- OILBOB, K. O, OENTIIAL KNOAMPMIflNT, Mo.flO. mooUIn OddrellowB'Hall.Danstan'B Block, ou tto ilrHt and third Taeaday lneaah month, ViBltors cor dially rooolved. Mouibors of aubordluata lodgea In the Jurisdiction, lnvltod to Join. C. HANNAN, 0. P., O. P. UUSti, Boo. It Friday ovonlnu In ovory luonth for brl- (iado iiiootlntf and third Friday for practice In the Flromou'H rociu In the Ktooo bulldlntf. Jan. MoMurray, Chiaf; Ham, Hmltli, Oaptulu; .Toil. Hloto, LloutonaQt; Warrou Loo, Beorotnry; Frod, Hyatt,Treasurer 0OUKT UOYAXj, NO. 213.1. O. F. MiiotflBocoud and fourth Tnnudity'ti In eaoli month hi 1. O. O. F. Hall at H o'clock y. m. VlbltltJfi broth or ii will ho ulvert a fr&Unial *nl- oomo. W.J.DitWar, G. It., W.O.Bhaw, B.B., M.J.Wlglo.O.B. U. O.K. it on ah lUTubtw. Kr. 0. B.'MoGUe, i'aator. tiutsiov ovory other Buuday at&.80p m. Buntlay deboo) at 9 p. m. it ] at 7,.p.,m. O. B,' Mo^ y dchoo) at3p, MliUBTONKi. Illgh ujuhh and Huruion at 10,80 a. in,, ciLtuohUm at U p. ra,, haptlam at S jp. m.f voHitornunii rjonediotfon ' ~ " aou, p. l*. AOENTH wanting prolltitblo euiplnyniont tlirougU the Hammer can ntld tt vrlth ua, an wo have no wont Huaelaii varlot!en of Kuruory etook end now Bood 1'otatoon. Hahuy or com- inlesioii. Write uh at ouoo for tiirrltory. PML* UAM NUBBKBY OO., Toronto, Out. !W-lUt Ba^vaxion Aumy. Cnnt. Htnith and Xdouft, lkuytoh in uoiiunund. flalvatipu nieetlng* Wed- ihiuduy/lhuruday undfjanday evaiilngs^reeaua Kany^uturduv oveulog aud-lJpan.Sunday;i*0ll* uobtt tnoutluKb for ahrlstiuDH Friday uvemng and 11 a.m.; Kuoo Drill 7 am, ovory Banday. All aru wuloomw. j^ A, WIHMKH, liarrlntr, Holloitor, Notary Him I'ulilio&o. Money to loan, OlIlceB.Dqn- utait Uloolt, uit-btalr, l-JuaoX. i-11 JIj. PiCTKItB Haj-riutor, Bolloltor N< Public Mouuy to JLodki. OUleo Bcruthora' Hunk, lCuaax Uoulro. '^fjAKKsi, COWAN, BAHTIjKT & BAKTIiBTJ 0 \J UanjHtoru, etc. Otllooa MUhury iilook, Wiiidb.r. I'rlyiLto lutidu to loan. A, H. Cljuuoi, Ij. 1j. Si. M. K. Gowan, M. P. M. A. iUttTWIT. A. It. BjLU'i*4UV. B, A. KM ' mil fiu' ,,vor m* *9t to HOOd S Fills utko, easy to opetaU. aee. ^i^'^2^ai WROUGHT IRON FAD. It Mod a Uvjrinnlusr In Crimmy lu tha Mt.l.Il.. Atfei. Thoro is no doubt that wrought iron Is moro und moro used ovory year in do mestic economy itnd decoration. De servedly bo. Thoro is nothing that loads itsolf ho easily to the requirements of loth utility and art. Besides, it hua nn ancient nnd respectable history, Gorinauy in the fifteenth cehtury pro duced much wrought iron work of a rathor special character, such as the grave croBSGS and Bcpulchrnl monument* to bo seen in tho cemeteries of Nurem berg. Iron was also mploycd for well canopies, such . us that at Antwerp at tributed to Quontin Matsys. Originally a blacksmith from Louvain, lio camo to Antwerp to seek his fortune, Thoro, as tho story goes, ho foil hi lovo with tho daughter of apaintcr, and, to propitiate tho dmightor as well as hor father, ox-, changed tho anvil for tho painter's pa- lotto, and boforo hiH death, in 1581, ho was successful in holping to raiso tho sohool of Antworp to a celebrity equal to that of tho schools of Bruges and Ghent. Ironwork was extensively produced at Augsburg under tho fostering euro of tho Fuggor family, taking tho shape of brackets, projecting from tho wiiIIh and grills over fanlights or in a balcony, GrbtoRfiuo knockors aro also common in Nuremberg. Keys wero sometimes elab orately decoratod, and tho part which is now a common ring wiisonco occupied by littlo figures in full rolief, with coats of arms and tho liko. Tho French revo lution was tho cause of much splendid ironwork being destroyed, when, in 1703, certain provinces had to gather together ovcry available piece of iron to transform into pilcos antt othor weap ons. Now York Herald. ' " The Maaara Mis RouUf HKNKY O. WALTJtliiB L.L.h., Attorney and UotniHiilor yat lav*-, Bolloltor In Ohanoery, 1'rootor lu Admiralty, iiiteut Ho lie Iter, Office. Nowborry liuhdlui/, a*r. Grinwold und Lorried utu., JDotrolt, Mloli. (OiLinutluti uhilniH afla 1 nob norsonH In the UuittMl Htatou coll.^ijl.) ltofurouauni JmutirVUJmik, KnKoi,Ont, J. Ij. Putoru, 1l.h<i., liarrlyttir, ota,, Wasei, lil.A. Wtumor, Kuq. liavrlutor,utu.,Ki>uux. Ont Ont tiOINU Y.XUT Taklntf otfoot Detroit....... Windsor .... Poltoii........ Maldntonoo Khiuix......... WoodHloo... Kunoomb... Comber...... Hldsntown.. Ilouney....... Bt. Tliomau a.m. C.20 0 60 Exp. a, ra 0.40 10.10 March, 1807. Mall Exp a.m. K.20 O.B0 .O.DH 0.10 (J.I1S 0,40 OKI) 7.07 O.ilO HA0 O.BO 10.00 1.2B 7.20 U.00 8.47 ll.M Aooom p.m. 4.40 6.01 B.1D o.!17 5.B0 tt.(S0 0.03 7-10 7.M BAO Mixed a. m. 4.00 4.10 ClO o,22 B.U5 0.55 (110 10.W) n.ius 2.Q5 OOINO W1SBT. London......... "t. Tliomas... Xladnny......... KIdfffltowu..;.. Coyibor.......... ltunaamb....... WoodHloo....... Kbbox............ Muldntono Cr Tolton............ Wlndiior......... Potrclt........... p.m. 12.10 2.40 D.tU) 407 (f.aa G.40 B.tSO e.03 0.14 fl.21 0.4S 7.10 a.m. 10.G0 11.34 18.0& 1Q.40 Mixed /j.ib 0.J13 7.J14 7.B8 H-II5 7-10 0.00 0.B3 ia.4fi o.ay mo 0.41 O.ft] 10.0a 10.1'J ic.oo 10.Ro 13B a.2o 11.117 4 00 Aktihcrtbur I^ocul Vruluu. WKfIT MA8T l> m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m o.Ofi 11.40 7,lt0 Hbhox ( 0.4B fi.UO ii.14 11.63 7.40 Edgaro (1.U7 0.33 B.10 .Q1 12.00 7.47 ft Jd X> R Xing 0.21 0.37 A&1 II22 13-lfi 7.M MoG^Ofior O.20 0.26 A.tA (J-40 13.8o 8.10 Gordon fl.OB OOfl 4.115 0.4B 1SJ.40 8.15 Amhorfltbur(( 0,00 0.00 4.80 AlltraliiH aro ran on oontral standard time, wuloh In sixty miuutos slowor than tinnox time. Por information and raton to oolou- intfl movhij! wont apply to John G. Lavon, Paii- HoiiKor Afiout, St. Thomas. O. W.. JliiR/doe, Gon- oral PaiiHono;or ana Tlokot Acont, Chicago, 111 or A.O. Htimora, Aueot. I&bhox, MEDICAL. \ItS, lllilKN <fc BHIKN. Jas. Hrlou. M. D L. It,, O. I*. 0., Rraduato o! Quuon'u Unlvoadity, Kinuotou, tiitimber of Col- ' loj[u of riiyuioiaim and tiurf;ooii9,, Grad- uuUt ui Now Vork, i'ont tiraduato Itodical Col* Ioko. J. W. Ilrlon, M. D C. M.. V. T. M. 0. Honor , graduate of Trinity Medical Collo^o. ' Honor ffruduiLto of Trinity uuivoralty. Mtmbor of the (Jollofjoof I'nyBiolauBand Hurj/ooua, Out. Grad* uato of how York, 1'ont Graduate Medical Gollogu, UUlod ovor Kubox Modical Hall 'Xrutt etore. Conmiltatlau rooniB, both on ({round floor and ilrfit tint above, ToJojihono .lu botU olllco dud roBirlouco. All calls uttoudad to from ofllce, dtiiii utoro, lv rtBldunoo. llodldwioe, '%'aJbot Htruot, front of fair utomidti. , ,' . DH J. %, JBNNKU, AdsocUto Coroner for , ' tho County o( liaaox. : J, Karlo Jouuor.M, U.O.M., Trinity Univer sity; M. 0.1*. and H. Ontario; Liu. lioyal College PuvBialauH, London; Kub.; iBcHoholArahip and V.oid Modalldt, Trinity Collu^o, im; appointed " Houho 'PbyHioluti and Burfloou, ToroatO'Goueral llObpltal itnd Itouldoiit Aooouehour Burn Bide JjyJijy-lii Hoopltuli Toronto, 18H4. Hpoofalty, dls- . oiiHOfl of womun and ohildron. lioeiitonoo, honae latoly ocoupiod by Br.Dowar,Talbot at.,^Baex, -.. Oilloo In Imporlal Bank Bloak, ground-floor, ,- opposito ThorUo'u druu otoro. Modloinoa dla- - potiBod lu tbo oflloo, Toloplionu connection ; ;, with both olUbo und roeldonoo, l'rivate' tele-' plionollno hotwoon Gyrll V&qiwtltfu house and ' Dan Kennedy's houiiu and oilloo. Night calla attondod to at olllco or roBidenoOj I*opo und Moldler. Tho popo need to bo tho idol of the French soldiers during tho occupation of Rome and did not disdain to maintain with them, tho intimato relations and cordiality of a village pastor. Whouover thoro 'was u regiment oullod homo, its members nover failed to vinit his holi- nesH to obtain his benediction, and tho soldiers woro always warmly received. Ono day a trooper made n singular nnd daring request that the popo would say a nuuw for him, for him alone. Tho popo coiiBcntod. ' 'But," Raid. tho sol dier, "I want to bo present." "Woll," answered tho popo, ' 'como at 0 tomor? row to my privato chapel. No ono but yourself shall bo admitted." "Tomor row," suddenly replied tho soldier. 'Tomorrow I'vo got to go to tho station to nee Romo of tho boya off; but tho day after, popo, I'm your man." "Vory well, my son/'said tho popo with a Bmilc, "day after tomorrow bo it.*' Now York Tribune. CaUtflit on tlio Vly. Ho Well, your sister is married. Now ifc's your turn. Shu Boston Travollor. L. \L. A D.R.Ry. TDDl TATHjT'j NO. 22, taking offoot Monday, Bot- 27,1600. Trains run by Eastern Stand ard Timo, Daily except Sunday A M A 0312 0.83,13 0.8!) 12 0.4IM2 0,(1012 W <> O & % Station b. 0.r7 10.02 10.00 10,10 10.27 10.1)7 lO.'lB lO.Bti 11,11 11.20 11.4:1 11.B0 11.5S 12 01 .10.10 IC.?4 v w 0:20 0.27 tUA 0.40 \M 0.47 .10-0.64 ,19,0.110 ,UO|7.10 .CO; 7.17 .03,7.27 35! 7,07 ..GO. 7.44 .IBkM 10 fl.CO U W a.17 0JJ3 0.112 R.40 8.47 H.63 000 0.07 0.12 020 0.1)1 I'. M PopWalkory'loAr WalUorvlllo Juno. .........Tolton......... ......\ OldouHtlo...... ......\ Paqnotto...... MoGrofior...... ...4 Now Canaan... ... i Mamhilold ... ...... Harrow ...... ........t Amor......... ...... KIllRBVillO...... ...... Iluthvon ...... ... ftoamlnutou,... ......Whoatlcy...... ......{llonwlok...... ......CoiLtnworth ... ......\ Glonwobd...... .........Morlln......... ......, lUixton......... ..... Bandlson ...... ..-rCodarBprlnfiH... Blouhpim Juuct'n ......lllonbo'm...... ........IWilUo......... Ar llldgotown I)6p A DlO 0 00 |SC7 er.:i H47 ttV2 10 3fl 8 20 823 ,8 11 6C1 Cl i7 40 7 21 7 10 17 10 7 00 (I 63 M.- (140 Ofll 10 24 0 20 010 000 lA.M 3& 0 c .201 .1&11 ,1ft i.OO 11. PM 7.fi0 7.41) 7.U7 7.03 7-27 7 n2 7!l7 7.10 7.0.'l o.r.2 0,43 flflO 0,18 41.011 ool . fi.40 ti.ltO ft 28 Kttl CIO C.07 O.flO 4.BH 4 45 '4.M X'.M. DENTAL. E'P. MAUTIN.D.S.B./li. D. S. Graduate o in Boutiiitry, lioyal Collofjo of Dental yurfjooun, Ontario, and UiiivorRtty. of Toronto. Uhar({OH,modorato. Ouloo, over ilrlon & O01 jruc atoro. 18-lv WH. IttOnAltDSON, VKVJUItlNAtty-flrjtt GKON. Honorary grail uato of Ontario Votoriuary CoIIoho, Toronto: morabor of On tario Votorimiry Modloal Bonlaty; Dlplomlst In. Dontldtry; troatH all dlfluaaofl of domoBtlaated unlnlaln; eattlo dohoruod by tliolatotit Improved Leavltt clipper Calln by ttlonbono or tole- Srapl) 1 roinptly attoiidod to. lloaidouoo.three ooi'H eutit of fjrint will; offico in r>cut office buildlnu; inflrnmry, directly opposito. -. LAND SURVEYOR. AMK8 S. XjAXUD, X^rovlnoiiil Laud Surveyor."' _ and t'ounty Kiujluoor, Kanox Centre, Ont .'. OUloo, JJunotan Bloolc, upstairu. "i-\, . ' -./ AUCTIONEERS. HKNKY HKDUICK,' Auotlonoor. Balb ,, promptly attondod to, AcidreuB Sonth/J-j VVaoiinleii, Out. Peiaotin desiring to Heoure .uiir>;.t may loavo ward uttho l-'iiiCK rmcn oaleu.- > ' >1 . tf II. IIKDHIOB?<,.,^t \ l'la({ StatloiiB, Traintt top only whon thoro aro puununuorB at or for thouo 'stations. Mlxutl traluu aro at al tlmoH trnhjoot to lie 0uncoiled Wl WOOLLATT. j Gonoral BupoHntondou . Do You Want D8INOI1AIH, LIOBUSKD AXJOTIOKBB] for tho County of Kssox, Ilaililf of KightU.-yrt Divliiioii Court. All Id tula of ITarm and other r^ luottul promptly. Itutcs roadonable.J'J lod on nuplloatiou. inquirers may L"j; . D. neamnn's ouloo, oraii tho ofaoa.v^ nn 'ti'a HaloB onnduotiul prompt! aud furniBliod Hpply at W. jj. jmamiiirn ouiou, ur uu nit of BivlBion Court 01orl(,Mr. John MUuo. or by apply fug to P. O. Box IBS Khbox, Ont.^)ftsj fct-.: made a mea-ble stntuo of Charles I of ' Bnglniid.'singnlar, however, that this not mentioned, so for os ; is known, fyiny other Writer, oud the Jjtory :may be apocryphsi' t , wrapping pajMr, and 1 was alono. Tall* about luck! Luck wasn't in it. I am not religious, as you know, hut I havo hiul n quoor-fooling about thut affair ever since. I found a folded parolmi ont like paper .between tho pioturo and tho backt and you can bet I hustled it into my pocket darned quiok. "Just imagino, boya, how ray heart boat until I got to my room. Iwtwu't married thou. I looked the door and go! out my prooioua paper: It was a com bination will and confession, and the Introduction was the strangest part oi it. Oalvin gave hifl reason for biding it S*lt n Xiuxtiry In Afrlc*. Tho groatoafc of all luxnrioB in oentral Afriea is salt. To Hay that a man oatH salt with hid vlotnals is thoaamo ua say ing that ho la a rich man. Mungo Park says, "Tho long continued use of vogota- blo food croatcB so painful a longing for salt that no words can BUfllciontly do- scribo it," Ohicugo Tribune. Eliwiboth Btnart Pholps relates that onco, whon Lohgfollow was visiting hor at hor Gloucostor homo, shn pointed ont to him tho roof of Norman's Woe and Was Burprisod to And that, although ho had wrecked tlio schooner Hesperus on it, he had novor before seen it. IProni Venice to Washington is a di*- ianceof 3.8S5 miles. deptt's Emulsion is God- liver Oil prepared as a food At. the same time, it is a blood maker, a nerve tonic and an up-builder. But principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions; for those who are not getting the fat they should from their ordinary food; for chilr dren whom nothing seems to nourish; for all who are fat-starved and thin. It is pleasant to take; at least, it is not unpleasant- Children like it and ask for more. Some drugEUu-h*v* good" kind. Isn't t dw kind all oduri try toenail good onoueh for you to I buy? . To Drlvo anywhere, If bo, you want a Good . U'rai^ BXa . cnd the placo to got it Ih at JOHN McDOUGALL'S livery, Sale & Feed Stables Good UoBtiorfl In attendanoo day [aud night. H03SE-SH0EINQ la this branch of our business \yeb first- olaas Workmon and "will guarantee satisfaction in Bbooln*. Horses that interfere.i. Over* Hoaoh or have Corns or OoQtraoted FeQt. wc make a Speoialty of Shoolus Bond and Traelt Horses: , ; tar TcUphcme Qonntctitm* 1?KANK MoCLOHKEY, MaldHtono, thlrtyi^ . Buvon yours1 oxporleuoetLH anauotlbneerm% thoCounty of Kssox, Hales eouductodpromptlyw' and on reasonable tcring. rartius dealring.^ \\x tbo iluto tot a Halo can huvo tliomaelveH;^ drive by rail in ([ at the I^ibb I'ukbs orhoe- WfllJ have arru,(iud with Mr.' MoOloBkey ejid, will tat? the datuH for Hides fy toletcnnifa; eatirely free ol,] all charge to tho poruon holdiDK tbo salo: Mji drouB I'rartU ftlaOloakuy .Maldatono Cross^Ont.;.^ 1(15 im ^;^ rg LAND AND LOAN ACEMT8'^|fl C" KOBGK J. TUOMAS, Gouveyaneer. Opuw X mlsBionor, in High Court of Juntlce; &oi$tm lu Ileal Estate aud Mortgages. Money tO loa?t( a,ttliolowoat rate of lutorent. Farms bobs"* and Bold, Ineurauoo takon lit the naoat relul- oornpunles. Urewiugof deedB, jnortgHEt-a api loaaea a specialty. Charges moderate ana.aL. business promptly attended to, Oall at tbw Oentral Toleobone, office EBBeiOebtre. BO^y m T; SIMPSON, Manufacturer of Fos ter's Patent. Union Artificial Limbs 119& 114 !Bates t. De troit, Mich. Leaoriptlve sataloguee and blanks for making applloatlohB.for f:qverument orders for tmbs aud urausportatloa or commutation (berefor sentlree on application ..,:'* ...... A?. t # ^J ml 1 \ir><"t:;m M

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