W#'v^'/"::':';;:';'.;v;' ',. "' v B^^^ 1V' ^i ('J.V./'V.'iJ g!.' .-**' l;V;. y -^. BS: > A Gooct ^J^Jaing. r^i Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well. Wear Well. This is the least wo oould poimlbly Bay about thorn. If it Wan not for our experience in leather we could not hoII bo cheap. Call and bo oonvmood for yourself. 183k 8SHL-. MHllltl^) (Q Siru of the Goldou Boofc, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. We Can Give ... . You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in G-rey, ty Brown and Fawn Colors made to your % order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. For $17, $i8 $19 and ,$20 We can give you a Suit from the Clyde Tweeds, 0 These Goods are equal to the Scotch and come from $4 to $7 leas. They look as well, wear as well, the fy color is guaranteed by the maker. We havo done the bulk of our. trade this season so far in the Clyde fy Woollens., 3F-oir &20 Wo can givo you a Hoavy Twill Black Worsted Houvy woight and'will not tfloss in woav. Wo huvo other linca snmo lower in prico, sonic higher.' Wo havo Ovorooats from $1 5 up in Boavota, Moltons and Koraoys, Wo can givo you bottor valuoB in Mado-to-Ordor Clothing than you can do elsewhere. If you nood a Suit or Overcoat lot us boo you. DEWAR-IEOR. TILBURY. It is proposed to establish a ourfow boll in Tilbury, to be rung ovory night, under which the villago youth must bo offthe streets at6.80, SANDWICH. John Homo, Br.", of the FortViow Housoi Bandwicb, haa Bold his businoaa to James Ouellotte, and is asking the lioonso commissioners to transfer his liconso. SANDWICH EAST. Francis Morand, ox-deputy roeVo of Sandwich Kant, has returned home perfectly well in mind und body. It will bo romomborcd that two yearn ago Mr, Aforand was afiliotod with brain trouble whiob left him impaired in reason, Ho has boon under medical treatment in London and comos back perfeotly curod. > ..> STAPM3S. Tuesday morning, Robert "Yux, was acquitted nt Sandwich of tho charge of carnally knowing, a girl under 14,named Delia Lo Rondeau. Judgo Horno found tho ovidouoo of so unsatisfactory a eharaotor that he could not Und Yax guilty. J. R, Martin defended Ynx. A lnrgo elm tree was cut down and brought to ono of tho millft tho other day. It containod six thousand foot of timbor and was six foot aorosn tho butt. Threo teams woro ft day and a half bringing tho log to tho mill, The -Gigantic CLEARING For Cash At The Great Corner Store. Furniture. Thoso who nood Furniture it will pay thorn to examine tho vory lino aud woll assorted Stock afc tho Composed of Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diningroom Suites, Easy Chaira, OlovuryDaaarlptlon, Lounges, Baby Carriages, Picture Frames Made to order on short notice and overythinp: in the shiipe of Furniture too numerous to mention. You can got Fur niture hero for less money than olacwhero, quality of gooda considered. Everything de livered free of charge. J. A, HIDKS & Co,, Essex, Cheapest and Best Reading - -In Canada THIS SUN Is the Canada Farm era' feun re-onranlzcd. It Ifi strictly Independent, and " A By.aUi.nder" la a regular contributor to Its columns. . Itn mnrkcit reports are acknowledg ed to -bo til0 fullest and most accurate t>ulbUshe<l In Canada. It rclvesi the boat farmers' na^e In. flho I)o-mlTn!an. It contains a short story from Lon don Truth, woeklv. It frlvea an average o 40 columns of bricht reading In each issue. This paper will bo ttont to uiiy Uddress in Oniwida (outside of Toronto) to tho end of '07 for 60 contH. . Thiye copies will Ijg sent to .any three addresses (ouUilde this city), for iha a-amo period for a dollar. Tho Sim imd Weekly Globi* combined will bo aont to tho end of 1807 for Oho Dollar, AoMrt-aa tall orders to ; tHE SUN PRINTING COMPANY, ltd, TORONTO. Agcnto Wanted. Write for termo, and tear how to secure a erold. watch or (parlor .clock, without tiho coat or a <lallaT. Uuthven Mrfl, 3?. Gr, Bolton is visiting hot Bin- tor iu Michigan. Tho Imperial concert .-was poatponod from Saturday lanfc to WcdnoBtlay of thifi wook, Minn Kato Morton, of Toronto, id an nounced to prancli horo again noxt San- day forenoon at 10.30. Tho members of tho choir was treat ed to an oystor supper at tliG parnonagb on Saturday evening, Jan. UlBt. A moat dolightful timo wa spont. There i-talk among tho fnrmorn on tho road loading from Buthvon to Olin- cla,* about putting down a gas woll to supply tho neighborhood and Rutuvon itU (JftH; , Our Counters are Growded daily with delighted shoppers. Departments all shower blessings upon them in the shapeiof High-Class Dry Goods, Cloth ing and Boots and Shoes, at prices which are at a Great Reduction from the Regular Value. DIEBEL&BRICKER. PILL-'PRIOE. The duyfi of 26 contH a box for pills aro nuihborod. Dr. Agnow*n Liver Piila afc 20 cents a vial aro aurer, safer and ploaa- . antot to tako. And aro supplanting all othota. Dfujz'jriabs e'oll thorn. All Curo Oouatipatioii, Biolc aud Nuryouu. Hetulaolioa,' Di^ztnoas, JbioHitudo, JJuuri- Dllf i. VBpQpBia, Ijohb of AppotHu and all troubleb &rinluj^ Krouj liver didordor. ST. PAUL'S ROCK3. A Subm*lii Xloaaialn lu tli SUddl* 4t thu Atluutlo OcuttU. Almost nt tho vory contor at tho At lantic oceim only n trlflo north of tho oquator aud about half way botwoeu South AmoHoa und Africa is a snb- mariuo mountain bo high that, in apito of tho immotmo depth of tho ica, it thruata itn pouk 70 foot above tho wavea. Tliia poak, Hurtling from ita ponition, forma a labyrinth of iyloty, tho whole not ovor hnlf a mila in oircnmforonco, known ns St. Paul's rockH. So stoop is tho mountain, of which thinlonoly ront- iiiK plncoof Rca birdxis tlioBummit, that ono milo from thoso rockn a GOO fnthom lino with which sonudinRR wore at- tomptod by Ross on hiy voyage to tho Antarctic failod to.touch bottom. Wo'ro tho bod of thofioa tobofluddenly olovntod to n lovol with tho dry Innd, St. Panl'fl rooka would bo tho cloud capped peak of a mountain rifling in shoor uficont in tho midst of a broad plain. Tboy arc huppowod to havo boon formort by tho flame diaturban'oo of na- tnro which eoparatod tho Cupo Vordo iH- landfl from Africa. Troaoho.rous currentsmako navigation in tho vicinity of thono rocks dangorouH. A Brazilian naval officer, who pasriod them on un Engllflh iittuunor, tolls mo that tho evening hoforo tlioy oxpoctod to night thorn ho was told by tho captain that at C o'clock in tho morning thoy would appear about five milos wont At that hour tho ofllcor wont on duck and lookod to tho westward nothing but an oxpiuiHo of heaving Ron. Ho chanced to turn, and there, five milofl to tho ennt- ward wcro tlio rooks. Tho ourronts hud, in Ichh than IS hours, oarriod a full powcrod Htcaraor ton milon out of hor courBo. -GuHtuv Kobbo in St. Nich olas. Manning nnil the Jnuulta. Kdmund S. Purccll/who Wrato tho biography of Cardinal Manning that was no widely diHousKod and in nomo quarters condomnod, wroto a papor for Tho Ninoteenth Century entitled "On tho Ethics of Suppression In' Biogra phy," in which ho makes an interesting statement concerning Manning's rela tions to tho Jofluito: Cardinal Manning could not enduro to bo lookod upon by tho Jesuits as an "onomy ot vital godlinoRs." Thoy foil nndor his ban. Motaphorically ho "cursod thoni with bell, book and candlo.'* In u laughing fashion thoir retort oamo quick: . CunllimlH imny como, oardlnalB mny (to, But wo bo on forovoi*. Cardinal Manning, ofl in known of all mon, rngnrdod tho suppression of tho Society of Jesus in 1773 as tho work of God's hand. Ho likowiBo iook&d upon ifcH rostoration in 1827 an God's work. But his abiding hostility to tho Jesuits, based, as ho doclarod, 011 thoir corporato action in England and Komo, was testi fied by tho prodiotion which ho .uttered on various occasions,' "I foresee another XIlH CllUHC*. Timwina -I havo u notion to writo ono ot thoso Scotch dialect stories, Simmons But you don't know any- *Mug about Saotqh dialoot. Timmius I know -im muoh about it as tho popplo who buy tho Htories. In dianapolis Journal. w URAMINOTON. Survoyor Baird hn sonfc for registra tion a now survoy of land lying .north of Talbot stroot, which ho has proparod for RoborTAViglo. Itov. J. B. Scott will represent Leam ington Lodge at tho A, O. U. W. Grand Lodge at Toronto noxt wook. Tho post oflico at Goldsmith, on tho 8th concession of Morsea, haH boon moved a milo farther oast. It was formorly locatod at tho roaidonco of. Rufafj MoMullin ; it is now at Goorgo Bullock's. Petitions aroboingoiroulatod around Leamington asking tho Dominion Gov- ornmont for aid to oxtend tho L. E. & I). K. II. oastward, from Ridgotown to St. Thomas. He (telling a hairbreadth adventore) And in tho bright moonlight we oouW wo thodwk muBJlos of the wolvi. ' She (brtathlowily) Oh, how glad yon tnust have been that tfaev hid the mui- loi cnl Pe*rion> Weekly. KINOSVILLE. D, D. Montroso, who was charged in the Detroit-Police Court with having two wives, has boon hold to the Re- cordor'tf court for trial, bail boing plac ed at $5,000, John Loop, -father of tho Loop broth ers living in town, oxpirod Monday morning'. Deceased was 82 years of ago.and had boon ailing for a long timo. Tho romains wore takon from U. Loop's .residence at noon Tuesday, and inter red at Leamington cemetery. In 180(5, KingHvillo had -121) ratepayers, with an assessed avorago of 452 acres, real proporty $1183,000. personal ftU.ono, taxable income S*l,!lin, making a total anHinontof $-111,1107. Tho total taxes imposed that year for all purposes was ftiVinn, or &7.iM per head population. Tho members of tho town council mot a few representatives of the Gas Co. at thoir oillco tho other night and talked tho matter over. No sottlomont was arrived at. Tho Gas Co. atill holds out for SIO.OOO for thoir entire plant which tho town council won't listen to, as thoy havo a contract all ready for sign ing, whereby a Windsor man oft'ors to put in an ontire now outfit with a largo sorvico for loss than half that amount. On Monday, at Toronto, Justice Rose' delivered judgment in "Wiglo vs. Kings- villo and Simpson, or what is known as No,. 13, an injunction to restrain tho vil lage from boring for gas and operating its own supply. The judgo continued tho interim injunction granted by Judgo Horno and dismissed tho defendants' application to dissolve injunction, hold ing that tho villago had not legally on- tared into contract with .defendant Simpson"and that nothing had been pro vided in tho estimatos for tho work. Oporations will, therefore, boat a stand still for tho present. Fleming, Wiglo A Itodd for tho plaintiff and Clarko, Cowan, Bortlot &.Bartlotfor defendants. Sovoral warships of tho British. Modi-. torrauonn sfpiadron havo boon ordorod to Crete. Tho King of Benin, who caused tho maiiaaoro of a British.expedition recent ly, has sent a vory donani message to tho British, authorities. Jlr. Curzon stated in tbo British Commons that tbo reported moasaoreB at Croto wore unfounded. Thoro had boon some small disturbances. A re port from Canoa says 500 buildingsworo burned, aud 5,000 Christian refugees from tho city have been taken on borad tho British and Greek warships in the harbor. , ! Poddio &, Co, havo m&do an asni^amont. Tho board of workw will thta yoar ask for 813.B00. Last yoar it oxponded B0.O00. Tho Publio Library Board was organiz ed on Tuonday with John Cnrry as chair man and V. H. Maophortum uh soorotary, Stcnton has not boon hoard ot sinou ho uvo Landlord Field tho slip tho samo oyouiug. v Goo. Boutoillor, tho now oxoiso ohiof at Walkorvillo, han hou({l>t from Sam Stovor tho late rosidonno of Thou, R-Dbimion on Oudllotto avoniio, and will occupy it on his arrival. A G-yoar-old crandHOii of milkman Hy. Kaalor, on Dougalbayo., was run ovor by a bob-sloifjh on.Monday on wbioh ho wcb hancring and bud hiR thigh bono badly fraoturod. Miko Ronrk wan arrostod on Saturday on the ohargo offorging a promissory note I in favor of ox-41d. John Harmon, and Susan White, of Sandwich Woat, for 870. Ho was released an had. Tho Ontario Qazotto snys (hat lottcrs patent havo boon intiuod incorporating Drs. Sopor, Samson and Kmfi and W. .7. McKoo and A. Apploton pormiting thorn to maintain a Sanitarium or gouoral hoalth rosorfc, undor tho namo of tho Mecca Sanitarium Co., ef Sandwich, Ltd., with a capital etoolt Of 910,000. Ovor twonty of tho moobaDioa from Dotroih who at prouont work at tho Typo- craph factory in Windsor, havo sont to Washington a protosfc against tho proponed alion labor law. Thono mon aro akillod mechanics drawing h^h wages. Manager Evans says that if tho Corliss bill pBSfloo, thoso mon will havo to oorno ovor to Windsor if thoy wiuh to retain thoir phioos. Ho will not wait for Canadian legislation. Windsor, Sandwioh aud Walkorvillo Horticultural nooioty hold a mooting Wed nesday night with a fair , attendants. Election of officors roonltod aa follows : Pros., Luo Monttuuil; 1st vice, S, Lustod ; 2nd vico, C, R. Dougall. Dirootors E. H. Donnolly, Alox. Bartlofc, A. McNeill, W. J. Hayward, 3no, Lonnon, Mrs. IX, Pad- don. Elias Wills, Mro, Goo. Woldriok and Mrs. Geo. Norlmry. Auditors ,1, B. Cornwall and P. H. JYlaophorson ; Soo F. P. Gaviu ; Proas., A. W. Joy00. Joo Johnson reported to tlio polioo Sun- d.iy night that .$3,000 bud boon picked from hia poaltot while ho was at the Bal vation Army mooting. Tho poakob had baon out open. Johnson had bought a farm from tlonry Banwoll, of Sandwich West, two horsoH from Goorgo Mooro, of tho samo pi hog and a lot of oooldng uten sils from Wiglo & Bono, of Windsor, He was to have paid for thoso things at noon Monnay. Tho money was to havo boon sent to him. It aumo Saturday, ho said. Whon hiu pookot was out open both uidoe ot it was out; Ho was taken oaro of by Landlord Field, hub lofb'du Monday. Hia wholo'flioxy is a fako, D,ruultonnosB in Windsor has greatly do- ofoaood, according to Ohiof of Polioo Wills' annual rnport to tho oommiuiiionoru. Thoro woro 80 ouuou of ' drunkennoHS and 35 of drunk and disordorly. Thoro wore 84 oason of aseault and battery ; trospass, Ot) ; vagtanoy 23, Thoro .woro G7 arrests oHudlotablo offimses and 15 wore acquit* ted. Tho total number of persons who ap poiirud iu poliao court wore 840. The por- contagoof stolon goods recovered was 78.11. Tho total amount of gooda and money utolou wau ftl.Glll, amount rooovored ftl.'ifli. Thoro was $1,000 worth recover- od for other police departments in Canada and the Uuitod States. Khhox JPubHc Hchool. Mins Shaw's room, ilrat class. Marks possible 50, obtainod: Nellio Johnnon SO, Mmmo Grcou fiO, Mahlo Campholl CO Hat. tio Sinclair 50, Froddio Waddington 50, Vivian Vanco 50, tiliiko Agla IjO, Ernio Ruymond id, Elmor Hannon 42, Gortio Kobinson 1J9, Mina MoAffroy 0(5 Elmo Rush. 110. Mihs Hall's room:-Ethel Wobb, Ethol Bobinson, Annio Eustace, John Irwin, Mary Cottoll, Sylvia Thornton, Blanoho Agla, Pottio Austin. CALL AT May's Bazaar, -I'Olt ALL KINDS 01" T*CVMSYKV. Etaoan JacquofJ, ofTooumsoh, father of Eaolid JacqnoB of Windsor diod on Friday. Tho funeral took plaoo at Tocuuisoh Mon- day morning. Tho old gontloman was 09 yoars old aud loaves a family of six ohild- rou. UOCHB8TII. . A largely attended party: was given ;at Savior Burette's on Monday night of last 'week. .".' ' ".',"' " Brantford's ure loas last yoar wan only 81,028 20. In tho last nix yoars tho lonuea woro only 520,351. Wra. L. Fauvol, Liberal M. P. for Bona- vonturo. diod of typhoid fovor ou Monday. Rov. Ira Emlth, of London, called th attention of hm oougrogation to thoir dnty a.i oitizons to oloan thoir sidewalks. Tho court has refused to oxtond tho (irao for tno trial of the Marquette olontion peti tion. Mr, Xlooho will hold tho seat. Loudon News : "In a rugged contribu tion in the Dandas Bannor tbo Khan ox. preuDGO tho doaire to spond. otornity with Burns. That's juut liko those poots. Whon they have spent ovorything else thoy can lay thoir hands on, thoy want to spend otornity,-too. , After tho death of his first 'wife, buta short timo ago, John Lano, of Grand Bftpi In, Mich., ro-murriod and soon tirod o? bin bargain. John Hurst, a neighbor, was onaniorod of tho women and Lano agrood to part with her for $'J6. Tho papers woro accordingly drawn up, tbo raonoy paid and tho tranofor made and thn'partioa immediately wont upon a spree which lastod until tho purchase money was oxpondod. Tho Attomoy-Gcnoral of Ontario ro- ooivod on Saturday a cablo , mosnsgo announcing that tho browors' and distil- lors' appeal from tho judgment of tho On tario Court of Appeal had boon dismissed with aosta, Tho Court of Appoal hold that tho Ontario .Legislature had powor to re quire broworioa aud diotiilories to take out a liaenHO for the nalo ot tho liquor manufaoturod by thorn, and to pay snob foo as tho Legislature mlghli imposo, A nominal Too has boon borotoforo imposed by tho Legislature, but tho dintillors and brewers whilo taking tho Hcouro .and pay ing tho. foe woro onoliuod to tho opiuiou that tho logislation imposing tho hoonpo w(V ultra vires of tho Logialataro. Tbo Privy Counoil hus ogam decided in favor of the Provinco, and hold the legis lation to- bo within its oonstitniluna'. authority. . It remains bhorofcjto for tho Legislature tD'trny whether die foo shall oontiuuo to bo nominal, as horotoforo, ot whothorit shall bo mbfltau'tial. Tho Oxford County Gounod voted W0 to tho ludiii roliof fend. . - Away dowu. WINDOW BLINBH OHINAWAHE, BBIC-A-BItACE. FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES l TOYS OF ALL KINDS BE TAflNS.0JU UUd AnBKING NewSiock of Late Wall Paper. ESSEX neadquiiKoiH tor Sohool Books, School Bnpplion Note Papor.Envolopos, Inks Wnting Tftblofcn ttaa-offleo fitationorv' tationory. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. . ^.ESSEaS...... TT A "R."NT 5 Piano ancft ^^ ttJ-N-^ organs-.> d: #- R.S. Williams'Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos, ,.., # Singer Sewing Machin6s|| .........Have. Jimt reeolyod a..,.....* ' .:i; New Sit|>i>ly of VIoIium, AiUliarp,|> Violin Nttlntiw ami Supplies .lor all the; above JoHtrumont* ou hand. 'runlr*ff'uud Hi>alrlnya Bnoolalty. Machine Noodlotiatid OU iu Stock, \C(tidat ^ \ aoIig,DIAltftimU, DFS^NTJBKIV ^ and all JBOWJftfc COMVZAXNT&. J A Sure, Safe. Quick Cure for those J troubles la , ^ inKUVeri e 4* (yxaxz tuvjs\> Used Internally and Externally .." TwoShto, o.andBpcbottles, ' H.M.FAra; 2nd I>oor Noiili of m.C.B, 'y'i Cook's Cotton Root Corapoum la the only eofe.reiia^ monthly medicine on_wWi ladies can depcad iil tj hour and Urni of iteed.$$ \ Is prepared In two 4ej of Btrcngth. : ; ',,- - , Np. 1 for ordlnaiyi^. is by far thebestdojlar medicinekn^ sold by druggists, one Dollar per-"' Ko, S3 for special cases lodej stxonger-rBold Dy druggists.; Oti( Three Dollars; two boxes, Five..3001 No. i, or No. a, mailed on t^iwj price and-two 3-ceflCt. ^-l^^ffl The cook company^ tsr Bold in Essex aud ove*ywh^mr' iii:liliiMi^