Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, page 4

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fV--'!-'-- --------------I^MMMMNMMIMMMMMMMMIMMBHMMMMMM^ The Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD, PROPRIWTORB. FKIDAT, FEBKUAKY-iO, 1897. r i::' Dominion Parliament has boon called to meek on Marah 11th. Thh United Stato* Uovorumont baa re moved the quarantine embryo on Canadian Cattle.' ,' ________________ Tub Ontario Eejjialature will moot on Wednesday next, February 10th. A. Evan- turel, M. I\ P. 'or rreaoott, will bo chosen speaker and A.. iVttullo, tho now membor from Oxford, will move tho addroaB in .reply to the BpeeoU from tho Throne. SuuBOurrxiOKs to tho Indian famine fund are bolnn taking up jaat now iu al- moatovory oity. and town iu Canada, and we are pleased to notice that tho ban If b here have opened linta to help Hwetl the fund. Any amount from 25o up will bo tbanltfnlly received and duly acknowled ged. By all means, lot uh Bend a roapoot- ablo sum from Banox for so worthy au ob- jeot.' ________'_____________ Db. I1. U. MoOormlok, eub-oollootor of ouatomH at Poolo laUud, retiroH. Hih Bucoeasor Iiuh not yet boou appointed. Goo, Byron, provorjtutivo officer at OolohoBtor, 1ms boou diBmiHHed for offoimive partiK&n- ship, udlI Alex. Gaokott hail been installed m hia place. Jaa. Quick, ilshory ovonioor, Peloo Inland, hua roHitfuod. It in undor- atood that othor oftloial changes in Ehhox County will bo raado. i Thb Momtiikal Star fund for tho ludiuu famine run pant 9'J0,090 on Monday aud in inoroatmiK. All agree that Oatiada'u gonoroolty will largoly holp to advortiao tho .Dominion. If Brltiab omigranta hco that 825,000 ia upoutaneouHly nubnoribod for fatnino Hufforora iu a few boura thoy will Bay thore munb bo Iotn of monoy in tho oouutry. AuHtmlia lined to do thoao honorfi._____________________ Mn. Jubtick Robnrtaon iu presiding at tho Toronto aiwizoa thin wook. Dating a, cao on Monday, in whioh tho plaintiff Hworo one tliiutf and a witnoHH- tho opposite, Hia Lordship made tho following roraarkn: "My oonfldonoo in fthakon in tho integrity and truthfuluoHs of tho human race. I havo boon listening for tho last ol^litoon dayn to pooplo making tatPHmonta uudor oath in one way, and' another e6fc of po'.plo . attlrmlng tho othor way that the statement* woro not trno. 1 think thore will hnvo to boa fow indiofcmont for porjury-through tho couutry to make pooplo awnro that it is an offonoo to Hrato an untruth undor oath. Up In a certain part of tho oouutry .whore I havo-boou, my ooufldonco iu what pcoploeay uuder oath baa boon much shale- ou." ' Tho Taxation ofTowna, To those who think that Essex is boavl- ly taxed tho following table showing the rate of taxes par capita in different) towns of Ontario will prove of interest: Oity or towu. Taxes per head. Toronto Junction............920 00 Welkerville...........r......10 OB Toronto...................... 17 32 Windsor................___18 82 North Toronto................ 12*8.1 Port Arthur.................. 11 86 Fort William................ 11 16 Owen 8ouud.................. 0 40 Whitby...................... 8 76 Barnia...................... 8 74 Ht. Thomas.................. 8 37 Htratford ........J.......*,., 8 U Potroloa..................,. 7 B9 Hiraooe...................... 7. 84 Aylmer..........k........... 7 69 Chatham.................... 7 44 Thorold...................... 7 38 Ihgersoll.................... 7 01 TiUonburg................... 0 03 Woodstock.................. 6 85 Goderioh.................... (S 81 Btratbroy..................,. 6 78 Oakvillo.................... 0 71 Gait........................ 0 (54 St. Mary's.................... 3-69 AmhorHtbur^..............., 6 89 fcleaforth.................... (I Bfi Ridgotown.................. u 82 Kbhox....................,,,, 5 80 B rend on........... ...B....... 5 7*4 Blenheim.................... 5 15 Eflsox JPubllc School. Tho following obtainod half at tho week ly oxaniioation, Friday, January 29th. Bouior Fourth CIuah Arithmotio Alex ander 91, B MoDougall 90, B Hannan 88, W Aulfl 88, M Bush 88, A Laing 88, W CriiBflwoIlor 84, M Griffith 81, P Griffith 82, F Btaooy fi'2, H Gardnor 63, E Bouman CI. M Anld CO, A Laing CO. Bouior Second Louioa Trewin, Ernoat Bush, Alvain DoIhpu, Mark Dolmoro, Minnio Baugbman, Ada Stacoy. Junior 2nd Olaua J Siaaon, A Stono, L Looke, E May, H Wortloy, O Hall, W Cot- toll, G Toruythe. .Innior Second ClaflR. "WarJib poaaiblo 80. Obtainod by h'ghoat ten. Wilmor Foraytho, Sam Grcon, Frod Tanaloy, Laura Bau^h- man, Bortio Naylor, titanloy Brown, Junio Wolfe, Nollio Lippatt, Willip Andoraon, Arthur Loo. ltoportH of the couduct, attendance, and rooitationH of tho pupila of Ehbqx, Public Sohool ate to bo oout to the paronto at tho ond of oiioh month hereafter. SANDWICH. The county uouiioll laat wook aoooptod tho tondora of O. E. Manou for broad,' B. MoKoo moat, and John Bpiors groooriea, for tho goal auoplfoa. Mrs. Arnold, of Sandwich South,baH on- tprod uu action against Robert Mooro of tho same pluoo m behalf of her daughter Emma, ohargiu([ noduatiou.a She wautu 85.000. IICH.S1' NBT'l'LlCIl!KNT. 'Hauling logti to tho banket factory ia all tho raojo. A!ox. Jobm baa gouo to Purkhill on buHi- uoaa thia wook. MoBBro. Holdou und J.obin are auditing township aooouuta, Mr. Hurat is slowly rooovcring from his attack of p]ouriy. Mr. Nicholas haH loaaod a parool of land from Inraol Lafoudandlias lot thocontraot of hia loo Iiquho and dairy to tho namod geutloman. A contoat of a nomowhat peculiar uuturo haa rcoontly talton placo botwoon aomo motnborH of tho I. 0. G. T. of thiH diutriot Tho worthy chief namod two captains who Holcotoil sovon uimiHtauts and then, 'for a poriod of live daya bogan tho murdoroun work of doatroyhig Bpurrows, On Hutur- day night, tho plundor waa brought bo "ore Chief Uro and there woro oounted 9 5i barmlcHB romainB. The oontoat was a qIogo ono, tho viotora winning by 20. Thia ia a romarJuiblo way of dimiahmg tho number of thosn injnfioua birds. MoHiodiab Magaziuo and' Roviow for February, 1897. Torontq: William BriRCH. Price &2.00 ayoar; 81.00 for aix monthn. A utriking artiolo of groat and timoly intorant iu thiH numbor ig ono of flixtoen pagoa ou tho Armoniau poraoou* tionH in Oonatautinoplo, with graphic il. luntratioim of fcho roooufc raaaoaoroa and portrait group of tho British Cabinet, con taining portrait of Lord SaliBbury and aixfcooii othor mombora of tho government, the Britiuh flqob in Turkish watora, oto. Auothor artiolo of ourioua intoroat, with pioturofjquo illuatrationa, doRoribos "Tho Doud Cifciou of tho Znydor Zoc." "In tho Blaok Boit" oontainfl illuatratod okotohoH of lifo m tho South, "Tho Boor'u Daughtor," iu a story of tho Boor war in South Africa, with sovoral wood-cuta. "A Lifo Wreokod,"a Cunadiao atory ; "Gold Boom iu Onriboo," a graphic okotoli by rho'Rov. A. Browning; "PrifiDn Reform," by Boy. Dr. Lathorn; tho roooutly dia- coverod "Xabloto. of Tol ol-Amarna," by the Rov. G. F. Salton, Ph.B., a papor Whioh created groat interest at Victoria University Conference, ana whioh throw a flood of light on tho oarly books of tho Biblo, antl "Miaaiono: tho Politico of God," will all bo road with groat intercut. A feature of this magazine is its up-to-dato oharaotor, especially in KooonS Soienoo. Ono of tho baudidatgs for Councillor in Oro Township advooatod tho purchase by ho township of two aometory lots and tho material for an undortaking eatabliahmont aud the hiring of an uudortakor at 8CQ0 or 8600 a yoar. On ft death la tho family of a ratepayer it would simply bo noaeseary for him to order a ooffiu of whatever wood be wished and fcho ooat of material UbeJ would be added to his tax-bill, the town ship to pay the salary of the Undertaker and for keeping up tba cemetery. A town- ghip oounoil is too malt m. field for a bril liant geniu Uk thia. WJllJATIJiY, J. Loop, South Bash, viaitod Wboatley Monday. Tho littlo sou of T. S. DulwagQ still oontiuuoH very Hiok. Midb Cora Whito vieitod friends in Wbsatloyoa Monday, Bov. J. Morrison oconpiod tho Mothod- iat pulpit Suuday ovoniug. Tho infant daughter of Stewart Andor- son in,wo aro*pleagod to nay, raoovoring. The Yount; -f oaplo'a Union waa taken Tuesday by tho paator.Rov. W. H. Had- man. Tho MothoUiot Ludion' Aid mot Wod- nosday at tho homo of Mrs. Goorgo dorbyHhiro, of Erio ntroot south. Rov. F. M. Ilohnoa proaohod in East man's Hall Sunday aftornoou. At tho olooe Miss Rylo, of Leamington, aaug a'solo most offootivoly. On Friday uoxt tho Epworth Loaguo will moot at tt p. ui. Affcor tho nsoal moot ing tho mombora moot to chooao ' oflloerH for tho ootuing torm, , Tho fiahorraou are husUing up with cheir ioo, also A. B. Lounaboirry and O. Brown aro employing qaito a numbor of men filling their ioo houson. Tho looal butohura aro busy hauling iu ico juat now- Frod. Latulip wont to Hammond, Ind., on Tucoday, having rocoivod a moaaaco that bio brother Frank waa vory ill, On account of ill health,Miss May Loigh- toti haN bocu unable to rosumo hor atudios at tho Windsor high sohool this wook. Tho Charity Ball on Tuoaday wan a hip buooodh, fluunoiallyaudothorwiso, 805 was realized, which ia to bo given to tho do- sorving poor, Mr. X'atfcoroon, of Toronto, organizor for tho Ordor of Homo CiroIoB^'organized a branch of that order horoon Mouday night with 18-mombora. Among tho marriage lioonHoa issued in Detroit on Tuesday wao.ono to Capt. D. J. Dunoanson, aged fl-i, aud Miss Edith MorriHon, ngod 24, both of Dotroib. Au onjoyablo ovouiug was spent at the renidonoo of G. W. Gibb iu Maiden. Tho oaoasiou was a sleigh ride party who ro- ropairod to Mr. Gibb's to danoo.oto. Jobu W." Btokos was very ndar the Ibsor of a borno On Saturday laat. Tho animal, broko through tho foe wbilo drawing an ice plow and was with great difficulty extricat ed. The teaohors auji students of L'Aisump- fcion College, Sandwlob, to the number of 12C, drovo down on Tuesday for an outing and woro ontertaiuod by tho Revs. Fathers Ryan and Ronaud at tho Parish Hall, Lieutenant Governor KlrkpatWpk'a bon- dHlon is ilowly but aatisfaotorily improv- inff. Frank Butlar, from Auafcralia, waa ar. rested at Ban Franoieoo in the ship on which he Hailed from Newcastle. He Is said to have made a practice of murdering young men whom h* aooompaniedon trip* to the mouBtalns looking for mines. A LEGACY OF DISEASE. VETERANS OF THE WAR REPAID IN SUFFERING AND DISEASE. Per Oyer Twenty Vcura fir. John 5herman Sought Release from the Torture* of In. flimmatory Rhaumatlsm. From the Prenoott Journal. There is no man in tho township of EdwarcUburg who is bottor known than Mr. John tihorman. Ho in "oiio oftho many Canadians who at the outbreak of tho American rebellion, joined tho army of tho north, and to tho oxposuros and hardships which he endurod dur ing that trying* and perilous time, doofl he owo to long years of Buffering which ho haa since undergone. The writor remembers Booing Mr, fehorman a fow years ago whon ho was bo crippled with rhoumatism that it was impossible for him to walk, and having hoard that a euro had beon effected, determined to investigate tho mattor for himsolf. Whou tho roportor called at Mr. Hbor- man'a homo ho found him in tho yard liandliug an nxo and chopping wood like a young man, and ho fouud him also quite willing to relate bis trying oxporiouco. "I havo nufforod with rheumatism for twenty yoarn/'said Mr, Shorman, "and I havo doctored with four different doctors and yot I kept getting worHo uml worse. I was bout douhlo with tho pain iu my buck and both logs woro so drawn up that I was unable to Htraighton thorn, and for four montliH whon X wantud to movo about X had to do ho on my handH and Ichooh, X. triod many medioinos but got no bene fit aiid I bad given uj> all hope of boing ablo to walk again. Ono of my sons triod to porsuado mo to u&o Dr. Wil liams' Pink ]?iI1h, but I rofusod to take any moro modioino. At hist oiio dny my Ron brought home threo boxes of tho pills, nud nftor thoy had been in tho house for over two wooks, I ftt lust con- soiitod to take thorn, but not booauso I thought thoy would do mo nuy good. Boforo thoy woro gono> however, I could fool that my baok waa go'ttiug fltrogo_r_ and I could atraighton up. It required no further porauauion to got mo to tnko tho pillR, and from that timoou I began to got bottor, until now, with tho aid cjj a light cane, I can walk all over tho farm, got in and out of a buggy, and do most of tho choroH round tho house and barns, T fdol twenty yoara younger aud I oonsidor Or. Williams' Pink Pills tho most wonderful medicino for rhou- mntisin in tho wholo world. I began thorn only to ploaHo my son and it was a moHfc agreoablo aurpriso to mo when I found my logs limber and my back gaining now strongth. I crmchoorfully recommond Dr. 'vVilliams, Pink Pills to tho flufforing rheumatics of tho world. An nniilyHia shows tliat Dr. Willinras' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all tho oloments necessary to givo -flow lifo and richness to tho blood, nud ro- atoro shattered norvos. Thoy aro an unfailing upooiflo for suok diaonHOfl aa locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' danco, sciatica, nournlgin, rhou- mntism, norvoun hondncho, tho nftor effoctn of la grippe, palpitation of tho heart, norvouH prostration, all diBoasos depending upon vitiatod humors in tho blood, such as Hcrofuln, chronic oryflip- olaa, etc. Thoy aro also a epociilo for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and nil forms of weakness. Thoy build up tho- blood, and vostoro tho glow of health to pftlo and Hallow chocks. In-'mou thoy offoot a radical ou'ro in all cases arismg from mental worry, overwork, or ex cesses of whntovor nature. K "m To Quickly convert the balance of onr Winter Stock into Cash, during the NEXT TEN DAYS we will offer the following Extraordinary Bargains, S&* Note The Prices. -S* Ucs. Gome and See the Goods. -^& Save this Price List and Bring It Along for Reference* Former Uiti/i/i Ladies' Fine Wool Shawls, , ^1.50 to $2.00 Heavy Wool Shawls, . 6.50 Green'd Seal Cape and'Muff, 16.60 '.' Storm Collar and Muff, V,00 Coney Cape, . m 8.50 Storm Collars, , 3.00, G.00 and 8.00 Black Fur Trimming, per yard, 40c & 60c a a ti ti a u Grey Fine Silk Soaletto. Men's Persian Lamh Caps, LOO 8.50 4,50,. 6.60 & 10,00 4.00 11.00 Men's Fine Fur Caps, Goat Robes Very Largo, Men's Waterproof Coats, . Men's and Boys' .Fine Over-coats at less than Manu facturers' Wholesale Prices. Special Price, #1.00 2.75 to 3 50 8.25 3.50 4.25 > 1.60, 3.00 $ and 4.00 25c 50 4.75 5.25, 4.00 and ti.50 3.00 7.00 At just half price. tJS* We are offering many other Bargains which we have not space to enumerate. Terms, Cash. Yours for Bargains, M.J. WIGLE&OO. DtTlTQTAlT BLOCK, ESSEX- FRANCIS' Great DreSS G-OOdS a^ wonderful low prices, from 7c. per yard up to $1.25. Blouse Silks The latest styles in Japanese Silks, worth 7oo., for 60c. All Shades." 34-inch Flannelette, worth lOc. for 6c, extra heavy twill and plain. OorsetS D. & A. for 75c, worth $1.00. Men's Overcoats, worth $10.00 for $&.oo. p.oo for p.oo, Men's Pants from ooc to $3.50. Underwear air wool, lor 50c, exoells all other values at 65c. Boots and Shoes very LOW PRICES for next 30 days. HatS Men's $2 Fur Felt Hats for $1.00. Groceries--Always fresh and best for least money. The Best Tea in Market for 25c,if not mo"ey refunded. J. A. FRANCIS. Genera!.' Tho CouutoflB'Cowler hiiH won hax Biiit for thvorco. M. Martini, tho invontor of tho cole- bmtcd riflo, in rtoad, Tho Anfilo Voaozualan troaty Wtio Hipnod by ArplmflBudof Pauncofoto and Sliuiiitur Aiidrfttlo at WuHhinfitoD'. Tho Binto Capitol at Ilarrinhni't;, Pn., wan daRtroyad by ftro ou Tuondny, Und iunt, Tiio Statoicoordu woro miyod. No porfloti wiifl iniured. Uiirdnor, Morrow As Go.'ii inBolvontbauk building at HolidayobiirR, Pa., wtiii vrrook- od by dynamito. It ib HuppoHod to Ijo ibo work of orcditorH in rcvongo. Tbo British Houpo of Commonn, by a voto of 325 to 110,. paOBod tho iiuuiicial proponal in tho educational bill to fjnuifc to voluntary bphooJo tba nam' of flvo nliil- linf/3 por dliild. Mr, Ohumborluin fllatoe that tho quon- tion of an Imporiul aonfovonco to ooiitintio tho work of tho Ottawa oouforonco to bo hold what) tho Colonial Probiiera i<q to London, iH undor conoidoratloti. Oapt, Sinolalr, laloly on tho Vioo-Re- #a.\ atull at Ottawa, won hid oloution to .tho BritiHh House of Cpmtrioufl-Ja ForfatHhiro ou Saturday by a cood majority. It waa a hard fiflbt. It has boon " Icurno'! that tho origin 0 eooun t mubKiiOf 0 by tho ICrnj^ of Boniu of tho tho Britinh expedition uudor Conaul-Gon- oral J, K. Phillips ib fouud iu tho fnot that tho klutf was performing a ooromouy In volving the annual butohory of wlavnu, and that ho did not want any white men proh- out at the tUno. Ou this ucoounb CouhuI- Gonoral Phillipd and the ofBoots acoornp- unyin^ him wore elaufibtofod without moroy. This annual killing of the oluvoa iu o. onstom whtoh haa prevailed (or many yearn in Benin Oity. The King of Benin oalla it "making hia father." Ou aooount of thiBonatom and other taorderoue habitn of the natiTea, Benin Oity haa been called "The Oity ofBloolV Pronoliui&r Honesty. Tho Bt. Bhomao Timed haa an idoa that th3 pulpit ruifiht do Homething toward fceaahiug common honoaty by iuculoatiuti duty of payiu'g oho'h dobtH.. It Hayn: It iw not often that auy allusion what- ovor in mado iu tho pulpit to auoh praotioal mnudana aubjocto wi thin. Tho oloryy nro too ranch oooupiod with myths, miraolo, alloo>'oH, and tho HUpornatural, to bothor with euob corrjmon themes uh honooty. But it in worthy of note that tho Biblo aayii a tfroat deal ou this aubjoot. Hero ia aomo portiuout t'oxta : . "What doth thy God requira of thoo, but to do iutitly?" "Bonder unto all thoir duoa" "Owo no man anything but to lovo oiio another." Lot him that otolo fitoal no morfl." If moro diacournoft woro proached on tmoh topica thin world would bo a bottor plaoo to livo in. Tlioro would bo fowor canting bypoaritos. lloh'glon would have moro powor ovor tho tnaBHon. ProfeanorH of it wouluTbo leao apt to ,"pray oroam .and livo skim milk,"-as Ilonry Ward Booohor wa wont to Hay.Ohurah momborship ought to bo a oortifioato of houoaty, bub uniortuu- atoly ib isn't. It iu in many easosasboltor tot raHoahty. W. H. Kennedy, formerly of Watford, has opened up alaw office in tho oornor of, tho Abordoou block. Monoy to loan at 5 fij and li porcont., ncoording to Bocnrity. Gollooting, convoyauoing and winding up OQtato(ih a Hpoaialty; alao a numbor of Ono farmo for Halo. of liirdiH. HoraooD In Maidntono.on Saturday,Jan uary 23rd, to Mr. and Mrd. Arthur Xlopgood, a uon, LANOWiY At lUdgar'H Mills, on Thursday, . January 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. Potar Xaugjoy, a daughtor, Burnt Iu North Goailald, on Saturday, January 80th, to Mr. abd Mrs. W. U. Burk.a non. Ounninouaw In Ooiaheator North, on Tuoeday, February 2ud, to Mr., and Mrs. OharleH Ounuiughum, a son. UauBOir In Ksaex, bu Thursday, Fob- ruary 4th, to Mr. and Mra. Henry Church, a box Bubtace In Essex, on Thurnduy, Feb ruary -Uh, to Mr. and Mrs. John Eus tace, a son.- < Doman At Essex, on Wedneuday, Feb* rnnrySrd. to Mr. and Mra, Bobert Pom an, a eon. M.V. Mblnnes, of London, has been ap pointed chief of the immigration branch at departmental headquarters. An old woman namod Mra. Crowo, London, out hor throat. Bho will die Simo RoDvea, tho oolobrotod Eugliph touor aingor, haa boon doolatod a bank rupt. . Sovoral doathH havo ocourrod recently in tho township of Oaiotor from what is oryipolaB. Grand Trunk Agont Syraonde of Soli- ringvillo oOramlttod auioido on Monday by taking a doso of otryohnine, Tho private bank of Mr. UnHworth of Florence 'was viHitod by burghra, who blow tho safo open and deoampod with all thooaBb. The Joadiug Btoameliip oompauic ate 'asking tho Govomraonfc to pay halt tho ooHbof littiug up vobhcIs for oold stomgo. Tho total payraont would amount to B1C0, 000. , ' Tho Now York Horn Id's correspondent at Wafthmgtou Hays the arbitration troaty as amoudodby the Senate committee is highly objectionable, to the Administra tion. Ho hirUh that if passed in its prc- aont form it will be rojootod by both Lord Salisbury and Mr. Cleveland. Baker and Butcher, THKoldoiit buiilnoufj in town. KHtabllahe 1870. Fi*nt~olanH bread-autl dukoa of el klndn, Wnildinn aaltua anpoojality. Groceries m-ovlHfoiiii, ilotir.fflfld, buH and porU. Oonfoo- Moiiory.orookory.elaBflwaro. Caiinod fruits and GoodH nwimptly de J. M. HIOKH .loiiory, orookory.elaBflwaro. voRotablonof all klniln. Uvorod to allpartaof tbo town. JOl-tf M Essex Market Wboat rodpor buHbol ,...8 70to 70 Wheat, whito .... 70. Corn .... ' 19.. I OatH .... 14 to \4i Timothy Bood ..... 120- Clovor Soed .... -iOOto 400 Hay per ton............ 8 00 to 8 00 'SI AlHiko .... d (JO td 4 00 Boof per owt............ \ 60 to fi 00 Pork Livo woight........ 3 25 to 3 2> Mutton............ fi 00to' 50O" Hides ............ 400 Ohiokocu per lb.......... G Bnttor .......... 13 12 Lard .,......,. . G 6 Eggs, per doa ...*...... 15 I>otatoeo, per'bushel .... i0 to '. 40, Carrots .... 4ft Turkoys por lb.......... 6to 7 " Duoks .;........ .*' '6 Wetmore Truss. Wanted RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN. ASSURED Immediately moHT pm BON. THB BUST PAY EVER OF. FBRBD FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The Coiniopolitan Magaiino, edited by John " . wklSDBM WAl-KttR, wlslie* to add a quarter of a million to its clientele, alreidy the larg- eit, oMntollictint, thinking readersponeiied by any periodical in tlic world, IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND- BOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. It wishes the services of ono reliable man or woman in every town, village, country district, or manufacturing establishment in every State. AU that is required of a^ one ia reliability, earneetneev ; and work, No matter on ; what other worlc you aro engaged, it wiU pay you to ox a mine into this offer. . < Apply* t uttttltiB position, capability and rcfe snecs,KiTMKCOSMOPOUTAN MAOAZINK, (. 1 , * Irvina*6n*onthe-Hudioni Nw Yot The Best TFUfis in the JSwketv v^t Tbie Tjcubs la reoooimondod beoanaa It IsEe to Wear, Cannot G**t Out of Ploca; oanbeUft-*^ In Oasea Hard to Hold; and aleo in Oaaep EaUyni Batained, i It 1b superior to all otnore for the folloi roaBona: !'Y-^'M It baa* spring J>ow thatoattbe adjaflt to Bult.the oaue na to preaanre.. ' ( 2nd It does not go around the hlpa but them. The book pad la dltnosfc opposite < front pad bo tbat the pressaro la evenly dTf" 8rd Any cane can be fitted by adjuirtdn fiada and Bbaping the bow; is light, eaally 1 uat and *will Btay where It belongs every': and all the-time. . *-J^spgjfii Fartlea in need. ot.'a Traaa' ahoaldSfit&wL .Wetmore. .. . '^N^jWj JOHN ESSEX, ONTABKS

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