mm** ' i iM- pVOL XIII. No 6. Mr.:,' - ----------------- . -,.-:^^ffi ' . -vj&i ym ;.i*V| ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1897. iRSYTHE, SDERSON&Co. Ra*.'.!. Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. The New Jeweller, Hob all tho latent/ Improved tools and devices for adjuotlna the flnoat and in oat com- pUofttod WntoboS, and Can XJuaranto Satisfaction. w v-. the Old and The New February marks a stage in the year's bueiness, where the old merges into the new the old busi- ,________ness year ends and % the new begins. The annual m K-- Stock-taking is over, and the watchword now is "forward/' 1 fe Hi .! Aims for 1897. For our part, we are planning to do a better business, to keep a better store this year, than ever before to a- fftyoid the errors and excell the aucesses of the pasb. JChis end will be kept steadily in # Orders takon from Catalogue for all kinds of Watohos, Jow- * ololry, Bilvorwaro, &o. Tloinnmhor the Stand, May's Block Throe Doors South of Imperial BaDK, Talbot Street. Eaaox. Essex Town Council. G Qirl Wanted. OOD BAUHT GIRTj WANTBD-for general boufluwork In Btnall family, Apply to MBS. H. P. MAItTIN, Ennui. Wanted. i Ann oonna at tnont of aooouotfl. 4-tft. Wood Wanted (or material or In pay LAING BRbS. In Annual Meeting. NOTICE IB nBUKBY QIVEN THAT THR Annual Mooting of tbo Gosfleld North Ohoono aitd ButiorCo., will bo bold In tho Town Hall, Cottain, on WEDNESDAY, FEB . MH, i8of, Afc l.UO p.m., for reaoivlntf Auditors' Report,' 33 loot Ion of oflloorfl, and any other bUBluesa In tho Interest of the Company, All aro Invited* 40HN H. BltiTjINOa, O I'roHldont. Coltaui, Ohfc., Jail. 21th, 18of. .view. iGASH BUYING. We are in abetter position to serve you now than ever before. Wo are getting nearer to 'the fountain head in our buy ing all the time, and as we for Cash only our trade is fc:;xx>mpeted for by the best manufacturers, thus enabling 1^'vUs to effect a substantial sav- I! ing, and to sell Goods cheaper than many who still buy on ;.,' the old credit plan. Mortgage Sale At_ the Aberdeeri Hotel, Essex* on Tuesday. February mrd. 1897, at a o'clock, p.m., Thorn will be Bold by Public Auction, ttlrufct Tho Northerly iMfcy acres of lot number 31, In tho 7th CoiiochhIou of the Township of Ooloher- tor North, in tb a Oouuty of Ebbox, and Boooud: Tho north half of tbo oaab half of lot "D" In tho Sccoud ConoOBfllon of tho Town- nblp of Gondola South in tho Connty of 13bbox,. containing fifty Aoroaiu6ro orleua. for furthor purtioultirs and oontfltkma of nalo apuly to ; OKONYN & BRTTS, Or to Vendors SoHoitom, SINOIiAm & aOHMfcWY, London, Out AuotloneorH, Urbox, Ont. Hearing Sale of idd Lines. Incidental to the Stock - Taking we laid out for slaugh ter a good many odd lines of Goods and anything in winter goods that remained unsold. 7|VThese are marked down to pljplain' figures that will clear fethem out, as we prefer not Jff&arrying any fragments over. fe There may be something you :{',"need among them -we invite -a call. Notice to Water Takers. Water Rates are Now Past Due, Tho Collector will bo at tho- Waterworks from tho lOfch till tho 18th of this month oaoh day from 2 till 3 p.m., and from 7 ' till 8 rocoivo payments, and also taxes. J.-R. ncEWAN, Collector. SAW.- LOGS WANTED. Having dooided to Btoolt my Mill at Konox aRDln, I am prepared to pay XHjjhaflt Prfcon for ALL KIVDSOF SAW LOGS. Cull and aaa mo. T. H, DeCEW, Essex. |:fif',"-.-. - All Oonda Figuros, Markod' in Plain ItSS*-. Ono Prioo for All. WE CAN GIVE POBITIONS-to poraonii Of rLllfirndod of iihlHty- Atjonta, Ilook-ltoop- oru, Olorko, Fanuoi-n' Bonn, Ijitwyorn, Mnohaulcfi rhyiiloiann, Proaohoro, Studontn, Marrlod mid flinillo Womnn, Widown. Vooltlnnn aro worth from 8-iltO to 52,000 por annum Wo huvo pnld n'ovorn.1 of our oanvaonorB SBO woolcly for yoarH, Mniiv huvo iitartod poor mid boenno vioh with ub. PiLrtioulftrriuiinn appHoutlon. Stato nalary oxpootoa. 'i', II, JjINSOOTT,Maun(;nr,Toronto, Out. A Choice ^teal^ on. '$2* Monoy Baoic if '.'. unaatisfactory. any Purohaso Pj?ime ^oast, Are amongjho nocossanoB atrJ luxurios oflifo......... Thoso with ovdrything...... ......oIbo in lirBtrulaHS...'... FRESH and CURED MEATS ...-." Sausugz, Bologna, Headcheese Lard, &c,'." Ofln bo procured from...... ROBT. TATE, ../ '... Talbot-st., Easex* Hifilieet rrico Paid for Hides Tuesday, Fohruary 2nd. Council mot at8p.m. Prosant, Mayor Thomas, in tho ohair, Eoovo MoDoug- all, Depnty-Beeve Johnston, Cottnoil- lorB Forsyiho; Boao, Whitney, tlainoe, nicks, Riddiok, Job, Rohinson, Fred. Bobinson and Bloto. Minutoa of provious meeting wore read and adopted. A communication "was road from V. M. Roberts, St. OathorineB, asking tho council for the position of engineer in case town puts in waterworks or elec tric light plant. Roforrod to Fire, Water and Light Oommitteo. A oommunioatiou was road from Dr. J. E. Jenner, certifying that Mrs, Wit- tor had taken care of Mrs. Brown and her sister during illness- and Mrs, Wit- tor considered she was entitled to $5.00 for same. Referred to Charity Com mittee. E. A. Wismor wrote, asking what the council intended doing iu regard to the suit started last year to find out what right the gravel road company had to tho part of the road south of the town- lino, Tho Mayor stated that the assizes wore held but twice a year and if tho caso did not comio up at tho March term it would not como up till nort fall. He thought tho matter should bo left with Bomo oommitteo to consult with Mr. Wismor as to proper stops to bo taken. On motion of Messrs. Hicks and Raines, tho matter was referred to tho "Board of Works. Xiafforty & Davis, solicitors, of Wind sor, wroto that thoy had boon instruct ed by W. J. Johnston to ask for dam ages for tho Hooding of his land lafit year. Mr. Forsythe thought thoy would havo to fight tho case, Mr. Hicks thought any ono could complain of high water last yoar. Movod by Mr. Riddiok, sooondod by Mr. Hicks, that tho communication be illod. Carried. - Tho periodical circular from tbo Un derwriters' Association wan road, en closing report of last inspection and asking^what stops had boon takon to carry out ordors of inspector. Tho'>Mayor said it was usual for tho association to send such communioa- *Siriifl about twico it yoar.. Ho did not think tho Afisociation was ontitl'od to any consideration from tho town after tho very shabby way in which tho town had boon treated by this ootopus. On motion tho communication was ordered fylod. Mr. Raines reported, on bobalf of tho Charity Committee, that thoy had looked into account of John MoGHutio for tak ing caro of Goo. Novills and would re commended that Hnrao, bo not ontor- tainod. Tho Finance Committoo presented a report on matter a roforrod to them. In matter of John Vospor thoy found that lot had boon assoasod to Mr. Vospor by mistake It should have boon assessed to Mr. Quoon, of Brantford, and thoy rocommondod that tho said change ho made and tho Troasuror iuoludo said lot in next salo of lands for taxos. As to tho matter of Capt. C. M. Caughill, thoy rocommondod that ho bo rofundod taxes of 1805 h\\i that ho pay taxes of 180(1 on lot purchased by him at tax sale. Chairman ITicks, of tho Fire, Water and Light Committoo, reported that ho had hoped'to bo able to givo Oguros on the electric light schomo but tho( ropro- sontativo of tho Canada General Elec tric Co. had wired him the night before that ho was unable to como to Essex before Friday but oxpootod to bo horo that day. A ropovt. would bo given next mooting. C. CrasBWollor addressed tho council asking for a grant to the'Public Library of &100, tho Bamo amonnt as givou last yoar. Tho institution was doing much good for tho town but is not self-sup-,' porting. In addition to tho grants mndo to it, it is noooHsary to get up en tertainments, etc., oaoh year in ordor to niako both ends moot. Movod by Messrs. Riddiok and Me- Dougftll, that tho oounoll mnko tho us ual grant of $100 to tho Public Library; Fred. tlobinBon thought thoy eould not'afford to grant &100 this yoar. Ho thought $50 should bo sumoionfc. Mr. Johnston belicvod &fiO waa enough this yoar. Tho othor i&fiO could bo made good uao of by the council. . Mr. Forsytho saict latit year $Vi was granted but the mombors of tho Board kopt at tho council till they gob other #25; Ho thought thoy might just as well make the grant $100 at ilrst. Messrs, Johnston and Slote moved an amendment that tho grant bo 850." The amendment was put, 4 voting for it.- , ..,_ _ . ' Tho original motion carried by 7 to On motion of Messrs. Raines.and J, RoVinson, the report of the Charity Committee was adopted. ;. ", '.,-' Mr. Dewar addressed tho council a boat some drainage work done by him on his street. Ho would bo Bntislled if tho council rofundod him$5. The drain was a bono fit to other lots and to tho street. Mr. Whitney reported that tbo work dono by Mr.' Dewar was woll dono. Tho drain would bo a bouoflt to tho road and lots adjoining. He hud exam ined the job but it waS for tho council to say whether the amount should bo paid or not, Mr, Hicks did not think tho account should be paid as it would bo es tablishing a bad precedent. Mr, Dowar should havo como bofqro tho council be fore doing tho work. Ho did not ap prove of pooplo going on doing work without authority and then appoaring before.the oounoil and asking for n re fund, Mr. Balnes thought Mr. Dewar should get his pay from tho owners of the othor lots benefitted. Ho and hw neighbors did drainago work in tho alloy way at the roar of their lots and paid for it themselves. On motion, the matter was roforrcd to tho Hoard of Works to report on at next meeting. . Joseph Robinson Htutod that com plaints had boon mado to Mm about logs being dumped into tho ditch noar Naylor'fl mill, and ho would liko nomo instructions from the council. Mr. Eaiuos said a couple of houses wore alao obstructing the rond in that neighborhood. The following accounts were road and roferred to tho Financo Committee: Albert Wuddington, snlaryfor January, S82.05; Win. Laing, oloetrio light for January, $311.84; McColl Bros., oil, 8.(55;.Brett & Auld, printing and ad vertising, $14. W. H. Russell addrossod tho oounoil, asking for the use of tho fair grounds for a military celebration next 24th of May. It has boon five years now since a good military celebration whs hold in tho town, tho last boing in 1802. Tho best colobration, however, was in 1888. Messrs, Sloto and Rose wantod to know if horso races could bo hold tho same day. Mr. Itussoll said thoy could not very well have horso races and a military oole'ffration at.tho samo plaoo. It was intended to charge admission foos to tho grounds to got monoy to defray tho ox pons os. Mr. Fornytho thought if tho commit- too could bring crowds to tho town that day it would bo a good thing for tho town and ho moved that tho request bo roforred to tho committoo on Public Proporty. Mr. Blote seconded tho motion,whioh carried. Mr. Matthow, agont for tho Canadian Rubber Co., addrossod the council. Ho had vifiitod tho hoso house and Homo of tho town hoso wag not in very good con dition. It was not tho hoso, however, that had boon purchasod from Ins com pany some timo ago aa that was still ail right. He would bo ploasod to quote tho town pricos for hoso if thoy wanted to purchase any. - Mr. Rninos wanted to know if tho town noodod hoao. " Mr. Hicks said thoy could got along with what thoy had but they ought to havo somo mora. Mr, Forsythe said thoro was no mon oy in tho treasury. Tho Finance Oommittoo's report was road, rocommonding payroont of ac counts of Win, Laing, McOoIl Bros., Albort Waddington and-Brett &' Auld, On motion of Messrs. Johnston and MoDougall, tho report was adopted. . Movod byMossrs.Forsytho and John ston, that the complaint brought up by Jofloph Robiusou bo referred to himsoll Oarriod. Tho'Mayor said tho law in regard to obstructions in tho roads was that whoro tho obstruction' was thoro but a short time tho individual placing it thoro wan responsible for any damage caused but if kopt, there with tho knowledge of tho corporation tho .latter booamo jointly liablo with the individual. . By-lnw No. 202, to ropoal by-Jaw No. 101 passed an Docombor 22nd, 181)0, to prohibit tho salo of, intoxicating liquor in town, was read a first timo: The Mayor wanted to .know if it was tho pleasure of tho council that tho by law should be read a second time. . Ac cording to the rutOfi of ordor the by-law could not bo road twico in the same night unloss two-thirds of the mombors woro in favor.of doing so. On a vote being taken only six voted to havo by law read a second timo and the by-law will come up for a socond reading at the next meeting. Mr, Forsythe said'some notion would havo to be taken on the notice, served on -the oOuuuir to terminate the lease of tho hail on February 15th. The coun cil havtflio have a place in which to hold mcatinj&and must also provide a place for, DiSfoon Courts. Ho moved that tho matter bo roforrod to tho Finapoo Committoo. Mr. Hicks said tho owners did not want, the council to movo. Tho notice was servod on.thorn to show that tho building had ohnngod hands and that tho council would hereafter look to Diohel it Brickor, instead of J. O. Pock. Mr. Forsytho said thoy would havo to ronew tho leasb or do something olso. Mr. Johnston seconded tho motion which carried, Mr. Hioks stated that Thos. Trewin had mado application to havo tho water put in tho houso oh Victoria avonuo, of which ho was tenant. Tho application was uignod by tho owner of tho proporty. Tho rate would bo about &5 a year and the cost of putting in the water would ho about #10. Mr. Forsytho said tho ex-collector of water rates had not yet made out a staj omont of tho arrears of water rates and ho movod that tho Clerk write him to mako out dame and hand ovor to Mr. MoEwaiu Mr. Riddiok seconded tho motion, which oarriod. Mr, Thomas brought up the matter of an old man who had como to him last wook and wanted to bo sent to a hospital. He had tho Chief of Police mako a in tho lookup and put him in thoro, out of the cold. After tho mutter had boon discussed tho council adjourned at 0:80, WHOLE No. 630 % _______________ # Public '.School Board. Essex, Fobrunry'lHt, 1807. Regular mooting of the Public School' Board, all tho mombors prosont. Minutes of meetings of Octobor BOth, December 11th and January 20th woro road and adopted. J. A. Francis reported that ho had rocoivod tho following tenders for wood: John JCoano, soft maplo, $1.76; black ash, $1.50. . J. 1\ Hare, soft maplo, 81.45; mixed, $1.85. ____ J. Neville, 110 cords of maplo and 80 cords mixed at $1.60. ' On motion of Messrs. Francis and Hopgood, J. F. Hare's tender was ac cepted for 00 cordn of maplo at $1.46, Tho following bills woro prosontod: J. R. McEwan, ono quarter's water rate, $13.50; J. Bamplo, for .glass, nnd putting in sarao, $1.50; J,'"It. Allisa, ono ash pail, 50 cents. On motion of Messrs. Johnston and Beaman, tho accounts)of Mossrs.Samplo and Allisa woro ordered paid. Annual AtccthiK O.S.W. Tho Directors of tho G.S.W. Exhibi tion jwiU moot in.Pook'B Hall on Febru ary 10th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Throo societies are tho G.S. W.f viz.: North Riding, South Riding and Colchester North. Their oflicors and directors nro:~ North Riding,Wm. Ellis, Presidont;. Goo. Leak, 1st Vico- Presidont; J. F. Ruston, 2nd Vico- Prcsidont; Diroctors, W. H. Potter, E. Plant, A. R. Johnston, E. E. Wismor, K.J. Wilson, H. Hodrick, J. Murray, J. J. Do whirs t, D. McAllister and A. W. Cohoo, Hon. Mombor. South Rid ing: Hubert Wiglo, 1st Vioo-Prosidout; C. G. Fox, 2nd Vico-Prosidout; Diroctors, J. A. Auld, W. G. Baldwin, Walter McCormick, G. W Coatsworth, Ed. Rogers, J. E. Birch, Wm. Millon, G. H. Mills and R. E. Preston. Col- ohofltor North:'* Wm. Campbell, 1st Vice-President; Di roctors, J. Thomas, E. Thovno,.F. Mo- Goo, D. Kennedy, John Laing, Dr. J. Bvion/ G-. J. Thomas, W. H. Russell and E. L. Park, Essex Presbyterian Church. Tho annual Congregational moting of tho ^Presbyterian Ohurch. was held on Monday ovoning, a goodly number boing prosont. It was presided ovor by O. L. Crassweller, B. A., E. A. Wismor'acting as Socrotary. The^Troasuror's general report and the reports of tho various agencies all showing balances on tho right Bide woro read and adopted. Tho Sabbath School, with C. L. Ornsflwoller as Suporintondont, is in goad working ordor, tho attendance and general interest evinced being very encouraging. Tho Ladies'Aid, as usual, has been' earnest in its operations during tho year, and is thmt ablo as well as will-' tee to materially holp on tho work of tho Congregation, The members of tho Womon'u Mis sionary Booioty have met from month to month in ono or othor of their homes, and havo collected a goodly amount to wards tho general schemes 'of the. church; Tho roport of tho Session shows an inoreaao of membership, notwithstand ing Boveral Iossch by death and removal from tho neighborhood. The three retiring members of th* Board of Managers, C. L. Crassweller, Wm, Laing and Wm. Ncsbitt, woro un-. animouflly re-olectod, while tho posi tions of O. H. Fuller and Alex. Wallace, who havo loft tho town, and Dr. Mac kenzie, recently deceased, woro filled by. tho election of J. F. McQueen, Wal lace Ritchie and E. A. Wismor, The . othor throe managers aroH. W. Allan, J. A; Diobol and Wm. Riddick. Boforo separating, an adjournment was mado to tho Sossion Houso, whore an appetizing lunch had boon proparod by tho J adies of tho congregation. Here Rev, W, M, and Mrs, Fleming joined tho frionds and a good timo was spent togothor. Indian Famine Fund. M :-m ; vtj-.a High School Motes. Thofollowing are tho names of thoso who obtained over 8)1 per conf. in Sen ior Glass Arithmetic on January 2lHt: 0 W Olvor 70, S A Cunningham 78, F AJarmin04, KMillar(Vl,RRainos 50, O Rodd 58, O A Stono 50, G E Knistor 58, 8 Worttoy fi2, M Grant 51, M" Rorke 51, AC Walters 44,L Bonnott43. E W Noal 40, M McHugh 80, J A Smytbo 28, W E Jain os 89, AD Potter 87, O Gqsnoll 88, S Pizor 88, Joseph Brady 118. Thoro will bo a moeting of the Ly- cpumthis (Friday) afternoon, at 8:80. The following programme will-be ren- dorod: Chorus, Missos A. Caslor and H. Arnold; Ad dress, President; Rooitation, Miss Lily Wiglej Duet, Misses Russoll;Roading, E. Richardson; Harmonieal, J. Tnlloy; Argus, Editor; Criticisms, Critic; National Anthem. AU are cordially invited to attend. The following is the result of an exam, in Form IV, English History: , J. J. Booman 78, L. O. Bird 55, W. Wightman 55, ! A meeting was. called by Miss Kent at 4 p. m., Wednesday, in order'.to or ganize a Girls' Basket Ball plulv The following officers were eleoted, Pres., Miss Kent; Captain, i Miss A. Walters; On Wednesday, Mayor Thomas re ceived tho following oiroulnr which fully oxplains itself: Govornmont Houso, Toronto, Jan. 28, Slit. I havo tho honor to invite your attention to tho following telegram re ceived by His Excollonoy thoGovernor- Gonoral from Sir Frances Maclean, Chief Justice of the Province of Bon- gal, and Chairman of tho Eoliof Com mittoo, at Calcutta, India: "ContrarCommittoo, Indian Famine "Fund, earnestly Holieit your cordial "co-operation. Highost possiblo scope "for private bonovolonco outside State "Roliof system. Area and numbor ef- "focted enormous; diHtrosa rapidly in creasing. Fool snro tho unavoidable ' 'privations of millions of industrious "poor will nrouso tho propound sympa- "thy of all classes. Tho committee, "makourgent appeal to you to organ-- "izo RoUof Fund. Will bo deeply^ "grateful for contributions, which will:; "bo publicly ackuowlodgod." ' In transmitting tho auovo telegram, His Excolloucy has acquainted mo that in-replying to Sir Francis Maclean's messago, ho has statod thafcamovomont in tho dosirod! direction has already boon started throughout tho Dominion, and that ho is hopeful of tho results.. His Excollonoy informs mo ho is awnro that in Homo rospocts tho timo is not fiivoruhlo for financial bcnovoloneo, and that claims aro numerous, but that, novortholoHS, ho fools, confident that the pooplo of Ontario, so soon as they shall understand tho groat and urgent need that exists, will not bo backward in do ing what can bo dono, and that while largo donations havo their poouliar val ue, there can bo no contribution too small to bo ofl'orod, and that, aa indie-' \>;M ativo of a wider area of sympathy,, a'" v" sum contributed by, for instance, twenty different perrons is, in one sense, of moro valuo than if tho same Bum wore givon by ono person. His Exoollonoy has suggostod the propriety of. bringing the urgency of his appoal before; thopublio in this man- nor, and of inviting its hearty oo-oper-' ' atibn, and intimates that the effectiveJ; aid of Churchos, which may confidently , '; bo looked for, will be of the utmost im- v portanco. ' . - His Excollenoy advises mo that aR\^^ the prinoipal Banksof.Oan,ada,teiw^6i(ir$ he has mado. a'.special appiicfltioni'fo^iS, oo-oporation, havo responded^.^'^'eXS iuost hearty and public-spirited ma^e^lS It is to be hoped that the Bufferings of our follow -subj acts ;in Indio,".' .due ">to.!i'%$$ the grave disaster whioh has overtaten! :', <03 them, may.olioit a'prompt,and prao^oai'-!.:"!?^^1 .' VTA :i^Jti - "k ' S>M attention of your council: and' cause it':;^^ to be announced ? tkrough the press si$d.'*) ^ otherwise, that any, contributions- niay'jL be sent either to' myself;: or^'^Ba^^^'M 'His'Excellency, 'who. iB'aoting^ai^njft^^ffl man for the Canadian Relief Fund^fttaf1AV India." ' -'-*