Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, page 4

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E^fo'-w..' " '""' w? vw S:1'p'**"lll'r',mT""1'"'IMM,"n WheD.&L. ,p:;).' m ;iv I'!;.-. ,rr. rrrtTTniEmulsion r Is Invaluable, If you are run = down, as It la a food as well as: : a medicine. The D- & L- Emulsion : ! Will tmllil yon up If yr gnoral health Is : - Impaired. : The D. & I-- Emulsion : : U the. be and mosi pul.itat.lo pro^rut oil ol : Cod Llvet Oil, atwuhii! wh il. mout.Wl- ; I' '. oats stomachs. .: The D.fitl. Emulsion lUjpreacribcd by ibo Willi* pliyuloUimof ; . : Canada. : The D. & L- Emulsion :i. a marvellous fl^h vro.Uc.ut ftii.l Will r.Wu : you an oppotttu. . BOC.&S1 pei-Bottle "* Sow tholSippor Savud tho item; Ffttbor wuh nick ami tlio miirtH"-" 0" tllli farm wuh coming <lno. X naw in thuChriH. tian AilvooiiLo whom Mibii A. M. Fritz, of Statiow A, St. Lnuifl, Mo., would mind" a sample combination rtippor (nr 18 iwo-ouiit alaiupu, und I orderurt cum. I hilW Urn clip' per oould bo ufiod hh a fruit jur filler; a plain dipptjt; u ilno iitruuior ; u. funnel; a atruinor fuunol; h iok room warmmu putt fend a plut raoutuiru. T'uho night diffuroufc ubgh tnako tho dippor mioh a neouimury artiolo that I wont to work with it und it ilia at vory noiiirly *vory Iiouno. And in ITfour mouth* X ptud off the mort-uuun. 1 .' think 1 oiin olour.iiH mnoli U4 ft'JOO 11 mouth. If yon need work von cm) do woll by giving tbiH a trial. Mihh A. M. Frit a, Button A, St. Louih. Mo., will Bond you a wuuplu for 18 two oenb HtanipH-' writo at onoo. .John G. N. 1G-13C tho expotmo of tho Vatiou.ii would be covered if ovory Gathoho iu tho world con tributor 8-1 oont a year. Btiu for your divotxo iu tVio Unitod Stutou. Aluurt Xj. VViddiu, Attorney at Law aud Solioiior in (Jhiiuoury, 7'JOChum- bor of Cowmoroti, Dotroib, Mich. ; "But, pupa-," wnilod tho youn woman, "you can hava no idoa how ho loveii mo. *'- He 1b williotf to dio for mo thia very min ute.". lWoll," aaid tho old man, Horuteh- idk hiH bond, thoughtfully, "I don't kuow as I httVo uny objection to that, I waa afraid that ho wautod'to marry you." Mr. Yoaat I wiah I oonld think of Bomothlug to koop my hUHbaud homo at uitfhtn. Slrn. OriroHOubbuk Oefc him a bioyolo. Mry. YoaHt That would tuko him ""outi moro than oyer. Mtffl.'Crirauoubwalc Oh, uo, ib wouldu't. My huHband fiot ono day buforo yoatorday, and tho dootor uaye ha won't bo out. fov a month. Malco Your Own Lantern. Your homo iu iucomploto without it, and tho prioo 18 within reaoh of all!, J ordered ono for my own uhq and it vtua ho handy abd uoQVonitmt I wout to tukinc oidorH for .thorn and Hold'51 in ono day making ovor 'SSotoar. It givofi a beautiful vvlmo Huht, obimnoyo noyor break from heat, it in . alwayaoloun and ready, Frauoia Canoy, . St. Louiu, Mo., will noudnamplo lor 111 two oout uturapB, writo for onu. I got my Htart , "from him. 4313b Gisonas B. A Honour Hubiudonou of tho olialk olif/n , bot.woon Diuppo and TonrviUo dontroyod a .beautiful villa belonging to a wealthy Paria hanker. Tho inmutoH of the houao heard a cracking nomo and buroly had fcimo to cnoupe. Tho EtruBeaun worn a cwilinod pooplo aROH boforo the foundation of Rorao, Horodotue atatofl t-Vjut Etrriria, (.ho modern Tufioany, whh founded by a colony of Ljdiunn, Tho ElruHoan vaaea iiui tombu allow a hi^h state of aivilizution und relino* ment, und it m believed ibat the HomaUit borrowed muny of thoir inntitutiouo und lawn from Etruria. A novel will wan tiUd at Milwaukoo tho other day." Tlio imitator., btquoatin-d $4,000 touHooiOi-y of whioh ho in a member, ou'Qoiidition that ihe lod^o eroct a build- iu(j boariiiu; bin namo, mid that at every annual mooting tho memberB till all read his will.und drink two ko^u of beer at ono Hitting. If they fuil to finish tho Uouh ut ono Hiltiny thuy aro to forfeit the property. Hlxiy-Ono Vvnrw Auo. Hugh Mutheaon, ono oE tho early olmeno rniinufiiolurern iu Wont Xurra, in writini; somo iritL-refltiu^ rbiuiuiHUL-iiHOH ot hiH t*x* Lpurioniin in that towuuhip Gl yearo u^o. Tie ; twu-iht tlio pub'liu aulioel iu Eiiihro when it Waw tho ono in tho dmtrict kept opt-n the yt-ar round, and whet* a '-ulobe1, plaood in tho aid in tlio ntudy of u'oo^rnphy Itnoukoi the mtftor'n prooonQt-ived notirm that the earth wnii flat into a ci.clu*d hut, iw'f did Iw know liow to reconcile iho tnin- "t'-OH to tlio gUiht) ihc-ory, hnt-wilh the itid ; o( a loeul tdioi'muker it wan finally th'oidcd ' fco cxplniiito Ihum that when they wtml'iiid . thoir dinlien and plnoed thum ou a hliclf in tho evening thoy woro the name aide up the next mnruiutj. Thia noitlod ihn qui-n- tiou and it wan rec'i^niKed that it wan tlio mm and not tho .onrth that wont round. Among other intert-niiiig mutfern touched upon he aayh; "I had hoiird tho mum* Y-utkoo in tho Iliuhl inde of Rcotland and In iked on it then an I wmld to-day on a Fiji InbL-'dcr,. and o\ oryono who would not ' pjtui.U Oftoho I lookod upon an a 5f ' ootirnj, and unntifo to havo anything to di) 1 w.'ih," The Figntina Editor. I remombar calling at the bffloe of a groat Pariflian newspaper with a friend who Wished to have rootlflod a atatemnnt publiHhod in it aonoernlng him."" When oar bueinnHH was made known we woro uehor- ud into a haiidMomely formehed room on the Urai door. Boated at dcaKH, without.a traoa of pen, ink or pupor, or of anythinK in a literary way except eome new uOvoIb, to^uthur with u few paoku^eu of oiKartsttcw, woro two uoiitlemon, whono appearanoo miLdo a oomndorable improHHion on mo. They woro faultlonly drt*nnt'*l in 'loop hlauk ((ho Juoliut'n color). Euoh had the ribbon of the Legion in bin buttonhole/ their Ioiik jot-hlaok mouhtauhou wero waxed out to a point iu line uh a itoedle't*, aud ihoro wuu in their wholo matiuov, their voioi', their ^eaturert, and tho.ojtnruhhion of tln-ir oyew and hioulIih, an iudesorihahlu nuimithui|{ that proclaims-tho man who at one Lunu or anothor ha worn a uniform. Thoiio woro tho ftabling editors, with whom evidently' th> pou wan not mightier than tho aword. Thoy woro civil,however, and ouneeiited to tho .reotitiouiion of tho paragraph. Ah llyhtinjj wan their tvudu, thoy luoliotl ut it in a puroly buyinofta way, and only went out when tho doiJiaudu made wore too uureauonablo to bo enter tamod. Ifaney that thoy Homatimon fought in dofunuo of articled thoy had novor ovon noon. Coruhill Mu(inzmo. That Wondovfal Churn 1 1 vvftiilLto.iuld ruy teHtimony to tho litit of thono that hate uuod tho Iiiglituiug Churn. It dooH all thit in claimed for it; you oau churn oatiily in quo minute aud (40*. a largo poroonfcuuo moro butter than with tlio ooinmou ouurun, I novor took tho agency for anything before, hut ho many ot my neiguborH wautedohunm that. I orJnrod !10 aud thoy are' all gouo. I think in a year every tarmr-r will, huvn a Liahtniuitoburn, in fact thoy can't afford to bo without ono hh thoy inalio ^0 muoh moro huttor and a po'od little hit of money oan he made iu every townHhip, iiolhny thertu ohuruH. By wriLing to ,]. P.'Cahbv & Co., BC. Iuoaia, Alo., you,oan tfot circulars and full pariioularn about tho ohum. A IIkadkii. -15.000 A NEW BOOK -"Knitting and Oro- ohotinii," of 04 puKuH, ovur 60 original do- mgna illuatraLod, beautiful laoo pattornn. bhawlH, hoodH, jaOHOtw, etc., hatf been pub- liahed by Tho Uomo, 141 Milk 6t.,' UoHton, IklaHii., and will bo Hunt with a nabnoriptum to that paper.' Tim Home in a 20-pago monthly filled with original etorioH, htetfary and domoHtio topioH and faahioiia. Itu dopartmout of l^auoy Work in a upeoial feature, now and original douiftuu each iBHUO. The prioo of aubaoription iu 50 oonta per year aud will iuoluaoono of thouo hooka. As a Bpucial iuducoraout to trial HuhJioriborn, a. copy of thin book will be given with a 0 mouthh' eubauription. Tho prioo of book ui 25 contu, but a 0 montb' oubHoriptiou ana tho book combined will bo Rout for only 15 contu. Tboir annual prtmium list for 1897 will bo aout freo on appl'oatiou. . -----------------------. +.., ... _ ,. i A GroatOhaaaoo to Make. Money. I waut to toll yon o( my woudorfui huo- cBan.. lioing a poor girl and uouding money badly, I tried tho UmU Wanhor huiiuohu aud havo eloared 8'20U ovary month. It ih more mouoy than 1 cvor had boforo and-1 oan't holp tolling you about, for I beliovo any poraon can do hb well aa I havo if tuoy ouly try, liah VVanhora null on oighi,, oveiylady wauta out*. _Thp Mound City DihIi WaHhor Uo., Bt. Loum, Mo. v.. \> you all uooouHury lUHtruutiumi, no you can bt-yin work at onoo. Tjo Diali WaHhor Uooh aplondid work ; you oan wat*h aud dry Uja,dinhen in two or three inumioti without p'uiciug youfhaudn iu tho wutor at all. Try thin huainoanand let ua know how you HUtiQOod. EwZAIHiTU C. -15-000 8TEALINQ BLKCTHICITY. Thrpo truiu haudu uii a froight'noar Bar- ry'aliay,eu the Onr-awav Aruprior & i'arry j Sound lta.ilway, mot thoir doath laet i Tliurdduy niht. Tfco Killed aro; Oliai-. fluiohlHou, fireman, agod 20, mnule; Jamra CaHHoWuiin, brakoman, agd -15, married; Wm.. HuHHtill, in charge of uloro car, ugod J(5, married; Win. Taylor, euninoor, waa Moulded, about face and Iviudn. It appcarH i.h^l. the team wuh running along at mud- urato apood. .Juat as the Hiding wa* ioictiod tho engine jumpod tho tiatik on leeount of an open Hwiioh. Twoouru wore iiunduiH on the Hiding. Iuio theao tho on- gino eruohod and wau thrown into tlit; Utah, falliui! upon her hide. Several o1 rim clth hdlowmg woro alno derailed and overturned. Marry this Girl, Somebody 1 I iiiivo boon ruudutg in your p^pur about -(-Vuni.1 muii uijcl wuiiitju that havo been vury HiiceeMHlul Holiinti aoii-heatinti flat KOiiH, and 1 couuludad I woiihf auo whttt a uirl cuuicl do. I imvo workuU 12 dayh iui:i ImVf Moid 151 irona ana huvo 218 dollurt* li:IL after p .yiug all o.\jjunm:n. Evurybod% in dol'ghicd wiih the iron and I, toll one alr.uoHt every pluoe I rihuw it, uh people liiuk ihuy oiu't afford to bo wilh'out out- -ih they oavo ho muoh fuel, and tuuo and 'l'in'i< burn tho uloLhua. I know I oan eloar Uvh thouuttnd ilulhirti in a year. How ih hat lor a girl ? Sploudid, my uirl, aplondid, you are a true (Vmerioim (^iii. Anyone can get com- |UhU* info[ '!))Lti in about llin ot-lf-heating poo by addrnrt-ing J. E. Gahky A Co., B . [j'niin, Mo. It ti^'Hryu lo he a 'vinuur, a-- iverybody Helhnii it writen in itu praine. 45 000 Britis h nstitute 6o Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. t Treats All Diseases of Men and Women. 11 ordinary troatmenthfti falkitl to relieve you, or If yon am tired of holn(( hutnlMiKBod'and Xualcrontud by ^uitoltd and iinpoHtarji. uiibiilt uh. W Imvo uudu tho troutmimt oi all oil roe i< dtt-eceea tho study of our life. If you are in nuod of iioin-Ht troatinnut wo will kIvo It jou. Oin Btuff t'onBlHtBOf uovtiu omluuiit rfiiuolntinto, andDnilr eemblhud whiitjui o broii/lit to hoar lu all coujpHoiittd.diUlouH or doubtful otiiu>n. Cniiuultiitlou freo oltkur at lubtltute or by mail. X> youo(tiiv',t CM-Ih B*ud u'tunp for <]utHtlon blank * Our ohHrgo" for treatuiuutVHvy Irom $5 to--a30 por month eltlior by mall ov at Inntittno. Onlv Diitnblu oiiBiift are no a opted, und a cure 1h fiUitrntiteiMl m every eauu un loriakvu. P' 8! Heno V>oi-vta. for our llttlu illuutruti-u (jooklot on fcttotim Nttbuhc.ation, ojiowlny tho only ratfonul and ouotionuful treatuiont of catarrh, Catarrhal t!eafuonn, Urouebltia, Authma uucl :*OottBtuni)iioii. Tpplnv lh. TwmfUy ClrcalU for V la Boami nd Btor*, It-is ftBflortod that the stHng of cur rent from trolley circuits for ueo in houeoH, saloons and Btoros, is locoming Very common, saya tho Chicago Record. This i not surprising in view of thn ease with which tapping of the oirouit 'onn-bo offootcd. A Bimplo- toRt 'for do- terming tho ooureo of uny Muspocted olootrio lighting wa put in praotico recently with conclusive vosultH, A Hupormlnndnnt in pasBlnp; a Huloon noticod tho tdoctvii light go out and then start up bright n^am, as tho inoiuidaHcont lights in tho trolley cars soiiiotimeii do. Ho thought that wuh a quern* way for tho lights nuppl'iod. by his station tohohavo, and tm docidod to invoHtigal.o. Ihdng; fiiiniliuv with tho tuchnical diftoi-oncoH boUvotm tho current systom for ligliling anu!, tlio method of supplying oloclrio power for. tho propuhiiou and illmniiULtion of earn, ho know that by a very simple expur-imenb ho could find out something inoro us't'o tho HOttrco of the supply of tho ourrunt. A liy;htiwp: company wires a building so I lint any iucandos- cont lamp in iL can hn hIiiit, off or l.nken out without affodtintf tho ot.lmrs. In a railway plant tlio lamps aro fod in such a way that if one is shut'off all coitso to glow. Tho Kuperintcndont passod into a nido room ot" tho saloon and quietly unscrowud one. of tlio ineundoHCOiit bulhu. As ho (ixpoctotl, all thu lightii on tho same who went out. On the following night tho currnnt supplyiuK , tho electric lino on that Htrcot wuh by agreumoat cut off ut a certain timo. At that moment tho illumination in tho saloon coaaod. Whon tho current was turned on again tho saloon wuw again lighted up. Examination showotl that thowiro had boon tupped near tho saloon, tho connection with tho feed wire being mado by moans of a nail. A largo number of smaller l'tapa" woro found. In Homo cases tho job had heon dono by a bogus "station mi'-n," who had culled regularly for payment of tbo curront supposed to havo bean consumed, This, at all ovcutu, was tho story told by aomo of those who woro found using tho stolon current. KJh*r of Aluminum. It Is claimed that aluminum platos aro destinod to become tho universal -vantorial for lithographic printing, which moans a revolution in tho litho graphic art. Of all tlio metals that havo been tried besideHuluminum, says tho Aluminum World, to ropluco tho cumhorsomo lithographic stono, zinc is the only metal which has givon any satisfaction, but it wtis found that nine cotrhdtrotrbo depended upon. To insure good work tho zinc plntos must bo ab solutely puro, and ovon thon many colors can not bo printed from zinc with safety. Aluminum bus been proven to bo as good us stono. Tho metal approaches tho physical properties of lithographic stono from its ability to absorb fats or slimy ttuhatancos. Racing skaton aio now mado o aluminum, affording at iho same timo exceptional strength and lightness, a pair weighing only 21 ounces. Aluminum articlos for tho toilet aro now made in groat variety, among other things, combs, vassor handles and hairpins. Pens made of an aluminum alloy it is claimed writo, easily and do not rust. A company has put on tho market aluminum guitars, barijow, mandolinH and lutinas. The instruments aro made out of one piece of sheet nlumin- um pressed into shupo. They aro satin-fiui.shod, and not only make a beautiful looking instrument, but give a rich tone. ThoCIvlllxltiir.Pnircr of Iirigatlnil, The evolutionary process of the last twenty years has brought out some vory valuable lessons for the future of California. " It has demonstrated that irrigation is essential to tlio highest standard of civilization. The census of ItiOO revealed tlio fact that two- thirds of thu train in rural population stood to the credit of night counties where irrigation prevailed. ' Tho countiop which rely upon rainfall had about reached a standstill or scored a los:-. Tho people have always boon divided on the . question as to whether irrigation is necessary, Those who oppose urge that it brcodsmahiria and injures the quality of the fruit. Those who favor insist, that it is essential to the most, scientific agriculture, and to the maintenance of dense population. Tho lust, twenty years have answered the question forever. 'I lie answi r enn gists of a comparison between the South" and tho North, Tho ono was. bom of the irrigation canal; the oilier of the miliing-cniup and the wheat-ranch. Tho one is rlmructori/.ed by a high civilization; tho other by u low one. Dr-imitul for J'liiitlttu:ICH. Strange as it may appear, nintlonlc muskets are not merely a record of by gone ages. bast, your no fewer "thun l,8*Ju,UK) gun flints were produced at the biiigheath mines, Brandon, No;, oik, England. These Hints are eh.eily to. delight African and-other savages,who, having been so long used to 1lint-loeks, aro reluctant to give them up. "The method of manufacturing these gun-flints is very inrortssiing. In the "operation of "Halving*' tho worker will take a "'quartor'* in his loft hand, and placing Hon his knots around which n protecting baud' ot leather has been strapped, gently tap tlio ilint with a hammer, giving it each time a,well- directed blow. A t every tap a flake 0 inches long and I hmhVh.lo falls into his hand, and, if a good otie, is de posited in a pail by. bin side, all had ones hoing dlscuvdod. The luiajipevs work those niiits with bammers with long, ,thin heads, often mado of old iiloH, transversely Htriking tho strips of flint on an itoii lixod in thou benches. MdndM4t*NhiUinthoonfiaii o( the ptopl* ift Hopd'p BurMpurllla. If a m*dlola ara yen wbra yom u iok| if li oniM year nlf bbon Und your (viands whn tb7 ar alllnc. M U mmkm wond- fol nrM of manjr dlmNi t<rrwhl 4h*n btyond any qaastlon that medleln* poiiwiM merit. That 1* Jnnt the, truth bout Hood's Baraapurtll*. Prp*vd by a combination, proportion and prooM un known to other medicines, It huouratlv* powers pouUr to Itaelf. W know It poifleaMi Kttui merit because It bi Made Dares, not onoe or twlaa or a hundred times, but In tboassnds end thoaiands of cases. VV* know It cured, absolutely, permanently euros, when all others fall to do any good whatever. Hood's BarsapariUa Is known to possess morlt or the power to onre disease; It Is known to be the bent bulJdinpf-up modiolne on earth; it Is known to be honoBtly adver tised, and for these reasons tho people buy and take Hood's Baraaparllla almost to the exclusion of other preparations. In fact, Merit Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of tho people In Hood's Sarsaparilla The One true Blood l'tirtfler. All <1 Turk tit*. |L ww * r^i^M wte h',er His; esy to MOOd S HlllS UU,eaiiytooporata. -ate. Monday, January llth. Couuoil mot at 11 a. m., pnrflnant to tho provitdonM of tbo Munloipnl Act. Protionfc, Charlei) Holkie ltuoye, John F, Milloh Beptjty-Iteovo and .Tamos Newmun, Henry Bar'ow and .1. M. Kay, councillors, who mudo tho doolarationw of oflloo and qualifi cation und took thotr ueatti. MiuuteH of tho last HCHHion road and adopted. Tho following ofllcorH wore appointed : 'AfjfGHtj. or, Alvin Orton, salary flBo and potttaRo; Auditors, Potorlutnan and W. B. Kollott; Merabor of Board of Health, J. M. Kny; Modioal Health offloor, J: W. Ilrioii, M.U.; Hatiitnry inapeator, 'Turnon Bennett; Fonco VioworH, I. Itl'oy, .T. J. Jaakeon and Lowis Williams ; Potmdkoopor^, G. W. Malott, Chun. Boorman,.!.. E. Ttlloyt.IiLmoH HausH, John Moo, U. l^bitlips, A. Gammon, W. Cobloy, 2. Mallott, S. Aoh, J. Churoh, H. FoiHtor and O. Ryall; tihoop Valnatorii.O. Ryull. Z Ortou, W Gobloy, P Bedoll, D Noble, 7i iVfallott, V Phillips aud J Hum- bor; PatbmuBtorH, ,1 Hutohirm, .lames Stoward, 1'homau Burko, F K Awrey, W Crow, J Churoh, S Ash, B Gammon, A Duncan, K O Barlow, ThoraiiH Osbomo, X Cardt-'r. W Dovhlrat, 6'E Nowmun, P .Vichuiiii, It MytrB, W Trimble, tl Bpeeeh- loy, .1 ll Smitn, E Ainoe, A Bisaou; S Cox, C Ityall, R Dunenn, jr., A. MolCue, damob cjlioppavd, Jouoph Wrijjht.G W Patteraon, W AhIi, J MoMahon, Wltoivoh, W Goanoll, G tiopgood, L) h liiimarah, James Potter and P Inmau; Pram IonpoetprB, Alburt Louuhhury, Jusn^h luyoru, Jooph Phillipu acd I' Riloy. John F Milieu was ro-ap- poiuicd coiimifi9iouor.fur repair of tho Ale 'Million Ihaiu, aUo Innpuoior ot tile drtnuti hi pluou of Juhn 'P. liiown, rLtugia-d, WftiIcy Cbwull uddreijtiud the oouuuil in leforeneo to whnt Air Cowoll lOgnrdud as uijma uhnr^i'H maclu hy air Luird for iho OA^unuatiou of the Huns Drain. John Al Kay htuted that Mr Luiru would be proaont at iho uojet inoitiu^ oi tho eouiioil to uuuwur tluu comphuut and lllo matter wuh hud ovor. Tho toliowinu, orditrH on tho Xieaiiuror v/tto [iuOhciI : Uetuud ut Htatuto lubortuX, W & .noutgumtjry *J, D Uenu Oil, Oh^ri Ullnur &5, Areine Noble (itj, \V m N.jO.o i-i, \V L tituuu d, U ,1 .in Beiii'cLt', nnin'u uuii yiiHy Uic winuuW iu nah, 70 chuih ; .luapii PtiniipH, iuuiuv- in^ ob-tLi-uutiuun truiu uiuiijh an f.-l o^ : I D li;i,".0 oouti*, 0U,*-1.75,' li7,M, 7li.fcli.7o ; 6 U U.I.JURLT, rttJ-lllpd Lo'J/jil ', V\ -L S.uttn, jl \alutj ut nUet-p wi-rnHl by >"m^i 3.1.Xi; ". . JullUHUili, IU tiultit!UiL-Uv ui WtilK on 1 D b'J, #15; T'H, loiooviuy nix rudh iuiiUu on X U d'J, &10U; W Yn-liu-a, taKUld Mall'J UUt ot J-llu; ttlJnUUil. 'J. J J 1 I , Cii.^i; W Uiv uu^, ^.r.'duiK uu cnui -hi-j rutin, 04; U Huiit, mi itt-U oi iiiiw.ul H i-l i'jr K.tiuuuiti KtJiut-u^ Cij. ,t. (\iiuiui'ioi ij.itit itLVuer oi ].']. jViuu-). iohii.-a ui uiiui* --n iNu- VUlljllUt' '2dLU, Irfjli, Aim lt:lUt II '-^ aii'l destroyed. Cou. ci thu u j uhmu <a biiLuruu.), Puuiuu.1^ 27-ii, ut .iho u'l.i .. ti, p. in. Gitiiutliiiii- rlnuiLH Ai'piO'ifi , tt iitin.ui' iicur i\ui a, ,\ a.t e.ui uud m d^j ill id uliumii \ib-> t- it hi.-, liaru. '. N. lJjj.I [Ch>) \L. P. Int. ,u\uii. .(, Jluu., uii't IL^i^li .lorn, .d.nnl.Jiiitul, .ti. P.(, -liil" *V Uiuipi;^,. -lluti.,* n ..ill nil* hi ioui > m,. 'Vim l'"-.l* oi it U'.'i'fc i)ttii(i^<iM, i I'ni'ii D.ilUoiihio, W'lii I'.ku i in ih w t.uj Canal, nil li'i-Miuj, IIH.U wluuii hi) M nil r ouj 1(1 IlltS'u (ulluu on ALiUiUiy lilnlit. Tho uri'tjaoKi oi F. X. >iittnnur in i ut,' Formooa onFridny. Thu niiauun*jii *>\ mo 11'iHiutl' 0 ullOMH I llill Mlti lii 'ii.o Wilt' It '( y more iltuo t.vt'niy ucu mm the <.i;'lut.. Tho'y dooomportud b.iiv o* nan wan found iu a Imiuiy npoi at-pHi:-. ri o".y Four men vn-ro badly n<J >rml .<\ . a dyuiimhu explniioo nt-ar bitW: lii i u.'u-*i Xhoy weto t'tiauinu u oan oi it itui.-f' < ti o By.thu OXplonioii of-a.hniior i)ii: h l**rmcjIm Hteamor in Ohinoue wi'^iro a . mn^n * nod olevwii htrolierN wyr.i Uilltil ind U.V< >< nnrn fatiilly injured. ' :,: i'^VSKu. * .' iL1*/ DON'T .BUY ;t Stove until you fee tho new stock at $$ 0 S.,l.ljA.i McMITRBAY'S, Seethe Oxford's Stovoa, Best frl ihe Woflil. Mayiutactured by tho G-urney Foundry Co , of Toronto, (both Wood and Ooal). We have them in Stock, Our prices are the lowest, 0*5*XL <ei3^.<3L Inspect. General Tinnmithing and Kopaiving attended to. tJiS^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex. Are You Building" ? =* Wo oan supply you with all kinds of Woodon Material, plaijj und orriameutal. Pino, Hi mloilt und native Lumber always on hand! sowed aad round^-Doorg BaBh and (bal. ~*M Your Doors and Made Now, g Bro: gWiuaiMflja^^ W i'!i ' S50sOG CYJREQ IN SO. YEARS- **6t//?ES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! *fcinun im f?ninFor^A case WEiv ^ujujj m ww CANNor CUUE 0F SELP-ABUSE, EMISSIONS/ VARICO CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STKICT- URH OLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED^ iv.;"7',a . .,_, ______ ________,________ Ss|^A[fiVrf" PARTSf;- LOST MANHOOD, UttPOTEN- ... k%^#-TO:."I Cyt NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- ) ^'^^^i3S^mU:-^ URAL DISCI-IAPJOES. ETC. A NtllVOUEWKliO:!. The New SWbiIioiI Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age FOrt CURING THESE DISEASES .4 TliontmmlH of ynmijy and mlddlo m*M iiiou aro hiiriually owopt to a promiitiiro . jlffmvn thrnUKU bAULV- I MHSCRIJTIUN-S. KXCnSsn*. ANO BLOUI) DIAHASUA. If ,,. you huvn miy tit tho follmvInK Hymptonui conmilt iki ln>loro It la ton lain. Ai'o von nor- l'i-i vouii jliuI woiil;, tloupontiont nnrl uliumiy. a\)i\t))m Ijofnro thu oyou with Ourlt clrtijim ntulor ..;^i Uicin, woalt liaulc, Uldnoyn Irrltuhlt), ]nilpl(.iUlon of tlio Jn/irt," imalinil, nnwumi and .1} l(, nodiirn'nt in nvhin, nlmnlnfi on Mm tnn% ay on nunkoii, hnjlowchnoltM, twn-nwurn >:;i nxjiruHiihm. pom* ninm'Ty* lirolcmn, dlFitriuitriil; luck on.nrfiy.un'.i titrmidlh, tin'U nmm- ',-C i'u.'.i, r'fKiilonH nl;:liiM, c.ltaiuti'.iiiln mnodii, wnalt muuhoud, utuumd oruuuu uuil pruiint- ", i :-o cli;u(iy, bono paiui), hair looyo, ooro tlu'uatoLu. VOU HAVE SEMINAL OTJR NEW AIGTilOO TII2ATMI3NT ftlnno can wii- yi,u, and nml:o a man of you. UndnrUu hillu- ciicH t)in hraht houniix'ri nctlvo, tho ninod pm'lUfHl M> ilmtult iJlmpUi'i, lilou:ln'M,aiidUli:or:idl!ia|'pi'ar; lliojiorvoti iiocomo lurnnir an (in:ol, im that nnrvtMia- mifjfi, Imuliriiliirnn mm (lmpi-niit ncy dlnnppr'ni'; LlltJ tiyllfl tllliMMtl lU'Iglll, II.O lU'-O I'lli] Illlil. <:|.<lll*, ^niM';;y rotiirmi Ir \\ia tindv, mil] lint in<i':il, iiln'nli'iil and Hiisual fiyuf'-ma aro liivivoniiitd; ad dr.tina i-i'liio -mi i.'ICjt;i vL.'il Wr'.tn't'L'fjiM llni fiyr-.ti-m. Tim varhuiH pi'frmi.i iji'.-r^Ku natural and manly. V<nt V.i.d y<>nv\j(i\t v. limn uii't Unow rnari-i'i;;!) ( unrint lo WEAKNESS I I tfiAM Y0CIt BLOOD KEEN IMSKA3"EI)'J hiHj liMugi^n i' imjhi 1LU'( kiiim> Mhiu i'ihu ITU 11 .MH I JtJ V arallnvo. Woln-.iniitiriii" n^'.cu-l 1..1 .-o^ndr, u\ I;".'.'! ^ L \ V * vi unnlldtiiHlally ai.-l i'p-i> or <-hn | and fakii'M nJi ymi at you/ li..rd ciu-iu.d. tl.Ji]aivJ,. ." .-' [\'i\^^""'^'rif^y%^'\tri^A Wti null cure pint of no 1^111, - "" ' i;'..'-^!'i ^"^'^^i ^IS\J^^. i"T^r7 haw Yoi'ir m.nm* nprw TrtinTtMciTpn' ' ^..M^'^S^^^i^^^s^vfo inniKoiTAUY Olionu J) ( hi: A BE. 3VPIII1/S Im tho tti'nMt prnvalnntfiiidnin'ttunvlo'ifi ftLOOO dhu-a-'O. It itapu thovfi-y lin* Idimd o( iho viutlm and unl"iiiuniilinlyi'nuU':iiii!d rrmu ihnwvu- torn will affurt l!m orf:iprlnj;, I in warn ot Monmry, Itnnly.Hui>|)i'u>iHiiii tliQuymptonm-oiii'Nl3W Mtil'HOD pniiltltflyi,iWltfntovr. VOUNU 0 MIDULti-AOHU MaN-^You'vo 1ml it (,*y lICi). or hnhdttca In tho fnllloa of youth.. Elolf-nhiiao or ]ai<r oxi-n^iMihavi) innkmi <li>wu ynm* Hyutmn. A'ou rs*>l ihd nyiiiptomn HiojiUnir ovor you. Mon tally, phyalcally unit nnxnally you ato not tiimnoii yon iiKfld to ho orahouMho. Lunirul pruotliioa ,ruip viuh harvotitu. Will you huoU tUo dim(?or olKnalH,, R P ft ft t D I At0 y0l> '** victim? Havo yon Iniithnpo? Aro you nontmnnlatlinr mnrHaRO? MLj^UtU lla'iyoiii'lihmd lmon dltu'a'.tud? Uavti yon any w^alt'iUMiHi1 Our NnwMatliod' Tfuatnumt will mirn yon. What tt tuut duno for.oihnr.rf It will do tor you. Consultation Free. No mat toy who-mm trou'tod, ynn, v/rltn for an honont oplnlnn Frou of' Oliarietu' i)liUn,'0n rnaiumaldo, Ijoukfl Hreft (illuwtratod), on maoaaosot Men. Ii'oloiin 'poiiiai^o, Qcontn. HonUid. Hook.on' "DluonoUH ot Women" Frdo; flfii-NO'NAMeS USED WITHOUT IVItlTTEM CONSENT. PRIVATE. No modlclnt cent CO 0. No itiunos on boxes oroiivelupos, Cvorp^h 11 a confidential. Qilostlon Hat and costol Tfent- monh run.. .. *. : "" 5 DET^OIV, IVJICHi ' .".'^('.^iJinSI ......... ^'li "*>.' yi\^>.<iW^\i^?j(wtiTOit^;wv:a^wiia $f

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