Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, page 2

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"*',>! *tf\.V rw t-VHi \' /. 7. I, 'l J r \ 1 n ' . TjIK CAT. pcolc vat? rteaiumt to the oat. Kctomber,'ilf boretft or ouu lu, vrMali la d*r to her. She only Weitfht left, And then suppoa that Ufa ! And ofton it U no ( think tenderly how you would tettl With iilno to undergo. Bood frlandfi, to ohoor a tingle lift, That wnro ft dowl well done. Rutmuiihi'r, In* ivh<v obotirH nltm cnt* ChofirH ro.ill} ttl *lity-ono. Coatuti Woniun'a Journal- & W P Or I* I* it A GAMK OF POX Eli "No, I^on't piny pokor nny moro," 1 auid a hitf wo.stornor who oainu into an tip hntu oliihimumi tho alhoruifjlit with soma filciHiM uiiojuul boon nhowing lihn the town, Momnbmly hud HiifrfluHtod a littlo giun f <lrnu' an nti upprnpriiito (iivuimun. "Why, how In Unit?" oxuhiiniod ono of bin frl(ii(ln. *'You umn\ to piny1 Htiif gtimu. Vou haven't Hworn off, havo you?" "y7-no,** mi hi tlio westerner, Htill seri .in "I havo Urtfc Hworn ofT, hut tin) m no ovoilnmont in tho gumo 'or mo low, Tlio luwt (,'amo I pluyod wai too ooitniK." Tho thriJImp; story thoroof runa us follows: "It wuh u dozen yonrn uro, when I wuh n (underfoot, with fcho uhuuI allow- anoo of frenhnomi nml iunomnoo of fron tier peril*. Wo usod to cull it briiHhriCBfl, and X woa oortuinly brush. I ronxnud around the country rnthor for tho hotter part of ii your, with u uioro or loan vaguo purpoRo of uottliug nomowboro, but not oaring much whoro. "I whh wall down towurd Now Mox- ioo wheu tboro was u runior of Indian trouhh'H, und I hourd that aflompnuy of Unltod States troops woro on tho in arch toward ouo of tho principal villages y/hato tho redskins woro purtioulnrly ullon. "I bad bott out hunting for a wofik with a oonplo of follows I had mot iu ono of tho townn, wbon wo got tho news frotn a Htrangor who oamo into our camp lato at night and finked for suppor, IIo admitted whoa wo qucHfciontid him not too cloudy, for inqniNitivonfiBfl is at n large diwmmit on tho plaiuH, hot ousu ally thst bo wan u uoout in tho govern ment employ and whm on bin way to join this company. S "'There's Hkoly to ho Mine pretty warm work*' ho naiil wbon wo ufikotl a llttlo moro, 'for if thoroddovils uro not on tho warpath now thoy will bo in a day or two, and you foIlowH will do a mart triok if you turn back.' "Taming back, howovor, didn't HOm Very attractive to mo wbon tboro was so rauoh oxailomont ahoad. I promptly ro- marked that I thought I would go on With tho Hoout and offor my uorvioos to tho oaptnin in ooramand. I told you I was protfv hrauli at tho time, and I had no knowK'Igo of military nffniw. My notion wad that tho captain would bo glad of u'jocfuit, or, at leant, that ho would mako no objection to my going with him. "I notiood that tbOBooutlookod at mo m littln ourlouflly, but ho ovidontly thought it whh not Iijh bunmoEfl to odu- en to toudorfoot, and ho only grunted. My two companlonn woro an frosh as X waH, and wo tcld tho ecout wo would go along if ho bad no objection. "'It'safroo ooutitry, and I reckon you oan travel whorovor yon liko,' bo aid, with a grin that I undorstood hot ter afterward. "Wo ufcurtod boforo dawn and had thirty odd milos to go to strike tho trail Whoro tho company wno oxpootod to camp that night. /Tboro wore Htill some ten milon to go, wbon, iih wo woro roamhngftflmallhill, thORCoutnuddonly leaptid from his horuo aud called to us to do tho namo. "Ho had hl'Ou ludiinifi, and, to out it abort, wo oampnd that night in a plaoo whoro tho scoot mit\ that four uion could bold out for awhilo ovon ugainnt tho hundred or so in tlio party that had fmr- rouiidod tifi. It wrifj n oortaiuty, though, that wo would all lose ourncalpH uiiIoejn tolp oamo, for thoro wns no WuFor to bo had, and tho Indians kuow it and mado thomBolvoHoomfortablo juntoutof rango 1 of our rilli'f), "Tho Hooat didn't say much for a Ioiir time, but wo could hoo that ho wan thinking u hard an any of uh, and %vo woro all protty buny at it. Thoro didn't Boom to bo anything to flnggost, or at , leant thoro wan nothing that; I could think of, oxoGptiug to mako a du;.h and try to break through. i "Nobody Hind imything in roply when \ I epoko of tliat, and tho ucout gavo mo j a look of diHgiiHt that mado mo angry , enough, but Hhut mo up all tho flamo. 1 Finally bo daid: ! . '* 'it'fl jUHt this way: Thoflo dovilH i"* have caught ufl and thoy know it. Thoy won't make a rush, for thoy know wo will Hboot, and an Indian will never rink hoiug shot if ho can got his man without. Wo oan't fight our way out. Thoro'w too many of 'om, And wo can't stay lioro any longer than wo can livo without water.' "I uKkod lam if tho captain wouldn't mako u utmi'oh for him, and ho Raid tho captain didn't know ho was coming. 'Ho'h on bis way south,1 ho said, 'and tho trail ho in on is ton xmlfuto tho oat of m Thoro's only 0410 thing that I hoo, and that innaiis cortain death for roiiio- body, 1 reckon. It's certain doath for all of uh, though, if Kometinug ain't done' I ankod him what it whh, aud he Haid: "'If ouo man oan make his way KUthoant far enough no that tho nofoo of tho llring will roaoh tho compuny, tho captaiu will hoik! a uourohing party. It all dopcndN ou how far the man goto before he in killed. If we all rido out, we will all bo killed. If ono man goou, the others may it and a. oh unco.' " Wo all looked at ouo another in si lence for a good while. My blood run cold at the idea of riding oat alouo into that pack of fiends, bat I realised that our only ohan wm for somebody to go, and I wae m iwm* to ** othors m ii m lo me. "Xhatinotive!^ we began flrst talking about'the way the man jpiio^tthonld go ahoald mattetfrer to ,bei1 advantage be fore raising tire quMtiotj whOfhould bo the man. It took oJpSy' a few minutes, though, for ihaacoat to glVenis advice, which wu for ono to ride out, waving a whito handkerchief. He was to keop to thn eastward and ride an hard iih ho dared toward the Indiana, looking shnrply for tho weakest point In thnir lino toward hin right. Ho uhoald thun make a daub und rido uflhardaspOH'nhlo nntil it was all over, firing as ofton as bo oould. "Tli- .1 wo had to dcoido who flhould go, and I BiippoHod, of course, that wo would draw lots, but ono of tho nlon Hpeko up unuxnootodly: "'Whnnvor goon,' ho Paid, 'dnowrt Want to Htart for soinn hours. Tho f.nout m\'i just after daybreak is tho belt time. What ik tho inafternf settling thin thing with poker? \Ve ouu play froozo out, and tl-. ! gamt's will Hcttlo it, tho winner dropping out oaeh tiiwo." "Tho proportlfcien caught me. Von know I used to pride mynolf on my pokor. After a little hesitation the othoM agreed, Tho man who proposed it had the ourilH, and wo noun ted out (J 00 ootfoo bnanFi for onipn and begun playing on a blanket folded and laid ou tho ground "You would think tho details of a .Cintie liko (hat would i\x tln'msfdviH in the memory so thufc I would bo nhlo to tell you every hand I hold and ovory hot I made, wouldn't you? Well, 1 can't. In fact, I can't toll anything about tho first game excepting that 1 Was tho first man to loso all his chips. I had played ofton onough for what I thought woro high Htakos, but tho thought that I waH playing for my life rattlnd mo oomplotoly, nud I roally bo- liovo I bet at random. " Whntovor 1 did I lost, and tho man who had proposed tho game won out. He was shot in u gambling house throo months later had an oxtm nco in his sloevo, I behove, or something liko that, "The noxtjroozoout, botwoon throo of uw, was a comparatively short ono. It did not tako moro than 30 minutes for tho soout togathor in all the chips, but, Mhorfcafl it was, I raanagodto get rayaolf together a little, though X was still full Of tho thought of tho value of the stakes a thing which, I have noticed, always interferes with my play. *JWhou the third gamo began, how ovor, I pullod inyaolf togothor with a most tremendous offort and roally bo- enmo as cool as I over bad boon boforo at a gumo of our tin. The man I played against this time was a young English man whom I had grown to osteons highly in the short time I had known him. His pooplo at homo never hoard this etory, and I hope thoy uover will. Thoy know that ha was killed by the Indians und that ho was on a banting trip, but thoy novor hoard of his last game of oarda nor of the way he rodo to his dcuth. "We had oach 800 boans, nnd half n down hands woro doalt boforo either of us got cards to bot on. Then on my dont I caught throo doufias and made it ISO to play. Ho lookod at his cards and raised mo BO, which I oovorod. IIo drew ono oard and lot it lio without looking at it, while ho watched mo. "I Haw him looking, of oourso, and I am mora glad than I am of almost any thing oJho I ovor did in an almost use- lens life to think thst I mado tho worst piny I ovor saw made. I liked tho man well, as I said, nnd somo impulse that I couldn't understand then, and can't oxplaiu now, told mo to loavo tho thing to ohanoo and to give him a littlo tho hotter ohiinco. "I had playod with him boforo, and I wns certain that ho was drawing to a flush, and somohow I folt thot ho had filled it. Of courao I should havo drawn to tho strongth of my hand, but I didn't I drow ono oard only, holding up an oight spot to my deuces, and I shovod all my beans into tho pot without look ing at my draw. "Ho gavo mo ono look, in which I read a porfect appreciation of whnfc I had done, and without a word and without lifting his ilfth card ho pushed hifl chips forward. "Thon my nerve gavo out. I grow as white as death, I know, though no ouo ovor told mo so, and I actually oould not lift my cards. Hiw norvo novor shook, though, apparently, and ho turn ed his fifth oard over as ho laid it on tho bhiukot. Thoy woro all clubs. "Ho looked at mo, and I swear I flaw rogrot in bio oyos. I tell you ho wan a man. Thon I managed to turn my hand over. I hud drawn tho other oighfc." Tho wostoruer stoppod. Ho drained his (4In4.4 and thou said: "Wnitor, bring auothor bottle and bring raoHomo whisky boBidea. This stuff doesn't go to tho right spot." Thon, aftor ho had had his drink, ho said: "You don't woudor, do you, that I don't pluy pokor any moro?" "No," said his hearers, "bnt finish thofltory." "Oh, thero isn't much moro to it. At leant that is tho ond of it, as I think about it. Tho Unglifilimiin shook hands with us all and rodo away. Wowatohod jhiin until ho foil, und ho must havo gono fully throo miles. Agoodmimy Indiana fell boforo ho did, for ho was a clover shot. Later in tho day tho company oamo to our rosouo, and I am glad to say a good many more Indians paid for his death with thoir own. " Now York Sun. _^___________________ Armor For MUlloimlr^*. JPonr Amerioan millionaires havo re cently had mado in Sheffield, England, stool vasts and coats which uro warrant ed to fieoure them immunity from death in ordinary oases of attempts at ussassi- uution. Tho armor is of chain mail, so light that whou one has worn it a week or two it is no incumbrance to him and strong enough to turn a dngger or sword thrust, though it would not stop a build. A number of Knglish states men have been using this armor since tho days o* the tfeuhui riots. Oinoib' uati Enquirer. THE CREOLES OF NEW ORLEANS. Intn* C<mrrtlm In Tfalr Dlltlng-nUli- lug Quality. "One of the most distinguishing qualities of the Creole is his conserva tism," writos Ruth JfcEnory Stuart in an artiolo on "A J*ooplo Who hivb Amid jftomanco," in tho Olirhtnuu- UkHoh' Homo Journal. "His family traditions aro of ohodionceand reaper.'. It bogina in bin church and omN in hi* wlno-pelhir. Ho caros not for piotei.t" >ug'faiths or now vintages. HUn- IjgiOn and hm winds are iimtfru , ci tradition, flood enough for liw iuicmm- lors, are they not good nnough for mm and bin children? Him moat delightful homo is .Militated behind n liuivylmt- tciud g.itn, homhie and foihiddni'; nt its out ward expression of tlin pasMiip; world, proti * mi'- e\ 1 rHafiedne^s within. The <'i nlo livi for liis familv in il^ ThegMill. old dame, liis great-aunt, iLihe| . and uonrum t(i half Iijh < hihii 1 11, 11r" r M v- nig her hln III icd and couLeiii< ' life <( tlnei'Hioin and Ion yean )nlun<l Jn gn at k'H 1 11 gate lii it opi-im ,h 11 1 1 iL- nig evnu at the demand of lho]^! d hr.i^s Luor l.i v, will 1(11 \ 011 w iih .1 In in it if ul [i eli 1 liul the has ti v< I In n mi tile> Ann 111 .in si In of hoi ou 11 1 itmIhho Can ! . tp'ci. If she \\ill adm t t\ on u '-t to her inlamlgaidi n, uiiliui her unmtyant f?ate and In MirniOiovill not (|o no unle-s ^ ou pi.-- sont innim-.tiou.ible eiedeiitialu if hht will ('..II in 1 si .ii* I\ tl ,,, MihIi laii'f, t'eie-i' ', .M.Lriii or Milium . wlio uiiiwen-t Ik ] ni hoi own tonguu to felrh .1 < li'iir foi #\ou into tho court hcMtlc the oleander upo and the rro|ni- m> 1 tie if, st 1 nig you sealed, f-ho hid the m.Ltd of the t ignon to furthor serve you wiih oriiiige-HowLr nyiuj> or thimble trlasien of Iiqiiuur or anisette from a hhinme; old silver tray, you will, pcihapii, feel that- the great bat- toned door hah boon, indcod.-a eonhorv- er of (jood old ways, and that its office is a worthy one, in piosurving the tweet flavor of a- picturesque hospital ity Whose Old World fva^ianco is htill unepoiled by innovations, and un- taintod by emulation or contact." A Tidal Wave. Sweeping Over Tnis Oan- adaJirf 'bufs. Paino'B 'Oelory ^Cotupouriii Buninhin^ SickriCHH and Diaoatie. Beiitowing Heultli, Viyot and Now Life. TlMiYomitr nmt thtt Old Feci 1(h \\'<m<l< r(ul IN>uiir. 'I'lio lifrtU Nty*T < t'tiuo 10 Httitx >t" 1'nnnnr .SlaV4t Mtflc<t, CoiiHtuiitlnoplr'. On benches .so placed na to command a good viow wmo huyprH, coarso-look- iiifiT TurkH, whoso calm, soarehiug gazo HOumed to tako in ovoiy detail. Tho merchant conducting tho sale stood bofoio them, talking and gesticu lating with gioat voliomonce. He turned to one of the pens, which was filled with young CircuHsian women, mofafc of whom wore very handsome, Thoy woro seated cloto tog;etlior on the ground in an attitude of listless de spondency, thoir whito garments flow ing around them, and as thoy gazod up at mo with their sad, dark oyos, J felt painfully bow they must onvy tho free and happy stranger who camo to look on them in thoir infamy nnd misory. Tho slave trador came forward, fol lowed by a phlegmatic-looking Turk, and, seizing one of tho women by the arm, forced her to btand up before thifi man, who, it appoarcd, wished to buy her, IIo proceeded to inspect her, very much m tho samo mannor as ho might have examined a hort>o or a dog, and his decision was unfavorable; he turned away with a contemptuous movement of the hoad, and tho slave- merchant, in a rago, thrust back the unfortunate girl, who sank down trembling among her companions in captivity. Thia wceno was asjaucli as we could stand, and wo loft tho place hurriedly at once; it in well indeed that such Bights can bo witnessed no moro, at least in Emopo. rjoxibln Glues. Scarcoly a month passes without our being informed of somo now appli cation of ghusH in ait or eomuieico, but thoro is one form of glass winch ia un known to most people, namely, soft glass or glass paste. Yot it is hund reds of years old. Tho old Koman gla&s nrnkois carried to tho grave their sociot method ol propaiing a glass pasta which thoy modolod cold, just as wo model clay. This malleable glass, upon which you could got tho impression of your finger oxnetly as with dough, gavo off a mont pleasant porfumo. Anothor variety rmrdoby'thoKornans had qualities similar to rubber; if it woro thrown down forcibly it re bounded; if struck with a hammer it yiolded and immediately resumed its original shape. It is rolatod that tho Emporor Tiberius ordorcd a workman's head to bo cut off so that ho should not reveal tho secret, tho roauon given for this act being that if tho method of preparation became known people would think no moro o[ gold than of dirt. Tho secret of tho manufacture of glass panto died with the Koman arti sans and has never been discovered. Now wo hcai that an eminent soulptor, who has a well-equipped laboratory, has succooded in producing n glass paste similar to that described in anci- ont writings. You can drivo nails into 'it as you can into load. A Orflftt TrJul. "What makes Jones look so glum to day? Hay ho boon unfortunate in his wheat speculations? Have mining stocks takon it drop? Has somcouo failed who owed him $100,000? Has his corporation lost 1 hat last big case in court?" "No; nono of these/' said Mrs. Jortos Bwootly. "Worso." "Worse? Ah. ho has lost some doar friond some-----" "No; Thomas, tho coachman, is ill, und tho poor, dear hubby had to build tho fire in tho furnace. He fools no amiable that I told ldm not to oomo homo at noon hut to take lunohattho club."___________ ' Jty Hx Parian on. Now Boarder Bo you hollow in tho transmigration of souls? Mrs. Hashlet Yes, I have often known men to become-elephants on my hands, LHco a tin eh t j tidal wnv, Painu'n (Ju!( ly OtinijHJtind, with itH neirvelloiiu hmllug and (amng virl 11. ", In wr epjnj; oyi 1 (!uii- iuIu on 1I11 nf heiilth rnilntiun, 'X'o-tluy it iii tho only ui.diouie that ih imrnshiiic; HLkmin und diHcuve; tliu 01m ilniL u IjiHiiwmg htidtli, v>gor'aiid new lid-. Among all oIiihumj its wouditfui I o\\01 lit felt din nll> the t\rat hottle n> commt'iiood. Pamo'n '->( Jury (Jompound, owing to itn lnunHry nnd ue^or tiiiui]i|jf)inting virtni-n, linn hi unlit Uie *[n 0|iI*j'h chohon tnodiciiwt nd itti woiLliy pi ninth are tuing nv* ry whoro by U>niiHiunhi of otirud poo[il>i. Null nig (Itm in ilie unriii w uo wull adapt- 0 1 tur the; la1, d 1 t t tho ni,k und suffering Aftor 0110 tind a beunmcH a friend A ourud hid>, Mm, Oiot^u JDunmt, of lilma, Ont , writi'i. \iu folloi,p4: ' Vat many yearn I Imvo ho* 11 a fuffercr from liver trouhlos, and hayo dootoreii with tioyeral ph^uiolan^, but only f"ut>d rehot for a very short tunu My hummml adviHcil mo to try your PmnVs Coltry Cuujpaund. I dm jn, und .found hu much roller Trom the flint hottlo'but I eoiitinnud, and am now lining the thiid bottle. Yoiu Compound mm done more for mo than any \ hyHJoiun. For months boforo timnn the CompoinnJ T never bud ono niuht at i-ounJ sleep; hut now I can u,o to hod and sleep soundly and naturally und /uol like s, 11*1 w croaturo In tho mottling." Hamilton City Council miirch tho year with an overdraft of $10,000, Henry Bhavor, h budiemun on the O. T. It., who rcHidtd at Bidokville, was killed near St. Atm'u. Tho Wwiho are tho ohildron of the Cymry, who migrated from N >rthorn domain) and BndudihflviiL to Italy, wor*t drivoii hack hy Marian, I). C 100, and rutlred in to thn fnutnoxHOH of Switzerland. Their priuopal dottlemcnt or community wan known an Sohwena, and ibis ^uvk r nuniL to the emiro oonlederKoy. Thoy Htill call thomeiiivoh Bohwoiizcra. A GllOSti FRAUD. How to Avoid Deception aud Loss. Some dtuileru iu Canada buy paeku^c dyoH that aro uo pool au>i weak tnat it n quiruit fully thrm paolnigrH to givo tiu dep'h of color that ih nlitamtd fiem o:.e fiin^lo puokatio of Dittmond J>>um. Ihewi weak UyOH, worth fiom lour (u five aentt-, uro Bold to nt ton ueutii fiei paoku^t', aume prion an the lull strength Diainoiid Pjuh, Any woujiin who m ur^od by n th alur to buy thenuadulterattrti and weak djenuhuiilit refuiio ut once to bo HWimlb d. &uch dyon ate only a 0011 ro of prntit to tho merctnmt who huppouH to noil tin tu ; iboy urt< co t.uii ly anaroH and dLceptiiiuK t<> thn wumati who huytithom. Lu^i, truuhtd and fiutul can bu avoid* d oy iihkinij tor the Diamond Dytn. Eiiunitie oaoh piukuui r and hiinnii* you nee the name "Di iinond." Wwiktut' with tho "Dianu ud " yon ur^ onrt* of uood, fu-at, bulhaui and InHtiiu, u uor*7. Many This Girl Quick, L nllW III >(HH p< I til til tt Jil v* ii i'Jti 1 0made ^1 *J5 the lirtii hour Ih w- rki d m thn tho Pt-ifoition Mital T|i Ivm|wu-f>. 1 oidtirod a m*mple ami u.n* 10 siorlt 1 *i i rho Aiht lU'fl't I fit tiled $10, thu h mini week I ulonri'd ftl5 I ' M 1 c I" t no up " 835 a wick nt tl'*) in ir fnnrn , k tin P>-i n-otiuij Mtiiul Ti Itunipvvuk ntdd" <-u I' >< nenUMlul ^Into I1J4M -nnl iIim s 11 n \ with nmnk* " (Iiiitiul;* mid Imd odn 'iinl >n\t oil, i; ihohhV to nell If >t u ui-h t. 1 r\ H Hetid l.'l two-cOnt hltiinp'. to Mh A M PniK, Ktiihon A, Rt- In<m M '.. "d --Ii will hi ml ymi Hmuplo "'itilt, 1 hm ^ " (!" " ^vuv to male m noy itionint lo'ire , ^'i r Tina W 45 13b, mm,ihJ*llm,U+* OURES Diarrhoea ^Dysentery 'Couc Cramps , Cholera iNrANTUM IjUMMER COMPtAlNTS i^ehilijr>0\d^dulfs_ E IWARftlAOE LIOEN8ES. h. FAftE I88UEH DF MARftlAflK U 'j. nonaeii, lUohardnohillk., Ebmx, Oat. M BAnitKTT. lasnor of MuniAgo Moou GomnjifiBfonsr In O.J.. oto. Gosfco, Ont W D. MflAMAN, . JUriuoT'Of Uftfrloffo JiiaQUHoh, InsuraDOn afftVnt. Night ellloft ut DwhIIIiio. TAliDOT HTUEBT, WaHKX Ondertakiho. _ I I 1'IjUMMJO It, Uiulortakoi Furaftme I 1 Doalor. f'oflltiH, homo nnd faotory mrdo from S'l to *J) MoaroRor.On* ARCHITECTS. |OUN a- maVoook, AllOHITKOT, &o., Koom ID and I], rioinlnd HulMlni;, Windaor, On) I'lione 310 SOCIETIES f U. <> 1 .-I.NThHrKIHi: lMilm, Nn i'l!', j v innMiienVMry" Tliurinlay, evoulnj; at 7.'"'in >'(ilfn)Io\/ii Hull,In tlilnluiortty Duuntun "lalt. 'Iitftlnj! nioinbmH uf otliur lodi(oR will ronoivo fciiturmil wtdnoiiHt, ]<H!<;t> OUjUOM, N. O. (II'MTHAL K>'CAMVWWN'J*, No. 1(0, n'oottilu OddrellowH" Jriill.JinnHtaii'B Jilook, on tl u nnit Mid (hlid Tinimlav lmtaah moiith. Vliiltom cof llnllv rocjtivtid MimihornorHiihordbiato Io(1((.ih in (!!' jurlKitlotlon, Invlto.l to Jo l O. ft ANNAN, C, 1'.. (1 K.HUdi, Ho. J/Hhl'X Kllti: HUJtJAinj MIJIJTH VIUHT i J Kitdny ttvinlni,' In nvrv lnonth for Ijrj- K'lihi iniM 1 iii(; unit third I-Vi-luy tn\ [it'actluo In iliii jt'Ju mmi'h room in (let Btotin IjiiiIiIIul;. .Inn. MiiMu.iiu, Oiti'ifj Hunt, Htiiltb, taiitaiii; .Ion HI<>|<_, Mitutojiiint, \V. 1'. Mndiiu, nonrotary; Kii-d Hyatt,TriiiiH'JHti / sovh'v n<mn, no. mii.'r. \ i M.Hitii Hutifjnil and /nurth Tuoaditv'n in uaoli month Jn 1. O, O. y, Jlnll at H o'olock y m. Vlhltliii; hretlntui will liojdvon il Imu noil wI- fomu. K MofJiiuidand.O.Il., W. O. Bhaw, tit ay. M ./. VViiiht.aiJ. H. U.H. \ nmvH wautiiiK l>rol\tiib1o (miploymoa t thioiifdt tlio hiiiumur ciwi find it, with uu ti w havo uttwoBt KoMHlnn varIutlon ofNuiHory iiLulU and now HoM 1'utuUioy, Hulury or oouu mUmon. Wrttu mi at onoo (or torrltory, PKI>- H \M NUUHIiltV UO Toronto, Out. yiMHfc ^55Sis!*Si s Michi CANfTE NTPAX "The Niagara Mis JRouU." ~ ooimo uxwt I'akhiK ciroot Novomliov 20ii, IHtHI. Mall I3k]i. Exp Aooom Mixed a.m. a ni, a, in . p in, a. iu Oatroit. ~ ." K 00 11 UO 0 -JO no WindHOr.... ft SO UbO 10.10 A (|Q 1 00 rolton.___ at-a fi.10 us Midilfitoruto fli() n an t :io mis 7.20 B.37 5 23 Woodfllim... 0-1 u c twi r :w Ka-'oninb .. nti'i fsro r>r>r> Comlhtr. . 7l'7 0 05 (1 to ItiilKatowii,. ,iio fl.i7 7 1(1 10 ho Itodney...... H49 71tH UII5 Ht. TliaiHim WftO 10.00 l.Ofl (I01NO WHHT. H 40 8.2& Mlxod i>.m. a.m.. a.m h.uj 13 10 a in ut. Thoniim... 3 -lo 0 aa (wis Uodm-v , ... d:im 7JJ4 7 10 Ilidi(otnwn.... 4 07 10 20 7 ra iito f'oiillior........ oia 0 G3 IU iti Itunoonili .. MO uim no Woodiilcu..... 6 CO 0 41 1 05 Kmwx..... ooi ii.;u 0 62 a 00 M-.idHtono Cr (114 10,03 1120 Polton .. . ~0 21 10 13 a 117 Windnor...... o is lyoa 1C.!W 4 00 Detroit 7.10 12.40 10. HU Xuitmruibuttt Loeiil Yrnlntt, WI3HT HAiir ti m. a, in. h m. a m, a m. p.m *Uf! ll.KI 7.U0 Kaaox (i 3fl 0 4ft B n 11 11 11 All 7 -10 I'ldftarit O ii7 0 8.5 o to 6 01 1'JiO 7 U L K & 11 H Xing H'Jl 0L7 4fl7 II i 13 15 7f>0 MeO-CRor O20 0 2^ 4Bti S-Ji* lii HI (J.IO G on! on aim 9va -i&> 0 4S 1L> IU H lfi Amhorfitbintf i.oo o no 4 at. All tniiuh urn run on contra! standard tiwo whloh Jn Hixty inUiutan ulowor than Kaswx timo. For Information and raton to oolon- lata tnoviiifj wont upply to John Q. Lavon, Pan wjupor AroiiI, tit. Tliomna, O, W. RiikrIgb. Gotl and I'tuiauhffur ana Tlakot AHout, ObiciiBO III or A. O Htlniorn. Aon*;. Hfliox. U f. <fo D. R, Ry. nmr. TWilM NO. 2a, tnkuiy ofifoot Monday Sopt 27, lHflO Tralnn mn by Faiitorn Btand- ard Timo, Dally oxcept Sunday "! 3 A M 9;t' *i no 0 1:1 Dfil) U l7 lnna 1010 10 10 Id 'J7 10 117 in ii Hi 55 tl II 11 ^1 11 yi ti in li-ij 11 r>n tl;.'. u 01 an I'J Ml IV 1 IJ.Ii i M o V, A M ia*Mi 1a ;m 1a i<> 1-J41 UfiJ 1 n> !.) 1 an ifi'i 2.( fl 2JJ' a wi ui 4 II' 4S"i 4 10 fll'B r> 211 r. m ' 65 0nr. filri 0.1) (I 1> 7 il) v H c & 'A P M :20 0.27 f[ ill 0 40 0 47 t!M HfiO 7 1' 7.17 727 7117 7 14 7W U [) A 17 HHi R.U H.4H ft 17 H6J II CO in 7 0 13 1) .M 0:tl 1' M Stationo. Hop Walltovv'Io Ar WulliorviHo ,/tmo. ... Polton..... .....+ Olrtaimlle ... f T'lirjiidttH. MoOrouor .... .,) Noxtf Canaan... ..' t MarHldlidd ... .... Harrow ..... ......1 Amur ........ ., Khipnvjlfe,,.. Itiitbvon ...... ... r-eaiulnoton ... . . \Vhi*aMry ...... .. + Uenwiok ... ... Lnaiiiwmfch ... ... -fGn-Mwouil..., ...... Merlin ....... .. ., IJiixtan...... .. . Handlnoii ...... trdnr Kprlrfln . ]i|on)n-im Jv.mut'D .. Hhmhc'iM..... ......tWilhio . 'xrltidfiutown t>&p a H w in a a A M 0 10 ii en A M 8 (17 b n K 47 H 4U a :io h co b 22 b 11 H (1 40 21 15 10 IH) 11 fli 0 \r, 11 40 c i 21 (1 2" tl 10 il (10 A.W A M P M nno 7 no 5 H 7 i:i ft7 7'17 ft 17 7na ft A 7 r fi.fii) 7 2'J 4.10 7.17 i.K71 4 2fi 70:1 4(0 Ofii 114ft 0 42 0 ir> a no a in 0.IH 1 M orn l.!W &fli 1 IP n 10 ln.'iii t>m 1221 BJ KM ft fli ian am 11 2H Gli7 il 2(1 fi.'( 11 \r> 4 r>"> lt'.lft 4 4'. 10 I'll 4 !\fi A.M. XI ftl t MiiU Htttttoiiti. TiilnMito[) only whon tliun ire jmi-m iuo*r> utoi for t?iot.i) (ttutfonii. Mixo tyiiinii arc at ul tlmmi mUtjjiotto l>a oanoelMid ^VJI 'ViiniJATT Onimrm Mnrw-i"ntinl*'n . Oo You Want Th Drivo tywhoro, 1/ ho, lou want flood XtXVSE? BI<3 Liid thn |ilauu to- fiot it In at JOHN McDOOGALL'S Uvery, Sale & Feed Stabhs GooiUHoatl^rn lii Btttnidunooday and Light. HORSE-8H0EIH0......... XiiTItlitH brntii'h of our btiHlnflan we b (Irst- cIiib- Workmen ami will Rietrnntoo na'ln/notlmi la Bhnotns Hora^n that in tor fore, Ovor Jioaou nr have Corns or Contractu!) Ft-ot, Wo mako a 8poiuliy of Nb ooi 11 (j Hoad itad Track Hoi bub. t3r Telephone 6<mnrction, DROPS CUR^D. THIS UnderBiflnod in pxopare I to oaro all rasna of Water Dtopny 'whoiharof lonpror ehbrti duration. Absolutely no obarao udIbbs tjiftpatl- eat lsentiroly andpflrroarjonUyoared, JAMEB CAMPBELL. Oottam. Ont. 30 CHURCH DIRECTORY Mbtbodist. Dr. Paeooa, Pastor. 8rvio.. vary Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 V- to. HabbaUa flahool at mo p. m. O. B. Naylor, 8uprlnti.d* ento/aahool. pworthIiagnoprByormMtiak Xnoiday ovonhigata o'clock. General: pi ay or moctfogas TbTirfldayernlDf{. l; Gavi\ati, or Enolamd Hov. A.L.Itovori*, in- attmbent, Bt. Paals, KtHtx. DlyiJOBorrlce oyury Honday at 7 o'olock, p m Sanday fiohool at 10 a. m. i*rlnlty Chturoh, North Itidge EDivine ffervlcofl every Bunday at S p. m.;fluo iy Sohool at L40p. xa. Tbo pablioj are cor dially Invited. PBBBUYTBnUN.-W^M.Plemlng, Poator- Ber- vIoob on Hiibbatli at 11 a. ra. and 7 .80 p. m H*t bath Sahool at 2:00 p. m. Prayer m< etino and ^untore blblo class on Tuesday o,t7.30 p. nj. Hooial Union on Wudneadayat 8.1Bp, JUPTini UiiDiton. Jtov.M. p, Campboll, Paa- tor. orviooB oaoh Habbath at 11 u. m. and 7 1 ' l'rayrmotiutf on Thursday ovuaing at H 0 olook. Boats froy- All aru cordially wol- uoinud, Koman (Utholio Fr. O. M, MdGee. I'antor, Hor/loi ovory otlior fiuuday p. in. HuiitUiy iahoolncup.m. MAKimroNW High ijfiaHrt and Bormon at 10 00 a. in,, (jiLionliiBin aty p, ro , ImptUin at :i p. m., voMponiiLnil Donodiotfon at 7. p. m. O. B, Ma- Oou, V. P. Ha/.va'ijom Aiimy. Oapt. Binlth and Lieut. I lyton in ooioiuimd. Halvation tnootlnfta Wud- noHcluy, lliamdny and HundayovouhiHHJfc'roeand J'jiLny>bianrday ovonin 1'". Sunday, toll iiomi miiutiufj* for oliriittiunH Friday tivuiliuaiind II a.m. butirjuv; Kueu Drill 7 a ui. ovory Runday. All aro wiilconui. UECAIU Ff A. WIHM lull, UarriHtar, BoIiJuor," Notiry J* riiblloAo, Mouuytoloan. OttluoM.Thm- utiui Hlciok, up-BtalrH, ijhttttx. 4.jy JI4. PKTJJltB TlarrlHtor, Holloltar, Notary Public Money to Loua. Utllou oyot itriitllfirfi' Hank. IShhox OnuUb. CJjAUKW, OOWAN, IIAliTIjI-Vl'&HHirriVET, Hamiitoni, ota. OilluoH-Madbury Ulouk, Wlnda. r. Private funds to loan. A. II. OtiAbkB Ii. h, II. M K. COWAN, M.P. N. A, IUutuct. A. H. HAli'lYXT, il, A. HKNJIY O. WALTKHH ULBTAtlorueyand Counmdor ut law, Holloitor in Chaiioory. Proctor in Admiralty, .iutout Holloitor, Offloe. Nowborry Jini dintf, oir. Or.BwoId aii.l Talrnoil Bta, UoLroIt, Mioh (Caniulian uliilnm aifulnsfc poraoim In tho UuIUmI Htatow colli. tixt\,UoforonooBi Iniijorijiil Hunk, Khbox, Ont. J I*, i'otora, I'B'j., jiarrlHtor, uto., Khbox, Ont K.A. Wifcmer, J'-nq, Harrlstor. etc, Mbbox, Ont D ' JTDIOAL. na.nitiKN^ biuion.'" Jan JJHou. M. D., L. It., C. p. fi.. (^adnata of Quuunu Unlvojnity, KlngHtoa, momboy of Col- loflo ofl'liyHiolHiiH and Hiirnoomi.Ontarlo. Orad- uitte of Now Vork, PohI Gradtiato Mudldnl Col- J. W. nrlcn M. !>., O. M., V, T. M. C. Honor griuluato of Trinity Modloal CoIIom. Honor Kradnato of Trinity UuIvorHlty. Mum bur of the Collncoof rnynioiann and RurflooiiB, Ont Giud~> unto ol J.ow York Pout Urudimto Modiaal Collojio Ofllo^ovor Kmmx Modloal Hall drug itoro. Coniiiiltatiou rooina, both on ground floor and flmLllat abovo, Tolophono In both oillco and rttnldunao. All callfl atteuduil to from office drug ntoru, or runldonou. iiuiildonou. Talbot ntrtjot, front of fair Kroiuida. Dli. J, %, JJiINNEH, Annouiftto Coronor lor thn County of Ebmok. ,?,1iiwii,^l"mi,r'M'i-)-0iM- '-THnlty Unlver- idty;M o. P and B. Ontario; Lio Itoyal C'ollejre PoyBiolaiJH.Iomlon.KnB; lnt flcholarahiu and Gold Modalmt, 'irimty L'olkgo, iaj, apiiointod IIoiiBo rhyBloiiui and fiurfioon, 1 ororjto CJimoral HO'pllal and llmddont Acoouobnur llurnnido Lying ia Howpitul, Tort-nto, 168i. Bpoolaliy, dlu- oakosoi wnnii-naudohlldron HuHidonoo, house lutoly occupied by Dr.Downr, Talbot Ht., Kiww. Oulooln ImpoHiil Dank Illoolc. oround Ooor oppouito TUorno'fl drug ntoro Modlcinoa di- I'OiiHud iu tho oillco. 'lolopliom connootlou with both oftloo and rosldulioo. l'rivatu talo- phono lino botwoun Oyril Piiouatto'a houiw and Dan Kaunady'e lioumi and oilioo. Niffht aalln uttoudud to at o/lloo or roaidonoo. DENTAL. HP.HrAllTIN,D.B.B L, D. 8. Graduate In Doutintry, Royal Collogo of Dental luvguona, Ontario, and univarAlfcy 0/ Toronto, 'man-on,raodorato. Ofllco, ovor Urion A Cog hue Htoro. ifj-tv ^VETERINARY. WH RICnAltDBON, VIJVEIIINAUY SUB OEON. Honorary gradnato of Ontario Votorioary Colli bo, Toronto, mi'mln'r of On tario Votorinary Medical Honlnty; DipIomiHt iu Doutintry; traatii all diiuaBOH or domoBtioatwd 'tnimulfljc-tilo doboriuul by tlio laUint improved Loftvltt olippor Calln by ttltpjiono or tolo- ipupli oromptly atUmdi'd to ltoBiJunoo.thrae ifoorHoiiat of {jrfat mill; offlco iu post offica btiildlnj,; inflririnrj. dlnotly opponlie. LAND SURVEYOR. J ^ MESS. LAUtD, Provinaml Land Surveyor and County Kiiuim*er, Knuax Oontro, Onb hlloo, Dutiiitiin Blook, upntairii AUCTIONEERS. HKNItY HEDltK K, AilOtloiuor. Saloa promptly attondod to. AudrodB South Woodnlod, Ont, P(*ronfl floniriif[ to miouro me may lovn word atthoFiuiK I'iu-bs odioo, tf H. HKBiaOK DBINPLAIU, LICENSED AHCTIONKEU for Uhi County ofEni-ox. TlmJifFof liliubth Diviaion i onrt All klndn of Farm and othor -aloa conducted promptly. Jiatdii roa-onable and furnihlit'd on anplioiition, Eu!juir<ira- may npplv at W. O. ]3*'iiinan'aodlofl, 01 ar tho office ol IMvltdon Court! Cb irk, Mr lohli Mi I no A OI1N OOUMLl'.Y LIUhNHKD AUCriONEEIt for tho County of Kox. All liiuilH of larui f-toolc ualoa, etc., oonduoU'd promptly aud on nhort notice, Jiatea ni .am able PornnuB d*utrablo to urrm M salon u ay lo no by cuiltiui; at tho I-'hich PlilfBH oflloe or by "pplyhig to- I .T.UOUMU3Y. V. O. llox lol Koaix* Out. IMIANK MeOLOBKIilY, MiUdatonu, thirty- r imviju yoaru' oxiioriouo* iih ui\ aiiotiouoerha ho Ooiintv ^f Kmirtx. HaloB ooiiductod promptly, ind (>u ruaaonablu toruiH. Pur'ii-B dofllrin^ to IU tlio data for a yitlo uioi wivit tbeiUHelvei a trltn* by rallhiij at tlio Funis Pukuh otlioo. Wo hiivit ariiuigud with Mr MoLiloakoy and will fix r,in' iIiKur lor iiuh any tolora|ili,ittiti>oly froo of ill eliitrgdio tho porhon holdlnu tho aalo. Ad- dront) I'rauk Ua<Jl0Bkov,Maidiitout>GroHa,Ont, lb5 -<--* lAND AND LOAN AGENTS / - ttOHOH J. THOMAS, Qouvoyniicpr, Ciu# VJ niinmoiuv, In High Court of Juatlce; deaior' n it tin] Knfa(i and Mortunitoe. Mot oy to b*an it the lowoat ratf of intcroflt. ParniB bou* Ut uwl sold limuraiico tnkon hi the ulootrellul Ik iunpnnii)B, Hrawingof doodB mortMages uud itaKi'd a tipooiiiHy. OhartioR moderate aua^aU hinln hm promptly HtN*udd to. Cull ftJ~Ui "tmitviii Tol^rilioi'o ouloo, ERnoxCflntr. WJ-lf ,'i \ <]iiuii U To illuke iTIoiiey, In -the piiHt throo n ontha I have cleared 8(100.76 uqIIiuu DiHh I did most id the work, mv brother hoi pod homo, T 1 ;, Washers and sornl for them, tbov an '6ii:.- ohoap. Any lady or fiontletnan own naakar/'.^ monoy in thia haBineaa, a every family'^w want a a DinhwaHher, Any or our readert^'S whn have enoitfy enough to fipply for a'^ uceuoy aim easily make from |Q to 510 per^| day. Yon can et full psrfJopjtara hy ifl^JgE rcftHir tho Moond City I>Ih Waahet UoT^&l St. Louie Mn. Try H and publish /yqft? aucoeBH Tor the bonefit of ethers. :-:^ 000000 o.%:w .';^ ' ".' - y .r 1 .K< |^a4S

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