Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, page 11

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AS. D. ANDERSON & Go BANKERS .^ Agents tor The Royal, (' ' rnho Guardian and [__ ho Lancashire. */: , Tho boBtluBuranoo Companlo in the world. *Wo make a apooialty of Insuring E"nb I'ro* porty.; , Monoy to Loan at fi and f>% por oont. on Farm Proporty. -~ Fanners hnurenow in Good KeliabU Companies, ftt A. W. Gardner spent Sunday last at Mrs, D. A. Hf axwell waa in town orf eamington. Monday, ioo Boston bakod beana 5 cento toer Alias B. V. Stewart visited laet woek at Fmncifl. tL with frionds in Comber. . J. Wilkinson, of Windsor, poiaL Special prices in dress goods at Eesox a visit on Tuoaday. Ttu&ith's for tho balance of month. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmoa, of Chatham, id visiting with hor sister, Mrs. (Dr.) .Ton nor. Miss' V. Smith had rotnrnod to Wind sor after a ^two-months' stay *at hor Town and^Vicinity- Canned corn, 40 conta. por doaou nfc . A. FrunoieHave your watches repaired at 0 vons', _ now jowolor. Piobol Sc Brioltor shipped u oarload of pork from hore on Woduesduy. . Overcoats for mon at half-prico tith's. Wm, Feotham proaohod in tho Moth- >dist church,at Muidutono Groan on Sun- ay last. J. A. Bohm, Iimpeotor for tho Welling ton Mutual, wiib iu town on business on Wednesday. ,' Wm. Borrowmau and James Wildor- spin, of -Amhorstburg, Hpout .Wednes day in town. J. 1\ MoQuoon has boon sponding tho paHt wook at his homo in Elma, Wellington Co. M. J, Wiglo & Co, aro roooiving and ig into stock largo consignments of uewNlry goods. *.,. Wm. Knglish and wife spent Saturday t'^and Sunday at tho homo of Mrs. Eng lish's father, John Vospor, town. J. B. Liudsny wont to Northvillo, Mich., on Tuosday,to attend tho funeral .of his daughter-in-law, Aire. Lyman Lindsay. Mayor Thos. Itoid, of Walkorvillo, visited tho past wook in town 'With-his niece, Mrs. J, A. Francis, Miss L. ling, of Kingavillc, also visited at Mr.. ^rancia* this wook. In tho local of M. J. Wiglo & Co. in last wccIc'h issue tho word 'coverlets*. J-ifl wrongly uaocl for "eurvolotton." urvelettes are somothing now and this : firm has a lino ttolootion of thorn. Dr. W. H. Richardsonlofton Wodnos- ~doy evening for his old homo at Wat ford to visit rolatives thoro. Ho will attend the examination at London to day (Friday) for veterinary inspectors 'and will roturn to Essex to-morrow. J.A.Franois is now tho owner of aval- uablo spooimon of tho cocker spaniel ^ breed of dogs which was proHontod him |iby W.A. Swoofc.of Windsor.onThursday ^T^tsfc. Tho dog is a beauty and will bo admired by tho lovers of a handsome dog. . In our roport of the mooting of tho directors of the Groat South-Western, last wook, a slight error occurred, M. Barrett was appointed representative to tho County Council and Messrs. Milieu and Cohoo wore appointed Superintendents. . Just before the High School basltot li ball team left for Windsor on Saturday, tho driver oE tho sleigh in which thoy jero Heated went to imiko a short turn .road and upset tho rig, throwing jiipants out. No one was hurt soon picked themselves up >o tho way again, ^ .fonts for tho Balfour Memorial Eunrffiictuves iu tho county are at work soliciting subscriptions. Chan. . W. Roberts is agent for Essex Town. The roceeds will bo for tho bonoflt of tho [mily of tho late Hon. W. D. Balfour. isample of tho portrait picture has m on 'exhibition in E. L. Park's idow. I Tho township of Tilbury West has looted Engineer Newman's report, for tho enlargement and improve- leiit of Big Creole iu that township, rostimatod coat is about '15,000. its ofiivo townships drain into thin sk, making a totnl of Jiff,000 acres of Id , affected by tho improvement. | fork will go on in spring if nothinV ' Itervonos, This is "tho. largest drainV [ver undertaken in Essex. J. E. Thompson is making good irogross with tho gas well for tho Essex 3as and Oil Co. On Saturday .ovoning [bst, tho drill had reached a depth of IGO foot, and on Tuesday night it was lown 520 foot. At noon, yostorday hursday) a depth of 000 foot was Inched. Tho Standard Oil Co. has ixnaft its eyes this way and its ropro- ^ntatiyo, IIor.atio_Wiglo, has boon iu ieso parts the past'week, whilo S. T. Jopus, of tho Ontario Gas Co., is also bonding a share of'his time here. Tho homo hero. A. B. Gushing and wifo, J. E. Moran, and wife and Miss Kout spout Saturday last in Uotroit, MisH Tjou G-reonwny rotumod on Sat urday, after upending two months with 114WV v...... .......w_.....____ or sister, Mrs. M. Lindsay, in otrpilU ^rmal school oreotod in London. , 1'or window shades, curtains, poles, \ XT_, _:iki a r vol ottos, nishiugs Mrs. John MoDongall, of town, was visiting with her brother, Joseph Julien, oWhontIey. Milt's Allio Gardner, of Loamingto' n spending a week in town with ho1 rothor, O. J. Gardner. FOR SALE. A lot of wild lands in ox County at $10 per ncro. Appl toW. M. BicCicw, Ehsicx. During tho prosont session of Farlia- mont efforts will ho made to have a now , ,, \ New prints, now Hannolottos, now oarpots and genoralhouHO 1 . ,' - , . ,. i l x* ir J|uek, now ginghams, now shirtings, be sure you go to M.J. **4 ,. -, . i i. I 17 n now cottonados, now twoeds, all at irectora of tho local company, on Tucs- ay, issuodn call for tho second CO por /cent, of the kolc subscribed. Some l\ Tpho'subscribed have not yet paid tho first installment, and it might bo lecessary for tho directors to procood -ainst somo boforo thoy come to time. f yj^Q caBing has boon ordered and will be put in n floon as it arrives. At a [.'." ^epth of abotit 400 foot, a slight flow of gas was struck. This fact created some i;V.:eioitemenfc about town, howover, it is a common thing when drilling to striko I'?1,'; a light flow at that depth. 'iglo&Oo.'ti. W. H. May, general agoufc of tho On tario Life Insurance Co. was tho guest of hirt brother, James May, of town, a few days this week. Mrs. Joseph Boaumo, of Amhorst- burg, spont Saturday last iu town with her daughter, Gertie, who is attending tho High School here. D. J. Whitney has boon summoned uh a Grand Juror at tho coming assizos and David Whitnoy, B. B. Coleman,^ John AIHbs aud IX. B. Brott aro to he tho Fotit Jury. Tho assises begin on Monday March lfith- Androw McCarthy, of Maidstone Cross, on Friday,took a load of oar corn to A. J. 'Groon's warehouse at Esuox which, when shelled, woighod 114 busholfi. This 1 tho largest load brought to tho warohouso this soauon. A. H. Clarko, County Crown Attor ney, ontortaiuod tlio members of tho Essox County bar on IPbdnosdny even ing at a supper at tho Manning House, Windsor, Evory lawyer in tho county had an invitation and tko majority of thorn accoptod samo. Mr. Scott, of Highgato, general agont for tho nyslop Sons A Moliurnoy bicycles visited tho town last wook, on business. Wm. Church <fc Sou will handle this woll known whool again this season and will nlso handle tho Cros_ cent whoel again. Edison Laing is now handling tho supplioH of tho Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., of Chicago. So far ho has had good hikjcghh, securing orders in Combor, Tilbury and Loamiugton. In tho latter town ho put in nu oloetrlo mot or for Dr. Piper, dentist. On Sabbath,tho 7th inst., a oolloeiion in aid of tho f amino fund in India which wastakon Up iuthoProsbyterian church horo, wna forwarded by mail to Toronto on Monday and on Wednesday' was boing uaod by missionaries in India for tho roliof of tho distressed. All farmers soiling hogs, to ho slaugh tered or moved alivo, to bo shippod at Essex, or for tho local market, must mako declarations that no contagious disease has existed among their hogs for throe months past, when thoy will receivo a permit to move them, without which thoy*aro liablo to a penalty. Dr. Kichnrdson has been appointod Irispoc- tor at Ebsos. \ ITavo you soon tho new curvolottcs 'iio.w on exhibition at M, J. Wiglo & Co.'a Victorian evening at the Public Li brary noxt Friday, 20th inst. Tho Board of Management will bo glad if all friends will keep this ovoning otherwise dis engaged. It is proposed that tho entiro programme musical and literary, shall have reference to tho exceptionally long reign of our Qneeu, and, as loyal sub jects, n largo and sympathetic audionco ijs looked for. The admission will bo iJO and 10 cents. : Special Sulo of Shoos at half-price at Smith's. Our High School basket-ball team met the Windsor Collegiate team in their gymnamum on Saturday last. Our hoys had not sufllcieut practice, howover, as tho game has been just recently in troduced horo and woro badly worsted by Windsor, tho score .standing 1!( points to 1 iu favor of tho homo team. Tho return match will bo played horo on Saturday next when it is hoped tho Essox team will mako it more interesting for their oppononts. Tho players wore for Wi-idHor: Whyte, Stokes, Millard, Hondot and Gundy; for Essex, Smyth, .Costigau, Moran, Lniug and Bickard- on. \!^\. H. Scarff&Co. are offering' canned corn afc -10 oeuts a dozon. In the Local Legislature on Monday, Hon. Mr. Hardy introduced a bill to lesson tho number of town councillors and to do away with tho cloction of rooves and deputy-reeves so far as thoy wore formorly required for representa tion in tho County Council. The' bill provides that in towns of ovor 4,000 population the council shall consist of a mayor, two councillors oloctod by gon oral vote,-and two councillors from each ward. For towns of 4,000 and under, the council shall consist of a mayor and six councillors, all to ho oloctod by gouoral vote, Villages, a roovo and four councillors, by conoral vote; and townships, a roove and four councillors, by gonoral voto whoro tho towiiHhip is not dividod ' into wards; whore wards exist, ouch Hhnll elect a councillor, to act with tho roove, Tho act will also rogulato thfeftjialifloationsof votorH and tho number'ox votes each ahull bo en titled to. closest prices at M. J. Wiglo k Oo.'fl. Windsor District Methodist Sabbath school convention will bo hold inKings- villo on Thursday and Friday of next woek, bogiuning on Thursday at 11 a.m. Candidates for tho oilloos Of Veterin ary Inspectors under tho now quaran tine regulations will be examined nt tondon on February 10th, Toronto 30th, 9|iugston 33ud. tL'ry Smith's 25-eout toa, tho host infESssox. Early Friday morning last after tho heavy fall of snow, Jamos Wumsloy was out with a snow plow eloariug tho sidowalks. Jamos always trios to mako himsolf usoful and his frionds in town aro logion. Appoarnncos are doooitful ; tho mokt oxpousivo houses aro Often covoroVl with mortgages ; tho most elognntl dressed people frequently owo for tin clothes thoy aro woaring ; and tho man who does tho most kicking about hirl papor usually owes soveral years' sub scription. A m^u oxhibitod in tho Dotroit Citi- ssc^jlbompany's' ears at tho prosont tiu^Wroads: "Passongors will not bo allowed to chow tobacco and spit on tho floor of this car," Of course, passon- gera may chow tobacco, provided thoy do not spit on tho floor of tho car, or may spit on tho floor of tho car, pro vided they do not chow tobacco. Thoro is no prohibition as to sox. An arrangement nas boon offoctod in the case of Wiglo & Co., woollen mills of Kingsville, who roccntly assignod. Tho croditers havo agreed to tako stock in tho mills for their olaims, and tho mills will bo continued on tho co-opera tive system,. It is understood that somo fresh capital may alsoboinvostod. The liabilities wore 310,000 and assots $15,000. At tho Masonic Lodge of Instruction to bo hold in tho lodgo rooms of Cen tral Lodgo, No. 402, A. F. k A. M., Pakistan Block, Essox, on Wed nesday, March 10th, tho first dogroo will be oxomplifiod by Windsor Lodgo, tho, second dogroo by Thistle Lodgo, of Amherst burg, and tho third degree by .pentral Lodgo." Tho first two dogroos v^ill bo givon in tho afternoon and tho tlfcrd in tho evening. clothes at 'ftVIou's and boys' suits of ebst at Smith's. Tho noxt sittings of tho Division Courts in Essex County will bo hold as follows: Belle River, Monday, March. 32ud; Essex, Tuosday, March :;8rd; Amhorstburg, Wodnosday, March t-Mth; Windsor, Thursday, March Sfith; Sand wich, Friday, March 20th; Harrow, Monday, March 2l)th; KingHvillo, Tues day, March :10th; Leamington, Wed nesday, March Hist; Comber, Thursday, April 1st. County Court Sittings and Surrogato torms will bo held from ISjApril 5th to 10th. ' * Extra heavy toweling at 4J cents poi nt Smith's. At the last meeting of tho Ailsn Craig council a communication, was road from tho CanadianFiro Undorwriters'Assoei- ation, requiring: (1) -Fire Limit By law; (2) Stoam fire engine; 01) 1,000 feet more hoso; (4) Another hoso reol; (.')) 2 phiy-pipos; (0) \\ nozzles; (7) Now firo hull; (S) Hoso towor; (1))' Now chief. No notion takon. The total cost will bo nearly 0,000. . The Banner of that plaeo nays: "Tho O. F. U. A. may as well understand once for all that this community is not to bo bull-dozed by a disgruntled Inspector of tho C.F.U.A., into compliance with such extravagant demands." Tho Novthorn Lifo Assurance. Com pany has'commenced business at tho woll-known Masonic Temple in London. A mooting of tho Directors was hold on Friday, January 2Hth; at tho Company's ofllce in London and John Milno, form orly of Essex, was appointod Manager; Mr. Milno is an oxporioneed insurance man in both Canada and tho United States." For many years ho was organ izer for tho A, O. U. W. and ho has also had oxporionoo with tho old lino stock insurance companios, Hie many frionds in tho county will bo pleased to hoar'that Mr. Milno has rotumod to Canada and will hopothat ho may moot with success/ The. now company should roooivo a fair share of tho insur ance business iu this district, having on its board of directors such men na Bona- tor Mills, E. J. Parke, Q. C, Thomas Long, Sir Donald A, Smith, Matthew Wilson, Q.O., Col. Loys, W. S. Cal vert, M. P., RobertForguson, M.P.P., N. H. Stevens and othors. . A. Francis gives 1 dpz_en_.oanB of atoea for CO cents. fc. H. Searff & Co. are giving great value in coffee. Try a pound at 80e. John Cftmouil, of town, moved his family to Loamington on Monday last. Ho is in tho employ of Gardner' Bros., there. Tilbury Times: "Edison Laing, o* Essox, representing the Metropolitan Electric, Oo.t of Chicago, was in town this wook/' Heouro your year's supply of toa at raith's boforo the duty is put on. jikely to advance 10 conts por pound within one month. J. T. Somorvillo.gM. D., graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, wishes to announce that ho has secured oiflees in the Whitney block, and will begin tho practieo of his profession in a few days. Tho Inspector for tho Loudon and Limousin re Insurnnoe Company was in town this week in connection with firo t E. Tuzirtamau's. The amount ullow- by tho company for damages is O.50. H. SiMtrJl' & Co. roport a big run in their 18-oent toa. Amongst tho new quarantine regula tions whioh wont into effect ou tho 1st inst,, was one admitting horses into this country for pasturing or wintor feeding. The importation of animals from Africa is prohibited. In thu adjourned easo of T. B. Scott and Bon. Sloto, which was tried on Wodnosday, Mr. Sloto was unsoatod, paying tho costs of tho action. Thoro wore no witnesses. This will uocossi- tato a uow election in tho third ward.. Mrs, J, S. Brown, whoso husbnn^ was killed nt Polton rocontly, on Fri- day.roooivod a cheok from tko Canadian Railway Acoidout Insuranco Company of Ottawa for $1,000, tho amount of his upoliey with that company. A Hats and caps at cost. G. E. Smith 1 Co. In tho libel suit of Mayor Henry Smvth vs. tho Planet nowspapor, Chiof JuHtico Morodith has given jndgmont allowing tho plaintifl' to go to trial without giving security for costs. The casowill thoreforo go to-trial on its morits at tho coming spring Tho M. C. K. Solicitor has written to Thoro will bo two gamos of baskot ball horo on Saturday, tho second one botwoon tho ladios of tho Essox High Schooland Windsor Collogiate Insti tute The names of tho Essox girls who will play are Missos K. Miller, S. Cunningham, E. Laing, I\L McRao, H, Arnold and A. Walters. Doputy-Boovo Price, of Maidstone, claiming dnmn'gos on behalf of tho rail way company for injuries caused by tho breaking of somo of tho telegraph wiros atNaylor's Crossing, tho breaking boing caused by n moving building that Mr. Prico was talcing to tho Middlo Road a couple of woolen ago. Tho Executive Committoo of tho Veterans' Association of tho North Ridge Biiles and tho Leamington In fantry, will moot, iu tho Loamiugton town hall, on Wodnosday, tho 24th iut., to make arrangements for tho an nual mooting and demonstration. Oth- or business will also bo taken up. A full attondanco of tho committee is ro- fqucstod. ^. Honyy ulstor ovorcoats for mon, "&}.8n, at Smith's. Capt. Ottaway, of tho local Corps is anxious once more to romind tho pub- of tho spoeial meetings to bo held here noxt Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the principal object is to bring mon and women to submit themselves to' the goyornmont of tho Lord .Tosus Christ. Tho proceeds of tho bauquot .an tho Monday is to roliovo hor of local debt, now burdening tho work at present. Alex. Laing returuod on Friday last from a successful business trip to. Chi cago, whoro ho spent throo weeks in troducing the Planotariura. Ho*sold a number of tho instruments while thoro, one to Dr. Harper, of Chicago Univer sity, aud rocoivod a number of tosti- monials from tho highest authorities. It was everywhere a universal favorito. lie is making arrangements with a largo firm thoro to handle tho instru ment. Ou his return trip ho stopped at Kalamazoo, Mich., whoro ho sold one instrument with good prospects of further sales. Ho was requested to ro turn in March and addross a largo gathering of oduoators whioh will, tako place in that city. Thc'oountios of Essox, Kent, Elgin and Middlesex havo been placed under qnaruntiiio until spring by tho order of Minister of Agriculture Fisher, Only ten days ago. the.chiof inspector, in a long intorviow at Chatham, doolared that these counties had been found clear of hog cholera aud^'swino plaguo,- but this action is tiikbn^ns ifc is alleged hog cholera has novor thoroughly got ten out of Essox owiug^to ^tho- lax methods pursued by thoftlnto. govern ment aud the ministor. of Agriculture hasdotorminod to stamp it out by a gonoral rigid quarantine. '"An 'inspector will bo at each shipping point so as not to inoonyonionop farmers, and all healthy hogs cau bo shipped, by tho owners making a declaration that oholora lias not boon on their plaoos for three months. Only tho roturn of warm weather will demonstrate how far the confident statement of thoohiol inspector U justified.' SNAPS ? m Men's All Wool Ulster Coats, Storm3 Collars, Reduced from $6.50 to- $3-95 Boyfl' Overcoats, Reduced from $4, $5 and $6 to $2.70 w Men'saHeavy Pants, Regular $2 and 2.26 line foi $135 Ladies' Coats, Choice of $6, $8 and $lo Lines for $2.95 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, $2 Per Pair Etra Large' SizcT""* G WaiTNIfiY BLOCK, 13SSKX. THE "ACME" H EATING Iteamington CaPfiage Ulotks. To Farmer. amithe Public Generally: Compntont jiuluou Imvti doaldoil onoo mora that oqr B UGGIES and WAGONS a)ik Tin: imnr. ,__,. Tblii yoair, n mmitl, thoy hav Rivon us Blx fir nt nt-izoR out of a ponnililo sovou at the Jjuiumnntou Fair; four Jlrot prizos at Hnrrow Fair out of u poantblu i\vu; and tit Ilulln Klv ct Full'our IlitdlJJoa (jot thruo lh'Dt prixou out of a poiiuihlo !\vo (-ivon by tho uooloty, tlmn male Hfl 11 claim iiwiio]! at alt ttio Fnltu .that out* worfi who mi oxliibitlou thin fall. Our ilulull wan ox- collont, in fact It wuiitlio uuivuriuil duolHlon Of iivui'ybody that our vijliicloii nuriiuHnod any ox- hiliitof any fonnor yourn. lioiit of all, wo aolcl itioro work at aud during tho 1'uirti tlmn aU ' sthor coiuimtitoni nold nil put toijothor. Still, ' wo havo 11 lot of illfftiront utylon on Jjtnid aaa inakini* ovory wool: whioh will milt tho moot fnHt idiniiii. Wo aro now rondy to tako ordort for I'ruit Wai'oiiB, Jirun-'ioB and OarrlaRon of ovory dunorliitdui. Itopuirinfj do no lu all ltd ],rauoho. (Jrdmn noliuitod, EuiittTii Ihu'fjlon anil WiiRonn and all lnncloof Farm I m pi onion tit and UJoyaloii ntippllod on nhat't notlco and at a nmull advanoo on coat, Thaultluii our ]iatronn for imnb favora, I am, Yoaro vory ronpoctfully, A recently patented device for utilising the waste heat from Stoves and Furnaces, 0---------- Read What Thy Say About It: To Whom It Hay Concern. W. F. McKENZIE, ifioni for tho auovo Work. Itoxl):i, Ijoanilhuton, Out J /^5^^ 3tt*^(- 1 aiiOr, woodslee, Wis have tested the Acme Heater in our own house ami find it is worth all. that Mr. Brock-says and more, and; wc would not do without it for twice its value, both for Venti lation and a heater, (Sicned) J; A. Francis. The HentinR Drum recently placed in the Public School here by Mr. Brock is Riving il!ebest'ofsMlfictiont displacing, the Urge furnace that' did the woik formerly, and with the Acme Drum attached to small box stovbweare saving two-thirds of the.wood urnl rivintr better rcwilts. ^ly!_L_(Sicnd) John Laiot. Chairman r.b.Xl. W.'G. WYMAS, Sec. I>.S.B. Having bought the right to manufacture and seill tWs Heater in and for the County of Essex, the above testimoni als speak for -themselves. Dvo Works in comioofcitm with liia Tailor ^Establishment. IP 1 jyu JjgVQ .JMi_Qiri-Syjt OF CLOTHES, BRI^GITTOSKIITH And ho will mako ifc na us now.- good YOU WANT AN 01jI> I^ASHIONED BOIT MAJ3K KKW. ' BiRING IT TO SMITH. Glofches Gleaned, Innovated and ^ Dyed at Smith's. #% w I Hardware^ E.SSEX^ At Smith's you oan got a good Tweed Suit for <t 12, Worsted V *Pl( Tho I'mcic Ijuidb and Lond^ Advorfciser will be Vent to>JH tor one year for $2. I only to reBidonifl ojt. Mi'.iK- 'jK .MM m 3 '8 '.:'^ '!.a :'l".t ' Vol " ",{ .VI . > '^M 'M

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