KiV^H'? >Tff,,( /fK-.;* if: /it1*. a?.::'.. V'V '" .y.'^m 11 '"'it" 4 ,J ?-' I: ;: VOL XIII. No 5. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. J/VNUAIIY 20, 189Y. WHOLE No. FORSYTH E, ANDERSON & Co. *'(V vie "Vl>> Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. J. B- OVEHSTS T^e A/eif Jeweller, It: Our January Clearing 3ale prepar atory to tho lunmul Stock-Taking, ib in program. vVn invito attention to tbo Monoy-Having-bargains wo aro offering to clour out U remaining winter linos. Spaoo does not permit montion ot many articles but judge by those : Seven Specimen himrotfod tools and daylong foradJuuUn tholi Uau nil thu lutost ititittti alid moot coiii- plloatod WutohuP, itin Can Guio-antee Satisfaction. * * Orders tukon from Catalogue for all kinds of Watches, Jow- ololry, Silverware Ac. Itomnmbnr the Btiuirl, May'u TUooU Tlmiu Doom Houtb of Imperial Hank, Talbot Stroot, Essox. Wanted. 1 haa conns of ivt. mont of iiccountm. Wood Wanted In , for miWri-fl loB}v- and cot our prices on anything oho you aro in nood of boforo purchasing ; LOT NO. 1 li Choioo of 20 Eloganfc Mantles, in a variety of Olotha till thin season's make and worth from $8 to SlO eabh,for )),-. LOT NO, 2. 20 Pieces 82-inch Fancy Flannolottos heavy cloth formerly worth iOo\ a yd. at . LOT NO, 3. 86 Pairs Men's Black Worsted Pants .all sizea, at ....$1.48 a Pair-... LOT NO. 4. lion's Black and Navy Beaver Over coats stylish and durable, wore $7.50, now Annual Meeting. Notiok m nmmn given that tiik Animal MuotlUL' of tho Gotifluld North OhooHO and XlultorC'o., will bulmld In tho 'i'owu Hall, Cottam, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. loth, 1897, At 1.30 run., for rooolvlnff Awlftom' Itoport, Klootfon of onlodrH, ami any othor buuinuita in tho intotufltof tlio Oonniauy. AU aro iuvltod' JOHN H, niljIitNGH, P. INMAN, Hoc. PmUdont. Cottam, Out., Jan. MtU, 1807. TENDERS WANTED. THWDKftS will 1)0 ruaalvaa by tho undor- iiiRiiod up till SATURDAY, JAN. 30th, 1807, li'or (10 CordHof 4ft0oirdwoo(l1 to bo dollvowd ufc tho Kuhox Public Hohoolu. 'X'odoir to atuto ptrlQuu for all Mnplo body Wood and til ho lor niUort body wood, It'or further luirticulara apply to .T. A, VKANOIB, Rbbox, Jan. Mill, ifKW. Chairman of Com, SEA1T3D TENDKuB ftddmuii^d to bhnumltfl- nifiiiod, and fliitlorBO(l'"lVndrforKlhoftvdlno Work," will bo rnoolvod at thin oftloo until Fri day, tho Gth day of February noxt, inoluidvnly, for thu ooiiBtruotlon of nhoot pilltiff and otlwr work at K.iuoardhio.Brnca County, Ontario, ac ocrdluRto a plai) and HpooUlcation, to hu lui'iji (itthooftlou of tho Town Olork. Klnoardlnu, and at tho Dopartroont of Puhllo Woikn, Ot- titwu. Tondflvn will tot <na conninorrd uoIobh mo'lo on tho form imppliod and nlrtnod with thu ao- tuul iilfjuatuvtfint tondororu- aoooptod bank olmquo, payablq to tin* ' I'ublio opi tli LOT NO. 5. Two Cb'o^tH Japan Toa of 1895 piclc will cloar it out at -.- ovilnr of tho MlnlBtor of I'ublio WovUn. von ONB TnOUHAND VIVli HOHDItKD DOLTjAHn (il.ROD). muHt auoompaiiy aach tondor. Thin ohonun will ho forfoitod if tho party doolino tbo coiitruot ov fail to oomnloto tbo work oontractod for, and will ho roturuod in cilbo,o1 non-acooptmioo of tondcr. Tho Dopurtmont docn not bind ItKolftoac- copt tho lowcutor any tundur. I)y ordtr, 13. F. K. HOY, HoorotHiy. Dopartmont of Public Workfi. J Ottawa, illatDuo., JfiDU. J Nowtipaporn innrtrtinn tinn advortifiomiilu without authority from tho Doparbmonts) S* not bo paid to;- it. SAW .- LOGS LOT NO. 6. 100 Pairs Boy&' Heavy, Strong Lac ed Shoes iJl.siG a pair regular anywhere, at 75c- a Pair..-. WANTED. Uuvini; duoidedto Stock m.v Mill at lUnncx ai;nln. 1 am prepuvod to pay Illchoat 1'ricun for ALL KIM OS OF SAW LOGS. Call and noo mo. LOT NO. 7. 00 Pairs Men's Gaitors flissos 0 $2.Oft, at Fino Bongola Kid to 10 -regular price T, H. DeCEW, Essex. .00 a Pair---- Those Linos of Shoes aro excepti onal value, and wo aro only able to soil at those prie-iB on account of hav ing bought a portion of the stock of Oswald, Murdoff &> Co., wholosalo shoodoaors, Toronto, who recently failed. WF, CAM GIVR POHITIONB~to poraonn of (ill tfradoH of ability. Annt, ltook-kon]i- orn, Clorltu, Faruiorn* Bonn, Ijiiwyom, AIoahaulo>t Pliyiiloiiinn, pi-iiiiohorii. Htmlontii, Mai'riod and flltiljlo Womon, Widowii. Ponltiotm aro worth1 from 8100 to $3,000 pot'anuum Wo huvo paid imvural ( Munv hiivn ntnrt"d pnnr and huocmn rlor. with | um Pa* ti^uhi^o in'^ivaupiiuaiiiJii. Statu iialnry oxpoctud, T. JC. LdN'^COT'r.Manafjor,Toronto, Ont. |S* All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. IS""Ouo Pi'ico ior All. JS* Money Bade 'if any -misatitl'uutory. U7C1.UIS0 AndersDn k Co., flubbing; Rates, 1897. Tho prppiiotorn of r,ho Fnuu Pniinti havo raado amu)K<imoutii v/Ith tho puliJiiih(ro of othor pnrlodloiil i and nuwnpiiporfi whorohy fchoy ur-i in a poitltion to ((Ivo tlioir mibfiarlbut'ii tho bonoiltof rttdiiood priooH when thoy.ordor two or mora. imperii. Ait many or tho oiforn arb only mood f>.ir a Hmltd tt'mo nubnoHhora nbcriltl nobdulav in ronowloir Tho following In a par- tinl lint of olfoni wo can flWi: Fuisk PltlJuii mid Wont or r< Advorthiof.........% 1 -40 Wookly Moll.................... 1 -O " ' Wcnkiy Olobo................. 1 r>o Wookly fltnr and Family . 1 80 " " Wookly WHiiobb.............. 1 no " . u . puily- WItnonH..............,.3 00 * " Fiuriunvs' Sun.................. 1 -10 V " Itttrpt'r'H Ma((na:lno............ >1 10 Wookly............... 1 HO " " ", . Buaav.i.............,'.. i 110 1 ' ' ' "" ' Hound Tablo...... I! HO Daily Globe.............'.____ i) B0 " " ' Dully Artvnrtlaor.......,....... 2 00 '... 1 tili " * Cnnadlau Homo Journi.1 1 5B " " .AniMylfliin AtrfioulturlBt... l CO Tins Vnwu Vumu ouo yoar, $1.00; o uioutliM, oontfl; n uiimtbv. US oouw. If you liuvc not renewed (or iHp7, now the time to do It. Addroea all oommuntoatilons to BRETT & AULD, Essex, Ont, ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuesday, January BMb. Tho memborn of the Council of tho Corporation of the County of Enaex mot in the Council Ghtimber, in tho Court Houho, in tho Town of Shiudwich, thin dayuta o'clock p.m., in accordance with tho County GoimoilH1 Act of Ontario. Tho members tiled their rpuiliilcutiouri imd duolaratiouM of ollloe and took their uoiils, utf follows; KiBtriot No. I N. A. Oouto*n&3.H, Putton. , ^ No. D J. H. Laird and.T.^K. Stouo. No. l) O. O. Fox and J. . Brown. No. 'I Itobt. Tjamarsh and Kd^orlon Boratch. No. n J. 3). A. DosuoUnd J. A. , Buchanan, No. 0 o A. Wintomute and A, Colo. No. 7- Jonopli Duroeborand Hypolite Mailloux, Moved by Mr. Duroober, socondod by Mr. Brown, that N. A. Oosto, mem ber of tbo County Council for District No. 1, bo Warden of this Council for 18D7. Carried. Moved by Mr. Wintemuto, seconded by Mr. Golo, tbatN. A. Oosto, War don- oloot, take tho chair, Oarriod. . Mr. CoBfco Haid bo felt very proud of tbo groat honor tho raomborfl of tho Ooiinoil bad conferred upon him by appointing him drat Warden of the now County Counoil. HiH many years' sorvico and long experience no doubt lod them to choose him for this honor- ablo position. Ho could oaimro thorn tbat nothing on Kxn part will bo want ing to conduct tbo County business and in an ocouomical and straightforward manner. Undor tho now County Councils' Act tho Council is mnallor and they will bo ablo to pjot through tho business moro rapidly. He sees the elite of tbo men of Kssex before him and know tboy would do thoir duty by tbo county. J ifo was in favor of econ omising and not spending so much money, as with tho poor crops and wrotchodly low prices tho rates must bo cut down. Everything will bo done on his part to see tbat tbo County bnainess is done properly. He would givo no warrant unloss the funds aro in the bank to moot requirements. Tho War- don has no right to give his porsonal note. Tbo County Council must pro vide money to run tho County. Tho County buildings are settlod up. If Windsor and Walkorvillo pay thoir share it will como out all right. Tho rules and by-laws will nood revising so as to start with a clean shoot. Ho thimkod thorn for tho honor done hira to-day. Moved by Mr. Potton, nocondod by Mr. Fox, that rulo 4!) bo suspended for doRpatob of businoflfl. by-law to repeal by-law No. tlJI, a by-law to appoint an Inspector of Toll Boads, was introduced. Council went into committee of tho whole for second reading, Mr. Pox in tho chair, Council rosumod, by-law road a third tiraoand passod. Moved by Mr. Dnrochor, nocondod by Mr. Mailloux.-that tho Wardon and all the members of tho County Council bo a committee to strike tho standing committees of this Council for tho cur rent year and that this Council do Ad journ for half nn hour to enable tho committee to do its work at onco. Oarriod.. Council adjourned. Tbo council rosumod. Tbo committee to strike tho standing committees for 1807, presented thoir re port, recommending that tho various ooiamittoos ho composed, as follows: Financk and. Equalisation Messrs. Costo, Patton, Laird, Stono, Fox, Brown, Scratch, Lamarsh, Buchanan, iWiol, Wintomute, Colo, Mailloux and Dnrochor. Chairman of Finance, Mr. Wintemuto. Chairman of Equalisa tion, tbo Wardon. Roadh ani> BitipoKH Messrs. Patton, Stone, Brown, Laniarsh, Buchanan, Colo, Mailloux. Chairman, Mr. La- nmrsh. Q aol and County: PnoriaiTY. Messrs. Lamnrsb, Buchanan,Duroohor, Stono. Mr. Puroohor, Chairman. Etjuoatiov. Messrs. Brown, Dosdol and Scratch. Chairman, Mr. Brown. PiUNTiNft. Messrs.. Laird, Fox and Patton, Chairman, Mr. Fox. TjIEOIHTjATtONAN-n PETITIONS, MoSBrS. Ooste, Colo, Wintomute and Mailloux, Chairman, Mr. Cole, Moved by Mr. Scratch, seconded by Mr. Brown, that tho report bo adoptod. rCarriod. M . Wintemuto gives notice that ho will, on Thursday, introduce a by-law to appoint a Toll Itoad Inspector. Mr, Wintomute gives notice that he will, to-morrow, introduce ,tb appoint a trustee to act with tUe Wind sor High School Board, * Mr. Cole gives notice that he will, ou Thursday next, introduce o ;by-low to auditors for tho prosout appoint two year. Mr.Lamarsh gives notice that ho will, on. Thursday next, introduce a by-law to uppoint u trUHtoo for Leamington Tligh School. Mr. Ijair'd gives notice that ho will, on Thursday next, introduce n by-law to apt>oint u tniHtee for Essex High School, Mr. Fox gives notice- that ho will, to morrow, iutrnduco a by-law to define tbo dullcH of the janitor. Mr, I(1ox given notice that ho will, on Thursday next, introduce a by-law to con linn tbo appointment of two county auditors. Moved by Mr. Stono, scoondod by Mr. Patton,that a special committee ho compound of. MoHHrs. Xiamarsh, Buchan an, Costo and Fox and tbo movorand seconder, to invofltigrito and roport on tho salaries of tho different county of ficials, to report'to this counoil not later than Thursday of this session after in vestigating as to how tho ofVloos havo been filled and as to whether wo could got tbo work done properly for Iosh salary. Carriod, Mr. Cole thought tboy all kno^ what h alar ion wore boing paid. Mr, Lamarsh Haid an impression had gone out that tho oflicors woro getting too much salary. Tho farmers, who eompoHo |1 of tho ratepayers, aro work ing for loss than half pay. Mr. Scratch saw no harm in looking into tho matter and lotting tho now men know what salaries aro boing paid. Mr. Duroohor said they all know what salary is paid to each officer. Mr. Stono said a similar committee had boon appointod before for tho same purpose. Tho committoo can roport and tho oounoil can aecopt or reject as thoy think best. Mr. Wintemuto said tbo question was, aro tho ouleors doing thoir dnty for tho Balarios paid ? Mr. Patton said ho thought some of~ lie or H aro getting too much pay accord ing to tho times. Ho was for retrench ment and wantod to look into tho mat- tor. Mr, Buchanan would doflno tho duties of tho oflicors and stop tho "extras." Tho motion oarriod. Moved by Mr."Fox, seconded by Mr. Patton, that a committee composod of Messrs. Laird, Duroober, Colo and tho mover and socondor, be appointed to opon tenders for a janitor. Carried. Mr. Fox gives notice that ho will in troduce a by-law to appoint a High Constable and tlx tho amount of his re muneration. A communication was-from tho Coun ty Council of Kent, onclosing a petition to tho Houwo'of Commons, asking for amendment to tho Hail way Aet, regard ing tho destruction of property caused by sparks from railway locomotives. Also a communication from County Clerk of Wontworth, reqiumtiug amond- meiitH to the iio^istry Act of I8'.)!l antl ouolubiutr a petition to tho Legislature of- Ontario. Moved by Mr. Colo, scoondod by Mr. Fox, that this Counoil do now adjourn until ton o'clock to-morrow morning. HJiOONU DAY MOItNINO SESSION, Wednesday, January 27th. Tho Council mot, pursuant to adjourn ment; tbo roll called-; all tho mombore proflent. Minutes of yesterday wore road: and adoptod. The following com munications woro roftdi, From tho County Clork of Lambton asking tho counoil to co-oporatoiu peti tioning tbo Dominion, Parliament to amoud tho Railway Act in rcforenco to tho rights of municipalities to construct and' repair drainage works through railways. Boferrod . to Legislation Committee. From tho County Clork of Simcoo asking tho council toco-oporato in peti tioning tho Legislative Assembly to plaoo tho Victoria Industrial School on i,i similar footing to tho Ontario Itoform- atoryfor boys. Boforrcd to Legisla tive Committoo. From tho County Clork of Frontonao asking tho council to pass a resolution requesting tho Tariff Commission to plaoo crude oil, coal oil, who for fenc ing and all raw material which we can not furnish for our own uhC, on tho free list. Bo[ LogiHlativo Commit too. From J. F. Haro, Local Master, ask ing that tbo county furnish him with proper ofnoo and light and heat. Re ferred to the Finanoo Committee. From F. E. Maroon, Clerk of tho County Court, asking that moro vault accommodation bo furnishod; also that counoil furnish him with stationery and blanks. Boferrod to Finanoo Commit tee. ' - From County W. 0. T, U. officers in reference to. desirability of having a House of Industry, gaol bo constructed as to keep first offenders and old of fenders separate; prieoners ..supplied with proper reading matter and em* ploymenfc; and to assist discharged -Boferrod to Finance Com- by-UW to criminal prisoners. mittoo, Mr. Colo fcuve notice of uppoint two utiditorH for justice accounts, Mr. Laird gave notice that he would introduce u motion to grant $25 to ouch of tbo Puhlie Librarius of Emkox, Leamington, KingHville, Comber and Amhorstburg. Mr. Laird gave notice that ho would introduce a motion to grunt &fio to ouch company of the County Battalion and the lungsvillo Troop of Cavalry. Mr. Wintemuto giivO mitico that ho would introduce a resolution asking for an appropriation sufficient to repair or put now covering on tho bridge over Belle Bivor in tho village of Bollo Itivor. Mr, Doziol gavo uotico of a motion to havo a Mufliciont sum of monoy to repair bridges on Belle Bivor on townlino be tween Itoohestcr and Maidstone, tbo same being county bridges. Mr. Fox gave notice of a resolution to petition the Dominion Oovornmont to put an export duty on natural gas going out of Canada. Mr. Buchanan gavo uotico of motion to grant &fi0 to tho Comber Mechanics' Institute Mr, Scratch gavo notice of a similar grant to I'ublio Library at Leamington, Mr. Wintomnto introduced a by-law to appoint a trustoo for tho Windsor High School. By-law was road a first timo. Council wont into committoo of tbo wholo, Mr. Brown in tho chair. Messrs. Wintomnto and Duroohor nom inated A. L, LafTorty; Messrs. Stono and Patton nominated D. C. McKoon; and-Messrs. Fox and Laird nominated Arch. MoNoo. Tho vote stood 2 for NoNoe, 5forLaffortyand flfor MoKoon. Mr. McKoon was appointed unanimous ly. Couucil rosumod, By-law was rend a third time and passed. Mr. Fox gavo uotico of a motion to grant .#2B to tho Mechanics' Institutes at Olinda and Kingsvillo, Moved by Messrs. S-jratm lid Brown that a committoo, composod of Mossrs. Colo, Wintomnto, tho Wardon and tho socondor bo appointed with full powor to negotiate with Windsor and Walkor villo for thoir share of tho expenses for tho improvements of tho County Build ings and roport as early as possible for tho final acceptance of tho council. Carried, Messrs. Whittakor and McEwan ad dressed tho council requesting a grant for tho Huraano Society, which was, on motion, roforrod to tho Finance Com mittee. Council adjourned till :i p.m. HICCOND DAY AFTKUNOON SESSION. Council mot at !1 p. m., all tho mom- born present. Tho roport of tho Logialativo Com mittee was road as follows: That tho petition requesting endow ments to tho Gonornl Bond Companies Aot be concurred in and tho copy of pe tition bo signed by. Warden and Clerk and forwarded to John A. Auld, M. P. P., for presentation. That tho petition requesting am'cnd- monts to tho Registry Act of 1808 bo also concurrod in. That the potition from tho County of Kont about tho amendment of tho law respecting tho liability of railway com panies for fires from sparks of locomot ives bo also concurred in. That the communication from tho County Clork of fcimcoo.about tho Vic bo laid over) as your com mittee is not in a position to adviso in' the matti-r. As to tho resolution from tho County Council of Frontonao about certain items of tho tariff your committee is of opinion that tho Government having tho tariff undor consideration and your committoo not having time to discuss that part or the whole of tho tariff, it is bottor to leave it alone for tho present. 'With reference to Senate and House of Commons respecting drainage .works crossing railways and also crossings of roads and stroots, your committoo re commend that tho same bo'adopted. All of vdiioh is respectfully submitted. Ajuiauam Come, Chairman. Oifmolioni tlio report was adopted. Movodby MoHara.Duroohor and Mail loux, that tho tenders for printing and gaol supplies bo opened in committoo of tho whole and then referred to.the propor committoo. Oarriod, The printing tondors woro read and referred to tho Printing Committeb. , Tho roport of tho Building Committoo was road, Bhowing: a statement of the expenses in connection .with the repairs and improvements to theOounty Build ings, as follows: Mason & Riaah, for plans.....<'.& 780 (HI . do---'., superintending 010 40 do superintending 28 00 do duty, on" plans 80 f0 P. Naviu, on account' of .gaol er's residence, general; con tract and.extras in full......... ,24188 08 Por surveying, iaewers. and ,, o>ate^gpM..Vv...^."-.u:., aiS 20 629-m J. A. Pntton, painting, paper- r^MM ing, etc............................... 20O/.71JJSI Expenses of Committee........... 787 Extra services of Warden and v ;:',^ others................................ 177 Miscellaneous items.............. 187f Total..............................$29057'< Windsor's share, 1-S20,057.$ 4843 05$ Walkorville's share, 1*10 $lu,- '.M.7K............................... 1031 i47j . 30764 43:t County's tuiare.................822203 $&& Amount appropriated from surplus to account of Gaoler's reid<mco...........................$ 4600 Boooivod from H. O'Haru A Co., amount of debentures issuod.................................16000 Promium on'same.................. 47R Interest accrued to duto of de livery................................. 150 m r$ $21185 11 Balance unprovided for... 81168 15 On motion of Mossrs. Durocher and Scratch, tho report was adopted. Tho report of tlio Printing Commit- too was read, recommending that the tender of tho Echo Printing Co. be aa-.'fiu coptod. Report adopted. '^ Tho tenders for gaol supplies were.'? thon opened and road 'by tho Warden-^ and roforrod to tho Gaol Committee. Counoil adjourned till 11 o'clock to morrow morning to allow the Finance Committoo to mott. one ofU Dis-$ The Wardcntthlp. Tho oloction of N. A. Costo, tho County Councillors for No. 1 triofc, as. Wardon of tho county for 1897,': ^3 was quito a surprise to many in th^.i;,g county, as it was tho opinion of mqrfj;$j pooplo that John T. Brown, of No, tffj$ District, was tho most lilcoly man to gei,.'qi that position. .When tho mombers o,';;j tho now County, Council mot at 'tiie/^' Court Houso in Sandwich at 2 o'clock ,;?| on Tuesday afternoon and the ~ueoIar^f.$J tious of qualification had been :8ufe:$J scribod to, thoy adjourned to a conirr):'J mittoo room, where an informal ballot"% was tatten, the result being; that 4 bidr.'*| lots woro cast for N. A. Costo, 4for Jois;,^ Duroohor, 5 for John T. Brown and;jl -^ for C. G. Fox. A Hocond ballot wag tf^ then taken, Mr. Costo receiving 8 J"fl Mr. Brown 0. Mr. Costo, tho now Wardon, is one of tho best known mon in the County of Essex. Ho is a native of Marse^liQei Franco, where ho was born 01 years a{ last Jlrd of Docombor. Whenv^l young man" ho came to Ersox couni and ongagod in teaching school anjfr. fojl^ lowing his occupation as a contractor,'. pW surveyor and a civil ongineor for pm*f;$ years, one'of his works being tho laying-/^ out of tho Maldou Road. In 1800, he;;|j was first elected Roovo of Maldien, a position ho hold for four years in;: buc- cossion. Tho Suoz Canal boing started ' about this timo Mr. Costo took a posi tion on the onginoor'H stuff in charge of thoso works remaining Micro for. 11, | yoars,*whon ho wont to London, Eng^J and remainod there for fl yeois. He reV; turned to Essex County in ISHil and. ha,; 1884, ho was again . oloctod Roey^/^ij Maiden, a position ho has hold.eveX'p since with tho oxcoption of 1800/.,'Tj^Ji*|i 18811, ilr. Costo wns an unsucceBafnl^i candidato against tho lato Hon. Wv^.D^jM' Balfour for a scat in tho Local LegjK latnrri for South Essox, He was.' toILm don of tho county in 1880. On VralnS ncfldny evening tho wardon-eh c:fc pi tainod the county councillors, couf2 officials and a few invited guests'aj^.^ banquot at tbo Manning House, WK -mi County Registrar's'Report. Tho report of J. W, Askin, Registrar of Essox, for 181MI. follows: Instruments registered, during yGar,U,8f>i{; total fcos therefor, patents registered,' 18; foes $84;0o; deeds . rogislcrod, JMBJ^fi therefor, $l,02l).B5; mortgajHyegiatei od, 871; foos -thereforJ^HpS/SOf>/t;i^ charges of mortKages^Hp^ fees ther) for, ^118.40; wills^ptorod, 72; f therefor, . $10!l,85jgaeasos register^ ffl !!(; foos tlier.* $224.05;' abstro( registered, 333/foes therefor, i^477.8^ soarohos, SJ,277; foes therefor, $088.0 mechanics' Iiens,IJ3; fees .therefor,$9;:f$ all other, instruments registered,; Oajf fees therefor, $501.80; amount for othe: services,'^Q8.10; gross amount of ,jfe$ earned for the year, #0,020.60; amo^iK for thu proviousyear, $7,288,90; amop^ paid to county, 1^1,410.05; amountpaf( to Windsor, $20ii.&0; amount paift^ Walkerville, ^12.88; net amount.rec^jLi ed by Registrar, $2,882.08^joa)Qrtgs registered during the year, 871; .agjg;; gate amount of all such njor $oi)8,H8i}.i3. ; _ Delhi tomatoes, corn or p(9a;.'.7blfi can at Smith's. t-.^P\^M The body of Jolm'SvBro^l^i^- Pelton on Wednesday iinig^IWjf' ceased leaves a ^ ^hftdboeB(in^|S v. since lastiw ""