^"^^ :':>^^!M fcw v--'". ' ( . fife-* .A- feV i^',' Gone to I Smash Cut Right ia!Two [Regular Price, Stiff Hats I $8.00 Now $1.50 ft it it 2.76 2.50 2.00 1.50 <v tt u (I Underwear! All-Wool Shirts. 75c 65o ' 50c a l< << 1.38 1.25 1X0 75 39c '35c 25o Boys' Shirts and Drawers. Begular Prio'e, 80c. a Suit Now 40c TIES! 6 36c Four-in-hand Ties, for $1.00 6 25c Bow-Ties for $1.00 Soft Hats Worth $3.00 2.50 2.00 "' 1.50 Now <* tt tt $2.00 1.75 1.26 1.00 Fur Claps Regular, $2.76 Now $2.00 1.60 Caps Worth 75c. Now 60c 50o 40o 35c 25c 1.16 (( tt tt a tt tt tt tt tt tt 50c 40o 35o 30c 25o 18c .IIJ"!!:1-^ This Gigantic Sale will Commence Friday, January 8th, 1897, continuing until 23rd inst-FOR GASH ONLY. .g.~ia.ft!i: 1 luyitc everybody to fcako this opportunity to socuro tho ltitost and most Btylish Good a at tho Groatoat Roduotton over given in Ebsox. D J. Whitney, HATTER AM) FUKMSHES. A. E. Wlimeni getting aat timber for 'bit tarn. :" " ' . ' " : . BIdnoy W. JahnJton paid Detroit a vlaib on bfcturday. W. W. Oolenntt called od (riandt in Camp Palmer last Tuesday, XiDoky J. Hmitli oMled oa old acquaint ances in the olty on Saturday. Mian Florence, M.Oolonatt apanfc a few days last weak under the parental roof; returning to Windsor op. Monday. ..-..,, . ...... ttOIINKUVII*Ln. Frank IjuwIh iBHtill oonvaleiioent and wo hope soon to *ee him out again. deo. Leak, of Rooheuter, called upon hia son, John, pf thlH phiooluBfc weak. 3*qrt Bondy, of tho Niuth con., Uosfiold, in oontHtrootiuK u. hay uud cattle barn. Mr, and Mrs- Iteitl, of Londou, Eng, aro now visiting with Walter flurraau. Mr. Reid'a health ia iraprovod and he haa como to Canada (or the bonefit of our invigorat ing climate. For Cash At The Great Corner Store - A Good Thing. Those who want the beat of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well, This ia the leant wo Gould poimibly Hay about them. H it was not for our ttxporiouco in luathor wo could not boII ho oho up. Gall and he couvmoed for yourself. Bitfu of the Goldon We Can Give You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in G-rey, #' Brown an d awn-Golors made to your # order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. For $17, $18, $19 and [$20 We can give you a Suit from the Clyde. Tweeds, 'sjfc. These Goods are equal to the Scotch and come from $4 to'$7 leas. They look as well, wear as well, the $fe' color is. guaranteed by the maker. We havo done the bulk of our trade this season so far in the Clyde Woollena, $20 Wc can givo you a Heavy Twill Black Worfltod Hqiwy 'weight and will not gloss iu wear. We have other1 linos unmo lowor in prico, somo higher. Wo have Overcoats from 1SS up in Beavora, MoltonM and Kerseya. . Wo can givo you bottor values in Mado-to-Order Clothing than j'ou can do olaowhore. If you neod a Suit or Overcoat lot na, soo you. DEWAR "TAILOR. '*..". i . ...........'....'.. Furniture- Thoao who nood Furniture it will pay them to . oxamino tho vory hno and woll assorted / Stock at tho Composed of Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diningroom Suites, Easy OhairS, Of ovory DoaoWpUou, Lounges, Baby Carriages, Picture Frames Made to order on short notice, and everything in the shape of Furniture too numerous to mention. You can got Pur- niture hero for lees money than elsewhere, quality of goods .considered. Everything de livered free of charge. J. *, HICKS & Co., Essex. Cheapest ao Best'Reading* aOi Can'ad THE SUN i?. tho Canada Farmoin' Sun re-orcuiilatid. I.t | Htriotly lndopiMUlonL; nnU- " ..BynLanclor" \a a regular contributor to itH colunrinH, ltn miirkL't rohortt; arc- aeknowUMlt?- od to.-bo Uio rullost and mot aocuraw pn'bliflhfifl In Oumdii. It kJvch tho hunt CarniGV.4*'""&$$& -in- V\m DomiTiilrin: Tt contn-lrtH a short Htoiy from tion- d<i Truth, weclcly. Tt rIvoh.an Averapfo.of -10 column*! f>t 1'his pnpok- will bv> Hont to nny utldiOHM in On inula (uutKhlo 01 TornMto) to the eiul of 'i>7 i'*w *4() eontM. , . Thrc-o oopley will 1V wont to any t'hr'cu addroa(Mi (otitaltlo thlH city), for sWie.ftw-me ajoriotl for a dollaiv 'I ho :^mi aiifl Wookly Olob-*" oombIndtvHl bo Kent to tho end or 1897 for One Dollar. Address all ordra to the SUN PRINTING COMPANY, ltd, TORONTO. Agents Wanted. Write for terms, ami, bear "(bow. to. secure a Kold watch or parlor >lodk, without tho coat pt a dollar./ NAni>UIUII NOKIXH. Mihs Jonny ItohinHon wiiy tho miont of hor ftUtur, Mrn.Wm. ItubinHon, (or a woolt. Mch. Thoa. .lobln has charge of tho (tr^uu at MiLidtono during tho illnoflH of Mth, Groonway. 'X'hor la sotuo tiilk of trying to anaoat Counoillor Bhuttlnworth od the groani of iimufuoient propnrtyqualitiaaWon. Mr, aud M>b. G, Uiulollffo, who ware the f^uoflta of tlia formor'H grundfatbor for a weok, have fatumod to thy if homo iu Windfcor. ' " CO^OIIUSTKCK SOUTH. At tho annual moating of tho Colohenter South Agricultural Society on Wednesday of laat wook tho following oMaera of the Booiaty woro olooted for 1807 : Preaiclout, Edward Bhiw; Vlao Pros., <Tamei 3?ord, Boo. Xrcaa., Alei. Haokuit; Dtruotoru, Jhb, Howie, Jno. Clark, W. O." Cornwall, Franoia Fox* A. L. Ferris*,. Jl M. Hal- Htead, Alex. Haokott, R^bli. AfllGok and JameH Hhay. Auditors, Frank Ilor and F. H. Boll.__________. nourn hkocic. - MiH8 Florouca Ooleriutt, of Wlndfior, oall- od on rulativoe horo lant Thursday. Alfro'l Ba-ltnor and bi young brido, of Amor, woreguoatHof Samuel Baiter aud wife lanfc Sunday. ' JohuJonQB, of KkfridTownahip, Miildlo- box Oo la yiHiting bia brother, Frauk, whb lives with A, G< Bedelle, ThornaH UoOroory aud wife visited for a few daya laat week with G, Watson Coata- wortb, of GoBtteld South. Xjightulnt{ and thunder are very aoldom soen and heard in Canada in January; but wo bad both last Sunday. Mma Eya Colooutt, of Mai da to no, called on her grandmothers, Mrs. Samuel Bar- gent or., and Mrn, Edwin Colouutt, aud other relatives last Thursday. A mlaainaary meeting will ba bold in Trinity ohuroh. North Jlidye, ou Tuesday ovemug uoxt, comuiouoiu^ at 9 o'olook, at which a number of miBniaaary boouob will bo hbown on canvuH, Kov; T. B. Xt. Woet- i;atu will aluo dolivor u looturo diuoriptive of tho ucoiiob. A Qollootion iu aid of mu- uinna will bo taken up at tbo uIoho of tho inottiiic. ---------------^--------------- Bidnoy Kfllett iu on the uiok Hat. Mr, RigKH, of WindHor, wau'iu town on WoJnoaday. John Olurko, of Detroit, is visiting friundn in town, Johbu White has bociu shipplug pork from Harrow. Tho pupilu are also in thoir'proper places a'i thoy Hhuuld ho. Ruv, Mr. Bhaw proaohed an eloquent honnon ou Sunday evening. D. F, ftiitohcll bus quite a run , with hia ohopnor uud dooa good work. John Motloy 3pont Saturday and Sun day in Sandwich aud Windsor. Thoa. WilliiimshHS boon Horicunlv ill for somo weeks but is, wu aru pleaded to sayi improving, ' Kamtimu is fjono but not forgotten and spQoulution aQ to w^other ho will return or not Jh diHOHfiiiod vory lively. Topio for Friday ni(jht'i Younq Feoplo's meeting will bo Jont'ph Forgiviutf his Brothora, Qon. 45. i-15. Everybody wel come. ,Frui)k Stewart at'ouo timo a roaldont iiuio, vioitod friends in Cottain this w'oek. Ho workml in Ohutham during last sum mer btulciing buguy and outter bodioM. For tho bonulit of those'who mako a priiottou of coming lut.n to acrvioo, Buri'3ay noliool begin sat 10.15 a, m.. proaaliin^ at 7 .p. m,( prayer meeting at 7.4'> p. m. Wodnoaday ovoniiig, Kov, Mr. Tliibaudoaji will proaoh iu tho nitoroHts of Atethodisfc miflHions in the Mor<hod)Rb ohuroh next Subbath fit 7 p. m. Kov. Mr. Shaw will take Mr. Thibaadouu'H uppointmouts.in Maidstone ou Sunday. Our collector, Alym Orton, has boon suf fering, from u nuvorooold but will scon bo on tlio war path again. Not ouo half cf tho tuxes uro oolleotod a,ud tlia last 81.000 is (liu)t! dimoult to uollueb.tbau tho first 85,- 000. :. ..: Mr'a. MoMilloti, formorly Hattio Uagou- 'or,with 'hor littlo girl is visiting her father; Thomas Wagoner. Hoc homo aud hus band is m Gait. Mmnu\hur oldar RUtor.iH murriod aud living is Fike Uouufcy, Now York sfcato, When tbo aohnol b6ll tolls tho hour of 9i tho toaobor haa hold of tho rope ; at 11, she iain,tho aame position, Sba isu't out- feido. of tbo Buhool . ground seeking smusemout for her own pleasure* but thiukiug of the advancement of tho pupils. I would remind your North Ridge oor- reBpoudenO tbat "eium^ln ih better thau prtoi-pt" and would i^ek him if whilw ho Is giving, Rratuitouely uo doubt, acme lound udvjco to Isaac Thornton, haa he set the ejutm sibter Our Counters are Orowded daily with delighted I shoppers. Departments all shower blessings upo~ them in the shape of High-Glass Dry Goods, Cloth^ in^ and Boots and Shoes, at prices which are at 3 a Great Reduction from the Regular Value; DIEBEL&BRICKER. KtVOHD, T. Brown talks of tnnvinfi to Ebsox In tho spring, Mrs. J. Weyburu is able to be around after a aovoro illness. Mis. John Thomas has boou ou a visit with friends noar Bt. Thomas. Messrs. Douoon and Mustard are build ing a barn for J. Woyburn oa bis farm on tho town line. Miss MaMahon is reoovorinfj from her illness. Miss Nellie Bruce, of Detroit, 1h visiting hor friends hero this weok. Miss Maggio Ooatts left ou Monday to attend Normal school at Toronto. Edward Lapnan, of Dotroit, is about to noil one of bis farms on tho Fuoo river. Tho timbor and lumber aro boing do- livorod at the Bov. Mr. MoIunidB* place for the erootion of his barn. John A. McGregor, of Tilbury Gontro, sndltobortBurroll. of Wyandotte, Miah., were looking up tho elm businesn horo this weok. IIKOOKKIl. Itobirt Moe spent Sunday in Tilbury. Itov. Mr. Jaoob Iler proaohod in tho Methodist ohuroh hero on Hundaylast. A party of young pooplo enjoyed a pleas ant evening M the homo of Kobt. Moo ou Tueaday. No soryioo was hold in tho Baptiot ohuroh ou Sunday last, owing to tho inolomonoy of tho weathor. Potor Moo is visiting among hisonildreu here aftor spending some timo with rol- ativos in Tilbury. Tho ladles of tho Eollo Riyor Iload Mothodisfc church fiavo an oyster mippor at tho homo of J. F. Millbn on Thursday oven- in. Os tiabbath. 24th inafe., in the Methodist ohuroh, Rov. Mr. Thibodeau will proaoh in tho intersts of tho Miasiouary Society at 11 a. m. Tho many friouds hi tho Bollo Hivcr Road Methodist oViuroh,'of Itov. Mr. Jacob Her gavo him a donation party on Thurs day ovemiug last. O, A. MoAfoo is gotting out timber, oto, for tho orootion of a now rosidonoo, Mr. MoAfoo is a thrifty farmor aud his farm will soon bo ono of tho finest in thoao pjivts. Geo. Gammon intonds soiling hie' farm ing iraplomonts aud stook by pubho auc tion on Tuesday,.fan. 20th. Mr. Gammon ox pouts to follow his trade, that of a car penter, when spring arrives. MrH. Ilaglo iu still very poorly. Avery busy is oxpeotod horo next summer. ' Misa Ora Bnnuing, of Leamington, is in tho Oarap yl^ting friends. Mr. and Mrs. O'Oonnor, of IUhhox, spent lant Weuuesday m the damp taking in the Litorary iu the evening. ;. Tho Literary society hold ita regular weakly meotiug laat WodnoHduy evening. Aurowdod hpuflo was hi utttnidaiiae. Tho iirst numhor on t(ho programme was an iustrumoutat duet by H. Olark and JL>. Wiper on the yiohu and mandolin. This was tollowud by a vooul snlo by.-Mrs." Mul. oautor; aruadiug by I1 rod Garner1; O'Con nor Bros, with two good Irish songs aud a few numberi) on the aooordoou ; BIsia Ed- wards a aojo j Miss Boylo a reading; Mia Ora Buuninu, of:Loaraiu(jtou, solestiou ou the organ; a aolo by Mrs. MulcaBtey; Goorgio Anderson a reading; D. O', Beu- lamiu, a solo; JfeaarH. Olark and Wipor, two bhoioe soleotibhs and a dialogue by Annie Whitft, Libbie abd 9ftody,Andoraon. The jdebato tbeu followtid, the. question being, HeBOlyed that high lioonse is prefer able ,t9 prohibition." Tho afUrmative, was taken by S. MoFarland and' W. Church, while the negative waa' defended KVp-' V"..^ r-*1 '."<l m J. Y. EQAN, 266 West Oilmen Street, Tuniivn The Only Hernia Specialist in the DoBkt3n3i>;j . A CURE WITHOUT AN OPERATION Clilldron 4 to 8 woeta. Adults 7 to 14. No' ExperMntlngr- Everything a Cartalnty OF BPEOIAIi INTEEEBT TO SEVERE, L0NO-STAHDING OABES. RKMiiMiiKii7-Age of person or length of timo ruptured makes no difierencw. Every ca:>e a success, After. 30 years' continuous practical experience I have produccd"th'o"G rand est Instruments the World Ever Saw I ! Knowing the true cause of Rupture, and having discovered the; secret iat present known only to myself), Instantaneous Relief is Afforded, Safety is As- 1 :l sured and a Cure EfTcctod without the'doubtful, HAZAUDous andevor costly oxpedient of an operation. DON'T aUnann HOPE ., --as I Offer you Groat EncouraRoment I Without egotism, I would say I am prepared to .: do what no other man in America can do, viz . Hold any reducible Hernia during the ' >} hardest work or severest strain oven horseback riding. Whore failure has been there-. ^.' suit in th United States nnd tho largo hospitals in tho greatxltlcs of Europe, onsen; glvua'.. '^ 16 aR hopiils&Qi I alouo auoooodod. Don't "put off your case or that of your -child ; ^-xre'r.^ irid sortrnw may comu ivhen leant expected, and too late to remedy. Your rupMin. una little trouble now, and appears trifling. Yau neglect It. This in where your d.nr;.U- Ilt- ma BE WARNED IN TIME ! Should your ruptiire bo hidden from view by;".,^ s.omelar^c cluinay truss-you aru lulled into a souse of false imcurity. Your Hernia is not',;,>. held, and you are in a more dangerous condition than you imagine. Now heed this; Cau- \->, (ion.'ere it bo too late ; Unless the Hernia is completely reduced within tho internal ,L~ r\n.i (v;hero naturo placed it) and~constantly held there, adhesion might ensuo, resulting in strangulation of the parts, rendering you liable at uny ._ your children as yon Neglect will produce frightful deformity and may provo'fatal, ' * ' " '" " Own MOTHERS! t Cn"j Tneni in six vvuuks . .. -- The very Iwst evidonco to support my claims- Our Own Physicians, Our Own... J,-=IJ Pepl. Your Own Neighbors. KXAklHATIOH AHD ADVI0E TBEB, , " - ; -^Jl One st of teeth will not fit every m mth, nor, one make of truss suit ovory form , ofy.'wjjl uvula; I have known cases ruined for life by placing themselves in _ tlie liaojla of ignor- -*M si SPECIALIST WILL VISIT Chatham, Hotel Garnet, Monday.and Tuesday, Jan. 25*26: ESSEX, Aberdeen Hotels Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 27-28 Ridgetown, Arlington Hotel, Friday and Sat,, Jan 29-30. ":m ......ESSEX.-... Mttsic ^ Store* OAljti XT A UM S Piano and J^-K^; J; organs- $p , K. S. Williams1 Pianoa. . Jlvana Bros. "Pianos.,,' '0 Singer Sewing' Machines . ' . .........Have Just received a......... ' N*-W Hupply ot Vlol|n* AuloliMrpw, Violin strUtUH fttid Huppllea lor all the obovo instruuioiiW on hand. ttunii^ig QcdBonairlnR ft Spoolttlty. MaohlnoNuQdlOiuntl OU Id Btock.. and Door Nort oliTl.O.B. -VOU AXit, KtNDS pF WINDOW BTjINDB-Awfty dowd.'-Vfl OOINA.WARK. v --^ buio-a-buaob; .. fancy goods, ,'.:' <$& NOVELTIES," ' V.'/.\i&r BOOKS AND STATIONERY,. MV;!^ SCHOOIj RUPPXilEB; ' ^ . TOYS OF ALL KINDS, ,: -^5S BTiVTlTilN WQOlj. aud PING^EltnSlf ' ' YAKNB,,. iV--','. \:^v^ : :' ' -y^fyffi New Siodk of Late Waht;Pa&& jmm " ," '. '--.(".t.i'r.TflaflH &m Sixteen ohlldron. wen* burwid W::death ijd*vih:.xlj|i*liyj^jn^^:Viii'-;:* .'hiro'1; that Hoadquitrcora for ,Sohooi.:;Bpql Supjfjheg^Note.PapfirjBinwIpwIj WntjuKTiblets'anaomo&rSUll ;" B.I flPBKraft^MT ' m^SgMMiMBM&SMiMism^^^^^^^m