Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 22, 1897, page 6

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fe;::*.:?^^^ pp ,' Cure <? J fettV-':"- CURE I #;;: cubed.uro it^maMt $: ' CURED BY MINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. , Gored by the Only Medicine that ' Gould Core.^; Cured by the "Midicine that Can " Sleety IVfWij.Your Case! Cored ? Yoh, perfectly and permanently eared. Paino'u Oolory Compound dooa not, like other medicines, wmt&r only tem porary relief. Its worU iy thorough and fAr-re&ohing, and nothing In loft undone Happy indeed are thuy, who, Bufforinj/ from discajBq ud HlakuoHH, makn une of PalnVa Celery'Compound to ronow their Hvee. MrH. John Bolungor, of Bt, Hour), P.Q., whouo daughter hue boon brought to realize that hho wan uouhhh tho ond of hor lifu'o Journuy. ft ml who wan porfootly oured. by Paiue's Oolory Compound, writoa gladly the following loiter regardfnj^Thn perm an- enoy of tiio wonderful ouro: ' Rightooji mouths ftf^o I nont"you a ton- tiiiioninl for your woudorful Pablo's Oolory Oompouud whiuh hud quite restored my daughter to hoaltli and strength aft or othor modioinea failod to euro hor, "I am pleased to inform you that tho ouro has boou a permanent ono, aud that dantfbtor owod hor proBont ^ood hoaltn to your tirtstLt lifo-yivin^ madioiuo. I,think moreof Paino'R Oolory Compound ,to-day than evor before" 'ji"!, 'pfc* ' & Mary K. WilkinoiB angagad iti writing a Horiuti of Htrikin^'flkntahow of .New Iihip- latid noi^hborhood lifo. for Tho Lad ion' Hoiuo Journal. They will portray a small community's nooial indul^onaoii, ulcotohJug the old funhiouod ^liltin^parby, tho time worn Hingiug-Hohoolarid au apple-parlay boo. ;,,,';' "OIMAMON COATED. Or. Atsrnew's JLlvor PillH aro coated like it Cinnamon drop, very.Hiuall and dolltfhtiul to take, Ono pill u. tlo* 40 Ik* * vlnl for 20 otti* Their poinilak-HylM u mltrhty whirl-* \vlnd MMroiIkitf eoiiipotUorw before Ullke OliuU*. No pain, no griping, no inonnvouionoo. B to all in ,uia:o_ and plaiumnt to tho taate. Mor,t pleasant aftor effootn. *, ^!^JHfln\JBiRftin ftI1 the, way ary; #ftdoy, heart) koop time boUajhtfc owofitly, " , Happiest man that iVrt Gain homo to Waryl Par nwoy hor emlU* I boo, Goln hqmiv.toMary, Eov/'lb lights tho way for me, Goln homo to Mnry; Tliuro, In tfrovou whoro ntn tho dove. In a oot with blooms above, Still Bho lighta tho lump o' lovo Goln homo to Mary! - ttown tho walk i'mo pnttorln foot, ' Goln homo, to, Mary t'< ' ' . ' / . ., J Children *h urrnf* an IcIhoiw swoob, Goln hmno to Mary, liol) conmH.nJlnibln Co,my knoo, Katlo wimtH ii'kisn frnni m. " alt tho y<orid,'* eaya ahe Homp with lovoari Mary I Bhlno tho llRhtti for ovonnoro Goln homo to Mnry I Lovu HtlU lbud mo to tho door, Goln homo to Mary, For hur eako my toll is nwoot, For her buIco my honrt'll boat Till It's thuds luinoatli hor foot-r GqIh homo .to Milry h Frank L. Btitiiton in Atlanta ConHLitntlon. Aa I imhped Jafltlh^pb^lQg ttTtfbr._ I saw one of thrf1BWwfiOTert lying on hfs'bftokv*hia'"faco"a thina'b^ horror. ThabWUfl'thd 6tt tliiugtho Bpantior hit, int!yoT4;lriioiv,,1vfrbat aiz6 ' connecting toa'm^f;*:^/ ,"1:,,); " "DaIU -^-^-^'n'fj Jihq .old, man wpro ..-'Old, St|jLJ*t*ilaliiv'!',".' 1'V.ovt y .Oritho, coMiGr.'of iHudubn'aWdOhfHi' ;to44ptrbj9t|ii-jf) '.ft .UrafflO'Nilfljng^Wdhwi to, n pr{Uonl Wfr Y?wik\sfflW to/rfce' tumbling fevn. q.r' rftilioij ,wonl4ap^ parnntly Bo If xfe woro not hold up'Jay tho adjoining building. Tho, window onthp^rf^^.^ibgp|rigtbinffliit]^a.i t . . AU in airwflAti.Iaapgont my message,/MWoh, whch onco werp aquqrp, aro ondthoold man nover apkod whyi'of ' qHo onf of plumb, dropping tTAwloward wherefore bnt poppod intbsbbartroom theTriiilli dido. Tho coiliugs urii low AN ENGINEER'S YAM. To'.fiI<mh Ntoroliod IjIiioh. Turo a piufcof boiling wufctir into a bright bin buain holding a quart, add piooeti of ...opormuootti and whitn wax tho uizo"of u bean, and boil until dihsolvod, 8tirahoap< intj tabloupoouful of boat iitaroh in wator aufTioioufc to thorouchly difliiolvo it, and add it to tho mixture and boil fiva minutOM, stirring oonntautly; nt'raiu while hot. How rub tho utaroh woll into tho linon aud dry two honro boforo iroutii,wriii(j out tho ' linotv in a wonk nolution of oold staroli and roll up; iron in tho urinal way; thou go ovor each piooo with a nupkin wrun^ from hob watorund nuo tho polinliar until bright and Bhimnp;. Howth-G Dipper Savod tho Farm, Fathor waa Hick and tho mortgage on tho farm wuu coming duo. I iiaw in tho ChriH- . tiau Advooato whoro Minn A. M. Fritz, of Station A, St. Louih, Mo., woald iiond a aainplo combination dippor for 18 two-cont dtampa, aud I ordered ono. I Haw tbo clip, por oould bo UHod mi a fruit ]iir iillor; a plain dipper ; a flue otrainor; a funtiol; a fltrainor fuutiol; a Hick room wnrminq pan and a pint moanuro. TJvqho oight difforout . npoFt raako tho dippor huoIi a noocaflary artiolu that I wout to work with it nud it "lioWu ut vory hourly ovory honno. And in four inontuH I paid off tho mort^aco. I think I aan oloar an muoh nn-S200 a month. If you nood work you can do woll by givini; thiKatrial. Mihh A. M, Fritz, Station A, St, Louia, Mo., will wond you a haroplo for .18 two ooilt utampH write at onco. John' G..N. i5.13t Edward Fonton wuh uulfooatod whilo trying to roncuo bin Htoclt from liiR burning barn in Wolauothon Townahip, Groy Co. Au a Horioo of iuoondiary ilrou havo occurred iu the, noiojUborboou, an nivoatuiatioii io boiug hold, ronuU'iu^ lima far in fivo arr^Hta: . . - What Will You Do? Will Yon. Risk Failure or Assure Tonrstilf of Success P If you wero dangerously ill, would .you cull to your aofdatanoo wornti faith euro im- pontor or a third or fourth rato doctor ? If you woro ohbyod to dofend youroolt in court, would yon employ a lawyer without ubility or ropumtiou ? If, from motivou ol Uno. ooonomy, you "find it HoceHbary to do homo dyoiny, ih it wIho and prudoiit to allow a dofiler to hand .youKOtYia make, of poor aud weak dyoa with which, to do yout* work? Common . HOuSo and tho Having of time and money demmid tho uno of Diamond Oyos, tho I only muko that eau briutl good rnHulty and .'. porftob ButiBfaotlbd. . Oominon imitation paoku^o riyan-ruin your oot1a( rnflle your temper, and wauto your monoy. 1'hoy would ueyot1 have a sale or a placo iu any horae wore It not for the love of protlt bo donirod by Hhort-bighfc. ed fturi ! Hreody dealers, Diamond ?>yen /are afl,ueooBBftry for effective work ati is $$<(-> the Able phyaioiau when hfo 1b iu daugor. ^^ w Oar Htonmor hud junt cleared Hingu- poro. My duty in tho ongino room "wjiih dono, and I wan Kitting with tho imitd on tbo hridgo wutcihiiiK tlnf downward Hwotip of tho tropio dunk." "^ ptH hio In mind of n thoiitor nuuRot," ho waa Buying; "Ihoy ulwuyH go by tho run. And fchatwuH n protty thoatrioul bit you hud in tho onglno room," ho Raid to my obiof, who had joinod uh. Wq had found nil tho mifcH hut ono off tho oomiiibting rod houd. Had'unothor half turn boon made, our erigincn would havo boon n Borap lioap. "Only onco bus it happonod boforo," said my obiof, "and fchuro wnfl a grand tabloau, as you oall it, but nob in tho ougino room. Our nfcom and throo wall oyod junkn woro tho uotorH. It wiw up thoro," jorkiug hifl bund northward. "Thoro Waa nothing but a thousand odd miloH of water nnd a duwting of ihIhihIh botwoon us and Hongkong," Tim muto hold u lightod matoh to tho ohiof'hpipe nndfjot bina drifting on with tbo ourrontof Iuh yarn. "You boo, it wan yoarn and yoars ago, and I wan nooowl in alooul bout Hong kong to Yokohama. AVo woro tho 'flrHfc to omploy ChinuHO flretnou. Wo had boon repairing and had put on n froah nrowd, all oiccpt ono, Lii Chin. It wa nonr monsoon timOi and tlio nooond day out wo wore Hitting an wo might bo noro, but thoro wa no HunHot on view, lb hud boon hazy all day, and we woro wutoll ing tho moon rising^-jiiHt'pUHt full. It I6okod iih if flomo ono had baHiiod ono aido off tho true: It got up to tho hazo, big and blood red, liko a tiro balloon at .old Cromorno. A moan, ataggoring hwoII had not in, no oily that it had no moro go to it than tho bIuhIi in a gronnor*H buakot. Wo woro all protty woll hipped and raorofio, being oompany for no ono oxoopt tho Hoa, and that -woll, that looked aa if it wantod to bo fliok nnd couldn't. Li Ohin, who wafl docent for a hoathon, .was in chargo bolow. "My chief wua flitting on th'o rallH, and Homohow ho went ovor the oido. You know protty woll how tbiugH liko that galvanizo overybody. Loao him? JNo. The oily hwoII aavod him, for tho old man ran tho boat fltraight back in hor own wako, whioh wafl mnrkod out liko a dusty road at night through a hilly country. Woll, wo eamo to whoro bo wuei yelling and got him out. By alt law tho old nnm ought to havo got into a eplnttor, but jnHtoad of that ho paid: " 'Look havo, Mr. Gnmwell' that was my chiof'b nanio 'I know fiome- thing had to happen to thiH ooclc oyod no aido up looking weather, but.I don't bo- liovo tliiH in tho only thing tonight.1 "And wo all fluid together, 'That'fl juHt what I was thinking, sir,' as they do at ohuroh when tho pavKou pipoH.ont " 'Thou Hond. hor ahead again, and lot'fl trot it dono with,' he mud. " 'Give horfitoam, JJiOhinl'Inhouted down tho Rkylight. Iji Chin looked up aud chittored: " 'Hi, no talkco talkoo! Como chop ohop.' So I wont down to him. "I wan pretty greou in .thoHo dnyfl, and whatever oamo within a hair-' breadth of happening made mo fool hb nquoamish as if it had como oil'.' Of ooarso you grow out of that, but thou I folt my hair creep. Our high prcufluro oounooting rod was on the down throw, With only a Binglo nut oul .Sho.had tho old Htylo engiiiOH, romombor, nnd when thoy went on a burnt tiiey wont hnndHomoly no tinkering np, Nowon- ginoB, porhnpfl now aliip, maybo oven new bands. Howovor, wo began tosorow up at least tho chief did, Ho'd only triiflt himtJoJf. Prosoutly- ho Bliovod a nut undor my noao, 11 'That your, tradomark?* ho uakod, Tho luut wnB ahippod and Roribod with bnd Hpaimor marka, whioh I repudiated. "In what followed I can novor quitp. Hofctlo Li Ohin'u hIiiu'o iu the programme ThiH wqh how \vo woro aftor wo had iix- od all tight again: Li Chin was loaning through tho ocoontria rodn,;with' tho lamp. I wan half out: tho crunk pit, nnd thn chief waa at my bnok. Ho had the spanner. All in a breath ho dragged mo backward, flat, my. houd cracking on tho platod, and I now the Hpannor go 'aplt* through tho HtandardH. It didn't hit anymotal, butRomotbing aoft. Thon ho olnppod hiHhandonmyfaoo aud hold mo fltono-tight, and aomothiug dimio down and robbed by. my ohoat, floratoh- big me-rno nioro^and through hia fln- gors I oould juHfc boo tho crank moving, but it had puaaod mo, If any ono bo- liovou that onginon haven't soula, just you Btiok him in tho crank pit aud let bor. go, only doud alow and just to oleur him. That converted mo; ; "Ho dragged rue right out, hissing iu my ear: '.' ',: " 'Whip upondookl Toll *em to shoot ou flight any who lciwo tbo atokobolot' He Hlammed tho iron door'tween the boilers and us and turned on Li Ohlu, vbo woe ntlll holding tho lamp'and had and Hlippod ft revolver' In the' second uiato's bund, flayinig:': ' 44 'It's como to us, thou.' Tho muto didn't move, so the old innn yolpod at him: " 4 Why d'yo stnud thoro, Mao? Aro you white livorod?' "Now, Mao was a Groonook man, and ho Raid: "'Yo kon, sir, I want orders frao yo, and I'll shoot yer ain brother.' Just in ti quiet and matter of fant way. And, Scott, he would! I know tliom. " 48hoofc anything thnt oomes out of tho stokehole,' said thn old man, and Mao Hlid along, whistling *oft and quiet, to hia station. Yoh; that.wnsit, 'Annie Lanrin,'. lint it waHii't for hor that ho laid him down and died. Poor Mao I He goc'siindbiiggod at Now Orleans over a chit of a Yankee girl not fit to blucl: his hoots. 4*Tho old man grubbed mo by tho arm. " 'Look bore;* he wnid, pointing out throo Hails wallowing along between uh and the moon. 'That's tbo littlo gaiue your friends, below are uflor. Their friends uro coming to join in. And,' by thunder, ho is our steihr Ho turned on tho ohiof mate liko a Hash : " 'You jump down with Mao into tho stokehole mid make every plgtai 1-heath en stoko her up to the blowol?. .Wipe 'em out if they've any lip. Sooott' "Ho wan tramping up and down liko a terror. I novor dreamed that a man with a wife and family could havo looked stioh a demon. " 'You,'ho cried to mo, 'jump bolow and don't lot the enginesmove a hand's breadth till I ring hor, Then let hor rip.' J'I only wont bolow tho skylight and told the ohiof from thoro. I didn't euro to pass thnt thing on tho platform again. Aud basidoa Iwantod to huo what was going to happen.-1 was all on tho jump, like n white faced girl, so I staid look ing out. "Tho Htoamor wart wallowing iu tho trough like a lamo duck. All the erow had turnod out forward -aftor fixing up tho turnod in Ohina flrorium. "Tho throe junks oamo on iu a lino abreast down tho wind. ' "Thoro was a heathenish moling about everything rthat rod, lopsided. moon making a big, crawly fmako on the oily Water, tho throo junks sliding alon# and. us laid silont. Thoro worojjiree things I romombor tho slap of the watertm- der our stom, tho rattlo of tho junks' sails flapping aguinat thoir masts and our old man's flat. Ho was pounding timo on tlio rail, "Thon Bho bognii to blow off, "All at onco ho ronrod out: "'JPort, hard a-portl* and rung hor full spoed, aud wo began tomovo. Lord! In threo minutes wo had got our pace, "The junks had turnod after us at first, hut thoysoomodtoguoHSHomothing was wrong, for ono sheorod off. Pres ently wo'd dono tho half circle and bonded stom on to tho othor two. Thon I rookon thoy realized* "Tho first broke out into lights and shouts. Sbo was right undoc our bow, and you could hoar hor oplifc liko dry flruW-ood. Hor big battoued maiusnil ratfclod on our fo'o's'lo hoad like a shower of oauos. Tho sea itself scorned to yoll all round ns aa wo sfcoamod througli the cargo of drowning pirates. "I looked over tho rail. Wo'd hit tho other nud smashed oiio side oft, and us wo pranced by I saw hor men sliding off her deok liko a spilt cartload of turnips uh almhoolod over. Hur musts caught onr..after boat and tore it away. Then Bho bourn ondod and slumpnd. "Aftor hitting tho first junk tho old man had boon ramping up and down tho deok liko a mad foldow. "Tho third junk had got some dis tance away, but it was1 no uho. Aftor hor we wont, our old man roaring nnd shaking his fist; at hor, Then all at onco ho quieted and coniiod us liko a Tliamos stoaui boat skipper. "And wo hit that junk oloau in tho stern and rodo over hor from ond to ond. It was Biokoning to nee tho strugglo in our wako. I ran .and askod kim if wo worou't going to savo somo.of thorn. . "Ho knocked mo clean off my feet. .1 was silly for moro than ten minutes, and whoa I pulled togotlior wo woro still running ahoad. "My ohiof was binding up my bond, and tho old man was Htariug astern. All at onco ho aoroumod: " 'Lord, what havo I dono?' and ohuoked up his arms and foil bnok. Ho novor Hpoko.moro, but went out next morning. Wo made tho heathens afcoko us baok to Hongkong jail. Iwont to thohoHpital completely kuookod over. "You know Aberdeen? Yes? Well, you -know that old houso against tho town hall an eating houso? His widow koopsthat now, and if, over you'ro stuck up say as yon know ono who sailed with him. And if you'ro ilufih tBlaok and White. Xonie Kuuh Tho&trla&lly. London is pro-ominqntly tho oity of long rum) for plays. Ifour hundrod or KOO night runs aro quite common thoro. "Oar Boys" survived at tho Vaudovillo for many more than 1,600 nights, and "Charley's Aunt," now in its fourth or fifth year, will surpass it. In Now York wo havo one rooord of over COO nights, sevornl of over 300, many of more than', 200, though, a run of 160 nights ia oon- aidored . good enough for an extremely successful play. In Paris, at the popular Ambign Comiquo, Dooouroolle's "Lea Doux" bus "bijoken tho record/'; having passed ita two hundred aud fif tieth night. Even "L'ABSommoir" had only 1Q8 performances, aud "Rogor )a HopteV only 120;--New York Time* an every floor, 'rind on tho Hudson street front the fliHb floor, which ia a .little flhovotho sidownlk, nnd reached by u few stops, bus boon trunsforinod ,iato u couple of small ntoros,. Whim, the on- trance to tho upper floors is gained through n door on Charlton street. An oxtcnsjoii has boon omutod pn this Hide to tho main building so as to cover the lot. , The building was formerly tho farm house of Aaron liurr and was located on tho top of. Itiohmoud hill, through whiuh Vuriek ntruot wan out, When thopo streota' woro laid out, the 'obi farmhouse was brought down to tho road, whioh is. now Hudnon street, nnd placed on a vacant lot; thon and now at the onrnor of Oharlloii strnot. Opposite to it; was planed anoCher frnm(i houso, whioh hud been removed aftor the groat fires of lHltfi and lft'lfi, from Chambers street, where it was known as the "Old Brown .trig " This removal had been omitted by the extension of tho Urn lim its in the lower portion of the nlty, A few,.years go> the ."Old Brown Jug" building was condemned and torn down. In ith plaeo a briok Htructure has boon erected. But m fur tlio old Burr house has been spurn!, for, although it/in out of plumb, the building wmh so strongly oonstrueted'that thoro ih littlo danger of its falling. Kor many yoars tho old houso was oc cupied by un old, timo,"leather beiid Watchman," who, after IiIh retirement from that service, employed his timo in making leather traveling trunks, whioh ho nbld on this, corner, occupying-th'o upper floors with his family. At his death, a few, yearn ago, the family, liko many of those who formerly resided in Groonwioh village, removed to tho up per part of tho oity, and tho building has sinoo conned to he inhabited by ono family,' Now York Mail aud ExpreaH. GOOD COPS AS EASY MARKS. U^MM^ ^^^*^*a^+ E ii. fajrk issuer o* MAnnuaw, w- it WfmsMsnMWs&i yfts-'wiwit- Ianuorof tfarrlngo TjtcAnmot. . Irjflurauoa tiRont. a Night offio*i ut DwoIMtio. w,fl, /,, ., .DAlLBOT'B'raEET.'BSHlflX' .'.. . .i.^nM't1 -o i,v, ,ir^"T---,===3 UNDERTAKING. HPIjUMMK .11, fndorujkoi a^il Fomftm m Doalor, 'fJofflns, liota oud factory mrtl< from >3 tfl 30,. ,MoOr<)KoriP^S _ -_JAR0HJT|ECTS^ TOHN A. MAYGcJoK,'(' " " fi .;.,-; ABOHITBOT, &o., , Itoom 10 dnd 11, FlemliiBTJuildluR, , . ' i ., Wbidaor.Om Pliono CIO, SOCIETIES J O. O. F.-KNTEUl'lUBR Ld<lo No 2I, MrtfoUowB Hbthodibt.-Dt. Paioofl, Pastor. Bi i, and 7 p. ro/ 8*t MaryBundiiyfttll*. m. fl _ , _ _. _ Bohool at 2:at) p. ru. 0. tf Nrirtfr, fibpOTlnl out of fobool. Epwotth La'dgaoprayormtt.^., rattulay OTontDg at 8 o'clock,, Gono/nl VkV*i(l mectiDKOD TLafBdiy^Tonuirf. 'j -v. ^Stl'^J,-:.Onujion or Knoland flov. A.L.Boverly.Jjl* r^ jumLout, St, TuaU, Kawx. DIyjcmztIoW;,1^ every, Hunday at 7 o'clock, p. m 8un<Uy.'?'jf Hohool at 10 a- m. 1'rlnlty Oharoh,North Hid^'-cJ A aaySohool at 1.4Sp, m. Tlio publlatars oath; ?<< fllally Invited. . y)M ---------.------:-----------------------------------^----~*V;:jiJ PBKfiByranxtM. $! vioflBon Sabbatbabll a. oi.and 7.00 p,.m.8ab*^Wi Onth Sohool at2:!K)p. m. Prnyer mietl'nguid ' 1*1 Pftator*B blblo olflsa on" Taoedliy at7.30 p. m. Boolat Union on Wodnofldavut tf.l&p; ..... iUVTiHT Uhuhoh. itov.M. I*. Campbell, Pas-, tor. . oivlofjq tiuoli Haljbath at 11 u. m, and 7 1> :i;. Prn-yurmtiotliis on Tburoday ovonlxif ut 8 o'clock. HodUfrmi. All aro cordially wel- motKoviiry TUurmln.ytavonlii(,', nt 7.J"1 Jn tlalf,lu third titorey Ounettm Hlok. 'Iflltlnu mouiburutyf othor loduoK will roooivo fmturna) woloonio, PUB ). GUAlOi:, N. G. ClKNTRAL 73V0AMPMKNT, No. BO, riiootriin OiM/]Jows' HaU.OqiiBtuu's Blaok, on Uollrbt liiid third Tneaday luouuh month. Viol torn cor- llully rooolved.' Mombure of Buborditmte lodgoH ln tlih Jurlnfllotfori, invltod to Jolt 0. IIANNAN, O.P.vd:-V.TIITjL,Roo. IJ Ji'riflny (ivninti(n ovorv -motith tor brl- ndo nun-lint'and tiilni Krlduy for inraotltto in tho Firomori'H roam In tlw> Htono huildiii[(< Jim. McAIturav, Ouicf: Hum.'Hiulth, Oapbain; Jfti Bl(tu, tiimitoimnt; W. h\ Miuigo. (Hoorotary; I-'rud. Hyatt. Tronmiroj" / UJUUT ItOYAL; NO, <Jll\ I. O."V. *. i MoutH H6conU and fnurtb Tuondav'u i oaall inOtltll ih i. O, O. K Hull at S o'olook ). m, Viblcliiti brctliurn will bo i(ivtiu rt fratt.rnal w<d- mmio, 10 MoCausliuul. 0. H., W, 0. Bhaw, K<ioy. M.J. Wiulo. 0.1). H. O.K.. ACKWTH wai)tltiff jiroiltablo ottmloymont through tho mimuiur oan and It with oh, an wo havo uowotib HohiiIuh varlotlbit ol NurHory nto)c u)il now Hood Vututtum, Hulnry or com- nilHHtoih Write imutonoo tor territory. X'KIj- J1AM NUUHKHY CO., Trunto, Out. 2U-l!lt; Bouam Oathojoio. Fr, O. B. MoOeo, Paator, Her ^00 ovory othor Hunday at 8JJ0 p. Ui. Monday rfohoolatftp. in. ;,,( ti^ Maiuhtonh. ^ a. in., qatoohiam uti! t>. ia-, baptism at 3 p. m,, vtiHutTH and bonudfotion at 7. p. ,m. 0. B, Mo* Clou, P.P. Salvation Aumv. Cant. Bmitb und Lloafc, Payton in uomttmud. Salvation mcotinun Wed- iii)Hday,ThnrH(|ay,iLiid Hinnlay oveiiingH;Froeaiid KiLny.Hatiirday ovoiiioif uiid3 p.m. Bonday;Koll-r nuHH ui 00 tin ui. for chrlHLInUH Friday ovening and 11 a.m.-Hunday; Kuoo Drill 7 a.m. overy Hunday; All ntv wolcomu. -M LEGAL. EA. WIHMKIt, BarriBtur, Holla 1 tor. Notary'1, ji . Puhllu &.o. Money to loan. Otnoes,l)nn-' -JM utan Mock, upntulm, liBrwx. ^-ly '^H t" Ii. VftntlXH IlarriHtur, Holloltor, Notai tl * Publlo Moniiy lo Lomi. OUloo over Itruthol-M' Hank. Khhox Ooulrb, CHjAukk:, cowan, haiitIjKt & iimvvxSt, J Ilarriutora, oto. OUIouh -Mtidbury Block,' Windnir. Privato muds to loau. A. }l. OjjAhKM, X,. Sx it. M, K. OciWA-N, U. t*/ N. A. IUut^t. A. It. fUU'lYJCT, B. A. . , .1 i A lt)tlrl Itiinltti nran'H Xtl** nt tho Vuluo of Kojiularlty to tho Crook, An old timo crook stood 011 a Brqud- way oornor, in tho Tondorlom clintriot, lato ono night rooontly, watching n yonng polieoman trying tho atoro dooen. Tho policeman did tho work with grout oaro and regularity. "Thafc'H a careful coppor," tho orook volunteered; nddrenaing a man who wuh taudiug a fow feet away. .""S[oiiI",;i:oplioa tho othor. "Evidontly ho wants to cai'i tho good opiniqpof his superiors," Tho old timo crook langhod. "It wouhl HnrpriHo you," ho contin ued, "wouldn't it, tolionv tliut that yorfc of a careful cop ia a dead cany mark for thiovoH?" "X don't hoo how," rofcurnod tbo oiti- 2011. "Esy dnough," rotortcd tho crook. "It's your'careful copper that can bo easily Hpottod. Tho man who is going to do a job knows just whoro ho will bo on bin nt a certain timo and can flguro out juflfc how long tho coaHb will bo clear and tlio job can bo oarried on. Tho oaYoful oop goes u$ bin work just liko clockwork. Now, with what Homo poi'sona would call n had cop it'd dill'or- ont. Tho orookH uro afraid of thos-o bad oopfl, tho fly fellowa that tftko big ohanecH and Rfcay off pout whon tho roundHnnin inn't around., l Thoy can novor toll junto wjioro a bad cop ia or whoa ho will jump out and catch thorn at their job. eo? Thoro is no known Byetorn of keeping track of 'em, hcoanso thoy don't do bnHinofls themselves by any systom, thoHo had cops don't." Thon tho old timo orook walked into a fmloon and got a tlrfuk, lonviiig tlio citizen on tho corner wondoving. Tiie oitizon loavuod tho identity of tho crook whon ho narrated tho incident .later to tho proprietor of' tho oamo fmloon. Tho follow wn a rotired bunko man. New York Sun; ISmltfmtlon Xrrn>m Swtidon. SwediHh emigration in RlowlyinoronH- Ing. Tbo total number of emigrants for tho throo-qunrtera of tho year in 11,019. In 1805 tho omigrufcion whb 10,781, and in 180.1, 7,047, againHfeflO, 000 during tho year 180y, and lSilii reHpnotivoly. In connection with tho Swedish emigration tb tho Unitod.States tho report of tho Swodish postmuHtor goueral, juHt.pnlj- linhed, is intorosting. I'or tho year I80fi $1, ft 11,020 wits rccoived in money orders from tho United Stntos, while $377,810 was nent from Swbdeiit leaving a- bal-' oiioo in favor of Bwodon of l,0!]4,(no, Probably an equal amount was wont to Sweden through tbo bankHandomigruufc ugeiioioH. . Michigan CTenti^ " The Niagara Fall* Koui*" , (iOIMO KAH'l' 1 TaliiilK wift'ot Novamhcr ilOUi, 1H0O, I'jxp. Kxi). Aaoom Mixoil _______________________________________, _;j . ..vffl HJJKKY 0. WAJj'J'KltH Ii.Xj.Ti., Attorney and ';* Prootor in Admiralty, ,1 aUmt-BoUcltoi', Oiucp, ' ' Nowborry iinliiHua, oar, (JriBweld mid Iiarned ,.# iitn., Dotroit, Miab. ((Janadliui abtbtiii n^alimt Uuitod HtatnH oolht'^od,) pornooM in the Kitfuronuotii Iinpnri>1 Hunk, Knaox, Out, Kba K.A. WiHincir, y,m\. lluvrlHtor, ote.,llHt iHgox.Otit useXiOnt Dotroit....... WindHor.... l'olton........ Muldrttonoo liBBflX......... Woodntoo... Itu^oomh ... Coitihor ...... UldMotowii.. Rndmty....... Ht. TlloillUH riondoii......... "t. Thotnatt,., Itudntiy......... Hlduotown..... ('nmlior.......... UuRoomb....... Woodlo..;..,. Ehbox............ M-ildRtono Gr l'olton............ Wjndxbr......... Detralt........... Mall H.U). R.CO fiiUO tiOH (1.10 rt.ufi II jo tin:i 7i'7 am O.M a.m. U. Ill, 10.10 7.00 10.J1B H47 ll.M 10,00 1.00 rtOINO WKHT. p, in, ^i(l ft. 0.1 ruo ti.-M B.!i7 fiN) KM (l.Ofi 7.10 7,UH H0 p.m. 2 40 a.iis' 107 ff.40 D.B0 (J.OIJ U M (I I'M G.'IG 7.10 a.m. 0.30 10.20 11.3* 12.05 12.40 a, m. 4.00 Ufi j :to K!Ui fi'.liS (I 10 10,f\0 U.U.1' 2,2ft Mixed a,in it-m !,.ir> 0.1W 6-:ifi 1M 7.10 7.r.8 o.Grt lii.^ft O.ttU 110 0.41 1 115 Ofi'j hoo 10.0H 8 20 10.13 U.1I7 ic.iU) -iiio 10.BU * Antktcfttiburti Yjocu) Vfalnu. WKIIT 13 A (IT vl EPICAL. "jytVllIUKN & IUuVnT" "". Jan Urlon. M. D., Ii. K., 0.1, H ientduato of Quoun'tt Uiiivcniiity, K|ti({iitoti, uiumbur Oi" Ool- luifo 0/ I'liyHidluiili and RoniuQllH,Ontario, flrad* Uftto of Now York. 1'oHt Oraduatu Mcdiaul Ool-,i J. W. BWom.-M. ,. 0, M., V. T. M. G. Honor* Brad unto of Trinity Modloal <JolIo((<t, Honor graduato of Trluity UnivrHlty. Mi.mbor oj the (Jollj!o( l'ijynloIttB nnd Burtjooim, Out. Urail-,1 imto of bovr York. I'onfc Qraduato Modloal... Olllortovor EriBox ModiuiU Hall drug atore, ' Coiimiltation rooimi. liotli on fjroimd Jloor und tlrt ilat tibovii. TolophoDft In botli ollloo and.', rofilduuofi. All oallu iLltundod to from ouice, drii(i ntoro, or roHltlouco. lion Id mica, TiUbofc i utrout, front of fair grounda. I ]) m, a.m. a.m. tM 11.40 7.1J0 0.14 11.M ll.iil ia.i:o ti aa 12 lfi to ia vn \\AF> MAD 7.40 7.17 7. no V.U) ti.10 Kd. a.m. a.m. p.m niiox li.US 0.45 fl.IU) UHVH . . ..U.i!7 '0.: fi 10 I. 15 k 1) 11 XIn B.31 0 W \$MoflvoRor 11.20 !l.i!ti 4. (lordoii . O.OB 0 05 -i.flft Ainhorfitburff w.00 0.00 4.3(. AU trains aro run on oontrnl Fttandard timo, whloli in dUty . mlnuton Hlowor than Ebbok time, t'ot- iofommtlon and ratoa to oolon- iHta'uiovlnn wont imply to John Q. Luvon, 1*ob- noiipor Apont, flt. TUoinan. O. W. !tueido. Qon oral Paaiioiifftir and 1'ioliofc Actent, Cbioufjo or A. O. fltlmovH, \uont. Kb*ox III L. En <& D. R Ry. TIMK TAHLft NO. 23, taking offoofc Monday. Hopt. ii7,1R0O. TraliiHrim by ir.aatorn Stand ard Tlino. Daily oxcopt Buntbiy a .a >* 6 V* U o & 'A P it 0:20 .!17 fi.HO I fl.'IO A M A M fl.yfl m 00 ii,:ij iu.:in m -in im:i 12.45 0 51)'12.08 an 9.07! 1.10 (JM 1.19 (jf.0 1.110 7.10 1.00 7.17 2.03-T, 07 '2 IT) 7,!)7 '2 50 7.-I1 0.45 v.M 4 Id B.10 i Fine BtaiionH. Tminti utep only whon t\u\w aro pa&iieiiKord ut or for tboiio utaflnuH. Mixed [ triiinH aro at al tlmoit uubjoot to l>u oiiuoollod WM WOOIiLATT, ' Gononil Hnporiotondon . tike blllomooss, dyspopsla, headaoho, consti. Jjfttlod, sour etomacli, Indigent!on aro promptly cured, by Hood'i.tills. Tbey do thoir work easily and thoroughly. Beat after dlimor pills, 2Q coats. All druggists. Fro pared by p. X. Hood, ft Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to tok* with Hood's Sarsa)>arllla. Tho olotn of tho, old EgyptiantfwasHO good that, although it baa boon used fo* tbousanda of yearn "oh wrappings of the muintnioH, tlm Arabs of. today oanwoar it, It in all of linen, the ancient Egyp tians considering wool unclean. , ' I ___________ ..."____________>' \. "' " ,' ' ' . ' . The water pnmp of today ie an fm provement on an invention whioh^flrit cnzno into' usa in the year 3388 B. in 02 1000 10.10 111.27 10 :j7 10.45 10 05 U.ll 11. in u.43 11.CO lino ii 04 1S11 IU.10 1C.74 IQ.U5 1 M.'.X 4,ti."i 4 40 5CH 0.2(1 0.(10 G10 (J.H5 0.45 7.00 3.17 fl.:i2 SAD B.47 H.02 0 110 0.07 0.1 a 0 20 0.SII STATION!!. Kl H '8 07 T)nj> WalliiTv'ln Ar Wrillicivlllo Juno. ......... I'i'Uoii ......1 OldctiKtlc......|8'f3 ......1 Pf.niiottO......'0 47 ..... Mcflvoiior......IH_43 ...+ y.tnv|H >'10 ... ,1 Maviihflold ...... Harrow ...... ........\ Amor.......".. .;.... KiMRiivlllo...... .,.,.. Biithvon ...... ;.. t'finmington ... ......Wht-atlcy ...... ......+ IUmwIok ...... ......Ooaiiiworth ... \ Gtoiiwodd...... A MiA MiI'M. 0 1"; 0.00; 7.00 1) 00! 5.;* 0.27 5.17 0.00 4.40 U3 4.25 4.00 :i.40 H.1B 2.40 1.01 1.0H BOO HOO Ml flCl 7 01 7 40, 7 21 7 10 I 10 7 40 7.!l7 7J7 7 10 7*10 0-C2 0.43 0 :io 0.10 0.0(1 501 7 1.11s? 0.40 m. r m 0 ;IOil2l- ......,..Knrlin .........'il 02M2.21 ......r lluxton.............." J ~" ...... Handlooi) ...... ...tCmlar apt'lr^H... nionhi-ini .Tmiofc'n ...... Illiiuho'm...... .'.......UVUL10......... AV Kidrtotown D6p ti 40 o'fll 0 21 n 2<i 0 10 000 ia.oo IJ.QB 11.1KI 11.101 lo.m 10.00 A.Sl.'A.W. 5110 OHH 531 OlO ; 0.(t7 4..W 4 .IS 4.110 I'. M, To Drivo anywhoro, if bo, you VMiiitaCJood , ..,.,....end the plaoo to fiot it la at JOHN McDOIIGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Oood|HoBt)orn In nttondonco day and nifibt, - HORSE-SHOEING - lijJthiB branch of our business Wei* flrot- olafifl Workmen and will guar an too satisfaction' in Suoelm; Horsefl that Interfere, Over-Roach or have Corn a or Oantraoted Ffeeti. Wemakaa Speclulty of flhoblng Road and TracK Botaoi). t&* Telephma Conw.ctiqn,, , . DROPSV CURED, ; THW Undersigned la prepared, to ouretajl oases of .Water DropGy wboihor of lonff or ebo/fc duration,. Absolutely no oh&rjie imleeBithe b-' ent is entirely and permanently pured.ftJ'AMEUft DM, J, K JKNNEIt, Aesoolato Ooronor tax ilfll tho County of Kflsox. ,-Ml nlty; M. O. li and H, Cntu'rip; Lie. lloyul CoUoge '${ rnyHlolaiifl, I-ondon, Knf,; hit HflliolnrBhip an<T/ l;,^ Oold ModallHt, Trinity CMUmo, Jim; amioluUd , <.;;!& HouHtj DiyHlulunaml Huroon, ToroutoOoaeral . ^ llor{>ltal and Hoeldotit . Auonuelumr Burusido hylntf In Honidtiil, Toronto, liJHi. Bpooialty', dls- minim ot woiiH'i) imd oliitdrou. Hesldenoe, houso - ln.toIv occupied by Dr.PiiWar, Talhot 8t., Ksaex,;.. Oflliio In linnoriiil Wauk nlaolt, ground floor,*' oppoHitn Tliornu'u Oruu store. Modioiijos dls-' " ponHod in tho oltloo, Tolopboni' oounootlon with both oflloo nnd rcHldouoo. Private tale-, phono lino hocwecu Oyrll Ptjfjuotto'H houso autj ban Kunnody'u lioiiuoanil olUoo. Wlffht aallB attoudod to ut oUloe or rosldonoo/ DENTAL, li# in Dontlotry, ltoyal Collogo of Dontal Bui'i;ooi)fi, Ontario, anil uiilvoraity of '1'oronto. OliarROH.modo'rato. OUloo, ovor nrlon A Cos Jruc storo. 18-lv 'A' % Wn. iticiiAimsoN, vEVianiNAtiY sun , OKON. Honorary tiraduato of Ontario Vofcorlnary Oolledo, Toronto* member of On- ; tario VotorJnary Alodloal BonJoty; DIplomlHt. in , . boutlntry; trouta all dlHouaoa of domuntlcatud ' animala;cutrlo dohoviuul by tho latOHt improved . Loavitt clipper Oalln by tolephono or-tele-- nrai>U promptly uttond^d to.. ItoBfdcinio.throo (' (loom oaiit of ({rJftt mill; office ln post offloa hiiildiri^; inflrinur>. dlruotly opposite. '.' LAND SURVEYOR. J A JUS 8 H. LAIED. Provincial Laiiil Survcyr and ('ounty Knalnnor, Kiotux Ooutro, Ot c OUloo, liunflUm Bloch, upatairii. AUCTIONEERS. HKDItICK, Anotionoor. Baloi promptly aLtouilcd to. AudroBH Routh HKNItV promptly Woodsloo, Out. Periiomi ddHirinK to Hiionro me may loavn word nt tlio l^insK Tjikbh otlioo., tf II. UKDKIOK I). BINCLAIlt, piOKNBRD . AUOTrONKEtt for thoCoiiutynrKshux. Bailltfet lillKhfch All kludH of li'arni aud other,,jtti Divlaioti Court, Halon conducted promptly, itnton run^ouablo. and (urnitihiwl on anpllcntlon. KiHiulrorfi may apply at W. D. Bnamitn'sallloo, the oflice of nivitdon'ponrt Ch-i'lt.Alr. John Mllno VOriN (JOHMLKY. 0 MOliiNBWn AUCTrONKKIt for tho County' of Eunox. All kindn of funn utook aaloa, etc, uonduoted promptly nnd on tdiort notice. Jtatog t:iiiiiioi>ahlo Porrtontt dcnirablo to urrnnno naloa uiay do no by oalKiif; tit) the Fiihu Piibhh ouloft, or by applying to J. OOUM1JKV1. P.O. Box 105 KflflDX, Ont, ^>BANK McCLOBKKY, Mttlrtsoii; thirty-' i^ ttovon years'oxpurienuo na an aootlonoerfn' thoOouutvnf Kmhox. Huloa odndncted promptly, uud on roaaonabbk turuiw. Parties doairinet n> llx the dato for a imlauim aavo tbomselvofl 0. , drive by calling tit tho I'iikw Piuchh oflioo. .Wo havo arriinnod with Mr. MnOlnraboy and will fox tho Oaten for iiali'H by toleRraph, entirely frao pf all oharuo to tbo iioi-kqu holding the gale. Ad- dross IfrankMoaiOHlcoy.MaidstonoOrofla^Onti ' , / ' m m LAND AND LOAN AGENTS m (n KOltGM J. TUOMAt), Oonveyaboor, Oorii-' raj y mlBHioner, In 3Bk1i Conn,of Juatlce; dealer /" -'-m in Html Kotate and MortfiaRfis. Money to loan ' $$ at the lowest rato of interest. Farma bonfehb. V1.-^ and sold, Iiumruoco takouin the moat reliable ^ l.^ oonipanloa. Drawiucof deeds, mortguBea ana,/;:^,' (oases a npeotalty. Obaros moderate and all, ,,,V business promptly attended tov th*^*~::v,'vw Oentral Telephone office, EeaoiContre, (HWt ;!. ;V^M A OhoncoTo tTlutce ITlouer, . '.> !.v^^"..i>.'#M . In th p'aHt three "icoutha I havo :da,wre4i,i^j?S BtICO.75 selliuji Diwl) WaeberH.; I-aid^;9^M otthe work, my brother he|pod WWW'ffifidk expeotto do better' next: n^ontb^i^'a^*^^ DIh^ Wusbar sold .ailvertipoa' \^ae^;,;ai^iv' eells eevetal more JI don't bavev to:;f^aye^ the houoo. Peopio'hW.ValnJiajk.-Uhe'-'ipja^^ Washers nnd aond for tbem,^fchw/are^flo!^ obeap. - Any lady, or geritlem^n^oinViap^^l money in ti$i$.bnHlnoM-ii8;;e*^ Wantaa,,I)iBbWfnthor.1"-Any. f o^rre'i^or&^i who have ^ *>.;/"!

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