Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 22, 1897, page 4

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jteeWaste Free Press, foS^i i ...... te^^-BKKTT A. AULD, PBOPBHTOR*. Atfai'f'J..i.',..;.,lJj,', ..... , ' i W>FBtt>A.Y. JANUARY 83.'1897. |; : ; JBiMtx Ooanby Oounail meti for orRn- [/yUatlou.p.Q Taosdoy next, 96th inet, at 1 : r At A meeting Ontario Govern ment on Thursday of last week, W. A. Mo .Intosb, of Comber, waa appointed Lloenae Ins poo toe of the South Hiding of Ehhoi. JT T. Hare, of Windsor, hau received official notification of his appointment as Local Master for Essex County of the Supreme Ooart ol Judicature for Ontario* JkH. S. Laxbd, Oonnty Oounoillor, has resigned the offloa of Toll Roado Inspector1" for the county, Ha id resignation having bean forwarded to tlio Oonnty Olork before the day oC election, - Jtjbtioe FKaosaotf will preside at tbe Spring. SitttpRfl, Jury, of the Hijb Court of Justice *or Ksbox Oonnty at Sandwich, beginning Monday, March 15th,and Judge Meredith will proaide at the Nonjury Sit tings that convene on Monday, April 36th, Wiikh the Ontario IiegiBlature rcoetfi on the 10th of February its first bnaiuoBs will be to oleat a Speaker. The name moit prominently mentioned for the position ia that of A.. Kvanturel, M.P.P, for Prosoott. J. R. Stratton's name iu alto mentioned ft: f for tho position. fcv Jau. 8. Damn, County Councillor elect I or No. U Diatriot, waa served on Friday last by J. E. O'Connor, barrator, of Wind- or.with a notioe that ho had boon instruct- ed bo take ateps to void tho former's! elec tion, aa Conuty Councillor, on tho grouuda of improper qualifications and on other grounds. The h oh a i tor does not ntate for whom ho is acting bat it is understood that some partiee from ColohoRter Booth arc at the bottom of the mattor. COMMUNICATIONS. m- hold thomnolvoB ronponslblo.for tlio oouceuta or Bantlmeutii of letters pubJlshod in this cohnnu. A Beply to "Ratepayer.** To the'Edilor"f the Fhmk Pasaa: Dp,in Sib,-Tho letter of "Ratepayer" in tho last iflaae of your paper deBorvofl w passing notice. On oannofc toll Irora tho article whether Ratepayer ia a friend or a foe. Indeed the suspicion grows that it Ih a cunningly dovised scheme to disoou- cert the ranks" of lhe toroporauco people at this peculiarly opportune time, How- evor, ho speaks an ono of uh and in fers that his and our skirta are not free from dirt on account of the failuro on uiH . and our part to meet a aortain obligation, and this is what more particularly nitor- Bta your radorn, This maitor wuh brought up at a meet iog of win oh all the* loading tamporanoa people of the town had uotioo and discunf)- d at length aud we .oonBider that tbore was no moral obligation to pay anything. This oonolueion was rouohed without a dia- enUng. voice. Whoro waa Ratopaye- when tho mooting waH hold? Wo would have been tjlad to haye had bin couubaI. That moating adjournod from timo to time but no voioo from Halo payor at any of them. If it will not talco too muob of yonr opaoo I would likotooicplain as Hhort- ly a*31 can tho oiroum^tanoo roforrod to It refers to el oortain rainuta in tho pro- ceoditigs of the oounotl in April, 1801, which aayH that myHelf^uud anothor, a flponflora for tboitomporKnaotpeoplcJagrood to loimbutHo fcbejjlciwo for tho oitponno in- 'eurrod in defending tho case of ThraHhcr v*. Ehrox, for the quashing of tho local op tion by-law. In Ootobor ot the aamo year another minute appouru to the offoot that an appeal bo encored against Justice Gait's decifjlnn on oomhtlon that tho tomporunco peopto guarantee all oxpoijucm over 8100. Tho former raiolntion waa not mentioned and no namoH woro uptmifiod ilb gUarantorN. All we know further ia that thc|by*law was finitlly Huatninod and that the town urn a taxod for $200 ooHta, Now, I think it ih quite evidont that tho aecoud arraugomont mentioned in tho minute of Ootobor wan intondod to stand for tho flrat and while there should bo uti agreomout tollwitnesa any auoh an arrangement ag oithor wan|it was an absolute nooonuity in tbo lattor oituo aiboc no named wore mentioned.1" My con- lotiou ia that mioli an u^roomont wug either made or wuh to have bcoti made und that the sum montioued mutoaa of hoiyg , S10O was 9200,Nund that tho minute, docs not oorrospond with tho agraemint, Thig reoollootiou I have oarnod ever binco the oouurrenao, aH Hovoral ir* tho town know I , mentioned it before last yoar'n council found the minute rofurrod to. The torn. > peranco people at the meeting boforo ro- lerrod to, with myeulf, thought the minute ' . wan in error and that the ugrqoment, if it '. were prodaoud, wonld^ mention 8200 in- ' Htead of 8100, an the maximum amount the town should pay. Thero aro other ;.;.y Tan eons but this m o'nongh tooonaidor here. *, If .Ratepayer will Identify himeolt we will 1 dieoUBH thin matter at greater length with him, if he so wiahoa. Ratepayer mya it is UttjUBt that the town Hhould be left to pay thiaitbuB compelling the liquor intereatM to help pey for their defeat "...... extract a little Bympathy for tho "liquor lntercHta" ia anmBit)^, aa it in ridiculous, When it becomes the role that the eluout- ive is not bound to defend ita own lawn with the publio fandn, then ono of the dee-reet dreams of tbeauarohiBthaabeoomD a faot. Tho ouly exouee for the efooative , not bo defending its own laws is the oon- , TiqtlbU tbabtbey are faulty. In onr case ^L-;:;.T^;ppiufti| have declared the by-law aoond and there should be no oayeUing on the pwt of any, one uuleiB he b>n anarohist, aboab tb expense/ \Vhen you remove hii obligktion from the publio you destroy all government. Further, the iHnueJwith us now, ep far m the public funds are eon- oemed, le olearly, money va. pnblio moral ity. ThbBe of ua who drink very littlp or none at all and who believe that the good order and general moral tone of tho place ia bettered, that drunkenness and rowdy ism on oar Btroete is lessened and that earnings are ftoing into providing oomforte for ohildren and wives that formerly wont over the bars of the town, believe that it ih a proper thinfl in the interest of good order, gooa morals end onr common humanity, to make a saorifloe, whether of tho liberty of going to tho bar and-getting a glu&s or by putting our haude into our pooketa and pay ing a little more taxoe to this end. It sgema to me that this is the only way men who deserye to be called human can look at it and when any of our good citterns, aa Homo may, takes Btand agaiuot local option, I am compelled to think that ho has ooruu to tbe eonolamon that looal option doos not eontributo to law and not u himoflt to anybody and that thefio oonviotioua and not the mattor of the money involyed Ih the ouubo of hiB attitude. What ought to bu said of the man who would Holl tho tomnoral utid eternal weal of hie brother for the paltry ditferenoo iu hi" tax bill or would consider it for a moinont. It 1b olciui-, howover, that so far aw dollara and oouta aro conoernod, that the publio funthi have been added to to tho oxtont of oyor $1,000 by the lawe* delay in thia matter, and yet Ratepayer olalma for tho poor [iquor dealer. Now, nir, the-temporanoo poople have a raul grlovanoe agaihHt tho court*, ffc in a roul injoatico that anyone dhould preuumo to aet aside the expronneU will of a majority of tho ratepayors of the town by any legal quibble and com pel the town to spend their money defend- iug ite rightn and tho courts depart from tho usual pufitom of aaeeBslug the oontn to tho lowing aicio, The parfciort who attaokod tho will of the town are the people who ought to pay the coats and it comes with poor graoe for any one to olaim sympathy (or them. Tho convictions of every man are entitled to roapect and Ratepayer in entitled to nymp&thy if he fools that ho in living under a cloud, hut cannot get from under that oloud if ho does nothing to un tie tt his convictions hut talk, or at tho most to write anonymous letters. If Rate payer is a frlond and not an enemy in tho dark lot him call a meeting of tho tompor< auao people to disomis thia matter with him. I feel aure they will readily rospond. Thia will not bo any more troublo than getting himself into print and ho will run los risk of miHreprofloutiug his friends, ao I think ho has done in his latter. How, Mr. Editor, I have written at mnoh greater length than t intended when I began. I hope I have not impound too much on your Hpaoe. Hoping in tho in fug boforo u:i that tho right thing will be dono; that all men will have conviotlons and will dare to aot honestly by thorn, and that no ono will bartor thorn for gold, I remain, Yourn truly, O. E. Nx-yr-oa. Stalls and pfini.................. Colchester North legislative grant.. Special grant from, Walker & Sont.. Kent.of tent, Belle River fair...... 30. OQ 15 00 75 13 OO 88 00 13 95 .$25 54 EXPKNTJTTUREB W. H. Russell, portion i8oXjurpliui$ W. D. Balfour, expenses as Prci.... Nails.......................... T. G. Fcrriis, livery hire,......... Executive Committee meetings.... Tickets, duty, etc............... Cash paid for prizes Horses $285, cattle $285, sheep $145, Swine $107, poultry $67-50, dairy jiro- ducta $64.25, canned fruits $2a, . plants $2450, grain and seeds $12025, field roots $46.50, gaiden vegetables $3425, fruit $93, fine arts $40, home manufactures $10, ladies' w'ors; $138.50.......... 1484 75 JohasUm Bros , 344 00 Printing and'.advertising.. ..<...... 85 00 Special Attractions.Committee... Constables and caretaker;};....... Committee (Jov. Gen reception.... Cupt. J. E. Johnson, expenses vol unteers ....................... Judges and directors, dinner tickets J. klli.% straw........ ....... Mrs. May, flaws.................. Postage and stationery.......... \V, Millcn, salary ns Supt.....*.. W. D. Hentnan, salary ns secretary., do extra............ lv. Plant, siilury as .treasurer *... * - A. W. Cohoc, services s supti...... Auditors McAulino and Millcn..,. G.W. Coatsworth,South Riding por tion of surplus................ Kd. Plant, North) Riding portion of surplus.....,................ W. H. Russell, Colchctter North'ti slure of Kurplus............... 25 00 Balance cm hand............ 14 ij to Quickly convert the balance of our Winter Stock into Cash, during the NEXT TEN DAYS we will] offer the following Extraordinary Bargains, Note The Prices. Come and See the Goods. Former Special 17 5 42 25 56 87 25 2 22 00 9 00 4 75 jo 00 20 00 50 00 10 00 50 00 15 00 H 00 25 00 25 OO $2$*2 54 Save this Price List and Bring It Along for Reference, Ladies' a Price. #1.60 to $2.00 6.60 North Ehkox Agricultural Society. The annual mooting 0! tho North Ehhox Agricultural Sooioty wuh hold at tho Un. ion Hft.ll, South Waodeloo, on Wednesday, at 1 p. m,, tho ProBidont, Wm. JBllia, in tho ohirir. Tho auditor*' roport waa road aH follows; ft'KCRlPTS. Balance on hand from 1895........$143 80 Members' subscriptions............ 84 00 Legislative Knint.............,,,., 400 00 Surplus from G.S.W. Exhibition.... 25 00 Coining From Toronto. A.vv You Iluiiltired. Those huving the miHfnrtuiio to bo tup- turod hhould road tho adVortiflomeiit in an other column, uhdor tho houd of "Hup turo," of J. Y. B(ian, Hernia SpeoialiBt of Torouto, who purpoao visiting Ebbox, Abordoon Hotel,on Wednoflday and Thurs- duy,Jau. 37th and 28th. The evidence far- nitihod uti to Inn nkill in of a very high oharootor. Tho following lotter wpon.Ua for iUolf: Maploton, 1". O. Dour Sir Ihuyo ivon your Trutrn four montliH1 trial and una woll oiitinfied, ag it holds ruo comphitoly. In fuot Iho Hernia huH never boon oat ol placo during thut timo and my tfanoral health ban muah improved. Should you visit Aylraor or St. Thotnan uuaiti I uhal] bh phmnod to hou you. It ia bottor than you promiaod and oxpoodo ray own anticipations enabling mo to do thohoavieat work oo tho farm. Jjlk Moouk. Thlo gontloman in now ourod. HicttK mvi:u. Mrs. Potor BrottHoifc died at hr homo in thlN yilla^o on Tuesday ovouing of eati- Oer of tho stomuuh afcor a lout* Ul'd pain- lul ilbioHU. DoooaHcd wuh about CO yeaw of ago hor muldou namo boiuc Ho^an. Her huoband HUrvivon hor aloug with bIx ohildron Myriuo, who ifl marriod and living in Duluih, Minn.; Kato^ in a oonvontat Lou- don ; Totor, of Mioh., and Qsbriol, of Bello Bivor. John A. Hop;an, of Woodalao, iy a brother to dcooadod and Mra. John Ijam- hori in a eitttor, Richard Hogan, anothor. brothor, died a fow joara ago. Tho funer al will tako plaoo thia (Friday) morning to tho H. C. ohuvoh horo. Fine Wool Shawls, Heavy Wool Shawls/ Green'ii"Seal Cape and Muff, 16.50 li Storm Collar and Muff, 7.00 Coney Cape, . m . 8.50 Storm Collars, . 3.00, 6,00 and 8.00 Black Fur Trimming, per yard, 40c & 50c " 1.00 lt 8.50 it ti ft Grey " Fine Silk Sealette. ( Men's Persian Lamb Caps, 4.60, 5.50 & 10.00 4.00 11.00 Price. #1.00. 2.75 to 3 60 8.25 3.50 4,25 > 1.50, 8.00 \ and 4.00 25c 50 4.75 3.26, 4.00 and 6.60 3.00 7.00 At just half price. Men's Fine Fur Caps, Goat Robes Very Large, Men's Waterproof Coats, . . Men's and Boys' Fine Ovor-ooats at less than Manu facturers' Wholesale Prices. W&r* We are offering many other Bargains which, we have n< space to enumerate. Terms, Cash. Yours for Bargains, M. J WIGLE&OOl DHNSTja-XT BLOOK. ESSEX Great DreSS GrOods afc wonderful lo\v prices, from 7o. per yard up to (1.26. Blouse Silks 1 34-inch Flannelette, worth" 10c. for 6cM extra heavy twill and plain. Corsets D. & A. for .75c., WOrth $1.00, Men's Overcoats, worth $10.00 for $8.00, $8.00 for $6.00, Men's Pants from 90o to $3.50. Underwear &U wool, for 60c, excells all other values at 65c. Boots and Shoes very LOW PRICES for next 30 days. Hats Men's $2 Fur Felt Hats for $1.00. Groceries Always fresh .and best for least money. $652 80 DISnURSKMttNTS; Cash toTrens. G.S.W. Ex..........$484 00 A. W. Cohoei Sec, salary........ 10 00 E. Plant, Trcns.,-salary......:..... 10 00 Auditors'McAulifle and Guthrie, sal. 400 Directors, each $2.........;...... 24 00 Balance on hand.............. 120 So &. $052 80 On motion of H. llodnolc and G. Lonk, iho roport was adoptod. Tho Dircotor'a1 roporfc wan road and, on motion of Mcuars. Xiomk and Runton, was adoptod. Tho oloofciou of ofiioors Wan thoii pro- ooodod with, voHulbing aa followu: ProHidont, Win.'Ellis. 1-it Vloo-Profiidonli, Goo. Loalt. 2nd VioG-Pt'oHidonfc, J. F. Huston. Dirootori), W. H. Pottur, A. W. Cohoc, E. Plant, A. It. Johnston, E, 13, Wieraflr, 1C. iT. Wilflon, H. ECadriolt, J. Murray and -T, J. Dowhimt. Auditoro, M. MoAuliffo and Wm. Gulh- rio. " Movod by Monflrs. Louk and KuHton.that A. W. Oohoa and I). MaAliufcor hodolo^ateB to tho iiHHoniadon of faim aud oxhihitione at Torouto on tho 17th of Pohruary. Oarriod. , Mooting tliou udjournod. Tho Board of Dirootorw Uion raofc, Alovod by Md.^HrH, ItuHton and Leak, that).A. W. Oohoo bo Hooretary for 1897. * Oarrlod. Movod by MoHar-i.. HodHck nud Potter, that B; Plaut bo treasurer. (Jarriott. The a00rotary vtaa iuetrubted to gat a oorporato houI for the eooioty and tho T-hiB aUoiupt to j-Board adjoutnod. Tho roport of E. Plant, trouuuror of the Groat Sonth-Weatern Exhibitiont wan read u followu: , HKCKUTS.1 Balance on hand from 189^...... .,$290 54 County prant...... .' ............ 600 op North Riding, Legislative grant.... ,400 00 Soutli '; " , .' ...,,380 qo Members' tubscriptionii.,.;,....... 308 ba Gate receipt* .................... 302 00 Booths and stands ,.4............. 30 00 John Heard, who haH heon at tho hoad of tlio firm of John Hoard A Bono, hub and npokfl mnunfaoturom for yoarfl, died at hid homo m 8K Thomaaon Priduy JaRfc and waa buried thoro on -Monday. Dooeaood was 7d yoaro of ana and loavos qui to a larcfn family of grown-up ohildron, among thotn Mra. D. M. Korap, ilrs. G. M. Thbtnan a*id Sam Hoard, of thia town. Tho firm wai forraorly in bmnnon in Aniboratbum MfRH .loaio Huokefct, ohlent daughtor of MtH. J. Haokott, diod at tbo. homo of bar mother in Windsor on Friday Jat of oon- sumption, nftod Oi y^arH. Doooaaod was highly oHtooraod by all who know hor. S*ho had boon iu tho omploy of E. Qornho and J. t). liurk' horo for yoarn as book keeper hut wont to Wmdiior lani spring to dntar. tho omploy of Bartlot. A Maodonald, but waa oompollod to tiivo up work uomo monthn aj^o. Tho romains woro takon to Amhoratburft for intormonb ou Monday. The Best Tea in Market for 25c, if not, money refunded, J. A. FRANCIS. UOOHKSTUK. JoHOph h, ByWoHtro 111 aaulutant post- tnuHtor at St. Joachin. Min Amanda Jjofmuf had boon engaged to toaoh in S. S, No. 0. J, B. Mathers ih iu poimeHHion of tho hottd afclluHoomb Station. W. lCiiiHtor's roHidonco had a narrow Otfoapa from hurninfj ono night ruoently. Mra. Kuiutor had oxtinguluhod the 1mlit, as oho thought, for the night in the Hitting room and rotirod. Durtng tho .night thfc lump exploded and the hro dostroyod a portion of tho carpet, aurtaitiH, mouUliuti around tho window and burnod two largo holoe through tho floor. Two oE tho joietH woro burnod iu two, and then tho tiro wont out. It waa a uarrow onoapo. MAIDS'I'ONK. . Lawyer 1*'. D, DaviH, of Windsor, acting for R. Ir. Soymour, of Muidatono, has inuod a writ against Potor Oorhobt, roovo of Maidstone, alaming Qamagos for h I under, wliioh Seymour allegou Koovo Oorbett uttorod against him during th* luto muui- 01 pal eumpaign iu ttita townahip. Tho oaso will liltoiy aomo up for trial ac tho jury Sittmgn at Sandwich beginning March lfith. ' ;.' Epooial rovival mootinga are being hold iu tho \Vcnloy Methodist Ghurab on tho MuidHtonoGironit oondnotod by the pastor, A. Thibaudoau and M!bs Morton, an ovAtigoliat from .Toronto, Tho moetinga have bflon a glorouu ouooobs, from . the be ginning, tho ohuroh has boon graoionBly bloHHfid and a number have Bought aud found Ohriat. Mihh Morton ia ono of the veryhsBt holpors in Bypugoliatio work, that I havo ovor known ; thero ia neither rant nor oatit nor a great big I about hor. Bho in olear and Mothodistio in dnotrine, OhtiBtHkoin apirifc, lovingly winning .Id manner. She rides no hobbies, aeeho to win sonls not 10 herself but to Christ. A. Thibaudaauv W. H. Konuedy, formorly of Watford^ hae opened up alaw office in tbe corner of, the Aberdeen block. Money to' loan as 5 5J and 0 per oeot., aooordtng to eeourlty. Collecting, conveyanolng and winding up estates, a epooialty; also a number of floe forma for sale,4 R1UT11VKN. . MiHfl Lyppu viaitod AruhorBtburpf thin wook. S. S. Wiglo shipped'oovoral oarH ol pork to Toronto this yveok. MitiB Nollio MoLaron roHUinod hernoUool duties on Monday aftor a wouk'a lllnoHH. Dr. Prod. Wiglo ia Btill vofy low at tho ruBidonbo of hiB Jfathor-iii-law,. Horatio Wiglo, Tbo annivoraary Borviooa will bo hold on Jan., 31t and Peb, let; By roquoat of tbo board, tho paatof, Ilov. Dr. Medd, will botb Horvioos, It ia rumorgd that n oonoert company, oomposod of a quartette and orohiwtru, will be organized in Kuthvon, and take a tour through tho province thibt win'tor, Wilfred bovolaoe and family left Ituth- von for Michigan,'; Tuesday of lat we'ol^ where t|ioy intend ruaidiug for the future., Saturday ovoujng previous a number of Oddfellows of Beaver Lodge, No. 82, o( which Mr. Lovelaoe ia a member, mot &t the hall and marched in a body to his reaidonovaud gave him a farewell surpriee. Mark Whaley, N. G. ocoupied the ohair, and after the usual greetings were dispensed with, an addreeB Was prueented by X. H. Norman. v '. Tuesday evening, Jan, 12th, M. Walnh iuetallod the following officers of Beaver. LodRe :^-N, G., T; Hi Wigle 1 R. 8; N. G;f TT H. Norman,;'Ii.S. jf,,G,;,a. G'asabyne'; y.'G.,'*. Wiglo; R. 8. V. G.; Arthur WRlo i Ii. S, Vi;'G Seotetary, L. Hutohins ; Beov Qflo., Alex. Uyall; Treasurar JC40WIH BousHoy ; L. B. S., Arthur Grant; I.G., Chaa. Eaton ; 0. G Ohsp., S. G. WiglojJ. P. G., Mark Whaley Mnflio was famished by the I. 0, O. P. Oroheatra, Tho I. 0. O. P. flnppor Thnrnday evon- ing (*f laet wot'k wan a oplondld affair. The tablot, woro magniftoently aproad with ovorything tho seaitou afforded to , tompt tho appotito. The pragrakhmo roudorod afterward wits captivating uud waa h'oard with marked pleasure, Mr. Prosrior, of tho gas oity, filled tho ohair. An Important Bdcrot. It in generally aonoodod that tho hand. aomeot advertising pamphlotH isHued by any proprietary medloiao houno in Canada, oomoJrom tbo oflloo of the Br. Wjlliamu' Me'diciuQ Oo.^Brookvillo, Ont.^ and ono which hau jnut reached un is no exception tho rule, Tho eovor ia printed ' Baker arid Butcher. TnK oldoflt bunluonH iu town. J-letabliahft 1B76. Virat-ohiBM broad and eakbs of al kiutlfl. Wotldf n oakeo a epeoiality. Grooeries fnfovlnlonn, Hour,toed, suit and pork. Oonree- lotiory,orookery,K'ii-BHwai-o, Otmnedfruits find voBotaLloH of all kiadn. Goods promptly <ii llvcwidtoallpftrtflof tho town. J, M. HIOKB 101-tf ', " Wheat rod par bushel.... ,8' 75to . 80 Wheat, white ____ 77 Corn .... 21 OatB 15 to 15, Timothy Seed .... 1 80 >fefl Clovor Seed .... -' -150 to 450 $$ Hay por ton............ 8 00to 8 00 Alsiko .... 400 to,4 00 lieof per owt .*..-....... 4'50 to 6'00 Pork Wvo weight........' -. 3 2fi to 3 2q to ia prinieu in aolors, .the mam feature bouig a reproduc tion of painting from the braah of a famous j Gorman artist, outllled " An Important' Keoriit." That 'pamphlet ooutaiua oa{- endora for, 1807, aud 189S, together with a mine of information aH to tho curative qualitifjB of Dr. Willinmo' Pink Pills for Pale People. ThiH, haudaome parnphi?! will bo sent poat paid -to any of our r*ad er wlio wrico their addroBS oh a poat card and mail it to the Dr. WilliamB* Mwdi- oiue Co,, BrooUvillo, Out. Mutton............ 6 00to Hides-............ CMokocs porlb......... s- Buttor .....,------ 13 Lard .......... 0 JUgas, per doz........... Potatoes, per bnahnl . .. 10 to Garrota ..... I Turkeys porlb...;.....; fito Dtioks .......... 500 100 5 13 6 *$- Wetmore Truss. Salo lU^istor. Auotiou Bale of live atock, implemeuts u.o., at lot lo,-caii. 13, Goull* Tuoadav, January 2Gthf atj 1 p. m oouaiataof a horse, oows, heifers, oalvea, brood sows and shoata. P.' Mo- Geo. T. Gammon, aheep, brood bows Oloakey auctioneer; proprietor. A. VeterauU (Story At EigUty Yearn of AgeOue Box of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrhal i'owder Cures i'tf^ee of Fifty. "Sears 'Standing It^Relieves , - Golds and Catarrh in Thirty Minuteu. . George LawiB of Bhamokin, Pa., writes ; uf. am,ejghty yean.of age.. T have been troubled with catarrh for fifty yearsu and in my time have used a great many oatarrh oures, but. never bad any relief untill used Br, Aguew*s Oatarrhal;.Powdef.' .One pox enred me completely, and it gives me^great nlrtaanre to reobmmend it to all suffering W ./ ||^ Tbls TratiB Is reoommeuded beoana lUsBasi&lv to Wear, Otuiaot Got Out of PJaci; can be'USfl^ ia Caaoa Hard to Hold; and aUo In Uaaoa HaalM Itotained. . ,:^/:-v}i'-^^i It ia superior to all others W'the- fojioratf^ lBt It Uas a spring bow that oan hflf adjaste*'1 tosuLttheoaaehji,topresanre,1,' :A!i>-,rS ' Sad It does net go around* tbe hipo out ove- thtmi. Tbe back pad le almoat oppoBite^l* front pad so tbat the prtia&uro 14 evenly "divP - 8rd Any e&fla can bo oued by adjuatjn' { la JighVeaaHyi 1 ust and will atay where Ijj; belongs every; tt ttiid all the time, .' ^ ^v./'/iiV'/V^t^y.^^ ' PartleH In ne(^, ot a .Trow should' M'.*S Wetmore.. :' \'-\.> ' vivv:.'^VtftiitsgM V." .; >'-v\V\v^^^^i^^.^^6 MKM^^^

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