Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 22, 1897, page 3

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S^'v ' -----m&LdiA*'-Ai>r'.i-- ||||l'Tilill|"'"n't lli*llsiWllW*MI|^^ i v Positively Cures COUGHS, and COLDS Inn vurrrMnttlv ihoit ilm. -Ii's n neb -MliiCcrr juiity. lit -laiiu, ouililng ami J^aln.,; lu it3 cilticu. \V*. C. Met oitui'ii A Smi, . , . " liniii.iictto, Quo., I WporHnitlfMnrd-t I'vuv-l'^it.-rnl oitril Mr*. t..Oan;i'iLU(Jr.;jllu,..,ti , lUuMl..Hiuul liionnjital > rf'. -I'-11' HfTTV, ('lininlnt; ' r 1,1 J , \? 3*11 Vtini'tiS'./lVn-Mito. wrliDs: r1!) _, . " ^ t ryny. FHitoi-nl U n Imliit Innilmi'Iu jn r|,|i i hlI'-ii. H nan girun thq uiui"M. jiiiuiiii'itltiii l') ml w) liftTB titiitl It, Ijuiw Imvtm; *i i.kmi t.->>nn i.f Mm lM-nnfU di-nvi .1 fu m m in ili.'lr itui.|il>'i. IkJa atiiUMu i-.i , .tit to tlirttnic, It-i *.,!.! v.-Hii i,if.-. I" i^i v.<'i.ii:-fill. in-[|J It u:t a unii ni..l roUabttH cki'.i i,i'(,),kint|," DAVIS tf /.AWRIiNCK CO.. Ltd. Uul.i Prnni i, Ii j'.i Money 1 Mako it Yoursolf have never seen anytbinr! in tbo papora )ut the Peoplo's Wind Mill; wo_ onlj ii i "PeopleV beoauBtr the inventor nbvor. tentdd it, but lot everybody uho it, froo. \y farmer.oan uiuJtaa. mill liimnalf, uml the material -com pinto will nob oonl >r 810. It ia a npluiidld mill, will pump le don petit wolln. and will Ihh6 lotitfor Ian any mill I over had. Any pnrnon [n get diagrams aud ooroploto dirootionfl an I:'did, by sending 18 fcwoioeub is bo pay pontage, etc., to Francis Ga it. 'Loliiu, Mo.; ho miIIh pumpH alflo, r heir, your wind miHiR^oiu^ would ho |to sell you a pump if you uoe 1 it. It rtainly tisoIghh to pay 8.rj0 or 9(10 for a mill wbon you Can make ionii jnnfc ail for 310.___L think..thurb tiould bo b\n jy ujudu putting tlieno wiIIIh up igh the oouutrv an everybody would Itbem. A ltoudor 46-00 0 JfaeB HodRtfiffflEUpilton, ^hot himlf requires a conntHutioual remedy liba Hoba'flr 8ftrBapfttt^*wlMeiirSitfiOTfiS^HB blood..........-^-i;_ _ hix " -__' >"" ft< Lieufc-Gov. ( KirkpiTtrIo> "o^ .'pntario, undarwent u Buooeaafnl operafclqi\ In a London,' EnJE-^hoapitallwifi week* --:t , The fln^'ar'noating, wbioh mahoB Ayer'B Pilh bo. euey to take,dfs8oly|jB, ironjodiatfi-, ly on reaching the Btomaob^and bo pormits tho fall BtrenRtti and barioflt of- tbojmoiii- olnotobo promptly oommunioated.. Ask your druggist for Ayor'a Almanaoijuftt out. Buo for your divorce ia t\ie United Statofl. Albert L. Widdia, Attornoy at Law uud Solioitor iu Obanoery, 720Obam- bor of Oomroeron, Detroit, Miob. Mibh Oruoo BtoaniH, a young Port Howan lady, waB takiug a un out of a ba^gy i" ler'futher'H barn whnu the ohnrgo explod ed, entering bor dido, inlliotitig a fatal wound. Tho folly of prejudice i frequently hliowu by pooplo who .profor1 to Buffer for yearHruthor than try an advortined romody. Tho millioiiH who hayo no hnoh notionH, take Ayor'b SamRparilla for blood diaoafleH^ and aro ourod- So much foroornmou hodm*. lVertiHini( is aimply aud solely telling |))o whnro tbo ri^hfc ^oods and ri^ht [ice can bu fouud. l*oor t^oodH will not id goad advertising, booauHO ndvortis. is truth tolling. Advortisin^ ia a \b of oommubication. It is hiatory, iewB, or both. It doenu't ohanga tbo ids or the Htoro it udvortiKod in the [htoiit do^rue. Tbo bent that advertiB* oan do in to *oprauent tho goodB or the re in a porfectly jdBt and vivid way. le more perfeotly the advortiHinji rellucta goodri and tho HpJrit of tho adyortiHor, bettor udvortiHiun ibis. If it miu- ircHontw by rouflon of either inadequacy lexa^uratiou, it is had advertising. If Idbetm'cHhow thb'goodti aB good a they fe, it in bad. If it showB thorn hottor than >ey are it ia porhupH, even worso. Bead le advurtmoiUontH In Uuh Ihhuo. Toll the lerolmnu that you miv/ thoir adyortiHu- tent in Thb Fjikk Piikhb. It won't hurt lou and will do ub good. Another Smart Woman. My buuband in poor but proud and ho 1068 not want m? to worlt; aa I huvo uotli- lg to do I net reatleeu, and aftor roadiug your paper Mm. lluobdira oxpqrienco [elhng Holf-hoatina ilutironH I conoludod I rouid try it. I wroto to J. F. Canoy ife Jo., St. LouiB, Mo. and thoy troatod mo eo licolythutl feel vory tnuoh ouooura^d. iH Hoott aa I>fiot my Hiunplo Iron I titarted but and aold 8 irona tho Jirut day, oioarin^ $12. 1 huvo not sold loon'than eight any day einuo, and one day 1 Hold 17. I now havo 8225 clnar mouoy, and ray huHbund doeu not kuow 1 havo boon working, but I urn afraid ho will bo mad when I toll him. Havo I done right or alionld I quit work and havo him struggle alono ? An Anxious Wife. You arc doing juttt right, your hunbund should bo proud of you, go right ahead and whow tho world what an onorgotio wo man oan do. .That BoU-heating iron munt bo a wontJorful nollcr, aa wo hear of ho many that aro flueoouuftil soiling it. '15-00 <? O O n MENTHOL PLASTER Ilitivii ).;diitI)iii(I Mi ulluiirinaliTliiiiiiiimlHtr Vif cumn (if ji'iiii:il,:M ;nnl rln'tiiii;i(l>; j-'tltiu. ami im\ vnry lull) Ii itI:Tju. 'I ulili t)i<) vltiwtn mul r-li'iiBiillhUi'iUOf iLmilJiilliMtt'ili. W.Jl.CAHI'KM- ll.ii. M,l>.. Iloli-l Ox/ortl, Uokinn. I I hJVil nicil Mrtlltllnl 1'mfltl'lH In Brvrnil C!1S/'U /irniunciilnr lii.iiiiiiiUlniii, m,i| ilml m uvury cnua ilniHt('iiv>tnlni"it[!iiilHMl inn] jK.'riiiaiiiintrclliif. J. M. Mi'i'iti: M.D . W:iHtiiiii:i*iri. P.O. It Cnn:!iKH;ill.M, X.uni)ititror Neu- ruUflJi' 1*11 Idh in 'iliiflc ui> Hi tin, or any MiiHonliir rafnu, Wind | Diivlu *t IjiiwroiHN) C.f XAtl, 0 co o o e Tho Now: Hook Spoon Free to AH. I roud in tho ChrlHtiuu Standard that Mibh A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Louia, Mo., would ivo an elegant plated hook upooii to unypnu Hondlng hor ton li-aont Htttinpa. I bouo for one and fouud itno uho ful that I showed it to my frieudd, and made 813.00 in two bourn, taking ordora for the Hpoou. Tbo book apocm Ih a Iiouho- hold necessity. It oannot slip into the dinh or oeoking veaaul, bulug bold in tho place by a hook on tlio buck. Tho Hpoon ih Homothiug that houflekooponi havo nopded ovor ainoo upoona woro tirafc invontod. Auyoue'oun got a hiittiplo hpooj by Hooding ton 2ooiit BtutnpB to MiHfl 1'ViU. Thiw is a aploiidid way to make money around homo. 46 l!)t Vory truly, JicxNNKrrK 8. Correct Attire for thu Bridegroom "A mx o'clock church Jwedding, when the brido weitrw a traveling tfown, and there ia to bu no roooption afterward, oalla for afternoon droHB on thb'purti of the bride groom," writeH Walter Gornaaiu in tho Juuuury Ladies' Homo Journal, "Ho ahonld, ovou if lie Ih going right from the ohureh to the train, wear frock coat of black, light troueom, gray glovou, light four-jn-h&i)d or Aioot tie, top hat, juat ub if tho wedding wore to bo a largo afternoon oft-air." Marry This Girl Quiolc, . I Haw in your paper that a lft your old boy made 81.2fi tho flrnt hour he worked HelUug tbo Perfootlon Metal Tip Lampwick. I ordered a Bamplo and wont to work and tbo Mrfitj^aa^i otofrod 810, tho Hucoud week I oloarcd 81S. I oxpeot to run up to 825 u woek in tho near future, au thu Por- featloii Motal Tip Laupwiuk makoH Hu.oh u boatitiful white light and donH away with Hinoltoy ohimnoyn and bud odor and aavoa oil, u in oaay to Roll. If you winh to try it aond IH two-cent HtampH to Mine A. M. Fritz, Station A, St. Lonia, Mo., and flh<> will Hund you suuiplo.nutflt, tliii! ia a good way to make money around homo. -Mibh Tina W." 4fi-I3t. You Can Ho Well When your blood ih pure, rich and nonriah- ing for norvoa and rmiBoloa, Tho blood in tho vital fluid, and whou it in poor, thin and impuro you muat oithor anffur from Borne iliatroHfliug diaeiiHoor you will oahily fall a victim to HUddon obangoa, oxpoauro, or overwork. ICoop your blood puro with Hood'a BurHapuriUn. und bo well. Hood'B Pilla aro tho beat aftor-dinnor pill; aHHiHt diffoation, euro hoaduoho. 2fie. ' Malco Your Own Lantern. Your houio ih iueomplotu without it, and tho piico in within reach of all. I ordered ouo for my own uho and it wa no haudy and convenient I wout to talcing oidorH for them aud nold 51 in one day making ovor 5 olenr. It givof* a beautiful white light, oliimimyfl noyor break from boat, it in alwayii clean and ready. Fruuoiu Caaey, St.. Louis, Mo., will aond sample for 13 two cout Qturapn, .write for one. I got my utart from him. -15 111b Gi:onoK B. 9 a 3 1'ho o0iao devil had bnon reading .abont ' Clara Ward'a ciaeapado in JRuropo with h'er gyp ay lover and otuok bin haail into tho Bauotum long epougli to ay: "Tho Princeaa "she may* havo aoen better dajn." A Onurn That Ohurns in one Min- '.." ' ntp. "'ijiavo buon in the dairy buuinoeH all my life'and have many timrm oliurued.fbr an hour before butter would appear,-o wlion II heard of a churn that would oliurn in ,a pninutivl ooiiolnded to try it, Everyday tor a week 1 uand it., and not only could I |shurn m a minute, but I ftat more and Vetter butter than with ihe common churn. lie ia very importaut informatiou to liter makerH. Tne churn worku eauily id will churn an ordinary ohurning in )a than aixty Heconda, I havo noid t.wo izrju bf tlioho ohurnrt in tliw punt-mouth, Every buUor maltor tli*t hiui', huu mo fohuru in leaa than a miuuto' bought one. You can obtain aUdoairori information re- r.'igardmg ilio-ohuui by addroeaiiig J. F. ^"Casey & Co,, St. Louia, Mo., and tboywill jive you prompt and.coiirtcouH attention. ' \4ft.Q0. A Dairyman. u oi ii vtw wcmiii in (ioia Ih the TeBtimony of Fruidc S. Emorick of .Alvinaton, Out. Suya South Amoriouii Kidnoy Cure Saved Hiu Lifo-It re- liovua m Six LloiiHf). ' "For two yearn I wuh grnntly troubled with kidney dinciiuc. I uuffred iuteuae pain, and frequtiiitiy waa unable to work. 1 dootonul at intervalu, but, qot little or no relief. I began to grow worm1, and tho paiiiB were frcquntit' and hUouho. About thiu tniio I Raw South /Vm&rican Kidnoy Ouro tidvovtiHod hh a apcudy rolipf for all kidnoy troubles I purchitHcd abottlo, aud it gave monvoudurtal relief iu it.few houra. liuiprevod hteadily and after taking'four Ixittlen I nm cumplctoly curod. I conaid- fcr it worth It'i weight in gold, for it nijaurodly uaved my life." Sold by John Tharno.' Tho population of Toronto according to a compiler of a diroutory, ia 250,000. ; H. H. Cook him boon nominated for tbo Common!] by Eaat Simooo Liborala. VV. L. Soott, Maatory in Chaucory at Ottawa, hua douido it knotty quoH . tion an to whether P. Muliou or lna wif died iirat in a drowning aooidout,. As. tbo buobtlud waV)'foinKLwith-,tho,hody_ol! bin little boy olanpod ui bin uwiib, iho Maattr doiudod that he,muat havo died ^flrnt, br- hin effortw would bo hamporodby tho boy. ...JIM 6o Washington Ave, DETROIT, MICH. Treats All Diseases of Men and Woman. [.If ortiinary tron-tmonfc bail failed to relieve you. or If you aro tired of beinij hurnbuBe(l aud bidtreated by ^uaoka rtnd luipostbrs, consult utt. Wb hav6 made the troutuaont : of nil ohronlu JBeaaeB the statly of our life. If you are iuaoeil of boueap treatment we wJH ivo It you. Our (taff .conBlflte of bqvod emlnaut npoolaUnta, and tholr uomblnod wlBdona ifl brouebt to boar In all WMhpJ^onteiJ, difflijplt.or doubtful chpob. OnnBiiltatlon froo either nt Xnetituto or by mail. If |youoftDot*jall, Send fltanip for qileatloti blank." , , '" ". J .'. Oor bbRrgefl for treatmout vary from *ri to flfio por month either by mail or at Inatltuto- If'O&lv curable oiisea aro aaaoptod, and a cure ia guarantoad iu every ooao uudertakeu. ., flp-;4'P S.^tSPUd inotmtb for our little Upturn bod booklet on Uteam ISobalizatlou , Bbbwiag tbo fjoniy rfttlonal andBueoeBsfal troatmont of Catarrh,Oatarrbol deafuosa, Bruuobltis, Asthma uud .",' GARI8H^OOK BINblNOS, i TMt mdJbt DUllktfd . Booke hivo n Hffht to bo, flrat of all, ' books; "^not purvey or a of vyblmeios in oolor-pDd derign, !Aa mattfrflax^cat tbia inomeijt ^hre%iartors of ;lty&\ tipi/f bro^f^^ok'.nioiQ:sliko BomQ/StrnDgo <& trfl^oBla tfaut tpaa llko ovoryday odl- btefl. "Ton tflko up ono, aud it has tho air of a ourious ragout; there aro un known fragmoata of dofllgn floating in afianooof quoor olemontal color. Tho noxt ono has nn air us honest as apple Banco at first glance; 'tis a pale groonlflh thing, but presently you flee that tho trail of a serpent Is over all its border. And who oan hope for content from a dlflh than garnished? Again a book, and tbifl one burns bright rod and yellow, iiko a pudding on Aro with cognac, wbioh is all vory woll for a pudding. Another hnfl acovor which lookH like a ronisting beofteuk poundod by tho ntorn hand of fato in u boarding house; anothor rominds you irresistibly of coffoo wherein ohiokory han too much inBorted its diluting aid and oroiim is misfling. Bnt, first and lust, tlio now books aro ovor moro prono to rosomhlo Hinall plots of deouptive atage vordurc than honoflt, Himplo soulod bookH. It ia iinpoaaiblo to help doubt ing tho value of tho lUorury pasturage to bo found in suoh incloHiires. Fortu nately one ia BomotimoH moat joyously donolvod. Authors have littlo "say cononrning tho garb of their volumes, and often thoy rieo Rnperior to tlio moohuniou) makers of books und rojoieo tbo souls of thoir roadurfl in Hpito of tho bindinga. And it must bu ropoutud that in tho prcHent bizarre and oxooksivo faiioies in binding thoro ia seed of abounding hope for tho future. Publishers nro groping for something; few of thorn know what. But thoy will loam, and the world Will bn nmdo glad by n gonuino revival in tlio lovoly old half forgotten' craft of bookbinding. In that happy coming day thoro will bo grout honor for the men who load tho tuato of this country to ward bettor things in bookbinding, nlm- 'Bos ton TrauBorjpt. QUESTION OF LUCK. ' A Citation Thnt CIIiioIumI the Otlior Bltit> itt the Arffiitnont. "I hato to hour pooplo yuy thoro's no such thing as luck," romarkod the mel ancholy Mr. Dolittlo, "1 don't see why, V hirf wifo rejoinod. "Boouuflo it isn't trno," ho rotnrned with aspority. "A man dan go on try ing and trying and novor got along, aud Homo otbor porsou will go ahead and tnmblo into good things without making.any effort whatovor.1.' "Hinim, no groitfc man has snooooded without hard work," "That's tho kind'of talk you always hear, But nine times out of ton it is all owing to the opportunityJihat prosoutod itself. Fortune just Kpoiiis to lie in wuit to kidnap somo mon, Look at Sir Isaac Nowton. His name is hundod down from generation to gonerntion. And why?' Simply booauuo ho was sitting tmdor n troo, and mi applo happenod to drop on him. You can't protend that a man is in a position to claim superior morit simply bconuso, through no no-' tion or preference of his own, ho gets hit in tho head with an apple, can you?" "No, Hiram." "Thou don't toll mo about thoro not being any such thing as luok." "It Hooms to mo thnt you'vo chosen n poor oxnniplo in support of your argu ment, Tho oubo of Isaac Now ton goes to show that tbo difforonoo is in tho pooplo. Hit had boon somo-mon that I know of instoud of Nowton, tlio Jlrst thing thoy would havo dono aftor tho applo fell would havo boon to gointo tho houso and moan for tho nrniaa bot tle; thou thoy would Jmvo spout, two or three hours of precious timo talking about their bad luok. " Washington Star.. _________': My Hln. Stand in the public thoroughfares gazing at anything real or imaginary* and tho dozons who gather round you will multiply soon into hundreds, and, if yon Hlick to it, perhaps thousands. A crowd nfl big an tho stroot could" hold -enoiroicri u sign painter tho other day, They rallied in curious oxoitomonfc and dispcTBed iu disappointed disgust. "My Bin," in huge, iiuming lottors, was what tho paintur had already printed. If ovor-n crowd was bont on anything,'it was on the disoovery of what that, sin was, Thoy asked each other .what it might bo and hazarded 'Bughkou, while tbo man laid by bin rod paint pofc und>brought forth grcou iu- Btoad. What would tho noxfc word bo? ' Tlio crowd grow so exoitod that thoy .culled to tho man, "What is it?" "Toll ns," "Go on," "Hurry," "Paint quick if you won't talk," until ifcuoomodho .might grow too print any thing. But ho. did, ^ Ho printed out in small green lottora, added to tbo gigantio "Sin" tho' sylla- blo "glo," and when tlio sign was oom- ploto it road, "My single aim is to noil at nominal proilt." Pouruon's "Weekly. ^f.j()i1- , ita nn *tj rtlii 1 highly respected all through ,thai lection* HrtmrUT^Ja fTlfflto^rPoV 7$ yeari, and haa been ra>)dntj;of 1 the 8ablna Bai k SO yeafft ^Ha.gladly testiflea to the merit of Hood'a,Sawa- parilla, and what he. aaya la worthy : attention. All brain - workon ') And : Hood's Sarsapi rllla peculiarly adapted to their needs/ It'nmkc pure, ric^, \ red blood, anc from this conies nervu, mental, bodily and digeatfve atrengtli. "I am glad tq aay ithat Hood's Sartup*- rllla la a vry good medicine, etpeoUlly aa a blood purliler. It hai done me good 1 rnany times. For several years I ibffared greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and abont'my templei, a*- peefally at night when I had been haying a hard day of physical and mental labor. , I took many reniedleaybut found help only hi Hood'a BarBnparllla whloh cured me W rbeumatlsm, neuralgia and headache. Hood'a Baraaparilla has prored Itsolf a true friend. I also lake Hood's Pilla to keep my bowels regular, aud like the pill* very much." &AAC Lbwis, Sabine, Ohio, H cod's Sar&aparilla IWie One True Bl.-od Purifier. All druggists. $i. Prepared only by C. I. Hood St Co,, Lowell, Mass. u i r^"i are prompt, efColent and ilOOCl S PlllS easy In effect aooent*. A London paper recontly offered a prize for tbo bout definition ot "friond". Thin in the prize definition : "'the HrHt j.) or hod who coineH in whou tbo whole world h&n (,'ono out," WUHtnKM'.in IVlra. liarkloy, the Wife of Captain Hnrkloy, Well-known Lake Captain of Owen Sound, Out., Tells How Iw Grippo Left Hor, and How Often Doctors Guvo Up Hope and Hor family and I^rieuds Dn- hpairod of Her Itooovory The Groat South Amorioim Nervine wan the Boa- . col wbioh Direoted Hor into tho Good Health Harbor. "About four yeara ays I wuh iiflliotod with a Hovoro attuok of la grippe, whloh loft m* almost a oompkto wrook. I wan p/otitratod for weeka,, I ilootored with uuvend phyHroiauH and uh*-d many remodton bat nono had any lasting cffot. Many fiietulH bpg'in to bn alamiad for my ruoovery. Tho doctors shook their bonds, and held out little hope. I wits attracted by up advertisement of South American Nervine, and as my r,roublo wuu of a ner vous nature I deoided to try .It- Tbo tirst bottlu bo pod mo greatly, I pormyrtid iu its uho and this yroiit romody lias completely built up my nyntom, and I positively duolaro iliat it is thu only remedy that gave mo any relief," Sold by J. Thorna. It in Homotimen tho habit of "ontorprifl- iiijl;'* piiniono who do-iro to do u^mo ohoap advorti^iiifj, to Ht>unp bank bills -panning through their bauds; othora murk lottory on thutu from various motivoH. Tho follow- iug Bf-'Otiou from the'Bunking Act nhould bo a Huflioiout bint; 13very person who in any way dot aeon any Domiuion or Provin cial iiofci.*, whether by writing, printing, drawing or atampuig thereon, or anything in the nature or form of an advertisement, ' shall bo liable to a penalty not oxeooding .twenty dollara" A penalty also attaches tontauiping cliippiug, outting, or in any way defacing coin, anothor point which is Hjmutiiuuii forgotten by thoughtlouy per- sous. ---------------t^iml~*-------------- ' lk>fir( Vulvu Mi:iv In A Dtiy. .Guahloto Attend to Hor Daily Duties-And a Great Sufferer from Heart Trouble Induced to Try Dr. AgnowV Curo for tbo Heart, and It Provod a Wondtr Worltor These urn the . words of IUry. W. T* ltundlo of Duuiiulk, Out.; 'T win; a groat Huf'feror witn hovoih pain in tho roi>ion of my heart. For \i time I win i[uilo im&blo oaiLond to my honuohold iliuiue. I wan indnoud to try Dr. Agnow'u Cure I'or tho HiMi'i, and I minit day the rimuIt. was woiiderful. Tlie puin immoiliatitly left mo, and after tho .firnt day 1 baye bud no pain or tronlilu luneo." Wold by .1. Tliocno. 'Hamilton'H debt is 3Jl;10p,OrO. Winnipi'g will lay. tun miles of now m a- oadain paveiuont tins yoar, . IVIiHM Eliza Damo, of Bollovillo.wa'i burn ed to death.. Sho full with a eonl oil lump iu hot' hand while alone iu tho hoimo. . JfUHt Xittttl II HlKlnV. She bKished prettily an slio told tbo sister' of .her host young man that sho thought hIio would buy a birthday proH- onfc for him. "You know him bettor than I do," shOHiiirt, "ho t oamo to "yon for advice. " "Yos," said tbo'sistur inquiringly. "Oh, yos, indoodl What would yon advise mo to gbfc?". "Oli, I don't kuowl? replied tho sis- tor carelessly. "I could only advisoyou in general'terms.' From what I know of hhu, however, ho.will appr^oiate mo">"* thing that can bo easily pawned bettor thaii Horn tithing tbufc oumiot." Poar^ son's Wdokly. , / By the law of Scotland the buehee or Shrubs planted in the garden ____ tho landlord, and the tenant aanuo move The point We wish we could make everybody believe that promptness is prevention; that there should be no de-, lay 'when-you are losing flesh and when you are pale, espec ially if a cough be present. The continued use of Scott's Emulsion in the early stagesof lung .affections .does prevent the development of .Con sumption. Your doctor will tell you this is true; and we; State it XvJffioStIVtSffirig^tci inake any, false claims pr; false promises. Free bobk ^anupT ;ri', Q^:'^ ^pojj. &'B6.WNB,iDii9^i*i,pnt,-";'j///(" i -thom at'.'theeud.of'.his^.tenano^;'; '^.iv'-'v English la-w;is-the':Barae' on :^h^^;i':.y,'],\-;\-:'-":\-:' :: . 'i-\/::'^ "/If?:* BUY a Stove until yon sea the new stock at ^ $fe !W MgMUERAY'S. Seethe Oxford's Stoves, Best in the WoHll. Manufactured '1 by the G-urney Foundry Co., of Toronto,-(both Wood and :^ Goal). We have them in Stock, Ourpricea aro the lowest, 0*all ta3.<3L Inspect. r-M General Tinnmithing and Repairing attended to. Save - T rouglaiag, Sso^1 tl^^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex- . Building* ? Wi -^"*<r. I Wo oan supply you \vith_ajl kinds^of Woodon Material, plain and ornamontal. Pine, HunHock and nafcivo iumbor alwaya on hand. Shinies, Codar Posia Doof|-< Gash and Coal. ^Get Your Storm Doors and Windows _.MadB Mow.- Laing Bros. iqec ^<^iiaas&>oti^iiao:co D K , DISEASED K THOUSANDS thoir boyhood dnyfl or onrly rnmiho<\d with il eiuli of tomorao. Thinpimt lifoiifl "ono ot tho bt ^USE will brlnK u ifloh Imrv^Bk, Hlorui aridLPrtviitupl\caBenmt\> tlio vory Hr<wintl vitality. Tholtfiioi-aiicoofourlyyontli, or IntoronninitJiipnrit lifoiifl "on* of tho boys" huauowa tluiwoiulH for fillunt hultorinff. SELF ABUSE iw n turribliwiiii iijjnbiBt nature nnd of yonnir mon. tnlddln iurod mon antl old mon cun look book nt of the victim, lna (Uhwisob: Our NKW Mia'UOI) THIUTMKNT will poHltlvoly curo all tbo follow. 5 VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMJNAL WEAK- K NESS, PIMPLES, LO8TMANH00'DrUNNATURAL K 6 DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AMD BLADpER DISEASES: ft fl DC Vflll 9 NKUVbuaimililonpAndontvwoiikorcbibilltiitod; UrwlmornlnRAi o flnC lUU mhbitioii oxollnblinmd irrij tnblo: ttyoii tuniumi. rwl mid lituncd; iilinuloHoii tncf, ilruamn' nnd niulit Iohkoh; reat- lemi; Iiiwifiirtl looltinc; WMikliriok, bono iminn: hair lunuo; ulcunt; wore throat; vwlco-.. ,, coin; dopoHitiu uriuntmd dnilnn ut. Mnnl: (lli'lrtiiitriilj wnnt. of eimddimcoj lack of. f% cnorKymidfltreiiBtb-M/e' OAN CURE YOU OR ASK WO PAY, , : ff S CURES GUARANTEED OR MO PAY CONFIDENTIAL-:S k "SWATCHED- "FROM THE": CRAVE: &rSi^aits4&tV&'^-i a flnuUirii uud iiorviitoiiii.ii by tin* h:ow VvlLlmut liouoliti miiiurtioart una urniii8nicreafltHi.'.!| $X lbomuniianorvonu wroolc,. A frioml wh"t liiui luv.iuciirnd by .J>rH. Kimni'ily & ICorga^l ot n iiiniiliir tlinniRO, ad vino* I i\w Lo try tlicm. 1 did no und in two month a wm poaltfrfcvil jy on rod. Thin wan cilifbt yiMiro aj;o. 1 tun. now murriud uud bnvu .two hbalthy staJjui'^ ron."-0. W. LKtVlB, fciiitfiimw, .. ,^,^ UADIPflPCI C Pimm "VorloottrtloroiwloUfonliponiblo. I v/eu^;1 Vnn|uUuLLL UlliVC'J. uorvoiiu(oyi<ifHUnluJiit bm*bi'ul in nooldl-y, bair, thin.'.'^ v doftnibltlmi. l^io 'floldou Moitltor' oix.nvd my o^m. Tlio N|iw'MW1iodTri)atmont ot" ,{. llviid on whloh .. BOlnir Konuody , .. _. _^...............__________ .... _______ Bblf-ubnsa*; 1. took-tliBjNow Motliod 'l'rontm'ontrniid-.TTBi'Curd.L My,.' . T '\\r ir. luid nnppod my vitn.........,___ . - frlondB think Iwnnoarodof ooimnmntioii. .f Imvo nont thoni many imtioats, Oil ot whom' wori*> onrod- 'X'boir Now, Mothod 'JLVoutinont auxtplloa vigor, vitality .and If umiilioot! = SYPHILIS CURED.. ibIti tr kl. , ruturiuMl. Kyo rt^d, pimples mul blotehonon tin* akin,.ulpom ibm, fullli - s R "Thl torrlblo blol dlncnHo wna in my ftyntcmi for'olshtr yourfl* Hud tulivn morcury for i^uyuarH, biit'tliooiswttae JV.. ,.*.,,.....__MHul blototionon tlio Bkln, wlpom in tbo month and on tonuno, bobo paum, fulllwr out of lialr, woal:netn. oto/ illy brotbor, who had boon' " :f. Oloot uud Ktrlottiro by-'Pra, Kennedy and Korffiui, rooijmmendpil.thorn. ' u fow wrt(ik, uud i, tliuu' diflulmu in el* yoiiru." Jtiaknou., 1 onrod^of Olcot uud Ktrlottiro by- Vrn, Jiennedy and Karfpuil'.ttObmmendeu.thom Thoyourotl mu in u fow w/wkn, uud i, tlmuk dud >1 conmutal tliom.. Pjoroturn of tho; rffaf l>7 YEARS IN DETROIT. 2'6o,OOp CURED. NO RISK. K" DCAT^CPT Are yon a, victim? Havo^yon town1 hoJ>? Ara yoa oWomnlatlnff.V.W ' 'nCrtl/s-fli.malTlago?1 Huu yourbiooi IwondiBmiHod/ lUivo yoti tuiy woakuossr ' H _ Oar Now Mothod Troatinnnt wlU qnro y^u., Whia it ha dono for otbura it will do for/'." *oti, CONSULTATION FREE, No mnttor who'.naa treiitoa-ycnij.write fo^ui'.'hoDMt'-"' opinion Froo of Charffo.. Chflrtfoa misaiiuhW.. BQOKSFfmE:^'ITkoGoWett Moult*^ D I mm^^smm itnT^N CONSENT* PR|k. ameo on boxoe orenvol-^' H< (illufltrBtod), on piecaaoa ot filon.lnolosG.pofttHm!, iJ con BS VATfi, Nomodlplneeont C,_0* Dk Wonai ________,, 0' fibas, ' EVotythlnar confW^ntlal.v Quoatlon :M8t.:u>d,;icbdt.iOf VH ^VIJ"JP^ w4m am

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