Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, page 9

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> /, ' * ft i; e X Happy Ney Year TjO JLjLIX. . m Now Is The Time When overybody should start the Now Yeur ^ it ' ^y fading whoro they can got tho best and ^ most value for their dollars..........*... 301bH. Mixtd Oandy for............31 00 M 16 Iba. Oroum Candy for....... 10 lb. Fanoy Croam Gaudy for, /gOuuh Com for............. lflCana Peas for............. 10 CaiiH 11 ulled Com tor....... 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 H Cans Salmon for................81 00 l'J BoltkuKxtract of Lemon........ 1 00 12 do .Vanilla.......... 1 00 8 Bottles of Pioliluu................ 1 00 H Bushels Potatoes................ 100 !l Bushels TurnipH.................. 1 00 The Reason we sell so CHEAP is that we DO A CASH BUSINESS. t$s* Oall ourly nud fiol tho anapa. _ Goo Ih Dohvorod. Tolophono OoimooLion. WILCOX & BROWN, SCOTT BLOCK. The Essex Freo Press, BftEYT A. AULD. PROPRIETORS. rFHIDAY, JANTTAUY 8, 1807. Tim now County Council \w|I mtot on Tuosday1, .Taw nary 2<>th, ' ^ffl Ari. municipal councils" moot for organi zation cm Monday next at 11 a^rn. Thk town public uohool boards moot for organization on Woduoiidny, January 20th, at 7 p. m. TpwNHHiP agricultural uuciotio fiwill hold thoir annual mooting on Wednesday next '"V at lp. m. and RidinR sooiatiou will moot ou Woduenday following nt tho name hour, tho South Biding Socioty mooting ut KinRnvi'Ko and tho North Hiding at Woodslno. AccouniNo to tho proviMona of tho County Councils Act, tho County Clark '. flhdll iittoud fit tho Couuoil Ohamltor m tho uourt house, Samlwiab, on Monday novt, at 1 p. m. to publicly doduro olootod tho County Couucillorn having tho highont number of voton. Now tiut tho mombots of tho Esuex County Council tor 1807-0*1 havo boon olootod the noxt quomion ih who will bo Wardou for tho two yearn. While othur namos aro mentioned, wo bohovo tha moHt ontitlod to it ia John T. Brown, of Goattold North, and tlioro are many reasons wny ho Hliould bo elected. Air. ^Ji*>wu ban hold a seat in tho County Couuoil continuously fliuoe 1888, has boon a member of nearly all tho important oommitleos and chairman of suvoral, in woll qualillod to hold tho portion and m ropronontalfivo of a townuhip that ban novor had tho honor of haviug a Wardou. Tho North Hiding had tho Wardouehip last year and tho ofhuo should go' to tho ' South Bidiug turn your. Wo bohovo, if Mr. Brown in olocted, ho will make an cflioioct presiding ofliour. 't PannorH' Iimtltuton. The Farmers' Institute for North Ehbux will hold a ono day'n acsnion at Windsor to-morrow (Saturday) and at South Wood- 'uloo ou Monday. Tho South IShaox Insti- tnto will hold thoir moetiutfs at Kmgnvillo on Tuesday and Wodncmlay next. The following ia tho programme for tho latter mooting" : Tuesday afternoon Promdoiit'a addroun of woioorao *, Prof. J. U, Pantou, "Spray- ;yil w'jyi when and how;" Ifiaao A. ViRlo, "Experience in foodiu^ for tho pro duction of milk"; Win; Smith,"ElomentH of HiicjooHB in farming. Tuoiiday ovoninc . O. Palmor, "Tho education of the farm- ;" Wra. Smith, "Cultivation of tho noil, ring and fall;" J. II. Paiiton, *'Shiftiug ^ha land raarlcB in agriculture;" M. K. Cowap, M. P., Dr. S. A. Kmu, .1. A. Auld, M. P. P.> and othoia uru expootod to bo ,'preflont. Excellent rauaic will bo furniBh- rod, Wra. t Smith, i1'Brooding and euro of iiliuop ;" A. M. f^lu, "Young men ou tho farm, their ohanoea of huccoob ;" J. H. Pan ton, "A whoat grain;" Goor^o Cady, "Fruit grow ing in oounootion with tho farm." Vadnaaday afternoon JonaH Hobinnou, roadnii; and fooding of oattlo ;" Wm. jiitli, '-Brooding and oaro of hoavy flOi;" fliobard 111 ado, ' Tho Silo ;" J. H. Ijton, Hubjaat to bo choaun by hiainolf. / Uivnadlaii. Tho Ontario Logidlaturo will moot on Wednoadny, February 10th., i 0.15. Pefiloy, Q. C, tho well known Chatham lawyer, died on Sunday luat. \fu,\noa Fawoett, aattlo doalor at Dnnn- Hho,oommittod nuioido m n fie of doopond- |eoay. Orlando BiihIi, a prominent choono man. lifftottiror ii uq doalor of Komptvillo, has ^BBignOd, Jobn Lowou, of liranfcford, who foil iyxi fv buggy a day or no ago, diod of his iriue. K^rnati uamod Apollidoro St.Pioiro of tpineuuvill!), Quo., com mitt ud ouloido ut ftiat Portugo on aeoount oil mirifortunofi iu his lovo lifTitlrH. The Couvout afc Koborvul.Lako St-John, Que., waadoatroyod by tira ou Tuodday light and ad Suvou nun*) aro miaalug it ia slieved they perished iu the flsunea. Tho following promotions m the nohoolii givon bolow havo boon approved of by In- upootor Maxwell. KHrilCX, Div, TTt Cuida Wilhamn, tnaohnr Jr. ,!rd to Sr. 3rd May Beoman, Curl Oormloy, Mabol PlullipH. Sr. '2nd to Jr. 3rd Alfrotta Cory, Bohhio Bmolair, Maud Hohmnon, AHa Ilowdon, Div. Ill, Blmihic AitohoHou, toaelior. Jr. lind to Sr. 2nd Aunio Wilkinuou, Nellie Groan, Vornia Tannloy, Oharlon Auld, Harry Crutmwaller, Duucan Wightman, Floyd Snirion, Albeit Wolfe, Arthur Oallam. Div. IV, Clara Craiuiivollor, touohor. Pfc. II to Jr. and Adalliokn, Cordon For- aytho, Alona Siouo, Mary Wyman, Frank STontig, Ilolona Wortlcv, Maud Willahor, Herbert Gardner, Pearl Booman, John lOtidtaco, A/,\lb Ureout Clara Hall, Otto Campbell, Flnr- uco Duan. Diy.V.Kffio Hall,touohor. Jr. Pt.II to Sr, Pt. II Winnio Wigle.Nolho Flowing, Eva Stottit, Franlcie Brown, Webster Rhyn- droHti, .Tonopfi Wortloyr~TvItiggio Crow, Johu MoDou^all, Mary Siuolair, Anniu UhywiroHii, Wm. Sarpplo, Nottio Wight man, Julia Tumor, Jauo Itohinnon, Poiirl Oliver, Earl Ilanuau, Gortio Loo, Frankio Hart. Fimt to Jun. It, II. Gracio Wiglo, Richard WmJdmgton, Nolli -Lippott, Nellie Linton. Bernard Brady, Wilmor Foruytbo, Willie AnderHon, Elvira Wothorlj, Bortie Naylor, Fred. Tanuley and Laura Tiaugb- man. Firat claHH, part I Gortio Robinuon, Minnlo Groen, Elmo KuhIi, Blako Agia, Viyinn Vance, Hattio Sinclair, Mina Mc Caffrey, Mabel MciCreory, Fred. Wadding- ton, Elrnor Elunnon. KINUSVIIXn. Div. II, Maggio E. A. Loo, toaohor Althoa Shoploy, Grace WjoJiwish, Jiimou BeJeun, Mary B. Wiglu, Ella Brunor, Mugfjio, FJoronce Cowan, Hoy Borutch, Stella Mihhih, Dayton Quick, Morloy Fox, Lulu Groinur, Garnet Wigln, Liz/Aii LaFartuno. Div. Ill, i\r. Aloxiim Mulheron, tuaohor. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd Alhu MoDouald. J oh uphiuo Stanton, Maud Maynard, Lena Malott, Dolhort Qaiok, Chan. Heath, Eva Couldin, Solomon V-'lglo, Div. Ill, Sarah G. Brown, teacher. Jr. '2ud to Sr. Bertha Holloms, Curu Quid;, Mary Heath, Grace Harrington, Eurio Ilarrin, Johio Wiglo. Sr. 2nd to Jr. Hrd Iriulo Fitch, Eddio Hwoot, Clara Warnur,. Win. Longland. Lulu AngiiHtino, Allio Skorntl, Eriiowt MuKay, Gertrude iiuotlmm, Muud HoratL'h.Ciay Cooper, Guy Brown, Reginald IUrrw. Div. V, Mary A. Matoalf, to'icher, Pt. II to Jr. 2nd Buuohur Brunor, Aurehau Swoot, Offa FurgUHOu, Win. Rumble, Roy Buitrand, Colin Knnnody. cor.cni:htrcu noinn. No. 1, Ida Burk, teaohor.Jr. 3rd to Sr 3rd Florenoo Staddon, Mum HarriH. No. I-i, Martha, Mil|or, toucher, Sr. 2nd to -lr. 3rd Maud Ilarrin, Bella Day. No '2, O II. Nulaon, to talior St. 3rd to Jr. 4th Gertrude Hubboll, Lloyd Wright, Edward Martin. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd Loroy Taylor, Perrv Wright, Stella Sooord, Lydia Hubboll, Carrie Tnfflomiro. Part II to Jr. 2nd Annie Pallor, Suaan Martin, Myrtle Fox, Troima Wright. No 3, Winnio Uowio, toaohor Sr. 3rd to Jr. ibh Ada Riohardaoii, Forroitt Cornwall. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd Erie Lang- lolu, Bortha Cornwall. Part II to Jr. Uua Roy Fox, . No. 10, John Wilaon, teachor Sr. 3rd to 3r. '1th Eliza Howio. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd Roy Bailor. Part II to Jr. 2nd__ Chan. Brown, Wilaon Bruuh, Dolla Corn wall, David Orawford. No. 18, Myra Bird, toaohor Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd Laura Bulkwill. ,Tr. 2nd to Sr- 3nd Mary Abbott, Charlotte Abbott. Part II to Jr. 2nd Kato B. Hoatli. ooLonisimau mohiji. No. :j, Louia Thomao, toaohor Jr. 2nd to Sr 2nd Georgo Suitor, Alraira Wall. Pb II to Jr 2nd Ada Muatard, Ida Elford, Frauaos Maaon. No 6, Goo Wightman, touohor, Sr. 2nd to Jr 3rd FloBHio Alien. Jr 2nd to Sr and Violofc Haggard, Fayo Nioee, Mabol Man- boII, Mary Queen, No 0, Boaale F Campbell, toaohor, Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Ida Oolonutt. Part II to Jr 2nd Lydla Trimble, Louiua Koano. No 8, Mary O Boyle, Lotiohar, Jr 2nd to fir 2nd Maggio MoFarlaue, Go org jo Audoraon, Gordon Brown, Pt II bo Jr 2nd Magglo Tioo. No 7, Maud V Fulmor, toaohor, Sr 3rd to Jr -ith Lutta Phtlhpn. Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Wm DawHon, UuhhoU Hag glns.Lornu Stookwill. PtHtoJr 2nd-EtbalUpoott Goorgo Morrimni, Pearl Malott, (lOHlflia.O HOllTll. No. 1, W U Ollirord, teacher, Hr 2nd to Jr 3rd Lily Crawford, Lavnua Scratch, Mabol Arnir, Mdilrod Wigle, Howard Hoatuu. 1*611 to Jr 2ud-FJouHio Fox, Eurlo Mulott, David Fox, No. \\f Martha Fitoh, toaohor. Jr lth to Sr -Ith Joimlo Fulmor, Lottie Wiglo. Sr 3rd to Jr -lift Mary Oirty. * Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd Grace Fox, Ednol Glrty. Sr 2nd 3rd Colin Wiglo. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd Aithur Hyratob, Oliver Mowat Wiglo, John Girty. No -1, J 0 Oopoland, toaohor. Sr 3rd to Jr -lth Aralnu Wiglo, Fhida Wiglo, Lulu Smith. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd Evnvt Neville, Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd Bonlah Wik>, Curloii Fuller. I*i II to Jr 2nd Ada Fleming. No 10, W J Elliott, m idler Sr 3rd t Jr >lth Eliza Brake, Mary Coghill, Dora Townmmd, Jtioliard Stowurt, Mabel Swoet man. Or 2nd to Jr 3rd Frank BiwHolI, Stolla Squire, Myrllu Brunor. Pt II to .lr 2nd Aurnhttu Gnungor, Ethel Allen, Ida Oxloy, Etta Bolton. No. .*}, Kite A Wilnort, ti'.ichor. Br Did to Jr -Ith Wilhoniiua Brunor, Mary Drako, Ora (laaooyno, Goorgo Kniglft. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd Ella Fn\, Wm Fo*. Pt II to Jr 2nd Elva, Olla Bo!- ohor, Molinda Small, Vorna Gaacoyno. No y, Solomon A Crowdor, toaohor. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd Poioy SuiidforJ, Wyman Rodgorn, Edna Crowder, May Brunor, Viola ilondoraon, Dolla Sottloii. (lOUVtUAt NOUTH, No. 8, Mm S Bultzor, toaohor. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th Loutio McCroory, Florence Billing. Sr 2nd to J r 3rd Mary Ann Bridgcii, Bono Banniutor, Almon DicUa, Ethel Wintar, Myrtlu Winter. IJt II to Jr 2nd Harry Billing, Blanche Billing. Ga'ikin Britmuombo, John Cowoll, Lona Sloto, Edna Joncj. No 11, Geo J Jolloy, toaohor. Sr JJrd to .lr J ill Louim MuAfou. Jr 2nd to Jr 3rd Muud Ouborno. No 13, Maud \laCorman,tonuhor. Sr 3rd to Jr 'Ith Emo Nohlo. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd Annie May Pattornon, Damy Bawlino. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd Ethel Nobto, John Moa- aop, Olive Jaokwon, EruoHt vVilaon. Pt II to Jr 2nd Carrio Bon noun. ;o! Our Annual Stocktaking Sale. m wm m at* Is now in fall swing, and we are giv ing decided bargains in Odds and Ends broken lots and special lines to clear. IT WIIjLi PAY----------------------- Intending purchaaora io oomo aud look: through our idock, and hoo what wo ato doing.' Tho following linos will go afc pricoa thai should olonr thorn out in a Cow dayn , and Mutt's, CloalcinfjH, Soalotto, Woollon Undorwour, and fino Dions Goods. AIVTY MAN----------------------- Who is in need of an Ovorcoafc, Ulalor, 1>eii-jnclcot or Suit, Persian Lamb or Fur (Jap, Folfc Boots or Fino Underwoar, or anything olso iu tho lino of winter Goods should not fail TO INVESTIGATE--------------- f . 't' j;-(J Our udvics is : tSs" Call early and Bocuro tho boat, as this salo is only for jjv| a limited timo; .y |Vij Yours for Bargains, | M. J. Wigle & Co. Edward Bourko, latoly, Hold to; Ship ley A Wmtorn, of Winduor, an 18 montha- old hoifor that wcighudlllS poundd. ItOCMXICSVIIIt, Chan. Lafavo lian purohawod lot 27 in tho fourth. Prico paid 3,000. Mr, and Mrti, ShunnoRy, of Botroit, aro tho gnoHte of tho latter'u parontn hero.. Won. Finlin, of Fletohor, who had boon viiiitmg at P Stron^'a, roturned homo on Saturday. Ainnlio Stourim in busily engaged ro- moving the timber to Comber off Mr. IjOrontou'H lot on the ith. Mm. David Bobmnon planted Homo oiango ooodH whioh grow and alio now Iiuh a amall troo in a can in tho window which in heavily loaded with tho boautifcl fruit. Sorao aro ripo, J no. P. Guillot, on Tuouday, puichaHod the Btook of J, I). MathoiH, Buhooiii, at t>'2 contB on tho dollar. JumoH F. Siuytho and Jno.Greon, of London, wore uppointid iiiflpeotorB. A moHt enjoyable" uvciuutf ^au anont at tho ronidonco of Ohas. Pitz^cnihl ou Wfd- neiiday of last wook, ourdn and lancing buinn the ordor of tho evening. Lunch waa nerved ut 12 o'clock whon all dmperHt-d well pleuaod with tho manner they woro treated by hont and liOHtoHH. Tho Kingtmllti Canning factory wen burnt on Saturday morning PiHt, tho outieo of tho fire being laid to inoendiarism. But for tho prompt work of tho Uroraon tho whole building, whioh ih 300 foot long, would havo boon dentroyod ; an it wan about 100 foot of tlio building wan completely gutted. Tho oompany had neyoral thoiih- and oihoh of otiuuod goodu on hand on whioh tho Iogh will bo very heavy. Tho Iohh will amount to over 315,000. Tho utook waa insured in favor or t.ho Iinporiai Bank for tfll.000 while tho building wufj inanrtd in Mian Arnor'n favor tor S-j, OQO ami tho oouip tny'a favor for 83.C00. Tho company ia oninpoeed of Dariua Wiglo, Dr. S. A. King and G. W. Groon. Charlon Ilobho and Dunoan MontrnHQ. two woll-kuowu ohurvoyanto and hyp notiHtH.whoHe homed aro at ICingHvillo, aro in diflioultioii with tho Botroit police, Moutrone ia now in gaol with a charge of non-anpport preferred againnfc him by hifi bride of a month, and Hobba io Bnpponod to bo iu oithor London or Toron to. Tho two mou wont to board with Mian Smith on Firnt utroefc, Detroit, a fow roontba ago, Moutroae noon began pay tug hui addroon to tho landlady, aud un aba allogea. both he and Hohbu obtainoa a tnyntoriooa infliionop over hor, whioh nlie waa poworlaBH to^apmbat. Ou varioua protoxtu tho mou ohiainod from Miaa Smith Hmall wnma of mouoy at different tnnoo, iiggrogatitiK about $lf>0.' Aftor hor marriage to MontroHo tho won}iiu olaima nho v/ati much ubiiHod by both mon bo oauno aho dualmod to p:ive thorn movo money. Montrono finally loft hor alto- gothor, and h\\o aaunod his airosb ou a ahargo of uon-aupporb. Moutrono hau a wifo and daughter living jfc^fei eant oti^ KlngHvillo, bin wife bolongin^HHDiio of th# \t'* prominent familiow iu that nooMon. Two ' yoare ago ho waa an aotivo oVAngoliafc and hold moetingB in various part a of the county. ElinHtunrt. Midi) N. Ryan viHitediu town rroontly. Hill BroH. havo ahippod another car load Of brick from thoir brick and tilo yard to Windaor. Tho oiiHoii of Lowih vh. Williamn and Williamii vh. Lowin were not down for hoanng ut Ungoode Hall, Toronto, yeiitor- day (Thuraiiny ) -------------- John Gaflooyno ban moved bin family to Kmyavillo. Miho Geneva L. Agla, aocompauiod by hor uncle, Capfc- I. G. GilloHpio, apont two dayu laat wook with Mm, Gilh'Hpio, Mornca street. Tlui annual ontortaiutnoiit nud Chriet. miLH troo was held at tho Alothedmt ahurch On Wednesday L-vomng ot last wook and waa a huccokh. Tho program rue wafi as followii: iiinu lit- tin girla uaug a chonn, "Iho New Year Did Splendid"; Mihh Geneva Agla delight ed tho audience with a mouth organ Holo, uocompaniod by Miso Milly Ai;la; AIwhod Maine aud Bortha Goauvrfiui (javo a duet; MioHea Milly and Lena Aglit gavo Hoyoral oelootioiMi on mouth orim and organ, and woro onuorod each timo; a rooilation by Geneva Agla entitled "Tho Lover'a Sncri- flue," waa well rondered and the audience win ploaiod to hear her ; nho ahio '* ivo a r.-ading, "Tho Engine Driver's Story"; Miaa McLoan, anoiht>r olooutioniat from Wheafcley, gayo a aolection; \i ruadnig aud reuitation waa given by L>iura Bitlkwill. Rov. K. Modi occupied th.- ohair in a very able man nor. Mr. Mcludoo and Mihh GroavoH gave two fiolectiotiH, ono mouth or^au and ono orp;an. Tho' aouimitteo tnmmod the tree and delivered tho prea- HontH. Tho oommitd'O woro Mmioa Myia Bird, Sarah Agla, Geneva S Agla, Mra. A. GoanvrMiui, Mm. IC. J. McDonald und Liz zie Bulkwill. IJf|mistakable f FRANCIS' *- 4U * -* * m Fur Cupoa worth $24 for 10 18 for- 10 22 for 12 Ladies' Black Astmchan Coats worth $40 for $30 Fur Capw and Muffs kept in stock at very low prices . -- . Flannelettes at 6c yard. GROCERIES. 3 lbs selected Cumuita ibr 25c-, in boxos- 5 lbs Candy for 25c Nuts and Date? are all New Goods 4 cans Com and Tomatoes for 25c 3 Boxes Matches for 25c 6 Cnkee Ecliptic Soap for 25c Best 25c Tea in tho market. IF NOT GOOD, MONEY REFUNDED af j J. A. Francis OIJNOA. Lunra Abbot ih Huimiinig tho holidays at hor homo in Staplou, M. G. Brunor and wife have rotnrned from thoir trip to Michigan. ThomiiH Nublo killod it onlf, agod a few pant eight mouths, whioh drfosod .'1(35 pounds, Ed. Corlott baa boon in Birch Rim, Mioh,, visiting his brother, Dr. R. F. Corlett, MrH, TbomaR Pqmro in improving Under tho careful treatment received at Harper hospital, Dotroifc, Mrs. C. Crow, of Punhold, haw improved greatly sinoo tho opoiation perfonuod on hor at Chiitbam hOHpital.'" Sylvester Stewart and' wjffi, of Grand Rnpidfi, Mioh., have beoiv viftiting Mrp, Stowart'n moth or f Mrs. R. Brigham, horo. Olivor Brunor will.oroot a largo bam on IiIh farm in Iho Gth oon in tho nprhig. Albert and Frank Corloct havo tho con tract. Ou Now 7oavn ovn, Mr. and Mm, A. S Fox woro ourpriaocl by a largo number of friondH and relatives who took full podBOHH- lon of tho hernia and tripped tho light fan tiiHtia tot* until noar morning. Tnero wilb also a part;/ and watch mooting at tho homo of A. J, Post on Now Yours ov. Sir iToHGph HioUson, lato General Man ager of the Grand 'Trunk Railway, diod in Montreal, Chan. Babormohl, a farmer living near ECabovor^ was thrown froin hie bu^gy whilo going to yoie and killed. , , While Hkatiug on the lee afc Loaghboro' Lake, Oharlaa. Brady, agod nine yeurH, wont thro^flTi;tb:e ioo and was drowned. Hie father Was drownod ai the same place Communtcntlon CololiOHtor North FlnuiiooH. To tho Editor of fchu 13'ihcx Fukj. Pukqh: Dear Sir, In auHiver to oorreapondc-nt from GoIohcHtor Notth, iihking for an ex phaiation why the tomihlnp oouuuil oou- tinnns to raise tho nnu'd amniiut of taxon having Hiioh a large balance of assets over liabilities, I beg to say ; lot. Ttmt tliM umntint in tho handd of tho countv troariiiror is not uvnihihlo only a paid in and that from ono to throe yoars hence. '2nd There aro debenture- ond oonpomi to bo paid before tho roll of 1807 aau bo collouted to the amount of about SO.800, 3rd. The comity rate has to bo paid for 1607 out of thin unset. 'Ith, Also the roads and hridgou are to bo kept up aud chanty, printiug, snhinof, commissions, poutago and gonoral oxpenHos to bo paid. I am ploftsod to Hay (that on tho roll of 1890 there are by-lawn that end witli thin year and will not bo en any fnttiro roll,tho annua] payment of.whioh amountu to SI,- fi21.0&, or fully 4/9 of tho annual payment of dobnuturos aud ooupoiiH raado by tho township. Yours rGspootrully, M. BAiuiKir, Roevo. GoBto, Dcoombor aist, 1800. Thou Ko h wan killed by being atraok by a troo in tho woo3b near Tyudall, Man, .__The charred romains Of Mrs. Thoa. Allen, a widow, living noar La vat, Bruuo County, wore found in tho nuns of hev housn, whioh, it iti HuppoHod, hIio aoaideuk- ally wot on iho by upaottiuti the lao^p. Alexandur Alifoholl iu suing ftobort Meighon, President of tho Lake of tho Woods Milling Oompany, and Edgar Judge, another grain tlealer, foi libol on account of some statements tlioy made before tho tariff oornmiwuon at Montreal. .lamos Ray, an Anoaafcoe farmer, re ports that two masked robhors onterod bis placo and while oho of thorn pointed a re volver at him tho other seourod a bag con taining 307. A farm laborer uamod Goorgo Griffith in tho employ of Janaoa Oartwright, a fariur or neat Dorchester, wont out to the barn imd cut his throat with a blunt pooket- knife, uoyoring tho windpipo and gullet/ Ilin reLOvorv i doubtful/ V."1 m '** i Khhox Mnrlcot. Wheat rod por bushel. ., ft Whoat, white .... Com .... Oats .... Timothy Sood .... Olover Sood .,,. Hay per tou..,.,,...... Alsike .... Boof per owt............ Pork Live weight........ Mutton ........,.,, 75to' 15 to Fiyo moro pitch gaa buoys will bo phiood Xlidos on tho shoals in tho St. Lawrence Rlvor Ghiokoim por Ih Beveral years ago. noxt nouson, The wifo of ox-Aid Luoas drop pod doad on Spadina aveuuo,Toronto,on Wednesday uight from heart diseaao, Tho Wostmiiidtor Gazette in authority for the statement that the Queen will in- dioato fn favor of tho Price of Wales, It i'b roportod that tou Americans id bjx Cubans of the crew Of the fllibuatc r ng steamer Oommodore Ioat tbeir hvoa in the foundering of the vessel. Buttor Lard EflKHi por doss ....., Potatooo, por buahol Carrots Tqrkoys por lb...*., DuL'ks...... 78 77 - 21 15 1 30 150 to 450 8 00 to 8 00 1 00 to 4 00 t 50 to 6 00 a 25 to 3 2q 6 00 to 60O 400 6 A) 7- 6 .ft? ( i> ia o io to ut* ,.*, v MUudy ovoulng, December 9ttl* ,,V'M & six wont he-old thoroughbred, png dogi W- V/7.J3 worn to tho Divmo ot Trilby. Finder will frtt^^M rowardod by retornlnff to owner. 'Uv.-, ,^J Lost, I^HOM TUH KEBIDENOE OF J. A. BOSSi i.1 Km ox, on Monday ovoulu * ' -----" '*<Jr .1 VWi i ^M^l^ { ,j

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