Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, page 8

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"Tfi yi " nflfr .tf *; , / 7 . r;w S. D. ANDERSON & Co. BA-MERS [Agents for Tho Royal, ^'ho Guardian and ho Lanoashiro, *. Tbol*oHtliirurnicC(iiiii'iiiHoBlntho-woi-ia. " Womaku aBiifolalty of luBurtutf Farm Pro perty.! Monoy to Loan at B ami *>U 1'or ootit on Varm Property. . partners htuirttmv itt Good Jithahtt NOTICE. All Accounts due tho Into firm of Diih. DnwAit & MoKiswm aro payable to Pit. Di:wau, Wind sor. A prompt sofctlGMonfc in rcquoHttd. Tho Essex Froo Press, BRETT &. AULD, PnopniCTono. FRIDAY. .JANUARY fl, IH07. S s Town and Vicinity. Fred. MyloH has boon spending a fow lays in Woodsloo. Mrs. Ida Hicks, of Walkorvillo, visit- led hi town this wook. James Olivor, of Windsor, polled his toko hero on Monday. Chan. MoDormott, of Comber, way n iisitor in town thin week. foil's honvy lumbermen's rubbciH, br- per pair at Smith's. tfrs. Wm. Batton left on Saturday to join hor husband at Grosso Ho, Mich. A mooting of tho County Buildings CoinuiiUoo will bo bold at Sandwich to day (Friday). Tho ofllcors of Contral "Lodge, A. V& A. MM will bo installed next Wednes day evening. W. A. Gardner mid wifo, of Leam ington, uud Mrs. Daykin, of liegina, N. W. T., spout Now Years at C, J. Gardner's. LudioH1 coats, 45,00 lino for ^2.25 nt 'HmitVs. Raomer Wigle.oE Blind River, Algoma >'District, baa bocu visiting in town with hit* son, Hurry Wiglo, and in other jiarta of tho county with othoi relatives. Gardner Broa. have just lmrchnsod u ^irgo plant for tho manufacture of iskots, wliioh will ho put in pluoo Ifcbin a few days at their worku in 'Leamington. Eflhox ifl the only town m tho county "tliat ImHono of tho now county conn- cillorii, and it \uih two, while tho othci 'ropreaontativoB are all from tho rural municipalities. Tho J'Ihhox town council foi 1 St)7 con sists of a conveyancer, a blacksmith, two carpenters, a merchant, two farm ers, a liveryman, mi engineer, a diay- man and two manufacture . Now raisins, entrants, fign, dates, poolH, walnuts, almonds, etc, at M. .1. Wiglc A- Oo.'s. A parlor social will be given by the Metb^diflt Ladies' Aid, at the roM- *donrto of W. J. Dijwiii on Wednesday overling, the 20th niHt. A good pro gramme will be provided. Admission, 15 oontK. 2-2t Mrs. W. .). I'eikin, of Uidgotown, who had been hpomlmg C'unstiuns and Now Years at tho home of Itichaid Porkin in Ehhok, returned to her home [on Monday, accompanied by Mrs. (Richard Porkin. Tor o\ornmts, ulhtois and hints, M. .f. Wigle it Co. lead the tiiulc. An order fanned by tho Ainoiican Kx- ^ross Company to the ell'eet that parties in "ftsViex having crpruhH nont to thorn muni cull Tit tho oflico l'( r the wime, wont into ellect on tho inst \Z\- proHH will not now ho delivoied While making a pulloy ut his wm k- flbop at bin homo on Saturday hint, Joseph Crow received a .severe ^nimIi lenytlnvitto of lifa hohc by tho imlb'y Hplitting and one picco flying buck and Htrikinir Una oil the uoho. T)i. lhicn put several htitchuH in the ^\ound. On Friduy e\(!iiing hint, tho ICshi*Tiro Brigade elected the tidlowiug ofXicorH for the uurront y< ai: Chief, .Tames MuMurruy; (Jupt , Samuel Smith; Lieut., JOHcpbSloto; Seurotary, W. I". Miulge; Trean., Fred. Hyatt; Polioo, I), Warner. J'ho Routli window of M. .1. WiL'le .V ntoro ih filled wiih un elegant aa- oeut of preiniuin jroodn, which they giving away. in week of puiyer mootingH in tho n hfc churcliOH of this town wero II attended, tho interest doopouiiif* _ id iucronHiiig with each niootine. Tlio uddroBHOH in tho Mothodifit church were delivered by Rovh. IVIoBHra. Bov- -orly and Tloming. On TiieRday oveu- big( Kov. I3r. PaRcoo addronsed the Meeting in tho English church, Ilov. M. P. Cnmpboll addressed tho mooting on WodnoHday cvoniug in tho Proshy- iorian church, Itov. Dr. J'aacoo nd- droBHod the meoting on Thursday even ing iu tho llaptiiit church and Bov. My. Ploming , will nddroflu tho moot ing thin (Priduy) ovoning in tho Methodiafc church. Dolbi corn, ptitifb tomatoofl. bouns and pumpkin 7o, a 6an at Smiths. .Tamos May was a visitor with frionds in Potrolin hint wook. J. II. Wiglo in moving hifl family to Xjonmington thin wook to reside. MiflH Lena Williama, of Molbourno, haa boon vfaUmg at W. O. Wyimm'fl. . Dr. V, A.. Dowar and wifo, of Wind- uor, Bpont Now Yourrt iu town with friend b. iJ'l.2; extra good overcoat, ^Jt.Vfi^ioya' ovorooatH, i$i*J,70, at SmithV. Viola and Uotilio Oarrott, of Bouth Lyon, Mich., aro vfaiting thoir motlior, Mvh, TIioh, Itobinuon. Poit HA.LU- A $10 coal Htovo, Art Gar land, nrt good as new, ut a bargain. Ap ply to Gico. Ooijn, Ehbox, MihttoH tTonnie Htraohan and Emma Houra roturuod homo on Tuesday from visiting friends in Leamington. Our old friend TamoH P. Walmsloy paid um a call on New Yoavs Day and afao called at HI other housoH in town. M. J. Wiglo it Co. make a specialty of nion'H furnishings; call and hoc them. Mihhoh Iluttic and PIohhio Arnold, who attonded Windsor Model School last term, are now attending Eshox High School, studying" for higher cer tificates than tho ouch fchoy now bold. MfaH Bertha Lyppn in afao attending High School horo again. llullod corn He. per can at Smith's. W. H. Kennedy, fo morly ut Watford, Jmu opunuil up uliiw utliuo m tho cornor of, tliti Abordnon block. Money to loan ut f> fl4 uud f' jioi t-ont., itcouriiiiiK to xcciitity, iJullcutmi-', conV(!>anotii(4 ainl winding up ontutni, a hpticialty ; afao u munlior o( fnu- faritui for mi In, Schooln to opouod on Monday hud with all the teachers in thoir plaooa, W. B, Moru.ii and wifo having spent their vacation in Dotroit.Miss Keutat Porest, M iHH Aitcbifton at hor homo in Wards- ville, MiHH Hall at Blenheim and Miss Shaw at Bodnoy, while tho rest of tho toachorii remained in town. At tho mooting of Entoipriflo Lodge, T. O. O. P.. ou Thursday night of last week, the following oihVoi'H woro elected for tho ensuing tonn.-N. O., Prod. Oilhoo ; V. (f.f A,B. Coopor ;Bcc. Boc, Prod. Kill; Per. Hoc, Jowoph May, jr.; TioaH.,E. L. Park. Tho oilieoi-H will bo installed on Thursday evening next by 1). J). G. M. Wafab, of Windsor. (let your fruits, nuts and candies for Clufatmas from M. .1. Wiglo .t Co. On Tuesday evouing tho oflicors of Contral Encampment, Vo (JO, were in stalled by George JJreen, of Windsor, D. I). (>, ^1. for this district. Tho fol lowing are tho elected oiTicors. C. P. Prod. Gilboo; IT. P , Enos AfcCaus- land; H. W., A. B. Cooper; J. W.,Chas. Roberts; Sciibe, Prod. HilljPin.Scribo, Chas. ITannun, TioaK.,E. L. Park. O TL Greenfield wan ro-iiiHtutod as freight clerk ou tho M O. B. bore on tho Ibt instant. Tt will bo romombcr- ed that ou December Ut, tho M. C. R. cut down expenses by reducing tho stall'all along the hue and Mr. Green field was the ono to sudor here. It is htnted that dining Mi. G.'HabHoneo Mr. Stimers had a very willing assistant for a good hIuuc of tho timo. Mon'H ufater coats, storm collars, Constable Sisson, hist week, laid an information before P. M. Ileamau charging Olms. Cave, of tho American House, with selhug liquor on Occem- bei J2th without a licoiiho. SfaBon-wiiH given u summons and the trial set foi Friday lust but Cave could not be found and the hearing ^wis adjourned till yes- teiduy (Thuisdayj but no truce can be found of the missing man. M. .1. Wigle .V' Co do tho bIioo trad a right To.- U * ml ot \1 hi t"e n ut r,f rlic Pub he Librnrv li i\i inrm^'i fir i nt -i (inn- Hi ii*s on tin1 f ill wi i^r I" i 1 iy o\t nut h and i hn 'On 1 / i ii' t * i j v ii m Hit) 11')(i.) Unit all In-'ii K i)I lilt' fjihrnv mid lb Li'i/ . i nt' d'v v ill I i til li hi'-l In pi ' tin ir i) vn hn i'il, < h ii 'h or un ilie l' i"' i Hitr-t ' " a*,Ki'l "u>lnM({ w ill Un nr I in 1 i!h, C- iivci < / m I*'. h. 5ih iiiuiii', I- id iiu'-i, t> ifainuM inn] hiif hmi Itc'im, 1 \ i '2i> li, i V*l"',l' n v' ni lt mi uimm ti nr ii inn (ii l li i i ' | 'ii i n!l\ Inuu ni'ii o HlM *\f I J Ml V til (,) ! I' I. The Public School opouod with a huge attendance, nearly nil tho pupifa being piesent, and beginning the teim in a good workmgspirit Allthopupifa from Fait II have home woik overy ov< ning, rctjuiring from about one hour in that < laH to two hours in tho fourth class. Their homo woi k should bo done w ithout help. Every child Hhould aim for at least two yearn in tho excel lent High School of this town, and have the advantage of tho training of mind which that timo apont in tho study of algobra, geometry, litera ture, science, language, book-keeping, etc., would givo. | ofV sale at Smith's noxt week. Tho January number of tho Canadian Homo Journal contains many bright things of inteiest. to women. Among them tho latest fashions in evening dresses, as worn by the loaders of so ciety in Toronto; a chapter on Pal mi h- try; notea of pictures, music and hooka; tho stage, and the household, all by woll known writers; talks with people wo meet, by Faith Ponton (the editor), is especially intorostiug; Paith stories by favorite authors appear in this num ber. Hubuoription price $1 a year. Tho Pimm P and tho Cauudian Homo Journal for 1B07 for *t.K5. 2 onMiiet PhotoH ut. Kriafthofr'fl gallery far 0j. and u fno ginhm ut tho buun tjood uutiUiui. UlKt, 1807. i_u.-; Bonow for 18(17. L. Bortraud, of AmhorBtburg, called on ub on Piidny. A TFilliams, of Highgato, ia bakor for Wilcox it Brown. F>. E. Burns, of Chicago, iu the guest of tho Miutfou Strauban. Go to Wilcox A Biown for cheap gro- corioa. MifJH Li/zle Brott, of Arnhorbtburg,irt vfaiting in town with hor brother. Dr. Hough has opened an oHloo up stairs hi tho Jmporrd Bank block in town, John Homo wont to Leamington on Tuesday and will work for Gardner Bros, thoro. Mr. Plunkott, M. O. R. Hollcitor, of St. Thomas, was in town on bunhioss on Wednesday. W, It. Straohun, of Waukesha, Wis., who had boon visiting his paronts, Mr. and Mrs Straoban, has roturuod homo. Potatoes, Hfio. a bushol at Wilcox Sr Brown's. W. 11. Taylor, of tho T. H. Taylor Co., limited, of Chatham, spent New Year vri\\\ his sister, Mrs. fDr.) Jenuor. Tho fire brigado wan called out on Wednesday morning owing to tho sounding of an alarm cuusod by tho chimney bomg on flro in the residenco on Laird avenue occupied by tho Mimics Konyoii. AtueetuiK will bti In-ld iu Diebol & Bncltor'H Hid), on Friday uvonuig, Jun- uary 8'b. ut 8 p m fur the purpoiio of tult- iii(j iitepn to form ail Amateur Athhtio AHunciatiori in town. All luturoHted iu the miittei me riqut-u'od to attend. HuvD vnnr ivatolien ii'pairo'l at Ovens' the new jeweler. 11) tt For the six months ending December HlHt last tho free imports at tho outport of Essex amounted to ^2,fo8; tho du tiable imports to .^(1.(1711 and the duty collected was 91,110.81. Henry C. II altorii, attorney, bus se cured for G. E, Houderson, of Toronto, from the Patent oilico at Ottawa, a patent on his Hellioterra, covering tho Dominion of Canada and running for sovontocu years. Knoyliolf'H buun conn fit will not, clu^o until .Ian. '(bit, ltW. On Tuesday, M, J, IFiglo received from tho troasutor of tho I. O. P. High Court, a cheque for ^2,000, tho amount of tho policy hold by tho late Dr Goo. McKonzio, and the samo has boon turned ovor to Mrs. MoKonzie Tho deceased had-six policies on and tho I. (L F. aro the ilrbt to pay thoir share. At tho samo time, Mr. B^iglo reeehod a cheque for SoOO for total dis ability for IFm. PatteiHou, who was so badly injured about a year ago that he has not been ahlo to do any work since aud will never likely be able to do any wmk. Besides thin amount, Mr, Pat- U) sou him previously received ;iick benefits as provided by the constitution of the Foresters. ( ning Family Re-Union. On New Years evening tho Laing family gathered for their annual re union in tho homo of Air. and Mrs. W. H. Richardson in this pluco. Mrs. Laing, sonioi, Hat in the seat of honor and seonied very happy in tho presence of her bo\en stalwart hous, live fair (TimghtoiH, some of hei grandchildren, and a few favoicd guests. Most of the family live in town, but a tow are not so pmilogod and, for tho evening, Detroit gave up Mr and Mrs. Honr> Biehard- hoii , fniiml Itapids, Jame4 Laing; Lon don, Mr aud Mrs. George, and Toron to, Albeit. Mrs. Ohboruo, of Blen heim, Mr, J. F. McQuoon and Mr. ami Mrs. Fleming woro guests of the liunily. While dinner w us boing served the annual report was called and it was aHcertaincd that Walter had dutifully pieseiited his mother with a daughtor- in law since tho bint gathering and that John had laid into her arms a now grandson, who, as yet, had not acquir ed a taste fur ttu key and pie. The re port, which is the bust for years,though tlieie is htill ample room for improve ment, was itv oi\ed with upphuibo, and Alia rt and the other unmarried people present were reminded of their remiss ness and f uthfully exhorted to proeuro piutnursb fore 181IH, Partial prnmfaos wore f?iven by some of the younger and more sanguine generation and wo await tlieii fuHllment. Enter in the evening in're grand children and some other iu- \iled gnosis dropped in, and what with songs, garni s, social ohat and other amusnmonts tho bonis (low fast and overy body was Mirprfaod when tho clock "ehappet twa " Auld Lang Syne was sung with guhto, heai ty hand shak ings weio oxchaugt d and the gathering dispersed May they gather again for many years. Viuoiig tho many pleas ant events .f the evening was Tho read ing of the following grooting fioni tho family of our irntwhilo follow-towns- man, John Milno: To the members of tho Laing fumily, in annual ro-uniou asRomhlod, Essex, ()nt.: Tho Milno family Fond greetings to their most esteemed friends. May tho cup of happiness at your present gath ering bo full to tho brinu May health uud hripninoas mark tho path of every branch of tho family during their jonr- noyings through 1H07. May God in his divine purposes from bis bountiful storehouse deal very liberally to oaoh ono of you of tho good thing ft of this lifo, tifay your re-union in 181)8 hoo uo vacant chair. With thoHO many othar bloHsings aro embodied in tho pro-yarn of your old friend, John Ma^B, Roatl the Pittii Pmcas olubbinccrates. OIIICF.IVFIKLI). Amon Noblo, wifo and fumily, of Younff Irolaud, Bpont Now Yoar'n Bay at tho home of ThomaH Ooatos. Clifford, tho yonng hou of John Wlloon, in qulto ill with lanu troablo. Mth. Hutfb Wifaou wont laut wook to KiugHvlllo to at to ml hor daugbtor, Mru, Watson Cou.tnworth wlio reoonfcly fruo- turud tho hones of ono of hor ankloa. Tho mill horo haa Hturtoit up u^ahi. Dr, Goto und wifo huvo heou upondin^ ^huir holldityn ah Jonoph Ooto's. MiHd b\ Coutfcs htiH toturnud from tho Chatham Huhidouh Oollogo. Jlooyo Oorbotl, Engmuor Laird and a number of iuturemtod purtiuo mob at tho Wallaou Lino Uoatl on Wwdnimday to aofc- tle tho Howard ditch inut to arranijo wayn uud mcjana to lnaroatio tho otilvort aoroflH tho G. T. It. from a fi-ft. oulvert to n 10-fb. culvert and dcopan tho name about 18 inohciH, Mr. Laird will proiiont Ida awr.rd on tho ditch at tho council mooting on Monday. MAI uvroNI-: Goo. Murliort intonuu oreuting a brink roiiidonoo noxi upnng- Walter Taylor si moving thin wook from hotith Woodsluu to hm (arm in tho Whit- aon Bottloment. Mum Morton, ovungohst, of Toronto, in holding npooiul iiorvieon at Woaloy Alelh- odint ohuroh, Whitaou Huttlomont. Tboy will bo confctuuod for two wuoko. As will bo noon by olootton roturmi in an other column, W. II. Potter polled IK>:i votoa or 10T more than tho noxt highest councillor. Wo undonitand thin in tho luchoitt number of voton over oaat for a councillor in Mai'diitone and Mr. Potter Hhould feel elated ovor ic. It will alno bo onnn that m oyory divuiiou ho polled a big vote, an evidence that hm past aoryioo haa tho aauotiun of all neotionn of Iho township, SOUTH AVOODNIjKK. K. Fader, of Wiminor, has piuohanod a lot from J. A, Smith. Several poople aronnd horo aro troubled with throat affection rencmblinj* quinay. Allinon & Hancock, luat wook, shipped throe car loadn of com and oata from South Woodaloo. Tho colloctiouH m tho AIothodiHt Church on Sunday latio woro in aid of tho ouperau- nuation fund. Owinu to the nmb of work lat wook and tho wook boforo, W. G. Kmith had John Ward, of Detroit, working for him, Mian Ida M Rorko, of Woodfdon, loft on Uouday for Uda, Ohio, whoro oho will tulto a courfio in tho Univorhity in that pluco. The memborii of tbo Ladion' Aid of tho Mothodiot church wero entertained at tea at tho paruonatjo yefltorclay |ThnrHday) af- toruoon. Mrn. J. itubton, of tho Muldlo Itoad, UoohoHtor, oelobrated hor 80th birthday on Monday of laid; wook, by inviting a number of friondu to fjpojd tbo ovoninjj at hor home. Tlio mmatrol clnbolooted the following ofliuom: Sec, ,J. E. Huncook; Troaw., F. Curqmiford , Manucjor, 13. TeHb r. Tbo club cotibista of 12 mombors. Gt'orfjo Leak, of Rochotitor, ia bavins oouHiaoruble trouble with his oyon, ov/inu to tho formation of cataraotH on tho hda. The report that ho haa (jbnu blind is not corroot. Cyrua Allen ia moving into the Pioree (InuHB and Jamca Wurray, Hhoomakor at \VoodHlee, bus moved into tho hoimo va cuted liy Mr. Allan mid will carry on a ahoo nhop thoro. The following oflicuru of Woodaleo LDdf^c, I. O O. F., liavo been elected fnr the current term N G , Arthur Taylor , V. G., Oiumr Taylor ; Rea Boa., ,1. A. Smith ; Sec , Oliver Dawson ; TrciiB , S. B. Taylor. Tho cfiicern will bu niHtailed b> I) V Cx. M. Waluh on Wednesday ove mug n"\t. On Friday evening 1 iHt, the follown e; oflii'tMH were eh oted m tlie U T of T for Hie cm rent term : V. (i , Lain Milnteei ; Reu. Bee., A. 11 Tayloi ; Fit) Hec , Florenao Hobaon, Tr<an . Albtii MiIIk ; Chip., George Woll/i Herald FriiHei Taylor; Griiurd, II*r n Puylor. Pant Couneillor ,1 A. Sini^h will nihtdl tho oIlioorH thin (Fiulay) evomn^ Ada, daiii'hter of (lyrunus Woaver, d'od of coiMumpriou on Saturday ni^iit hint, aureu 17 venia. BmidcH ttiin child Mi. Wfavi rN wife end m\ ellu r obi' Jrnn lm vc iilrendy filed born thin temhln dm iifto in B year, while ininlher dilld, lOdwurd, ii(jid alinut 19, m now vory low wob tho mtine dihouno. Tho fnnoral ot Ada took phiot on Monday limb to tho MctliodiHt ehnoh hero after wlneh tho ri iniunti were takmi to iho ,1 iirctt. l)ur\int ground in Uoolietitor, Rpv. ^. AyerH aflionitiui!. W. TT RiMiibOl rnovod his family leio on TuoHflay and tbev tire oociipvinu Mr. Hancock's roHidnnoo npar tho Methndmt church. Mr. Rumhall haw secure 1 ti o roouiri over It, Cudmoro'ii nt or * an I liu fnhirted a tinnmithin^ nliap thoro, wlwre l 0 will bo pleawed lo receive rniHtom"r, Atj hnon aa M"r, Roe.i eompletoH Inn new bui'il inu Mr. Rumhidl will oooupy tho bwfr Htory au a hardware store. Mr. R. bun boon in bmiinoHM in Harrow and Merlin (or tievorul yoarn and oomos well rocommonit ad and will no ilmiht dn well h* * Stock=Takinp; SALE In order to Reduce our Winter Stock of Ladies' Coats, Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, we "will make the following' Re* ductions. Choice of Ladies' Coats AT HALF PRICE. Over-C^ats for Men Reduced from Regular Prices to about half < Kotfulai ^,-ifiO lino for <p!J.7r> ; regular S and frfi.fiO lino for SJJJ5 ; $K lnio for 85.25; $lii for $7.2:3 Thifj ia a .special lino, BoyV Heavy OontH tho beat snap in town. Mon'B SuitH rotrular %r> lino, for 9.25. Regular $7 and $9 lino for 4">.50 , ftJO and $12 lino for 8,75. Men's Suits- regtilar $5 line-tor $3.25. Regular $7 and $8 line for $5.50 ; $10 and $12 line for 8.75. Boys' Siiits Heavy Tweed line, from $1,65 all at special prices. Don't Let This Opportunity slip it is the best chanca to save money ever offered in Essex. All cut prices-spot cash. BirtliH. Phaon A.t MoGioiior. on Mommy, Ta u- ' aty 4th, to Mr. and Mr Pater Pdbn, a duntthtor, DotitliH^ DnouiXiiiAun At Mis(ir"gor, ou Batnrdnv. ,1 uiuiiry 2ml, Haul Drouilhird, fwd 74 yoarn. QmaK fn Oolobont^r South, on Wndnou. day, Di'Ofiobor Bflth, (Jorno)iuH Qnioht a^od 7tt yoata, 10 tnontha. M XLSS WIirTNJiY HJUOOK. KSSKX. ICEHOUSE COLD STORAGE. Doflcrlptloii of nn Ohio Itrnrtiirn Thtrt Hiui Givtiu batihfui;tl*m. A Ponnnylvnuian applied to Rural Now Yorker for dirootioim for building nohonp icehouBQ to hold M two loads and hnvo u room 5 % foot high and 8 foot Hqunro holow tho tco for millcond buttor in fnct, a cold atortiKO room. Hid rcqnOHt was roforred to W. W. Ftirnsworth of Ohio, who n yopr ago built ii fruithouHo with a cold Htornjja oollar that bo conyidern a Hnccosfj. It wan built on tho eamo prmoiplo an tho ono at tho osporimont station nt Wooh- tor, O., that has proved a finccosH foif Bovoral years. To bnild to moot tho re- qairoranntH of tho Pounqylvaniau Mr. JarilHworth writes: I would oxcavato throo to four foot (draiutiRo purroifctinp) and ubo tho oiiith thtiH obtained to bank up to tho top of tho wall, which I would make at l(\icti C or 0 ^ foot. I would budd afitono wall (mine in of broken Btono and linio and commt moitnr illli'd into molds), about a foot thick. If n perfect oold storapo'iH desired fnr keeping frnit, moat, etc., I would set up 2 by 4 otuddinf- ngaiunt tlio lUHido of tbo wall and covt-r tliom with building pupcr and nmtohod coil ing, tbiiHorratinganairclminbor. Prob ably tbi4 will not bo required for milk and butter. I would coimtrnct tlio cellar bottom of broken Btonpq and comoiit, r.bont wx incboH thick. Tho door should bo ou tho outhido, nmth hkIo proforn d, and Hhould bo vtny tight iitting. On top of tbo wall pluco joiBta strong enough to sup- poit tho ice and cover with two inch plank, leaving a spuco of four inchoe nromul tho outside to allow ;l oiroula tion from tho icohou'io downward into tho coJlar. Upon this floor place gal- vaiu/t'd iron for the ico to rohl upon, leaving a few inch strips of wood upon it to provont tho ico injuring the iron when tho houso in btung filled. Turn tip tho non tlnoo or four inchcn around tho od(io to hold tho wider from molt ing ion, and have an oponmg at ono oor< nor, which hhould bo a little lower than tho others to drain it off. Tho lomam- dor of tho tippor part of tho building should bo built liko an ordinary ico- hOUHG. Tho ioo h* put in in tho ordinary manner, except that tho p.awduKt ia placed aiound tho outuido, and an air (ipaeo of four to nix inchoH ia loft. Thin comeH directly over tho oponmg iu tho collar floor and allows tbo air to bo- pomo cooled by direct contact with tho ice. Being heavier than tho air beneath, it. doHcawls, and tho warmer air from below aHcondf, to bo cooled in turn with out any olaborato or patent system of aimm, vontibttorB, etc, Tho ioo will wasto more rapidly than when protooted on tho hidcH* imd ouo will ncod to pro- vido u MJmowhak larger quantity to til- low thurofor. Have im few outmdo win dow a to tbo collar uh powihlo and pro* tcct by double snnh and HlmttorB. I do not believe that it wilb be nouesHary or adviwablo to have ioo around tho aides of the collar/ This is thu general prin- oiplo of my oold storage- fruithouBo. Tlio dnfcallM oan bo \urld to Buifc oir ouniBtuuecH, tools uud pookotbonks. *"'d r i- "Si* (V.b/ I. S : Al, ,'* " Un V. ull (I Tar Too I'nr. Ill i\ lintel m Jirrlin there id a uis:i watcluniiii who did not tulca kindly t tho H)^tenl adopted a few jojirn agrf nqnjring him to go through the hotoi atci'itiiin bonis and touch an oleotriq button iixed up in various plnr-en. Al'ter minh ihought lie fixed up nix unioiiiatio arranyi nienfc on Hoverul of the bnttoiiH Ht they would roporfc ut certain hours. Soon the button Hys- tem got ' o (irt nf older that tho man- ageiui nt ' li-A' d it It v a I miihI nee '-^.ivy to keep wato in i rime \. .> TnT'thu gentjouian, how* ovei, and iin.Jh a pf douiotev wny givou him to earry onlu^ xountiHwhieli would KgiMir eviiy hbp hu took. All \vr;i well the fiist two ni-hts tlioreaftcr, bu on the moitung following tho third mj>ht the old until wan miHiiiig. On, ht aich l .i " : i u'c hn wni found sound ,.>-li ru ui i' i ,n. roam, and the lpo- doii.' in n air u In d to iho piston rod o . tho ongii.' ui -t v. nil o\i iy stiokoit rog^ i*itei( d a " i' If h id In i n tiavelm^ all! niyhr, .,! d \ 'i I il.ui ofV it registep'oaiJ null-- - * llin (i.i/.i tto. !)u ."".ii u r I.Ha'il llio 5'urihlonH. It \\..s iu ' I i de, ih the prineiplo ox* ponent ut ii .i.l. rt by pietonal batu*o,| that l)u r;..Miu:i- hliould hold pretty Htiong < [HinoiH nhnut woiuon'n dresa and in linn s gnu i.dlj, and it is a fact that lm was by nn iimui.s ailueriorof the pLndnetiouM of the modern, modiste On J, the centiaiy, he adimlnd a very warm! .idmiuitinn ior hn lenunine contempo* xane- t-ii JJ wuistn, pointed Hhoos, bljflj JutM and all and felt a constant ploas-S ure in dehtiir.tmg l linn. And as for the y| children ot rhis foitunato country, he would (.ay be eon hi think of no painted or ftcnli tun d children of tho past who vuio n.oro < harming at loant, to him. And thifi, fioni an arte t who never for got that he was Punch by birth, wan praise indeed, Lady's Piotonal. Tltnuiuiiriti ** Tomi of Diifitt Aceni in.i' iu t1 i istiuiatosnf Mr. ^ A. Udden, n\ bo has ^ludud tho reuiarj able phi n< in n i i L diiht and sand Htorrna*> in th wind ugious of tho wont, every cubic mile of the lower air during an ordinary "div dnrm" contuiuR at leant 325 toiiH of duht, \.'lnlo m hovoio storniB ot this kind tia mueh uh 12(1,1)00 tona of duBt and Hand may lie contained in a cnbio mile of air. Dust Htorrna H0me timoB last for 20 or !J0 homu. i _--------------1 _............... Ti H< IMnlnly. Tho woro I think of it I find this conclusion more impiostod upon that tlio giimtcHi thing ii himiim, ho] over dooM in this world h to see soi thing and toll what it saw m ph way. Hundred') of people can talk t< ono who can think, but thonnandH qftj think for one who oan hoo. To hoo clear] ly in poetry, prophecy and religion al in ouo. Jftuskin, Kioljtlum'rt litiyaHy. Tho proBoufc king of Belgiuir^ is Ij^ ^ pold II, who aaoondod tho throne Poci^L, 10, 18flt>. Tho kings of Rolgium' Vt^'m enooosHors of tho priuaoa of Orange, W/^ first being Philibort, who fluooooded ^^J iho throuo in 1503. l?or along time th%y% were known as BtadthoWdra. , ' [ Jlm

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