Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, page 7

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m: i ; THENEWYEAE. How Ydu.May Feel Happier and Bettor, than in, the Past; Pake's Colery Cmmponnd Will Enable You to Thoroughly Enjoy life- Act Promptly uud Your FondoHt Do airuB will bo ltoulizod. Many of our roudora oan truthfully oou* ioBft that tho yonr junt ono by was to them a period of pain, mUTorintft mixioty, dlauw- pointuioi.t 11 ml wrotohudnunH. Bomo wort) laid on hoda of tdolmoHH, vmlc und help- Iooh; olhorH, ailing and ulmoHt brolton down, were juBt ublo to mov: about to imperfect ly attend to dnily duty untl work. Tho aiok and ailing oiioh mut with many fail- nroa and diHuppaintmontH in thoir efforts io fdtjtiiti lioalth, Dcotoru failed to euro thani, and thu vory ordinary luodioiucii of oar t'tnun failed to brlnu biiok tho blutih of hoaltli lo tho M'iU> and wau faoo. Thnoof our I'LMulot'u who woro unhappy laHfc yuar may thm i uar throw oft tlioir burdmni and Hhupkloti.if thoy uho that tuur- Voloun tioiirot) cir hoalth-fiiviup; Puiho'uGol- ory Compound that contributed to thu huppinooH of ho inuny ihoumuidH in piuit yoarif. There io no nooutmity bore to enlarge on what PaEuo'H Golory Compound had dono ot In doing at tho prououfc tirno. Evory day it in making woll rhonmaticviounilgio, dyHpoptia and olooploriH mortala, and giv- lutt a now Ufa to those* ailliotod with Uiduoy, livor and blood diHOimon. All ohiHHoH unitn in praiouig and rooom- mondmg Paino'n Colory Compound uh tho niont offootivo of medioiuou. Tho moro phyniciauH know ot it, tho moro do thoy ournoHtly rooommond it for thn niok. If yoa would bu woll, happy and vi^oroua all thin year, bo|>m at onoo with mifcaro'fi heal er and lifo-givor. Whon an Egyptian dofi of tho Nilo tog- ion witihoa to drink at tho rivor'n edge ho known oxaotly how to do it.andat tho name tiipo QHoupo boiug oatou by a orooadile, lu working out his littlo picoo of utratogy bo ruuti a nbort way up tho rivor and howlsi f">r Homo tirao. Tho crooodiloa, attruotod by tho iiound, humcdiatoly atrowd to that plaoo, whereupon tho intelligent dog bnntily runH to that part of tho rivor whioh tho roptilon havo loft and drinim in safoty. EIGHTY IN EVERY I1UNDKED." S nffor Moro or Loan from that Moat OttonH- ivo of DiHoaHGW, Catarrh That Dr. Ag- now'a Catarrhal J*owdor ia a Wonderful RemoJy in Tootiliod to by Thounando Who EIuvo Boon Curod Outrifht Mr. Alox, Edmondnou, of EoBomuth, Ont., Bays: ,(I havo bean troubled with Catarrh for ,a.print; many yoarn. Ilnvo uufforod greatly '**\ I had triod all tho no-culled jit novor received any relief from Sooing Dr. Atmaw'n Catarrhal argoly advortinod, I dotormmed I . Jt '-] although vory ncoptical about a/y ruhof, but I waH gruntly and a^roo- abiy diHiippointed, for tho flrat dnno rociuvfld tfroat roliof, and to-day 1 can mcBtly nay that it has ourod. I kcop it ^natautly io tho houHo, aa wo find it a iclc onto for cold in tlio'lioad. It given almsftC motant roliof. I havo no honititnoy ia proclaiming it tho boot euro for catarrh, and I heartily rcaommeud it to nil nuffor- otn from thia malady." Bold by J. Thorno. Tbo wife of Doteotivo Tliomao WiiHBon foil down tho olovator ufc the Ontario Modina! Couuail bndditig, Toronto, ou;Fn- duy tmd HUHtaiuod ouch iujurioH that oho fliod in a fow houi-H. ( Iliohard BarneH, of Htouffvillo, GO yearn 'o! ago, wan tjtrioktm with paralyma while loturtung from paying a oall on Thnrnday aftotuOQu, and diod a fow honrH lator, Sir Chnrlon Tuppor han poHtponod; tho dato oT hia doparturo from England for Oauuda nntd Fubruary 1th. At Elmiru, two littlo boyu uamod Dunko woro lighting iChriut'naa troo whon they managod to ao& tiro to tboir olothing. Ono littlo follow diud from Ihh burun. OoMflold North Council. CoUam, Dooorabor 16th. Ooauail mat, all tho members preaanb. MiuutoH read and aduptod. Tho Troanur- er prndontod hla ihjanoial wtutomont which waa ordered to ho printed uu^ tho; Clerk luatrnoted to poat oopioH uu required 'by tho Municipal Act. liy-Uw No. fiH, to im- pejo a Hpooial tax on h 4 w 4 lot 10, oon uiisMioti 0; u.ud by-law BO, to appoint Doputy-lluttiruing oflloyrH.oto.1woro puKHofl, Tho Olork preaouled a rupart on aooounU of T. D. HO or tho W*mt End of thu Koblo Dram, nhewmg roooiptn to bo 9'i77 and ex- ponditurou H'H-i.iUj, luaving a halanoo of ftU.Ill on hand. A. tattor wuii mad from tho council of the Town of Enfiox unking for tho payment of $105,20 for repair of drain on GonHuld North and Maldutono townlino. An tlie Htatumont of oontn did not tmom to oa mm pond with thn publiiibed minutcif of the aounuil of Ehhox tlio Clork wits inntmotcd to write for an explanation. A notice from \V. Billing wan road forbid ding tho aounuil from deepening tho cul vert mi nido road nonth of North Ittduc, Tho following ordorn ou the truiumrer woro panned: V. H, S. No. t,t nohool tlix, 8135 j H. S. No. (J, SiBOj U. S. S. No, 7, 81118 UB; H K. No. ft, 8-10(1.H ; H. 8. No. ll.aiOU.81; U. H. H. No 12, hS17.K0; S. B, No. 15, !b"iO; 8. S. No. 10, SJluO; U. S. 3. No. XX, tt'Jl SH ; I. .Inokiion, oxtra woilf, court of rovimon and udvortmmgfor tuMlfi-n by-law No. 1)0, 811 ; W. J. Taylor, 3 value of nhitop killed by dogH, 82 ; Dr. .limner, at- tendanoo and modioino for J. Dnokbor- rougb, 87.f)0 ; W. Koovoti, digging 118 rodn ditoh on rionth ronr roaj, 820.GO ; O. Bar low, bridge over noiith roar road at went tndo road, 812 ; O. Ihulow, bridgo oytr '.lih conoohHiou road at nouth roar road, 810 ; Jon. Carder, tilo on 7th coticuHiiion road at line botwocn lottt C and 0, 81.21; rofund atatuto labor, D. MoLood 80.50, II. Wliit- moro 81, dab. Malotb S'2, Mrw. It. Gibbonn 81, R. Cowoll 8:1, Walter Smith 8J, I'otor Cowcll 89, Tinman Goo 81 ; Waltor Noble, rofund of dotf tax, 81 ; Ilorborfc Smith, do, 81; A. Orton, noleotintf jiuora, 82 ; C. JohnHon, work ou T. D, 80, 880 ; F. Gao- coyno, digging Mro. Torronco'H grave, 1 ; Dr. J on nor, por J. Wilhamn, ropan* of T. D. No. 10,83; J. Williamn, do, B8:i, in aottloraont of T. D. No. 10, 85.00 ; Thou. Millon, removing fonoo and putting back ou T. D. 89, 8I88.1; Ceoil .laoknon, do. 817.B5; P. Oollard, do, 88,25; Thon. Goatby, do, 89; S. Milieu, do, Hlo ; B. Uagfiinu, do, $15.-15 ;, II, Myent, removing, obHtruotiona from T. Dm, 00, 85, 72 and 51, 8B 25. An order in favor of O. Loo for 81 75 iflimod November 28th, waii roturiud uud oancollod aud au ordor for 83.75 wun laauod to tako itH place. Council then ad journed to Bliturday, Dooorabor 2Gth, at ono o'clock p. m. THE BE8T PA88PORT. The Half Rate Dollar Stealing Valce and Foil Strength In Diamond Dyes. S - AfSixtoon ounooB of ailvor, for tho coming , / 818.CO in ailvor dollarn, oan bo bought May for ?l)0i ! Tliink woll of tho true value of tho m'lver xA0^Jnr if ita ooinano were mado froo and kT^^iinitod. ut auottior important thought for tho ion. It tak<j from two to three pack et) of tho eouimon imitation dyoy to do tho work th.tC ouc nin^lo paokago of the Diamond Dyon will do. If you wihu to Uuow why, wj will tell you. It in Himply boaauHo thu ingredients of tho common dyou do not poHtJOou tho ntrongth, purity nd ponotraMng powero of tho Diamond Dyou. Jujt tblult of having to upaud Jtbirty /oe]itit lor adultoratod dyoH for your work, fc oaa bo uottor dooo by the Diamond <t uL a uoitt of ton oontu. You will ab yn bo on tho wrong nido uh long an you ow (iroflt-loving morohanta to supply you "itb their poor weak dyoo; it laoortainly tboir pecuniary bonofit, but you are tho er iu ovory way. Tho all important ofltion idi "Will you work with dyoa of full ptrougth, or will you blindly risk your '., >ooda with tho kiud that Iihh only ono* % third tho coloring powor, and that ooat oh . much aa the "Diamond?" ft'.-. '.' Cotcam, Deoombor 20th. Council mtt, all preHont, but Mr. New man. Minuteu road and adopted. John F. Millou ronignod liiHofiiue aflooinmiHinon- or for repair of MoMabon Drain and F. B. Milieu rooigned his ofl'ice of fonco viowor. Tho Eugiueor'u award fur tho Whitney Drain wati read and diBcuuaod and, on motion, it wan decidGd to appeal to the .1 udgo ou tho following grounds : lot that tho work to bo done by the townnlnp ia tho repair of a drain- coufltruotod under tho Draiuago Act and said drain oanuoi legally bo repaired under tho D. & W. Act ; 2nd, that th<) work required to bo done dooa not bonotit the towuHhip iu any way and the townahip ahould not bu aHfloaned A letter from tho Clork of (Jolcbcriter North oncloning cheque iu HOttloment of ropuir'of tho north ond of tho woat town lino dram and of tho rupair of briageB on naiti townhno, wmi road. Tho following ordora on tho Troaiurtr woro pafaod : J. T. Brown, aorvicea ilh roeve and chairman of Board of Health, four courtu of reviHiou und aolcoting jurorH, $X\; C. Uelkio, nor- viccg ao doputy-roove and four oonrtn o! rovlaiou, 828; Jan. Newman, norvicoB uh councillor and mtmbor o tho Board af Health, four oourtn of reviHion and two tripa to Ebhox re by-law 00, 832 ; II. Bar low, Herviofifi an councillor, member of Board of Health and four courts of revi- nion, 831 ; John F. Milieu, do, 9;tl ; .Ihh. Bain, qunrtpr'analary, financial Htatement, drafta, ttlo drain dubotituroB, pontage, h(u. tionory and repair of oeatu in ball, 838 Hi; I. Jaokaon, quartor's Halary aa olork, nee- rotary of Board of IloaltU, aeleocmg jurora and duphoato report, poatmg liuaneial Htatomont and fcou on Whitnoy drain, 838.50 ; Jamoa Bouuott, quartor'n aalary for uaro of hull, tianitaiy iiiHpuutur and conrb of roviuion on Votora' Li-it, 810 ; Brott A A uld, olection billa and linanciid htatomont, 817; refund otatuto labor, \\, Warner 88, J. H. Moulgomory 80, John Motley 50 contii, G. A. Bedoll $2.50, Jam* n Malott 82 ; W. Cobloy, valuing flvo lotH of hhoop, 95 ; Jamea Lyonn, chanty to date, 81.75; J. Campbidl, charity for January, 83 ; J. T. Brown, oommiHHion on J,1. I\ 80, 818; C, Johnaoo, work on T. D. 80, 885; J, F. Millou, oommiHaion for repair of T. D. 10, V7 50 ; Almoron Clark, rofund fi< g tax, 81; F. Birch, part payment for bridgo plank, 820; E. Amen, repair of bridgo ovot-T. D. 7't iu north oaiit angle of tho township, 81.50; M. Ilntohiuo, grading cu 11th oonooamon road, 81.00; It. Parker, rent of botiHO for J. Campbell (0 monthv) 83 ; J. T. Brown, poatago and atationorj, 81.00 ; Treasurer of Ehhox Town, repair of drain on .Gouilold North and MaidHtouo townlino, SIOS.'-JO ; J. S. Laird, examina tion of Fox Dralu (aliarge to partion) 88.55 do, Roan Drain, do, 80.00; do, Buokland Drain, do, $11,50. Council thou adjourn- art nino die. Notk Tho nam of Sd.00 paid to Mr. Lai id on Ootobor 31nt ia obargod to tho plirtieRon thu ItoHt Drain in addition to tho above. ft ! to Alurnya laiolc X'loiuaut nd I>o K Orumblltig'. "Whnt la thQvflrflt duty of a good fcravolor?" nukod a young lady who whh about to atnrt from I^ow York on aii ox: tended European tour. ' "To look ploanunt and novor to grmu- Mo, " was tho nnnwor of a votoran wan- dorm* who had croHBod thn oooan DO tiniUH and gone twioo around tho world. IfcWaaaKo0(l prouoription and will ftolp to mnko a good truvolui; of uny liovioo, Tho fiitiguo of tho longnHt jouv- ney (inti ho pationtly^mdm-nd if ono mm only bo umiablo and. avoid tho wonri- iiohh thutooiuoa from fruiting ov*ir whut 1h unuvoidablo and worrying ovnr trlHeH. An Amorioun girl tiot, long n#o upoil- od tho plouauro of u party of touriatu by uomplnimng of ovorytliin^ on hou unci on land. Thtt uhipwayu dreadfulrolJnr, tho cubliiH Woro badly vuiitlluiod, thn uooking wnriubonilnnblo, thriHorvioo wuh alioakitig, tho oillccrfi wore uncivil, mid tho pHHflongorfl woro diHugrotiublo mid Rtupidl Nothing Kiiitod hor, und nho had not a good word for anybody. Evory nuunbor of tho puvty whh indi*.; nant ovor her want *f nmlability. "It makoH mo uh.' sfc kouhioIc nioroly to look ut hurl" oxoluimcd ono of the Indict, "ForhupH Hho will choov up," wiwtln- ohitritnbJo niHponHo, "whon hIio rouchru port." But alio wuh uh unhappy on land us hIio had boon at noa. Hlin wan angry with the mnitnniH onioor.4 and told thnn that thoy had mauled and ruined h*r boHt gown. Hho found fault with the lovoly rural Hconory hotwouu Southamp ton und London. Sho in'onounood Kng- Hah cooking to bo utterly vile. Bho iu- voighod bitterly ngnhiHt tho woathor and tho olimato. Showan not intorohtcd in cathodralfl, oaatloa, pnlnoca, pioturon, collogOH, ruiiiH or country roarta. Sin1 wan borod by ovorything hIio Haw. Ono night hIio reooivod a round robin Bigned by ovcry othor member of the party, ojcproaHing rogrot that flbo was, not enjoying hor journoy and offoring thoir nympathiofl in hor yoxntioim imd diHoomfortH. It wuh a bold fltrolco on the part of her friondu, wlio woro worn out by hor tiroflomopooviahnoHH. Fortunnto- ly it was not unHuccoHHfnl. Not anothor word of complaint wuh hoard from hm during tho remainder of tho tour, A plouoant, ohoorful fnoo and man ner thut oxpvoRfl JcindlinoHfl and good will mhlcb tho bcHt piiHsport which n traveler oan carry into a foroign coun try. Thoy insuro civility and courtfHy from oOlcialfl, follow travolerH and utrangcrH and aro an unfailing rcfioaroo whonovor thorn in any mifmdvonturo. Vouth'n Companion. D?FOWLER$ EXT. OF '! -i W ill .' Hfj UJ ;has| a record 40 YEARSOF SUCCESS IT ISA SURE CURE Diarrhoea , Dysentery Colio , Cramps., Cholera Infantum J bt\d tLtl Summer Complaints ik gKitdrgr^ Of Adulls. 'IUo FirHt Coucltf*. In tho flftccnth century coachos np* pear to hnvo been m3pd in proccssionn or othor public ccveiuonion, more as an ornament than anything oIhp, if wo may judge from tho clumsy form nf tho ve hicle. Tho ontrunfip of tho Kmbawador Trovnsi into Mantua in a earriago in noticed aa early an the year 14)111, uud that of Prodoripk III into Frankfort in a oovorcd coach in tho year 1.17a*. It is a curious contract to the rapidity with Which now iuvoutioiiH urn now adopted thut nearly a century elapsed befuru tho covered carriage was introduced into England. Stow, in his Chronicle, in tho yoar 1555 mentions the in troduction in theHc term: "Thin year Waltor Rjpou mado a coach for tho Eurlo of Rutland, which was tho first coach (anith ho) that ever was mado in England, Siuoo to wit, in anno lf|Q4 tho flaid Walter Hipon made tho flrnt hollow turning couch, with -pillor.s and nrohofi, for her majoytio, boing then hor Borvaut. "Also, in anno 1584, a chariot throuo, With fouro pillero behind to heart1 a cauopio with a crow no imporiall on rho toppe, and boforo two lower pillprn, Whoroon Btcod a lion and a dragon tho flupportprs nf tlio arnica of Knglnud." Tho sailors of tho timoof Good Queen BeflH must have found it a difficult mat- tor to obtain bertha on a ooach for their cruifjo on Hhoro. Even her majesty, though fiho htrriulf drove to Ht. P.uil'fi cathedral to return thanks for tho de livery of hor kingdom from tho Spanish armada, waB accompanied by tlio privy council and her attendant!), who lodo on liovHohuoic. But by tlio end of tho roifjn eoaehoH and oarringoa bPoamo sud denly popular. Fireflido Mnguzino. Hproim at u ChurHi IfoHtlviil. It ia a ouHtom of tho country in Gor- xuany to get druulc at tho con at oration of a now church. Thia ouMtom has been regarded as unlovely and un-ChriHtinn by many influential GormunH of tlio new Kohool, moHt notably by Emperor William II, but fltxll it remains unro- fornied, arid the ooiuio weeklioa do not tiro of depicting tho Hoenoa in and out of tho police court that follow tho con- fienrutioa Hpree.H and ilglitp. Sonio tiiao ago the festival of a new church waa celobrutod in Oberringelheiin, in tho "Rhino country. In anticipation of tho UHual trade in exhilarating liriuorfl a saloon kocpor who dooa buaincHH near tho sacred edifice advertised thus in tho Rhineland Observer: Jacob Mullur lioruuith plcdgun hlm'iiolf (or u DUbficrl])tion prim of It nmrlcij (75 et'iitfi) to serve ovory om ut Ida uuuatu with im inuoh wino uh lie can drink on tlio oceanlon of tho eluiruh tiiiHur-rntion. Iuvitlnji my frluntln and patrons to vlnlt mo In rimponno to thin reqnuat, I I'imiain ro- npectfully youra, Jacou Within an hour nftor tho uowapapor containing thin adverfcifiomont uppoarod B9 oitizouN of littlo Oberringolhoim bought subscription tickets from Mul- lov. At tho curront prioo of ordinary looao wino in tlio Rhino country oaoh of tho 80 und their' colleagues iu thia speculation had to drink 10 largo glaRH- fuls boforo ho could begin to bonoflt by tho Bubfcoriptiou tari ff. Now Vovlc Sun. Mii'H ItotJt Clitljid. i,i Uutliveii, n( viott - inj: n' \V* .1. *V ighi'ii. M Fthui Kdit'i and Mtlicl Wmb', of Ahrni C !'_ ', 'no h miH (or ihu holiduyH. M Hi. .Vri'-t I Wii;le,whu had Inun upend- i iu Hr. Thnmii", io- HI hi- . |,oin i hull w noli. I'lnlip lluri- r'n littlo f.rjn FortiOt, while nil httu it ii Hack Sun Ni> *-\i uing *,f butt w- . I., fr'iu-tur.1 * 'm Kj lie im | rogroH'ung ii i '1 '"' 'hriuui. i Ire*1 and Snnf( ij. ctdiool oiil. i: ii..niuni in (innu ehureli ou TuoC'iay iii^ht of 1mh(, w(j k, w h naeciiH- ful iu uveiy uav. The prei-entH woro unim toil'* and tl program, o tn-iHiLiug of vood and inuLnmn-iiLa! tnu io, whh all that could be demred. W. It. Cliff nd, wl o ban jum nevurod tim cmnuction with tun noiiool, win piifwntcl by biy nfdiolaro wi'li a beautiful g'dd pen lied pcuil lioltior and ti iiilvnr ink bland and trn\. PiIi-h Mu- JjHUU, of Wht:lllJt'\, UTIlVl) hCVOflll Il-Jltll- tionH whioh wore lieurtilv reci-iv'ud, moHt of woro encori'd. Tho proouedn were noarl> 8'J, whioii will bo do voted to Sunda) iieiiodl purporitiii. Colo Wright, of CoIcheH t'-*r Houth, noted un ehuirmin. LIKE BUFKKKEiUiONLY KNOW. ^^^JWAI^AOI^^ EL, PABK I8BDRA OB" MAIIRIAGF U , aonaefl, lllohordaoh l!lk., Eaaox, Out. MllAUiyETT, lHvaor of 'Man.igo liloii'i-w Comuilbuloiiorfu O .J., oto. (luotn, Out yy 0. BKAN^AN, iHHtior ot Miirrltufn Lloouei'i.. lenurnnno n^oiit. Ntulit ofllot) ut DwoUIdcc.- , TAJjHOT HTUKKT, KHHICX UNDERTAKING- HL'JilJMMH <H, Ulxlortukoi n.f,\ l-'uniltiUn Deulur. iUitWim, homo und fnotory mrjo from $JJ to S!H). MoUroi^a',Op*- AROHITECTS- lOa'N'A.rMAVOOCK, '"......^' Auamrisor, &a Huom.IOimd U, irioiuiiu; lltiildin/;, Wliidiior, Onl Phou 210- SOCIETIES I at 7.-'"' ')d(lfollown lIulf.Iutlitrdfltoi-oyDtinittiui I VlfillhiifimmitmriM'f etlmr loilg<iHwlll n\aCA fratomal woloomn. W. OlIATTKHTON, I UKNTItAIj KMOAMPMKNT. No. (10. ma 0(1(U(*11o\vh' Hull, Duntttan'M Itlouk, on tY.i I und third TntiHiliiy (nonob montli. Viultoj. i .lliilly feoeiveil. Mumbornof iiuborilbiutiib ' In tin. Jurltiilletleii, InvJtod to toll. IIANNAN, O. P.. O. ! '. HlhSt, Hoo. It, Kerivcr, Curpenter, uf IIiiHtingH, wan a Creat Buffurer from JCiduoy D inn urn* Houth Ameiiouu ICiduey Cure Effeot- id a Quick Cuio It- iu a Bpeciiic Koiuedy for a Spoadlo Dineai-e It dinolvt'ti and Eradicated all Hohl Matter From the S>.utoia Ia Sufu und Per manent. For many yeaiu I huvo been troubled ivitb kidney Dineane, ueerHHittiting -tho iitkmgof much iu the wxy of remudieu. Two yeani Hgo they I ocame uo bad that I had to nuek th aid of a plivniciau. My urioe wuli more like blood than anything I'-f, und vMinvory ptnufub -Juni at that lino I bt-gon UHiu^i South Aii-i tiOiiu ICid ii' y Onro. It gave me irnn.t dimt< rebut', 'ii,d r<om thut tune till nniv 1 bavu had tui dii'iicultj. lean wifely and bontutly recotnmond thiw fjreut re i:ftdy to all per noun miff tiring from kidney trouble. Sold by J. l'hornu. ?*BRNX VlltM TiHIOAIiH. MJ-JKTS UK I I J Friday uvdntiij; hi tlio Kh-eintin'ii rnnr. tlui Htono l)Ut](llu|!. .JiLti, MaMurray, Oiiuii Kobt. l'arki)r,Oaptaln; A. Iturnham, Tjlenton- lint; ly. DtlKii, Hoorotury: Froil,.Hyatt,Troaiiuror CtOUltT IlOVAt., NO. 210. I. 0. V. J Muntff Hticninl aiiil fourth TiiOEtduv'd to COO inontb In 1. O. (), V. Hull ut H o'claalt p. a. Vif-ltinK bnitlinrn wilt h(>f[lvon a frnUirinuwc iioiiio. JO McCitiifihinil, O. It., W*. O. flbaw, Hoo. 51. J. Wifllo, 0.1J. H. U. K, AGKNTB Wimting T>rol\tablo nniploymont tlirouch tho iiuiniiior can Mud it with un, nfj wo huvo nownnt Hniuiluii viurlatton of Numory utook urul now Hood I'otuloofi. Huliivy or cem- niinmnn. Wrtto mi at onoo for territory, VK1* HAM NUU9KKV CO.,Toronto, Out. 20-lat OHUROH DIRECTORY Mbthodibt. Dr. Pascoo, Pnotor. DTory Huoiluy at U a. ra. antt7 p. m. Bab} Bohool ut2::i0p. m. O. U. Naylor, Baportnt out of school. Kpwoitli LeayuoprayornUM ruomlay ovmdnn ut (J o'olook. Oono.-ftl pi mefltlnuon ThurnrtuyevoiiiiiK. 1 QIJ CnciiOK ow tUvoitk'NTh Itflv, AJ^iHovorly,! uiiihtiut, Ht. Paula, Ubsox, Uiyi .onorr nvnry huniiay-ut 7 o'olock, p m Band School utlUu,. in. iViultv Ohtirch.Northltti. - Dtviuu Borvloou ovury Uunilay at II v> m,: 8al Any Hohool at l,4tip. m. Thu public, aro ooi dlally Invited. I'aWHhYTMHiAM. W. M.Flcuibitf, Pastor' Br- m vIotBon Hubbnth atll it-m.and 7 ,110 p.m.Bub* .1 bath Hohool nt'^JM) ji, m. Pray or nueting&nd ^1 Hoo I itl Union on WtiiluoHthivut U.lDp. jUi'TiM- lliiuuojr. Jtov.M.P, OampbolJ, Pa- tnr orvluitM ntLrtli Hahbath at 11 a. m, and 7 ,. 11 :.i, I'rayer niiHtthit; on 'I'liurHduy tivoalag ' at H o'clock. heutM Imo. All urn onrdlivlly wol- ~ uonjiid. ItoitAH Catholic. Fr, O. IJ. McOoe, 1'rt.utor. Hor/tou ovury othor Kumluy utfl.80p. Maiihi'ivpni: tlicli niiimi and Hornuni ut 10,30 '- u, in,, cntuuliliuii at i! p, iu., liapLluni iu it j, m., , I vnitpftiiiund iKinodlutloiLiit 7,,v, in. 0. lib Mo- TT A W,I.HMEU* "'"frlntur. Holloftor. NotoiS atiin Hlock, up-ntali-ii, Knuux. i-Iy y, J nh}H\ R|"oy to loi.u Oiilao ok1 evtl CLAUKK, BAItTbKT &. HAltTIiKT, IlnrHC** torn, ota. Olllcuii, Mud iniry Jlloolt, Windeal I'rlvutt! fiiMilii to loan. A. Ii. CbAHKi:, L. h. II. N. A. IJAIITLKT. A. It. JlAUIlflCT, II. A. Michigan CENTg^ " 2'he Niagara Mlt&ouU."" rJOINO KAHT Takinfl effoct Novonihoi-SOlb, 1H0O. Ulall Fixp, Exp. Aucotji Mlxod u.m. a m. a, m, p.ui r, 2u 0.40 (i 60 10.10 atiooryj Ottloe!! ntfi, IJotrblt, moh. ' "......"""......"' ,JiL*nei r,(tr!Lll.ll'.!!,lV cU\[l,l itKiunat purbomi iu tbol u. 111- iMina Jcniu Boiullieru, of TV'uimiRi-b, ih the {,'iieht of her hinter, Mm. Larami. Mr. Miller, of Chicago, in vitutin^ with Thou. HeynuldH. iimuu BruH. Hi^ippml aiioLhor curloud of drouned bo^ layt week. Dr. A.myot, of Ht Thoraan, ih on a vimt t'> hta Hon, Dr. Amyot, Mr. Ooulet'n a.shory will noon bo uom- pb'ted. On Mond ty of last Wfok, a 3(1 by fl I fct t traine building was r.twud, boarded 0 1 nil Hidi-nf loot boardti [itit on, and but fjr tho hiiow Htorm, it would havu been "liin^U'd Tiiih 1 1 y, and the urohoH, for wlncli the liuio, auua and briek \vur' on the gf'iund, would havu boon rouiv fir Climt- mud. Dotrolt....... Wlndaor .... Polton........ Miiidntonoo Kurmx..... WoodiiUio. . Uuiicoinb .. Uombor . .. Hiitdotnwii., Itotlnoy...... Kt. Ttiuiuiiii LOIHlOl)....... at, ThomiiH... Hoilnoy ......... Hid |{o town..... (Jonibur...'...... Huncomb....... Wooduleo....... Eniiox.......... MutdRtotio Cr Pulton.......... Windtior....... Detroit......... (JOH (1.1!) o.:ir <; -to cm r. j <* I ' ) H,'20 H.10 9 SO 7.S0 IO.!).'. 817 li.r.i 10,00 1.03 rtOINO WUFIT. I'll) fl.fjrj o.m s an ft.:i7 r, no r>M> 0.05 7 ID 7.:i8 BA0 p.m. I'J 10 2-10 U..J8 4 07 0.40 5. BO fi.OH 11 14 u:ii 7.10 a.m. .:tu 10.2U ll.:n ia.os 12. -10 UK) 1.1 r> 1:10 fi.2'J r, :(5 fi r..r 0 in 10 w> 11:15 a.25 Mlxod u.m filft 0 :js 6-iis 7.:n 7.10 7.fi8 0.C0 n.G.'i l^.ir. il.M 1 II) i).4i 1 :tD il .12 3 00 l(j.n:i 320 lU.lii 3 37 1C.I10 4 00 lo.fie XS-optsrly 1*ui-ued. Iwabol, you aro not at' nil lik othor girln," "That Ih not; a oomplimont, Mr. fipoonor. . You ahould nay that othor girls ro not at all liko me. Chicago fiw- Sffd. j Mitchell l'uoe, of lJort Uuwan, w;ih hhot ihrougli the lun^ whilo out Ininting rub- IntH, llooii'fl PiIIh aro thn bint alt'T dinner pill; uKHist di^uMtioii, prevent ei>n-*ti|jat- ion. 'J5c. John McKay, of Tlmmestoid. lobt bin life iu a fall through tho C. P. H. bridge ut that villnpo. Mrw. JuinoH Allen, of Jiirvi.^, wuh kilb-d tin engine while walking aoruri.-t the rail- wity track with her biifiliaiid. Tho Chicago Coiihuil Imo pttaaed un ordinimco nulling for four cent hiren ou all mroot ourH 111 the city. sold" "atT" LOSS. In ordor to convince tlio public that Dr. i^'nuw'ri Ijivor Piljje are tar tmnerior to any livor pill ever pluct d on the market, the inanufaotiiror bun for tho puHt mix nioiitliM Mold tnem at 10 coutH for a vial of 10 dot'eti ; or ut a clour Iohh of 60% of their ooht prioi*. Too truiy wonueiiul merit-ot Dr. Ae;now'H PiIIh ih now recognized in thrui--fourthn of Canadian horauH, tied from thin time on the retail price for a vlal of -10 doiieu will no 20eento, or tho eontn a vial U hh than in churued for other braudu of liver pillu. Thv urn thn nmnlloHt, ohoapent, bant. AmUeriubiirg IjociiI Vrnliiu. WIlhT UA0T p m. u.m. 11,in. p.m (LOS 11.40 ;,:)() Kanpx l>.y.ri J -J5 C.IUI ii.ttl 710 )>MKiim 0^7 iiit'i li.U l'J.(0 7.17 L Kit i) ItXinj; ti.iil Ji S7 4.fi7 II iii pj 15 7.C0 McO-OKor O.'JO !l R 4.55 ll-in 12:1.1 H.10 (Jortlon II 0.ri DOS 1.36 li.-JS 1U.10 H.15 Amhorhtbure ">.<,0 i) 00 4.3t All trainn uro ruu on contral Htundurd tirao, which in utxty niimiton nlowor tbun Ennox tirao. For information and ruton to colon- tuts moving wont apply to John G. leaven, Pan iionKor Afjent, St. Thomaa. O. W. KuRtjlou, Gon- orai Ptuniorifror una Tlokot AKont, CIiIchjjo 111 or A. O. tJtiiuorrj. Aeon5. Ennox. Hofoi-encuni Iiuimrljil Iliink. 10nhox, Out, .1 Ij J'otoru.],, iJiirriiitor, ota., Ehhux, 10.A. Wimnor, Enq# HiLrrlittor. otc., Ehhox, MEDICAL. JAItS. JIUIKN A JiltlKN. Oatl Outi Ioko. Houor Honor borof the Out Grad- MocIIeul OHlcn ovor Khhox Medical ITall 'lrtif( dtoro.' Comuiltiition roonin, both ou (jround lloor and fir ot Hat aliovc 'i'ok'jiliniKi In both oilioo uad riiiildooco. All cullii n.ttuii(lu.) to from olllco, drtif! ntore, or ronuloueu. Itufiidonan, TalbOt ntroot, front of cioiiiulo. jT)UH McKENZIK A JKNNKH. G McKmizio.M I) V M , Trinity Uiilyoralty,1 wiinibwif of Colli-iro i'hy idunn mid KuraoOuB Ontario; Oriuhmto nf .Now Vnrlr i'oHt Guuluate Medical Co]li)|,'o; Corouur for thu County of htmx. HoBitlunoo, I'uloot i,troot, north of Jn.Il- WI1V. Kdluiv way, Ehhox. J. Knrlo .Tenner, M. D. G. U Trlnitj nity; M. O. P and H, Ontario; Lie. Itoyi 1'nyniclann, London, Kijr ; lit Boholni Trinity UoWor- _______o. Koyal Colluga iviitcfaiiH, London, Imir ; lot Bcholnruhip and, Gold Mudalitit, Trinity CoUcfjn, lbH3; uiipointod'i Houno Imyiiiotmi und 8un;oop, Torontofloimrni 1 L. b\&D. R.Ry. TIMT'l TABLK NO. 22, taking effect Monday. fiopt ii", 1H0O. Trainn run by Fimtoru Btand- ard Time, Daily except Sunday n M"3 <D '- M til & a ~*< ^3 0 'A A M A il O.'iS 13 00 niu ia:in O'i'J 1'10 ot: 1U.4S I w o P< V M 11:20 ft .37 u. :w 11.10 0 50 liiflil (i 47 9571 1.10 a (ii tons! iiMJ 1000 10 JO I0'i7 10:17 1.00 7.10 1 5 7.17 2.0.') 1,'i.l 'i 3."j 7.117 10.IB' ?5I) 7.1*1 1055 H.-15 7 51 ll.lll i 10 H.'O 11201 11 'J51 linn1 MM. 11 no 4 w 1 10 fiOH 6.2!) f> 12 BTATIONn. Pop Wulkrrv'lo Ar Wulkorvillo -Tunc. 1 rfl 6 'A a* 3 A si Officii In Imporiul Hauk Bloclt, jirouiid lioc_^ oppnnttti TTinrrii-'H drii|j iitoro Modlolnos dls- pomiod in tlio oflluf-. lolophoui coimoction with both ofMco uud riiHldtinooH. IVlvuU) tele* jiliJim lino btitwoon (Jyrtl Pnoiiottc-'.!liouss wit! .j Dun Komitniy'fi houuo und ulllco. Nltfht oallH attondod to ut olllco or reflldoUco/ ~ dental!, HP, MAimN, D. D. B.( L. D. 8. Graduate s in Dontiatry, Itoyal Coltoce of Dontal Stuvioonn, Ontario, and Uuivornity of Torojito. nhnr'Eoii.modiiruto. OiUco, oyor JJrion & Co * Inn.' utoro, 18-lv 1'olton ........[ti 57 a at: a Mi* st ) HI. S.!iO.*7.fiH 0 r:il r,.:-u llf.5! h.55 1201 1211 12.11! Iv.M 12il,> i* sr. oon 6 15 o.;jr) o in 7.00 8 17 H-JS H.iia H.4I1 8 47 H52 1)00 0 07 0.12 0 20 1)111 1'. M. I' St ......t Olclcuntlo .. . .... t Pmiuotto.w . ... McOrof,'or ... ...f S'tiw t'unuan... ... + Murnhilold ... .... Harrow ..... ........t Amor........ ......KlnpBvillo..... ..,., ltutlivon ...... ... Limmlncton ... ......"Wlicutlcy ...... .... t Itnuwiolc ..... . ... (. OUlHWttlttl .....t Gt'Onvued..... .........Merlin......... ..... , Iluxton...... ...... Sunilifitiii ...... ...tOodiir fiprii'fiu... Hlonhtdm Jinict'n ...... Hlonlio'm..... .......IWill.iO........ Ar Kid(;i'tiiivn 306i> H -17 H<t2 H '\G H 20 H 22 B 11 8 CI Tfil 7-10 7 21 7 IS 7 10 7 00 5.27 5.17 fi.tH fi.OO 1.10 1.IW I tffl 1.00 S.-15 a. io a. 10 I.M 1.118 7 i:i 7.:i7 7:i:t 7-w 7.22 7^17 7 10 7.o;i 0 52 0 12 00 0.1B (1011 551 1 IS fi Hi i2.:hi ftao ti 52 12.21 5 2H fi 45 12 1-' 0 -IO! ]2 no n;uui.2fl OGllil.SO 0 20|11.15J 4Tfi (I 10,10.15 -i-15 n *4,uo A.M lA.Sl. J'.M. 5 21 filll 5.07 t Finn Btutioiiii. Trainn ntoji only wbon that* uro piifiU'iiijen ut or for tbono ntntioiin. Mlxod triiluti uro ut ut the oft dubjdot to bn nuucolldd WIT WnriLLATT. Gouorul RupoHiitwidon . S s e "Hoi "MENTHOL Ui&L PLASTER I]invAprflimHI>tl kloiiUioI^liuiUrtntttiUtiilMf of rutin j uf iniiimlKlo ami rliuiimutiu jvaliiD, sud urn vory murii vlnMi wuii Uia ffr.)Ln mid lileasAutneaii of Itti n]i[i|lfjill(iii.^-W, U, CAlU-iiW-, M.P., llclol Oxford. Ponton. I huvo iiaoil UtMlUml Vm\6t* In KaViral CMaM nf miiBcuair rliuiimatUtn, r<1 Hud la ovory cn tlinbUuAVinini>iitinitiiiitKmlp<inimiiDDtrlUtC. -J, )l.>!nmiu U.I) , Wiulilnut'm, 1).C. It Cures Ntilutlflii* t^mlmco, Nu- ytit(jlnt, Va\n in Ktauk or tilile, or uny AlUHoulur 1'ahifl. Prlca DttvlwAs Littwreiioa Co., Ltcl D5. Solo Proprloldrs, MoNtkKjH-. -it VETERINARY. WII. ItlCHAltDKON. VKVEJtlNAUV BtJK * OKON. riouoriirvuraduato of Ontario Veterinary ColKco, Toronto: incuibor of Ou- tul'io Votorinaiy Moitioal Kenloty; DipIomlRt 111 Dan tin try; treatu atl dibeufieu of doinuhttoated tiniinitlii; unttjij dahoniod by tliulutestt improved Loavitt clipper (Julhi hy tol<phono or tolo- firaph promptly uttmiilod to. Uoiildisnco.thiroo iltioiH oaiit of fji jut mil); olfico iu pout oftloo huildinfj; inilnuary. dtrixtly oppohIio. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMKS 8. LAIK1), Pro viuonil Lund KurVOyOV iintl County Mntfhieur, Knfox Oontro, Ont )lUco, Dunntun Block, upatulrti, AUCTIONEERS. I TKNItY IlKDJiKK, Auotloneor. Buloo II promptly uttondod to. Audroim Bouth Woodnltio, Out. J'tininiiH drniytilf; tn hoc tiro mo niuy louvo won! uttho Fiu;b Pni:nn otllco. tf * n. jircnnioK DfilNC'IjAUt, LICKNHKP AUDTIONiflJerBlIl . for tlio County nf Unhwr Riii|^Tof.MIhth * v Pivinloii Court. All Hindu of I'arui und othor '-. hulofi conducted pruniptly. Itutoit roa^ouahlo -1 und furniwhed ou nnpticution. Knqnirorti may iipply ut W. D. Ilouinau'ii olllco, 01 at tho olllco , or DiviUon Court 01. rl(, Mr .Tobn MUno i To Privo anywhere, if ao, you wiint a flood ........cud the pluoo to tiot, it in ut JOHN MgDOUGALL'S Livery. Sale & Feed Stables GoodlHoutlorfi in attendance day a.ud a I fib t. HORSE-SHOEING InHthiB brunoh.or ouvlniHlnoBH wot flvnt- oIubb Wortuion and will co'irantao BariBfiiotlon tn Bhoohn,' UorHOti that btorforo, Ovor- ltoaoh or havo Goran or Oontritotod i'oot. V/umako a Biioolalty of flbooluff Road aud Track HoraoH. fyr Telephone ConnfUion. DROPS*' CURED. THIS Ondorulgiiad Is proparnil to nturo all cusgb of Water l)roi>By whoihor of Iodr or Bhort duration. Absolutoly tio aln>r0 upleBH tho pati ent Isenttroly andpormauently ourod.fc JAMBB OAMFBBXiL. Oottam, Ont 80 BOnN GOUMbWY. ?J MCKNHICP AUCTIONKKIl for tho County" " of ICimex. All ltiudu of farm ntoelc huIoh, oto,, oonductud promptly und on idiort notlcu. HtttoBv.' ' roiiuoruhlo Povfioiiu dcjdrublu to uvranfjy aalos'-' inuy Jo f.o by oulllnji at tlio Fjicu PaiiiiH oulae ( or by apidyinij to 4 J.GOIWnHY, P. O. Hoi Ifo \:hHox..(kit. 1,^HANK AlGGIiOBKtiY, AIllltldtOAO,' thirty- ' '^ V no von yoarn' oxportonoo an an uuotlonoorm. Vm thoOounty of Ehhox. Hulon conducted promptly,,"' ^'B ind on rotinonablti tormn, l*atrii'n thiHJrlnj po' ' ' " Ilxttioduto far a aula uau eiuvo tlnmujolvoe a ,' drl^o by rullinfi at tlio Fuun Pukhh oUiqo. Wo havo urriuiKod with Mr. MoOlolilmynnd will fix ' tho daton for turn a by ttiloKmph, ontiroly froe ot all churco to tbo nnvhon liuhliiif! tlio mdo. Ad-r. , drona I"ranUfltoClonlcoy,Mftldiitoi)oCroHa,Ont', 1115 /'; BAKER, THKoIdont luifdiiOBH-in town. Ilatablii 187*1. Fimt-olaHB broiut and ouk& of| Hindu. \Vfltld'ii(;oiiUotiaaiu)oIality. (trood proviiilonu,Hour,food. Halt ard pork.' Oonl tlotiorv.orooltory.idunawaii). Cnmiodfrattsi vORolahlooof ull Ulndn, Goodo pwiinptly Ilvowdtoullpartiiof tbo town, j, M, HIOl ll)l-tf ' $ LAND AND LOAN ACENTS GHOROK J. THOIIAR, Oonvoyiuioor, Ootft*/^ nilnmonor, In Hih Couvl of Justice: Oooler'.SjS^ tn Haul Kutatd and MortouKeB. Alouoy to l0"bW attbalowoiii rate of interoBt.' .-Famiii \Mvm?$w tuidnold. InHuraneo taken in tho moBtreUftblO^^S (joumanloH. Drawinffof (loads, mortgages ap4X leaBooa npoolulty. Ohari(t)fl moderate and, n]|^ bnslncBfl i>rotnptiv attended to. Col) at th$i? Oentrnl Toleubono oflloo, KfeoxContra. BOnl^-^ Best Place In thtt world for youngmoii^ nud women to Heonrea jPtisiiieM^^;, Kduoutloi), Bhortband .eft,, IA thS-'tSli Detroit qfiinefl8 Univeriitywuo**6* F. JEWELL - v-J^H I'.v; > Vix 4:: ' . 1 in' 'r'..V>'"',~ I 1 ' , 1 J ' 1

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