/The Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD. PHOPWETORS. 'FRIDAY. JANUAUY IB. 1H07. It i mho Agricultural Honiutlua meat on WodnoHflny noxfc. Coomtt Goutiall tnoutua wnok from next Tuesday, ,____ Dn. J. E. Jknmhh, of thin town, ban boon i appointed by tho Ontario Govurnmonl an Aapoalatu Cnronur for tho County of Jlmtux, vioo Dr. Goo. Muoknrifcio, docouno 1. It i nndoridnod that W A. .WoXntOHh, of Combor, in to ho uppointml Lioi*nttn X - apeotorfor South Eiihox, tho prmnmt occu pant of (.ho ofrtoo, Alfiniinn Blhntt, having taudorod lm* routy nation ti> tho Ontuiio Govornrnont.owluK to illnufi. Mr. lOlhott hau boon unable fn uttmid tu tlin dution of iho oftlcd for about twojuuin, and duruip, ihattitnohiabrothor-m law, O, W. Coutn. worth, looked uftor thn outrudu work for bim. Mr. Molntoiih will, no doubt, make all oflUdout oflloor. Ho wan formerly M. 0. B. agent at Kimox. find in wtill Known all ovor tho county. At an obiiorviuft coiitimpoiar-y rnmarka, itddH indood look an if wo woro bound t*> hayo 11 plionomoually mild wmtor Huh yt"tr. Horo wo aro in tho middlo of Januiiry, and tbo tlmrmomotor bad (unready touohod/oro yofc, Tbooo kind of RoanonH bavo boon known boforo, however, and ouo om't build yory maoh on tho nuugOHtion that our climate of lato ba booii ohanjrinL! in that direction. A hundred yearn a^o thoro wore Bovoral of thorn, 1707-8 anil tbo two uuooooding yoarn being frimouu in that particular. In eaoh of tboKD wintorii wild flowors hlaomod frooly in Fobiaary. Ho did pinltH in tbo jjardoon of tho few nettlorn on tho otlior nido of Lako Erio. The poaob troon waro in bloom in March. Naturo munt bo uivon long poriodw in whioh to ropoat haraolf boforo it oan nafoly bo uHimmnd that itho baa altered bur wonted oourao. But it does look an if nho wan making Btronaouii offortii to Kot thoro junt now. MOUTH m<JX. Miia May Clinton, of Dotroit, in vimting all Albort Cnmraiford'H, Stephen MoConiba ban boon appointed janitor of tbo Methodist church. Immo Thornton, jr., moved into hia new remdenoo limb xvook. Hir motor in koopinK liouno for bim. Tliiii in all right, no doubt, but wo bopo laaao will noon cjottomo otbor fallow's uiHtor to ohoor and lovo him. 1111 luc Millon preached in tbo MothodiHt ohuroh laat Sunday rooming. "~ Bidhop Baldwin, of London, will confer tho rito of confirmation on a nnrabor of candidates at Trinity ohuroh,North Bidgo, ou Sunday aftornoon next, norvicon com mencing at 3 p m. Bis Lordship will aluo proaoh at tho aorvioo. Norman McKonzie has returned to f *biB homo in Bay City. Bov. E. Modd proaohod a Missionary aormou horo laat Sunday. Juo. Talbot, of liraudou, Man., iq vihii. infi rolativoH in thin vioinifcy Mm. Andrew Chapman haa rouo to To ronto to npond a fow woelcn. Qaito a numbor of our younc pooplc drovo to-WoHloy Obaroh in MaidHtono lant Suuuay ovonimi to hoar Mihr Morton, tbo evan^oliat, who is conduoting HPrvicew ^/thoro. A grand ratuioal and htorary entortain- raont will bo hold jn BethoKhurch, rhnrfi- day ovoninR, January 21ot No pams aro bomp Hparod to mako tliiH fiterta'.nmont a grand Hacoean. All aro oordiully in vited Admiaaion, Ijg ProuoedH in aid of preaohor'a ualary. COTV A ill. Roy. Mr. Saundora, of Chicago, ir ^viHit- r lnp; at Rov. Tv. XI. BIiuw'h. Topio for Friday uight'd Yoau( Pooplu'it moetiriK will bo "Joaoph uold into E^ypt." Gon. 37, 23, 36. Mr and jVIra. Ifamania havo boon on- ^Woyiug thomnolvuH with tho riHh and pynnn tho akating rink J Robt. Jouklna, aftor au abaonco of Hovon yycain m Miohifiun, ratarned to Eoaox and intondH, if ho oan Boouro work, to Jbrin^ his family horo 1). F. &Iit3holl ban fitarod a ohopping mill in town. AU thono wanting chopping donooan liavo it done on Tuoday or Wotlnouday of each wook. Tho Karaaraa Mod. Go. Iuvq loft town for WmdBor. Thoy huvo done a raHlung buflinoao horo having oxtrantod ovor 1000 tooth and takon away ovor $1GU0 At tho hrot mooting of our oounoil.Alvin Orton wau ro-appointed aanoHBor; P. In man and W. B. ICollott auditorn; laaao JoGlwon, oloclt. and Jamoii Bain, troasurer. Tbo K'tmiiraa Hindoo Go loft Tuonday morning Kamaraa oxtrnotod about 1,000 tooth froo, and almost paiuleHH. Somooall him a TaUir, otliorn a liypuotiot or olair voyant, hut nearly all ugreo in uaymg tbat ho ih vory a\c vor. "C omiutf From Torouto. Are You Ilupturod. Thoao having tbo mlufortuna to be rup tured nbonld roud tliti advortiHurnont in ati- othor column, undor tho haad of "Rup- tnra," of J. Y. K^an, Hernia, Bpoolabflt of Toronto, who purponoH viHitln^ Esaux Abordwtm Hotel on WndnHdday und ThurH- day.Jun. a7ih and aHLb. Tbo uvidonou fur- nlnbud an to bin ulull )h of r very high ohkirautnr. Tha following If.ttor Hpnukii for itlf: Mupbdon, P. O. Dtmr Hn T hayo tjivou your 'L'rumi four mouthn' hinl and am woll nathtui'd, an it hnhlt* mo complntolv. In f'Lot tho Hurnia ha<i 1 r hut 11 out of plaeo dntini; thai ihar timo mid my (jnmiral hoaHh hitii muob nnjnovtjd, Bhould you viuit Aylinnr or Ht Tho man again I tihul] bo pluanttd to huh you. It in bottor than you protnmod and oxnotitia my own autimpatiouu oiiahling mo to do tho hoaymut, work on tho farm .Tawi'h Moohk. T'hh gontlohian in now ourod, One hundred and Ikfty nun, bojw and (jirltj firiuit woik fur iuhlhiluuo luljunterH at tlio oiuining ftictoiy, uuHottitig ovor Hiotk Ki'vorul oar loadu of goo hi huvo bf n na\t I no far, W. (Jonklm oamo of ngu on Friday and in tho o\omng about 100 pt'oplit ot both Hoxoti mot at bin piirunu' it 1 idnnco on Mam 11L , woxf and iipunt a vn\ ploaiiant ovonin^ with muuio, ^amuw, oto. Tho liigo orowd prcMOiit nlno partook of ono of tho moiit floruit nupporn that oould po- aibly bo piopurod by Aim. Conkliu. Tho Kolotopa Mandolin oruhontra woru pruuont and played ocvoral rlatinical mdoutionn. tiiAinsToNi': At tbo mooting of tbo towualup nouncil on Monday, Honrv Pumprane wuh appoint- ed ftBHeiutor at a nnliiry of $17 60 , tho roovo appointed M. MoAuhffo an lua auditor and Mr. Fuorth wau appointed by tho council, Dr. Korko wau appomtod Modiotil Health Ofiiaor, and tbo foncG-viowom, tthoop valu ators and putlimuiitoni of 18Q(1 woro all ro- appoiutod. No action wau takon on tbo appointment of tho clerk and treasurer. About 30 of tbo fnoudfi of Counqillor- oloct Paialoy Htirpnaud him and bin wifo at thoir roiudonco ou Thurnday night of laut wook and npont a vory enjoyablo timo, in gumoB, npooch-makuig, oto. Neithor tho bont nor hoiitoHH had any warniHg of tbo intended vmit but proved thomnelvea equal to tho ocoaHiou und outortaincd tho guoiitu in a right royal mannor A num ber of nprecboH woto mado, and Mr. Painloy wan tho recipient of many heoity congratulation!! on bin oloctiou to a is oat in the council for 1807. AII \i: It. TboQ, Kottyls ih smiling over a baby girl. R. Eodo ih orooting a windmill on. bio farm Oilantlo Arnoi'H oinldron aro oonflncd to tho houHo with tlio moaiilon. Mihh M. Woodbriil^o hue takon oliargs of S B. No 1, in plaeo of \V. B. Clifford. Sol. Neleon haa takon tho jarntornhip of our school horo, in place of W. J. Wigle. Alfred Baltssur and bruio havo returned from their wedding tour and will Hpond tho winter under tho parental roof. A. Wiglo waa olcotod nchool triiHtoo to tako tho plaeo o J. D. Malott and Orlando Arnor was olootod for three yrum. The carpontorn aro buny finiHhing tho new home of Geo. Eede, which will bo ready for occupation in a fow woeka. In tlio abHouoo of Rev Dr Modd, wlio proaohod anniversary Hormoun in Geiito church, on Sunduy hint, ono oi Dr. Tul- mage'a sormouw wanrfad. roi.oiKY^vrKtn M>irrn Oliver Fox, a jouug man about 25 yoarn of tifjo, wad takon middonlv ill on ThurH- day and died ou Friday morning o( lat wook. AhIioH timo nuioo ho had a fall Tiom a load of foddor whiali oonllnod him to tho Iiouho for a fow days, but fooling bettor, went to work again when ho v an taken with a pain in tho loft nido. Miih- tard wau apphod and it is nuppoued drovo it to tho heart. Ho wau raArriod about ihrco raonrhn ago mud loavoa a young widow. Tho funoral took plaoo ou Sunday last, tho eorvicoH bomg 0011 duo tod by tho I.O.F. A vory largo uurabor nttonded. DoBuayod was highly outoomod and hm relativo liavo tbo aympathy of tho 00m- mUrnty, Ho wan married to a, daughter 0! Adam A. Bnibh. A REGORD_MAKFR. OVER TWENTY.ONE THOUSAND NAMES IN 2$ DAY8. Unheard oi* Siiocohh. Aooording to oflioial ii^ureu fu'ly autheu tioatod tbo Family Horald and Weekly Stai, of Montreal, in ruuniut; away ahead of anything of tlio kind on thin continont. It in given an faot b*y md diiiputo and n-nvoraally admitted that tho Family Horald and Wooltly Star ih making the record for thin continent. That paper rucoivod in 28 dayn upwardu of twenty ono thousand Hubacribory. Junt think of it. Wo give tho flgurpn by aayo. $ Subflouptionn by Mail. TuoHlay, Dnc. 1..........337 WodiioHday, Dec. '2..........147 Thuniday, Deo. 3..........188 Friday, Deo." 1....... 0*25 Saturday, Doo. 6..........520 Monday, D<o. 7..........%8 Tiipwiay. Doo 8..........ir>0 Wodnotiday. Dec. {)..........701 Thuruday, Dee. 10..........CiliO Tnday, Doe. 11.........702 Saturday, Due 12..........fi7fi Monday, Doo. II.........HG8 'Juoflduy, Doo, lf>..........mi Woduodday, Doo. 1G..........808 Thursday Doo. 17..........731 Friday, Doo. 18..........737 Satniday, Deo. 19..........7119 Monday, Doo. 21..........1231 Tuonday, Doo. 23..........-187 WodnoHday, Deo. 31..........780 Thursday, Doo. 24..........8(18 Saturday, Doo. 2b*..........137([ Monday, Doo. 28..........027 Tuonday, Doo, 29..........588 Waduonday, Poo. 30..........050 Thursday, Doo, 31..........1004 Saturday, Jan. 2..........1000 Monday, Jan. 4..........ICOO No doubt tlu'g phenomenal buooobb in aa- aotintod for by tho wonderful valuo of tbo family IlaraTd and itn hoautiful promlum pJoiure "ThaOrphau'y Prayer." Matdfttono Oouuci). Monday, .Tanaary lltli. Tho mombura olootod to oompoan tbo municipal counoll of tho Towifulitp of ofaidatona for tho municipal yoar 1807 hold, pursuant to utatuto In tnat bohalf, thitir tlrab minting hero thin day, Tbo namea of tho ttaid moraboru aro au fol- JowJ Win, Prioe, Duputf'Roeyo and MonHrH, Wm, II. Pot- tor, -Tuloil Damm and Thomaw Painloy, uounuillorH. Eaoh of tho nald memborn mado and nubRoribod bm doolaration of qualitleution und of oflko and took hlx ueat 11 ti tho ooiinoil board. Tendon* woro ro- ooivod frmi F. T Gratigor and John Gonti- gan imh for thn oftloe of Glork, tho formor at a Hulary of 9100 and tho latter at 8R1O. Movoo by Mr. Uumm-iio Booondor that tho toiuler of F C. Graingor bo aoooptod* Tho following tondorH wro road from tho pattioii for tho ofiloo of AHHflOHor: Harry Pempnuto, 917.50; G. Banks, 848 ; F. B. Foortli, 855; Philip Quiiilan, 81)0; Jom. Grainier, $115; Riobard Moouoy, 8(10; AuuiiHthio Martin, BflO, Moved by Mr. D iiimi, neeoiided by Mr, Potter, that tlio tondor of Harry Pompiaso for tho oftloo of AHHGHuor bo iiconptod Garrioi). Thn R(ovot in tho oxnrouin of hid privilege, named M. MoAuhffo, ono of tho fcownwhip auditorn for tho current )nar at a ualary of 9*20. Moved by Mi. 1'noo, ncoondod by Mr. Damm, that Francm Fuorth bo th otbor auditor for vamo ponod at namw ualary, Carried. Moved by Monnrn. Prion and pHiHloy, that Dr R. F. Rork*) bo Modioal Ilaalth Offtoor of Lhfl townfd.ip of MaidHtono for tbo current your Cur- nod. Movod by Mr, Prit o, nocomlftd by Mr. Paisley, th-it Monurn Prion, Potter and Daraai, with tbo Kt-ovo and Clork, compoHO tho Board of Health Carried. Alovod by MofcHro. Prioo and Diimm, that tbo fouooviowern for 1897 bo tho follow ing: JacqtiBB Loiiporanoo, NbIhoii Mob neau, Arthur Wiluon, Andrew Wood, Jan. Robiiifion, Lunghlin Millu, Philip May John Onollotttt( John Leo, John Clioknor and Alox, LoHporanoo Carriod. Moved t>y MeHurn. Pquo and Damm, that tho fol lowing bo appointed pouudlu'opurn of tho townuhip of Maidstono for the aurreut year: In poundkotperH* Divnuou No. 1, VVm. Wullaco, Niohobm Iltckn, Albert Scott, John nnreoy, John Millor, Mohoh Papineau and Mitoholl Damm; pound koepora' Dividion No, 2, ThnrmiH BarnoH, John O'Brhn, W. D. Beattio, John Loo, W. ,). AlliHon and Win. Wilcox. Movod by Mr. Prioo, m'con led by Mr. Paialoy, that tho following ht up valutitoro bo ap pointed for tbo ourrent joar, each for tho polling Hiib-diviaion net oppomto hiu re- Hpootivo immo : William Wallauu, polling nub- hviHion No 1 ; Miohaol Pfahlir No '2, Joaoph JonoN, No 3; Andrew Queen, No. 4; W. J. Johnuion, No, .1. Movod by Mr. Pi ice, H'cond'd by Mr. Paialoy, that tho following; oi'oraoorH of hi^hwaya be appointed for the current year, each for tho road division Hot oppot-ito hiu niuno . Road Division No 1, AmoH Bailbirgion ; 2, 3 arid 1, Noah Gauthmr , 6 Maurice Maitrc, 0 Jerome Oada, 7 Cornuhua Fitch, 8 Goo. Beckett, I) F. .lobm, 10 Thoy. Cro- zior, 11 D Baillargoon, 12 M. Dupuii, 13 Win. Burntrvillo, 13 "a" J. Baldwin, 11 S. Leoperanco. In Wffl, B mr, 1(1 Mohi 0 Archibald, 17 .lohn B,.ur,17"a" John Kmu', 1 Jacquori RuiuikI. 1!) J. Millar, 19 V W Giranl, 20 EuhoIio Sr. Pierre, 21 Oinn La d'jucoiir, 22 Antoino Blauehctte, 2'i John llojtino, 21 Ohvfir PUnt 25 J. A Milla 2(1 John llobaon, M) *b" John McEnicer, 20,,o"W. B. Ktnith, 27 W. .1. Allihnn, IH H. Stiok-wood, 2H '" -J. G. Dixon, 20 S. J. GowmII, 30 E. E. WiKin.'r, 31 TIioh Tulli-y, 32 K J Wilaon, 33 W J Johut-ton, 34 K J. Wilnon .i M. J. McGinn, 31. VVnlium Nchbitt, 86 4a" John F. Ellin, 37 Alex Morton, 3S Job Jodoh, 3D Ed. CluUli>, 10 R. Moouoy, 41 J Karr, 11 'a" 8. Gonroy, 42 N Hickn, 1.-J J, Shanrdi.Lii, U Alox Ronaud, 16 F. MoUugh. By-law No 417, toooiifiriu tlio appQiiitmonir of tho anovu named ofi\cern in their rowpootivo oIIicch waa put through tbo tiuml readings und paaHod, Mr Paialwy in th" clmir. \ioyed by Mr. Prioo, auuondod by Mr. Potter, that all pathraaatGu' load JintH bo rotiirnod ro tho Glork of tho municipality on 01 bofor* tho lfith day of AujTiiHt in 0 icli year h . ginutug with tlio year 1807 Carried, Tho Glork pruhniitod bill .f y8.fi,> fioni Wallace Aakin, Go. Ri'^ioirar, for iigiLrn- tion tor towuuhip aH poi aeeount iondoredt Ou inotiou of Slunara. Prioo and Damm, Haid bill wa4 pj.il On motion of Monflrn Pneo and Potter, a cheque wan diawn m favor of tho Trnmurer of tho Town of Enhox for 18, Mmdotone'H portion of ihc ooHt of oouatruoting tho nouth town in.- dram. li. C, Rcon pteanntod bill ol SB 0(3 for lumber aud Bcautliug (urniHliud town- nhip. On motion of MoonrH. Pnot* and Potior, Mr. lteoii' bill wuh reforred to Mr. Paioloy to reporr, therein to'iomicil at in-xt meeting, Movod by Mr. Potter, muouded by Mr. Pi'ioe, that no Raovo or Councillor uhall expend in tho diviHion for which hi' in ComraiHHionor more than that appropri atod fornuoh divmion within tho vour tin Iohh ho is authorized by a ruHoiutiou of tho ooquoil to do ao. Carried. Movod by Mr, Pamloj, iieoonded by Mi. Pnoo, that tho aum of 810 bo given from tho general fund of tho townuhip to tho fund for tho oaro of P,atriak Moaghor, indigent, in hia illnooa. Moved by Monom. Prion and Damm, that tlio Ryutom of appoiuting drain inupoclora horotofoi-o oxiatmg bo aboliabod and that in futuro oauh Roovo, Deputy.Roovo or Goutioillor fllmll nob as caretaker of all drama, or purtH of a drain or drama in tho polling oub-diviaion for wlnoli ho 1a Cora- rmaniouor. Carriod, Wm. Millor pro- Boated bill 815.18 for goods furuiahod Hug gorty aiid MarRball.indigonta. On motion of Monara, Damm and Pamky, aaid bill vrao paid. Ou motion of Meftium, Prioo 5WKBHS Our Annual Stock-Taking Sale. * W Is now in full swindand we are giv ing decided bargai in Odds and Ends broken lots |d special lines to clear. # * *. IT WIImIm PAY------ sit, 3V? ViC- Intoiuling purahaaora to oomo unci look thror aro doing. Tho following linoa will go lit pri in a fow dayn LndioB' Fur OollnrH, Capo.., 11J Woollon Undorwoar, and lino Drotm Goodn. AMY MAN--------------------- our hLocIc, imd hco wlmfc wo tbafc bIhjhUI clour thorn out Muit'f), 01oiikiiKH, yoah'tto, I Who ih in ncod of an Overcoat, UiHtor, Pea-jut "t* Suit, P< nuan fjaiiib or Fnr Capr Folt BootB or Pino Undorwoar, or njthui^ olfo hi tho lino of wintor Goods should not fail TO IMVESTICtATE Our ndviou \a : IS- Call early and socuro tbo a hniitod timo. Yours foiBargains, M. J. Wile & Co Pi J" & M t, as thin mile is only for jj~j N ?3 DtTl^STilW BliOOK. ESSB2T mmzMmmMmmmmmmii vt-zw- mmms'.mMm n M FRANCIS' Greai Unloading Sale. .. DreSS Goods ^ wonderful low prices, from 7c. \v yard up to $1.25. Blouse SilkS r-Th lateat styles in Japanese Silksirorth 7octJ for 50c. All Shades* 34-iticll Flannelette* worth 10c. for Go,, extrfieavy twill and plain. Corsets D. & A. for 75c worth $1 00, Men's Overcoats, worth 810.00 for WW~p Men's Pants from 90c to $3.50. Underwear ftU wool, for 50c , excells all other ^lues at G5c. Boots end Shoes-very LOW PRICES for nex Hats Men's 2 Fur Felt Hats for $1.00. Groceries__Always ireeh and best for least mono; 0 for $6 00, 30 days. The Best Tea in Market for 25j, if not, money refunded. J. A. FRANCIS. and Dumm, ModHrH. Brott At Auid wore paid 8 i.fiO for priutin. Movi d bj Mt-HHrH. Prico Htni PniHlay, tlmt MuH^rs Ur< tt, A Auld bt- niHtiuotod tnpr, p'tro for tha town- ship Trttniuiror two blank ri'0t'ir>t b nkn. On-rnod. Muvod by MonarH Pniolcy and Prion, tlmt Olivur Plant bo ptud ftl for in. moviriL' ti iron nff tho road oppomte lot 19 and to pnv coh' of ropmrn.H dumn^o to hia buuuy. Carried Moved bv Mcoro. Prioo and Ditum, tlmfc thn Ititovn bo authoriznd to miuii, on bohalf of thn corpor ation, tho petition for tho railway culvert, WuIIkoo Linc.-Carnt'd Tho Enuinoor prowMirud Imh icpnrt m tlio onlarj*m*'nt of iho O. T R H. onhort, Wiilb'co Lino. Raid repoit wan road mid, on motion of Modhih. Pricti und Potior, laid ovor till next mi'otinR of thn ootiuoil Movt'd by MciHHrri. Dmnm and Pi ion that P<.t..r U h pomnco bo paid JJ2 for n pmre 'O tho Town Flail Ciirni'd Tenders frnni P itn dt Mnjor 'ind A. I Halford, P L H, tlu forrnor for thn oflico of towimhip troahtirnr, uud thclittt-r frit- tbat of tiWcmhip Iiiii noor, wfr rnid and lmd ovt r till mxt moodn^. On motion, council ar'jnnrn* cl to moot UKiun on Siturday, Fubiuarv Gth, nfl\t. Ito<;littMt<H' Co it ncil. St. Joaohim, .lunuiiry 11th. Counoil met uooordin^ to law and or- (rini/,H.i for too vftr. Tho momh* m aub- Hcrth.ni to iho o itli of oili -a and took thoir wnitH at tho board, 11 ovo L idonnun in tbo chair, Mnvfd by Monrn, RylvcRtrn and Wiluon, that S. Diiphurrno bo ro piiRatJod an Olorlc at a Habtrv of fJUO U irn< d. Movf d bv MHHrn. DowlnrHfc mid Wiluon, that Patrick Rrronti bo ro-nppomtod treaH- uror at tbooamo nalury iirIahI yoar,m30. Carried. Moved by MoanrH. Mailloux and RylvoH tre, Hint M. Byrno bo rn-appointnd asHrnwor at tho Rama ottlary, 850. Carried. Tho Iloovc appointod Miohaol Jj, Byrno an hia auditor and tho oounoil appointod T P DioHhonrg. Tho aalary of oaoh wua Uxod at 81D, thoy to nudit tho oolleotor'n roll. Fonoo-viowora: Ed Giroux, V SylveH- tro, B Bylvoutro, 0 Duroabor, P Diosbourfi, Jan Strong, & WCarentotte, D ItobbH, J as Mott. .r W Knister, J 1? Giroux, O Simon. Movod by Moaurd Wiluon aJd BylvoaLro, ibat aa Vf Byrno 1ms rattled his indebted- iiohh wilh tho townHbip, that ho and ;h bondumen bo reloaHod. Uainod. Commnnioation roal from Clan, Cowan & Co ro ox treasurer Matboni. Movod by McHHrn DowbirHt and Wile , that Jao Byrno bo allowed to coram o Iiih Htatutu labor for 18!)7 botwoon lotwG and 17, con. 3, Mr. Mailloux com'r; wit to bocomplotod by Anp;, ]5tb."Carri*-'L Pourui-ltooporH V D Millor, J) Bl- mcnu, J W KuiHtor, M Mullinn," V Van C Durochor, J Uo^mi, C Simon, K Loto:- nuau, .T Btruj, J MulliuH, P Cbrintio, Board of huahh : John Dinvhirat >r two yoarn; I? Mailloux for throo yeara, i d Mr. BylvcHtro rotirca ntit your ;0oh Strt g Bauitary inupbotor, Dr. KoiUo, M. II. O. Druina^o mnptatorn: Douiq Marontc o aud Win Cadu, WuLd lUHpoctoiH: Geo. Lot-l( and *. Uoofotjuiu. Movid bv MeHHrH Wtlaou aud Sylvew o thnt iho council HUlJHonbo for G copion it tbo Municipal World. Carriod Movud bj McHura Dowlurtit and WiIh i, tbat tbo RtLVO bo appointid with powo to act, to look iiibo Jan, Byruo'o conipliunt ro bridgo on 3ru con., botwuuu IoIh 1G und 7. Movod by McHHra Mailloux and D w- hirHt, that Mr. Kylyiatro bo erapoweiod to repair bridge oi. 5th con., opponito lot 4. Movod by Mchhin Hjlvuntro and Muillo x, that 11 ti lit cvo bu orapoworod to invo ti- j^itu tbo Durtu of ono Manor, who mot wth a iiorioua nocidont a few dayo ut:o, and i iio in unJuiih foi rtdiuf. CorriuJ. (VooonutH ptuiHod D Uihuibon, $1, '0> maviiiK a trou .')rd con,; N Lomiro, 81, cit- tmn thifitloH 4th con ; Joh F Giroux, SojD. B. O; L. Luforoflt, 85, D. B. 0.; If an Mu.pby, 9, D B. O.; OhaH Ohirlc, A2o|>0, prmtint! to diitt*; Jaa B>mo, ^3, ront of oohonl for olectiou; Mr. Suooale, 35( oliarity; 9 Uuahurttio, $'M, dootion ox poiiHDHjD Purowt, 81, rotnrnina P. M. hat; Mamoipal world, $5, nix oopiou of paper; T Bobmaon. 82, ront of aobool (or clout urn ; P Mmlloii*. $1, rotuminti P M. liat; Munioipal world, Si.20, poll bonko, oto. J Adjooruod to moot at St. Joachim on Bitturduy, February 13tli Baker and Butcher. Tlin oklont budiuono in town, lucitabllsho I87t. Firiit-clnim broad and onlcos of al limdn T,V*mWliij oiilion a npociality UrOflOHOB provitdoiiH, flour, food, nalt and pork Coufoo- tionory. crockery,fdanriwajo. Caniu dfruJtaatid vogotahloo of all " Hvoiod to all iiartn J 01 tf ktmlo GoortH promptly lo noftbo town. J. Hi. niOKB. Khhox Market. Whoat rod por bunbol------8 Whnat, wluto .... Corn .... Oata .... Timothy Seed .... Clover Seed .... Hay por ton............ Ahnltc ----- Buff per cwt............ Pork Pjivo woitfhfc........ Mutton1 ............ Hideo ............ Chicl'acH por lb.......... Buttor .......... Laid ......... Kt'UHi por do/ .......... Potatot'H, por buuhol .... Carrots .... Turliojfi ptr lb........., Ducka .......... - 75to 80 77 ai 15 to 15 1 B0 150 to 450 8 00 to 8 00 1 (if) to 4 00 t :o to 5 oo 3 95 to 3 2g 5 00 to 500 13 ti 10 to Cto 400 *.^ 13 0 *a 7 Wetmore Truss. 3 Farm For Saje. JOT 01)3, Booth of tlio Talbot JtniVhaU milo -i t'Mt Ot Maltf Hiouo Or jbh &0 AciVd or olttOr- Odlaml; 'argo atablo'ind grunary and a (jood well and fl no too of fall whou,^ and a quantity of fall ploughIne Korany further luformutlou apply to JKliBMIAH O'OONNKtit., JCiObB, 0th oooooBstou, Saudxvlob Etoatb. The Best Tfass id the flatfket. Thin TruRs In roaommonflnd booauiio it Is Haay to Wonr, Cannot Gt Ouf of Pbico; un beJuiwd hi GfiB-m Hard to Hold; and idbo lu Oanos luaally ill) tul nud. Itlimuperiorto all ofchor for tbo followina rmiHonH: , ,. , j, lt-t Uhanaaprlne bow that oan bo aajuatea to unit tho onuo ai in prcitHnro. Siul Ii doonnot ^o aroimd tho hlpa bub over tlimii 'L'ho buck pad Ih iilmowt opposite tha front pad bo that tbo proaauro la evoniy dtviaaa.( Itrd tott pndH and nliaplin,' tbu liow; Ih Unlit, ouitlly to ao- junt and will utay whoro It Lolon^H ovory; tjw and all tho tbuo. - , > Partlou in nood of a Trii&a should soo tho Wotmoiro, ^ JOHN THORNE, DRUGGIST, ESSEX, ONTABIO. ,'