Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, page 12

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KOTM;'1^1\<^'\"V'^,>\vr\*" "^\'&f$$ym |fpj..v;,:. ./ ^-"iw Gone, to f Prices Smash Cut Right in Two Stiff Hats ! Regular Price, $3.00 Now $1,50 u ii It li 2.76 2.50 2.00 1.60 u if a u Underwear! A11-Wool Shirts. 75c C6c 50c <* (( it 1.38 1.26 1.C0 75 39c 3 fie 25c i if- BoyH' Shirts and*Drawers. iRegukr Prico, 80c, a Suit Now 40c TIES ! C. 35c Four-in-hand Ties, for, $1.00 0 25o Bow Ties for *1.00 Soft Hats Worth $3.00 Now $2.00 a a it 2.50 2,00 1.60. tt a u 1.75 1.25, 1.00 TBOVRIBR. Mra. H. W. Millar ib vary HI. fill a u Audio Hoiiniu iu TiBiting friends iu Windsor, Gil llarhurt, of Windsor, 1h visiting rnl- ativea aud frUndu hore. Mr. and Mm, MoK&on, of Chatham, ar visiting Mra. 10. J. WuIhIi. Tho, Bollaire, of Montroal, liai returned homo aftor npeudlug tho holiday* with frlondtt und rolutivim around hern. WAS The "rm Fur CaDs Regular, $2.75 " 1.60 Now $2,00 1.15 Caps Worth 75e. Now 50c it it u a 00c 50c 40o 35 t 25c a u a a a JOc i -Ml 30c 18c" This G-igantic Sale will Commence Friday January 8th, 1897, continuing until 23rd inst-FOR CASH ONLY. awn__'.-L 1 Inyilo ovorybody to take this opportunity to HGciiro thu latoafc nnd moot stylish Good a at tho Groatoefc Roduotion ovor given in Ehsox. D. J Whitney, HATTER AND FTOHISHEE, > *.'. A Grood Thing. \&y Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to bo true he cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well, Fit Well, Wear Well. Thifl in tho loaat wo could poanibly any about thorn. II it was not for our oxporionoo id louthor wo could uot noil ho choap. Call and ha oonvwood /oryournolf. - Sitfa of tho Uoldou We Can Give . . . You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in Grey, # Brown and awn Colors made to your # order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. For $17, $18, $19 and $20 We can give you a Suit from the Clyde Tweeds, ^ These Goods are equal to the Scotch and come from $4 to $7 less. They look as well, wear as well, the ^ color is guaranteed by the maker. We have done the hulk of our trade this season so far in the Clyde Woollens, HltOOIClCIC. G. JJ. Biutnlfitnr ban b<m elected truutoo for 8. S. No. U, In plaoo of Henry Spoooh- luy> Mihhub,Mary and Jumima Grim von, of Tilbury, aro viuithiK rolaUvon in thin vi- utility. Kov. Mr. Thibiuhmu will ooutipy tho pulpit of tho Mothodiiit ohuroH on Sunday, Jan. 21th, Jim. II. Hnwmun htm vontod Go. Gum- inuii'H (arm for a turin of throu ' voiirn. Mr. Gammon moyod to thn Ham Ciboino pluoo on tint [hh couuijuiiion, Jon. Myortt und v/ifo havn rnturnod from vifdtin^ tlioir rohitivon in T'liiimiylvania. Thuy imlloii on Waltur Smith, who thy Htntn in iinj>i:oviiif4 iionHiwInit in lioalth. iJONIi-lltKiVfr N'OIltVHir, Jjowih Orton, hon of Aivin Orton, Gon- li- hi Norl.b, u'ntit to l.jntu'lon lant WtH.'U Ui pir. iu a t.hnio in jiuha'. Lui-ru at LIih mili tary iiobool. ^khIc UnH, Toronto, on 'L'h uonln.y of m^r. wi-i-fi. in L-.'wnt vi*. Williiunn WiJ - limriR vn. li'-v/JH \V, K. iMjildlotou, for L u'lh, uhjvbiI to oonLinuo injunction und roemvor. D. Arniuur for Williumn. Onlor iuiliIo continuing tho roooivor am] airnothiK that hu ho at liburty to ro'ilmi' tho aftHutw of tho partnoi'uliip with tho consent of tho partion. Ptoaoadh to bo puid into oonrt. Tho rouidonco of Alfrnd IVfoo, on tho 9th oonooHnioii, waH doytroyod by firo on Sat urday Afsoruoon lust. Mm. Mo wan at tho homo of hor mother, Mm. Wra. Briim- oomb, fc,t North .Ridp;, at tho timo of the liro and Mr. Moo wan iu Enaox Town, and wan not awuro of bin Ioub until uo- quuintcd of it in town by noma of bin UQitfbbofs. Boforo lofwinic homo and not raoro than twonty minutou boforo the firo, Mr. Moo wan iu tbo Iiouhq and did not notioo any tufton of Uro. 8ora of bio noifihoni notiord'tbo fiamou and ruehind to tho hqouo nuaooodod in navinfj iiorao ur- tialoH down HtairB. Everything upatuira and the proviHionH and Homo of tho fur- nitnro downHtairo woro oqnumod. Tho rofiidenoo, a two utory ono, wiui built thrac yoam ago and wuh worth about 1(000 ; in- Burauce iu favor of a loan company for 92C0. Mr. Moo tbun roooiven uo rocom- ponHo at all bo that hin loan in qnito haavy. antic EARING SALE Corner Store, m J^QO Wo can give you a Hoavy Twill Black. Worsted Ilouvy weight and will not ^loss in wear. .Wo lmvo other linos snmo' lower in prico, Bomo higher. Wo have Overcoats from J?l r> up in Benvera, Molton^ and KerHoys. Wo can give you hotter valuos in Mado-to-Ordor Clothing than you can do olaewhoro. If you need a Suit or Overcoat lot ua seo '-.<" x< ktlicU-.Vf.lMN riirc-Arlu', Hfiutlc If-nliiH, Xcmaltlfi K'aluM, lain lit tlia Hlilo, ate; Jiraiiijitly Bnlli'Vod and Curotl by The"D.&L,r Menthol Plaster Ilftvlritf !ii<>d your D. A I* Mnntliol rtiuUr fnrHi)Vf<ni)j!iin In tin) hnck anil lumltSKO, 1 itly it"-: kiirA aim) rat'lil fi'mcdy; In met, tlmy net lllco umitlc L ULViiiwrK, VMi& IwtiiUiwii, Out. m imliculUittimty Ti<i:oininrtiil iwinifl an a.uii. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO,, Ltd. Proprietors) Mohtuical, ESSEX T?*"^ R5-:> Hal ! Mian Alborta Lanniu ia vioitinjj frionds in Detroit. Tho annual (Jlirmtraaa ontortuinmaut wan hold on Tburodtiy, tho Ulth nit. It wan a nucccaii in ovory roHpoot. Tho pro- Hmmrao wnu cxuollont throu^liout. Pro- ooodn 82-i. Ttto EpworLh Leajme have olootod tho followiu(j ofiloerH : lut Vioo-PreB.. fitanloy Wright; 2nd Vioe- PreH., Lambort Wi(oj S.oo., Norman llor ; Troan., Wno. T. ICoyon, Headquartorw tor Bohool Bookd, School / , Bupphoa, Noto Papor.Bnvolopon, Inkn, Writinji Tablofcu and offioo Stationery. ' : DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGOIST. Doteotivo Cumpiiu, on Tuofaday, urroatod Heury Papinoau at Bollo Rivor on a ohitfRo ofnttfcrint; forgod notott und attompt- iiiR to diiipouo of uatno. Papiueun wafi tnUon to WindHor und noxfc mominfl plead- od guilty and' wa iu.mtdiiitoly norttt-neocl to fciRhtofln monthfi m thoOoiitral at Tor- onto. It upneara (.but thoyouiifj man, who in only 20 yearn of auo and wnll connected, wut to Aurolo IJacaud litafc wook aud attotnptcd to liu/rotiatn aftlCO noto purinort- \nil to ho nigtiod by hin^rantlfathor, GPap< inoiiu and ondornod by Ilonry Marimtcttn. Mr. Paoaud Ituow tbo partjoa to bo yonpon- iblo and folt ditipouud to dutcount the p'lpnr but o 1mtit:od hin (uintl and dlu not do eo. Doteutivo Canipnu hoard of fcho affatr and htartod to mvonti^atn with tho above Vi'Hult. Four foruod notod woro fonnd in tho prinonor'a poHHOunion when bo waa BiMuaboil at tho polif.oooiirt. Uo evidently Intondod to do a land offioo bauinouBin that h .. CICNTO. Mra. Wra. Trimblo 10 vory sorioaaly ill. Mina S. MoLanghlin took oharco of the New Canaan Hchool on Tuonday. William Hamilton andniotor, or Huron, aro viHitin(j thuir brother, R. numilton. Undor tho uliiUfu! troatmontof J.fJroopor and I. Brash tho New Canaan Hohoolhouwa ban mado rapid iraprovoraont. Rov. Dr, Modd, of Ruthvon, occupied tho pulpit of tho Mothodint Chorob on Sunday lant, Ilov. G. W. Konnody taking Ihti appointmonth on the Uombor Girooit. A tomporanco mooting will bo hold in tho Mothodiat Ohbruh tliiw (Friday) oyon- ing at which Nlrn. D. A. Maxwell, of Arahorflbhnrg, County Pronidont of tbo W. O.T. U.,will proHido and Mina Pholpa will civo an addroan. Tho Cumpboll property lipro, part of loi 21, S. M.H., advortiRo^ to bo Hold at tbo Abordoon hotol, in Eaaox, on Tugeday, is now tho property of Iho moiit^agcos, tho Litndpd Banking A Lnun Co., no bida hav- iuu beou mado for mirno. Tho following oflloora of tho Epwortb Leaguo for thiit term woro. elected on Friday ovoninu : lot Vioo Proa., Mian Burrott; 2nd Vico Preo., Mioy Creopor; Sec, Minn R^dd; TroaH., Jolm Battou; OigauiHt, Mihh Whito. GeHto oohool oponod on tho Cth mot, with a good attendance. Your corroiipondent hua boon much puzzlod to account for tho number of ox-poduuotmcH vinithig in this vicinity. Evidently thoro rauHt bo Bonao very poworful attraolion to draw no many and 40 far. Wo woro inuah pb-aftod to hgo tho familiar faou of W. h\ Clifford in our villufto. W. G. Millard ih here on a vmit, E. U. Pea rob took charge of tho Gento Bohool on Monday aftornoon ourin^ tho abuonoo of A. O. AtkinHon. Tho Colohowter North Conuoil mot on Monday and an mtorontinK timo wan ox- pnntod aa thoro Woro Homo now oouooillori! initiated. Thoro waa a hltoh in tlio arrangenioutH, however, no tho nont, whiob hud be,on oaroftdly fed and trained for tho ocotiniou eould not ho caught at the appoint- od timo. No doubt tliih wan lucky for tho dow liunda an he ha a record for friHkinoHn. Win. Irwin who ban been oiirotaker for Bomo timo Hovornd hin aonneotion with tho muuioipalily an bo bad romoved to Gonfloht North. J. Miller, who taken hiu phioo nudortook to roafit tho council out hut ho will need tbo aid of warmer/woathor or more otoyon to jjivo him any ohanoo of iinoooiiii. , On Thursday of hint wool: an Ram Mooro and lua brother Arthur wero coming from Thofi, Swort'o wiih u loud of corn foddor on a light wiigon, tbo front wbeol wont into a hole on tho road and thu loud linnet. Arthur, who wa< driving, jumpod, to tho oppOMtoHido, and oRoapod injury, . but. ii wau not bo with S'imt who nut uoroan tho lotd. Ho went boat! unit into tho ditch, that had ahuui two foot of water running, breaking through about an iuoh and a half ot ion with tho fodder on top of him. liUiloly h held a pit; in hix arma, Wfth hii hands pUood on tho pig in tho ditch; ho waa able to ^ut hin head above wator Our Counters are Crowded daily with delighted shoppers. Departments all shower blessing's upon them in the shape oi'Righ-Class Dry Goods, Cloth ing' and Boots and Shoes, at prices which are at a Great Reduction from the Regular Value. 3 DIEBEL&BRICKER. lon([ onough to catoh bin taken oat ho wum altnoat badly nhaken up. breath. When titraii^lod and Wimtlwich South il. Thurtiday, Decotnbor Ulut. Tho eounail moti puruuiint to adjourn- mout; all tho momborH proHant. Tho miniit6if"of'tho previous mooting woro road and adoptod. Clarice, Bartlot I' Bartlot wre paid 923.(10 for lepal adviao ; Goo. E. Whita >6.fi0, for pipe for Wewt Towulino and Piko Crook Drain Ropairu ; Goo. E. Whllo, 312, for pipo for Ward I; Geovgo Holinaworth, 8fi, for ditoliin^ on Cth oou- ocBflion^road and J5, putting in it pip* on iutoruootiou road; firntt'ite Anld, 816-81, for printing and otationory-; MeNoo St, Mc Kay, 82, for printing ; Thou. Fitzpatriok, 810, for land for tho Doliolo Drain ; Glodo Furounh, 813.42, for GD roJH of ditohingou 11th oonotiBoion road in Ward 4; Fred. Ouolletta, $14, for building oloaot, Heats, otc, for town hall. Moved by Moiinra. O'Neil and GroavnB, that thin oouucil ap proven of and adopts tho tottlomenf with roapoot to the eh aro of thin townihtp to bo paid to tho townuhip of Sandwich West for itnproyomont to tho Oabill Out* lot Drain undor tho provimonn of tbo by law of tho lat mentioned townuhip, mado by tho Hoovo of thin townuhip through cooiiHol and ovidonoed by an agrooment in writi^f; dated tho .15th day of Docorabor, 180C, and that tho necownury utupti bo takun to offooiuato tlio uaid ui^reoraout. Carriod. ' Jonoph Fwrry wan paid 8-JO far work on St. Loni^ Drain, D. A W. Act, the huiuo to bo charged acaordiug to tho Enjji-. utor'n oortitioato pumuant lo D. <k \V. Act, 1804; DoniH Downing, S<, for travel for tho iiho of townuhip and 81.25 for one oord of wood tor town hall ; Clark, Itft.fiO, and Troaouror, 830, lant half yoar'H nalary for 1S06 ; eaoh merabor of tho oounoil, 8-'li. for attending oounoil mootin^H; Mr. Uro 813, Mr. MooneyJUa, Mr. Greaven 81Ut Mr. O'Noil 810, Mr. Colo $:tfl,for uttonding to othor townHhip huninoiiH ; tbo Glork 810 and tiio Tro'tnttrcr *B, for meetinga with .Sandwioh Kant. Council adjourned Bine die, Vll J. Y. Ed AN, 266 West Queen Street, Toronto Tho Only Hernia Specialist in tho Dominion A CURE WITHOUT AN OPERATION Children 4 to 8 wooks. Adults 7 to it Mo Experimenting,. Everything a Certainly' OF BPEdAL INTEREST TO SEVEUE, LOHG-STANDrtJO- OASES. Rkmi/mut;k Atfe V.-1 4 of person or length of timo ruptured makes no difference. Every 30 > ears' continuous practical experience I. have produced the Grandest Instruments the LOKG-STANDrtJO OASES. case a oucccss, Aftor. /eprocli ' " "* World ICvcr Saw ! ! JCnowing,the true cause of Rupture, and having discovered tbo s.:cret iat present known only to myself), Instantaneous Relief is Afforded, Safety is Aa-" tiurt:cl and a Cure Effected without the doubtful, hazardous and ever costly expedient of an operation. DON'T almndoa HOPE -as I Olfor yon (iroat MnuouraRemunt I Without egotism, I would say I am prepared to do what no othor man in America can do, viz . Hold any reducible -Hernia durinp; tho harduKt work or severest strain even horseback riding. Where failure has been the re sult in the United States and tho large hospitals in the great cities of Europe, oaaou glvai' up a* lun.'i'!.;;!, I aloiin oaocuodud. Don't "put off* your case or that of ycur child; regret aril .^jjrrri'v m.iy come When least expected, ancf too late to remedy. Your rupture K'ives linle i.uii^a now, and appears trifling. You neglect it. This is where your dangor lie's. oming! BE WARNED IN TIME ! Should your-rupture be hidden from view by pnnv.' lur.'o clumsy truss yon are lulled into a cense of false security. Your Hernia is not held, and you are in a more dangerous condition than you imagine. Now hoed this Can-. tuij/'ure it be too late ; Unless the Hernia is completely reduced within the interna! ri:i . 'p'.-htire nature placed it) and constantly held there, adhesion might ensue, resulting in '. itraiiLjiilatinn of the parts, rendering you liable at any moment to a frightful death. An dl lilting truss, from intense, unequal pressure on one side, causes a Double Rupture, induces Paralysis, wcalcens the Generative organization, causes general nervous prostration. Kidney-Urinary troubles, constipation and kindred ailments. MOTHERS ! Loolt t0 vour children as you value their future happiness 1 I can Cum Tiimn in six weeks I Neglect will produce frightful deformity and may prove fatal. The very best evidence to support my claims Our Own Physicians, Our Own', ivuple, Vour Own Neighbors; EXAMINATION AUD ADVIOE FBEE. One set of teeth will not fit every mouth, nor one make of truss suit every form of M.T-da I have known cases ruined for life by placing themselves in the hands of ignor- :f the first principles of human an- :ment must certainly be regarded as, possessing more experience and uetter laciuues for the treatment of any particular trouble than anyone having "many,irons in tho fire." am pretenders having not the slightest conception cf atomy. He who makes a.specialty of one departnu possessing more experience and better facilities fc ItTAINLY M0EE OAPABLE thanan SPECIALIST WILL VISIT & fa Oldaaatlo, Jnuuary lHn. Tiio now council met, piirnuant tootatuto, Hiibooribod their deelaration of qiutliiiuu- tion and of ofiieo. ' Moynd by areHBrH. GrcavaH and Cavauugh, tb:<t John Moyuu- .han bo appointed Clerk (or 18U7 at a nalary of 8125. O'Noil, by author, ity of ofliao, appointed Tlioa. Jobiu an aud itor. Moyod by lUoHwra. Groavon aud Keefo, that John Hold'ou be auditor for the oiiHiiing year. Carni'd. Moved by Aluiihrn. Shutlloworth aud GroavoH that tho Cloik bo instruoted to neouro tendeni for print- ing for 1897. Carriod. Moved by MemirH, Greavon and CitvaniLgh, that tho Glork bo paid SM.fiO to pny expon^oH of cloution. Carried. Moyod by Mohh , Cavanagh and O'Keofo, that Michael MeCartliy bo graut- ocl tho contract of lighting, firoi, Hweopin^, oloaning, etc., of town I)all for the Bum of ftlO per annum. Carrion. Naoo Halford was paid SO 22 for nontugaand ulationnry ; Fleming, Wiglo A Rodd, 1U, for legal ad- vioo on Ouhill Drain Outlot Improvomonfc; Michael McCarthy, 820, for rout, light, fuel, uto., ot towu hall. Moved by Mohovb. GreavoH aud Oavanup.Ii, thufc Mr, Shuttlo worth bo authorised to hoo John O'Koofo and family and \t aoomoil in drmtitato ojr- oumotanoon to provido for thorn. Carried. 'Application? wilt bet rooeivod at tho next mooting o( tlio oounoil for AnuoHBor. Ooun oil adjourned to Jf'obruary fltb, at I) a. m. Julia Washington, who liyou uour Olmt- hum, had hor nephow htiforo a.maKiotrato on a ohariio of aHUiiulting lit^r. The young man, William Wanhiugton, informed tho authorities that bin Hunt killod bur young. or(iBtor with an uxo aovon yearu ao, aud County Orojvn Attorney liouglaa ha* or. doreduu inquiiy into tbo patio. Chatham, Hotel Garner, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 25-26. ESSEX, Aberdeen Hotel, Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 27-28. Ridgetown, Arlington Hotel,'Friday and Sat, Jan.29-30. JBJrtliM. TEuav In Eonex, on Saturday, January ihid,;to Mr.J and MrH. <LWin. Terry, a non.. . SitnuMM Iu Uofittold Nortb.^on Sunday. January 3rd, to Mr, audjMrB. Frank KE'iBhruram, aaon.t}. Hknaman InJEflHex, on Monday, January ith, to Mr. and Mra. Eph. HouHmau, a oou. Hkjltt In Ebbox, on WednoBday, January Cth, to Mr. and Mra. Trod. Hyatt, a HOU.1 TAYLon In GonUold North, [on Saturday, January (HI), to Mr. and Mm. Alex. Taylor, a daughter. Q ICbown In Ehhox, on Handay, January 10th, to Mr. and Mm. Win, Koowu, a Hon. Ghant In 'Maidstone, oa Saturday. Janu ary 2ud, to Mr, and Mrp. Grant, a daugbtor. Dkwbi'.ic In Sandwioh South, on Wednes day, January lIHh, to Mr. and' -jjlre. Jamea Dolirtln, n daughter. LinnicoAt In Bbhox, on TuoHday, J uuuary 12th(| to Mr. and Mrn. Philip Liddi- ooat, a daughter. BKNNKTr liutlivon, on WodnoBday, January Ctli, hy Rev. E. Modd, 3Ph, D.f Mr. Albnrfc J. BoMtiott, d! Oottara, to Miutt Amelia Poaroo, of Go^fUdd South. JDoatiiH,, Majoh At McGregor, on Friday, January 6th, Dolmor Major, aged 18 montha. Goo. Aubry.of Stonoy Point, wati taka n to Windiior Friday night aud _ locked up on a ohargo of ntealtnfr womo rIovoh, tnitlona, jack-knivoEi, oto., from a store up 'there'. Next morning ho wan nonfc to tho Oouttal priaou for throo monthn. . niurrjiKVRN. At th annual mnoting of thn lilpworth Loaguo, for tho 'olootiou of offioora in tlio MobhodiHt church on Monday evouiutf of laat week, tho following oflfioorfl wore oloot- ed: PreH., Mibh MoLaron i lat Vice-OPrea.; J. O. Copoland ; 2bd Vioo-Proo., DwiRbl Harvoy; 3rd Vico-Pro*., . Miyo : ':M mug; itli Vioo-PrcH,, B, Smith; Beo., Mina Harrington ; Oov.-Boo., E, Noble; Troafl,, N. Petoi'Bon.. c 4 CAJLti AX Tho Anglo-American Roner I treaty of arbitration was ttlgnod at Washington by Sir Julian Fauuoefote and Secretary 01- ney. Mr. Clevelaud transmitted the treaty to tho bonato with a very warai oxpreaslon of approval of ita general moopo. , May's Bazaar, i-'on aijci K-tNua oty^ ,r WINDOW' BLINDB-Away down. / OHINAWARE, mUO-A-BltAOE, FANOY GOODS, :; : -, NOVELTIES,: BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SOHOOIj BUHPIiIBS,. ' TOYS OF ALL KINDS, ... BERLIN WOOL and FINGEJ ' YARNS.: ' ,': New Stock of late Waff Pi

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