Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 1, 1897, page 6

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Wmr w:t-? ^m? r ht-S /." it- fc 1; EK* r' If v' k/ Kegular Price, Gone to J Smash Stiff Hats ! $3.00 Now 11.60 il 11 2.76 2.50 2.00 1.50 (i. a u It Underwear! AII-Wool Shirts. 75c 65c 50c it w u 1.38 1.25 1X0 76 3t) 35n 25c Prices Cut Right in Soft Hats Worth $3.00 Now U tc a 2.50 2.00 l.fiO a $2.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 Boys' ShirtH and Drawers Regular Price, SOc. a Suit Now 40c 6 C TIES! 35c Four-in-hand .Ties, for $1.00 25c Bow Tiofl "for - SI.00 Fur Caps Regular, $2.75 Now " 1.G0 " $9.00 1.16 Ca/ps Worth 75c Now 60c 50c <J0o a a 85c 25c a k a (C (< 50c J-0ti 35c 30c 25o 18c OOLClUCSTKU NORTH. Patrick Btorey, of Kondoau Park, Konfc Co., wan tho guonfc of hid iiiooe, Mr a. S. OobdoD, of OornorvUlo, lust week, _jGoldou Lutaai aud Mr. Maxwull, Leam ington, wero tho ^nontu of B; I). GohiioII ouBunday limt. On Monday of Iant wook, tho infant non of Colin ltyull, ol Alhnuu,, foil into a Itottlo of boiliufi water, which had juttt boon plac ed fin tho floor for itorubbhifl purdohoh, and although a nlntor only nix youni old wiui pruMOiiL, hIio horoloidly rtmonod tho ohild. Tho niolhor hearing tho orio rufthad in, hub tho Injutiuu proved fatal, and tho little oho diod in a fow bourn. to Grand vimtin^ truiitoo of Mr. This Gigantic". Sale will Commence Friday, January 8th., 1897, continuing until ,23rd inst. - 1 Inyito everybody to talco this opportunity to sccurn tho latest, and moat stylish Goods at Lbo GroatoHt^Eoduciion ever given in Krhox. D. J. HATTER AND FURNISHER. A Good Thing Those who want tho best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to' be true be cause we hear what our patron^ say. What others have discovered should interest you, Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. Thja ici tho ]oaot wo couhl pormibly (lay about thoin. If it wan not for our oxphrionco in kuihor wo could not hoII ho chotip. Call and bo.convinced for yournelf. Bitfn of tho Golden Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, KSSEX. We Can Give For You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in Grey, Brown and awn Colors made to your order for $12 an- extra good line and very suitable for school wear. $17, $18, $ko and $20 OOTYAltt. Minn Abhiti Brown had yono Hupidd on a vhdl. ICliuH Colfclirop, of- Ptikotii, in fflondH in Cottiun. .Tool Whitney hiui boon ulootod (orB. H. No. 12 for 1HJ17 in place Xhomun. Tim council for- 1B07 for North Gnuflold urn Chun. Ilohcio, Koovo; John I'\ Milieu, Uuputy.lloovo; .J mi. Newman, John M. Kay und Uonry Barlow, onuiiuillorii. Robert Burling and family, who loft hfi-t* iivo ajjo and "uottlod ut Caiui City, Mich., roturnod luiit Saturday nipht and t*i.'(.'uivod a huurty wtiluomo from thoir old noi|;hl)oni. Tho KiLinama UindooCo. liavo had full hoinuin tiiticu thoy camo lioro. Kainamu not nuly'troatod a poor man who halt boon rdcoiviu^ towntddp aid fi'uo, but bought olutliinj; and food for him at hia own x- pi-rmo. Thoy huvn l\tr. Oamphnll uiidtir tn.'atraont for rhoumatimn. Mr. Campbell him boon unublo to no without HtioUs for a numboc of yeara but now wu,lli without thoir iiho. ' nouiii mncK* W. H. Billing wan on Wodnosday of hint wooli, at tho annual Hohool mootinj;, oloot od truotofi for North Kidtfo woliool Hootion, Wra. Parkor oallod on ftiondii horo lant Monday. Mrs. Pliilomon Gilhoo and two uoiih, of Par^o, Elgin Co., called on rolutivaii horo lant wook. Miofi Boiihiq MuloaRtor, of Erooh, called on hor Krandmothor, MraiSamuol Surfjont, nrtJ on Monday. . Walter and David Gilboo, of Pontiao, Mich., called on thoir unolo and aunt, Mr, and Mm. Potor Gilhoo, aud other relativeii huro laab week. Mrs. Jonoph C Carter roooivod a letter on Doconjbor JiOth, from tho captain of tho boat on which hor lato hutibanl wan iirat mate, ^ivih^ hor the wad iiowh that ho was wanhed oyorbourd and drownod on Docom- bor 15th. whon about 30 miloH off Capo Henry, Virginia. Tho boat wan from Boo- tou aud bound for Baltimore. Thonr ytau a terrible atorm raging at tho timo. Tho dt'coafiod yonng man wan born noar Nia.g- ara Falhi anil althnugh a young man ho hud aailed tixtotihively, having travollod around the world Suynral timon. ' Jlo koftt a rocord of hia travela and wan preparing a .volume for publication. Ho wusi well- read, having a cultivated mind woll ntored with uwoful knowledgo. antic CLEARING SALE For Cash At The Great Corner Store ^ Ml V;'l A Commencing Saturday Morning, January 2nd, | 1897, we offer the Greatest Bargains in Dry? Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery, Mantles,^ Carpets, House Furnishings, Groce ries and Crockery. OTT12. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE la now an ovent looked forward to with pluaauro by hundreds of the .^lirow.V^t biy-vi in fcho town and suiTOunding country and bc*Ht Goods at a (rroat Reduction irom tho H'ituul cost, Ui^ii prions anl vaU';^ \i\w no longer on apoakinfj terraa lioru my. Wu don't pnjiiuid t.j Mtat a dollnr is any bigger at tho Groat Uornor 9toro tliau in :my otlifn- Hturo, buf. if. I'.oks \v:<<.',()v bo- causo its pnrclmHing power Sh ho muub greater boro cBpcc:ally during this G-igintitj CMoarmg Sale. CIoho pncea for Good Goods are. tho Greatest balc-niun Icu'jwh fi Mi.j monsh.uuliso world . Ladies' Mantles.. Tho "balance of our BtooU of Lad ion1 MuntloB wold at tho following low prioon: wil bo aw. viv* Millinery. Department, Half Price. A.II Trimmod and Untrinimoil Hutu aud fionuow at Half lJri( .Lot No. 1, ohoico for SI.OS........ Hi liiidieH'MantloH, regular prico, S i..r>0, $~>, 55.75. ohoico.' forsi.oa. ........" Lqc No. 2, Pick of tho Lot lor S3-----..... 11 liiidioH' MuuUla, idl tbia houhoh'h importatiouH, regular prioo 7, S7.50, pick of tho lot for SB. Lot No. I), tuho 'ora for 85. 1-1 Lfidion' Rioh.and Klo^ant Manthm, tho boat Tailored GnrmontP.rtmular price Sin, 812, $15, your olioico of tho lot for S5. CALL EARLY, aud don't lot your neighbor fjat ahand of you. $$ 'Men'Sj-Boys' & Youths' Suits & Overcdati j^ bent BuitH, mud "^jfe~G!othiiii in CikuuIh. Muu'^BuitH :Wc iiro Hiturilicint* a Bi^ Atmnrtmont of ihl by tiitj'bijHt AliiiufiioturwrH of Itnady-to-Woar] Tboy uru ltich and Eh^ant Tailored' i$j GurraentH, in tlm Lutcut Sfylo of Cut aud Fininb. Wa olTor tho bent Slr> Mun'H Boiti for 812 Tho r.jtilur 912 aud 313.1*0 Htiitn for SO. Tho royular S10 and 811 -uiti for 87.50. The ^ regular S7 and SB Buitn lor 't. .M011V Black Wowtod OpuU 5/1$ and Vt.'HfH for 8;i.i)8. Mom'h Kxbra Heavy all-wool P-intft for, $1%. 81.25. Moii'o iino .Twoqd PuntH for <JQ\ Uoyw'and YoiiGhft1 ^!fe BidtH aboorr(j(i[)oudinly low prioou, Min'ti, Boyn' and Youtha* ^IJ* Ovorcoatii elo!irtti|4 at lomt than oont of production. Choioo or viv tho Mcu'h beut OvorooatP, beHt Material,'Latent Htylow, roqulatf ^ ft!2 and $15, ohaion for 88.50. "Al We can give you a Suit from the Clyde Tweeds, These Goods are equal to the Scotch and. came from $4- to $7 lews. They look as .well, . wear ns well, the color in guaranteed by the maker. We liavo clone the hulk of "our trade this season ho far in the Clyde WooIleiiM, 3^0:** $20 Wo can give you a Heavy Twill Black Worsted JTonvy weight and will not jrlosH in wear. We have .other limja nemo lower in prico, some higher. We have Overcoats from 1 5 up in UeavorH, Meltoin and KoraeyH. We can givo you hettor values in Mada-to-Ordcr Clothing than you can do elsewhere. If you need a Suit or Overcoat let us .see you. m, AN INSURANCE MAN'S STORY. .7. J. Ilanratty, lnapootor for tho Standard Life AHHimmof) '.)a. at Puterboroiiiih, Curod of iruHCJiilur Ithoumutium by the . Njrtat South A-tuferiotin Rheumatio Cure It turriH tho Midnight of Suffering into Alidday BriKlitnuBrt of Good UpuUh Theao uro Ilia Word0. I wan a grout Hurfur<T from musoalar rhftumatirtin in m^ *irm ; ho muub ho that for dnyn at a timo I could nut Hloop. I walked lbo floor in pain tho greater part of tho uiijht. I prociimd a bottlo of South 'Atnonoau Rhournatio Cure and found '(^roat relief aftor a fow donoo. Ii'h a huro curor and I-httartily recommond it. Sold by .T. Tborno. CAhh AT May's Bazaar WINDOW BLINDS Awuy down. OHINAWAWO, BKIU-A-BRAOE, VA.NOY GOODS, NOVELTIES; BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES. TOYS OF ALL KINDS, BERLIN WOOL and FINGERING YARNS. 'JV0W1 Stock of Late Wall Paper. iiicMLi! mxr.u. Goo. Gonlet'n nt'w budding in now roofurl aud rouily for tho umuomvoik. Mth. (Dr.) Bt-idiiTd from TurmmHttli ih viHitiiif* in tlio villu^n. MiHH Hamlin, ni Detroit, in vi.Hiting AIihh E. Ouulluttu. MiHH Clark, of Dutroit, iw tlio nutiit of Mrn, l\>tor Durnond, J. J3. Dubc and wifo, of Bay Oity, are viHitiiig at N, DujnuH, of tliL- Sbaron line. \Vtn, BucKon hue f^ono on a vujit t<> friondu in Saginaw. CONVINCED THE SCEPTIC. Tho Merita of tho Groat South Nurvino VVithvitand All tho A^f*anltn of tho Crodulom and Sooptioal V/hun They aro Conyortod to its 11 tie in Thoir I'orHorml Ailtiniutu Thoy DoooufiG itn Boot Friend For it Never FailH Tbom. Mr. Dinwoodio of CumpUdlford, Out., HiiyH: "I recommend South Atuenoan Norvjnp to ovorybody. I ooiiiiidor it would bo truant to the bont inteniHtn of humanity -.voro I not to do uo. In quo iiiHtanao"! uonvinood an avowod Hcoptia fco all re- modioli of itn onntivd powora ; ho prnonrod a bottlo, and it haa htvm of nuoh bonefl" to him that ho oontiuuna to pui'ohiiuo aud mv< it, and baa proved itn gruat worth an a Htmnaoli and norvo tonio. It haw done woudofH for mo and I Uonp it oonutmitly in my hutmo.' An ' ooiiiiioiiul done uoLu 11 h a preventivo and koopn mo woll aud wtrom.'. It ib wondoiful modicluQ." Sold by 3. Tuorae. Ed Finn in vimting at bin fatbor'o. Houry Croz'mr in on the Hick hut. Frank Cuunmnhum in viHitinj* at Liud- imv, Out, Sainuoland Thos. Mooro aro viaiting at Rodney. ThoH. .itfcL'.'Jin and wife, of Harrow, vin 'ted horo on Now Yearn. R. II. Barrett ban ho 1*11 Qummod to tcticli in S. S. No. ;i, Mald'tii, lor 107. Gilbort Marlow, of Durham Co., in yinit- jn^ rolativL'i. and friend.1* huro and uround Harrow. At tho fiohool tnofjtiui* on Wednesday nf last weok, Fruneifl Sivoot, jr., wan oleutud truHU'o in pluco of Mr. Crooper. ^Ir. I't.-arui', t'orumrly toachor ih tho (id- gar Ht:l*fixi!, but who now renidoH with hit* paronlu down cant, ban boon ytHiting in (JeHto, Aftor tho council adjourned on Thursday evening of lont wcuk tho rnembci-H were nnteriaim-d lo >ai uynter HUppor by i\Ir. an I Blrti. Barrett. 0, E. Widdoii in ^t:tting out timber for the purpone of building a n-tw mill on hia phiiiM udjoinmt! G*!:itu. He also intondn putting in a chopper. The tfiint 4 of tli.t north of lot 21, S. M. R., th'i 0 unpbi.'ll nrop'irty, will bo offered for h.-do at the Aberdeon II;>to], Eusox, on Tuo :d;<y next, ai I p.m. Noxt Stindny, Jim. 10th, will bomiBHion- ary Sunday on ilia Gusto Circuit. Rev. E. ?du<!(.1, Pli. D.( of Kuthvon, will prouoh at Edgarn, Uothel and OeHto. Mr. Modd irt a popular pn-aclier and will alwayn be well riicuivod on the Gunto dtrouit. The memhera of thu Epworth League l^tLvuu party on Wodnoaday ui^ht in honor of i\lr. and Mrn. Win. Fliill'pH, two of their numbor wlio havo htt.tly joined heart and hand t ko through life tquether. Thu young puoplo in-jt to^ot.lior about 8 o'olook and prooueled in a tho roaidonoo of Mr. Philliph. It was a gouuino tmrpriuu party. Thoi:Lli Mr. and Mra. Phdlipn wore taken oomplaioly by utorm thoy prov- ud themHolvoH equal to tho ouoaoion and oiitertamM thoir frioudu vory rnooly in- dfcod. MrH. Phdlinumakoa a capital' boat- oh(i. Tho ovuniug wab upontvory ploiwaut* ly in munie, fjamou and y iriouti amutio- mouto aftur which rofroflhmonta woro Horvod, Tho pruaidont fchon oallod tho ovowd to({other, and on bolmlf of tho Lyftgue, prooontod Mr. aud Mrs. Phillips with a haudaomo family bible as s tojfon of tho eotrtom iu whioh thay aro htdd ' by the younfi peoplo. Aftor uiimnp aud nmyor tho orowd diopoteod all wUhjna Mr, and Mru.'Phillips u happy and proBperotn life. Space does not permit-us to -enumerate the hundreds of bargains in All Departments, but you must call and see the G-oods these prices represent. DIEBEL&BRICKER. HISTORIC SLAVE AUCTION. The finlo of Plnlcy Hal*l to ITnvo Innplrod tho Kinimclimtlon I'roQlanmtinn. In Tho LadioH* Homo Jmirnul Mrs. "Hoiiry Ward JJooohor writa of "Wliou Mr. Bocohor Sold tiluvuH In Plymoutli Pulpit. " Ilcoalliny tho historio miln of Pinky,.AlrH. Bocohcr yiveo thoHu details: "An old colored woman had written to Mr. G. Faulknor Bhiko, tho brother of HOW SHE HELD THE TRAIN. llor A Wouniin'n Strutfjfy That Knablcd J>uUhtor to <i(i to Town, "Boforo I ouino to thin part of tho country I was u cngincor on u lailroad down Hquth," aahl a railway inau. " Wo ufiod to nuiko ft long run, "and wo worn protty slow about it. While on that lino I had Homo vory odd experiences. I ro~ member 0110 day, when wo renohed tho Wetmore Truss. ono of ourohtirohmomborf!, that hor lit- junction Btation, a woman canjo up to tlo grandehild, named Pinky, \vnn too fair and beautiful for hor own good,"iuul was about to ho Hold Mown .floutb,' and Mr, Blako tusked if hIio could bo frood. 'Not uuless'you bring hor north,' replied Mr. Bcecher. 'I will boroaponniblo for her, aud hIio flhall bo lawfully purolwiH- mo and askod mo to hold tho train for five minutGB. Sho suid that her daugii- tor wanted to take the train to tho city, I told hor that it waa impossible for mo to hold tho train for her." " 'I don't boo why/ aha expostulated.' 'I think you might do a little thing Hko cd or flout; baek.' Tho answer was a| that.' compliment, to which Mr. Beoeher| "I triod to oxplaiu to her that train* laughingly referred as tho only tribute j vm on Hchcdulo timo, and, liko timo and over puid to liim by slave owner. 'If j ^Qt wajt f0l. no maIli or woman oither, Henry Ward Booohor ban given hiH| for that .matter. But who wouldn't havo word,' wrote tho dealer, *it is hotter than a bond.' "So Pinky was brought to Plymouth church and placed upon tho pulpit, an Sarah, another tdave, previously hud boon. The Kceno was again ono of in- touflOouthufiiafliH. Iln-in never foil fast er thim tlio tearH of tho congregation. Tho protty child, the daughter of a white father, was bought and ovor- 'bought. Rose Terry afterward Mra. Roso Torry Coolto, tho famous authorcsH thrown valuable ring into tho baskor, and Mr. Beechor piokod it out and put it upon Pinky'H .fiugor, miying, 'Rnmom- bor with thin ring I do wed theo to freedom.' ** * * Primidone Lincoln took a lively interest in the caso of Pinky, tho details of which wore rolatod to him by Chief JuHtico Chuso and by Mr. Bnechor. I was not in Washington with my hu.shand at tho timo, and tberofore cannot -verify tho Htox-y that tho Halo of Pinky innpirod Presidoufc Lincoln to irt- eao tho almost divino proolamution of omanoipation." Two Vorkiililro Stovlen, _........ Tho BturdiucHS of tho north and ifcg rathor grim Holf will aro admirably il lustrated by two Yorkshire anoodotoH. A landlord of vory old family proposed to malcoau alteration in ouoof histonnnt'K fnrin buildingH, wliioh fcho tenant do- olinodto pormit, whoronpon the land lord remarked vory mildly that, after all, tho building was bin own. Xltoro- upon tho tenaut rejoined, "Nay, my forefather wont to tho eriiHUdoa with your forofatlior, aud you Rhan'fc touoh a atonoof it.'" Aguin, a duuglitor of ono of the lead' ing oitiv.oHH ot n YorkHhirp towu hinted to hor fafchor'fl gardener that tho family would liko to appropriate tho groenhoune to tho purpOHoa of a vinery, whoroupon buo waa told to lot hor fufchor know "ho uiuy juafc ohooso betwixt mo nd the grapoH. * Of oourao tho proposal waa abandoned. it, and finally, jnut a wo wore about to Btarfc, flho HhoutOd indignantly: *' 'Well, PI1 juHtHoo about that.' "I laughed, but soon I ceased to laugh, for what did that old woman do but got right on tlio truck about throo foot in front of tho online, Who Hat her- Holf there, firmly grasping hold of tho railswith both buuda, Tho conduotor flignalcd for mo to go ahead, as our atop Wafl over. But I couldn't do it as long ns sho remained on fcho track, for I would kill hor eortainly. I called to tlio conductor, and ho, impatient at tho de lay, en mo up. I oxplaiued the situation to him. Ho waa as wad. an I wns and going up to tho woman told her to get off tho traok. "'I juBt won't,' flho replied,-'until my daughter gets on board your train. * "Ho ploadcd.with heraomo moro and flnalJy doolared that ho would bo 00m- pollod to use force. " '.hifit you dure!' olio oriod. 'I'll nee you for damagOH if you do.' "This opened a new complication, and we roasonodwith onraolvea whether WO'had hotter rcmovo her by forco. Jnst as wo had determined upon 'a course of policy her daughter oamo'up and Hooing tho old woman on tho trnok kissort goodby and got on tho train, while hor mother called to hor: " 'Goahoad, Mary Ann. You liavo plenty of timo, though, for I will sit on tho traok until you got on hoard.' "Aud thon, when Mary'Ami waH safe ly on'board and wo wore about roudy to run over tho old woman, if noooHsary; alio calmly and nlowty got up and wayed mo a goodby, oulliiig aH wo pulled out of tho citation: " 'I hopo I've toaohod yriu, follors 11 grain of porlifcoueas,- ,l OhioagoTimcu- Horald. aUEL The Best Trass in the flrtafkeL I'biHTniKH irtrfictiimHMiidnd bciouutiu Ifcla 13ny to Wtiur, Cuiiuot Oct ("Jut of IMihm; c ia bo Uftotl in CtuiiiR Hard to Hold; aUo hi (Jiihoo dually Hutainui-I. IL in niiiJt'i'ior to ull othorii- for tho following rtiuHom; It-1 It, ImH 11 upritifi how that can bo iuIJubUxI. to ftiiit tho curio an to prt-ti .urn, Suit 1(, iloufi ur't f,ci uimml tho liijn bub ovpr tlictn Tho lniclt \isii\ iti uhnoiit oii>nito tho (rout pad fto that th" |V ^nin-o iu ovonly (llV-lclod, .'led Any cuHit cilii ii'V ctnl by mljimtln,'tho rmiln and nhuititiK tin1 htTW: i lidlit. wunlv to ad- . jnht and will lit ay wht'i'u TfU btiloii({ii ovory -thutt<: ami nil tlio timi!. *i Fui-tiuH in noeil of a. Triim |io-ji(] hoiV tho Wotmor0. 'Vi. , . -- JOHNTHORNE, DRUGGIST, EStiEX. - ONTA.UIO. ......3SBSB2T: 4 ttSlG &. Store* KARN^g^^ # rU.S-Williama'Pianos- JBvn,^Bv*IJjo3. Pianos, !; ^ Singer SS^x^Mu '.....-HiiVti just rtioelveil a It was said of a ImndRome but brain- leaa young ' 'flocioty" man that he made a vory good obryHuuthouinm holder. Nw Supply 5| llurm,>ilca., niiiiurn, ie.', ' an VioiU, titrt**** and SuppHea tor ubovo IUfltruiuoiit>* oa Viiiitrjf ftml JU-iialriuKa BpodJalty. , , Mttohluo NetuUtH and Oil 1 Btook. t#___^ nd poor Norm of <:Btiyttejil'Ba \$:0 oiMMmi ^^fr^^

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