Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 1, 1897, page 4

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^r >& M W>i yw '-^ ' '. M^ SCARFF'S. s^^ ried Fruits. It's NOW, the Right Time to Buy. :o:- aiA.KE our advice and lose no time m loaving your order for what Driod UruitM you require. We have the beat LBsortod Stock and all Now Goods. Valencia Itaiaiuu, tiuont Soleotod, 2B lb. Boxcia. do roinr Crnwu Layord, 7 )b. Bo*oh. RuUana Buiaiua, Goldou Fruit. Mulftfcu KaiHiiiH, . - i Dliuh IliU-UolH, - - - Bluo BuHhotH. Lants, FIh, iVlmomlii, Wuluuta, And th(tfllioio8t Btoolt of Candy m 'jrta.Bra/il Nuta. tow* Wo Moot All Competition, 'till Lino of Crockerv. Glassware and China Away Down in rice...................... A. H. SCARFF fc Co. GOODS DELIVBHED aprROMFTLTT.. The Essex Free Press, BRETT & AULD, PnOPHIEYORS. FRIDAY, JANUAUY 1, 1807. Tho pooplo of t Monday morning Wtou,olthoTlc VOL- XIJL NO. t LWitHtluBiiumotUo Fuki: Phfrh otrtora pou tlio thutoonth your of itit oxiotonco, [uhoURh under & different management Hmn whon ii started a do/on yoaruj afio. Ive hope, howovor,to atill keep in tho front rank of Woatorn Ontario journalism, to [-.bfcomphah which wo aak tho hoarty go. Iporatioii of our fnouda, aubaonberH and Loader*. If ovory aubacribor will ondnavor Bond a now uubaonbor alonfi with hid Iwn for 1807 it will bo considered a npocml Lvor by tho pubhahora. Wo ara alao ovor Lndoiro to Boouro uowh from tho aurround. u{ country ujul trust this yoar to malio ^ ^'p^ovoajento in tho pftPot whlch mmiablo ufl to bW comparison, in every Urtwwto*. "ltupy oi,,oc l P v That all lay enjoy a Iluppy and pap hSow4i in tho wioh of tho Troup0 0UH ^ FrK l)nttBB'___ X DclS>l'ut0 Suicide towu wero allocked on it to loiirn thai John tlotol, in hlauox, had Stately comiicd by haufiinfi i v\l in his neclm in thD nocond story tl'tbobotel. Mrlrton whb down town t 8 or (> o'cluJn buninoaa and it was Catnap sot my whon tho report _______^rnjatod aj o'clock that ho was fiiadi ix^tiirl at tho" bote/laying Rono into tho room to do up the work and dinnovorod him hanging from a curtain polo that was ntrotckod acroiiu tho room. Sbo at onco notified othei peraona in tho houaa and about 10:15, Dr. J. Bnoii wan brought to tho honno but life wan then extinct _Tho |opo uued wafl u bod cord and it was clearly [ 10 hppu that ho wait dctoimined to dm. fy otandmg ou a obair ho was enabled to lo tho ropo around the polo and with tho fiooao nrouud hia neck, arranged oa that ho ahp ltuot oame underneath Lhr> loft oar, lo mnnt havo lifted himtolf in tho air and lading his knoeb allowed tho full weight M bring tho ropo tight, with tbo result Whon found tho it' U tiho opinion of muu\ that hud ho boon )at down when diacovorad hia lift* wnnld luvo bpou aaved. Dr. Briou did uobdoetn $ inqueet ucQoiHary and tho body waH mrcd for burial, roraaimng m the ho- |jll WedncHday morning whon it wan 'to Loudon for intoiment, nerviccH Ffnc buon condoctod horo on Tuoariay fmng bj Itov. A. L. Bovorly. Two rel- '(Hfiom London camo up ou Tuonday accorapaniod tho roraama to London. \icu fouud, docoaned had fi roll of billu, lonntliifi to 807, in one of hm rocIch. tecoaaod wan 49 yaarn of a^e and was a of J. M. Barton, a merchant in Lou- A number of brothoriuiud oiftorn arn hvinfii c-H boin^ woll connected and |ily eatoernod people Doooafied mar- a younf,' lady of flood family and ao aru- ouo won, William, wa (born. Ou tho ) of Jbic ih-Ht wife bo aflaiu m&rriod Wmo yoara a^'o moved to Windsor and [years uro camo to JSniox, oinoo which ho baa oarriod ou tho hotel bmunew. >u,t a yoar ago ho wa^i couimittod to [idwich goal tor imnault on Harry Loon. ami whilo in tho floal ondoiivorod to In.1) h(o hut the dootoni biought hira mud. llo had buou drinking very hoav- fqr hoino monfcni pant and to thia rani-t doubt, bo Hid the oaune for committing tush aot. Ho had, it m undurotood, on iral oooaflionti ntuLod that ho would com- Butdide. 1 _________ i ml Junritu Nowiuan in viaitnifl Inn nintoni in London and Bruon county. Mr. Uonuott and daughter, of Kingnvillo, Hpout Sunday with Mr. FraHor. MIqh L. MoMiihon, of Windnor.m (ipond- inu ChriHtrnau vacation with her puiontn. Mr. uud Mrn C E. Nowrnau and A Millon spont their Chriutrauu holidayti in Ht. Thomiin and vioiuity. Tho rofiidontB nonr Bollo Rivor road must bo ambitiouH. luaido of two milon thoy havo hvo oandidacoH for muuioipai honora. D Fraflor, on XmiiH ovo, hoard a nouio upttauu in his houao and on making an inyoHtiflation found that Micro wan a flro in ono of tho roomn. Fortnnutoly ho huq- coodod in oxtinguuiuing tho bla/o, barninf* hiB lmuda badly. Tho firo caught on &orae clotheafroin thontova pipo. Uoauotainod a louii of twenty dollaru in clothing. Mike Fox Outdone by Five Cords. IllXJllt IrtliiltN. Thoro waa a mont onjoyablo and happy family ro-uuion liorc on Chriatmaa day at Hoburt Quoon'o, whon biti ufled-parouto, hrothoru uud GiHtorB with thoir families woro prGflinnjb^ And row Qnoon and wifo with their younflont aon Andrew, of Maid- ntono; Da\id Quoon and wifo, ot Gouflold North (Young Iroland); Mm. MinnioClark, of Oottam,Lyman Quoon.of Camp Talmor, and Alon^o W. Bridflou and wifo uud throo daughtora of North Itidpo. Ndurly thirty ftoro pruH&nt. May thoy all livo to onjoy mauy more family lo-nuiona. lfttJio^^aa atraugled. i'a foot woro touching tho chair and fm. Bulmnr, jr.. OH Windaor, in apond* na holldayw with frienda horo. Lhur Wilson and wife aro Hponding a ivh thin woult with frlonda in Wind- (i Wi.laon nud wife and Wibii Muttio la calld on thoir friooda lu iiuthvon iflk. lard'Hotidoraon, wifo and family, ot tliforaia, vinitod witli K. J. Wflaon lay Hot- [odnoaday evening of lawfc wook. OOTTAM. Mifla Edith Jamoo ib viauiny in Blythoa- wood. Mr. Torronoo, our ohoomakor, haa moved to Staploa. Noble Blutur, of Dotroit, m \iaiting fiitndn in town. SIihh Ada Sonley waa tho (jueBfc of Mies Emily Gaacoyno lant wook. Mra. WugHtaff, of Kiuguvillo, ban boon tbu guGHt. of hoi mater, Mr. Btophona, Mra. Frank Loiuh, of Dolht, lo viHiting hbr parontH, Mr. and Mru.Jua. Bonnott. James Bennett foil from a oeaffold at tho towu hall a few daya ago and cut an Ugly fluah on Jim oar. Tho entertainment given by tho Uetho- dint Sunday Hohool was a throat bucccua, ovof $,U. boiug reali/od. Tho Knmamii Hindoo Co. gave thoir brut cntertammont in tbo Town Flail, Tueaduy niyhb. Tlie hull was woll fillod and tho audience wore pkaaod and do" lighted. Tlio doctor extracted a numbor of tooth free ami painloHH ou Wodnoaday, A aorroopondont writoa. "Aro our peace makora going to allow anch ^oinga- onaa wero earned on at tho entertainment XwiiB night ? If ho wo will hayo no more to nay. It wan a ahamo and dingraco to tho people of Cottam. Tho cuiaing and foul lanflunqo which wo heard would mako thu hair ntatid ou a pomon'a hoad uud till thuy aro allowed to go. Better buy a book on miiiiuora, boya, and atudy ifc befoio yon go out aflain." fT wan not ou a chirk and atonoy night, bo wot that it waa not lit for a cat or dog to bo out, but it wuh on ono of tihoao daya of wliich wo liavo ho many near ChriutniaB Hoaaon, whou tho sun BliinoH ho brightly that wo aro tomptod to stroll tho utrootn without our usual quantity of winter clothing; thcro wan no tmow.arid very little, if any, wind, with tho ground frozen quito hard, makinir it tempt ing to pedestrians to enjoy a l"n^ walk in tlio country (tho vouda having boon inn-do smooth*by tho quantity of travol) whon to look at tho mm waa to think that it wa aummor time and wondor why tho birds woro not .sing ing, but to (Jiut your oycti on tho woodn and behold its loaflcso, dark and dreary appoariwico wan to become convinced that it winter, and that it would ho sonio nine before thoao woods put on thoir beautiful \orduro or tlie birds delight ub with thoir olmrmiug muflic. H waa indoed winter, and di awing- on tn tlio fe Live eoasou, when wo in thia Canada, uud especially in the Town of Ehso\ and vicinity, dolight to mako morry. Notwithstanding the fact that the sun shono brightly, it was a very chilly day at all events; thoro wore a few who atcod around the stove in Wilkinson's Qrocery,~^ Christmas Greeting TAKE thia opportunity of tondering our most Hinooro and hoarty tbanka to our many l^rionda and Patrona in tho Town and throughout tho County of Eaox, for tho vry liberal patrohago whiob thoy have acoordod ml (luring tho paafc year, and to wish you all A Merry Christmas. UPON taking a retrospective view of tho year, wo Jind that wo hayo not only retained tho moat ol our formor cuatomorH, but liavo also gained many now onoa. It haa boon our constant aim to furnish Honest Goods at IToneal Prices, and it is gratifying to know that our efforts aro appreciated. Wo shall ondoavor by Straight Forward Dealing In tho future to morit and reooivo a still largor share of your patronage. At present our Stock in LARGE and well assorted in tho several Departments, and wo o\tcnd to all a cordial invitation to call and see our Goods, and got our pi ice-. Yours truly, * M. J. Wigle & Co dtjnstait block:, esses. T2SM^^ Noirrm uiih.i:. laano Bwaokbammor, Jr., onllod on rolativoa and dcqnaintaaooa dnrinf; tho ChriHtmaa hqlidaya. Jamca Cummiford called ou relaUvoa m Ohnua laat Hutuiday Henry Lippatt, of Windaor, oallol ou a few of hia rolatiyea ia Goauold North laat week. flonry MulcaHtor Hpout Chriatiuan in Windaor, the gqeat of hm unolo aud aunt, Houry Lippatt) and wifo. Walter W. Gelonatfc, wife and two oldoot dau^htorn, Ada and Elaio, and thoir oldoafc grund-dautihbor, Arloy Beatrioe Liokman, all of Alaulfltono, oulled on air a. Hamnol Sar^eutor., laat week. A. W. Bridccn, wifo and daughtarn flpont a merry Obriatniau at Robert Quoou'a, of Edgar; tlioro waa a family re-umon thoro. Tho ontortaiumont and Ouriattnaa troo hold m tho Tomperanoo Hall on Woduoo- day nifjlit, l)eo. 2Urd, waa a hucoqbb. Tho troo preaonted a hoautiful appoaranoe bo- dookal with proaouta for tho ohildron. About nix dollara waa roall^od for tho bon- iflt of tlio Mothadiat Sunday Bohool. At tho roHidonae of Haimiel Bailor ou CUriBtmaa day, Rov. W.n. Uhaw united in marriatio Alfred Baltaor, of South Goafiold, to Midi* Juunm Manloy, of North Bidgo. who considered it such, and proforrod tho insido of tho houses to tho outstfo. While we were meditating on the excellent quality of tho Groceries we woro going to receive for tho Christ mas trade, such as Raising Black BanketHjSelect Valencia^, Delicious Currants m packages. Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, to nay noth ing of Almonds, English Wal nuts, Philbertsand Bon Bon&. Thoy brgan toconvorao on tho advantage tho Hoaaoij wuu olfonne; to IIiohu who wero doairouH of (,'ettiu^ out wood, otc "A man ought to bo able to do a j-'ood day'a work m tho wooda," utiya ono ; "yen," aaid nu- othor, who by thu way waa our old frieud, Tom------------, "I remember oue time I waa oulting cord wood I averaged my thieo cordH a day until 1 cut atxtj three uordH " It would not havo tiikou a vory oloao obt aorvor of human nature to perceive tl a- tho couvoraation wra taluug a rather dan- gorouh channel, but us tho biila of tho com puny didn't appear to bu tluairoun of ac cepting tho ohallou^e tho danger wuh be ing avertel when Tom ---------- follow ed the remark by nayiug that ho had hoard of a man who had ohopped Noonla of wood between nun and aim. Tho company glanoul at oao another with an nioredul ouh oxprctiaiou, but appeartd to oouuidor that it waa nothing oxh anrduiarv, for htm w not In ard ot Miku Pux who hud ohopped hia 13 coida of wood ono day with uuothur. But Tom appeared to bo doonoua of toatiuu; tho credulity of tho company for ho im mediately followed Iiih two foimerrLmarka with tho clinker that "ho hud hoard of a man who came up from down ouat who {on a vvagor mind yon) out 15 corda ot wood ui ono day, but on tho company manifuotiuj* a Kieutior quantity of incredulity than lio appealed to wimt tu tukt, mochltud it some what by tuiying that he died that night. The doctor Htood in blank ama/oroent atar- ing at Tom, poombly wondering if ho had not hotter call \n Siution and have bun uti- oured bofoio hia cuho (jot roally Huriouo, wlulo I wont into roara of laugbtor, which wuh not docreuHcd by Tom remarking in an injuiod tono, "Steve noorna to bo very muuh ojjmaed at RomtiLhing," but no doubt wo all agreed that that man muat hayo fed himaalf on anuh Essex County Council. Having rccoived a Nomination for County Councillor, I wish to in form tho Electors of tho Sixth Dis trict that the different Nominees havo arranged to speak in the evening of Saturday, Doc. iJGth, at tho Chouse Factory; Monday,. Doc. 8th, at South Woodsleo ; Wednesday, Doc. UOtli, at Oldonstle ; Saturday, Jan. Jnd, at Maidstone Cross, whoro I wdl endeavour to moot them. F.P.B0UTE1LLER. Groceries, Provisions, *. %i$ an Wilkmaon nold or ho could not douo ouoh a wonderful day'a work. havo ,Mra, Kiohard Wiglo oreatod a lime for tho Honda and rolativoa [The ^rtJ0 ^>rtiHB off urn hoarty ouugrutul- Hugh Vnd btldo on thoir re- atioua, and nopau that thoir matrimonial Jrom abroad. hli&a may laHt forovot. Try dm 25c. Tea and be convinced that all others aro inferior. A Stock of First-class x\IB^^mm Crockery... ON AND. Wilkinson, Grocer. UlAlDSTONi: Mihh Kuto Bhauahan paid Maidatono a viait on Sunday. Mibh Tillio St. Clair, of Hhiicy, waa the gnoat of Jonnio Doohao Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Donovan, of thia towuahip, baa loaned tho hotel at Maidatono CroHH from II. II. Nurth. Mr. and Mra. Chan. Bnrbo, of WmdHOr, f-pent Chnalrnau with parouts, Mr. and Mra, John Shanrihan. Mho Jonnio Doohan, of Detroit, in aponding Chriatmaii holidaya with hor paronta, Mr. and Mra. Jas. Deohan A nicetinpj of tho candidatoa for County Couucdlora of No fi Diatrict will bo hold at Maidatono Croaa to morrow (Saturday) ovonmg, Tho candidates for munioipal ofllcoa hold a meeting on Tuenday evoumg ut Bollo Rivor, ou Wedncaday ovouinM at S. S. No, 1 iiohool honno and on Thnrnday ovouing at S. S. No. .I. ThiH (lr'riday) cvoninp; thoy will apeak at S. 8. No. .'J, Piko Oreek, and to-morrow (Saturduj ) ovcuiti(4 at S. S, No. 8 holi- NOUTII UOOOSMCIi, Minn May Murray ia homo for tho daya. Mian L. Covillo ia m Dotroit viaititifi with frimido. A ball will bo Rivon in St. Lawronoo Hall thia (Friday) evening. Mian Toby in apendintf vacation at hor homo in Chatham. Dr. Ho^uo, of Jarvin, viBitod hmt week with Chan. Underbill. Ohaa, Shaw waa in tho vioinity of Woodaloo buyins oattlo for hiu butcher Hhop at Walkervillf*. The tmatOLH of S. S No, 2 havo ro-on tjiifjod W. \V. Cunningham, of Eaaex, and hm uBfliatant, Miaa Toby, for tho onnmnpf year, .Tiimoa Murray haa purchased tho honno and lot on J.'rout atreot, Bouth Woodnloe, tonantcd by Cy. Allan. Ho mtonda open ing up a nhoG-makinK nhop J. A. Smith, tailor, baa moved into tho rooma oyot A. W. Van Evory'n otoro and Prank Cottor haa opowd Up a harbor nhop in tho building vacated by Mr. Smith. Kuv. Mr. Ayora on Wodnonday of laat wok wont to Staplen uud thoro unitod m. holy bondn of matrimony, MiaoOvorbolt to Edwin Mylea and then oamo baoU to Wood aloo and united Mum Kuto Dnrntou to a Mr. Fonwiok, of Windsor, Goo. ICottyln hua tlio contract for tho now building that II. C. Rooa and tho I. 0. O V. will oroofc. Th lower atory of tho building will ho oauupiod aa a hardware fitoro by Wm. Itumball, of Morhn. Work hay boeu uommenocd and will bo pnahod rapidly. Waltur Taylor wan married ou Wodnoa- day morning of laat week to Miuu Emma MoEntoor. MiftH Lulu, aidtor df the bridor autcd an bridouraaid and Au^ua Tayloir, brother of tho groom, aotod an boat mim. Tho newly married oouple loft ou the 10. 45 train for western pomts accompanied by tho beat wiahea of the oommuuity. Rev. Mr. Ayoru (led tbo knot. Unmistakable *1b At. FRANCIS' J^^ For Christmas. * # * * * * Fur Capea worth $24 for $LG 18-for 10 " 22 for 12 Ladies1 Black A-strachan Coats worth for $30 Fur Caps nnd Muffs kept in stock at very low prices Flannelettes at 6c yard. PO ^ GROCERIES. 3 lbs selected Currants for 25c, in boxes. 5 lbs Candy for 25c Nuts and Dates are all New Goods 4 cans Corn and Tomatoes for 25c 3 Boxes Matches for 25c 6 Cakeg Eclipse Soap for 25c Best 25c Tea in the market. mJ a IF NOT GOOD, MONEY REFUNDED at Francis.' NtonrYRsirfSii. II. B. Kniater ahippod a car-load of pork from Huucomb station, ttl 50 for light hogp. J. D. Mathora, (,'onoral atorelcocpor, Ruacum Uivor, aaaignof:. tollobort Pinahin, on Satuidav. Mine Luemda Wiloox ban returned homo from a prolonged viait araon^ hor frionda at 'Wuiduor. Oooi^oLeiik ban bad a wind-mill erect- od on hm furm for tho purpoao of ruuninp; a ouUiuk box and chopper. Mary, thoholovod wiTo of Thoa. Dutfgan died ou Chnntman ovouint! at fi o'clock, Poena Hod loitvewa huaband und throo noun, Wilbur, of Wiudooi ; William, ot Dotro:r, aud Edjfur, of Deiray, Mioli. Tho fnnoral Burvicoa woro hold at tho houoo. Poaoanod waa in hor fi'Jth year, At U'HO Monday morning, tho laro butt barn, oooupiod by W. J. Gilkiudon, alao tho haruoaa ahop udjoininfi, owned by Pat rick Hurt, woro oompletoly ^nttod by flro. Gilkinaon owob hia Ufa to hui dofj jumping ou hia broanb aud awakoumK him in timo to baroly onoapci in hio utoaking foot. BU horaoa uud tvll buanoa woro roaouod j loaa on food aud other artioloa* 8200. Tho bnildinft is a total .loss and ia valued at 8500. HovI'b Htook moatly aavod aud cov ered by insurance. On TuoHday aftornoou at 3 p. m., Rov. J Mr. Modd, of Ruthven, uiiitod m tho holy bonds of matrimony, Mils Coooha Loo^ daubter of Ira Loop^to Lnroy Middou^., non Of J. S. Middough, of this place. W. OUfford Hupporked the nroora and "Mihb Aunio Wiglo aofced aa brideamaiJ. Aht>ut titty poraoua were proaout, Tho pcouonta wero numoroua and asoful. The happy couple left by eytmlutf train for Cleveland, Ohio, thoir prospective homo, Benov now for 1897. Twouty-oight persona woro killed aud aoveral injured in a train that foil 100 foot off a bridgo near Bhmintrham, Ala. Soorotary Olnoy and Sir Julian Paunoo- foto havo finally aqrood upon a draft of a\ J troaty prcivifhnf,' for a conf>rul nyatom of arbitration of dmpntcu botwoou tho United States and Grout Britain. W. n. Konnody, formorly of Watfoed, haa opouod up alaw offlco m the oomor of, the Abordeen block. Monoy to loan au 6 5J and ft por cont., aooordiny to aoourity* OoUeetine;, coiivoyanoiug nnd \^irfc!iiig'up* 'ontiiten, a apeoialty ; alao a numbor of line farmu for aulo. ISsmox Market. Wheat rod por buuhel ....8 Wheat, whito .... Corn .... Oatu .... Timothy Sood .... Clovor Bood .... riay pop ton........ AI aiko Ucuf por owt........ Pork Livo weight Muttou .,,,...m Jlidon Chlekenu por lb....... Buttor ,...*. Lard ...... 1'JtiKii Pof don ...^.. Potatoes, por bnohal Gtirrota Turkoya por lb...... Duoka ....." 75to* 78 77 21 lfi to 16- 1 80 150 to 460 & Goto 8 00 4 1)0 to i 00 4 5010 5 00 ' 3 2ft to 3 2a 5 00 to 00 400 5 ia 6 14 40 40 13 0" 10 to Lostfc , ITiKOU THH lUlHlDHKOlC OF J. A.. ROBB^l 1? Kaiox.onMouilay aveutug,Uaaombor ^t^J a ui* moutUtt-old tboroiiKbbroa pug dog I an- Bwora to tho huttio of Trilby. Fiaaar vlll vowartlad by totaruin^.-to owuor, WK CAN GIVI3 POHITIONB-tO persona, i all gradAH of utility Agonte, BooU-liei tsta, Olorkn, ITuvmoVti' Bona, Lawyer a, Meobaui "PUyBlolnna. Proaohora. Btudonts. Morrlod ani Klnlo Wawen, Widows- Poaltlonaaro W( from 3100 to 183 000 por annual Wo Liav4 ] Hovoralof our canvassers 9fi0 w^kly for 7f Mnnyhnve BtarCadpoor nnd boaomo plan,! ub. PaitlonlarBUpon appiioa,tlou. Blutew axi"Qt*)d> T. n.LINBUOTT.MitnuMr^Qro Out, , ^ ," v: LVM 'tf. iii^'^ isw^ r 1 ' t-'l'.'V/" ' r V-

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