Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 1, 1897, page 1

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o p > ,t Vf* wwvwfM , ^. Yf Sty ftfk *> HE ES ,3*4, Kv si. VOL XIIL No 1. ESSEX, ONT., FBIDAY, JANUAKY 1,(189$~ 1807. - ^ S&f.f FORSYTH E, ^ANDERSON & Co. " 1* D 1 eople s Store, ##-*- e Commence tike New Year with Our An- 1 rnial............ Clearing: Winter Ocile . - . f0 the Month of January, tratory to Roceiving :ew Spring Imporfca- which usually com- fc-to arrive in Febra- this Sale We Will 0u| AH Lines of Win- deduced Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. j. b- crvEnsrs The New Jeweller^ Kim ill Mm lulont hiniroVitit for uilJiiHtlntf tho Mn Uoln lUKl (luylooH out un<l moutuouj' pllontoil AViLtohijM, and Can Onarunfoe KutiHOietioii. * Orrtcrn talcon fiom Catalogue for all kiuda of Watohos, Jow- * ololry, SUvonvavo, &c. Ilnninmhar tho Bland, MnV" HloaU I'hvw) T>ooin Hmill] uf Tmn'Miiil Unnlt, Talbot Street, Enoox. Por Sale. IJiOlt BA.LH-A$ iui U'toil nil ii UttO. COLL, UiiiiAx. gin rofii movo, Art Oar I ami, -i-iiply to Wanted. i AAA UOUIIB of 1 l't Wnoil Wan toil i I'UUU ntcliait^n I01 material m la nav- innntof iieoomitu LA INC BIIOH. NOTICE. Tnr> RIXTKHNTn ANNUAL MnE'MNCI OF ColohoHtur North AcrlouRural Baatiity will bo hold in Pocli'ii tlull, J'flFiox. on Wednesday, January 13th, I897, At 1 o'clock, i) in. to rooolvo tho Troiinuviir'w lln- port mid rlminoliLl Mtiitomimt, ami for tlio Filiation of CManru fnr 1S97. and any other buiiiiioim bonmiotml with tlio Hoaioty, W. n nuvnSLL. Boo Trafta.ail The Gounty Gouneiliofship, To the Mcotoft. of No. 2 District, in the County affiance : Frr^nwKwaTonn I denim to statu that I intotnlolfoirlumuvRnlf an a oaiuli'lato tor your niilfriifffin fin tlio olllco of County Councillor foi >jo 'J Dditriot iu the County, tho nluatlon for which i to bo liulil on iho Unit Monday in Jan nary, lh97. Yonm ronpoctfully, ,/. K STONE. Kfif.ox. Out., Octnborlltli 1fl00. G pnty Goaneillorship. Fellow fifactor* of Ointrlct No. 2, Count}) of fifihci : Having consented to fltnud ns Oonnty Oonnfillor of tliin Omtriot yoip- votps and influohco ai'o ronpoctfully nolicit- cd. YourH leapootfuUy, JAIVII^S ^ JjAIHO. in^-^^r>. e^letto Caps. Capn. ^ving -MiltH, coatH dci.wear. Pants. Fur Gapes. ;o.y Fur MufTj. IjrtdioB1 Winter Jack iLatiieg' Underwear, ItVinfcor Dretis Goods. rWoolIen Blankets. hSKTinter ShoeH, ^Jen'e Long BootH. Luinbermen'H Rubbers. K, :f;.'Wint|r' Millinery. fcH. ESSEX COUNTY CDUNJIL To tin IZlectorrt ot DthtuutNo- 'J, County of 11 lb( i,~ IjVDII 1, AM) Gil. 11 KM I N, Aii tltti tinii) iii ikiv. (hiiwini; iiifh v,i\nu tho i-lurtnifi will lit< cillml upon to imnilnato two 1 cjii (Mtn.tiLtlvoii hi ctich ul ttin ho\uii diviolcnii of th t count \, jn t)ic Cnmity ('f)iincil, I off or m>h< It i'H ik 111.iiit on nilnim of tl-oin for Diviw- lun No ^ 'id Ihiti il\i 11011 li ini'r' !y old Col- flu ,tt.i uhiili I riipioHdiitoil in lfeil't 18(17 and 1870, anil mi tin linpottiint pint I took in tho opinim^"!1 aI' tliirijiiclrpur' of tho tin a Town nhhi ihwoII known to tho old tjt ttlom I vontiuu to ii itt th 1 mipport of tho chictoiii ninl minimi thi tn th itr will, if tilLotod, plvu thorn fnithful or\ice JOHN ItlCHMOND. llurin i.tMiimboi 18th, WW Notice to Creditors. In iltc ataU of Ocorce Muc lan/^>. of the Town of Isiex, Physlcluii, tinccmeiU i V it* + t ) ^v> ^f<* ^v> Jf, 123?') M\ Goods Marked in Plain Kyrf/ ' Figured. tefSF OnG Prico ior Notui' i In uiliyi\t ii, purtiucut to tho pm vn.ioiiHtil K S O,, ihS" (Jlmptor l'O, Uoctlon'Jtl 11 in I 111111 mi it j \fi *>iut 'til pern(irj(i ami ul ditori Iiilmui; (limn or clnfni'i a iiimit tho 0 mil of (ui'iri'O ^1 n,lton/lo, 1 tto of thn Town .if I nn\, 11 tli . < oiinty of Lhiwi* uiui I'iovIiilo of Oiihtli 1, i'ln 1 iiiin.ii, 'h m im d nlio dliiil on 01 iliout tlm lourtli ila\ of l>r nnhitr, A 1) Wlo itn In n h\ i (ititlo i and i-fqiil.uil to do li\ui to Mi I'j V. \V itiilJOi4. Town ot Ihifltix, onn of tun o\i)Qiitfjih,on 01 buto o llui hiiv.'titli duy of Jauntily, A I) ]S07. hLntcinoiuii m wri ins of tin lr nanu'f. ami imdruHtmui.d full \iiLiticnliirii of thoii dalnis anil v. hat t oiliiLniu (if any) hold bv tin in Ami niitlior tak < initlco that ufttr tho mill Snvnnth ila> of JattUiirv, A I>, HT7 th" 1jv*i iLoih will prouird to diiitiibutu tho uiihi t4 of tho *aid i t Ltn iLiooiii' the purtiofj (Mitnl d, lmi hie lo'imi onb to tho ultimo of which thoy uhall tin n Invo had notlco, and tlloy will not I i) iu'nt unmblo Joi' iho ouid fiBiiutti or any part thur.uif, do dintiilmtcd to any pnrnria., or cr<jdlmi'i uhouo Hujmii thoy luive not had "t too tinu of tlintiihutloiit } 1'Jxnoutoin of Mio uaid bht tto. Monoy Bade UMBatif-fiiciory. All. if any PurolmsG nderson, Co, ,TOK MACMII'H'.ON, IIDHKUT MACK1 N/JK, KUW/ HD A Wl-MI.H, Datod tit JVihov, Doeoinhov 17th, 1WM1 Mortgage Sale. TTNDKE AND BY VIllTUK OF TIH3 POW- K ' or of nalo onntainod in a cin-tuin Mnrt|'0f(o, whioh will bo prothicnd i.t tiino of Bulo.tuord will )iu ofTorod for nalo, ntl'ublio Auction, on TUESDRV, dftHUfil|V 12th, 1897, At onn o'oloolt in tho afternoon, at thn Alior- (loon Hotnl, in tlm Town of Kjkio*, hy .foiui Gormloy, Auotlonuor, tho tollowlng voiyvalu- ablo propiirty, y\/,; Tho Hunt huir ot the North half of Lor mini hor 21, Month of tho M'tldou ltond, in tho Town- nhlp of Oolohimtor Worth, lijth" Ooiiuly of 10h- hox, ami tho wont half of tho north h.ilf of titifd lot oxnptliiu about 10 uoioiniold off for Town lorn and bnluii tho wholu of thn North half of mild Lot, (Hroopfc tho part bo sold, and containing (HI uoroH morn or lo(i. Thoro in Bald, to bo a vory fjood Iiouho and frnino uranary and log burn on tho proporty; aboutflo uoroti aro yald to bo oltiarod, balunoo btmli and jiUHtitro laud. Thin propmty 1h In an oxoollmit flltiiatlou adjolniiiK tl] a tfood road about of iiJtjuox, and of ailjolniiiff tho........ Oebto, on a good road about 6 tail on from tho vlllnjjo from la tin oxcolluut tlirlvluc Town property. Tennfl of Balo : Buffloi out to mako Up ouo.third of tho purouaso money within two woolen from day of gale, and balunco upon temiw to be unread upon at tiino TboAQ toruiH may bo Varipd ou day oi Of BttlOy sale to on '.ho purchaser, partlo ularH apply to JNO. GOUU- Lieer, Kbsox, or to GIBSON A OBBOUNB, Voudorft' BoUoltoxe, ^amUton Municipal NominatJons. Ju aooordanco with th^ provisions o the Mtinioipal Act, nominations for municipal ofilcorB in tho difforont miini- oijoalitioa in tlio Province woro holtl 6n Monday lmtt with tho resultH iu tho county afl given below, ESSEX. VOIt UAYOK. Goo. .T, Thon)aa, nominated by 0. K. Nftylor, B^oomlod by John lmintf, Bv, Jl. ^. Potts, by A. J, Allon and M. -T. Wi-lo. J^r. %1. W. Brion, by tTohn Gotmloy and A. \V. Onrdnor. 0. I'j. Nuylor, by AIox, Luiug and K. ,1. Ijovolaco. Minium, lirlon and Kaylor wilbdrow. i'o xiKJBVU. Prod, Hyatt, by Jolin Gormloy and Jort. Townnond, fTolm McjDougiill, by A. .T. Allon and OT. A. FnitiPiH, Sfi*. Tljyntt withdrew and iMr, Mo- BoufjaU ih IhuH olootod by auelamatiou. , I Oil D1CIMJTV JllKUVrj, TI. M. JohuHtou, by G. J. Thorn an and 0. J, Gardner, (l-llooted by acola- matioH. l'OU COX'NOfbliOHH, Ward No. /. "Warron Loo, by Chan. Ilobovtfi and 13. .T, Lovolnco. 0. M. (JiuiKhill, by A. W. finnhior nnd E. .T. Tjovclaco. O. K. KorHytho, by G. .T. TliomaH and A. \V. Gardner. Bftvid Whitnoy, by W. H. HubboII and 0. J. Gardner J, A. Rohp, by (1, .T. Thorann and 0. E. Nuyloy I'rod. Gilboo, \>y -ion. May and 0. R Nnylor. Mo^hvs. Loo, Can^hill and Oilbocro- Biguod, leaving i\rehsrH. Ttoso, Korflytho and Wliitnoy oloeted. Watt? No. J. Wm, Itiddiok, bv \V. H. lluaHoll and Ohnti. ChnHo. Ohiis. 11. Swcot, by J. IT. AIUbh and 0. .T. Gardner. 0. .T. Gardnor, bv J, A PranmK and E. It. Brett A. UnitioH, by tT. A. FrauoiB and A. W. Gardnor. J. A. HiukH, by W. II. HiibhoII and John Lninp:. Dr. PoUb, by W. J, Do\var and Jas. May. L. O. Lewis, by Jos. Towueond and Goo. Thornton. Chan. Ilannau, by Johu Gormloy and A, \V. Gardner. JIoBdrB. Sweot, Gardnor, Pottw, Low- in and llanuan withdrow, leavinp; MeflRi'B. Hiddiok, KainoB and HicUb oloctod by acclamation. Wardu\o. J. J. M. IIHcb, by Win. Cbmth Jnf. ToViiJ W. 0. Bhaw, Job TownMond. Wm Naylor, Job. TowuHeud. Bon. Biota, by ThoB. Tiwm. Job. llobinHoUt by Jnmoa Congdon and W. 1L Naylor, Prod. Uobinfion, by M. J. Wiglo and 0. E. Naylor. ------ PLiudo scnoob TituRrnbH, Ward No. 1. Ohiis. AI. JohiiHton, by 0. Craaawol- lor and W. iJ- Boamau (lor one yeavj. W. G. Wymmi, by A. W. Gardnoi and J^. J. Lovohico. S. B. Gieon, by OhaH. Itoboits and E. J. Lovolacotioi oik year). Air. Wyman ih thuH olootod by aeelii- matioii for two yearn and Mr. Green hiiuiipr withdrawn Mr, Johnston in elected to nil unexpired term of E .J. Lovelace Ward No. J. J. A. Francis, by W. Churnh and A. J. Allon. W. 11. BiiHBoll, hy John Lainp; and Ohaa. Chase. Ward No. J. E. L. Park, by W. V Bcaman and Job. TownBond. \V. I) Boamau, by .lohn Ilopgood and E. 1j. J'avk Jaines OoiiKdou, \^- J. Wiflo and Tlu's Ti win. ' NominatioiiB woro made at 10 a.m., aft or which tho mooting wan adjourned till cij^lit o'clock in tho ovonintf, whon Town Olork WaltorH occupied tho oh air and tho hall was pa city avoII filled with rntppnyoi'H, and tho dilVoreutoandidatoB notmn.Jp.d woro called on to make opeet'bt'H. G. J. Tj-omas was ploaHod to soo ho many tiroBoiit. In looking over the andi'torn' report ho wanted to callattou- tion to tho improved foim in which the roportH had been ftot rjut tho pafit fow yeai'B, for which thoTroasuror desorvoB credit, Tho recapitulation of roceipls and oxpondituros was gone over aud eommontod on. Tho watov ratofi col lected wore much Iobh than tho ratoH ooUeetcd in other towns ot thin siv.o ihoupfh tho iatoH charpod aro as high a other townn. IT found that many who woro Ioiuloat in otamorinpr for wator workfl were Blowout in putting in tho HorvicoB. Tho procoode of laudB Bold for taxoH wan Iohh than in 1805. In tho jnnfctor of oflfleortt' nalarioa ho thought thoy could not out that down to any low'or notch. Ho did not boliovo in paying flmnll ealarioa aH in huoIi oaBOH wo Hhould got poor mon. In tho mat- tor' of tho waterworks, tho exponaoH paid for running tho uamo and paying the dobouturoH oxcoodod tho receipts in 18011 by ,fiOf iu 180-1 by $3,654, in 18(5by&2,lfi0 aud in 18flG by $2,121. In 18Hl>, tho town'fl liabilitioa wero 45,()0a; in 1800 thoy woro $fiiS,880; in 1801, rt7!Jrrt0j in 1803: #85,848; in 1808, $ntm; in 1804, P8.314; in 1806, $(JiJ,00G and in 1806, $(10,473, whioh in- oludfls tlie amount borrowed from bank. At that rato in 10 years- the town would bo free from debt; when a man gote in debt he will not plunge bat will retrenoh and endeavor to eave wherever .pooaible., flflje oonnoil hae by Mr. Church by Mr. Church Job, Townsond and and and and i !. u '1 i ' m a\>j been trying to xn,ii buBiilefi|f ically as poBaible. tfttoy " he would (lo all ho conld to koop down exponaof). Tho olootrio light matter waa thou taken up. MonthH ago whon the ropairH to tho waterworks wan mu- tionod to him ho said that if thoy would put in anothor boiler, lie thoupjlib thoy Hhould put in one Huftluionily largo enough to rnn olootrio light if it ivero put in. Ha alHo favored putting down anothor well outside of tho building. Some woro in favor of mmiing dobon- turoa to pay for tho additional improvo- monta but that eouhl not ho done according to biWj tho act pnasod by tho LogiHlaturo Hpooifying that no money could lio rained under tho Act excopt to pay otV tho floating debt, Ho would Bupport a by-law to borrow monoy I'or thoHo improvomonta. Ho thanked them for tho honor conferred upon him and if olootod would do hin duty in tho Muyor'N chair an ho had done aM a councillor. Dn. Vgyvh aaid in tho pant ho had looked after tho town'u iutorodta with out regard for friondahip and if olootod as Mayor ho would continue to do hia boat for tho town. If tho people would look at hift record thoy would nnd that economy and onloionoy haa ahvayHboon Ilia motto. Ilohadalwayn voted npainafc any illegal orunnocosanryoxponditurca. Homo think ho oppoaod tho granting of tho fi auoliiao to the gaa company. An application was made to tho council for tho right to pipe tho atroota of tho town and all ho had asked waa that thoy should eomo before iho counoil na on organized company. Had thoy eomo aa an organized company ho would hnvo boon ono of tho flrat mon to grant thorn a frnuohitio. In tho coming yoar Romo important mattcro will havo to ho mot. Ono question will bo tho wator- worka, that unromunorativo aaaot. A now boiler will havo to bo put in and other improvomonta mudo. If olootod, ho will endeavor to pfot this important plant in good condition at aa little coat ahpoaaiblo. Ho thought thoy should reduce their intoroat account at tho bank and waa in favor of paying taxoa in inntallmonta. Ho wan iu favor of re ducing aalnrioB by omploying fowor oflleora and paying good aalarioa to thoao employed; thtia inplaco of having aovon cinema at lowaalanoa they would havo two or thrno oflleora at good salar ies, lio favored tho contract ayatom in tho purchase of town aupplioa, aa ho conaidorod it would bo a sa\ing to tho town If hia record ia approved ho wouldjilto to have their votes, John MaDounAbh thanked tho pooplo for olooting him aa Iteovo by acclama tion, an honor that had boon conferred upon him several times for tho ofllco of Deputy Beovp Homo ropairawill havo to bo made at tho waterworks which in tho end will moan a saving to tho town. Another woll should ho put down and it is neccBsary that a now boiler bo put in. i'or tho past two yoars ho baa htitckup for the frontage system as tho by-law was paused by tho pooplo and ho has tried to carry it out to tho letter. Ho would tiy and do his puty as faith fully us possible C. M. Caughill aud Erod. Gilboo woro called on but both remgnod. Jami:s A. 1X if ica said bo had horvod tho town for several years. Ho did not claim to bo perfect, but ho far as pos sible ho h*d not sin unit from his duty to tho tou ii Ho believed all tho mem bers would agree with him that in look ing after tho waterworks ho had the luudest job in tho counoil. In hia work at tho waterworks ho had saved tho tmwi twice as much an it had coot thorn iui ilit \uik dliiil. ilo J*d U"L want .vu-oim to tlr'"k that bn had got a cent Ii- t'jul iiot Ii 'neatly catin'i]. do had titt-.u in glefted his nun nhVrs to look after thn town's interests. Bo long as ho remains iu the council lie will do hifl duty and av hen he cannot do that ho will pull out. Thoro was conaidornblo woik in connoctiou Avith the water works that will havo to bo done this year. At loaat one-third or one-half too much fuel is conaumod and tho present boilor ia of no uso. Ho had strongly advocated tho putting of tho plant iii good Hhapo, but did not boliovo in patching it. Although ono of tho heav iest latopayors in town, ho would bo in favor of spending roiuo more money in that diroction, boliowng it would bo foi tho host in tho ond, E. 0. Iivm rs mndo a witty speech putting tho audicuee in good humor and announcod that ho was not a candi date. Wm Naylor would like to see tho old council re-elected, aa ho boliovod thoy were doing justice as far as thoy can. Ita. Hhorn, nftor * thanking his movor and seconder, announced that ho would rem am in tho Hold, aud if ho could do anything for tho town ho would bo willing to do it. Fkw). TtoiiiNHON boliovod iu getting good men in tho counoil and kooping them thoro. no could not state dofln- itoly whether ho would stand, l)r JamoB Urion, in roaponao to ro pouted ciiIIh, made ashortspoooh. Tho aidowallcs aud stroots of tho town woro in a bad state and if tho town could on- gago in any schomo by whioh thoy could mako monoy and roduco taxation thoy should go in for it. Tho "water works dooa not ueora to boruiuifllciont- ly. fl o would like to oo tho town go thoroughly into tho matfcor of putting in an inoandoac.ontolootrio Hghtaystom. What is a good business entorpnso for an individual should bo for a town and ho will bo dissatisfied and disappointed if the ooming year's council does not oousidor tho matter well. He thought the town debt should also be consolidat ed and tho rato of interest reduced. It is also the duty of the council to boo if they oattnot supply the M. 0. B. .with water. The city of Glasgow has its own waterworks, oleotrio light' and street railway systems and the people aro not compelled to pay one cent in tuxes. Ho wants to see the council of 1807 do something and not drjfy along; a,6 poit oounoils have flone.:'v i&a Mn. Thomas paid h$ ^tt^^^Mtr^1 of putting tte^^^'^^^^^*^^^^"' proaont, not i prove tbfttAf ment.' a in 1801 and there are sHU 81 in ii...ifffii'.,ff,^fil-*l >'u.'fM>^i>.'-i>3iK>:Aiusnu"nwKBJtu(H'.' w iu iniM ami inere ore una flu^wyu*. wj $U,D(m of consolidated debentures ,in tho bank. , , h - MosHra. Laird and Stonei dftndidates for County Council, then made flhprt speeches relative to their own candidacy and tho mooting closed. GGHf'TELD NOETH, ttOn 1UEI5VR. Ohai. Ilclkio, by F. Millen and J. . Hilling. J. 'I\ Brown, hy B. G. Jirookor and Petor luman. Mr. Brown withdrow and Mr, Jlolltio is thus olootod by acclamation. J'Oll I>BJMITV-KKV!1. John I1. Millon, by Honry billing and John Motley. K B. Millon, \>y W- Buoklnud and J. Buck land, ron aovncujhOMd. Henry Harlow, by \V. II. Billing aud B. G. iirookor. Josho White, by W. II. Novillo and E. Marks. JamoB Btowart, by W. Otton and C Burling. John M. Kuy, by Jfmics Bennett and E. riullipa. lloht. Moo, by T, Fraser and Chan. llilhor. James Nouman, by P. Inman and B. G. Brooker. Lewis Williams, by W. Ihickland and Jt. Fit/patritk. r/Jt Orton, by It. Fit/pntiick and II. Burling. Jlcssra 'Orton and White withdrow. A. poll was demanded and on motion of Mosara, E. Millon and Vi Orton, Oapt, Billing waa appointed chairman. J, T. Brown said ho was not a candi- didato i'or municipal council but was for tlm County Council. IIo thanked tho ratepayers for past favors and nskod for their support for County councillor. 7t. Orton said ho could not talk on couuty_CQiintMl or township all'aira hut waa pleased to boo tho latter in good condition. IIo purposed standing for County councillor and trustod to bo oloctod. Chas. Holkio, roovo-oloet, was thank ful for tho honor conferred upon him of olooting him by acclamation. Ho had served m tho council for 8 yoars and thought ho did what was rifjht. Tho township was in a good financial condi tion. During tho coming year ho would bo as economical as possible and would work diligontly for tho township's in- torests. John E. Millon said ho had only a fow words to aay. He has served throe years aa township councillor and it olootod for Doputy-Koovo would strive to do hia duty. F. B. Millon said to many it mijjfht look funny to aco him running against John but ho would not back out after coming out with the nndei standing, up till a shoit time ago, that lohn did not intend to be a candidate. There waa some dissatisfaction with tho old coun cil. Ho had served tho township aa aa- Bossor and ondonvorod to do his work to plonso all. IIo thought tho mombora should havo explained tho financial fitatomout more fully. If tho ratepayers thought ho was tho right man Lo would hko them to voto for him. Honry Barlow had sorvod to tho best of his anility for tho past twelvo months and if tho pouplo "wore Hatisflod with him and vo-olectod him for another yoar ho would still try to do his beat for tho township. Jesse \\ hito made n humorous speech in wlueh ho expressed himself in favor of young mon boing elected but thought himsolf moat too aged to commenco now and withdrow in favor of L. Williams James Btowart nskod for support for tho olfico of councillor. H oloctod ho would work to savo money and keep tavoa down. Ho would run township busiuosa as his own aud would favor no man hut servo all alike. J. M. Kay said ho had boon asked by many to run for councillor and had con sented to do so. Taxes aro high and ho ' believed thoy should keep down inciden tal -ixponaos ti'l drains aro all paid oJV. If elected ho would do his host. Robert Sloe had no pait record to point to but if elected would work to tho \i6Hi of hw ability. Voter Inman spoke on behalf of James Nowman, who was absent. IIo said Mr. Newman was unwilliug to run bat was pressed and would stand. TCohad.boen in close touch with Mr. Nowman fiom hia youth and considered thoro wan no more, caioful man iu GosUold North than Mr. Nowman* Thoro was nothing to warrant tho ratopayors to voto against him. Mr. Inman thonpansodto county council matters and cpndemnod tho ox- PGudituro for gaolor's roaidonco. Lewis Williams said ho had boon prossod by his friends or ho would not havo thought of running. Ho had no fault to ilnd with tho old council but would remain in tho Hold. A vote of thanks was passod to tlio chairman and tho meeting closed. COLCHESTER N011TH. i*on itifiavia. M. Barrott, by T>. It. Davis and Cyril JPaquotto. John A. Thomas, by W. H, Swootman and John Hodd. Francis Swoet, by Yens Olson andF. H A. Davis. ' - . Messrs. Barrett and Swoet withdrow and Mr, Thomas is thus olootod Roove by acclamation. / iron pmroTY-mflBvE. Daniel Kennedy, by P. Cunningham and D. 0. Ouellotte, (Elected by ac clamation.) b-or aoxntGttitonsiij D, 0. Ouellotte, by Cyril 'Vaquette' and Joseph Benaud. ' Walter Boyle, by Daniel Kennedy and IX 0. Oaellette, ,J,,Dtfvid'A*,Bru6h, by P. Onnningham >n$^6nDQnlby. ' '*$ 0| Atkmtiop', by P, Ou^mingham "KanoiB^Swcotv ^, , \, i i ,y :,H.,A,ipavM;M by WflU' %i(*-sn^ l m om for the.'tt Affer'tn^ several , can speeches, < ?tf>. ' Barrett, Eeve. going^ very thorough financial statement. Both and deputy-reeve elect l%&fa ^ of tho council of 1^08. MAIDSTONE. idatfltf "ndi ?w pon rf-bve. Edwin Plant, by Wm. DlOJ Alox. D. Taylor. < Joter Gorbett, by John Cadfttfi T. Wigle, ' 'J* ITOK DEPrjTY-nKBVB. \f,y Wm. Price, by Mr. Boattiqfj Moonoy. Elected hy acclarnafcj^ FOU OOXJNOlLIiOItH. Thomatf Paialoy, by GoorgeS and Thou. Hobinson. ' v?| [ Wm. Grconwuy, by Mr./lir and K. Moonoy. {fi E. K. Wismor, by Mr. AnrfA If. J. Wilson. Julc* Dainm, by Alex. Les^ and Paul Huggabor. Alox. Mouiiacau, by Harry PeV and damofi Ilonoit. Wm. II. Potter, by W. U\ DoyI Jos. I'oisson. Aftor tho nominations wore TownHhip Clork McTIugh presided tlio mooting and the afternoott wi spent in speech-making. Pctku Goannir asked for anothjBli torrn. IIo road tho financial statemt for tho yoar and corrected a number1, typographical errors in aame. itom of ^.Ouo for premium on Beyinoii Drain dobentiiroa ahoitld havo been \fl $r>. In tho assets thoy could have pji od tho amount paid for plaius, speco; cations aud oxtra work on Little Cti nsaoaamont aa that amount will hav< bo paid back to the township ,by parties interested. In tho statement liabilities was an amount of $6Q0j woat Town Lino Drain which; rn[ nldo bo placod aa an a*>sot as the ami will be charged against tho larid&j tho fitatomout is account for ,$44 law costs. It is woll known tht township has boon bnlbored byi Seymour over a drain and the, ship has a.judgment of $JMi!.8G him, hut ho thought tho township havo to pay tho costs oh thoy c< be gofcoutofBo\mour, Ho wi ed by tho solioitora that $201 cover coat of appeal so th6^5ttf/ be tho outside figure for suit. Ho ohargod Mr. Winter! being a factor in agitating Mr7 mour m this oaso. Mr, Corbetfc explained his ward monoy pay mi Tho Drainage dobt of tho tovnshii 0,021.88 divided aa foIloM-: Wil^l Quinlan-Wismor Drain, 10 assessmel! of ^17H.;io each; Seymour Dra^nd asestmout of S110.JM; Tlylaiid' X)t! u(mo-"tnicut of >?l(i:i.02; Oth Con.'^ provomont, 2 anaoaamont-a of $l%( Piko Crook, 7 of ^184 each: 4th^C. f> of 8200.78 ;(Ith Con., 7 of $%2rrftfm 8th Con., :i of ?(41.ia; Nayloi J)zaffi of^ins.Ul; 3rd Con., one of $i< OthCon., ono of 8310.10; Belle RJl Dram, 2 of S237.00. Tho total amo'tj raiHoH for township purposes in If wasrflJlOt.H); in 180U it was vl,448.ifl m 1804, ^i.Htfi.lH) aud in 1805, ^4,1^2,^ The Treasurer's mattor Avas then tom ed upon, Mr. Corbett bt'Jing %}Troasuror owed tho township ^(lOH.fJf Ho agaiu asked for thoir support. / Ih>>MN PbAsr appeared before t+bfj ratepayers as tho oldoJ dinlwjrvfi point of sonico in tho townMiip CO} cil, having noon a monibor eontinpoj ly since 1801. Ho had boon urge*"' niany to^como out for Boovo and consented to do so, Ho hay haditgdj. chance to got posted ontowiiHhi| ma? tera and if olootod would do hiubes+fra the township, lie lias always wood ut for bin opinions and considered i'fc&fii solf ontitlod to aomo of tho credit ipm?.] tho work of 180(1. Ho believed itwoultfM bo a good plan to divide tho townf*H!u7^ into waida as then O'tch mend would bo mdepondcut of tlio ot'hflt - During tho past nine years in ouly-^xSI year, 180"), did each ward havo areprejl sentativo in tho counoil. In two 6f th^ wards, thoro woro no representative last year. Tho Troasuror'a shortap^i an old a flair. At ono timo it waa upi .^l,-"i00 but last yoar Audito/s Fuorj^ and Cummifoi'd found that tlm atrjOrrSfeJ was botwoon $400 and yBOG. XJiifprtar aloly it has now gono up t,o over t$< He boliovod JMr. Honry to bn a y _ petout man hut tho matter will hwo bo brought to a ihiish. If oloote^ would urge for the strictest ooonoi This year thoy raised $1,000, brtif t] could koop out of law that could be; dueed to ^IJ.UOO. Laafcyoai*, he said was in favor of procuring a grav.el, and having road*'put m good &%* Thoy bought a pit from Mr. Ci ford for $160 in whioh ifl onom gravel 4 or ojmlvsrof ifoml. WT the people' should take hold 0$j gravel and put it on the roads..toj$T uto labor. Mr. Plant thon tookiiit ward money statomontand sbow^cQ ho had spent tho monoy Jn hi* cli*fi I( tho ratepayers thought he^'" aorvo thorn he asked for their voi if dofoatod he would never tye%} trying to throw1 obgfcruotionp in"fm of any one who would bo eleotedJsi Mit. Pkiobi thanked' thoni 0*1$ ing him by acclamation and ( tho items in hie ward statWei hod never agreed to.Bettlo ia.,, mour except when he thought'iiS be drino for 00. He moved tfijT5 instructing ih,o Boeye aridQMSKgJ defend the township, jin ^ent"" believed the matter pjf ito#T" shortage should he settlQi Corbett anol Potter ^aid h " would have tave it settled ^hut;^t done nothing to^ardfl"iti"^j Jules Danun made &m penditurea iaiiU y^QM deal to Ao^iths^eSaF^ ,aqd has; do^ed^fif we;ila?Uft;o^dWJJ

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