Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 8, 1897, page 6

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'.' i/: It J t. ". Saved From detail: D6kth; alnc'i Celery Compound Renews Another Ufa. Twelve Years' Work of Med ical Men Did Not Effect ' . . - r Kidney Disease Surely and Permanently , [. Banished ty. Paine s Celery j Compound. A ternblo record of Buffering ana misery! Twelve yearn a rdartyr tokiduuy dlfloano /and other Horioua ailmonta 1 Money uncut '\ for modioal attendance and a vaab variety of patout modiolnea, and no ouro 1 Snob dibappoiutmoHtfl and failures add. ed to phVHioal and monUl agouian Wore sufficient to drive many a uutforer to thu * ^tok^o of Insanity. Dolivomuoo from Hutforing utid didoauo wad lontf and oaruontly prayed for, aud a kind Providence directed a friend of tlio Buffering lady to adriBo hor to make trial of 1'aiuo's Colory Compound, tt wan uuod. Thoro were uo blank disappointuaauta; 110 vain exporlmouta; 110 wawto of hard flam ed monoy. Relief and ouro came to ftlad- Sou tho youl. lira. George Btouo, of E^an- villct, Ont.,wriloa about her aaHO aafollowH: "For mora than twolvo yearn I wiih altilotod with kidnoy, stomach and foinalo '."troublofl, and had boon attoucLod by live dootorH.and triod madioiuo alter modioinc, without any Rood rfl&ulta. "My HufforinRB a year ugo from tho kid- neyH and atomaoh wore droadful. I wan in nuoh a nfcato that I thought I could not life, aud concluded thoro wan no una try ing othor medioinoH. "I was advinod, however, to try F&ino'n Celery Compound, and finally doaidod to givo it a fair trial. Before I bad flniahbd fcho firat bottlo I had improved vory^muob, A^jpiW YEAR BUDGET 'aEA&N^SLe^ADVIoi,. TOASTS'.. A&0 SOME GOOD WISHES. and aftor tho ubo of a fow raoro bottleH I had not boon no woll lor long yearn, and now altORotnor a different pomon. \$ uho of Paiuo'n Golory Compound h,1ho ^hed my norvouanoBfl, I can thoro- tooommond Pamo'u Colory Compound ipuo Buffering from ltiduey, otomaoh mlo troublfcB." 'i aar.old dauRbtor of Johu Jon, was terribly burned |ing catching lira. lie Girl Quick, fpor that a 13 yoar old boy Iret hour ho worked Rolling JVIotal Tip Lampwiuli. I |)lo and wont to work and fl cleared 510, tho aooond Ald $15. I oxpoot to run up to fi tho near fnturo, aa thu Per- ieotion &Ktal Tip Lampwiok malum huou a beautiful whtto light and doon away with Bmokoy obimnoyn and bad odor and nnvaa oil, n io oaay to hoII. If you winh to try it Bond 13 two-ooat otampa to Mina A. M. Fritz, Station A., 8b. Loniti, Mo., and she will Honrl you Rumple outfit, thin ia a pjood /ay to make money around homo. Mihh Cina W. 4fi 13b. I.. Inapootor DoBarry announcoH that ho doon not intond to deport tho Canadian lady nareos at tho Buffalo Gonoral HoHpital. Make Your Own Lantern. Your homo ia incomplete) without it, and tho price ia witbiu roach of all. I ordered ono for my own ubo and it wan ho liawly and oonvoniont I wont to taking oidora, for Mam and aold 51 in ono day making over IjB oloar. It given a beautiful wbito li^ht, 'tolumnoye noyor broult from boat, it ia alwayn oloan and ready, Pranoiw Citaoy, St. Lonia, Mo., will aond fiamplo for 13 two eont BturopQ, writo for one. I Kot m> Htart from him. JB-13t Geoiwb B. Goor^o Jones, 3C yofirs of ago, ooramit^- , ed.^ Bnioido at Owen Sound by ahooting himaolf in the head with a Britiah bull-dojj revolver. Ho wrh a batohur by trado. Cntnrrli In tlio Head Ib a dan^oroua' diRoawo. It may. load direotly to oommmptiun. Catarrh iH oaunod by im.puro blood, aud tho way to ouro it. is by purifyi'up tho blood. Bood'H Saraapanlla curoa catarrh because it yo moyeu tho cauao of it by purifying th blood. Thouoauda testify that limy huvo boon onrod by Hood's Suraaparilla. Hood's Pilla aro purely yofiotablo and uo not purgo, pain or gripe. A.U drugK'Hto. 25c. *.- .a'lifl.Oauaaa Soutlioru Railroad bua . declared a Romi-annuid dividend of 1 per cent., payablo February 1. Tbia io a re- dnotion of $ per cent. How the Dipper Saved tho Farm Fathor wan Hick and thu mort^a^e on the farm waaoorninn duo. I Haw in tho Chris tian Advocate whoro Mihh A. M. Fritz, ot Staliou A, Bt. Louih, Mo., would aond a auroplQ combination dippur for 18 two-oeiu utampfi, and I ordered one. I (iaw tho Hip- " per could bo uaod uu a fruit jur illltr; a plain dippst; l>- iino'otraiuor; u funnel; a Hfcraincr fuhuol jKBToTTrooiii warming {aui and a piut racaauro. .Thoao eight different uhgb make tho dipper auob a nooeawiry aybiolo that I wont to work with it find it (aolla at vory uoarly evory Iwubo. And in (four moutha I paid off tho mort^ijjo. 1 'ibiuk I can oloar aa rntioli antt'200 a tuou(h. If you nood work you cuu do woli by giving thii atrial. Mwb A. M, Fritz, Station A, 'Bt, Houia. Mo., will Bond you a aamplo for 1 18 two'oont BtiimpH- writo at auoo. John ' a. n, . -is-iat. !J Rathor than ttht tho nvitter in t\w uourt, J.-A. Maoilhvray ruij;ned lii aout : m member of parliament for North On- U-io and the Boat wub doohwod vacant. VDr- ShioldH, au eminent phytdoian of VcetaaesBOo, Baya:."! Wnd Ayet'a Sar^ttp- krilW as tho beat biood-modimuo on iMimh, 'fchj I know "of many wonderful cures off oat- aft by /Ua uaa.'V' Phyaioittiia all over the 'Mat have:mMi ^lar atatemouta. X-y.{.--\:^,' fit:*1. j\ .,,.),'. . ' 1. Howell* and Loul* Stooltton on the Oo<mI Old Tlrooi Fawoett on ' Knconriflng Amorloan Author* Jehule Jun, Clara I.ina antl Captwln King1. [Copyright. 1800. bj thu Author.] If it wero not for tho podnliar san- juinity of _human nature, wo should hardly woloonie the New Year's as oom- jilotoly as we do. But Etopu Hprlnpe otornal In the human broawt. Tho oiaitnmen.fc of writing a new <1k- uro at tho end of tho data is born of it, and thoro is more thought beatowod on tho vanluhod pain of old sours than tho |u*obabiHfcy of new wound*.' Tho souaoii is a good one, uftor nil, for oyory crusty follow will stop to wish his nuiglibor n happy New Year's, and it hi nothing liko an unwolcoino us ouo'h birthday! Tho corning of tho new your doos not signify udvunoitig ago, but merely a ohunae of hotter times, aro- uawal of yigor and a leaving bohind of past aniiojuuoea and worries. Mmikiiul always wua onrioos about futurity and roady in its aoaruh to trust itself rjitlior to what may oomo than undergo a neo- oud edition of past oxporionooH. Hamlot was not uu ordiuury mortal. Wo of the busy, ovoryduy world novor say in doubt, "Aye, thoro'H tho rub I" but go nhond aud ohaucu ifc liko thoohoorful gutnblorn wo wo. Win or louo, wo must play, and thoro in iilwuyfl tho chunco of witming, Aud ko fjincorolyund gladly ifc ban come to bo, "Ring out tho old, rhitf in tho ncwl" Nono voiced our spirit bettor than Brynufc whou ho wrote: Thon hnsto then?, T(mo 'tin kiwlwmn all . That ftiHKitlH thy wliiRfld foot no fasit. Tliy riloftHiiroii ntny not till thoy pull, And all thy piihia aro quickly pat. "What do you think of thin?" I onid to .luniunHonri Browno. "What of tho Now Yonr'n nnd its obHorvanco, in your opinion?" A reply ho dated to mo from cosmopolitan Now York contained tho following wordx: Now Yonr's day has liad an ojcoolltint orfoot in iimpirlntt onreworn mlnda nndwoory hearts with fratih liopo and ronowoa'HtnmKth to con tinue the battle of life. Nuw Vour'a houiuIh woll. It hnptlKos old Time afroh. Ityioldn. ~*xiw)tatlonH whioli, though wholly doluolvo, aro.dehKhtful novortholuuH. JUNIDfl HKNI1T.B110WNW. Mr. Browuo novor fails to keep up tho standard of hit* oxoollont literary ropu- tatiou. Ho him ulways something to flay and can ay it in good, plain, woll cho sen Kuglinh. When I asked Julian Hawtliorno to pon a bright little nomothiug oxolusivo- ly for this uubjoot nnd occauion, ho Wroto from Polham Manor tho follow ing conoifJo motto: Mako your now yoar now not tho old yoar* with a now nnmo. Julian Hi-WTnoiiNK. How muah thoro is in thin tool Reso lutions run quiokor than timo. Tho foathor'd thing. Wlillnt I praiHo The apnrkllnu of thy looks and call thorn rays, Tukou Winn I-iOftvlntf bohind him, iifi lie flloti, An miporcolvod dimnons in thino oyoa. That which follows tho alover pon of LouiHO Stockton wrote from hor buny doHk uftor u protracted absence ubrond. This ia what sho calls hor crood: To me It tioomn that ono of tho groat dutinH wo owu our futurtj in to uturo our hoartu and momorloy with tho pioturon that when wo nood thum will "Flash upon tho inward oyo Which In tho bliHii at HOlltmK M and so oomfort and ontortain mi. Louihb Stockton. Tho beautiful MurquiBO Lanza do. Moronto Biauoa, the only daughttir of ex-Sxngeou Gonoral William A. Ham mond, dates from ono of hor residences tlio following quaintly clover Now Year's wish: With tho birth of tho now yoar lot tho dls- appointments of tho past bocomo tho hopoaof-j the future. Clatu. Lanka. La Marquiso, not content to be fnmnuH through hor title alone, is the author of many fluocefisfnl novols and noted ho- flidos as tho most acoouiplishod mundo- liuiHt in Now York. Tho marquis, her hu'Hband, was in childhood n pageta the queen of Italy and subHoquently won uncommon honors for his bravery and daring in battle. From tho Gonoral Federation-of Wo men's Clubs Jonuio June writes mo: ' Tho bOKhmhn: of a now'your in not tho ar bitrary lt of January found- in tlio almumio. That in of ton droary, lonely or hiddou in nloudrf and durluH*HH. Tlia true Now Year's couioh with every now and real oxuericnoti to tho 'human aoui; witli evory freiih aiiprohiiiiHion tho equivalent to tho individual of a revolution, of a truth or a principle; flintUy with every conquest over Keif and acquisition of npiritual light,- which meana harmony and pimcu. JENNIE CUNNINCUAM ClluIW. (Jonniu June. J Mrs. Oroly has discovered in tho foregoing the reason why inuiilriud dbo.3 not dread tho actual first day of another twolvomonfch. William Bean Howolis, in responding to my request for u thought of his on New Year's, Bounds u uoto of roniiiiis-. oonoo thnt suggests "April Hopes. *? Dating his let tor from his beautiful oily homo in New York, Mr. HowellsKuys: Tho now yours aro always welcome, hut I wlfih wo oould have a fow of Urn ohl ouoh. W. U. Uowiir4ii. You seo, this author also confirms iho fact that- tho now yours are generally woloomed, and yet ho ropjots being oil with tho old and on with tho now. Tho sad parting nover occurs unless Home- thing "lias boon" which wo wish again. Tho following, which.Mr. 'Faweott sends mo from his town house,'oiubmcoa tho wishing element too. Its udvico ia practical, not unattainable or unworthy undor tho prosont state of affairs, or no our Amoricun writers aver. It smacks., of tho'resolutions proper to a now your, and porlmps somo publishor may hoo ifc horo in its just light: I whih that our country, now moro than a contury old; would rcnlizo that Hho can no longorploud youth aa an oxouHofwiui'i'lootiiiit tho arts. I wish also tlmt "ho might ho induu* fid to begin tho now year by ci(<cldtni nu longer tonoaloet the works of thosu brilliant Uylnu ninn and women wlio aro hr. noviillHtH,' pools, oUHuylHtw, dramatiatH, hltitorianu, and^ would noose bowing; homufto to infurlor brltlah authors*, tho salea of whuuo writings (so often Booorid rate aud ovon ootohpouuy) huvo ulroiuly hrouBki hofltB of worthy authors in tlthi land > to atate hordorbis on aUrvallon. If I wmld boliov* our oou jtry anpnbloof striking out britvoly on thowi reformatory lhm, I ihould ftibl dinpoaod to l(op for bar tbo happlMfe of happy Nuw Year's,, Edoab Fattobtt. By way of a ohnngo from oil tho eori- ousnoss written about the infant year, tho popular army"novsliafc writes tome on tho aubjeofc tkuB;..... SHORT ON BENTIMENT. '"Tlio molitnoljoly daya Imvti gouio. Tho Buddeat of thu your,'^ Wbon Wo look aghuttt nb Ohriotma* bills And Hwuar off on our hour. - .. Whmi Ufo U roul find llfo In oamoat PuhIi und pnll foroaflh not honvon. Hurd llnun wo'vo hud through nlnety-sl*. Horo'ti to luok in nlnoty-R0Vfinl Yours txa Tor, Cl!AIlLRKlN(J, U. fl. A. Bo tho oaptuin ends this oolleotion witli arousing tount that smacks of Now Year's ovo. Hut this morning the old follow Ninoty-Hiac is out of tho way, his infant successor ho proudly and admir ingly received that it would not be amiss to recall Charles Maokay's well known poem, "Small Beginnings," und ull about tho "nameless man" aud tho "thought at random oust" "Yo wore but Uttlu at tho llrut, but mighty at tho hint." And-so is tho, now yoar a mero cradled thing today, and its might of goad and its might of evil Uo sleeping in tho minds of all who Haw tho light thi* January, 1807. Wo may, if wo will, move this parent of 1808 to u healthier and u stronger inuuo than its kin of tho past Ljllun A. North. GERMANY'S MONARCH. Glitter uud IMypIuy AUnurthijf ttltf No-* Your'u M adoption. The imperial couplo of Germany ro- coivu thoir relatives in the black oaglo chamber, a magniflucut room, tho walls of which aro draped in cloth of silver, whilo a wonderful ounvus, the great Loygobo ohof d'oouvro, oovers tho coil ing. Gonornls and ombasiwdors, inti mates of his mujosty, are admitted to tho charmed oirolo. Hor majosty wonrs tlio crown, to which n long voil isnttaahed that falls in grneoful foldfl down to hor court train, tho latter moanuring 10 yards. Jt is borne by somo of tho "Ijigbost ladios in tho land," who in thoir turn omploy pages to help thorn along. Tho dross material is of tho hoaviost kind and loaded down with embroidery' of pro- oioufl metals nnd stonos. Tho omprosa, liko tho kaisor, wears fcho innignla'of fcho high PruHsinn and Hohon/.ollorn orders. Eis majesty is utthod in tho so called "groat general's uniform," with its profusion of gold oinbroidory covering tho breast and cuffs. So costly is thia ornbroidory that poor ofllcers ofton hooi- fcato to aeoopt tho honor it oxoniplifloa. Tho co?itum*cs of the prluoouses are not Iohh showy, thouRh thoir jowols uro. Tho personages following in thoir train either wour military dress or tho minis ter of state uniform, which is of the rococo typo silk frock coats nnd breechos, jabots, cooked huts, white stockings and pumps, with goldon buc kles. Chancollor von Caprivi alone is ex cused from masquerading after tho fash ion of tho oightoonfch oontury. Liko his prodocosflor,. Bismarck, ho always ap- pours nfc oonrfc in genoral's uniform. At tho ohivpol thoir majesties aro re ceived by tho clorgy in state, whilo si multaneously a boy choir of 300 piokod voices opens tho musical exoroioos, ac companied by a oornot corps. Tho re ligious ceremonies aro short, tho sermon not lasting moro than seven or oight minntoH. Tho grand oour begins at once in tho whito hall. Tbo omporor and ompross, aurrouudod by tho royal family, tnko their places on tho throno, whilo tho throng of notabilities pass in single nlo, formally off or in g congratulations. Tho emperor ofton riees to greet thom with a hearty handshnko. Among those thus distinguished are tho chancollor and tho vonorublo generals who havo seen serv ice in tbo field. Tho kaisorin is by oti- quotte forbidden to oxtond her hand to anybody on state occasions. Meantime tho tbousauda assembled outsido await tho moment whon tho kaiser will descend and walk to tho armory, at tho ontranco to Unter den Lindeu. That is a spectacle which no body who is anybody can afford to mias, Oflpcoiiilly as itocoura but ouco or twioo u yoar. Prosoutly tho carriage Ratos of tho palace aro eloaod, tho last four-in- hand rumbles away. Fivo niinutes more of patience, and the groat portals op posite tho museum aro thrown opon, tho sentinels and troops of regulars pro- Bont arms, nnd the mounted "Sehntz- mami" thunder their last admonition: "There he comes I Hurrah 1 "Hoohl Hoohl Hochl" Tlio kaiser, marching at tho hoad of tho column of gonurals and adjutants, looks almost tall in his hifih boots, bolr mot and the long, bluish gray overcoat, with fur collar.. Ho is hot as boautiful as his father or as pioturosquo as his grandfather was, but is of., strikingly dignified, honest and courageous nppear- unco. He looks tho typical German re lieved of his natural heaviness. He can say shai'P things and nover shrinks from uttering fcho inout audacious fioutimonfca when loasfc expected, That's why tho Germnus liko him.' A I'leunant )*roXLieot. '.Wife rOu ChriatmBH day you oamo around with u nica sealskin Hack, and now you como uround ou Now Year's with nothing but. u moaaly little pin cushion. Husbund (gloomily)^-And tomorrow I ahull probably oomo around with a BherhX , *.. A PEDLAR'SjaPERIENCE. ILLNESS BROUGHT, H(Ml ALMOST TO THE VERGE OP THE GRAVE. ii..' Pale and Bmcl*tfl<S, Suffering; Prom Excruci ating Pfdna In tho flack, Life Became a Bur den and Death Wub Thouaht To Be Not Par Off. From tlio St. On.lhn.riiiea Journal. It is a carious pathological fact that spinal complaint has sometimes actual ly boon mistaken for Brigbfc'fi diuooHo, aud tboru is no doubt many havo boon maltreated for Bright's disease whon npuntl trouble waa tho real malady. Goo.'T. Bmiih, podlar, of St. Catha rines, is ono who thus Buffered. His narrative is us follows: -"In tho fall of 1804 I begun to oxporionco alarming Hymptoms of what I thought to ho npinal trouble. I resorted to lotions, plasters und othor romodiert, hut to no avail, as X continued to grow worHo. At this point my friends advisod tho Horvioos of a physician, which .T gladly Hithmiltod to. The professional man made a minute examination, uud. pro nounced mine acaHeof Bright'sdisoaHo, which quito naturally gavo me a sovoro shook, ns X doomed tho death sontenoo hud boon passed upon mo, Tho doctor oaidho could alloviuto my'Bufferings, but remarked that it would only bo a mattoi: of time with mo. Howovor, I accepted hiu modicino, and took it according to directions with no bonoii- cial rosults. In tho moautimo a friond- proeurod a remedy said to bo a euro for Bright's disoaao. This medicine I took, but with uo oftbefc whatovor. Ton mouths had puBSod away and I had bo como so haggard, omaciatod, stooped nnd mieerablo that my friends had dif ficulty in mo. In fact thoy liko myself, harbprod the niosfc painful approhonaions. At thi jmiotnro an aimt enmo to vinit mo, aud strongly ad visod mo to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Liko a drowning man reaching for a straw I did so. To my groat sur- priso I soon noticed an improvement, tho pain in my hack bogim to loavo, my appetite improved, my color returnod, and by tho timo I hud used oight boxes uot au acho or pain remained, and I am aH ablo to travel about to-day as provioun to fcho attack. I know that I owo ray restoration to Dv, WiUinuiB' Pimc Pills, and I urgo thoHc ill or sufl'oring to givo thom a trial. Br. Williams' Pink Pills striko at tbo root of the difloaso, driving it from tho systom and restoring tho patient to health and strength. In ouhos of par alysis, spinal troubles, etc., those pilla aro superior to all othor treatment. They aro also a spooiflc for,tho troublos which mako tho livosof so many womou a burden, and speedily restore the rioh glow of health to palo and sallow chocks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or oxcobbos will find in Pink Pills a certain ouro. Bold by all dealers, or sont by mail postpaid, at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addrosaing tho Dr. Williams'Medicine Co., Brookvillo, Out., or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to bo "juflt as good." -----------**--------- - A Chum That Ohurns in one .Min ute. I havo boon in tho daiiy buomopn nil my life nnd b.iyo many tiuu-Q oliumed for uu hour boforo butter would upnour, >u when I heard of a churn that would churn in u miuuto, I concluded to try it-. livery day for a w< ok 1 UHod if, and not only oould 1 churn in a minute, but I not moro and hi.-tter butter thus with iho common churn. Thin is very important information to hiittur maltorn, Tlie churn works oacily nnd will obum an ordinary churning in leHirthun sixty seconds. I have sold two dozen if thuhu ctturna in (he puHt inftutb. livery butter maker that, luui neon mo churn iu Ichh tlmu u minute bought ono. Yon can obtain all duHJrod information ro- garJinR tho oliuiu by uddretHjiig J, F. (Jawey'tt Co., St.Xouiu. Mo., und ibey will give you prompt and courtuouu attention. lu-OO' A Duirymjtn.' You on n't ho welt if your b]nod is impure, bub you may huvo pure blood and good hoah.h by tuking Hood's Buni-iparilla. A house waa wrecked ami Mrn. .ioniph Glavot! and two brothorfi numod llilos, of Wiiinilecc, wore badly injured, by au ex plosion of nitro-glycerino, which they were thtivuug out in a-stove. Aoaother Smart Woman. My hubbund in poor but proud and ho doori noc waul nie to work; an I have noth*'- itiy to'do I git. resthss und after rotuKng in yc*|ir papor ^Irs. Ituhhcll's oxporionco ooHmii h( U-heating flatironii I concluded 1 would try, it, I wsrotu tn .f. 1\ UitHoy <t Cu., St. LoniH, iUo. and they treated mo bo nicely that 1 fool vory much eneour'iti^d. An noon us I got iny min|ile iron I started out and sold H irons the Unit day, oioariun &12. 1 have not oold lens than eight any duyfince, and ono day 1 sold 17. I now luwo ^'22-ci olnar money, and my husbund doon not know (_ have bi.en workinu, but I am afraid ho will. I. o mud whon I uM him. Have X done richfc or chould I quit work 'una iiiivc him ntni/iglo tilmif ? rfAn Anxiouii Wife. You are.doing junt tiulit, your hnhbuiul idiouhl bo proud of yoli, go right ahead and tdiow tbo world what an oiiurgotic \vc- rni.n cm do. That H^lf-htatlnu iron must bo u .wonderful Heller, an we hcur-.ot ho many that uro Mtuouuaful milling it. -15-00 ' Ji.neph AitybiHon, u runpnotod oitizon of Iriwood, Iiambtou County, shot his wife and then committed suicide. Ho waa in a fib of domontii'. broujjht on by worry oyer bunincoH matter*. A January thaw is always moro pro. duotivo of oouiilm and colda than a'Jautia-ry' frooKo. Thon istho limp Ayoryoiiony l'tc- tni'al )R)m dod and piovtm so oxtromoly etfitfiKiioiiM.' Ask yonr druygifc or it, and aho for Ayor's Almauuo, whiob is f^(e to all. Break Up a Cold in Time BY USINQ PYNY-PECTORAL Tho Quick Ouro tor. COUOIIfl, COLDS, OUOVP, mtON- CUITXS, HOAItSKNKSS, to. ' Mrs. Josxpii t^ofwicK, of OU Soraurcn Avc.Tutoiito, wrltcn: "Prn*.l'eUirml h*M nwrnr Mlml to cum tny flilldron of croup*Itr mlowdoiaa. It rtired mTlf of*lnniUinlliirf counU *fl*t iVM-al otlier (etnn<llM liil i*Um1. It h*i kUo iirovfKl kn eK<^Uimt coucli ^uro for my rutul'r. > tirnfai< U tn anr uthir Inediclo* furcoujb*, crouyor lio.rocj*.' II. O. IUlltMlLfM, of Litllo Kojlirf. N.H., xvillou: "Am m. vi* fur r<nntli rytiy-l'nRttral U tlin bust hhUItiv ln^llihio J Iwvoi uiy cum' kiiuara wUltu.rUo other."* - XArgo llottlo, 136 CU. DAVIS It LAWUKNCE CO., Ltd. * Proptlotors, Monthkal x Wanted-An Idea Wlio cuii i "!c of Home a tbimrtoixumit? J'roUwt yonr Mtitut: tlir niny Itrtiiu ymi vwimlth Write JOHN WKODKKUlmN * CO.. I'tH.-ut AUnr n*7, WublDBton, I). <:.. for thoir $1,HX) prlco ofTor %tid (lit ut two hundred Invention* WanUtil. WANTK1J HKVKHATj VAVVIWVI* MfeN OH Wouion to tritvul for yunjionniulo vuttiK- lhlhnd liuuiio hi Ontario, Halttvy, $7B0, puyitblo . 31ft wooldy ami oxooniinH. Ponition pcrmatnmt. li*tforonu*i. Kiiclout) Hnlf-iuUlrouHod iititmptul nti> Tho National, Btar UnlltUiiL', Ohiono, volopo. Wanted. A \lf k AJ-'J-'O BELL CANADA OUOWTH 'A. IVXiLl^i - Wratt anil Ornamental Troon, Hlmiho, I(oHitn, Iluhai mid IhilhouH riants.Oraipo Vliioa, Hmall 1'niltn, Hood PotatooH, oto. Wo cutidomio only tho hardloittand moot populnr variation that nuouuml In tlio onlflnut QltmatoH Kow uoation now oommonohutf oomploto out lit froo,nalary and oxnunKOHpnul from titartfor full thno, or llhoral tominifiiilon for part time. Anply now, iiddroiKifng iiuarout o111co, and oholoo "of territory. LUKK mtOTIIEJlH COMPANY, IntiirnatloiuLt NuniurloH, CiiioAflo, III,, or Montukat.. (juia. Fresh Bread Is what yon can rely on gotting whon you buy from us. Our wa^on goott to all partuof the town; Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, frouhor, or nwoot. or in tbo country. Alt kinds of Fanoy Caltos und dolly Ilolln. ---------------- Fresh Taffy and Candies evory day. Wo soil nothing Htaloor dry. Leave Your Order and you cau roly on prompt de livery. FRANK FOSS. OppoaitD iJaok A[Frnncin, Euriox For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. Only One Dollar Yo JTuminry liif, 18DB. sixteen l*nircH lOuch WgoIc -------WITH------ All The News of The World. MaU et Reports, Stories, Etc. Excollent Koadiug...... for ovory mombor of tbo family Wo offor good inducomontit to iigontt*. For tprma, etc., address ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., LONDON* ONT. SING- LES ~~ CHINESE LAUNDRY, WHaon Ave., noxti Aburdotm Hotel. Tho latent' improved machinery for IroninflCollarH uud Cuffii. Will not amok or broult t^o wing. Family work cheap, and delivered. Parcols Called for Floaso call and try. If not satisfactory no charge will bo made. f our work ouitf* you, recommend uh to your friends, Roller t Mills .r. ".'"'&$ JAMES NAYLO Takes thli opportanlly of annonnolntf toth* people of tho Town and County of Kiwox. tl ho lias roraodolod tho Kseor R->|Ior loo. of JJt :^ oordlng to planaproparad by 11. N. Prioo.o.a. u Tlioiuan, acd nloo icouroti thoflurvjooa of Bolw*^ Btraohan, an cxporionood and thoroaohly OOU* V liotont mlllor. ^v'/i Thanking tho poonlo of tho town and oounty 3$l pa&ronago bontowod upon Ulm IttthttGii pait, will BnaiautoosaUufaoUoriln the (utazft. for tho pat Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. C*- ' 77/if lUst Grmhs of flour, he Cornwall Ktpl ut Sleek and sold at Prhss, Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats,' $ 1D0 you Iftde ? . m If bo, you wanfc to have 'ft the best there ia am everybody knowg^thjj The Nobbiest Turnout ^ IH TO BE IIAD AT- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery.. Good Jlaay JlhUny Jinggica. Comfortable Carriages, A Call Kolieitcd. Satlftj'action Guaranteed, North .of tho * Railway Track. ESSEX, O) Johnston Br Builders Aa Contractor! DKAMStlD IK- British Columbia Pino Shinglas, $1.00'Vp. All Kinds of Building Material, SASH, DOOXS, . LA TH and MA ft AT ill P5- Saliwfaciloii Giiaranteod.- Opp. Water Works, Essex.1 FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS THESCQECS BEST FRIEN1 LkWCi^T SA-fe- livi CANADA. J. GOtTBXAY & SON, ESSEX, ONT ^^yi^tt^ THE TUiaMP'H CORN SHETj'LEU fSf Tni-4 Maohino oonBiatB of a honzflx Uil cast oylmdor^ with >vrougT(tj(p buiFi, wMtli Biool tootli bo I tod to, tbo oyli-idcr ft.i as to bb rovorsible wliflii] tooth bocomo worn on tho front wdo, /'uunii^iii a iiorforated opDoav^r -iha\\t which tho Rbollod cn>. p'.aflsep through into a shoot iron /oub^^i an or clonnor uttuched holow, whioli tultoHml tbo duflt.from tUb.OT^'J ^hoapost bont, nn&t Bimplo und dnrablo Power Corn vhplIor4iH^asc^^S ifoni porfootiy clotin in any 'condition nb'elling and cleaning tonipn'e^^ housand dubIioIh of oara per day. according to power., . i:^M Djimenbions. Longth, (S.ft, 8 in^PuUeyriO^ffl cter, fl in, faco; M6tion 80i) to 800 revolutions per.irurioie; We%hti^{^j t------ S^i^lifSiHl 00 6

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