!SKV' w-' warn Breaks up Suddenly on'the Arrival w;: 0t the Little Conqueror. >*. s.: ;) i;! & Aw- iMIJllll Of p'rur. I. \ but OW what lb moans? A row in tho kidnoy oatop, '.,.' A dtnfteroqH blookado. 'Kidpeye on astrika. Too ma oh work to do. Then call on tho conquoror of kidnoy ills. Aod tho kidmty ntrik will bo ovor, Anothar victory for J3orii*h Kidnoy 1'iMh. Nothing now, thoy ulwayti win. r ", Backudio in (juicUy cured. Uriimry tn>nbh;n dhmpponr. Diubotori, ;;' ;.-kidni!y rlii'ijuifiiiMn und ovnn that dtoad .,V :^ dostroj i,r. YU ijddV (jiminim, urn rnmovad. j:i ' Mr. \'. ! :. yMi.i* \ "Uli ["di-'ytl \~ ,.H'-li ' H -. ,: ,' J'ltiVC I'm i l "i r .' ' H I i alii ill id i. ' , i : D<j]Lli'n ivilnry I' : . 'I t'.f.i : M,oru tijnt ili" I-.' u ii, v.'.m > in jipI"i bio. 1' ][) UUt ftnyil|;?, 1>M hnlOi t-> :-; -li' [(Kit tlio . ' OUI'O 1H CiMIJJ'li'h', (ni'l I (ll'lll. nil ihc U'lOr*. romurkablu mi I had ukun ninny otlust , miiUKJinmt bnfrinj I had tiled D.hui'ii Kld- / ney V\\m, hut. iv;ji:iv-d no hem lit from tbom. "I ri'cnni tumid Uiinii'n Kidney L'iIJh heartily to an yon - ti oijMim with back actio or In inny uouhk'of mi} Kind." Iloro jh ii.iiu!]ht, Mr. Kir (I (iilhoft bun thin to i-iiy.--',I,,of novum! yciini I tiavt hud a puiidul Mdfne.-ii in my buck cumnid I think by taking cd-d which affected my t feidnoyii. . "I aliio hiiffori-d from indimry troubloH, and folt. tired und wiury marly all tho timo. Iwo months uj^o I ^ofc .a box of Doan'h Kidney TiIIh ill Rhurrin'h drug store, und tlioy have curort, me. 1 ruoom- ^ sjmend thorn highly to any portion unflorin^ ~^Trom huno back or kidnoy t run bleu ot any kind, an thoy nrov< d u pcrTed npnoiHc in my own oiiho, and I havo i:vory Confidouco in thorn." THE COW THE VALUE'OP "STRAW, Motbodmt Magazine und Huviow tor Docombor, IfllJIl. Toronto: William Jlrigjia. Prioo, ^'2 a your; SI for hix inontliH; oin-qlo nambor, 20 ountB. Thin oxculK'nt ndmber coVuplotOH tho forty-fourth yoluino or thiH popular inu^nzino. The annminot-mont for tho forth-fiotnin^ year in particularly strong, onibruoiofj; illiiHtrattul urlioluu on " Cabot'ii Diitcovory of Canada," "Making tho Empire; or, Around tho World with tho "Onion .Tank," "Canadian Carioaturo Art,"."In tho Illaok Bi;lfc," "Kor'ard of tho Dopigor," "Throu'/h nul^aria," "Tbw Stbrm-Oontro of Kuropo," "Hnral Euti- land," TIiQloolandorn in Manitoba," uto_ A uuuibur of norial and nhort otorioo aio announced, an, "Tho Boot's dau^htor, a Talu of Majuba Ilill"; "Tho Millu of Ood," ' a Mothodidt Boriul Story; "Tho Loti ol a Sky-Pilot," "The Gold Boom in Cariboo," and othorfl, A special foaturo of thin mat'- anino iyitH'Popular Seiouoo papom; auaong tihonG \vilIbD,"ThuRoignof KinyTrblluy," "Tho Story of tho Railway," "Tho Curios' itioii of tho Microphone," "Britain'H Kole . in Soioiico," "Lord Kcilvinaud His Wont." Bodial and roliqioua topico, aud miHoionnry artioloH fully lllnstratod, will alno bo jdvoti. xjrfCTp-to-dato doptirtmonta on tho World'n ..\TTPrbgtfofiH.Itocont Seiouoo,Currout Tlioaf*btt oto., will bo maintained. Now io tho timn - to, Etibiiaribo. Atlvantairni I><urlT(d JTroin Oouoroto iPloor*. NiggtitlonK About VontUntlon* Waldo V. Brown, a praoUoal Ohio farmer, writing to tho Now York Trlb- tmo, Huys: I fonnnrly uod woodon plutformn for I ^i\'" thn cowm to Mtaud on, but! nix yourn iigo | ' I took (mb all tho wood fioom and put, ,. in oonmiifc, and I liko it vnyy juiuoh br-l;- , tti', not only bnoanuo oi ux pta'/rmtn *, huf liiynnsn ihm'o in no niiicn br;v I wii'i Tirijin to nuuflfl a rank hiiji , '. iv>ii:nt in ontiroly'inipmvlfjns to ii-sv*", } and v;bon tho Htablc in cb>anml daily, 1 and honhly bortdod, if thn votitilnfion 1m \"'" ,,' '(l. floul, thuro will bo no porooptiblu odor. - " "".' ,,'1 Wy now titablo Ih38K; toifc loiiff in tho /' JJy V'Jj olnur, mid tho floor on which tho cowh f Httmcl va K foot Ioijk, thn ditnh 3 fenfc Dimiu wide and tho walk 3, and mi tho ditch Ifj 8 inohoH doop and the mdon plawtovod it in oqnivaJonfc to a flnoi* a Uttlo o\dt 10 foot wiflo. It took a littln Iohh than thrno barvoltt ot portlmid oomont: to Uiy it, nud thi <ioh(j mo ^i). fiO por bnrrol nt tho factory and 40 oontu por lmr*ol frojfj;ht, tho total oot of tho oomout bo- liig about $8. Thfo floor ia laid with four inchoH of conoroto and ono-half iuoh of topping. It Would hrtvo takrn about 800 foetotf plnnlcinp! unrl joiat to lay tho floor, and thin would haVo cot mo not A* Proved by TtFmoiM ftnd IriynrfiM Bffalftf, tlio Hrsw CJropi I*y.' , . Famiors, as a rulo, havo alwnya on- tortiiinod tho idea that ovory potmd of fltraW grown on a farm ought, uh quick ly aa poaaible, to bo utill/^d in tho ma- nurp jdlo. It aim oaHlly to provod that tho Hyaiom Ifl'SVroug, and m6noy thnu WaHtod' wonlrl not'ouly^hnyL^IB^ffllJtrift' nuro or fortillTior to koop tho farm in h\tf\\ uoudilion, but hIho Jonvo a -good found Hum a.4 profit for tho furmor, l'lnifi writnM a favmor to Country Qon- 1 BEApitonps. Diamond Dyes Have a World-wide Record. Tho .Diamond Dyon aro far abond of all other paoku^o dyeH no ado for homo dyeim/, Wbou tho plain diniotiona aro followed, a oluld oan dyo HtiooftHHfullv. Dlauiond OyriM nrn warrantnd to oolor moro #oodn than uuv orb or piuika^o dyon, and to mal(r> on lorn that lant aw |on^ an tho ill tin tollH how to" makol gondii hold tr^othor. Ho yiold 15 lit ;,',> ton of aUaw. in Now Yorl: v,' 11 r > All wiho, economising and prud-'-nt wohion ntio r)inriiuiifl Oyim I'cniu ;> tl:.,,y nuynr Huff'ir r.ln>'i}]|;oiiii niootit, ji\\\\'.r>'- J '^-in tliat v..-.mil; fr"in Mi*1 iih.-j *.'.. riCfpiivrd dyi'H. -I'lvo; y nii'ikiii.^' .' 1'yo i-i '.v.iri'Jint'.'M l.o'dn tint wrK ..c > ii.r H. , Whe.i piin-hiii-ii.fi pFiidinfjii dydn m, !i ' iin utraw! yu "'"l "1H "iJiauiund." Somr '., w fdlowinnt will try to ir-il ynu iiuiiatiomf hccmi.-in iln-v :.! v,pill ji""A'n (,!nr:0 flttito-i n*jthtr^ur prollt n from thotn. Avuitl iiucii : <ii\ r of land will J dyon, und nun only t.lio "Diarjutud" llm I'Ui-'h' [ vyc arid 'i'lu1 ].'!' 'i<:o n ii;ai'! Tho nidim iU>u, it \t* iiaid, wits nioru j ifH'K1" niK!'*/.' nut; of I ho utraw O"i*op. t li' iirfionf'- yjrion of : " .i .; 1/ pl:,i v.'.'t^ril I < .ltd'/a-1 (: I .::. ii iri.'i- ' . : tu a-llicrod: 1 t; ! i:M onoi biiiJK HiKici'Hii! ryo | bunhol, and lln-- pri"*? oi" ryo straw, tbru.qhod iitraljjbt' :.im! hound, in %'M) por ton. Ton am-\ "f rv, .yiohiiup; 30 buHholH to'tlin nfi-i!, ii: -.obi at oO contH por bnahol, will junouiit to 100, and tho ton tout) of lilrui^ld. tbranliod and bound ntvaw, Huld at C;'^"i would amount to $300, making a total of ij:i0() n-alizod from thn 10 arrcHof ryo and straw. Aocordinpj* to Prol'oyiior 15. II. Voor- , ,. +n .,.- , ,. . ... y hnoH, tho Now JorHoy Ht.n.o ohomisfc, tho Iobh than *3 por 100, nnd thn bout floor I' , ,i ... '*.,.';, . ,, . i real mannrinl valuu o rvo Htraw in tho nould lay would rot out in IfiRH than ton maimro pllo in only $3 per ton. Goniio- yonrB, aid thn urino would prmotwto. ,, . .. . , ii i. ii .. i i j., fluently, if tlio old iibui jrf follnwud and tho oraokii and not only hn wawtnd, bnfc A . J\ a ' . . . . , ,,- '., ., I tho ton tonfi of wtraw urn (Cnonitod m oftiido a HtrouR odor all tho time. ,. . .. .. . . .. ,. T , . , ., , \n i tho mamiro pllo, (Iki vaJun of lfc tlinro, In Jcoppnitf a cow Htahlo clean 'ilno: ,- . 1n ,, ,r , . bnt I prefer con, chaff from tho ibcllwi *30, ^"V ' n^"'V, nr*.Klraw 1 ' WQro wold it would hrnitf v^OO. to any other matorial I have ovor unud, and whon I onn got it I alwnyn umo it. When that in not to ho had wo oan of- ton'Kot clovor ohaff and Homntimoo onto or wheat phail?. Wo ompty thn ditoh .Tiikotho miumrial valuo of tho ton tou of ryo Htraw, whirh \u $yo, and with tho $30 buy Htublo manuro or ooiu- meroial fortilizor. It will enrich tho i farm to tho nuuio ox tent :i-s if tho whohi ovory mornum and at onco hod tho floor: . . -. ilt i -()- ii-* i *i ui r i ton touH of Htrnw had vvn deposited in and ditoh rhorouRhly. I havo, u room) ' floorod with oemont dirootly bohind tho oowh in whioh to store boddinp;. In oloaninpf tho maimro ditch wo uho flrnt a nix tinod fork and follow with a coal nhovol with a blado M inchon wido. Witli those tools tho maimro and Hdilod nodding oan ho quickly romovod. Vontilntion id a matter of greater im portance in tho cow Htablo than many farmcro realize, and oh tho coiling aro UHunlly low, ovory Htablo should bo well vontilatod. A window at ono end and a .tho manure pile and ynt leave tho farm er a profit of $180. ..... ....... MuhoIo Malclnif Cropu. Evor winco tho ailo has oomo into reg ular uro in pronorving tho oorn crop dairymen have boon studyinff to find tho boot muHolo making grain to food with tho oHRihigo, CottonROod meal in the ohonpoNt form of "mnwele nndcorA," and thoro is no mifor way in whioh to food it than with corn onsllngo. Some farmorn door at tho other will an.wor in" good! ^vo alwny? folt that they could firow . ,. ... ,__.. I muflolo mukmg orops choaper than thoy THE KIND Jflll NEED. Paine's Celery Compound the Only Kind that Cures, Other Celery C oneoctions Merely Worthless Imitations. "PAINE'S" Has a Wcrld-wido Record of Liito-savin^. 'If you aro numbered amount tho sick and diROusod, tho modioino you uood in tho kind that has cutou your frioudn aud neiuhbori). Ptiinfl'fiOidory Compound iu, to-day, the only medicino that can moot your noudu if you ato oufforing from rhouraatiflm, neu- ralia, livor and kklnoy troubloH.dyapopttia, coontipation, nervouQnoaB, or from any trouble that rounlta from impovorihliod or imtmro blood, it curon tlio aiclc iih Hurely uh night followH day. Tho vaat roputation that- Paino'u Colcry Compound him ucquirod an a lifo-aavur hua led unBcrupuIouB men to put up worthlnnn t iraitatiotiB, und to name thuin oulery prop- iratidnu. Many people aro docoived cluily by-Ihoflo miHorablo fruudH, npeudin^ their motioy for remedien that havo no catiibhuU od rooord, and that can novor euro, , , A Uttlo ou.ro on tlio piirt of thono who purohaoo will doon have tho tiloot of bun- iuhiiiK nuoh doeeptivo liquid propuratitm^ from our midnt. Auk for "Puino'a"; iuumt upon gefctint: "P(Lino'n"; and bo satinflod that tho narm- "Paino's" in ou every wrapper and buttle that you buy. When you necuro VPaiuo's,' you havo tho only medioino on earth thai can drive off your load of minory und huT foring, and give you a healthy, froHh ami joypUHlifo. .------,---------------------y^r--------------------------- It ifl ofton a myutery how a cold Iiuh been ,4,oaUgbt." Tho faot ia.howovor, that whf;n tho blood in poor and tho ay atom dopruBsed, ono bocomon peculiarly liable to diiioaaoH ^i;. Whou tho tippcitito or tho ntronfjth failn, vi,),' .,. o-yer'a SfLrnapurtlla ohould bo taken with- |fe:/,'outdolay. woathor, bnt in oold woathor, whonTtho Htnblos muflt bo abut, flomo other way muflfc bo providod. Tho boot way 1 havo ovor found ifl an-oponiug ovor tho man ger, and I malco this wido onough to bo uflod an a hay Hhoot. It should bo 3)iJ foot wido and nw long as tho manger. I uho n manger six feet wido, alwo floored with comont (to provont rats from hnr- boring under it) and havo a row of cut tle each Hide. Ay-tniilan Wollii. The objeot of tho bill to nppropriato f 100,000 for sinking nrteflian wolla in tho custom part of Colorado, introduced in cougresa by Mr. Shafroth, iH to tout tho strongth of tho underflow of water whioh oxiflta in tho oaHtom portion of Colorado. It acorns to bo tho opinion of many of-thoso.who havo given tho sub ject considerable Htudy that tho foroo and amount of the underflow that draina tho Booky mountains would bonuflloient to irrigato tho arid land oafit of tho mountuiua, Tho oxperimont with arte sian wells in tho city of Denver has boon very HuccoRsful, and if tho theory above referred to is found to bo truo the nccoHHity for tho further construction of largo irrigating caualHWill bo obviated. If thofiowcllH provesueceKsful, tho.prob lem of irrigation will bo solved, ho far as oastem Colorado is concerned, and millions of dollars will be thereby Raved whioh otherwise will have to ho put iif] largo ditches and roservoiiu Tho arid lauds in Colorado aro exceedingly fer tile and ultimately will bo reclaimed. But, says The Orango Judd Farmer, if artewiun wells oan produce this result tho tiTuo of reclamation will bo ad vanced 60 years. Tho matter ifl also of deep interest in woateru Kaunas, Ne braska, Texas and Oklahoma. Apil.' Tn IliirmlH. S. D. Willard, writing to Rural Now Yorker, says: JMy exijerionco is entirely in favor of oan boy cottonsood meal, bran or other grain. For oxamplo, wo havo told how Mr. Bancroft of Dolawaro usos hun- droda of tons of crimson clover andoow- poas in tho ailo. Thoso crops help "bal ance" tho corn ensilage and out down tho grain bill. Thero aro farmers who fool that, with prosont low prices for dairy products, good clover hay. and a fow pounds of wheat bran will act liko tho moat in a sandwich to ovon up tho onsiiugo. In Canada a mixture of ono part sun flower heads, two partn horse beans and four parts corn aro put into tho silo to- gothor in tho hopoof obtaining ensilage, whioh is of itself a "balanced ration." Thin plan of growing niusolo making orops on the homo farm is not advocated nH fitrongly as it wns sovoral yoara ago. Tho price of bran and cottonseed moal has fallon so low that in znunyoasoB tho old argument fails, and it is actually choapor to buy grain than it is to grow clovor or peas. In manycasosit actual ly pays host to raise a heavy crop of com for tho silo on tho land noarost tho barn and put tho other grnss land into tim othy to bo sold ovory year, tho money obtained for it to bo spent for grain rich in musolo makorfl. That is just what some long hoadod dairymon aro doing, and they are making a succors of it, too, according to Rural Now Yorker, author ity for tho foregoing. Truiitimmt of Keml OatH. A bulletin from tho Ohio station re ports results of a neries of oxporiments mado on tho station farm at Wooster in 1605 in tho treatment of oats for tho prevention of smut;, in whioh it wiw shown that from duplicate samples of seed taken from tho sumo sack the un treated sued produced as high as 40 per ccutof smutted heads, while tho treated seed produced a considerably larger crop entirely free from smut. These experi ments have boon repeated with tho sumo from tho nhcop it wan trained to cam tor on tlin Iiill < oi Keotluud. Thufui nhoep bud I]] ick laces nH black k'f'u and their nuum I w t dorivod from thn Anglo-Haxon word ' onl," wliioh rritj'iiiH blued. Ayur'n Pills, boin^ aompofirtd of tho osuouliul virttUi.'t of tho b(-nt vegetable xpfriontii, wi bout any of tho woody or fibrous material whatever, iti tho nii'thoii why thoy urn no oinoh moro t ff-'iiiiv.* ami valuablo than any other cathartics. Tho hi st. fnmil> phytic. Never uiiu ji dry cibamoiii for nibbing polished woud, no nitittur how hoI'i it may bo, an it. in u rnitterial whiuh coll"i;l.t and rirtains dnnt. For Lhin rtMiion, the idea rliat it in u uood ono for wiping aye tlbiii.-i.-,( and upecttides j'i most orronoouu. (IlitHtii-n which aro linbitmiliy wipml with a diumoni iikm "vvipr-r' will hoou bo hfipidoH.-dv Hcratdierl. Ai'hlni; .loliilu. . Vnin'*MO",e ihi' piti^Miico of rhf-uniutiHtn which cmi.'H mdold Hiffci'iiJ^. llltt-urnti- tinm is due io luot-u add in tho blood. It C'limot by uurt-d by iitmuuntH or olIh.t oiit- wtird uppli^atiiiu^. Mood's SarHujiarilla pnrilinh tbo hlo'.d, removes tiiu (tuumo of rljuuumthini pi'rmuiu'iitly curcH tbtH (Ii,-. oiuio. This : the ti-ntimouy of thrjuijando of pooplo who oiioo nilIfored the 'pains of rheumatism but who have actually been cured by takei-^ Hood's Kartiuparilla. Itii groat power to uct'up.-n tho blood and re move ovory impurity iu tho secret of tho wondorful euros by llond'ii Suruaparillu. Iu tho Alp) and Pyrenees thoro is a race of people who aro old men at 15 and die at ijl)t all through drinking hmo water. The ChiuoHO, .ou tho othor hand, drink only rain water, whore possible, and thoy hvo extraordinarily lontf Sim- the Oxford'.-, Stoves, jjgg-J jt^ \\\q Kfarlll. MamifactgreJ l>y the Guniey Foundry Oo , of Toronto, (both Wood am L'oitl) W*' Ihtve tli.em in Stoeki Our prices are the lowest, (Oatli *<L.23.<a.' Inspect General l'iiirimuliin^ ;ind Kepairin^; ntt.ended.to. ~~^' <*&? North of Railway Track, - - Essex- * ' a HEART'S HEALJ3R. Mrs. Maggor, Wife of Capt. Churlos Mug ger, of Sydnoy, C. Ii., Got Relief in 30 ftlinotoa From neart Disoano of Pour Yottrn* Standing and Doolaros Sho Owen Hor Lifo to Dr. Agnow'ii Curo for tho Hoart. It affords mo to rooommoud Dr. Agnoro'n Curo for tho Hoart. I who oorely afilioted with iioart trouble, accompanied with diz- ^inosa, palpitation and smotbonpg son- sationn. For oyer four years I was troatod by boHt phymcmnH, and nsod all remedied known to man. I dotorminod to try Dr. Airnew'* Cure for tho Hoart. Tho first dono pjavo mo great roliof msido of thirty minutea. I uood two bottles, and fool to- day I havo boon oomplotoly cured." Hold by J. Thorno. bonding up barrels of apples, as stored result m IBUO, a year when tho smut of awuy ih the cellar, and thus, as far iw| ouls haa been exceptionally prevalent, possible, excluding tho air from them. , It; 1*hu1so been demonstrated that, with Some varieties aro inclined to Bhrivol! u vt!1*y Hl^'ht modification, tho same i I nn o \V1I jtey1 -When your blood is puro,rich and uouriuh- W1" : i*ti"'or uorvos and muscles. Tho blood is Tiff . - |/}\;, tho vital flaid, and whon it is poor, thin .^V,'and impuro you mtiBt oithor suffer from ft-.- .some dlstronBiug disoaao or you will oasily mil ' 'i*U a viotim to auddou oho.ngogf fxposnro, '^i.jbr overwork. Koop your blood puro with [ood'aBareaparilla and bo well. moro or less and will bo found to retain their crisp, fresh condition far better when thus handled, while all varietiea, iu ni}' experience, will sutler loss shrink age and he found in better condition if thus eared for up to tho time of matu rity. Barrels should in all cases, where circumstances will permit, be stored upon tho side rather than stand on end. Plant <i row tit and Jl<*etrielty. Professor G. D. Warren of tho__ Am herst experiment station has exporimenr- nd with electric currents sent through tho earth. Several inches below tho sur face of tho earth he caused a largo num ber of wires to be strung. Thoy extund- cd from side to side of the garden, and, in fact, boforo burial looked like the strings of an immenso piano. Seeds wore planted 1U 'ho earth nhovo the wire, and the current was constantly oxortod from a nearby power house. Strange results were obtained. Many Hoods sprouted before their time. Roots of vegetables worn found to bo greatly onlargcd. Vordlut of tlio Ohio tatl(m. Our tests, hh a whole, indicato that, whilo a fertilizer containing only phos phoric uoid nnd nitrogen may bo expect ed generally to produce au iuoroaso of crop, that iucroaso may bo rnliod on knoro certainly if potash bo added. treatment will absolutely provont the stinking smut of wheat. From the re ports which havo conio to tho station it; seems probable that tho farmers of Ohio havo this year lost not less than half a million dollars from oat; smut alone. Moro Mention, Tho Philadelphia Farm Journal says: "Tho Now Jnrsoy'road law is ono of the best iu the country. Ono hundred tbou- Band dollars a year is1, given by the Rtato to the" couiition to help improve the roads. Tho latter must defray two- thirds of tho cost." A dairy school opens Jan. 4. at the Storrs Agricultural oollego, Connecti cut. Tobacco stems laid ovor tho grnsH in winter impart richness to tho soil aud improve the lawn. Be caroful to havo the applo barrols full sizo viz, tho size of flour barrols, 17>(j inches diamoter of hoad with staves 28jii inches long, with jugular hulga Tho Now York State Agricultural Bocioty numbers moro than 3,000 life mom bora. , It in adviflod to clour off and, where possible, burn ovor Jowls that woro in- fostod the pat season.with army worms. If this is dono wherever tho worms ap- peurod, thoir ravugOH will bo largely proyonted next year. '. ' Tho tail of the kaugaroo is tho floBhieut part of tho animal. It if, considorod dainty food whon boiled in itii own akin, which afterward may bo drawu off liko a glovo. That Wonderful Churn 1 I waut to add my testimony to the lict of thouo that have unod tho Liglitniuj; Ghu rn. It does all that is claimed for it; yon can churn easily in ono rninuto aud nc>\ a largo porcentngo moro bnttor tliari with tho common ohurnn. I uevor took tho agency for anything before., bub hd many of my noigtibors wanted ohurus that I orlored JJ0 and thoy aro all gone. I think in a year ovory farnnr will havo a Lightning churn, in fact thoy can't afford to bo without ono hh they raako ho much mom butter and a good littlo bit of mouey can bo made in ovory townHhip solhti^ tboHo obuniH. By writing to ,1. F, Oahkv A Co., Kb. Ijouis. Alo.^you oan got circular** and full particulars about the churn. A Readkii. 15.000 '3 1h uiiu'. yon O'ln ndy nn getting when you buy friin iih. Our wa^ou goow to all- partii of the town. Buns, Cakes arid Pastries, You cunt Hud moor, fronhor, oraweot- ti- in rhi; country. All khidw of Fancy Cui(CH and Jolly Rolls. Fresli Taffy and Candies every day. Wo noil nothing otalo or dry. Leave Your Order_________ and yuu can .rely on promptJJ do- .:;;; livery. FRANK FOSS. A' Opponito ilaok AfFranots, Eonox CCOKDrNtJ TO AGRNTH' ItErOJITS, "Qiitii i) Victoria; Hor Llfo and Tloiijn." Introiluctiri) )iy Lord Duflorin, will roach hlclr water mark of chculution; ono agent ro ported twonty-ujnu orilitro tboday aftor ho Rot iilti prniipactiui, many tnko ordom from throo- fonr'.lni of oallfi nindti; wo nocd ounvaFinorH for Canada ami Auntralla; pronpootnn frno on dn poHlt of $1 ao (juavantoo ; if you want a ntiaro \n_ this Hold uilno htintlo, f ir torritory lit Roing faiifc. Tin-; UiuPMSY-GAitHBTHON Co .Toronto. Wanted An Idea Protnct yniir Mnnn: thy inny ln-lna ynu wcnIMi Wrlto JOHN WKDDRUnunN ft CO.. Patent Attor- noyn. WaniilnBton, V C.fnr thnlr Jl.Rflrt prlzo orfor nd lint of two huudrod luvontlono wanttid Who ca.. '"1: of Bom. tlilntr to patent? ESSEX etiic tut ohoa Hoadqmirrorfl tor School Bookii, Sohoo Supplied, .Note Papcr,Envalopoa, Ink* Writing Tableis and oflioo Stationery .&.&msEmwr DISPENSING AND FAMILY: DKUGOIST. -J: SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilson Ave., next Abordoon Hotol. Tho JntOHt improvod maohinory fo* Ironing Gollara and Cui'fu. Will not oroefa or bruiik tuo winu'. __ IO" Family work aheap. Parcola called fpif and dehvorod. Ploaoe call and try. If not natinfactory no chargo will bo mado. f our work auit|ij you, recommond ua to your friciulh. fiance*? OR NOT GUILTY Tho in aro whioh convoyed Mohammod from earth to tho coveutb honvon wan named Borak. Sho wan milk white, had tho winj^Q of an an^lo and a human face, with horao'Hchooko. ' Every paoo uho took wuh equal to'tho furthest range of human ai^ht. Thin wan ono of trie ton unimaln admitted to tho Mohammodan puradiHo. A FREE OIJRE Tho Britioh Medical InHtituto, of Do. troit, Mioh,, ban, aftor many yoara a! patlont invoBtigatiou, diaooverad a treat- mont by whioh catarrh, oatnrrhal-deuf- uoao, ttHthmii, bronchitia, and oonnumption in its firfit or Botioud utago, can bo radically and pQrmunouily cured. So woll Hatii-flcd in tho ItiBtltutc that ith euro in a apoolflo, that it will, for a limited timo, aoud a full conrno of itw medioineti, Hulnoiont to hint for tbroo monthn, ubuol utoly free to n 1 applicants. AddrofiM: Britioh Medical Inetituto, 00 WuBhiugton Ayo. Detroit, Mioh,. - DISEASED MEN CURED fi# TllflllCMMhC ' yonnR mon, miildlo tiRod mon and old men onn look hnoklit M I nUUuArilHj tbelr boyhood dayu or early manhood with a aiflh of romortio. ^3 n*ft iKnoranca of onrly youth, or Inter en a rnlfiiuuint llfo mi "ono of tho boyn" hiu nown j* thoR*3odn for fatnroRnfiorirnr, -SELP ABUSE in a terrible inn ogainht natnrfl and fl will brintr a rich hnrvofit. Wood mid Privatu Ul-cuaeii hiiji ttio vory lifo and vltnllfc*! U olthp victim. Our NKW METHOD TIlEATilKNT will ponitlvoly euro all tlm folloW- lnndieoaooa: S VARICOCELE, EM1SSIOW8, NERVOUS DEBILITY. SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAIt^ NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL iC DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASESP8J uu AUt Vflll 0 NEUVOUrinndi'.o'ipondont; wrnkordi'bllltatod; Urodmorninttfl: no. - tinC IUU . nmbitiou *xi!itabkaiul lrfl-u ^ fablo: eyeuMiuikon, red;md blurred; pimitlo.. on faen; droanm and niffht lo^nen; rcnt- IcHii; lioixmtrd looking; wak'baek, bono iminn; hair Jihihi; nii-on*; note ttiroat; varico- coin; dopo-.it in urine nnd draiiin nt. i-r.oo): (liRtniiifiil: want. o coufidenco; kick of' uiifirtfyuudHtranetli M/e* OAN-CURE YOU OR ASIC A'O PAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR aMO PAY CONFIDENTIAL [K SWATCHCD FR03STBE GRAVE, t^:^!^^^^ , dncioiij ami norvn tnni> n by th" , cirr* wit.lni.tf. bf>ne!::; c:iiiii:iionn mi dnnim ini'r^niicrt? 11!"! j 1 bwaiiHi uiicrvdiiH wrt'i'lc. A iru'itd wli" hud i.-.v^onrod by I)r. Komwidy &. Knrgon.. (u of a fiimilar di(ii>itm, ndvimid mi* to try thf:n. 1 ditl ho and in two monthn wohpoultiviw B*J lyonrod. Thii* \va-- dl^lit jt-ui-h uijo. 1 ma now married and havo two hoidtky olillii- nt nm."-C. W. LErtlB, rtiK.uaw, . f 0"~ UftDlPinPni PJI?-tn "Vnrpn^.-lnmndnlirornjf'prabld. I \r;.n };cnk itmKi noiinibitlon. Tho 'Roldon ido.iitn:-' ojn Mi-d i:iy i'ji:n. 'J')..* Iv.v ;*'t*ttioil 'I'rrtdinont ofm Dvu, Konnndy nnd lior;:a:i curud f.o hi it fo-.\- v.'ii'd^. I.'Ij. i'hTliliSON, Ionia, n * J. 1'. I^iUdtStiN n>lrktcH UU oxporionoo, "I llvod ofe',1 a f:.rm. Athcbtjo] 1 !t'_unn';d an fiarly Imbit. wldoft' .'.'V>' (R iS EBUISSIOfiS .CURED. K itpnoii ; fritiudu think I wan qurcd of ^oimimiplion. whom worn, nurod. rannhood." My I liavti upiit tlit'in muny patioiltn, all <IP J Thoir Kuw llotliod Troatinont. itopidiou vior, vitality aud** S SYPHILIS CURED. Sroturnod. kyon red, ]>..... tniiuain, .boni indnii, I Tld'i tcrriblo blood dinpiitm wnn in my fiyKtom for olRktl'/,' yourn. .Hail taki a mrrciiry fov t'.vo'yt'iirh, but tin* dkoaity^jjj- roturnod. lily on fed, piinnlcii iwA blol.i:btm on t'io iddn, nlct'i-n in tliouiouth and on/,/ Innmio, bono indnn, lidlhur cnt of )mirl \vcnknorn, etc. My brotbor, who bad bftonjj (jurnd of H\cot and Ktrii-turo by bra, lvmtiody ami JCor^itiij rouoinmoTttlod tboiin,/2 Thoy onrod inn in a fow widi'n, nnd I t!i;ndc Uod.I conuultud them. Wo roturu of tho 1 diHoano in nlxycurfl."- W. I1. jvl,,)aol:>ion. W 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, :iO"0,00O CUHED.. NO RISK. K' DCArifcCRf Aro yon n -victim? Havu yon Innc hopo? 'Am yon nrnitamplnUft'tr'" riCrit>C'ff* nuirriiino? Han yoar b.ood hitiMi'liiit'a'Jod.-' Ihivo voiiuny woalintiss? &Onr Now-McitliodTrtmtiimnt will envtvyon^. V/imiilc hu* dono for otboni it will do for yon. CONSULTATION FIIEti. No miHI-i- wbi lm tn-iduil yuu. writo for uli lionofc mM opinion Ifrooof (Miitrco, (MmiWfi iwuinnaldo. OOOKS FREE. "Thy Qoldon MonltorH H (illu(itratod), on Difinnwod ol Aliin.hiolnnfi pontmrt*, *i. cnntii. Hiodud. Q (2rTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PR!- ** VA'VB* Nomodlolnouont C. O. D. wonamoa on boxoa orenvel- "~ . -- QutiBtion Mat and opos. fcvo'rythlhfif oonfldontlal. Troatmont FREE. _________ _ vel' , coat oga| Wo.l48SHEI.BY 8Ti g DRS.KENNEDY &KERGAN, Detroit, m.ch^ ,;-i:v;:-;":- ^r#fS mi :(il'.i.V.,i;,v'"':' . fe :.-.-ti'i:. ,,, 47