Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 11, 1896, page 1

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m^^^^^^^^W^^^ *:ffpf%^ if;; ; *:' fa:<::;- itft ESSEX "Wis. &-,' VOL XII. No 50- K88EXr ONT_ FBI DAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896. WHOLE No. 622 Man Ik It |U'". Who Needs a Hat ! A Pah* of Shoes, A Suit, or jfeAn Ovor-Ooat, Cannot do bettor than see tho complete assortment at * * '* * FORSYTH E, ANDERSON & Co. Leading Store of Essex. We will give you a fit iii a good Heiviceable .Cheek Tweed Suit- ready-to-wear at * $7 v that cannot be beaten anywhere. A good Heavy Tweed Suit made to your order in best Btyle, for Sjlo, for $10 We give you a #00d Ready- made Black Worsted Suit, <aj/ In sack or meriting style. A Slilcli in Time Saves Nine, V and attention to the footwear of tho Daoinbon of your family will Bitve great oxpo.nso in docanrs' hills and loss of time through .-icImoSB. It is Spc'ciiilly important at tins season ol tho year to h.-iy; tuibfituniial and reliable footwear, ami we havo the linofi that exactly (ill the bill. Try our bIiog department............ The County CoundlloPship. To fhcMcotortt of No, tf -Ohtrlot, In the Gaunt y of Jinn fix ; I-'ut.low KriiiuTflUii. T iloHlrn to utato IhuL T InUiwl Gift win utnymtlf an h cjunillilmi lor your 1111 (fmi'"* to** tli olilon of County Ommnlllni' for No. U DIuLrlut hi tlu> County, thn iiliiollon for whloh in to bti hold on *.lu> Omt Monday In Jan uary, 1B07. Yomn rouixiotfuUy, ,/. K &TONK Kimnx, Out,, Ootnlior Ul\i JH'JO. County Coiineillofship. .Fellow M leaf or* of District. No. CCounty of h'sm-.r : Having coiiHtmtod to ntimrt an County Councillor of thin Dintriet your votoB and influonfio nro roHpoctfnlJy nolicit- 0.1. Youth rimptictfully, ESSEX COUMTfCOUMCiL, To Uui Elcutorn of IJ'iHtriot No. 2, County of I'jihhx: TiADII'.fl AND (iiri.TI.lCMKN, An tho tijim in now dniwinj; nHili wlion tint (iIooUmh will bit onlloil u)ion in numlimto two rnpri!iiuiitaLivi!H in caulrol thn hovii <llvininnn nrthn (,'inility, in Uh: County Council, I ntl'ttr inyoulf /or i]<jiiii:mtu>ii ufwuw of tlinm for IJivin- Ion No. -J. An thin tlivi><i<>n in inm-oly old Col- ohfjiitor, wliich I roproHontod in I WW. 1K(W mid \hl(\, mid uo thu important jmrt I took In tho oponinH tlji nil tltn Imeli part, of tint thou Town- fihiii lmvcll Iviiown to thu old ncttloi-ri, Tvonturo to unit thj> hiipport of tiio olooLorn ami unsniro the in tlmt 1 will, If oloctui'l, ^ivo thorn fnithlul iiorvloo. JOHN UICHMONI). IJarrow, Novinnbor, lhOO. Essex County Council. Having boon requested to do ho by nmnerouH electors of County Council District No, (i, I take tbia method of nnnouncing that I am'a candidate for tlic Counoillorfdiip at tho approaeh- ir.g election, and if cleck'd, ]>ropoKo to use uiy utmost charts to advance tho beat interests of the District. J<\ lVBOUTJSrLLEli. IJolle River, December loth, iHiKJ. I^.SI'VX COUNTY COUNCIh. DEATH OF DR. MACKENZIE. Do op nor row now p<trvndon onoli hniirt, And (jritif our hononui iiwull A ^loom wiih cunfcovor thowholo eom- munity when a menHiiffO wan ruuoivod horo on l-'riduy uftornoon hiHt that Dr. GGnrgti MuokonMio had oxpirod fihortly after noon at tho Qouoral HoHpitul at Chatham. Tlib nowHoumowifcU iiHhock to hifi tnany frioinlH an it wiw holiovod that ho wan ho much improved that thovoworo hopoH ofhiH ultimate rocov- ory, though it wan known to ull thathin condition hud been critical. Mm, Mac kenzie wiiH in attondancoat hin botlHido for Homu wooIch up till a fow daynn^o, when luir huHhand'H condition wan no much improved Unit hIio wan allowed to como home and when ne\vn of hi doath wuh received wan, making propnvatiouH to havo him brought hero. Tn u letter recoivod only tho tiny before liifi duath, tho attendino; phydician utated that Inn pationt wan fant ^uininj; Htron^th and the utmoHt nncoiu'ii^ointmt wiih pfivon. On I'Vidny morning, hewaHquitoehoer- ful and Hpoko to bin nurflo oxproHian^ the liopo that lie would be ublo to ro- turn to Krhux fihorlly. Mis pliymeiuu culled in the moruinp; and a"iiin in tho ion Kl'joimI Ooimty Council Divu.ion. County Notion in lionniy ;;lv<'ii lint >i moirti tj^will lx- lifld, piirsiiaut to Oitf Oonnt y' A'ct, lh!,'i'., at thu TOWN 11 AM.,, <iKfjTO, on fflosaday, December 21, '^6^ Imlwcou (lit* hoin-iiof tmo "inlj^'ii o'cloi'lt ill tliti nftnniodli (Ktilidliril liiMts) foil "tTnr"pHl'pO:iii ol iioTiiui-iliiri' oiLiLtlitliLtoji for tho ollico oi Nniuty (.'oniHiill'ir r'or tho 'ouond ('imnly Council i)i- VlHJOIi III' till! 1 "01111 ty Ol' lO-Jiit'A, OUMUlOHOil (I UlCI TowiiiihipH of Cirluhfhtor North uu.! (;..U:l)i:hti r Hout li and t Im'i'nwn ol Kh-ii>:. if u p;r'titr nuuilicr 'l Onioiidittun tiro luinii- iiii(t:il than arc ri'ipiin:d to bo rlm-tod,, llio |i.ill-. will h't optjuo'l at tins iKill'ii!' I'lniNiS ior i'iic!i of tho piiliiuK iiiih 'livirtuii.H within thn mini .lin- trii-t. on MONDAY, JANDAKY Ilh, 1R.7, tho pollH to on. tintio (iiion from nino o'cloij); li; too moriiinf. until live u'olocii in thu aftnrnoou und no UiiiHor. ,1. A. COljr.TKU. ' NmiiioiLt in;; Oillcui', Dated tlio ICtli day ol Novoii'lioi1, ^'.'ti. j^KSlOX COUNTY COUNCIL. - Nomination Msetinsc. w< MOT &HY OLD THING i"if;h t'oun'y ( otiiicil I>iyihiun, Cvjuuty of I'Juhi'?;. Nntico id In ri.hy fliyoil that (l linvlili'i will \m lu-hi, pilritiiuil to tho ('.<jiml v Ooiuioilsi Act, Ib'.lli. at, UuiTOWN HALL. (JOMliKU, on . e 'J h to he found in our Grocery Depart- lnent but everything is clean and freah. Our aim is to ^ivo you tlio bent of everything in tho way of food, at prices no higher than poorer stuff. Hk^* See Our Display of Lamps and Glass ware if-." .'. '.'. v'.,V '.Wo Iniy direct lrom tho factories in Indiana and Pmm., and are theroby - able to soil thorn as cheap as any hoiiHo in Canada. ' a combined ; Chimney and Globo-^cut and decor ated 20c. each, Colored and Decorated largo Lamp, ,(Hobo and tJhimuoy. complete A handBomo Xmus Gift $1.25 oach. Forsytb Anderson & Co, hotweon tho hoiirn of ruin ami two o'clock in tho iifti-riiO'vii. (it.innlnrtt liuio) lor tlio purposo of hoini imtin;! ditii'liilut-'H tor* Llm otlion of Coun ty Oou :<;illnr lor th-: i Iftd County Cotintil Di vision, O. t 11 <1 <'"Uli:y Ot r,r..-.r-/\. (!OIll(HSil-tl ot Townshii ! ril' Kochivitor, '1'iHnir'y Wo:a and TU- liii ry Nc. t It a f;i"o,itor iiuinhor of (jaii'li'l it*** oro noiiilti nt ml tiiftii iiro n ()Uii oj to ho i-|i<oi,<iI, tho nolli; will Inoijonoil ut tlio pollin;;.pi toon Joi i.-.tch ol tho polling (nib'iiviiuous within (ho nai'l Jin- trict on Mi >NI><\ \, JANIlAUY 1'li.lK'7, tho imllri to cnittiuin) open lrom nino o',;!oi'l; io tlio luorii- iii({ until iivu o'clucl; in tho. ilUihiiuon ainlijo loncor. VVALTKR WKliSII. Noininat iii(; Oftlcor. Dutotl tint lOlli day of Docomh- r, lh!ni. J^KriKX COUNTY COUNCIL. Nomination Meeting, County Couuuil Uivifiiou, County of Khhox. NolI'io in horc'hy i*ivnn that tuninnthic will ho holil, piirnuiiut to tho (Jotmtv Oouncilti Aot. 1HW>. at .liu TOWN IIAhL, in tlio ,iOWi^HIIIl, 01<' MAIDHTCNl;!, on Monday, December 21, '96; hotwoun tho honrtt of ono anil two o'clock In tho uftoruoou (iiUiii'laril tiuio) for tho imrpono of lioniiuattiifi onuilidiitoi/ for tlio oftloo of County OounoiHorfortUo Sixth County Council Divtfi- lon of tho County of Konox, oompo.i'ud of tho Towimhind of Bandwloh Ho nth and Maiddtono tmil tho Villuiio of Hollo IHvor. If a nroater numbor of aundldatod iiro nomln- utod than nro roauirod to ho oloatoil, tho iiolln will bo oponod at tho iiolliriH plaoon for ouoli of tho pnlllTia mib dlviuionti within tlio tiulil diiitrlot on MONDAY, tho 4th day of .TAKUAUY, ltj07, tho pnlla to onnthmo opon from nino o'olook hi tho mornlnn uutil ilvo o'plook In tho afternoon NoniiniLtini.'Oilicnr, Dated tho 10th day of Dooomhor, lBUil. ***i*/'-. it'v: liftcriKmn of thut (luy. Shortly nftor, whilo quiotly Hl(!(!pin^r he expired Hinl- tlonly without any warning, the. imiuo- diate eausn of (loath bein^ heart faiturti due to bin lon^ nnd Hcvoro illnonn. Oe- ( (snRfid wiih t.nk<m ill in the early part of September with an Uttack of typhoid fever. 7Tis practice wiim an extoimivo one and having Hevonil patient:! ill with tho Hiune (liheaHe he worked iiulefuti^- altly over them, not thinking of bin own eonditiou and not j^'iviu^ up until lie wns coinpt HimI tn. Hein of astroii^, robust (.'oiislitiition, ho ovor-cHtimated hiH strength and fur Homo time before he left tried to ward nil' tho approaeh- iiitf ill.uoHH, but without avail And he wont to tho (Jeiiornl at Chat ham for treatment. His attack wan a Hovero anil prolonged one hut; he was rocovcrin^ from it mfil had boon Kitting up two days when a rulapso snt in ol" a more Hovero typo than tin! attaek and.his IiIV; w u then doMpairod of for Homo days, but another improvement followed with ^ood prosptnits of rooov- ory. Mis brother, Dr. W. -f. Macken zie was at liis bedside almost ooijtiunul- ly from the time ho was taken ill till his death. Mi'H. Mackenzie left on tho even ing train on Friday for Chatham and it was decided that the burial should lake place at the old homestead of the deceased at Warwick village in Lamldon County, whither tho ivmaius wore taken on Saturday. The funeral took plueo oil Monday afternoon from the residence of deceased'H mother, service be-in;.,' conducted by Kov. A. McK'en/ie. a Presbyterian minister of Tiverton, Kruee Co., assisted by Kov. Uobt. May, Ooii^ro^ationulist, of Wat ford. Ui;v. S. A. Anderson, Methodist minister and llov. Mr.ThonniH, "Episco pal ininistor, all of Warwick, niter, which tho body.was interred hi tho Bethel cemetery at Warwick, tho pall- bearoTN bein^ ^lae. rmil and Norman Zavitz, of Poihir Hill; Alfred Cox, Albert Monorey and .Taine.-j A. Tanner, of Warwick, and W. H. Anld.'of Mhsox. .Doeeased was tho second turn of the late William and Mary Murkonzio and was born on board vessel when his parents ware on their way from Scot land to America, ;t8 yoai'H nj^o. Thoy Bottled inWiirwiclt viiia^o~Tvliero i\Ir. Mackenzie . died about twenfcy-throo yoai-H ago ftod whoro doceaHod aponthia boyhood and school days. Obtaining a toaehor'H eortiticato ho taught, school for it fow yofti'H, then attended Trinity Medical School in Toronto from which he graduated with honors in 188(1 (and later in 1603 from tho Now York Poly clinic whom ho had # taken up houio upocial studios) and at 'onoo bopraa the praofcico of his profession nt Poplar Hill, in Middlosox Co., romaininpfthoro for threo yoarn whon ho oamo toEssox and ontorod into partnorahip with Dr, P. A. Dowar. This partnorhhip W oontinuod until May last whou it was iiu AHMociato Coroner for tho County of XI3hhox by tho Ontario Govornmont a fow yeatH uro. He wan a careful and conuuIontioiiH physieian and enjoyed a very largo and lucrative praotioo. In Mocial life ho was a most amiablo gon- tlomau and had a very largo circle of friends to^whom the news of bin death came aw a shock. . I to was n inombor of the Presbyterian church. Ilia wife, formerly Miiift Minnie MaophorHon, of Poplar Hill,' survivos him with two children, Ilobort and John, nprod 5 and 111 yearn. Tlio surviving brothers are Pohert, of Warwick; Philip, of Prandon, Man., and Win. .T., who in practicing medicine in KingMville, and a sister, Margaret, who has charge of tho Art Department of tho Ladies' Col- lego, Georgetown, Toxub. Docoasod was a member of tho following soci eties in town:.....Ancient Order of Cfiiitod Workmen, Canadian Order of Chosen Pricnds, independent OrMor of Odd- follows, Independent Order of Poront- ors, Canadian Order of PorontorH and tho Masons, ,'Jn thn abovo societies ho carried insuranco besideli being iuHiired in some stoidc companies. 'I'he united Hocieties in town on Saturday ordered a handsome Moral arch from London and bad tho hiuiiu forwarded to War wick. Dr. .Tenner and Mesihimof. Alox- ander, .Tolin and William Laing also Hont iloral eontributionn. Among those who attended tho funeral wore Dr. Dewar, of AVindsor, and J, *H. Nichol- hou, of the Detroit Medical College. XilAS GOODS. . aregoino; very fast at \W* PARK'S. The next meeting of the Lycoum will be held on Priday, December 18th. 'J'iie following program will bo render ed. Chorus, arranged by MiHHOs M. Wightinan and L. Wigle; Address, llov. Dr. PftHcoo; solo, ]\Iihh A. Cuslor; recitation^ Al ihh H.- Wortloy; dut, Misses Hillier and .JainoH; reading, Miss P. Slieridau; solo, Mr. Clashing; violin hoIo, .1". Smith; dialogue, arrangr ed by Misses Cosnell and Waltors; Argua, editor; National Anthem. Tho following are tho names of tho students in Poriii IT. who obtained over ;{;!:', por cent, in Litoraturo exam, of last week:- S. Cunningham 75, S. Wortloy 70, S. White 07, .1.' Smith 117, K. Ihiiuosiiit. Ij. Bennett OLi, M, James <} >, M. M.olIugh 0, A. Waltors fit), M. Porko (10, K. Millur 0, W. Jainos f<N, 30. Richai'dson 5H, J. Morau 58, A Caa- lor -IS, C. Knistor -17, M. MoRao U, M. Oraut -1-1. Thoflo in Porm A who obtained ovor \\\\\ por eont. in Latin oxura. of last Avook:~G. Irwin 8-t, P. Fito-ifi, P. Mo- Afo -li, S. Vizor 40, E. Noal UM, ThoHO in Porui I>, B who obtainod ovor W)\ por cent., in Al^obra oxam.:1 N. Tiittlo HI), P. Allan 81), B. Groonway 78, K. LaingTS, W.-Olvor78, A. Gour- hiy 78, JU. Lynch (17, J. Gostigau 07, B. Ellison fl, L. Wigle ti((, B. l*homaa 60, M. Millar iitt/W.-Alliaon fi, J. Edgar 50, (I. Jamos (jit, J. Sutton 45, J, Dowar Hi), V. Konyon M. Thoao iu PormH III* and IV. who ob tained' ovor ])!1;\ por cont, in Homan History Jxam.: - Borry 73, O. Podd (l, E. RicburdHon '08, A. 1>. Potter 07, J. Boonmn 07. L. JJmKM, H.Oooko 00, W- Wightman dinflolvod by Br. Dewar soiling out to 57, S. Wightmuh 8, Lulu .Wiglo 87, F. Br. J. E, Jeimor. Ho waa appointed ' A. Jarmin W5, . .; . , H.ssex County Court. Tho county court and sessions of tho peaeoopened at Sandwich on Tuesday with Judge Homo on tho bench. Tho docket is uncommonly small this time. The list of eases is as follows;- - Civir* Jury--Brown vs. JsolT, P. C. Korhv for plih and P. A. J lough for deft; Kerry vs. Sandwich, Ellis & Kllis for pill', and Ploming et al. for deft.; Walker vs. Lovoit, Cleary A'. Sutherland for piIV. and Clarke, Cowan, Burtlot it' riartlot for deft. Non-jurv Abol vh. Noble, ^f. K. Cowan for pltV. and ])'. It. Pavifc for deft. Cam inac - - Queen vs. Oliver Piidiard- son. theft, det'onded by I). R. .Dnyifl; (^ueou vs. Mulder, theft; Queon vb. Fred. Swi-etnian, assaulting, air oificor. The first ease called was thatof .Brown vs. NotV ct al. 'the parties rosido in Maiden township and the trouble arises over tlio partition of some property owned by the late John P. Deltaic, of that township, all tho parties being 'ihildrou of Mr, Dultalo. The case took tij) all Tuesday aud'pjirt of Wi'dnosday and went to the jury at % o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. The case of Mirum Walker vs. Alfred Lovett, of MeCJregor, wan then called and occupied the rest of Wednesday. This case arises out of a dispute over Home bush binds in Colchester North and adjoining townships. The case of Ferry vs. Sandwich was, by consent, trun ,-"M*cd from the jury to the ncii jury lhit. On Wednesday, the Grand Jury re turned a "no bill" against Oliver Rich ardson, who was aecused"'bf stealing a a watch; n "(rue bill" against John Mub1 - r " ' *) t- fr,,m Tfnn- rv I' iiton and u "iriiu i-iir' u^ain^L Prei:, '- :-.n:--r n:t nf- * lieer. ' li ilial r':;i.. -/u \,...i dirov.-u i.,;.l. '.'Li:i la-it ! case rhinos out "*" 1-i" trouble between | Simon Wigle ion! Mr. Gilh>t over the ; nnit o,v<m1 by (riilrt, t,o Wiglti, Sweet- man hougM' a ((-am of horses from (lil- let and Wigh-'s olli-era Avent to soi^e them when Sweidnlau refused, to let them have the animals. Tho case against Mulder was expected to bo called on Thursday morning. The Grnnd Jury also returned "truo bills" against Willis Howard for perjury, against his companions for conspiracy and against Thomas Oni'Hwoll for steal ing a boat and a gun, The last named culprit was only committed for trial tho day previous by 1'. ill. Martlet. Not the following: WATCH ES j-r^n. At 'M: '<%. LadioB* Gold Filled Watch, Guaran teed, only. ilO Gems' Gold Filled Watch, guaran teed 15 years, with American Movement.- $9.!)!) Nickle Silver, Stem wind Watch, will run well and keep good time, &2.50 J.V-. ^i^ M6 -i-- ?/i? Clocks- , * /fir Nickle Alarm, #1.00 oO-Hour Strike and Alarm, $3.5b Eight-day Clook Strike, $3.50, '/ 5A? A Beautiful Diaiirond Ring, for $.4 upward. A Handsome Gipsy Sett Ring from $1 AW Hixh 5cIool Note;;. Don't Forget we are Headquarters for FANCY CHINA, " m 1847 Rogers Cutlery, g.;- best in .the world. Dessert Knives, Tea Knives, Carving Setts, Buttor Knives, Oake Knivoa, Berry Spoons, Sugar " Table Tea the ./^/J.-^rV-o "4V A Large Shipment of Silver ware Arrived this week And'liavo tlio Prettiest Cake- mid Berry DibIios I Ipivo had for in stoclc ioraomo time. LAMPS ***** ' . I havo a fbw Fancy Piano ov parlor Jjiimpa -to bo sold at Dotrpit Prices. Musical Goods : Glutai a, Mundolina, Aoooi'dians, OoncGrtinas and Harmonicas on hand. Save Your Eyes. If your sight is failing or your eyes fcrbublo you como iu and havo thorn toetod 'it will cost you nothing. : .>$. m "ii "l E. Richardson's Block. L. ThegCoiintyJJewel!^^ ^B%..a^^a . ' .^^^M

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