Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 27, 1896, page 5

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'M< W- %vy V 1 1v K^ ^5^^^ ffiTC $u fc JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, Agents for Tlio Itoyal, l. ,3Vjjte_. .. _ T h o G u arc! If in and Tho LancttHhh-o, Tlio boat IimuruNcM Clt>mpMiiniln tlui world, Wowaku it Hpoolally 0/ Inmirliiy Kami P*a- porfcy, Monoy lo Loan at fi ami !ij, juti* oont. onTamr Proporty. ; Farmers Insmimii> in Good Reliable Companies. NOTICE. All AcoovmtB duo tho Into firm of Duh. Dkwau it MuKknxih hvo jiuyublo ioDit. Okwau, Wind sor, A prompt HOttloment in reguoHt- d.' The Essex Free Press, BRETT A AULD, PROPRIETORS. I'lllDAY, NOVKuHKU 37. IBWi. Town and Vicinity. Horace Limo in ngum hoiul clerk nt tlio Crawford IIouho, Windnor. For bontvaluoH in booln. nhoeu and rub bers, ffo to M. J. \Vi|>lo tfc Co. Tliti Rhnmx FiiKt: Prkbu ami LohHc'h aokly, both for 0110 year tf.1. TjuiLmititrtnn payji 0**0 a your to havo h&r ettontfj lighted; Hhhpx payw $100. Mihh Lottio .faririin vinitcil in town the j.>ast woek with her motor, Mind Fmnkio Jumi in. O. Stun. Allen, of tlio Simeon H-.'formar, and Canadian Whoulman, wua in town mi Saturday luut. T, U. DeCow hiifi lately Miipped from ksox 20 earn lumbur, 22 earn of wood mid oiim of btavuH. Auuwflpapur editor in ToxaHbaiumuTioJ $1,000,000, and a iiorrowinn TjiuUieiMicI'3H7 "IMeiwo exchange." ni^htsftt oanh price puid for liidon and nloo front quartern of beuf Hold at 4 cciiih a pound nt II. Tnto'n. Miu StotfcH, who had boon vi-utintf Tklrn. Jilboo, afc Fur^o, for itomu weuKn, ru turned o bor homo Iuhi Friday cvumiiij, ThoHo Hubnoriborn who prorniiiud t) bnn^ wood on HiibBuription uro retjiionted to kivo Ufi a call riubt away an our hack yard completely empty, Mttbloy tfe Co./ of Detroit, on Monday, d ohattol mort^agca aj^roqating $;H>o, on thoir fltook and a receiver wau up- fced to carry on th Ijuhmiohh. 0 Mitmen Noabitt ontortuined a nam- 4 their yontitf fricndu on Tuenday II of latit woek, onrdn and miiHiu con- ng to Lho ovetnnn'fl onjoynu'iit. iH. DoCow ba a numbur of valuable y hornou and *jcu of narnoHH to null at low pneeo. Huaponablo Limo ^iven on luruinbinK good Huourity. Apply to W. MajfkDoCow, Ebhcx. Rov. A. li, Beverly went to Strut liroy on Saturday hint lo fill tlio pulpit of tlio E[dn- oopal ohnrch in that town for Iluv. V. G. Nowtou, who luu been couduuLing evau , ^olintio fjorvieoH in Trinity ehurch, North Itidno. "A blauk gown worn over a blaok,dress, and vvhito necktie, with lu-ad imcovond." That in the rule of costume ordered by tho benchers for womuii lawyerH. The cohtunie is pretty enough to nmko the bar quite an attractivo pluca. Arnontf the militia orders in tho lant Canada Gazette wan the following : VTwonty-firBt lii-.ttalion "J-Ihhux J'NihitiurM" l'rovibional Kecund " Lioutonniit, Henry Ku^eiie WilhaniH, liav in(i loft tlio hmitH, Inn nunie im removed ttom tho liet of officers of the aetivo mil "Tnnpito of tlio rain tlio nalu of -T. W. jl' Riohardnon'H titock, lmplenu-utH, eto., on Saturday afternoon hint wuh largely attend ed, The liat of urtioleb otferud v,'ks a hu^t- <JU0, yet, Auctioneer Gonnley t-'ot llutm^h 'With it in loufl than three Iduih, mid wliun the amount of htnff wold wad totalled ii[) it WaB found th it Sl.GM wan rtalized. i\Ir. itichurdflon ban rented Inn farm to IMr. Ill, of Tilbury North, and tho latter fld hi effects hero on Tiienduy. rJRiehardHOu ih perioral aent for I-'rout (1, mtmufaeturoi-H of implements Xu exchange ivua 1.I10 following very i'Boniiiblo hints to oorretipondintH: -Number the pa(^eH of your manuscript, Don t num- bfit' tho iteran. Write on onu nide of th paper only. T)o not rufer to people h} jtheir initials. Do not write m>nturijUi liparagrapliH that only yourHulf and a few ,(Othern will tmdornland. 3>o not abliruvinti' /'fwordd. Bo not refer personally to yotnifj ,/peopIo'd onurtinc. Bo not nay "yoHlerduy" v'aud "to-morrow" at- your vtemn may not ."go to prenu for oevend dayb. Give the day ^(Mid ditto of everything. Try to do #uud; JJyoa muy nover have hh cood a chano^ aj,'aiu. VjEtalld peoplo up; don't pull'thuin $-. The tidal of Churlm* UuylihaiikH for lar Eioeny of Ilonry Ilcatou's wheat, a few fc"weeks ago, took placo at Handwiyh on Fri iVday Iftofc boforo dndgo Ilorno. Evidouoe !WU0 ll'i\on by EnoH MoCauaiuml, Fred fcBilI. Mr. Straehan, Win. Ki.vion and },. ^Stono, of thin town, und Mr. Xleaton, \\ . fp. Hdjjbnoo and Mr. Bondy, of Colohotiter fgoutb, IIu(/hbnuk pleaded, guilty to Hell- ^llg tho wheat but ho claimed to have Jii&ulod it lot John Mulder. Tho Jndgo ^jMBervud bin daoiaion till to-day (Friday.)i ifjobn Mulder, alno cliarfiod with the Iruv Jiieny of tho wboat, wiH bo tried n\ the IfOounty Court wWqV. tou'iun on ^cwli% felJftoember 8tb. For tho lntcm ntylog and boit values in hats and oap'n, try M J. Wilo A Co. Tho Puhlio Xjlbrury Board ban purohasod an oruiiii for thoir library from U.M.Faul. . Tho I'oloo GaB and Oil Co. liuvo ntruok another flowing oil well on the Inland at a depth of 7(11 feet. Alex. Laniff gold ono of hlHriauotariuma |anfc week to tho l'ubho School Board of Valobta, ICont Co. ThanMuuriTof tho iVoshyterUn H. S. in tend holding thBir Chrihtmau ontortain- ment on tho evening of Dee. 2'ind. The now timo table on tho M.C.Jt. taken effect next Bunday. Four fiuit freight trtLinn oaoh way will appear on the ourd. Tho toaoherf and unliolani of Grace Motha.lifib olmroh are praelieiii); for thoir annual CautUa I" be j/ivun on Chriatmai. ni|dU. Tho ratepuyorii of the villude a[ KiDfjd- vjlle will votu on a Jjncal ("tjiimu hy-Kuv ..t tho nomine munioipal el- enonii, voting to tnko placo nu January 4th. J. F. Morrey, nf tho Uuion J'uhliuhiiii; Cu,, u( Xu^eruoll, wan 111 town on Fn'duy hint in tho intorefitn of the annual din ciuiy fir Tlfinox, Kiint and r,nmhton for 1^'.7. The proniotioii 1 xammationu in the Pub lic Kohoolrt of South J'jUsox, Windimr and Wnlkcrville, will bo held on Wedm-iMay, 'J'huisday and Friday, iJftcernber lurh, 17 th and 18th. Mm. J. n. Smart, of luugHvillo, hun been iieriounly ill and Dr. J. 11. Jouner ban been oallud in connultation. Dr. Junnor wan ilImo oallud in uoii'jtiUaliou on I\Tru. Mof)onald'H cane. At tho mootini! of tho South Kikuix Li- ceniio ("ominnthiont-rn hint week, tho rule novemin^ tlu tune of upt'iun^ and elo'ime,* of hotuln wan changed to F.antorn ntandard timo. The former tinm 14 lined in all plaueii in South lienex oicopt AmlierothnrH. I\Ir. II. V, Mai-Liu. went to Harper Hos pital, JJetroit, lattt woek, where uho under went ail operation at the hatidn of Dr. IIolnifH, of Cliatliam. The opr ration v,*u . a HueeeHH aiul'^Irn. Martin's muny fricndu will lie pleased to hnirn that he i^ ;^et- tint; alon^ nicely, William^' Uncle Tom'11 Cabin Troupe was grouted by a full houno at Pucl\':i Hull 011 ThuiHd'iy evening of hint week and tho entertainment proyided wuh heartily ap plauded, an evidence that tho neoplo were welt pleancd with il.. Tho character* were all very Well taken. Mrn. Kiihhton'H nale of houHohold yoodn took plaoo at K. Tato'n butcher nlmp on Friday hint and way well aHondeJ. Mm, ltunhtcn left at noon on Tuomlay via I\l. C. H., for Now York, whore alio will take. HUrnmor for Liverpool, Fiitf., tlienco Koin^; to Birmingham, where uho will make her home. Bead Smith's ad for ^rooary drlvon. lingular mooting of town oouuoll uoxt Tuomlay overling, Roud Bmith'M ad fordriyoH m dry ^oods, olothin^ and nhoojJ, Thomaii Qiavulino, of AtnhoraLburj^, |{ayo ti a call on Wodnoaday, Blimieii Lottio and Ktfcio Irwin aro npond- Int; TlmnltHfjIvinij; in Detroit. Win, Vonpor', of London, huii boon yitdt- in^ 111 town with I mi parontu, Wilcox A Brown have en^a^ad u now Ipdtor, iTamen Uo^om, of Hamilton. Minn Ktl.10 Trwin, ofAlbuna, hi vinitiny her coiinino, Mnnieii Lottio and Cora Irwin. Mm. Bovitt, of Kiuj;avillo, viitod with rulativen and friendu in town on Monday. Tho A.O.U.W. havo a roller oall for No- vemhiir, maldn^ thin month a "tlonble- header"-Tr'J.OO. J, A. Itonj.on Friday |aiit,nold 0110 of bin Shethmd pnninti to Willinnin' (Jnolo Tom'n Cabin troupe for 100. Owmfi In tliu ilhieiifj of Minn Ommiweller, one of the divminnii 111 tho ruhhc School huii been oloiiert for a fow dayw, The Ivnex ilnnior foot hall club arc to play niiothor e;ame with the Wmdnor tlun- lorn on ThankM^ivui^ D.y, ut Wiuduor. Mi:in Ida Straehan, who ban boon on an extended vimt in St, Thou,an and with friundti emd, arrived homo on rJ'iU'nday. Prof. Liwrenco and wife, of linyonne, N, I,, tiic Hiieiiiliin; a few dayii in town, the i^iumtH of Mr. and Mrti. Win. Lain^. Alex. Bain^' went, to Aiuhervitbure; on Tuemlay with bin Blnni'Lunum and oxhili- ittd U to the Public and Separate Schooln there. Ftwmeni, if you want horie hlankotn you c'Lii <;ct bettei value for your money at J. J'i. SIoiih'm than at any other place in the ooimty. Uev. W. H. Pancou in ex poet od honie frnrn bin Houtliom trip in timo to occupy the pulpit of Grace Methodiut church on Honda) next. Mi iseti TsoriLh DiLnn^, I-'Iohhio Arnold, Belle ICin^ an I Katie \ViK!oi {,t" Ivin^nville, atLended tho Comtin-nceinfnt lOtercineH la,,t Friday evoniiu;. ThauUii^ivin^ nervioen aro announced to bo held, both mormon and evening, in tlio JinptiHt Ohnrch, Bniisx, on Thanksuiviun J>ny. Kvoiiiny iiorviee at H p.m. Sue for your divorce 111 tho United Stilton. Albert L. Widdio, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, 1'IQ Cham ber of Com moron, Detroit, JMich. A portrait of the huo lion. W, B. Bal- four will noon bo hmiy nlon^Hiilo thouo of the otliur ox-Spoakoriiin tho mom bom' re ception room of the Parliament Building, Toronto. John Gonrlny, jr., wont to Toronto on Weduenday to play in a football match there betwueii rof>ri!nwntativon from thej MuiUtiipnlKloctlonn Tnlk. It iu undoratood that A, U. Woodbrld^o will ntand for tho Uoovouhlp of Uoidlold South for lfl(J7. Othor nutnoii mentiouod aro Koberfc Bbanlcti uud Alex. Potornon. For the Deputy Uoovoidnp, tho namoH of Edmund Ko^rM and Biohard Eodo aro montioned. J. ThomitH, ono of tho pronontoounoillorn of Oolohoiitor North, will undoubtedly bo a 0 niidulith for the Iteovudliip nexk year no othor rmmo 111 yet ppokon of. Goloheutor Forth will llkoly be outitlod to a Deputy Uoovo. In Tilbury Went, Thou, Puinuoro will be a eandid'ito for Uouvn for 10117. C. Kobort, tho prouent Deputy Jtoovo of Tilbury Norlli, in oxpee.teil to run for the lleovtmlup ol that towunhip. For tho De puty Iteoveiiliip tho mimed of A. Gronier and 1j, Biiyempie aro menlioned. For County Councillor of No 1 Dndrict another candidate ban appoamd, W, T. Wilkinnon, the prnnnnt ellicieut Deputy Iteevo of Amheiiitbur^, having unnounccd hmiHclf. An Warden ('olu will run for County Councillor. B..T. O'Nnil, will he a candidato for tho P.eevoidiip of Sandwich South for or 1 H'.*7 and will likely bo impelled. 3:.<js<iy I*nhllc School. A petition in neinn circulated ankinj/ tho j Emttorn and Wentern football toamn on town council to paan a by-law to reduce the number of comicillorH in oach ward from three to two, the by-law to take effect for 18:l7. In ronporiHo to tlio petition, Iteovo Laird called a npecial meeting of tho conn- cil for WodnoHday eveiiind of tlun .week and tlio meeting in m proxrouM an wo un to pn hh. Tho following ^raduatot! ot Khhox Iliph School, but prenent pupiln of SViuduor Mud- el School, attended the Commencement ExerciHOH hero hint I'Viday evening : Mnihcu Iiorcha Youn^, Bertha Lyi*pn, Efiio Smith, Uattie Arnold, M. Allworth and Stella McLaughlin, Frank Leak and Mar- curt Jticknon. Don't fortlut that M. J. Wi{{Ie ,4 Co. are the olothierH of Furux. Mm. Corydon MnDonald died at hrr home in rCuifriville on Tuenday morning, a^ed about 20 yoai'rt, Deceaaiid'H tuaiduu 11 imi) wsfl Mary llualey, her parenttf hein^ renidentH of Itomuey. She leaven a Iium- band and two nrnall ckddren to mourn her loHH. Mr McDonald in a brother of Mrn. M. J. Wi^le, of tliin town. Kemeiulier that M. J. Wihi ft Co. leal the trade m lino teiih and ^roeerum. In our report of the hint meeting of tlio town council in our ninue lust weak an er ror a ope a re-1. In reforriuj.1, to the eeui- plaiuL of tho Liiiilid Hanking and Loan C<\., the ht ate merit mado by the olerk rthould have been "that though thy block h'id been included m the compiLny'H a.'-- Hevijnient, the nmount of aHtiehiuueut v/aa nnt, nici'i-'imii " Tlie word "nut" wan in advertently k'ft out. The Heniph'uic Ihiuil,in oonneotiou with the Salvation Army, will he in Kanex r/n.\i Teeeday, Deeomber 1 ht. Theru are nirni people in the ban i, nix men and three women. They (lay hratsn mutrumeuftj in *.hu <jpeu air and Htiin4 niHtrunientH 111- Hide. AdiiUHHiou, '.0 oeiitn. Ail^t. ArchS- b-dd, in leader, an 1 Capt. Wakoliold, hand master. OHieurf and mddieni from Htir- K-undin<4 e irpH v. :!1 be jirehent, alno Briga dier Maif^ettH. Tho Toronto iaoruinj^ papeni \/t-n\ late iu arriving lier1-- hint week, mstotd of cotn- in^ on the uoci* express not making con- nectiami to reaoh here till oveinn^. There wuh connidt'i'tblo itifdtin^ but no bin mo could bo hiu. to the k,eul apont!!, tho fault being with tho G. T. It., whoao time tnhlo ehau^eM cauie into 11'foot on Bunday pre- vicmn. TI.o dilnoulty wo overoomo by Saturday, however, and tbo paporn aro now arriving at noon awaiu. Many t*re> tho dovioeii. employed by iiomo peoplo toiiet, tho une' o*1 advortiam/; Hpaoo without payiny; for it, but tho proposition that taken tho cako ior puro aud nnadnltor- atod oheek camo ta tho Fnitis Pni'ian hint wook. It is from a publinhin^houao whioh candH about twooolnmna of roadinifnofcicoH about a book about to bo published, ao- oompauiod by a lottor iu which fcboy kind ly Hay : "It you think thono qnotatione make valuabW rouding mat*or and inU- rofltiunH*wn you aro at libjnty to pnbliuh thorn.'1 Cnmmont in impoodulblo; cuv vooabxilavy i- uuequaV t<l Uio ocoaltion^ Thaukb^iving Day, Hov, A. L. Beverly annonncoR Horvicen ut Trinity Churoh, North Hulo, in tho af ternoon and at St. Pnul'n church, Ehuox, at 7.ill) p.m. on Tiiankn^iving Day. Toronto had eighty tireii in ton dayn, but townn liko Euhcx, AniluTRtbnri^, Leaming ton, Sandwich, Kincuvillo aud Tilbury, which lo not (iveraj*o a tiro once a year, do not Hec oluarly tho jutitioe of raiuiny their rateH to pay city loimea. A potato bti^ How down tbo throat of a fanner in WabaHh County, Iud., and ho Hwalluweci a teitspoou of parin Ureen to kill it. It fixed the hue, aud it took tho doctora nix hovjrH to fix him, and ^ave him anothur chance, for life. T. J. liarrett returned to Eodoi on Mori- day and h biiwy packing tho ^oodn m hie store here for Hhiprr.ent to Wallacebur^, where he Iihh bought a ptook and will make Inn permanent home, having moved bin family thoro from TilHonbur^. The condition of Dr. MeKen/io, who in in the General Iloapitil at Chatham, in no far improved that. Mm. McKenzie wan en abled to como homo on Monday evening for a iihort tirnn. There in now <{ood pron- pectn of the Dr.'u recovery unleonhe Huffeni a relapse. There in ftomo talk of rmvin^ tho Jhip- tint Ctiu-rli frcjtn itw preMent Ioe;!,tion abuvo tho railwuy traek to tho vacant lot on Tal bot ntreet opposite Naylor'n tirs.ii, mill. The qut-ntnii wurt j.uiH)iiii(H-d to eortie before a uieetUig of ttit- oonj.'.re^al ion gl Thaukn^iv- 111^! in^ht. Get your biuiiUetH, yanin, nhootiu^ and thinuuU from M. J. Wi^lo A Co. Weekly ei'imiijutinn, 1,'Jth Nov. dth Cliuifi: - IJ. AleDouuad, Arch. Lain, N. Alexander, W. CraHHweller, L. Roue, N. Allan, F. Gnllith, A. Cnmphoil, J. Olver, W. Auld, F, Htacey. M. Griftith, II. li miner, W. Thonic, K. Laird, K. Robin non, M. Thorne, U IVverly, A. L'uuf;, li. llauiion, K. lioyhi. !SIinH Aitchinoii'H room ; thono who ob tained M) ^',', in Senior Second alaa'i: fj, J'hillipi, -I. lirown, II. Jiauulimitn, C. ltobmnoi., li. Dean, l\ Laini?. M. Hunh, Junior Second ol". m: -A, Wolfe, A, Ital ian!, .). I'eetham, (j. Auld, A. Wilkinnon, F. Sli'-ou, II, Cmtetweller, A. Sloan, .1. Sinnou, (I. llohint(j."i( M. Kobui'ion, G. Il-ill, W. Wolfe, D. Whitman, F. Dayin, E. Gormley. I\hi)H fh'iiHHweller'H room ; Senior "?art IL Niunou of thono who took ."(} per eout or over: C H>dl, If Gardner, A Ilickn, A Stono, II Wortley, I\l WillHlier, F Yonii, G Fornytho, Ci Laird, ^\l Wym'iti, M Mc- hlay, G Allen. ^lina Hall'n room, inark'i podjibln 2"> ; obtained by highest nix ; Vivian Vance 20, Klrtio Uii'ih LS, *Aiiuie Euntacn 10, Mabel McCrcery i:j, Geitio KobiUHOU l.'i, Minnie Groun \\\, An Oritnrio Trthiltu. Amon^Ht the thousaudii of complimen tary lot-tern Kent to tho Family Uorald and Weekly Star, Montreal, re^ardin^ the piornium pioturo, "Orphan'u Frayer," wo notice one from a goutleman woll known which we think worthy of reproducing in theno coluuniH. Tho Orphan'u Frayor" in indeed a beautiful work of art. It can bo had wir.h a whole year'n nub'icriptinn to that excellent paper tho Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, for only one dollar. ' 'The Orphun'n Prayer" alone uelln in New York city for oi^lit dollarn per copy. The following opinion of it in from Mr. M. J. Kolly, M. IX. LL. D., School In. Hpector, South Drant: Bruutford, Out., Tfov. Ifi, \H%, MennrH. Graham it Co., Montreul ; M.any thankn for the copy of tho "Or phan'u Prayer." I had not neon the orig inal painting, but I can well believe with tho line copy before me tbxt, iu the opinion of artist's it irt JL miHiUirpiece. It te'dn ith own utory the lonely chamber, tho abandonment of tho kreohug Jhild the kitten on the coverlet, in apparent nym- pnthy iiiconnolablo tor- row. "S't-uru truly, M. J. KLLLY, Public School InHpoeior, TILISDICV MOUTH Abrfiilt noon on V/ed-i'.on lay of lani week, tho twc-year-old gnd of Leon lio iul'ie, hv- iiii~ on tho 0- h eon Mid Itichardaon Hide- roud of Tilbury ^"orrli was dr.iv.ned in an uncovered well. 'file par.-nt-* wiin tlun aimont at a noi^/ihor'n and a LO-}ear-old tiUter of tho un'ortuiuite ehihl .van the only ono to witiiChi' tl-ii accident, ,tud nhe ran Jeroint) L. Jeromo'n hint iiiory, proviouH I for aHtuHtance, but it was half iu hour be fore heln arri'.od, and thy lu.'iy v;m cold in death boforo :<jeuvore*l. to Inn ernja^eiiient to write two playn, han hoon^eour&d by Tho Dadidn' Homo dour mil, and in to bo printed 111 its January i'tiMio. It iu called "An Itm-n of Fanhio.i- ttbln Iuteiliguuco," and (.;oabi with lifo hi the higher Hocial circles of London. MrH, .1, S. Edgar, of /vmdiKir, rotu;:ied on Saturday lant after spending a wook with Leu* oiHter, i\Irh. rl'ko. HnhiiiHon. fllrsi. Jidga? bun boon carr;ah(du thu town to j ntart y. Kubekah lodga hero, but thti not rauuli vvith much .moconn. Sho vimtod Wos'lflleo on Friday evening and has. great prommo of a lodge there. Uu Saturday butt, John Gocplay, jr., Alex. Gonrlny, \7. W. (junningliaca, Gord Ktliflon, IL Taylor and J. B, Fuorth wont to l>otroit to repffliiout tho Ftiaox tanin in a Jnotna.ll iiuiIqU with tbo M. X. A.'ti. The rent of the team wan picked up iu Wind- Hor and Detroit. Owing to the rain tho game wan called at tho unci of the find hail hour, noitharnido Hooriug a gnul. At Fre-jport, 111., a uev/ iiiduntry ih to bo abutted. Ou a rpaartor aeotiou of land an entorpfiwiug KannaB farmer will entablitdi a thauaud blaok cato and 5,000 ratti, ou wlnob to food tho oat, ontimating that tho ontu wil inorotiao 16,000 in two yearn, tbo Hliina hoing worth ?1. Tbo ratn will multiply flyotimoti an fant an tbo cato and will bo uBod to food tho latter, whilo tbo akiutied oata will furninb food to tho ratn, Thuy huu>nQrpeUul motioa boon disooyovod at lant, Stella Hr.idy, tho 1'2-yuar daughter of '6. Brady, wh 1 v/oritn tho farm of Dr. Hui),jll at I'lko Cio.U%, went to V; '..minor on Tbu:>- day of lai't week with a jmghbor, anil dia- appearoiL I'Viday uhc wuh found In a cheap hoarding bonne at No.Dio Jjarned-ut. i.,unt, Detroit. Her aliory la that alio v.-an acooiittd by a man on thiH nido who. canio np to bor ilh uho ntosd looking into a (dioo btore. He learned 3hat nhe wanted a pair of ub.oon and be told hur to ^o with him to Detroit and he would got her a i-air of nice or-of*. At the djck oho wuh duipoHod to obaogo hor tnii.d, but ho induod her to go ou proroiHe of taking her to Wonderland, fnatead of going to Wondorlund he walked about tho Htmetfl with hor for noma hoir n, tiovoral timon trying but without huqoohh to got her to drink nomo boer with lnm. Tboy Anally brought up at iho boaraing- hoilBO aforoufcid, hut tho hmdhnly iiusipeet- od tho fltory ho told of being tho girl's father wan not truo and quietly notified the pohoo. Tho < girl horoolf oontlrmod tho woman'n iinnpioionii. Although tho polioa and nomo 30 citizen^ iturrounded tho block tho man got away and ban not. boon tioou mnoo. Tho man wuh about 80 yearn of ago, Tho girl wao brought homo on Saturday. Thin la not tho first oneapo of tliin kind Unit tho girl UftH boon mixed up in. December Cuts ... Continued mild weather, means LOST Profits. Goods MUST be sold to make room for new lines. We mean to slash, prices at^ence-FOR-GASH* Come early as no lines when out will be replaced at prices quoted. Extra Iloavy Twood Pvghh GooiIh, rngnlar, 35o. and 30c. linon for 18Jo. All Linoti in Bbuk and Oolorod, rcynlar, 50c;. and HOo. linen reduced to 4flo.; 7no. and 85o. for fi7c; $1 and $1.25 for B7o. TIioho ("'til1) aro BI'JjOvV Alnnnraclni'cr.f' J'i'ifi'i our In-- in your fjam - jnt come and hoo for yonrfiulf tlio CrKIUAT VALIjI'j \vu (Aiuc Kittra Heavy Groy Cottonn, regular He. line, for O',)-., by tbo pioco. Something Special in Towolin-, wortb He, For Uo. a yard. Itogalar I0o. rlunnoletto for He. Standard Shirting;, 10o. tt yd. Heavy FeatUor Ticking, l!ic. yd, JFloor or Tablo Oil Olotli wortli dOo, for 27e. yd. Ladies' Heavy Under-Vests,. 18c. Fine Wool Ifono, lfijo. per pair.----------Oirhi' Vcidii or Draworn, ao. each. Gents/ All-Wool Underwear or Top Shirts^ 45c. oftch. Oento.' Hprcial linoaf, 2.k:. eaeb. Hee our floecolined for Men and J3oya. ......Snaps in Ladies1 Fine Shoes...... lingular $1.7.1 lino for ?1 ,!J5, regular 2 00 and Jj2.-Jfi lino for ;li.75fc regular $11 and IJJJ.'Jfi lino ^ii.."j0. Job Lot of Girlu' and Hoys' Imco and Buttoned Slion.i at about lialf-prteo i in Bixon 10, 11, 1-j and l't oec thorn. ......Gents.'Fine Shoes-*... Kegular Value l?l.5n lor $1.15 ; $2.2/> and y^.flt) line for 81.85 ; JJ3.2C and ?$.0o line for $2.75. NumeroiiH othor (,'uta '.dll bo given, Special Prices in Hubber Goods. ^-^-^CLOTHING. Men's Extra Heavy Proi'/t; UI.stiM\s, with Storm Collar, ^1.7tj. 1-loyiJ' Lines from $8 up. lioya'BnitH from $1.7.") up. Mon'a Suits $7 reduced to $5, H r.nd $10 reduced Lo $0.1)5 ; $12 and $11 reduced to $H.0.">. Greatest. Values ovg shown. ~~~ Ladies' Coats reduced from $5 to $2*50. ^0.50 to 8-1 ; 10 Lo 80.^0 all new and stylish. .GROCERIES 1o jlf: Ibn Kolbid Oalu .............. 3fio I Ibn Now CurrantH.............. !*|>o ] -t 11)4 Tapioca.................,., 25a 1 Vd'.i Ltiunriry Btareli............ "2w [.'J Bottlon Extraot. '............., 2o0 1 PurH Oatmeal or CaHtilc Soap ., 2.1o ' I Uox/jh Sardinca.............,.. 2oa Ground Blaok Popper........... 15c lb; '.; Boxes Miitohe.t................ '2;o i) Ibn liulunp KoJa.............. 2.1o ] Lcmoij and Orange Poolii........ 20o lb 1 Ibu Good l^i^n,................ a/in ! ^CS- Best 25p. Tea or Coffee in Esaex. A wft'..vj *tT,rta:.'*t w*.. .'.; v-o*r We have them coming; almost daily. O Do you want to buy one this fall ? . . . w Come and see us. Will try and please you . Richardson, Hardware, Essex, Ont. H FOP FRIDAY and SATURDAY AT Till':. a/ Wilcox & Brown CANNED GOODS. Slicona Hivor Suliiioit..., 15 ctu. a can. Smokod Horrini! ........ l(i oia. a box Bonoluiia Ilorrhitf........ 7 " " Judio & Co. Kanlm.-a____ 18 *' a oan. 0.)uuora Jiroa. Sardiuun.. 1'J " " Nonparoil Sardines...... 7 Smoked Hihcoos.......... 20 KinuanUuildicB,. ........ 10 FranUfori-SauaagoH...... 12^ (t * it (1 a doa CHOIOB NEW FRUITS, Orangoa................ 80 ctu, a doz. Lomonu ................ 20 * *' Bunanaa...........,.... 10" *l Tahlo Vim.............. IB " Unit l^iga .........,..,.10. ' a lb. Telephone Orders Promptly filled. Goods delivered to nil parts "of tho towiv \.: VI ! ' s ' :fii 9 -& WILCOX & BROWN, LfcW 'ii.>A, ^,:]^^ '/HA

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