<\"'.;i.:<- W!$!$^f^ M<[ Would You liellevoyour ttoigli- 'V bora? \ > These peoplolivo riht hero in Ebboi. , V They may bo nolgbbora of yoqrs. *.iJjR. They have been cured by taking Do nil's ^Kidney PiUa. Don't tako onr word Tor it, but nak thorn. . Mr. lrf. P.Oampboll, thohljdily outoomod pastor of tho Baptlut Chumh, Khbox, Out,, at a ton: - "Prom my portion a 1 uhu of Doaii'd Kidnoy PillH.whioh I not at Bhorrm'ti drug store, I oau nay that thoy aro ti moat 01- oellcut romody for all kiduoy troublou." Mr, J. A. Roao, tho wolUmowu alder man, Eshox, iitatoit, "My daughter Ima been ailing for homo time, and X am Kind io say, hoard of Doun'ii Kidney l>ilU. My sod proourod a box of thorn for hor ut Sborrin'ti drug store, and that one box oared hor, **It fa with ploasuro that I fiivo tho credit for tho roatoratiou of my duupliter to portent bnalth to thin romnvltablo modi- eine. X fuel vory thankful indood that thoy havo boon introduced in tlim din triot." Mr, Willmno Siftuoti, our cxcollriit Ohiof of i'olioo, has thin "Froua tho beuofioial' reuulto dorivod from Doau'n Kiduoy Pills which I cot ut Bhorrin'u drug Btoro, I have no hesitation in rocotu. tneudinir thorn as a flrbt-ohum modioino for all kldnoy troublon, lauao buclc, woaknomi, *ta." (Binned) William Bjhuon. The next Bitting of tho Division Goarta ia tho County of Essor will bo hold net fol- . ^owfl: Kingvillo, Tuowday, JJooomber lHt; Loam- uigtou, Weduonday, Dooumbor and ; Corn- - ber, Thursday, Dcoumbor 3rd ; Dollo Kitor, Monday, Dooombor Htli ; JShhqx, Tuesday, Debeuiber lfitk; Aniboratbnrfl, Wodno- day, Dooemh^r 10th. County Courli and Glenoral SorhIoub will begin on Tuesday, December 8th. . How tho Dippor Saved tho Farm leather was ftick and tho mortgage ou tiio farm wancominf! due, ' I Haw m tho Chrin- tiau Advoduto whoro Mihh A. M. Fritz, of Station A, St. Louis, Mo., would aond a Sample combination dippor for 18 two-corn stampu, and I ordered ono. I.naw tho nip por could bo uflod as a fruit jar filler; a plain dippor ; a Hue btrainor ; a funnel; a strainer funnel; a sick room warming pan and a pint moaBuro. TIiobo oight difforoni uses wuko tho dippor trnoli a nooooHary . artialq that I wout to work with it and it aollH at very nearly ovory bouso. And in fodr mouths I paid off tho morttfufjo. 1 think I oau oloar hh muoh an 8200 a mouth. If you uood .work you oan do well by giving this a trial. Mino A, M, Fritz, Station A, St. Louitt. Mo., will Hond you a namplo for 18 two oont starapa wnto at onao. Jons It..' * V-r I'M': ELECTRIC FARMS. G.N. 4513t The Anglo-Oanadiau trada during Oc tober improved Nomowbab. Tho lmportit to England from Canada incroaaod 10 por cent, daring tho month, and 39 por oont. tot the first ton months of tho year. The Imports from all oountrios inaroaaod only ^jievon por oont. in, Ootobor, Yotmeeo Henri. Muoh heart and nerve weakness in caunsd by Undno uhg of tea, coffoo, or tobaoco ; palpitation, norvonflueoB, irritability, ex citability, lack of confidence, oto., are auro symptoms. Milbnrn's Heart und Norvn Pills bring roady relief, by utoariyinj tho nerves and regulating tho heart. Thoy aroa truohoart and norvo food. Archibald Campbell, a wealthy ^rain doulur of Lakoporb, waq drowned at Col- borno whilo in a fit of dizzinoaa. A Cedar Hill, Victoria, B. 0. CaBeThat Haa Oaiued Much Favorable Comment. After a Lifetime of Agony From Rheumatism., a Lady is Cur-d hy Pa-ine'e Celory Conipouud. There if no other modioino in the wnrh' SO prominent to-day na Pamu'ii Colory Compound. The rcHtilts it inyariattly kivo- to, rhoomatie Hufforcrfl arono uhtouialiini' andnatJBfyiuj; that it ban jumly been num-.'i thp world's wondor-workiK raedinine. Tho denporuto cano of MrH. Rli'/tthuth King, Crdsr Hill, Victoria, B. C, in on-- -tthat in well known to hundreds iu tho citv of Victoria and vicinity. For almont n lifotimo Mrp. Kind endured tho variahh ttEonioB of rbouinotihm, mid failed to find ouro by tho aid of dootornand patent modi- oineB. A friond knowing poroiml!y thu va'iu- of X'aiuo'u Colory Compound and its i ower to ovohjouqh tho worst o'UK-H of rheumu tifira, advinod Mm. Kinp to uivo it a trial. Tho affliatcd lady complied with he'r friend's request, and wao dchvored from her life of torturo, and now wi'-b a hemt full of joy and UmuktulnePH, malcon a pub iioBtatpment for the benefit of tho thou- ejftuda that havo not yet round a euro ; nh says ; "I lmvo btion troubled with rheumatism all my life, and about eight ynarn uro I had a vory severe attack, almost loo- iCKtho uro of my rihtarm. A frif-nd' r . commondod lJaiuo'fi Colory Compound and kindly tfavo mo a bottle. I wan ho muoh boniflltod by that ono boti la that 1 took throo moro, and wan quite ourod. fllnoo thou it has boon almobt my only TOodioiuo for all the ailmuntn trom which 1 hiuvo pufforod, and all my family huvo dlound aorau-boufcfit from it. I am ftixty- ^Ivo years yearn of pro ; I live orTa farm 'Ke'b up oarly in tho moroinpr, am equal to a day'a work/' m Unw tho Oiik-r<mi Con Iks rtuppU<l Pha**^ Of ElotrIfi Imrmlnc. The attention of inveutom ifJ boinji turned to tho udaptutlon of oloolticity to furming. Tlw'proounnp; of powor in tlio main ohntaolo. Thoro aro Hnvoral mothod'H of obtaininp: thiH powar within tho roitoh of any n^rionlturlHfc. As our- ventM havo already boon tmt many toiiloM, thn fipctilurln i.s jinlicijnitfd in llw utmr fuluvo of nu iinnifniin powov plant in tho cttntcr nl' a funning nnmmmiity snpplyiiifif tho curront for nvcvypoHsililo. farm use. According to i\ writer iu tlin Boston Ulobo, un urtoHhui woll muy bo miirtn tn produnrv enough ch'ctric pnwfT to opnrnto vvt'vy pinnn of iniu'liiin'ry run nil u funn. Tharo nro 1,000,doo wiiul- millH in oporation in this country. Kv- i;ry ono of thoso mills onri bo adapted hi tho KI10vatioii of olootrio power fen* farm pini)onos. Tho prnctioo in to niiev- nto n dynamo tho armaturn of which is turned by tho mill. Storage buttcrii-H colloofc tho current and hold it in n'ox*vo during tho days when there in littlu or no wind. It taken but little wind to Konovuto n" prnotionblo olectria ourront. It has oftou been HUKgesred that tho cm- rentn of rivorw mip;ht ho utilixo'd for power purpoHOH. This ih nlrnady buintf done nourCliioap;o. But, having socured his nlootrio onrrcnt by ono mtithod or imothor, tbo farmer will want to know What to do with it. Xn tho west oloctrio- ity is oporntinp; a IK blado gangplow which will out a fnrrow C fntt wide. Tho bladoa revolve, and the plow in pnllod across .tho field by mcan.H of n onblo wjiioli pasaos around tho drnm of au olootrio motor pn tlio plow. In Now York utato thoro is n trolley plow in oporation. Wircfl nro Htrotohed along tho edge of tho flfild and oorry curront to a cross wire, which, nu in tho.onso of tho plow montionod nbov.c, paHacH around tho drum of a motov, Bnt in this ono tho motor is uttaohod to tho nxlo'of tho plow whools and turns tho latter with Its own power., Ourront in this cano is transmitted ovorlnnd for somo distnnco from tho power house An oleofcrio plow has roeontly bocn tostod nonr Chicago which will run in imy direction and afc anynpood, irrcHpoo- tlvo of its HurroundinRH. Tho ourront was obtained from a nearby trolloy lino. It oau also bo used in placo of a traction en gine for hauling; maohinory around tho farm and with a driving pulloy attached to tho axlo it-will drive a thrashing ma- ahino. Thiflsnmo principle ban also boon applied to harrows, to Roodcra uud to harveeting maohinoR. An oloctrio reaper has boon oporuted ou woatora whoat- Qeldfl. Corn ahollors also havo boon operated and propolled by tho olootric current. So wo may run down tho list of elec tric onurnfl, electric spading machines, olectrio hay lifts, elcotrio tree follors, olootrio foiioeinakcrs, olootrio forcing framoH, electric irrigators, Htoolc food boilorH, sheep shearers, oto. Thoro ifl a plan under way in ono largo abattoir to olectroouto stoors instead of killing them In tho old fashioned way. Thoro ia a proceRH for treating manure by electric ity ho us to increase its fertilizing prop erties. Tho rem tuning phuno of olootric farming, says the authority quoted, is that which covers tho theory of the stimulation of plant growth by the use of electric light or by tho direct applica tion of the current. MANAGEMENT OF BEE8. In American Morlno Sheep. American Merino nhcop are undoubt edly tho best in thu world. Of these the QocIch in Vermont and in the region of western New York, south' and east of Roches tor, aro noted the world over us supplies for tho host breeding stock. Undoubtedly sending full blooded rains to Australia bun gi'eatly increased the wool product of that faroff land. But when iffi00 and even us high as $1,000 nro offered for a single ram it is a great temptation to sell, even though tin; eil'iot tie to increase tho competition nguiiiHt American wonlgrnwers. The Urceniield (Mush. ) Cnzi'tto has a letter from David Hunter, now visiting Australia, whioh aays that a lifleen-sixtri nths blood Ver mont jMerino rum has lately been Hhnrn iiiid cur JIT) pounds of wool. A half bred Vermont owe, shorn at tho same time, gave ] i) puunds H ounces of bright, clean word. This importation of Amer ican Merinos 1ms been going on for .nion than :.'.") years. The fact that Importa tions of breeding mock aro still contin ued indicates that the homo grown American Merino is superior to the aarnu stock bred.in tho climate of Aus tralia, and with this advantage the breeding of the very finest Merino sheep for export as breeders may still con tinue to bo profitable, albeit such sheep help to spo'l the market for all but the very choicest grades of American Me rino won]. Fo.r Clruin Jnfjectu. For insects in grain the romody is bi sulphide of oai'bon.. It may bo put in a deep-dish insidu tho bin ou top of the grain. Then close the bin and mako il as noarly airtight as possible. The bi sulphide of cyirbou will evaporate. The fumes urn heavier than air und will pink all through tho grain ami kill the iiiHciits. In order to havo theso fumes effectivo the bin must ho tight, so that no pure air can work in. Do not breathe tho fumes and do not bring a flamo of any sort near them. Footling; ltujio. Many eastern f armors aro feeding rapt* for tho first time and theroforo may not know that it will bear oousidorable frost. An exchange, however, calls at tention to tho fact that if sheep graze ii whilo tho frost is on they d oh troy oaoh leaf that they touch. Tho host plan is to keep tho shocp off tho rape until late enough in tho day for tho frost to fid out of Hu . . -' Wlnt*r Qaortomi an Summer Stood* Seeding tlin ftee*, .Tlees thai are to bo wiutorod on their fluinnior stands should bo pluoud In win ter <martorfl when flmt frosts nppoar, but) ]t Is often, put off muoh lozigor, ovon until Rovoro winter In upon n*. When tliiuwiourtf, our only resort is to usoirab- Htittites, the time being past that would adujlt-of-proper-manufjtunoutt. A oolony of bees that do not have tho necessary mipply of honey to carry" them through tho winter will snroly dhi, nd nil weak coloniori that ilo not have heort (inough for self protection will also din. I Again, colonies loft on their summor I Htands, in thin, unprotected hives, aro ] liable to succumb to vory severe cold ', wenthe.r, even if they aro well supplied ] with honey. Protection is not only ti I Haying in (his rospoct, but it is a saving I in the pounds of honey consumed, and ; the amount thuH wavod will pay for thu ; extra protection. And this in not all. A colony of bees phinod in' proper condi tion, at the right time, is usually worth its muoh as two colonies that arc not tho i following spring;. Thus writes a oor- ; respondent in The American Agricul- I tuvist and authority for tho following: I Dooh should bo fed liquid sirup only i duriug warm woather, Aftnrcold weath er has not in it is not (iafo to food liquids, j and the only feed that can be used is candy made from a good quality of granulated sugar. This may bo made in large nnkes or slabs and laid over tho frames, directly over tho olusterof boos. This candy serves as a good and health ful food for them and in many respects is better thnn natural utores. Tho candy may be molded in tho regular honey framo and suspended in tho hive, tho oamo an a framo of honey. It is never too lato to provide protec tion for boos during winter, if noglected in the fall, but tho conditions must bo just right at tho time of doing it, or it will prove to be a serious damage. Boos (mould not bo handled or disturbed in cold weather, but only on a warm day, whon they aro on the wing. A oolony of .bees should not bo moved from ono lo cality to anothor, except whon takon awny a milo or moro, as changing the location or placo of entrance to tho hive in tho immediate vicinity will bo fol- --lowed by-a-hoavy Iorh of been the first timo they take a flight. Good chaff hives aro tho best outdoor protection, and thoy should bo made largo enough to ndmit of not less than two inches of packing space aronnd tho sides and bot tom of tho hive proper and four or t\\x inoiies on tho top, and to double this amount is still hotter. s=as A FREE CURE -FOB Oo&sump'bioao. Tho Britinh Modiual luniituto, of De troit, Miuh., has, after many years of patlont invoiitigation, dUoovorod a treat ment by which oatarrh, oatfirrhiil-doaf- noBH, aatlirntt, hronohitia, aijd conauraptiou in its lirnfc or Huaond utago,aan bt radioally and pormauontly ourod. So well satistkd is the Institute that itn ouro is aspooiuo, that u will, for a lim ited timo, itond a full ooumo of itn modi- oinos, suflioiont to hist for throe moatliH, abnolutoly froo to all apphaantsi. Addroiiu; Bitrntur MKiMcvr. t:v.n'itutk, 00 Washington Avo., Detroit, Afioh All OI<l-NOWHI>R]IGr, A flloof tbo St, ThomuH Ijlbnral for the year 1H32 huti heon imeitrthed iu that oity by iiomo local iintiquiiriaon. Tho paper was ntartod by John Talbot, whotio troan- onahlo writin^u ouiiuod a warraut to bo ioauod for his arrest, and he wnu compollod to loavo tbo country. Ho loft St. Thomas and reached tho homo of the lato Hooper King, wbora he itoourod a homo and rodo wont till ho readied Clear Ota-It. Ho loft bis horso tharo and oontinuud on hia way wontwai'd, and finally, with tho atmifltauoo of nympathotia furmors bo reached Maldou, iri Eimci county, whoro ho raanagud to oron tbo rivor to Detroit and booamo au impovoruihod rofugoo. Ilo nuoooodod ia jotting in tho handu of a number of uym- patbizorn, and romaiuodiu the Statos until ttie time cjf inn rloath. IWoro ha booamo. editor of Tho Liberal, ho wan a sahaol teaohor in London, and was tho son of Hichard Talbot, an Irish yontlomao, who bad a iargn grant of laud in tho towaHbip of Loudon and nuttlod sovoral immigrants from Tipporary, Iraland. Thoir donaond- auts aro now noma of tho foromout farmorn uud roHidonto of London and Biddulph towinihipn, amouf! them boin^ tho familios of HodfiioB, Hatikotta, ShoobottoraH, Gam- bloa, Stfcrjloys, Ilowardu, O'Nuilfi, Hughos aud Smiths. Trenching Colory. Tho celory which is marketed after January is trenched out of doors as fol lows by a contributor to Country Gon- tloman. Ho says: About tho 1st of Novombor I take up tho uiibhmchcd colory without any banking or handling. I put six rows in a trench. I first take up tho two middle rows of plants with a spading fork, set ting thorn to ono aide, then run tho plow Boveral times through tho plaoo from which tho plants were taken, mak ing a deep furrow. This is made deop enough with a spado so that tbo tops of tho plants when standing upright in tho trench will bo about six inches abovo tho surfaco. I mako tho trench wido enough for four plants, and tako them up with a littlo soil on tho roots and set thorn rather loosely in tho treuou. This allows more air to circulate among them, and they aro loss liable to heat and rot. The earth is drawn close to tho plants with a bee, or if tho boards are at baud, narrow boards may first bo-set on both Hides of the celery. Those will keep tho earth from enuring in contact with tho celery and will save washing it. Two boards are nailed together in tho form of a trough and laid over tho rows for a roof to keep the plants dry. A small opening ia left at the ends and joints for ventilation, which is filled with straw in cold wtuither. It is very impor tant that attention be given to ventila- tioiijf this celery is to keep well. Jietero tho ground freezes about a foot, of eurth is shoveled on tho trenches, and it is better to put this on gradually. Ilc*'t Kutfur J'licturlofl, According to The American Agricul turist, the air is full of propositions for beet sugar factories. Not only Califor nia, but mo.^fc of til*; other states of the arid west, and of the Missouri and Mis sissippi valleys aro keenly alive to the possibilities of this new industry, while a clever lot of men in central New York have quietly secured an option on the outfit of tlin only beet sugar factory in Quebec. The middle south is also moving in tho matter, and tin; enterpris ing farmers and business men of Chat tanooga are already in the raco for a factory, claiming unsurpassed advan tages for I heir section. It is also told that several parties have passage en gaged for 'Europe to order machinery and secure foreign capital for new beet sugar factories. Nmvit and Notufl. A now departure in education is rep resented by tho modern dairy schools. None hut tho best apples ought to be exported. Don't ship poor fruit. There in now a machine that will crush and cut corn fodder. The stalks aro cut into short pieces and then run through a cylinder, whioh smashes thorn into a soft, oasily handled mass. ' Tho final estimate of tho applo crop substantiates earlier reports of a very largo yiold in tho states of chief produc tion. Now England, Now York and Canada havo an enormous surplus, which in in contract with tho.dofloionoy for tho woat. Thrashing machines aro now mado with a hlowor .attachment that distrib utes tho straw ovor tho stack and saves tho labor formerly'dono by men. Lincoln sheep nro aid to bo iu great favor abroad. Blaak knot oooars in every stnto of this Union. The remedy Is to cut out >nd bum tho knots ms fast as formed. Marry This Girl Quick, f saw in your papor that a 13 year old boy mado W.25 tho flrnt hour ho worked I'eljitie. the Porfootion Hiatal Tip Lumpwiok. I ordorod a samplo and wont to work and tho first wook I cleared 910, tho nooond woolt I cleared ftl5. I oxpoct to run up to 82fl a week iu tho near future; as tho : Per fection Motal Tip Larapwiok maltos iiuob a beautiful white h^ht and domi away with Hraokoy ohimnoyn und bad odor and Haven oil, il in oasy to noil. If you wihIi to try -it Houd 13 two-cont Htamps to Minn A. M. Fritz, Btatiou'A'.'Bt. Lonin, Mo., and she will nand you saraplo outfit, thin iu a good way to mako money around homo. Mihh Tina W. 45-13t. WXNIINOII. By tho rooont decision of A. H. Clarko, losftl rafcstor at Windsor; iu tho canon of Gurry v. Carry,'Miss Cora Curry m on- titled to ono-third of tho aetata of Mrs. Emma Glen Curry, valuod at about $60,- 000, ani sbo and hor mothor to throo quartoiH of tho oittato of Jamon K Curry, hor father, valued by tho maator at be tween $50,000 and 800,000. On ono point Mrn. and Miss Gurry wore defeated. Thoir claim for a throe-quarter's intorent in tiio Ehhox County bauk wan rejected. Thoy will appeal from tho muotor'a finding in thie particular to fcho courts iu Toronto They oipoot that if thoy win thoy will bo houtifitod to tho extont of al raoHt $100, 000 more. A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine Will some of your renders flWo me a good rooipo for making u, cold march? I am nelling self-healing llut ironn and iron a littlo at every bouso aud havo to uor douib ntarah every "place und want to know how to mako u good cold Htaroh, My bun- hauu was in dobt and I being anxious to help him thouirht I would uell self-lioating tlntirous and I am doing splendidly, A ount'ti worth of fuel will heat tho iron for ;i houru, ho yon htive a perfected ovou boat. Yon cun iron in half tho timo aud no dan ger of huorcbiug the clothoii, as with ' tin uld iron, and you oan get tho moot beauti ful gloua. I noil ut nearly every lionno, ai- r.hu iron ruvor muoh fuel uvurjborly wauls ono. I make SI 80 on oaoh iron aud hava not Bold lenu tlia.il tun any day I woiltod. My brother in doing well and I thinli uny- nim oau nmko IoIh of inonoy anywhere nulling iroiiH. J. Ir. Caaoy it Co., St. Lotus, Mo., will htart anyone iu tho bumuouM, (is they did mo, if you will nddierm Uum. -15 0 Mini. A. UfiiEii,, Ah tlio homy huudtid husbaudman hfci'rs nf tho r,80 in the price o[ wheat, ho g( ea out to hia KrioiariLHi humming noftly to bimnelf: ' There'll he money in ihis whont byo aud bye." Bomo norhoiiH naturated tho uppor floor of tbo Miuoral Spriugu Hotel, Bandwioh, with coal oil, uud bored througli tlio ooil- ing to allow thu.oil to run through to tbe ground tloor. It was dnsoovorod boforo it was ignited. What a Woman Can Do. Ltiot week I clean cl, uftor paying fill ox- pensea, ^"5.j.Hr, tho month pruvi'ouu S2(i0, iuut lmvo at tl:o oamo timo attended la other duties. I believe any onergotio por- Hoti oan ilo i-quully aa u'(dl, im I havo had very little oxpononce. Tbo Dinli Wahher is juot- lovtdy uud overy family vanth nue, ttliich makes nulling veryeaiiy. I do no canvassing. People hear ubouc tlio DiPh Wnnhor find como or send for one. It it, otrango that a good, cheap DiHh VVanhor liua novr buforo boon pdt on tbe market, Tho Mound City Dish Wueher filla this bill. With it you can waeh and dry the disheii for a family of ton in two minuter without wottinR your ntindn. As soon m ponplo soo tho Washer work thoy worn one. You ouu make moro money and muko it cpiioUor than with any household artiolo on tho market. I fool convinooe that uny lady or gentleman can make fron, 810 to. 914 por day around homo. You can gob full particular* by addressing Tho Mound Oity Dish vVanhor Go., 8*. Louis, Mo. Thoy .help you got startod, then yon oau mako money awful fast, 0000 A. L. C. ,fl*r Jas. McMurray IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR NQXQN BROS.' IMPLUTS, DriHs. Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Best Plows lx\ tb\e: Matrk:et. .P'irst^ClaQs I<yetrrn Vi/'tulons. Farmers Should See My Stock Before Purchasing -AILHO okajltgu iw caiTarnoy's Stoves, Tinware, General Tinamithing and Eepairing attended to. *S^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex- Fresh Bread Ih what yon oan roly on jotting whon you buy from uu. Our wa^on goon to all partuof tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, froohor, or riwoot- or in tho country. All kindu of Fancy Cakes and Jolly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo noil nothing staloor dry. Leave Your Order und you can roly on prompt de livery. FRANK FOSS. - Oppoiilto iJciok &;Frtincln, Ennox W f\-W XJtjUm and "Women Can- vahiiern for Canudu und A-untralln. "Quoon Victoria, Hor hifo und Hoiqn." Iiitrniluction by bord DtifTorln, A thritllu^ now IjooIc, Ralon marvollniiH. Tim Quoon an ^irl, v/ito, motlioj, monaroli. Uoiidn liho romauoo, Grandly lllim- trittt-d. HIr BoniniiHHion. Bo .an on Lfmo- Pron- iicotLiii Inn) to cimvanfiorH. I'JxclUBivo territory. Lotn of iiionoy In it- TlIK BllAliM'.Y-GAailFTHOM Co , LTD.. 1<J Kfolmioml St. Weut, Toronto, Cnt Wanted-fln Idea Who i;..^ "lc of HOIU thliiK toinuciil/ !'rnli*ct your 1dflii: thoy may bring ynii woaiih Wrltn JOHN WKUDKItHUHN fk CO.. Patent Attor* noyi. WanhlnRton, D. C.fnr thoir ai,ho nrizo ottor nd llfit of two liiindrod (nvorit)oim wniitcit ESSEX Hall! Hoadquarcorn tor School Books, Sohool Snpphoo, Noto Papor.Envolopoo, Inktf, Writing Tablota und oflloo Btationory, G- A. SEIEBKIIT DISPENSING AND FAMILY DBUGGIST. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, "Wiloon Avo., noxt Abordoon Hotol. Tho latent improved maohinory for Ironing Collars and CuITh. Will not craok or brouls tuo %vin(j. Family work choup. Paroola called for: and delivered. PUmria call and try. If not mitiafaoiory no charie will ho mado. f cur work suita you. recommend uh to your friendo. I GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY DISEASED MEN CURED TUflllCJkUllC * yonnj? mon, middln nRod mon and old mon oan look buck nt 1.11 U UOHli UO thoir boyhood dayo or curly maahoiid with a flinh of romoreo, Tho iifnomnofl of oarly youth, or lator en n-minupi-nt llfo nn "one of tho boys" lum Bown thoMMwlnfnr fatnro ufforinn. SELP ABUSE i'* a torril)lo nin nirninHt natnro and will bring a rich hurvost. Blnnd ant) Private Ul* cases nap tho vnry lito nnd vitality pi tho viotim. Our NEW SIETUOD T11I2ATMENT will ponitivoly caro all tbo follow- lncrdinoiuioa: VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK- NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL K DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. & ARP VnIS 0 NERVOUS [ui'l denpnndrnt; wrak ordehilitntnd: tlrodmorninRH: no tHll L I U U f innhition- -lilfii-Mi; nxniid/y poor; diiiiily l:aii;u(Hi; i-xciluhli* und irri table: yH iiiniKPii, red aiid blurred; plmpln-i on face; dronniH und ididtt. Iohhou; ront- lenn; hiitfitanl lixdlfnn; wnU h:.ck, lionn I'liinn- hr.tr Imn-n; nlci.rti; on re thront; vnricn- oolo; depoiiL iu urino and d;'nirm nf nUu<\; ilmtrtintfifl; want nf t-mifidenca; luck of onorByundeLroauth M/E' OAN GU&E YOU OR ASi< NO F*AY. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL MATCHED FRO^ Wc GRAVE. *Tffi!Mirafi&^&^ dnotoiound utirvo tonirii by tin- f-enre without bom-til; oinitihioiiB inul druinfuiicroanoil. 1 tuH'iunn a nurvoiiH v/renk. A ir.iinl win* hud liv-arured by Dm. Kennedy Jc Korffun of a iiimilur diiu>iiHo, advinod im to try them. 1 did no and in two mouthHwunpoiiltivo- 1 oni uow murriod and havo. two hoiilthy ohtltt- ly carfw.1, 'l'hi'i wii*4 oifd't f r.'irn tiuo. von." C, W. LLiiilti, t-uftumw, DTH "Varlrrtc n mado liro'inifornhln, I wfUi ^onlc nnd ______. ,_..i!l* iinrvoiiii, e.vit* hunkon, tundfrid iiinooi(fy, hair thip, no ambition. Tho 'OoUUiu Mttidtor' oiiuimd my ejon, Tim New Tlelliod 'Irtjutmont ot Uru. Kounudy and Jiuraun curud ino iu a low wet kit. I. L. i'ETIdfBON, Ionia, CMICCIH^C Oilmen J.r.EMIilWONrolntoHhiHoxiiorlonce. "I lived on LlulOolU^O uUllCUt affirm. Atuchooll luiiruitd au early habit, which wonltonod mo pliyitlcally, Hoxnally mid mentally, l-'imilly docl^rn f-nid 1 wnn Kolntf into 'decline* U'"MHvimption.) i'mnlly 'Tlio ti*hlon Monitor,' mUted by Dru. Kniniody A'Jtortpm, fidl into iny liandn. 1 lnurndtht* TUUTII and tlio CAUBB. (jolf-ubn/io iiinl mimu'd my vttsiliiy, J tonic tbo Now Mnthod 'IVoatmout und wnn enrod. My friimdii think 1 wnn cured nfcnuHumpiIon. I huvo Hniit thorn muiiy patioata, all at whom worn r.:urod. Thoir Now Mothal Tro'utmoub uuppllon vfcor, vitality and manhood." ......" riMPrri "This torriblo blood dlflfftnowiia in my nyntom for olfitbt . __ LlUlS-!J< yniirit. Uud tukru nu-rciiry for cwo yeiirH, but Ihu dinoa)to roturmvl. EyoH rod, pimp toil and blotuhoii on tho Mkin, uh'ora in thu mouth and on' tmitfuo, bono piiirm, fnlUnii out r*r liuir, weiikncMt, etc. My bniUim-, who hud btw^n cured of (ilnot and Stri- turn by Hr.i. Konnodv and Korean, niouinmondad thorn. d 1 conimltod thorn; Wo return of tlio SYPHILIS Thoy cured mo in a tow wetikfi.'und 1 tlmole God d.uoai'oinuix yourti." IV. I*. M..,'Juulatou, 17 Y.EAR9 IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. IP'CAnP'Fi!! Aroyoa u viatini? lluv,! you lout, hopo? Aro yori oontnmplntlnw iniiL1riL>l < * iniirriiiKoi* Hatt your biood boondisoaRodi* Ilavn yon any-wtmkricuujr OnrMnw Method Troatinnnt will enro you, What it lifindono for otfioriiitwlll do for yoa. CONSULTATION FREE. Ho nuuter u-ho luin truiitod you, wrlto for im honoHt opinion l'Veoof (Ihuriin. t!liar(ioa rotutimnblo. BOOKS FREE. "TlioGoldon, Monitor" (illniitrutod), on TJinoiuicn of Wen.luoloau pouhiKo, 2 contu. Honied. fcfTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No modioino eortt CO. D. Non;imoson hoxnti oronvel- opos. bvorythlnp; oonflclontlul.' Question Hut and coot of Troatmont FREE. ..' . . . y. DRS.KENNEDY & KERGAN, No.l48SHELBYST. ! DETROIT, MICH. ; "r?'.M MVM i^fev^y^^ Msm^^S^b^^^^^M 25 3464