Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 20, 1896, page 8

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w }-i>T w< Wr ft' THE GOLD QUESTION! Now"tfiartrtlre~6rold question is settled, we must turn our immedi ate attention to the Cold question. Winter will soon be upon us without warning, and it is a wise man who finds himself prepared to meet it with snug health pro tecting wearing apparel, such as Fur Caps, underwear H ' and S0CKS If you have not given this mat ter a thought as yet, it is advis able to do so at once, and remem ber, if you desire to make your selection from the Newest and most stylish stock at the lowest possible price go to D. J. Whitney's _________HATTER AND FURNISHER. A GoodJThing . . II. Wright ban bought iv now truotlon mi Kino. M!hh Nulllo Uyun puid our town u frlondly visit luwt wook. Mtu, W. Muluuuvillo and Abbey woro vUitlng frinudu inWalkorvillo limb wouk. Ulio Jnniuita and bin frmnd from Pilottt* Comurtf paid tliiH piano a friendly vi>ut. - "- ......... aouvmtUto nortu. Mihh Mriry Gordon, of 13wnox Town, in viuitintf her winter, Mr, Ooo. IVtaMahon, thin wank. Tin. lO-montlm' old child of Waltor Itidudalo diod on Monday and wtm buried atCottam oornotory, Mr. and Mm. Jan. firifjloy, jr., of Poloo luland, iipmit Sunday ut thn homo of Mr. Brffiloy'n father, <7ohn Arrantrontf, or. Ij, Blair'n nuution Halo on Thurnday of laiit wool; waa lurgoly attended and tfood pnoflH woro roalizod. Frank MoOloukoy wiuldod tlio hammer and kept tho crowd iu bin uaunl ((ood humor. J. A. Coulter libippod two oar toadd of wood to DoUolt on WcidnuHday, Tho Towimblp Council will moot at tbo Town Hull, Uoflto, to-morrow (Saturday) in Court of roviaiou on draiua^o by-law* Kou. 28 and B99. Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What Others have discovered should interest you. NOItTlft UtlUiXZ, Aftor working in a maohiuo whop in Bfc. Thoraao during tbo punt Hummar, Qoorga TftoliHon Glover hu roturnnd to Eihqx Co., und ho ui vory butiy nndorhrunhini; a part of bid 50 acre lot on tbo 8th con, ErnoHt Hopr^ood toolchiH riflo and wont for a littlo aport Wodnondav, Nov. lltb, ho brought homo throe fine latfjo fat blaok nquirrolo and ho nuccoodod in bringing down u luryo hon hawk ; bu Hbot him on tbo wing, tlio hawk wan cartyiuji a fine now rat trap; bo had boon caught by tbo log, bnt by nomo meant) ho got tbo rat trap Inono aud on,mod it off with him. Tho Mothodmt Churoh, North Hideo, will bo ro-opnnod for divine Horyico next Babbath, 22nd inpt., proaonintf at 10.30 a m., by Rov, E. Modd, Ph D..Untlivon.and at 7 p. m.( by Rov. W. II. Btmw. Col. loctionn in aid of trnnt foud. On Monday ovoning, 23rd mat., a toa-niootiug will bo ( ivon by tbo lndiou of tbo ohuroh in tho Tomporanco Hall aftor whioh a Ilrat clana literary and munioal ontortainmont will bo givonlm tbo church. No paina will bo aparod in making tho cntcrtainmont a au c- coho. FriouriH cordially invitod. Tea Horved from (1.10 to 8 p. m. Tiokotn, 35otu. Tho Hortioulturiil Baoiety at Olinda will moot on ButtmUy ni^ht, tho 2Int inn*., whan tb Hubjooi of petitioning tho Gov. eruraont not to loantm tlio duty on fnui will be taken up. Mr, und Mro. Q. W. Ooatuworth, o( K.lnKHvillo,vinitod with tho lattor'a brother, K. .7. Wilnon.on Monday bnifc. John Taylor baH purolmnud tho two aoro lot owned by Wm. Loo, whioh wan formor- ly aold by Mr. Taylor off bin farm of ooo buudrod aoron. H, E. Oakoy rooowod imd noww lant wook of tbo doatb of bin oldoitt aliitor, Men. Rob- orta, of Plymouth, Ponu. Mrfl. Hugh Wilaon wont fco Kinijuvdla thin wook. Stio will iipond n. part of tho winter with bor daughter, Mrs. Gouta worth. Our Shoes Look Well, Fit Well, Wear Well, Tina 10 tho Wst wo could prjiHibly aay about thorn. If it was for our ti\poriunco in leatlai we could not null no chotip Gall bo convinced toryouruelf. CK- Bi^n of tlio Ooblon Boot, wniTNRY BLOCK. KSi?EX. C not and Qi A A CHOICE ^ OF STYLES mm Is what can he obtained at our establishment, Duns tan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are uyto-dato and our prices very low. We are the oi^y store in town handling Tweeds of C\y do Mills, best in Canada, and buying at luill prices we save }'ou from 50c to ijjil on pair of panta and Sjji2 to 4 on a suit; we have also jl splendid line ot fiincy colored Worsteds, v<Ary reasonable iu price. We inuitc you to in spect our fit od.M beioie buyiu. Caii:i<ll;ui. Prank Dawson 01 Fairuu'H 1'oiut wa3 found in n buy mo'A mixli bin throat cut from ear to oar. Ilanillton iUlwrmuii ttru diauu^mi ^ tbo appointment of ti purcbitMin^ u^ nl to buy BupplioH for ovory ilopaituiLut of tbu city. Seven foot of miow ban fallen went of Banff and tho 0. V R lino waa blojkod ao that no through tram from thu wont roaohod Winnipng on Tucnilay Tho Allan lino ntoaimr Cartiia^'iman, from Liyorpool, called at Qiu'(.'nHtuwu.Hat- Utclay und ombarkod n dotaclnncnt of tho LoioonterBhiro rotjimont, which bavo bi*en ordoied to procoud to Iluhfax Sir Ca'iimir 0/ownki ih to bo admuutra- tot of tbo Govarnment of Ontario dnrin^ tbo abaonco of bm Honor tho Ijiout Gov- ovnor, who hai taeon firanto.l two inontbn' oavo of abaonco for tlm pui-ponu of viHitm^ n(4land. Gjof^ma Bjott, t\ve year old, wan ao* ontally burnt to death in a noj^bbor'n UHQ on B*aj{QL'm'ui utrout Toionto, on ttmhiy moiuinu, and in tho al tor norm Junior Gorman, aovon old. wao knocked down ftntl killod by a UpMo ou Quoc-n Btyoot, oanb of tho Don. Burlto Ilabu, hooblor at Jakt Chnat- friau'u liotol, Elmira, Out., mado a wngnr that ho oould Kroiwo a bugfjVi hJ-riioaii tlio lioroo hi tbo Htablo, hitoh it to tho buggy and duvu to thu front of tho bolol, all ready for a drlvo, iu lottu than four mln- utou. Ho BUcooddod hi performing tho foit la two niinutoH und liftyiivo aoooutlii, *i '.?\ 'ft r.A t^. ijyiw, j-v.j^i'witi^f. KINdiSVlIiIjQ.. Tov/n (Jli-rk Wm. A Unnivillo ih ng*na uoriourily ill Gioiucr X WoolnMHh (irc j_;o u^ to wind uu thoir huHiuonM ui town MrH. Wm, (iruiner is Hp'Mnhng a w*tek Willi rolativoi ut Xtjdg town. Tho ovupoiator Hhipp-d a cir load of Rpplu jelly lo NowfoiiulliLiid lunt wiok Thu oyapora'.or o\pout to work up 2.1,- 000 buBbolH of t.pil.M lutwot-n unw and X in it a. Mrit. Fioetoau li >WHlaugb bart^orooii an bxtuudtnt vi ot in bur paiutit t ut Wat ford. I'm' rtnulh K-aox I'rmt'ivim; C> aro shipping O'j in av r mu four e uh pi-r week of their goodti. ,"\lrH. Thorn ih Uug^in ban Imd anotht r Btralta of parulyHui an 1 thu pb>,-ima'i4 h-ij ulio oauuot rooovoi. Tuo MibHea Addio and .Victoria Wiglo bavo n turned tr .in Ui ir mouth'n vimi with friendn in Ohio, At tho annual tuaehri" of the Dbaro- holdoiH of th Kiugivillu Natural Ga aud Oil Co. last work, th follfuniK b>ard of dnoctora wue eh'ctetl: JJroHi.|oot, Dr. B A. King ; vu-y pit4ulctut, J. E. Jirown ; th reatorH, Solontoii Wiglo, Ira Loop and O. ,J. Groou. On Friday uEtTnooti, tlio funonil aor vious of Mary, iroliofc of tho I u i Wrn. Mo* Quoou, took plaoo at tbo MothodiHt ohuroh boro. Doooatied wan in bor flith year and btavou a uunibai* of utublryu and otbor rol- utivoy througbout tho county to mourn. Tho remahiM wore intorrj I at Ruthvon, i^^WJU^lJifeW^y'i:^ Howard Bilno, of Ehhox, waa a vuiitor boro Una wook, Tbo Mirhh no("an viHitod for a fow dftyn lately in Comber. Minn Emma Cox, of Dotroit, hau boon vifiitiug at bor homo bore. WriRht G. Smith and wifo upont Snn. day with Windaor frioiida. Tho Miuhgh JamoEi, or Gottatn, upont a fow daya tho paat wook at W. S. Cummi- ford'H. Woikou tbo addition that John Murray tt Bon aro putting to thoir mill ih procvoHH- mg favorably. Mioh Grace Aldrod, of tho Standard Portrait Co., of \Vindnor, ih viHitiu^ at Wright O. Smith'n A. B. McGoig, Hpcoial yaloiman for Nox- on BroH., of Iogorsoll, ban boon hero thiB wook on buKiucHH. AltiHon & Hancock are liaving the en gino m thoir mill put in place aud will bavo it running next wook. B. B. Green, of li.Hno\, loaded ft oar of pork boro on TuoHday ai d paid tbo farm- orH at the Soutborn Hotel Tho Sunday School touchers and oohol- ara me qnito bnaj preparing for thoir an imal OliriatmaH tntartamment. W, W. Cuunmgham diovo to Comber ouo night lutely and when bo sitartod to return home, bin whip aud loboworo niitiH. ing fiom bin buggy. J A. Smith, tho tailor, Iihh no much work on band tliat bo will not bo ublo to move to Woorintook thin month and may bo not till next aprmg. ------ Mihu Muggio McCarthy, of Windfior, Mr. Wiloon und It. Cudmoro, jr , o! tho Btato BayingH Bank, Detroit, woro vimtora butt week at R Cudmoro'H. ThoH Paitiloy, of tbo lwt con at Maid atone, 1 int spring, bonght-10 pounds of II- luioiH hied oats from V. li. Fuorth and sjwed tho Hume. lriom the name hold ho threnhed IB bimbols Tbo miHHionary HerviQos in tho Method- mt church on Sunday last, woro well at- tonded. Rov. Dr. Gooko, of Walkorvilk, ollifjiutod at both mornirg and ovoning Borvices and tho collections woro very good* A number of residonts of thm plaoo aro forming a Crokinolo Glnb to conmot of twonty members, half of each Hex A nonori of games are to bo played, tho firht of which waH at thohomo of II C, Rook on Wednesday ovoning. A foe of 5 souta por wook ih ubar^od oach mombor and a fluo of *J5 couti ih impoHtid for ouch mooting that a mombor iu abHont fiom, Tho R.C ohuroh at Woodfdcu, on Wod- ncbday morning wua well lillcd with rosi- dontH of thm vicinity to witnoHtj tho mnr- nago ceremony of Thomuu Kit/gorald and Minn Agnen hcrong, both of tlio Townalnp of Ilochestor. Rov. Fathor Ilodgkhmon oit'niated and at the conclusion of tbo cremony tho couple drove to tho row dt'iiuo ot the brido'n father, Patrioit F. Huong, whore u, diiinor wan served to a number ot tho immadiato lolativoa. Mr. and Mtb. Fit/, jorald loft on tbo ^M. CH evcutng tram for tbo Btato of Now Yoik, wbeio tboy will npond thoir honey moon. They wore tho rootpients of a largo number ol nueful and vuluablo proaoatB, On their ruturn they will settle down to the roahtioit of married lifo in tho now reu idouco that t U>> groom lately had orootod. Tbo Kpworth Lrugno of tho South Woodtiloo Mothodiat ohuroh purpooo giv- iug an ontortainmont in ttio oburoh on tho ovoning of Tuesday, Bouombor Int. A, A. Buohnor, of KingHvUlo, und Minn Puuooo, of Krhox, will aesiHt local talent. Minn Dolla Stookford iu vifuttngrclativon in Harrow. K nun ell Balltwill oocuplod tho pulpit of Graoo church hero on Sunday last. Goo. MoMahon, of tho Puoo, in engaged in spoke mailing for Darimi Wiglo. Hoads of Hplnuing wbooln for sale. II. Plummor, MoGrogor. 2 ms-'H M. G. Brothoar, of llingfivillo, ban utartod a branch atore boro in oharfio of Mr. Kottyhi. Wenloy Valado, of ColohoHtor Bonth, bun leased tho John J. Wiglo farm boro for a tarm of yearu. BIrti. Jos. Mclndoo and hod,, Frank, visited with relatives in Ebsojl Town and Cottam thisi wooli. Tho Dayton Fonco Co. bavo complotod wiring down Richard Eodo's hodgo and now his plaoo preuontH a noat appoaranoo. About twenty young pooplo gatborod at tbo homo of Miijs Htoekford ou ^Voduoiiday oyoning of lant wook and apout a ploanaut timo with muflia, gamoa, etc. Jason D. Malott and family, formorly tonantn of tho Wiglo farm, will movo to Leamington nhortly whoro Mi*. Malott will ongago in tho butohoring bmnnosn. DIEBEL & BRIGKER. Important ^>~ Dress Goods Purchase. -ift.- '"/iv"- Viv -ijc Vi^^i^rj-j^^i^-^i^-7"^ V|V We have passed into Stock the Larg est Assortment of New Dress G-oods we ever had, and' commencing Satur day Morning we will offer For Two Weeks Only, The Following Bargains : 25 Pioooh Pnro Wool Drons fiords, in Blaok only, regular prloo 2Go and 28a a yard, Bargam Pnoo, Ilia a yard. 5 Piooen of Mixod Twood Effactii, regular pneo 22o a yard, rodnood to 18o & yard. | 0 Piooos of t2 Inch Black Twill fc'Iannol, regular prica 30c a yard, roduood to 2Cq a yari. 4 Pioooh of Fanay Twood Dross Ooodu, ronlar price COo a yn,rd, roduood to 117^2 a yard. 30 Drona Tattornaof Columbia Twood Drona Ooods, ro^ular prico UI and 81 '25 por yard, roduood to 87^0 a yard. J 8 Dronn CoFittimoB in Fanny Bouolo, Two toned, regular price S7,fi0 98 ftfl choice of thu lot for %,%, Y ' ' Special Offorinua in Black CauhraoroB at 40c, 50a and 75o a yard. To further mtroduco Priestly's Black Dross Goods, wo offer dm?. iufi thin tialo a roduotioa of 10 por oont. off roqular prioon. -Vit-^iC- ^^rJi^^fe- flc^i^ffl? D. L. Mitchell m on the &iclc lint Minn Abbio Brown lo viaitin^ fnoudn in Detroit. iMiHB Minnie Ortou in voitin^ in Enooxi tbo guest of Mibh Burdiolt. Tbo oIigoho fuctoiy cloned on Batuiday, huvinf* boon in operation ninco tho firt of May. Mhju Iva Tumor ban roturnod homo from Michigan, whoro uho spent tbo uminor. llov. E. Medd, Ph., D , of Ilathvon, will occupy tho pulpit in tbo WoihodiRt oburch on Sunday evennif' noxt. MiHa Kmily Gancoyno, who hau boon Htaying with bor motor, Mro, flonloy, of Ehhox, wan homo on Sunday, Tho Carter Broa., bavinu fininbed omp- tying thoir third kiln of brick and tilo, aro ongauod in filling tho fourth. X very pieplant ovont happonod at tho rumdeuco of Jamoa Morrit when Rov. \V. DZ. Shaw united in tho hondn of matri mony Mirh .Tonnia Merritt to Walter Mot ley. Wo winh thoin nnah joy. The iniinborn ot the It alien' Aid of the Bollo Bivor Eo-ul McthodiHt Churoh upont a pleasant attoruooii at tho Mothod- int PtirHomiKo ou Tuonday. SuccofiH in at- tondiug their offortu. ^\IrH. Wm. MiUon ia tho Prenitlent. Key. F. G. Newton, of Btrathray, in con ductiug a Horum of Evaimehcal nuivicon in tlio Kuglinb Churoh thin wook. Many who privileged to attend Mr. Nowtou'u firnt rainnion hole will bo glad to woloorno tho llov. goiiteman again. Tho norvicon are being largfely attended. There n a Bible reading and prayer meeting every altar- noon at two o'clock aud cvangchntio nor- vicen at 7.00 p.m., Saturday ovoning in. eluded. Tho noryicoH on Sunday will bo at 2: If) p.m. uud at t> o'clock p in. AH aro cordiiilly invited. Tho naootingn will bo conducted up till Do^t TuoHday ovoning Tho ontortainmont ou Tuonday ovoning, giyon by tho Cottum Drumntio Club, wan a grand buoqohh. It reflootn much credit on tbo young men of CJottain for their noblo anil gonorouu appeal for obxrity. Tboy bavo labored mconno-ntly for the pant two woqIih tlio ronulb of which Waa noon in tho nblo and porfoot execution of thoir sev eral partn. Tho Heating capacity of the ball wan well hllfd and had it not heon for iiicb-mcnoy of tbo weather thu buililnif; would haye huou uuablo to accommodate tbo crowd. The remarkably good oiflor timing tbo ovoning wao a groat honor to tbo aotorn. An exoolloitt programme wan rondorod, tho drama "Morohantof Vemco" bmng ably lmndtod. Mr. and Mm, Slotta, who annintod in tho munioal part, woro heartily onoorod. Tho White Broa., an inmal, cnutiod nuoh oxoonoivo laughtor an to make the audiouoo gtwp for breath. Tho uolon of Moofirn Gawooyne and Wilhama hold their ha*onora npoll bound. Tho Dia- lo^uen woro of nu amuniug oharaotor. Mibb Stnvonn aotod an ncoompaniab for tbo ovouing. The memborn of tho olub uro : F B Oopoland, Pron ; .T White, Soo'y ; F Gaocoyno, Troan ; S Gat-ouyno, 1^ White, S Kollett, B Burling, II Nuvjllo aud W M'iloti. Tho club pin ppno giving a oon ourl. m Ennox. Tho proojndn about 8lfi woo for oharitablo pu'poum. In plaoo of a ah airman, uoally printed pro^rammoH woro dbti tbutod. Tlio buuinouo mnu of Etinnx bad thoir adu. on tho progrutnrao and by wo doing piid tho obarjjon of tho printer. Also Liberal Offerings such as no other store will attempt in Ladies' Misses', and Children's Mantles and Men's Boys' and Youths' Overcoats. Remember, For Two Weeks Only. The Millinery Department is again replete with, tfte latest creations in Hats, Bonnets, Toques, &c. The Great Corner Store. Diebel & Bricker. Nolaon Whaloy haa on^atjed Vfiih A. J, Groon to buy ^rain thio aoaaon, rio will ubo tbo warohouHon ut tho M. (J. It. horo and at Blythonwood. E. J.Batcholor, gonoral atoro-keopor, of Leamington, hau astuguod to Btaploton Oaldeoott, Toronto. Tho ontato ia a con mdorablo ono. LiahihticH aioS17,000. Tho amount or poachoii nhippsd by frught and e\preflfi from thm distnot Unu year waa 70-1,000 pounda whioh brought 631,722.10 Lai* year thoro woro 131,650 poundn ahippod for whioh 931,590 30 waH reooivod. There woro J7.$,(i(Jfi pomidn of borrieu aUipped nottitig 9*^.1,032 iid an utjainflt 300,070 poundti last yoar at an in oomo of $20,*JG7. Other fruitu thio year amauntod to 8(JUi.70. Tho total amount roooivod in tho nmnodiato looatity this year for fruit wan $00,310113, an a^umm 9101,221 UiHt year. cr^i^^-^^ A mooting of the Towrinhip Couuoil will b'i hold at tho Town Hall to morrow (Sat urday). Tho WtiHley MothodiHt church, on Mtud dtono oiionit, will bo ro oponod neKt Sun day, November 22nd. Sermona wi'l bo preached at 10.30 a.m. and 2,30 p.m., by Roy. J. U Gundy, o Wmdaor, Chairman of District, and in the ovomu^ by Huv. W. AyorQ, of Woodiiloi. Colluotiona will be taken at each norvico in behalf of th" churoh Cundo. A grand outortaimnent will bo Kivnn on Monday evening folio a m,,' when toa will be oorvnd from G to H o'clock after whiah addrouBOH will bo dohvorod by ItovH Dr. Cook, of Walkorvillo , Mr. Ayora, of vVoodflloo, Mr AIoTiiniH, of tbo Puao, and othorti. FirHt-olatm mumo will ho rendered by local talont, anniotod by norae of tho bout from Windsor and Kkbox Aaraiasiou, 25o. All aro cordially Invitod, A. TniuAUULAU, Patitor. Watch This Space iioomtsirtfEn. Mr. Croft'o now lenidonoe in noaring completion. Aloxander liaillargoon, a^od 10,ancl Nel lie Damm, ajjed 22, tooli out a marnaco h- oonao in Detroit on Tiicaclaj. Both par tieH aro from Pike Oruek. Tlio towuflbip of Koohefltor ia niadually [^ottin^ her tinancml affaiiM into llrut olaoo jdiapo. P. StroiiK, who ih troaHiiror, uaye that tbo towunhip ban paid off ita flouting habilitioQ, She ban one of tho old non- tiolidatod dobontnrea to pay boaidoo throo draiuagn doborjturoH. Thm will qivo hor a oloan alato oxaopb a email amount rooontly boirowod for a drain. Tho township pays as hIio ftooa and ban enough uootioy on hand to moot all tho 'lomandd of thio yoar. Tbo now ooudoII will Uot bavo an old uooouiit to H&ttlo, Eqv. Dr. Thornloo, of Sborbrooko, Quo., haa boon elected Bishop of Al^orna Diooebe. inson, Grocer. '~><^5X. I. "J i JS- 7a: J . \) t^i 01

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