Bar v ^ Iffiffi^ffis*^^ A SHOUT TAJj'JC On A Sorlou* ulJot. 'l.V TJrio Aald. Tho immnof n torriblu puifiou. N'V, It ie formed In th<i human nyiitmn. ' - And quuhch thmimatium, nolutioiL, huu'l* *-*^aoh'o, and kidnov li'oublan. Tho work of llifi kidnoWH in to vomavo it. If thoyuruovurworkud Ihuy (nil to do uo. Thon troublo begum. - It golii v/oruo and worm>. ' IIulp tho Uidnnyn to do thoir work. Doun'u Kidney l'ilhi uro trno Indnny holliorii. Thoy euro all kidney trodden. (Jhano tin' ui-irj utud out of Urn nyntimi. Mr. .Tamui (liienn, Hi*., well known in TJhhox, ban tlii.H to iiuy about Doilu'h Kid- noy Pilln : ".VW nmny yearn 1 have hud terrible pain and lainr-nci'ii in my back cammd un- doubtodly bj kulnay trouble. 'I'liu mini! wuii highly colored with a great der.,1 of tiodmunt, anil. 1 wan ah>o aliUotiut witii Buvfiri.* iu!iini]|.:io paiim in my bond, dizzi 110IIH, HloapU'tlHIIChil, llulteriug of tlm heait, Hhortnci.H of. breath, etu, "Mirny a nij^ht I was mj bad thill 1 dared not ho down, ami an a matter of fact. I wan ill a torriblu condition, completely worn out, and dohditatnd. "I uomnumeod the umj of Poan'u Kidney IMIlu wluoh 1 got from Mr. Shorrm'n dmc. Btorn, and can nay tliut thoy aro a great Idiinoy and heart medicine, an woll an an excellent tonic. "1 haVO been getting bettor-oyer tdnue I bogan to taku them two montlm aim, tmd tc-day lmvo no back or urinary troublen. Thoy have akin removed all the - from whioh 1 sobered, and I heartily recommend thin vuluabln medi cine an aupicilte for nil fomiu oT kidm-y complaint."' Thorn were 'AW application for pohitinnn ' an touchoro hi Iho I'arkhill High and Pub lic Schonlu. Thu'board cut tho h alary lilt down S1.70Q. CiMiHllpUtlnii Oured. GliNTa, I wan in very poor health for ovor four yciui'fi ; the doctor mud it wav- ooiihtipation. Not wanting to upend too much caiili I g;ot three buttlutt of IS. Ji. .11. and took it regularly. I can certify that I am now in tho very bout of health and fuel yory prataful to lb B. B, Atuhki> Ttaioux, Mnutroal, Quo. A correspondent rotuurku that tlio fob .lowing (tolijt'litfijl anecdote- iihown thai the iiraooof Handy Andy in by no mount' uxiiucL. muHtor, addronnuig bin Iriidi nmn-nur\- iut, iiayii : "Tcrrcnce, I tun going into ^bo country to may at my mother'* place. it Mr. Smith uullti tull him Mint I'll U; >ack on TuondayM "Snuru 1 will, Horr, fand, (aftor a piuHu) what will I bu ufthu)- SO-yinU to lijm if bo docmi't call, norr ?" The New Hook Spoon Free to All I road in the Christian Standard ilia MlB A. 1*1. Friiz, Station A., Hi. Loin* Mo., would nivu an oh-gant plutcd h ,cl. enoun to anyone hcnding her ion 2 coin F^turupH. 1 uoiii for one and found it ho u.-< - 'fulthatl uhowod it to my trundti, and saaclo ij 13.00 in two Ijoutm, lakin^ ordoi.- for tho tipoou. Tlie hook hjioou jh a liou.i!: hold .utctstihiiy. It, cannot nhp into ill- di"h or cooking VfHHul, beinK huld in Hi- plnco by a liook on tbu buck Thu npotm i Homothinp; that boud(diot-peiH have noi-d:u cvor aincu ripoonH wuvu firHt luvenii.:1. Aiiyouo (inn iiet a sample iipooii by i-cmli::^ ___ttiU_^-cent Htiunp'i to Mi us Frit/.. Ibi- .m i. oplendul way to maku looney around Iioiih-. I."j.l3t Very truly, Jj.anm-.-iti: S. WulkervillG haa.a now pnpur oulli-d il,- Hcruld. From itu proximity to Jlirain Wulkur'n jn-H juiso foundry, anirited u'h toriala may bo (ixpoclod. -Mxt-luin^c. Malco Youi* Owu Laittcru. Your home in iucomploUr witlioir. it, an.: ' tho prico it; within reach ot all. 1 ord^n-.: | one for my own Unc and it w.lh rO b'nuh [ and convenient I went to I them and hold ol m one nay making (.' t.i j 35 clear. It j/ivu.i a bountiful wlnto Ji;:l.i j ohimneyu ueyer brL-uk frotn \u_-.\-i, it ( alwayn clean and ready. Kraucin "'a< > I St- LoUlb, .Mo.j Will fiend munplc t-T b( twi | cent liiamps, write for one L j^ut u.y nt.urt , from hiiu. !" bit Gkoii.-.k H. i By an expioKion of ahmt :tl) p-jini It ' . dyuatnitu in tho *.H"i-t; huddi< U, d 1*'. 1 .' Smith it Co., coutrut:ti-i u f->r tbo fMcui;'. i [ of the wheiil pit and tunii'.l of th-i ,\;a.N', >. i'ailB Tower Co., ut -Niagara Fall-, N, V. at eight o'cloot Saturday morning. \ .:> mou were iuntantly Itillerl, one fatally n jarcd, throe oi,b'.-ns jiovitcIy injurnl an ! a HUDibcr cut and bruised by il>iny !.r i and rook. Br. Fowlcr'ti Kstraet of Wild S'r;".v- Vborry curiai DiarrlmuL, Dv^entory, <' CrampH, Cholera, Cholern lufmitu'iu Cholera Morbun and nil ( uniriinr m . plaintii and llu:uM<of iho buweln iu (diildii-- : or adult h. .That cl'-ivM*bu:rurv raconteur, "Or^.-'i,' ! who in private life b Hobt-rt lir111 os. h joined the writ.MH who arc llo-diin^ in -.n numborf) the The IjhiIiok' iloni- .f-nirn- '. '*Di'O0b" cotiiuien<:s in thu Ue'i'-iidf ifiauo of tiuii mn.^aziiH) a Hurio-t of "Dio-li1 Literary T.'dkn," wliioh will hJro'.ii't i o n rofinlar editoroil fea'.uro of i.he .I'-ur:: > Mr. Jiridtfou will liim bin worl; more uif-'t- 'ly at iliil-*, and priiiip .-ibou'. book.i rath- r tban rfviev/ Mu-m. They will bu in >!ior: "literary Ulkn." ' You may nub cIu'hp food nnd ii'>: yei-iously hurt by it; , but. you cannot tu];. Cheap inedicine!! wit.hout pmdbiv.i injurv .If yon una any 'Uilmtitute for Aycr'n Siir^n printla, you du i.o at thu peril nl your hoalth, perhanH of your lit--. Innmt on huving Ayer'ti, and no ollfcr. ' The Traniivaal Giivitrniucnt have do. oiclod to ebiim 1,000,000 Hturlii g indom- nitytrora the British Konth Africa Com-: pany, to cover tho mumtgo uuttainod by, tho Jiimienon mid. CORN FEEDING. Hour U> Multn Ihti Mont iint of VorU, *>ef, - nintloii uii'l Itiilry. Tlmrn iH in thin ummtry mi imnituiHn corn rropT!fn?PytiiIrT^*'MTinJr~,fchh Jur^nr purl; will Ud fed and nob! in Hueondiivy product!! pnvk, hnci', nuitlnii, poultry and thu pnuluetn nt' tlxi dairy. All uf llicsii for uyouv or morn tn eumo nan be Hupplird by thin enuutry cheapor timu by any other and mainly heo;un;n our (' urn crop bi so bountiful. To niiiko the liin.d, (<f corn, mu uh tn produce nil it:i .^ coiKhuy jmnlnrtH most ehmiply, i'i therefore: nmulturor national eiuieorn. 'J'hanks to the iiinvi'iisln/; intf lli^eime of funni'is, -wiiHtol'ul niot.hodH am now nnndi les^ common tlinu Uiey wi-re. lb it th'-ro are t'l-ynm in foedinj.; rA ill Inlrrulcd limb ip'eutly lessen the Value of tho corn crop.. In (ho llrnt place corn in not. itself a complete rutinn. It i;i cnncontiatcd Rtareli with too littln uf Iho nitrn^riuuiH or tie;di and luiiHchi 1'nriniu^* nvitril ion, Fei'dinfj; itwith cornfllulkH make:i it. Ichu conoentiJileil, but rlnuH not inueli clian^n the eliaruclcr of the rutinn. Tlio meal Hhouhl uKvivyn he fed with bran, wheat middlingsnreither llaxneed meal or ool- ton.vred nieul. The Htalks ou^lit nlwny.'i to be fed witli clover hay whenever thai turn bo procured; and if only meadow 1 lay or til raw can be had I hero Hhouhl be an nxtrn amount of wheat bran'to M" With it, mistake in corn feeding is to use it largely for yhunj* ^rnwin:; Ntuok of any kind. Corn is lath-nine; and duos not 1'uriUHh in HiiHicieiit rpiantity thi! nutrition needed for ju-nwth. Jt is also a mueli nuire difficult food todi^'Ht tlinu nre ^raiim wlueh am oily, like (bix- Keetl, which in, however, ho much more nutritious that; it can only b< j^iveii in very wmall rutioiiH with Hafety. Milk ;:owh may bo fed noino eornmcal, mixed with bran and cut hay, so Inn^' as it; lines not. fatten iheni. If this" tendency ih (tbseived, lesson the cnrnmcal ration ut. once. The eornnu-al will probably only be needed while the cow ih oh sue- cuh'iit and notr-v^ry nutritiou.H feed. Hnnio _prain can uHnally be fed with prnTTt tocowH kept oncoriLfiila^u^iivinK the winter. Corn with oats, ground to gether and fed with moistened hay, in a better feed for working horHeH than is cither grain nlone. ]Ox)ierience lias .been nguinst fca'ding mucli corn to poultry. If given at all, it Kluitild only be in cold weather ami mixed with enough nut straw tn give the fowls exercise in finding it. Then; is nothing better to feed with corn than Home, kind of roots, concludes American Cultivator, authority for the foregoing. Turnips aro nnt so popular here ns tljey am in tho moist climate of Kngland, buti eiirmts, beets, ]iarsni]is and mangel wuvzel can and .should lie grown by every Htuokkeopnl* to feed to anhnalH in winter, S-lirt-dded Corn I'oddcr, "After having heiui cut. and shocked in tlei liidd the o.irn should stand in the shn'-kMint il it i:i as dry as it' intended for hulking. Jt may be ricj-;ed out of doms, and, if tho stalks am not tlioj- oughly dry, this is probably t.hi- safer plan. Wo have never piled ir mueh deeper than three feet in au H by !S foot corner ta the barn Hour, and it heated a little in a pile of (his size, although there was no mold or oilier damage. 11 ricked ourside, it Hhouhl be covered so a.-i to proteet it from tho rain ami wea'ihfi'." Thus writes a contributor to Tlei .I'e.nje'rs' Ueview. lie mhis: "Tho way that, suits us be;-,t is t'o cut the ci irn when thoroughly matured, Hheckitaiid husk it when dry. The sial 1:h ain then stacked and shredd -:ifrom t iiiin to t in;e t ji rough 1 he \y iut;-r, liy 1(i:i ving t ho ,stalk:s wliolo unl i! \ inie for leeding their aroma is bettej- ]ire- ^(.'rvi'ti, and the shredded fodder is then mure palatable, \Vn ie-e shredded todder mixed \,ith dried brewers' grains, and siramed for the heroes and euiis which are running cot, along wilh one i'eed uj; liay a nay. l!y n--iug tdiredderl fodder I bir catdle once a nay v,*e navol one fer-d j ol h:iy, and i fumui liiat it did not de j crea.-e the milk How. The lop and hoi- . toin of :i e.eiis v,*e ce.I tor heofling, and' it laal.-'-s i io'-i i-xerdli-iif. man-rial for; that purjio^-." j 0:vrrii(iieut Cl'dji 3ti'l>iM"t-i. I Tho 1'i.turiH m i lie, stat ist i--ian of ;be ! agrieiih ural dt par; men I' for October make the j^-inr-l ei.jiditioii ot eurn hi*.5 per cent aguiii.-i. ' uh,:v, The' win-Hi. crop is geaerally siioi'i in ouan- i Lit v and poor in mialiiy. A decrease in ' Oat'H 1M ab.o hot 1',, bnt not. to so: great au e.-.leiu. Tho world's i-ugar crop fi -r 1 S 'J o' - (i is' placed at !', mi',1, ;:,\\ tons ngnln.-t. H/jijs.,- I lib 1 Ions last year. In I his o.-a imaie tiie ; heel, hiigar pnidu< ing cnuntries, e;telitd- ing l lie I Jaileo Stui^, ii.rn is a -I, :j;in, HM) tons against l,(^^.,.'l)0 in lf:U l-o. The j woi'hi's visible HiippJy is es;iu;al"d to i h" 1,:j:M ,:U)(i tons against !,.">< Hi, .nil tons | lad. year. Kid urns for col ton show a; di-cl,: e of jj.a in ints from i-ieniembt-r condition, being (i.7 for October. i J(i tlm Yr^-^tiibm ('iiriloit. Jdov.-iug before ^\'iutel' i.s a help; whi re early garden hi it ft' in grown, j Wlieie drainage in debiient jiut in tile i drains, | A good way to more c.ahhago is to i opi u trenehe.-; and set the heads in j litem, closely iogelher ujiou their roots, I tillii;g in a lii.tlc soil. Then caver with an inserted trcjugh made of two boards, and this, lat( r on, wi;h lilleror manuve. Soft beads thus set out will groWliard during winter. This stumps may ho planted out in spring and will produce a crop of good greens. Celery may bo stored in the Haute manner fur Hpring use. A coat of old compost for next, yeav'n service may be put on the aspantguH hod nt any tiiwv. ' ALFALFA in new jersey. Uh Vitality ami Vlgormm Growth Under Ailvir<i ClroutnHtiMMmH. A Now ,'birnoy farmer, writing from Bergen comity to'Country Gontloman, writea concerning tlio tenuoity of alfalfa when it koIh firmly rooted und Itu ^rowtji under unfavonililo nivomuHtmicco, Fol lowing aro oxtracbt from bin lotturt____ Six yearn ago I needed a patch of 3^ uuroH and Htnoo then have out lumually remarkiLbln nropH. I nownd tt in drillw, ho uh to cultivate it, and killod tho wuudB with a bund oultivafor. It makoH a sleudor, uiirighl; growth, affording little or no dhade, and tlm wecdw !mv<i a fmnd chance. The nidi was full of little HtonuH, which interfered wilh tlm nnlti- valor, and wo hoed tho plant and Ice]'- the weeds down, in a liieuHi'irn, The second year wo put in another drill be tween the old drill:! and let the crop ink'i earn of: itself, The weeils were. pretty well mibduod, but then timothy and redmp eaiao in. , J.'Vn* two or three years the alfalfa Was the principal crop, hut now il in set in iwmrpot; of grasses. The first crop this year wan part al falfa and part timothy and redtop, cut ting fully fieven tons, Tlio Hccoad (imp, as well as the third, was pure alfalfa, and we cut, fully 1U Ions, all told, from tho^'.i acres. We hail uHpringiirmight, and what impressed me was tho unin terrupted growth the alfalfa made with out, any apparent concern for the dry Weather. Winn the grass had reached above two inches in growth, the leaves Heemcd to die down to tho roots, but the alfalfa kepi; right on growing, riubsn- quent rains started tho grass, and our lirst; cutting was a grand mixed crop. I do not expect wo .shall he able to subdue the grasu, but I see no reason why we may not cut; large erop-i of hay from this patch for three or four years lo coino. The grans may run out J. wish it would on a big yield of pure alfalfa for years to conic by the use of manure in top dress ing. In my judgment, the land was too rich and too full of seeds of both weeds and grass for the best results with this special crop. It does not require rich soil to make a .start, and u thin, .sandy loam, in which weeds will not riot, is the best, for tho purpose. Willi my poor success in keeping tho weeds and grasses in .check, this plat, has produced three tiineH the burden of fodder borne by any other plat of similar size on tho farm. Fanu- its nhould experiment wit li it; and learn how to grow it.. According to my ex perience and observation, there is no fodder crop that will eomparo with it for profitable yield. C'oinixmtInj; Manure* Tlio question whether it pays to compost, manure rather than to haul it as fast; as mado directly upon tlio. hold where it' is to be used must always de pend on circumstances. American Cul tivator expresses the following views on .tho subject:' On the farm it, is counted good prac tice to haul nut tho munuro us top dress ing for clover grass or for grain that is to be seeded with clover in the spring. There is lift lota' nothing ol value washed away frnni manure on land Heeded with grass or clover. Tlio roobi take it, up whenever the grass or clover is growing, ! and by being drawn out early the rains carry ir. down and mix it more thor oughly with the soil. When warm weather comes, tho manure ferments, warming the soil and developing am monia. Hut. t hi; market gardener almost invariably composts manure before uh-I ing it. Tho gardener has only naked soil I on which to applyimfermeiited manure. | When heavy rains'come, sunn; of this' manure will be leached away and lost. | Scattered in the. soil, tho manure dues I not, begin tn ferment until too lab' in j tho season lo do mueh good to garden ' crops. Jn fact, if it only begins to for- ; menf in midsummer, the coarso manure j may only dry the soil and do harm rather than good. j Wherever farmers want to give an early start in vegetation . they should! compost the manure. It can be rotted down long before the weather is warm enough fur anything to grow, and then he applied in time for spring rains to wash the manure into tlio soil. For grain crops that are seeded with clover composted manure will pay if applied laic in wilder. The composted.manure, can he spread -so mueh nmroeveiily that its smalh-r hulk will cover a larger sur face and do more good than the same manure as if is drawn from the stable , and unfei'nienti d. j I-.^_\ j)l iaii I.eiil.ll. , Seeds of this plant, received from the i depiiri iii'-nt of agi'ieulLui'e at Washington ! wen- sown May ^xi at the Khode Island ! station grounds on Well prepared sandy loam land, both broadcast and in drill.-:. , The : ei (1 is bmwii in color and less than' tlm size of half a small pea, which it i somewhat resi-mbhs in shape, When I the plants wore mature, liny were but, six to eight inches in bright, and of sh'iider growth, each small seed in a separate pud. apparently ot little .nine compared wilh Canada peas as a fodder or grain crop. llanlia/ard Joltings. Tender varieties of grapevine-i should In' laid down upon the ground and lightly covered for winter protect ion. Tlm onion crop, especially in iho oast, j t lighter than last season, and prices are likely lo he higher. See that the tiuiulhy Hcod that gnen in witli the wheat, is abundant and free from v.'ce.l st edtf and that it falls upon mellow ground. Clover is only half hardy, and its latest growih in fall is very quickly nipped by fret/zing weather. A ton of wtdl cared corn fodder has nearly as great a feeding Value as a ton of average hay. Don't Wnsle it All frames containing plants to lie wintered over should haviie.ariiful atten tion in the way of airing in mild weather and covering in cold weather. . At the Massachusetts Htatiou tho vari ous kindy of bonfuutml Hhowod no ofl-Scn- tiul (Hi&iruuoQ in roaultK.- AFREE CURE -li'OK Tho JlriLliih Modioul Imitituto, of Do- troit, Mioh., him, itftor many yearn of patient hwontiuatinij, diiicoyurod a if oat. moot by which outarvli, oatarrlud-doal!- noiiH, aiitlima, hronolutlie and ooniiuinption in itu llrnt or tiocond ntii|jo,oau bo radically and permanently cured, Ko well xatififb d at thu Timtifuto that, itu cure in a upeciiio, thut ic will, fur a lim ited time, aoiid a full coui'iio of itu medi- oineu, miliioieut to latit for throo montlui, absolutely fn-e to all iipphcantii. Addremt: Hitirisu Mi-ijicat. IjmthUtc, f.ll Wiuthingloii Ave,, Detroit, .Mich' Indian ThiuikMKivmu!- It in but%fitting thut in the evolution of thin truly nutional holidny the origioul o:a:nptei'u of the nod idionld hav.i their purt. ' ft was about this titan . each year that tho American Indian wau wont to build great .fires in the wondn and roast thu (le.-di of tlm deer and bear and boil the !:orn and mew the pumpkin and make tho welkin ring with the noise ol bin feasting, Hinging 'and dancing, beforo tlio long wiiitio' closed down. Truth Slran^e.r 'U'lnin Kl<*.tioii. I)k*nit<1t'<l 1'iu-iilyniM <V>miii<-rt:(l. A I-ikIv MvIiik lciUclirt^"!- sirleicen Willi a Niroku <>l iNit-iHyulN and lX<n- lOWo Miivim! by IrVrry OuvU' ltl*aln Xtllor." A well known lady Hying in the quint little villag'i uf McGregor, l-^sux (lou.ity. wau striolton down by a paralytin htroiui Homo tunc ago, and but for the timely ap plication of furry- Davi.i' Pain Killm- a:;riiji]ii rcfiulta might have followed. The propnotoi-H of this well Known n.-nieily h.ivo received a letter from thin lady'n hiiHbatid putting forth the true facts of tin- q, and fur t.ho buneht of our reader*-, many uf whoiu are no doubt acquainted with tluj luly, we reproduce thu facta uh H'.atod : .McGregor, Ont'., October 3Uh, lM%. "Having recuived grunt benefit and posi tive results from tho unii of your ].err> Davis' 1'aiti Killer, I wish to Hay that dur ing hiHt winter my wife was Hiitforing iu- teuRu pain from a paralytic stroko in her nidit, and but for tho timely application of ihiu reimuly ut tho most critical htago of her illnoiiH hIio would leivo lost her life, aud I may also way that thin statement Wan onrlorHcd at thu time by tbu doctor ai tonding her. I cannot nay too much for P,-ny Davis "1'iiin Killer," and would not. bJ without a bottle in the house," Johki'U Lccn:n. llimdrodn of unsolicited toKtituomaU Yixch tho proprietors of thin grtiat rnudi- oinc woekly. endorsing tho wonderful effcei. it hail on pain of every description. No ono nhould be without a bottle at hand ai all lune-3. Dim care niiiht be ej<oreined whou buying this anrJiciuo to tiee that tbe gomune iH setaired, us uiiHurupulouB deal ars ou'Joavor to Hubstitute worthldtH imita tiouH, Aak for Terry Ditvis', the only gen- uiou. A Oily ol Family lleunion^. It in customary for the forenoon oi Thanksgiving Day. to bo observed in c ruligiuiiH way. Ghurchi.-a h'dd aac viced during this time, and tbo o^cimion for thanliHgiviug in dwell upon wilh a grateful spirit. Tho redt of the day is given t<> rational iinu.ii:tnent!i and to fuustnig. All lubsunt iiicnib^rn of tlio family are invited to tho dinner and it is liiadu a tiniu of tainily riiiniioii. 01.1 time a quart or-a-box " Turgors" aro quit' i 015 the hub I in v.'holu batLalio!^. Dr. AgnewV- favor fail.- at 10 cm a vhd arv driving t hem out at ah poioln, ht:- C;iUrie they act guutlj, men: eiiuctivi-ly, ncvui- pain, mnl ure cu-.y tfo t;d;o. Sick h'-'uduch;: succumh.-i to one dos-. Ohr.Hiic C.Jlj.Uipahon din;,e,Id wilh o:ie veil, nnd SLo.ii.^eli uisorderi nl yeiu's M'.i1 o>1 mg tilita)liit-d>- cttia-d. 1(1 ib^i.M, 10c, nt all druugtMs. Held by .1. Tlr>rn.-. " Dllr.inens i:l liUnlMe;-!i" It t! vi iciilly ; ptiacip.-'l 'ho i'..dlt:vill.; Sun utaur lti!:L-r, Higbtof. Il reruarl'.s : -'With wln.ut b.-.L- bing upar'Hiiid si) cents in Ihdk vdK: mtir- kut, wu b> g t.o rciuitrk to ih'j s'uuly y.o- uuui ot l'ruio..: Kilv;ard distrias that 'now in the time U> .-Mdr-.'ribe'." DiARRHG-A ^S'-'^: Dysentery OolicCkaKi'S Ci-:ole;?a Infamtum if; i(v ei;'.: .>.\\r.d oil .-^/vi m %i Smss^f-::.....;S-"^.mW^:::;-v'^ Jas. MoMurray , IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR 7fBinders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills. Best Plows lx\ ll'\e Market. ( ' L rslrClass Kami WtMiorxa. F'armer^ ShnM See My Stock Before Purchasing ---------ALSO DKAJjKK JN Qiarra,,f^y-,f3 St-o^os^ ^wwaKep General TiiiHinithing aiul llepairing iittended to. \VS* North of Railway Track, - - Essex. 1m wbitt vf.ii cuirely no jiettitig',vhr-n yoti buy fr-.m ns. Our waj,un gocn 'to all jmrtH of tie: town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You fifint iind nicer, freiiher, oraweot- t;r iii rhe eoutitry, All kimlh of Fancy CukciH and .Jolly Itollu. Fresli Taffy and Gandie i-vrry day. <\r\-: Wij nell nothing httde or Leave Yoisr Ofdes1 anil you can rely on prompt de livery. FHAHK RSSS. Oinioiiito 'docli tt Knuicifi, Khhox \T A TiTtinTHrti I1HK1IIT JIKN vie-iieiii for I'liiotdu mid Aiirftralin. "lluetm Vituorin, Kit l.fii mnl Hoi;n " lnti-oiliu:t.ioii hv Ijonl leiit'eiin A tdtillin;: now book, Saluii in 11 vullifiii. '1 hi- (jiiciili iifi (url, wifts, tiioDio.i, Nioniiroh. Ib'iiilti Jikt; eiiiianco. ttru.i.dly iUus- tni.t-d. Ili coio;ni-i-.t(iii. Ho lrn on liitio 1'ro.-:- imetiiH fnin to canvatihiirii. J'Jicliniivn territory. boL^i of .imui-y in il Tin-', llli.MU.r.v-li.Mimyr.-to;.' Co , Tj'Eh., Hi Knhinio'id St, Wi'Ht, Toronto, Out "Who c:... "Mi ()f Bllti, tMllKloimi.i'iil.i' I'ruleet. jinir Mcnp; llirv may Ivrln^ you ivt-nlth Win.- John v\r.nm;i'iiUuN ,t en., puu-nt Attor i.t'.vrt. \Vii.'iliIiii;i(iii, i) i'., i'nr tlielr Jjj 1.^*1 itIku ulTor out llht uf two htiliUrud lavemiiiiiit wuntml ESSEX l IleadrpiarcorH tor School Booka, School Mnppliou, Notii I'aper.Envelopoii, Inka, Writing Tablcta and oftico Stationury, o. J5L. sascssaacEr DIBrKMHTNG AND FAMILY DIUICJGIBT. SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilson Ave, next Abordnrm Ttotel. The latent improved macliinory for turning Coilarn mni Cuffn. Will not crack or break tno wiuu. Family work cheap. 1'arceJn called foe and delivered. Ph;n.40 call and try. If not mitiafuctory' no clnir^u will bo matio, f our work auitQ you. rtconimoml ua to your friendti. : :ryi:? so year ^rjAR'TtiTEED OR NO PAYjft ....."il R0iRrou A CASEW!?1 Jd?.Z^ CANNOT CVl\V, Oi- H i .* . IS, VAUICO- JJ Cf.-i.K, COICIiALEO DRAE.N5, STR3CT- rr.>- (iL^ET, SWIUUS, STUNTED T-. f .'vrc. 3 r*c't 5*r WAN::00.0, EMi::DT'5N.-'l CVa NERVOUS K/,s liNNAT- i , ^9 PCI OUaiWG THSE DiiSEASES .it.i'I nl'Ub .re t .m.-.t-i:rrt.-.% :^, \mjY.louu dwhask.'*. irf '. .. it- leor.'Vut 'Lao .'.-t.iiMiy, i.;i"i:kfi ijuL'en- llie .-vm \'.Tltli litirli. [ jj :ns ai'.d f, .1 !*'. .'.\v[ : siml'.-'ii, lo>!Ui .' I'ln"1!.--, I'i'ru'.vi.n'ii :..- me! - Ivm : l--r! 11, I Ir *d Jnrire- jai:a and pruaij.- jrj <\Jc, .j.-ro I ii n.:it el j, ", f > , M '. i '.f SZMiNA L WBA !<N \i....., i . ii.: !g^'-' i;i:;'iinaii):vv:'M,',;;r en.i.e eUu .-."' ; ni.. |-e :,, .:i;.i: ..: \ ..u. nnejvr > in C't- ! vlll-'ul .! ii'."M'"" \ ) '.J. j,(. i\.i.: H-'rvDiIH- i' t'.- ' I.ill l.l.d isr, i,'id ;;l" ni' ( .-*ie.-'.i l 'tr.'.Ui i 3 y' 4 '" ' -ti ii ' > ,-'l-, ' , i ,' ,!. \, J-\ e..:,V/l. .it t.".'.i ft: and oil. 1 is ; l.e leu :i'l.i*>l 1 :i ' , ,ul'. 'M i. l'i.ri I : .]iiie-l:.i 1....U La.i:..:i duUa'tii. j:. >< J;:.: , iVv-^-'ir'N ^ . /:. ^ P:^-:'^^ M VOUNCl OR .yi:;.;nF..h'-AiU3l.) fllAN ny Ufu, or tiidiil[o<i tnl tho fo>M.ii i|it| of youth, Hf'U-nlniuo ot* lalia* osce.'irtOH lia ve hr'l!;en Uovm. your nyiitora. You feetl Un j;j( H,viii|i!i'iin uteainu? over yim. Mi'tatiilly, ohvuU-aUy and iiosuaUy you aro net tliu inai ;>3 yw ioumI to ij.ior idiOitJd 1k, I.iuittui iJi'actlirejj reap rii'li U;irvi)fll;i. Will ytnt lieoil the' $~ rtllllf^C lllflllillii. i ^ WKftflEIQ ! Ar^ynn avt'-'.tlm? Havo you l^it linpi? Aroyoucoiitomplfitln;:marrlii,'joi'| \?i SltCJlU^II 1 iheiynin-nlond lietm i] iM-;i.'i"il? Hiivo you any wraluit'UHj1 Our NOw'MnU'iOit \,x '.rrnatnimit v.-til eiire you. Wliat it Itus <luno forotiiujn t'. will dot.-r yrai. Cmuiuttutlou] \l I'rcc. No iiia'Ue:' wlio has imiicd ymi, write fur an honmit opinttiji I'reoof (iljarRti. j tlliai.*KCa reii'ioiialite, tJtmKa 1-fCJ - "Tlio Onlden Monitor"' ([Huntratixt), on Ditaamou of *Q Mun. Iniuoj.e portta;:". 'J. umitn. (lealed, Itnol: on "Ulnoaooi ot W'onion" Vrort. IW-N0 NftKHS U3EQ WITHOUT WIRlITCfJ CONSENT. .PttlVflTE. Nn moillclnbncnt R.ODi No nnmoi: on luxes or envelopes. Evcrytli mj conlidontlal. Quasilon list nnj coot ol ircut- I No. 148 SHELBY ST. I; DETROIT, MICH. VIM iKlLKi-t'" : w, ..::,*, v--^,.;V.-i>>4;^;Vir-:'uv-'r-^' . . Irk dJSf.w.v'ufikntt Jw^Mi wViy (^liftfcBSW^'tJ^ Wwi^W.lV.'CJti ^IaWK^lM^m^f^MmSSmOBStSmMKBBBtBBBBm^