Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 20, 1896, page 3

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-& V.I it' >>> Township of Colchester North -o- BY-LAW No. 339- A. BY.TjA.W to provido (or dmmiifid work in tho Towinihip of Goluhontor North m tho County oE Euaox ami for borrowing on tho oroflit of tho Munici pality tho Hum of 8852.00 for oomplnt- inn tho iiamo. Provisionally adopted tho 21ut day of Oot, A. 1>. IHIW, Wmimun. notion In writing ban boon nerved by MoRaru, JaiiKiri tl ovarii aiidTlioraaii Konnmly upon tho Municipal Council of tho Townuhip of OalohunUv North, notlfvltic* thorn that If thnv Aid not lmprovo tho dnihin on tho Haudwloh Houth Town) Inn and lith onnooiiiilon.whlah woro overllnwlllgthoir hindn and damaging thom tliut thoy would brine un aotlou for damitgon agalunt tli urn, ANDWmcuiUii.thoroupou uald oouwdl ban pro- on rod tin (Humiliation to homado by J B Laird, O. Ij, H., being a portion competent formtoh pur- l>onu,of tho aron proponed to bo drninod.aud the meant) imggoitUd for tho drainage thereof, and of otbor landn and rondii liable to nwiniiiimmit iindoi thin not, and ban alno procured plunn, Hpenifloatlonn and otdimutnn of tho drainage work to bo made by nald JL. 8 Lahd.O.L H., and an iiuiiiiiiumnt to bo inmlo by him of tho Iambi aud voudii to bo bonoflttod by nuoh draluiuo "Work atid of other landn and roadn li ablo for contribution thereto, iitathig, an near ly an ho can, tho proportion or bnnoiit, outlot liability and injuring Ifahilltv, which in lihi opinion, will ho derived or inourrod In omnia quotido of iniob drainage work, by ovory road and lot,or portion of lot, tho nald luuiomunnut no mado being tho awwfwniQiit liorolnaftor bv thin by-law euuntod to bo anunmiod and lovlod 1 upon tho roadn and loin or partn of lotn, horohiaftor lu that bohalf oupucially not Jorth and donorlbod, and tho report of tho nuld J, B. Laird, O.L.B., tu ronpoct thoroof and of tho Bald drainaga work boing an folMwn: To tho Iloovo and Municipal Councillors of thn Towwdilp of Colohontor North, in council aimomblcd: Guntlmmkh In nccordari.ou with Inntructionn from your honorable body.aotlni! mnlor'a notice from .Tnmoa Gerard for tbo Sandwich Houth Townlino, and Thamiui Koimody for tlio 11th 0011, road, thuya examined both ditch on ami hoc. to report thnrnon lift follown: I found tbo tiltob oil tbo Haudwlcb Houth Tnwnlluo uttorly unlit for tho drainage of tho laud in tlio homed- lato vicinity and I alno found tbo ditch on tlio Bald 1 lth oonoofiston road In an bad a nhapn. An both dltoboH ara in tho namo luoality and both In ado for tho drainage of tbo namo land, I would rocommonl that tbo dltoh on tho nouth Bldooftbo Sandwich Houth Townlino from tbo lino botwoon lotn 0 and 10, wont to tho Edgnr uldoroad, bo improvtnl in aooordanoo. with tho annexed profile mid Rpociiloatlonn. Alno that tbo dltob on tbo oant uldo of tho Kdflar nidoroad he clnanod out and improved in accordance "with tlio annexed proillo and npocilloatiouii, lrom tbo mild townlino noutb to tbo nald nth cohoohhIou road, mid that alno tho ditch on tbo north aide of thn nald lith ooiioohhIoii road from tho Wilton Tap Drain, wont 4tI0 rodu bo olnunitd out and hnproviid hi accordance with tint an- ntixnil p otlln anil ii|ii>oill'Mitlfiiin. I dud tliut it will (iout t^H-TJ, all oxintiinim iiii:ludf,d, to nut tlm uiild tbroo ]diH'(in of diicboii In liood worldn^ oidor. Of thin amount I have fuxod tlio Town- idiin of Colobimtor North for bouotH to roadn with fSiSlli.f.O, and tbo rnnialnlu^ fCO (-0 X havo auNUiiiiod ii|(a.innt. tbo lotn and partn of lotn that will in any way 1m affontod by tbo <doanbi({ out and Improving nafd diLcboii. Aoaonipanybu; you will ibid plumi, proftbui, iipooUloatiouu, ontt- miLtoii, iLiiiiomnnotitn Hint all otiior papnrn docchi- nnrv for ipildauco hi tho ooiinlruotloii of nald drahiii, TluiHo dltohofi nhnll bo kept In ropah- by n, tax on tint liuidu and roadn now aidioiiiHid exooot the chiiiiund iiyulom of dralnauo iihould make it nooainiary to alter thn ainmniimout. Ibayo tbo honor to bn, ({"ntlomnii, Your obndiont uorvant, JAMM8B LAIItU, OIjH, Khuox, Ootolior lith, Ib'.m. Ain WiiKiuiAn, tho uiddcounoil In of onlnlon that tho draina((o of tbo aroan dtnioribod in do- ulrablo. Thoroforo, tbo nald municipal council of tlm nald Townuhlp of Colcdiontor North, puruuant to tbo provliiloiin of tbo Pmiiuifjo Act, lti'll. oitactii an follown: lilt. Tbo nlid rnport, pliLiui, npaollloiitiomi. an- nonnuiontn and ontlmatoii uro hereby adopted and tbo dralnajEi) work an thiiroin liHlIflatml and not forth nhall bo nuulo and oonntruotod In ac cordance thnrowltb. , Und. Tho Itoovo of tbo nald townnbip may borrow on tlio credit of tbo corporation of tho nald Towniihln of folobontfir North, tho Hum or ^HIS.oo, bolnii thn amount of fundn nocoiuiarv for tho work, and may buno dobontnron of tbo cori)oratiou to that amount in iiuinii of not lonn than j?3(1 each, and payable within tun yoarn from tho date thereof, with Intoront at tbo rato.of IWo pur contiim per aiiuvnli, that lit to nay in tmi onual inntalmentti, nucli dohon- turoFi to bo piiyiiblo at tlio branch of tlio Impm- ial Dank at tlio Town of tffttjnx and to have at tacbod to thorn ooupoim for tbo payuiont of in toront, !Jrd. Tor jmyiiifj tho nam of S llJj tiO.tbo amount charged a(*niiint tlu fluid liuidu and rondn for bonoHt, and tlio num of .^>220. tho amount obarffod a(;nimtt the naid 1 audit and rondn for outlot liability, apart from tho landN and roadn beloiiRinR to or controlled by tbo munioipaliti, and for oovorinRlnturofit tboroon for ton yoarn at tho rato of nvo por con turn \>ov annum; tbo total npeclal rate over and ahovo a)l otiior raton, uball bo an 110fined, lovlod and colluotod (in tho name raauuor and at the iin.rao tlmo 1111 otiior taxon aro loviod and collootod), upon and from tho uudorraentinned lotn and partn of lotn, and roadn, ami the amount of tbo uald total iipochil raton and Intoront uliall bo dlvldul into ton oqnal partn and 0110 imoh partflball boatiiionHoil, loviod and collootod an aforonaid in oaoli yoar for ton yoarn aftnr tho final pamiinf: of thin b>- law, durmc whloli tbo naitl doboaturnn liavo to run. Hohodulo of lotn and purtfi of lotfi and roadn in tho tfowunhip of Colchontoir "North truotion of tho rinnthvioli Sooth ToWnhno, jjjd^ar Sido Koad and afjHOHHod for tho conHtruotion Xdbh Goncounion Road Ditohon. O 8 o ^1 K U iJ 14th 33th 12 o hf 11 w hf 11 ohf 10 w hf 10 n qr'J ahf uhfO nhf Hhf 9 h qr 9 o hf u hf 10 w hf u hf 10 b hf 10 i) hf H ohf 9 nl/8 8 m pt n hf 8 11 qr n hf 8 n hf u hf 8 n hf nqr 8 a 1/8 8 pt 0 hf 8 (L) l-i O < 100 50 50 5t 50 25 25 25 25 1O0 100 50 50 100 100 100 25 50 25 50 25 25 1 U3 a O o > 15 00 U3 <U -*J *J O aJ IP j a] 50 50 35 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 30 00 30 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 7 7 (15 45 00 -if. 25 00 25 12 50 22 50 15 00 35 00 15 00 00 12 00 5 00 10 00 5 on 5 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 00 75 00 55 00 35 00 H5 00 55 00 90 00 50 00 12 50 22 50 15 00 35 00 15 00 0 00 12 00 5 00 10 00 00 00 50 6nroado, U:i 50 218 50 220 00 033 50 218 50 4 50 2 25 2 25 11) 50 22 50 1(5 50 10 50 10 50 1G 50 27 00 15 00 8 75 {> 75 I 50 10 50 4 50 1 80 3 (iO 1 50 3 00 1 50 1 50 15 190 05 (J5 55 erf M r i 'v Q> Dj UJ "3 o H 19 50 9 75 9 75 81 50 97 50 71 50 45 50 15 50 71 50 117 00 05 00 10 25 29 25 19 50 45 50 19 GO 7 80 15 GO 50 lH 00 ti 50 0 50 05 8 2:i 55 281 05 S d u>tM L, <u _ oi lis a a 1 95 97 97 8 11 9 75 7 15 4 55 d 55 7 15 11 70 50 1 02 2 02 1 95 4 55 1 95 7H 1 D(i 05 1 30 05 05 0 82 85 28 10 Total on landu and roadn.. 9032 00 220 00 852 00 255 (10 1107 GO 110 70 itb, For payinrj tho nam ot821U SO,tho amount (uinciiiKHl liRulnut tbo enid roiuln und laudfi of tbo municipality, and for cDvoruiR intoront tboroon for ton yourn at tbo rato of llvo por centum per annum, a npocial rate on tho dollar, Bumoiout to produoo tho roquirod yoarly amount thoro- for, ahull, ovor and above all otbor raton, bo lovlod and collootod (in tho namo maimer and at tho name tlmo au taxou aro luviod aud collect ed), upon and from tbo whole ratablo property In said Townuhip of Colobontor North, in ouch year for tou yoaru after tho llnal panning of thin by-law, durinn which tho aaid dobouturon bn/vo to run, Gtb. That J anion 8. Laird, together'with tho council ore boroby anpointod coramlpnlonorn to lot tho contract for improving imiddiainnand worknoonuoctod tborov.dtb, by tondor (not os- ocodinB ontimato), but uvury ouch contractor, with two nood aud natinfactory nurotioti, nhall ho roquirod forthwith to ontor into bondn for duo porformanco and complotiDn of tbo contrnot,ac cording to naid plann aud npooifioatioun within tbo tlmo montionod within iiuob bond unldiin othorwiRo orderod by tbo council; and it BUull bo tho duty of nuclicomminniononi to annuo Bald drain and workn connootod thorowith, to . bo made and conutruotod in aooordanoo with Btioh planrt and npocillcationu.not lutor than tbo (unlOHfi othorwiuo or dorod by the council) and to m-aut cer- tiflcaton to tho Koovo from tlmo to timo, to oaoh contractor, lonn 25 nurcont. of the amount due, until tbo oontract In fully completed and duly aoooptod, and for tho duo porformiinou of iliono aud id! othor dullori of LOtuminnioner tbe uald oomminnlonorn nhall bo ontitlod to rooolvo a oommlnnloil of throe per cont. on tho actual coat of tbo work. 6th. That tho oomminnloiicr bo ruquirod forth with to ontor into bonds in tbu hum of -?B00 for tho duo complotlon of tho work accordlnn to plane and npooiiloatlonn and withiu tbo time upociflQd within each boud. 7th. Thin by-law nhall bo published once in ovory wook, for lour counocutivo wooltn, lu tho Eai)QJtl"r<u}l>ruuH1 nowopapor, publiubod in tho Town of Kiiflox and nhall come into forco upon and after tho final punning thoroof, and may be citod tho "SiuidwiQb South Townlino, Kdgur KIdoroad and lHli Cjucoiinion Iniprovouiont By-law ;J20 " J. A. COULTEK, ftl. UAKRETT, Clerk. ]{oovo. I boroby cortify that tlio foropoiiiK in a true copy of y. by law proviniouully adopted by tho inunicip 1 coiinci! or the naid Townuhip of Col- cboetor 1 li'tb, on tbo iJlet day ol Oct., A D. ltaim. J. A. COUliTMB. Glork of tbu Municipality of Oolcheutor North. NOTICE. NOTICE IR HEUKIiy GIVEN THAT A Court of Hoviiiion, hold punmnut to tbo proviulonn ol tbu Urainago Act, 1601, for tho haritiR and trial of ap[ioaln made againut tint ubovo iUiiioiiiiiiiotit.or nuj part tburo of, will hold ituilrntiittbif;h at tbo Town Hall, Colohontor North, on. Biiturdiiy, tbo Glut day of November, IFdUl, at tlio hour of tou o'clock in tbo forenoon, and that any portion intending to appeal ngaiiint the above aiifiennmout, or any part thoroof, niunt, not biter than ton dayn be fore tlio time flxod for tbo holding of unid Court, Horvo on the Clerk of thin municipality, a writ- ton notice of miuh appeal, or othorwiuo bo will bo too lato to be hoard lu that behalf, Aud furiiior notiuo in boroby given that auy portion intimdhig to lutyo micli hy-law, or any part tho) oof, quitnhud, munb, not la tor than ton dayn after tlio llnal panning thereof, tiorvo a not ice in writing upon the ltneye or otbor bead oilloer, and upon tho Clerk of tho Municipal ity of Colohontor North,of hin Intention to limko application for that purpoKu, to tho llifih Court at Toronto, during tho nix weokn next onuu inj; tbo ilnal panning of thin by-law. j. a. cour/nsn, Townuhip Glork. For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. r *: Only One Dollar 'Xo JTmiliary lut, 1809. sixteen X*aires Kach Week -------WITH------ All The News^f The World, Market Reports, Storiee, Etc. Syoollont It u ad in (^...... tot oVory morabor of tho family Wu oftM Rood iuduoomtnta to ngonTu, Por tormo, oto., addroBH Wanted. A TIT A AT*T0 SKl*Ii CANADA GKOWTII /V iVliilN - P'ruitand Orinwiontal Troon, ShrubH, Konon, Hulbii and Hulbouu Plantu.Grapo Vineii, Hmall Fruitu, Hood Potatoon, oto. Wo oataloimo only tho hardlont and mont popular varietiou thatnnooeed in the coldont climaton Now iioanon now commoucing; complete outfit Iroo.jmlary aud expounofipaid from ntart for full tlmo, or liboral aomraiimiou for purt time- Apply now, addroiiulng noaront ofiloo, aud cboloo of torritory. LUKE llUOTnEltS COMPANY, International Nurnorinn, OmoAoo, III,, or M on Tim An. Qum. ADVERTISER PRINTING CD., LONDON! ONI'. A veterinary Burgeon in Toronto norno month ,go avo a oat a oupful o[ milk takon from a cow uffootod with tuboron- onie. About a month a^o tabby bo^an to Iobo HohIi, now nho is pooviuU and hau a huoking uoiigb, wlnoh botolconn that nbo m in an advuuood ataco of oonflumptiou, Prevent nioknoiin and tiavo doctoni' billn Mt|thittBoaEOD by kooping your blood Hob, aud nutti with Hood's Barsaparilla. SINfiUnARMEAMS. * MAN WHO HAD THEM ASK8 FOR THEIR INTERPRETATION. 'Xhtmj;b Voi-y HI Ho Y^curiMid Kroin VInIoh' That lln Wfiuld JU'cnvor DroutiiH ol KtrUffuloN, und tlm Nt'Xt Diy Ifo Wiu V<ii-y Ht'i On the Neil of <Ju.lllo. Dri'imm nvn not wiilioul, fii^niflniihcn, t'Hpcoinlly to tliowu who liuvo a lii^'li nt\piu'juiHn in life. And iih thU nub j cot W oi' intorcHt to muny I will rt-lufo u finyioH of druunm in my own (ixpcrinnrc to which poHMibly Homo ono 01m nho ti cluitrt'i' intorpvotutiaii tlmn J, HnviiiK ^('t'n tulcnit very ill in winini und thiw bohitf my hcooiuI utluolc, nil my fiTundf* mirl nhnoomto iibyHirinnH unid I wuh at doiith'H door und it wiw nnl pnnniblo for mo to rocovor. It moan I but u fow bourn, or dayn at tlio mnnf. I \vnn uiH'OiiwiiouH nt tniif'H, lint tlirouj^li it nil thn idea wuh firmly rnntul in my miwl that "tboio in morn lifu for mo, ami I cannot, I will not jo." Thoro followed four dayn of complote dmlcui'H'i, and when a liltlo naturiil fllot-p mimo it wan art'ompaniod ouch ni(i|ht for llirco wcoks hya clrouni of my oncnuntor \vitb Homo viciouh aiiinial iH'ginnioK with a bull, then a hour and noit a lurjjn Jiun-tilV, Tiny order nev'i varied. When tho bull oanio toward mo, I rn.nily and tmiclcly vaulted tlio fence a't bo pinned it holow mo. lu my on counter Willi tho boar I tfrubhocl him hj the thioul, and throw him on bin back, thuH Ki'ttiii^ mifnly away. (Next morn Inj/, tlio Incopmiiirl Hupinatomof my am; woro ho Moro that thoy had to bo rub bod). Noxt tbo muHtiiT approitohed. J quickly fcruHpcrl him by tho birnyx till I could Rot hold of bifl tonjjno. Tliif grip Hooniod to nffoot tho muHoIea of juj wrlfit and hand altmo, which woro jusl an noi'd and HliiT lift fornmrly. After tho oxpiridion of tho throe WgoIch I had no (Iroiuun whatever for 1. fow niphtM. When they roturned, I bo- oitmo moro aud moro worriod, until, after tho last ono, HomotbiiiR naid tc mo: "TliiH in Rood, not ovil. Yon arc Huroly a conqueror." However, riot nmoh phynical improvement was vifli bio. In tho noxt dream I flaw n bluo auc whito light growing mto n crown, ii which tlio word "Powor" in bright let tern wan fnnlonnd. Thin Roomed to give mo hop0, alKOHtrongthandooumgo, and I felt Homowhat better." Tbroo nightfl lutor Idronmedof boing on tlio laleo of Galileo, in tho boal with Christ and bin disciples, mid Huob a pioturo aa lny boforo mo in hard to do- Boribo. Thn difioiploH seemed agitated, tho sea wuh rough, and tha boat frail yob I was cnlm. Tho dificiplod looked id mo und then at thonleeping Chrifit, bul did not Rpoalc. I wan half reclining, but why ho calm I know not. Proaontlj tho Bpokosman of tlio group aroso nnc whifipored to tho rout, and nn thoy nil got up bo touched Christ and unid, "Maiter, oareHfc thou not that wo per- iRh?" Ohrifit'fl fnoo, an ho arono {Uid re bnkod them, wora an expression of mm- glod geutlonoHH, steruuesH und pity. ] wuh thrilfod nH bo held out UiH hand, with a graceful movement and said, "Poaco, bo HtilL" Then oamo a ro- markablo calm 'a boautiful sunnct on t oa of r^laufl. I awoke fooling muoh bottor nndwitL Btrong hope. My improvement wuh very aoticeublo from this"timo" forward. Tlion camo a lull, which was followed by droauiB of a different character foi another period of three weokn. I hoard glorious- muHio by a full voiced choir, oommonoing rogularVy at mm^et and continuing until I was soothed asleep. I folt morn vigorous after this expe rience. Then, for tho noxt throo wookH, I buw only a beautiful bluo and white light, just as I foil iiHloep. As I wenl about, obliged to mingle in tho affairs of daily life, I bad nc dreamH for quito awhile, being Homo what worried by buninon8 and othoi cares, l^inally my will again asserted itsolf. Then bogan, lasting for three weeks, a Bories of wonderful texts anc Bayings, which woro given to mo by 1 voioo Bufliciontly audible to arouHo mc in tho morning. They would frequent ly ring in my ears all day. This seemed to givo me powor over myself and oth ers. Then I began to get moHsagos anr lmproHsions from frionds ut a distance. Liihtly, approaohmg my ofllco ont morning aftor lenving tho car, I seemed overwhelmed by n condition in whicl I was very happy und unconscious of mj surroundings. When I roachod the oiTloe, I folt a deairo to bo alono for 1 fow miuutos. I sat down, and my eyei closed, when I saw a bunutiful, large star, and whilo I was looking at it 1 voieosnid audibly, noven times, "Lot the light of life shine forth in you. " Next morning tho samo conditior onmo atprecisoly tho same) place, lastnif. until tho ofltoo was reached. This timt I saw a benutiful moon and luiurd < voioo speak tho words seven times, "This light of lifu, ho free, is yours.' Tho moon disappeared, as tbo star luir done, after tbo sovonth time. I felt very sleepy and dozed for about throe minutes. It would seem that in those occur rences tho regularity of tho appearance and of tho number of timcR in each oa^e is worthy of noto. Metaphysical Mnga Kino. Cliineno Way*. Tho Chincso aro said to bo very nkill- ful in tolling tho timoof day by looking into a oat's eyes. When they want tc .'know what o'olook it is, thoy will rm (lo tho nearest oat, open her eyos, and a1 onoo toll what time it is. Thin they dc by observing tbo si/,0 of tho nporture ol the pupil of tho oyo, whiob they have disooven-oel is of varying Bizo afcelifferont hours of tho day, being affected by the position of tho sun and tho cliaraotor oi light, ovon when tho day Jfl cloudy. Now York Times. Crime ami Cruelty. Orimo in nothing but cruelty, and all cruelty 10 criminal in its tendencies, Church Union. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mlii'iuoiti 1 Dr. l'mmoo, l'niii"C Horvn-c ivury ttiiud u'it 11 it. in iiinl 7 p. in. H'liiwitl 'Jobriol nl " .' i'. in, C I'.. Nnylor, hiinoiintoi i. nit of Hol.ct.l, Kpwoith litniKntipiavorinootiin, luomlay ovi'iiltiff 11LH n'altwU. ehuntrul liyiiV'r noi'thiifem 'I Imrnday nvonluj.. Ciimuni or KHfii,AHi)~llv. AJj.Ilovorly, In mimlxmt, hi. I'nulii, })\innx, DiYinoiiorvliio nvury Ibmiliiy at, 7 o'oUxik, i in Uumlity Htihool nt 10 11 m. iVluitv Chuvnli, North HMifo ~" Hun flay Hnhnol iitl.lri|. in, Tho publlu 1110 <or- djully invlLod. I'UKiinvri'.iUAN. W. M.FUitiiittfb 1'iuitor* Hor- vlooiion Habhuth at 11 u. in. and 7 .HO p. 111 Hah- hntli Heliool at y 10 p. in. l'rayor nutitbifMi-nd 1'RHtor'n bibln otniiii on Titonday ut7.U(J p in. Houial Union on Wodti'iiiduy ut H 1ft i>. ilAi'i'iiir OniTjioic. ltov.M. 1'. Uiinipbnll, l'ati- tor orvlooii oaoli Hiibbatli at 11 11. 111 and V p -.i. 1'myur mnothiif on 'J'liuriiday nvotibi0 at S o'olook. noatu froc. All aro cordially wol- uoiund. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS THECCOSCS BEST FRIEND 1 r i>c,c<;~ S* L IN CANADA. Homam (Ja'iiiomci. Fr. C K. McOno, 1'nntnr. hor/loi *ivor; otiior Huinlay nts.liop. in. Hunday School at Up. in. Maiuhioni; IlifJi iniifin uml imrinon at 10 no a, 111,, outeclilnm nt ii p. m , huptium nt '1 p. in,, vonpnni and iji in diotiou at 'i,A>. 111. O, 11, Mu- OtM^.J^lj_______________________________________ fUnvA'iroN Ahmv. dipt. Hmith and Limit, I'nyloii In o(imnuLtid. Salvation niootinufi Wod- iifiiday.Thuniiliiy und Ruinlay ovnitinniid'roii und I'",uiiy,Kuturduy ovoninn and .J p.m. Bunduy;Koll nofiii niooiliiiih for obrlntiann 1 riilay ovoiunii und 11 a.m. Holiday; Ivnoo brill 7, ovory Humliiy. All aro woluomo. LEGAL. A. WIHMKIt, liarrintur, Holioltor, Notm VJ <t I'ulibo A.o. Monoy to lonn. iilau Illook, up ntafin, 1-iKiot. OlQcnii.Dui I-lY How tho "Dippor Saved tho Farm Ffither wan nick und tbo mortgage) on tho farm wuh coming duo. I Haw in the Chrm- tiun Advocate whnro Mihh A. M. Frit/., of HtatioM A, St. Louih, Mo,, wonld send a fiatnplo combitiation dippur for 18 two cunt Htarnpi, and I ordered one I Haw tho (Up per could bo unod an a fruit jar lillor ; a plain dippe-r -, 11 fnio ntruiupr ; a funnel *, u ntrainor funnel; a sick room warmini; pan and a, pint moiumro. Thcno oiglit difforont iiHcfl ruako tho dipper Htioh a (lOcciiHary urtiolo that I wont to work with it nud it Belli at very nearly ovory houiio. And in four monthft I paid off tho mortgage. I think I oun oloar an much an $201} a month. If yon need work you can do well by givmcr thin a trial. Mmo A. iM, Frit/, Station A, St. Louih. Mo., will sond jou 0. sample for 18 two cent ntampn writo at once. John G. K. 15-13t Thts FIrHt ThanlcH^ivinir. Tho Thanksgiving proolamati*n wan originated by FrunoiH Bornard, oaptam f^onoral and orovornor in ohiof in and oyor hio majoBty'n provinco of iho MaHWiobu- Hotta Bay. It was iHuuod Noy, 4, 17i>7. and tbo form wuh that which buH boon, in Hubritanca, adhered to ovor ninco. Iho demand for Ayor'ii Hair Vigor in nioh widtily-Hoparatod rogioun as Houth Amorica, Spain, Amitralia, and India him kopt paco with tbo homo coiiBumption, which goes to show that those peoplokuow a f^ood thing when they try it. A. W. Canapboll, provincial road iunpoc tor , in authority for tho ntutoment that 535,000,000 havo been upont in monoy or Htatnto labor on tho roadn in Ontario dat ing tho pant ton youra. Properly directed, that monoy or work would havo made (mormons improvomontn, but muoh of it ban boon wuntod, and a groater amount thau tbnt lino been lost by tho oflcota of had roads on irallio. T L. VIITVMH Harrliitnr, Holioltor. Notm Viibho Monoy to Loan, Olllco o\( ^trutliorii' hank. Khiiox Contro CiLAUKK, KAItTTiKT & ItAitTbKT, Ilarril ) torn, oto. OHJcf 11, Mi dtiury llloclt, Wlinliic Prlviito fundn to bum. A. H.Cl.AIiitr Ij h. It. N. A, IlAU'iLi/r A. It. I'.aiii uvrt V: A. nKNHY O. WAT^TbUK, T.,1* I* , Attomoy and Couiiholor ut law, Holicitor in Oliancorv, Proctor in Adinindty, l'utout Holicitor, Olllco, Nowtiorr> builibim, cor. dr.n^old and Liirnod ntn , Detroit, Mich. (Canadian clatmii uf;iunnt porfionn in tbo Unitttd Ktaton oolloctoil.) Hoforoncofii Iiiiporial Iiuulc, Kimox, f)nt, .1 L. Potorn, l-'iuj , IJurriiitor, oto., Knnox, Ont K.A. WltiiiHir, J^aii., ilurriiitor, oto , Kniiox. Out D MEDICAL. UH. jmihN A. HllIKN. .Tan. lb-ion. M. I)., 7. It , C V B , firaduatn of Quoon'11 Unlvornity, Klnciton, mombor of Col- Ioro of Plivfiicliiiiii and Hurnooini,Ontario. Grad- natn D^No\v York. Pout Graduate Modical Col- lORO, J. W. Urloti, M. D,, 0. M , V, T, M. C. Honor firadnato of Trinity Modioal Collofjo. Honor (,'railuato of Trinity Univorolty. Mombor of tbo e^ollofio of l'liynlciann and Surjioonn, Ont Grad- imto of Now York. Pont eiriuluato Modical Collofio. Office ovor r.iinox Modical Hall drnR ntoro. Counultation roonni, lioth on ground floor and flrnt Hat nuuvo, Tolopbono in both ofllco and ronldencfl. All calhi uttomlod to from olllco, drtif,' ntoro, or ronidonco. Uouidonoo, Talbot utroot, front of fair (trounda. D US. McKBNZIR it JJiNNEK. Cld Hcorntro Wanted (Woodotocl: Sontlnol-Rovlow.) Tbo quoHtion of cold Btorago oumes homo to '.ho fartneri) of Canada in a peculiarly direct aud practical way. For iioino yoarn paot it bua oagugod rauoh attontion, chiolly iu connection with the choooo and buttor mduatricn ; but farmors thiH year bogin to realize that it in not for dairy products alono that tho country re quirou cold utorafio. The moat bountiful apploH over neon in tbo country havo boon fielling thia year for a aong. Fac torieo have boeu huyiug thorn up at from ono to two dollarn a ton, wlulo thonaaudti of barrels hayo beon givou away, or ho rotting iu tho orchardH. With adequate cold storago placon in town!) and citron luryo quantitioH ol thai fruit could bo hold for months until it increased in valuo. Tbore io a groat futuro for cold Btorago outabbBbmontB, and tho Hooiior wo pot thorn at all tlio zhmt alupping poiutH in the country tbo bottor. Mr. Fiaher, tho now MiniatorJof Agriculture, in dealing ao far an it effeotu railway and fitoamslnp acoommodatiou, iu a praatioul and Htatoa- man like way. But there m muoh that tho pooplo oan do for thoaiHolvGH without tho aid of Government. Oold storage ontablibhmontu will pay; and anything that will pay uh a private bnainoau under- , taking rqquirtu no govornmont tianiBtauoo. Hero in a live quoation for tho boardu of trade and all tbu farmer organization!) throughout Iho country. Q. McKourio, M D. C. M , Trinity Uriivornity, member of CoHo^o Pbynlolana and Buryoonn, Ontario; Graduate of Now York i'out Gnuluato Modical Colloijo; Coronor for tlio County of Emiox. Itofiidonco, Talbot utroot, north of rail way, Kmiox. J. Enrlo Jonnor, M. D.O, M., Trinity Unlvor- nity; M. O. I*, and a. Ontario; Lie. Iloyal Collofju Phyuiclanii, London, Eni?., hit Scbolarahip and Gold Modalint, Trinity Oo11ok, ltia.l; appointed Houiio Phynioinn and SurRoon, Toronto Gonoral Flobpital und Itoaldont Accouobimr Btirimido Lyini/-m Ilonpital, Toronto, 1HH1. Bpoolalty, din- ounofi of womon and ohildron. Koiiidouoo, iiouno lately occuplodby Dr.Dowar, Talbot lit., Ehbox. Olllco in Iniporial Bank Block, ground lloor, opponito Thorno'n druR ntoro. Alodiuinon dln- poniiod in tbo olllco. Telephone connootion with both oliloo and roiddmicun. Privato tolo- phono lino botwoon Cyril Paquotto'ii houHo and t)an Konnody'ii bouao and ofiloo. NlRbt aalln attoudod to ut olhoo or renidonco. DENTAL. P. MABTIN, D.D. fl L. D. B. Graduato In Dontiotry, Iloyal Collofjo of Dental Rnrgoomi, Ontario, aud Univorolty of Toronto. ObarR0B,modorato. Olllco, ovor Urlon & Cob drujj utoro. 18-lv II ^^VETERINARY. WII. KIOnARDaON, VKVRItlNABY BUB GKON. Uonorary firaduaVo of Ontario Votorimiry C'oIIoro, Toronto, mombor of On tario Votorinary Modical Society; Dljiloiniiit in Pontlntry; troatu all dluoanod of doinontioatod iinimalfl, cattlo dobornod by tlio latont improved Ijoavltt clipper Cullo l)y tolopliono or tolc- craph pioni))tly attended to, ltonlJ(!iico,tlireo doom oant of fjritst mill; offico lu pout officii bulldinii; infirmary, directly opponito. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMER 8. LAIRD, Provincial Land Hurvoyor and County Kiifilnoor, ICnaox Contro, Ont OOloo, Dunntan Blook, upntairo. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY IIEDKICK, Auctioneer. 8 a 1 o n promptly attoudod to. Addrorio South Woodidoo, Ont. Poreoim doBlrinrj to nocuro mo may loavo word at tbo FniiK Pnuan oQIco. tf XI. HEDItICK D. SINCLAIR, TjICKNBRD AUCTIONEER for tho County of Eanox. Binlifrof KJf(htb Divlulon Court. All kinda of Farm and otbor Haloo conduotod promptly. Ilatoa roaaonablo und fnrninbod on application. Enquiroro may apply at W. D. Boaman'ii ofllco, or at tbo ofllco of Divlulon Court Clurlt, Mr. John Milne |OnN GOItMLEY, fj LICENSED AUCTIONEER Tor tho County of Etinox. AH kindu of farm Btock hilIoq, etc , conductod promptly and on ubort notice. Baton roiirtoiiablo, Pornonn dowlrablo to arrange unlea may do no by calliiifiat tlio Vnm: Panes olllco or by applyinj; to 4 J. GOBMLEiY, P. O. Box 155 Eniiox, Ont. hrriln-^ir.-Tii fnrrrrTTTTrT-rTTTTTrrT(T*rMrTTnrrTrTTrT'T"rT<fr TheD.&L, EBTOiilsioo] iT-ii"m"""tr'if t' hit -J Is Invaluable, if you aro run i \ down, as it is a foGrt as well as i fa moalelua. : The Du & t. EmutsSon Will build you up If your (jcnu.d health la F inipairod. E Tho 0- Sl L,- EmuBsBom tin tlio bent and niont palatable preparation of: t Cod Liver Oil, nfjrvclni* with din mouttloll-: t cato stomachs. I Tho D- & L. Emulsion tlaproQcrlbod by tho luadliiR pliyclcianoof F Canada. I The D. & L- Emulsion 3 pis amarvolloua flosh producer und will nlvo ^ you an appotlto. 60c. Be $1 por Bottle t Bo euro you ct I DAVI3 & LAWbenoe Co., Ud. p tho guimlno | monthbal ViiiiiiiniiiMHiinnuii4nniiiiinimiin T7VUANK MoCLOBKEY, Maldatono, thirty- JJ novon yoarn' oxporlonco iuj an auotlonoorfn tbo County ^f Eqhox. Saloo conducted promptly, and on ro'auonablo torme. Partion dofllrhiiT to fix tho dato for a nalo oan navo tbomnolvoB a drive by railing at tbo Faun Pukhd oflioo. Wc havo an an god with Mr. MoGIonlcey and will (lx tbodatoi) for iialeoby teloRraph,ontiroly froo of all ohargo to tho portion holding tho nalo. Ad- droanl'raukMoOipnkov.Maldiitouo Oronn, Out, lues THEoIdonb bunlnenii lu towu. Entablioho 187. Firiit-olaiiii broad and oakon of al kinda. Wedding oaken a npoolallty. Qrocorioa provlnionn, dour, food, unit aud pork. Confoa- fcionDry,orookory,gbi!iHwaro. Caunodfrnitoand vogotanloiiof all kimlti. Gondii promptly *lo llvorodtoallpartooftbo town, J. M. IIIOKB, J0l-t! LAND AND LOAN AOENTS <p KOEG33 J, THOMAS, Oonvoyauoor, Uotu* VX minnioimr, In Hlfth Oonrt of Juatioo; dealer In Boal Kutata and Mort[{agon, Money to loan at the la wo tit rato of Intoront. 1'arniB bought and nald. Inmmmoo taken In tbo mont rollabln aobinanloH. Drawhujof doodM, mortRugoii and loatfOM a Rpoflfnlty. Charged moderate and all butdnotiu promptly attoudod to. Call at tho Oontrtil Tolonhouo oflioot KtmoxOontro. BO-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. |j> U. PAUK IKHUKlt Ol-' MAUIUAOW III- 11J, ciiiiiHin, Hlohiirdnoli 111k., llrniox, Out* W. "~" "________ VU D. 1IKAMAW7 Imuior of Marriage Llcoiifior<. Iiitiurance agoat. Nigltt ofiloo at DwiiHlng, TALBOT HTUKMT, EHHKX.1^ BAUKKTl'. hniiior of Marriigo Lloon^ Coinmlimlonor luU ..!., oto. Goato, Out UNDERTAKING. 1 | PLUMMK <H, (JmlorhiUor aud l/urnltuio II, Dfmlnr C'otlliin, lioinu and faoloi-y mroe from $ ') to y:t<). McGregor, Oif ^--_=; .....^=3 ARCHITECTS.________ JOHN A.jMAYCOCK, ABOIIITKOT, &.O., Ituom.10 and U, Eloiuliig building, Whidiior, Onf Phono 310 SOCIETIES f O. O. I-'. KNTEItl'BIHE Lod({0 No 2la L* meotuovory Thuriiday, ovonlng at 7.1'" Oddfollowii Hall, in third iitoroy Duimtan 1'J' VlHltlngmomboriiuf othor lodgiiiiwill rootllt' fraternal wolcomo. W. GHATTKItTON, h CENTRAL ENCAMPMENT, No. 110, m*c1 Oddf^Ilown'Hiill.Bunntiin'd Blooh, on thi'l mid third Tiioiiday Juoaob month, Vialtoirr dhdly roooivod. M;omborn of iitihordinateldc in tin-, jurlftdiotlou, Invited to joln^ IIANNAN, 0. P.. d. V. BILL, Boo. I ^HHhX EIRE BHIGADE. MEETS KV i J Eriday ovoninii in tho Flromop'ii roorLl tho Htono htiddlng. Jim. IMo.Murray, Chun Robt. Parker, Oaptiiln; A. Burnham, Llouteu- nt, P. Dllini, Hoorotary; I'Vod.tHyatt.Troainiror. puURT ROYAL, NO. ai. I. O. V. O Mootn HiMHind and fourth Tiiondav'o In cua ; month in 1. O O. I". Hall at U o'olook p, ffj Visltliif; brothorn will bo given a fratfimalwol- como. Vt M< Cnunland. C. It., \V. C, Shaw, Hooj) M. J.\VJ((lo, g.D. II. O. H. AGENTS wanting jirofltablo omploymont throuijb tho Hiiiiiinor oan tlnd It with uti, mi wo liavo nowoiit Ruiiiiiaii varlotion of Nuruory ntock and now Sood Potatoon. Hnlary or com* miiiiiion. Writo un at onoo for torrltory. PEL- 1IAM NGRHEBY CO., Toronto, Out. 2o-l!lt =S3 Michigan C^m^tj OOrNO Ki.BT Taking oiYoct Juno ttlnt, IROfl. Midi Hxp. a.m. a in. Dotroit..... Wlndnor ... Polton....... Middidonoo Eimox........ Wooilnloo... Bnnoornb ... Corabor.. ,. Bidgotown.. Ilodnoy. fit. Thorn an r.ondnn . H. Thomas... Bodney...... Ridgotown..... Comber... Buiicomb...... Woodidoo...... Enimx....... Maldntono Cr Polton Wlndnor........ Dotroit....... (5.20 0.00 0.10 10.10 fi.M fi.SO 0.08 0.10 o.;i7 ii.-tti o .*>:( 7.07 B.20 H-10 0 50 noma wkot. Exp. Aocom a, m. p.m. 7.1J0 10.35 8.47 11. M 10.0U 1.06 iAO ftQ/S 0.10 5.XJH 5.^7 e.tsc 0.B0 fi.oii 7,10 7.aa 8A0 Loam acoom a. in. 7.30 7.4B 7.B1 8,W H.ltS H.'JJ 8.Uft p.m. 1210 2<0 3.:i8 4 07 BB0 i).o:t fl.M 'Ji CIS 7.10 a.m. n.'JO 10.20 11.HI 12.05 12.10 Win u" nor acaom a.m a.m c.ifi C.iifl 7.iM 7.B8 0.211 o.:i;j [Ml 0.62 10.03 10.12 10.6u* fl.ll) G IB 02S fl37 0.47 (IKO 7.15 AmlieruihtiYfr Local Trulun* WUHf EADT pm. a.m. a.m. a.m, a.m. p.m> 11.10 &.C5 Ennox una I).50 o.uo .ll U.M H.ll E<lgarn 027 0.10 B.10 flQl 12.(0 B.3 LEA-DHXiiig 0.21 0.113 4M1 0 2-2 12 15 B.ffli McGregor 0.20 O.ilO AM 0-40 pjafl H ti Gordon 0 05 010 iM 6.4C 1^.10 8.50 Amhomtburg 0,00 U.OG 4.30 All tralun aro run on cantrid otandard tlmo, whioh in nixty mlimtofl nlower than Enaox time. Eor Information and niton to aolou- Intn moving wont apply to John G. Lavon, I'aa* Hongor Agout. St. Tboman. O. W. Bugglen, Gon oral Paouongor aim Tlakot Agont, Cbiongo, HI or A, O. Stlmcru, Acont, Eonox, L. b', &D. R. Ry. TIME TATBLK NO. 21-*, taklnfj oUoot Monday, Roi>t 27, lBOfi. Trainnnm by Eantorn Stand ard Tlmo. Dally oxoopt Sunday ^"3 A ol K M|A M 1.2/i 12 00 0.82 WHO, D.:io'i2io 0.50 D57 1U.02 1Q 00 10.1(1 10.27 10 117 10.45 10.55 11.11 1120 11.25 ll.Bfi 11.411 H.fiO 11.55 12.01 12 11 12.10 VI '-M P.M. 12 45 H o a 'A V M U20 0.27 o.:)o 0.40 12 6a 0.17 1.1010.51 1.19! O.C0 1 30]7.10 1.C0 7.17 2.03]7.27 2 35,7.117 2.50 7.44 a.45 7.&1 4.10(8.00 1.25 4 40 fi. 5 5 J2 5.55 0.05 0.15 0.115 0 f, 7.00 I*. BI. 8.17 B.^2 A.:i'2 H.40 8.47 H.52 000 0.07 U.12 0 20 O.Iil I*. M Btationd. Dop Wftlltorv'lo Ar Walliorvillo Juno. .......Polton....... ......t Oldcantlo.... ......t Ptiqiiotto,.... ..... McGroRor...... ...f Now Canaan... ... t Marnhflold ... ,. .. narrow ...... ........1 Arnor......... ......Khigavillo...... ..... Bnthvon ...... ... LaamluLiton ... ......Wheat! cy...... ..... 1 llanwiolt ...... .....Coatnwortb ... ......1 Glomvood...... ........Morlin......... ... i Buxton......... ...... Bandlnou ...... ...tCednrBpriDEfl.., Blonhoira Junot'n ......Blonbo'm...... ......tWilluo..... ArRIduotownDfcp M & [4 a . H 3 d 6 K 55 A A M 0 10 5.50 0 03 5.118 8 57 G.27 8 M 5,17 8 47 B.f8 8 43 5.00 sua 4.40 8 2 4.33 a sa 4,35 8 11 4.00 6 01 3.45 7 01 3.15 7 40 3,40 7 2i 1.54 7 IB 1.39 7 10 1.15 7 00 12.30 0 52 13.21 6 45 12.1J tl 40 12,00 0 31 11.28 0 21 11.20, B 20 ll.lfJ it 10 10.1K 0 00 10.00 A.Bf. A.M. aft r,srQ 7.K 7.4^ 7.3J 7.3a 7.07 7.23 7.17 7.1 U 7.03 0.52 0.42 G.&O 0.18 0.00 5 CI fi.4 5 80 B'.H 521 filll B.m 5.00 4.B5 4.45 "*iM r.sf. 1 Flag Statioun. Traiun ntop only whon thoro aro paouengoru at or for thofio ntarlonn. Mlxod tralnn aro at al timou uubjoct to bo oancollod WW WOOLLATT. Gonoral Bupovlntondtn . To Drive anywboro, If no, you want a Good , ' 'N ........and tbo plaoo to got it Id at JOHN McDOUGALL'S \. Livery, Sale & Feed Stables ' GoodlUontlovii In attondaneoday and u(fll\tf ,,r Plooo In tins world for young won nud women U> soouro a BunlnOQB Education,Bborthand.oto., in tbo Detroit Buahiosa Uuivorelty. t>e- trolt, Mloh. Illuntrated oatalogno Eroo, KoforanocB i All Detroit, ff. JEIWIDLL PreB. P. B. BTBNOBB, Boo. Best a.........H0RSE-SH0EINQ -iffi " In thin branch of our bunlnoBH Vo^ftvjflrsta 'Irli fflfjft olann Workmen ami wlirBuaVnutoo'BatrAfaotion! . tffl ha Shooing EtoraoH that lntorforo.1 OverHlBdobut-^'^ufl^ or havo C'ornnor aontraotod Fflofc-^Womokoft "' Specialty of Shooing lload und Tradk Horaes.- iSf TeUpJtoM Oonwction, DROI^SV CURED. THE Undersigned la prepared to ouro all eases of Wator PropBy lona or short duration. Absolutely no charge unless tbe pati-' out in ontirqly and pormanontly otured. JAHBS OAMTBELt, Cottam, Ont 80 11 *i ' v 'i'ul ^a^ rti

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