Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 20, 1896, page 2

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" Tyl^ V J'.dV . >. W^PPWWII Break Up a Cold in Time BV USING PYNY-PECTORAL ooK,i>y. ouoiir. mtoN- CiriXIH, MOAltSKNKSSi, <>tu. Mn. Jmn'i'ir Noiiwn i;, ,,- u( Ave, '1 (iLouto, wnlt'ii: ^ "I'ynV'L'itdnml littu tn-vnr diloil t<> Mint hty Milliiron f (phiji nfri r H fuW (l*i'li It < tuwl niy.i-lf ol ,i l"nir HjiiiIUil" i!"Li> f i' * , rvmu) nllicr rminllni liml iillitl. ItmnB , hIuii iiroVul nm c i limit Kill, li i lit funny liiinllv. I I'M If i II I i "llV i'l. i(r UH'lli inn lur iiiililliu, m Hi o; li ' UuDiHi i II, O r.Aninirit, of I itlln KulIk r, N.B., wrll('i: "An t c\un fY r'Fiii'hi l')tw IVi toul 1m Ul" If. uL mIIIii,: 111- IIfIiii' 1 It ivu , liiy I IW- toinvm Mill luwi ii.mhIili." n.wis u i. wvurNn: Co., Ltd. )------------------....... It lit not, (jnicnilly unown Unit tin oloancu with nuwupiipcih will uliiim IvltiT tl [>i whou clMined with 11 uinrl. \h utI I ;im ICvoi*. Pimii Sim, After mlh'iinu" for two }earn from tuuto iinh^t Miwi, 1 tn d Ji. H Ik I ttiulc only thrui hottlfs, v,hic-h n.iulc mi- i'iiwoll iui over 1 wan. 1 highly roomi- niuiitl B. Ih li. to nil flyuppptiai. Mg.t> .Idiis Wnnr, .Vinlin, Man. An oxuhiui^o s iy . "K.ndi .# i " 1 ort of a \V.O. T I] imivi'iitioii niyi'H otio tho idna that wouum and moo do not bidon-; to tlio 1'o.nie rtici-, .ml tint '.mm uru tin natural fooii of woni'.n." American COMt-OV. Thoy t)rt4)d wltli ohnpn of lumd And lttHHtin nnd ImrnliiK Innr!?, Tlmy imtt tn u f(irilKii land AfUr Hiuiiti twinity-yonrn; Mot iih iicqimlntniu't H incmfc, Hmllimfly, UamtiiU nyuil Not- nViMi Uni li ii'ili llttln lmnt Of tint hnuvt upon ullhnr hIiIo. Thi-y nlmttpil nf thin and that, Whit not htnjri t tnt nmlm up Hfoi HI in la ii < Jiiin'iljiinjiu:'" lial, And lii in liluHc fur hla \v\to. -T. H. Aldrloh. Hi* ^ A Suru, Soft), Ouick Curu fur tliuuo ,f^ truublti.i is 4^. 4 v .-+ - (ri:i:ii7 DAVI3'.) |t ^ P!stvl Jjr(crn;iliy and Externally* u *- Two Bi/.en, 2,-.c, and r>Oc. bolt Ion. J Thu fdinou'n J'VrriH whuol in in I'.il- hainl' of a rocciver a*. Chic lj^o, Tim cnnipm y is nino monthri m sirri'iirs on tlin intnro^t duo on moi'tHH^u boiida of ^SitO OoO, and ia tolal'y iiif.olvont. TidiiuTo KHi'urt. MuullhtlUb llUlllHTVO WflllU)t;HHlHaiillHBd by Undno insc of lea, cotfiif, or tobacco ; palpitation, ni.rvounH'mi, irritability, fs- oitubility, luclt ot conl'ulcuco, t-to., an: Hiiro oymptomH. Mi I burns Heart and Ncrvo I'lils hnuu, ready rebof, by ^teiul>iiifj the r."V',-a and ro^ulatn ^ the huart. They u:., a true heart and norvu food. Oroafc ilev'ifitatioii Iuih hui-u tiiinncd by floodn in Bosnia, Au-tri'i. A rnitnir' piu'y of thirteen perrfoi.H ban buen drowntd near Serajovo, One Divory MnHi, Ono IjUMt-Li ver I'ill tuken each ni-.hfc during IJO da>h will cure Cunhtipatiou, t ft- rotunuri^ llt^iduidieh and irn ^ular act on Of tho bowuK Xi*i\a-Iji\fr I'lIN hjtive no miphmwim ufter-t llect. Ho litifl iicon but littlo of hfp who doeB not difioum ovorj wh'-re ibo ttiuct of rarly education in meii'K opiniuu-i and liabi'^ of thinking, Ohiloron brtnn out of tho uurnory th'it \.hieh ili^pl l\ r itialf throughout tln-ir liven. t)r FowUt'h E\rnu:t' of Wild Ktiaw. berry cnrcH 1 Mai rim-i, I Jy^cnteiy, ("run pa, Colic, (J hoi cm a Morhas, ('h(,leni Infantuni, and all loostnehM <>< tin- kiw-lh. N-,\er travel without it. Trice :i5c. Marry Thin Girl Quick, 1 naw in yiinr papci that n I'A v>u old boy miuh'^l.'J.j tiic firt hour b' workfd neliin^ the Peifet.-tion M* lul 1'ip Liiiupwiek 1 onU-rcid a tiamplt: and went to work and th'J Ul'fJt wue'i I cloareil ?10, the h-eoml v;n li 1 oleari'd ^\'\ I cvpeot to run up a. S2.'i .i wt *-k in the near fntur.-, an tbu j'er loot ii/j ?Iutal Tit. Lunpwick malten hiudi i. boa ititul wlnte linht and doen away with uno' t'v obmiii'-yr, and bud udor and ^iiveii <nh i j ia L,av-> to f-cll If >ou wihli tti try u hf-n I lli two cent htaiu[n to Mi^h A ^I. \' i :, Htiitiou A, St. Ij'iiuh, j\Iu., iiud tin \ i'l ^ nd >ou siiiiiiplo outfit, thu. nt a j;of <i ^ to make ni'iin-v around botny. IMkh 'Ii- [-, w h"i i;j-,. \ lm I'oHtiuatiicr tjtuirul Im'i d^cidud to put. a otop to the pri otici' ot euclnHiiii.; hand b\\\n pro'^iiiinn, f-l'ow adv(.-rtin(-nKtntt, otc , in nowapapt r i to hubHcriberii, In caueH whero buch eiieloHureu 'ire lound liroeafler the nowiipaper publisher will be nquired to make u doclaritiou of the number of copiefl ho hvi ^o mail d, and will have to pay poutuuo at tin* rate of ]c. per copy. If you want to presorvo apples, don't cause a break in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump tion find good soil for worlc when the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised, made raw, or injured by colds and coughs. Scott1 s Emulsion, with hypophosphites, will heal inflamed mucus mem branes. The time to take it is before serious damage has been done. A 5o-cent bottle is enough for an or dinary cold. BO cents nnd $1.00 Score Si Dowuu, Chemliu, Belltvlae, Ooi. THE OYCLIST'K (MPE. "Vnu must tiihn il," Miik, Iti'imo itiitl to licr huMhimd. Sim wan ii Miuill hnmetli', thin .imi a^'f/rohKivo, who i trtiiij;ly n ii.nul' d nno of lit t lr pet; (If ;^ v.'htJ iici'ivfd vi-ilnrs hy hnnppnif< and 'tni-i'linf; at tin ir hee|>; a-i himii us tho fronl door is ujieni d. ]Nfr. ]t("inn w.m a bit;, jolly dry Kondn nitichunt, and ho wntchefl his Hpom-o lufl ully us 'ho imhonk'i il a hi avy cl"t h <\ipe iiom l!ii- 1 iek 111 llin ii.ill. Jie ho pi d hum n d h'ij r th.H for miii o * ho wmild ini^t't lit hi in lii r 1) is bicyolo with Unit (. linnsy old rhuk, it- v.m.-i tuudi a bore. "It looks 1iUi>r:dn,n tin- little wom an eoiuimii'd, "and I itiu not Koini; to allow you to roino hut 1; dri'iirln d to Uio hIcih, much im it would ph u'-r jmi. A cold uu;iiii moni v, and our physician K a l'oid, lln ii unM}ablo of rurin;! i-itlur jiiieuiiionia or pli uriM*. t-'o kind ly ti 11 nio what would In mine of mo in ca,-o of your dc ith? I Jo you suppo^o ynnv jiai'oiil^ an- K'^t'IC t" ^upjiort jhoV No, indi i d, and you know it, ami as t would lifVt r luiivvy iiKain I should have my broad to h< x Irom dt-or to ib or. Not that it would make nni'di diilorolK t- lo you, but 1 .--iioiihl ]in for -uiciilo to b( k- Kury." Wlnle t-pcakniK with a flucjiry which would ha\o dmio en dit to a politician on a Mumping tour, i-he rolled iJir* cape into a tijihl laiiidle, ta d a bit uf j-trinK around n, and tbno it was roudy to be l'a.sti-ned (jii the bundle of bi^ wheel "In your way?" hlit* exclaimed m ' lirill re]ieii1ion. "Well, 1 would really ]ika to know why? Oh, 1 si-e, it 1-, not the h\M 1! Hunk', and you are uf'iaid that (Im lad j t s ymi pa>s rni tho road will think ;,ou aie fari^iii^ii bundle. Is (hat ir? If you must know my mind, 1 think J :uu u pi rl'u-t idiot tn allow you ho unieh frei'doni. How do I know W'beio you tin or whnt yon do? Vou toll mo any Mory you likowlan yon con.n baelc, and it, is fills juht as likely as licit. * * Kemio bowed bis head patiently in tho storm, for >VtlI ho kmw that one word, ono timid protest, would e.vsspi'i'- uto his w ife into lurtlu v pailoy, and the discussion would dra^ on imlelimti ly, but n* todjiy she n enn d rather moro aiuiahlo than usual lie held bis tongue, "tiee that it tUn s not touch the wheel or net soiled," she went, on. "If you use It, roll it up w rony '-ido out a^ani beioro replacing it, and do not lose tho string ii^ )ou did l.iht 111110, -Wliut am you looking at? 1 it ally think you mi^ht have tho civility to listen tonic whou I i-pi ak to you." Kumowas eontoiiiplal int,'with forced calm the Krone hhie sky and tiyiiif,' to catch tho iilneidily shining in its azure (Uplh.-.. "IMeasn do not J;ih4 mo j-joodby. I am not To be luoh d and ci.joh d s<) easily. What are you wail )iik ior?" And, turn ing tow aid In r husband, she niw him juuking nan k \n stales of poverty. "Ho money! of eoin.-e not. Well, hero are 5 fianes. I shall n ipnro an t xatit ac count of your t ^pt.n-es, tliou^h, and ]ih-a.-t look at thoclmii^e. You aro so apt to take odiN and i nils of coin which no- diflicult to jia*-1- Kii\v f;o. Try to avoid dunking wlnle yt.u are warm and k'( p out ot dralt--'." Mr. Keiine tucked the money into bio 'waistcoat pocket, ki.--ed hks wife grave ly for he did not dare to app* arton j,'ay, as hho would havo dei'ply res'ented any manili station of joviality nnd starli d down the slans m hi an h of his bicycle with tIn* in 11-saiy amount (if modera tion ami di coram which bo km w best huite(l Mine. Hoiim. As he fastened tho cloak carefully hy a strap to the bioyelo he ti It I hut sharp eyes wei'o iixul upon him ironi window-, above, and as ho pedaled away ho can it d the look with him. like tho t.nnous Parthian arrow of bygone day.-, stuck in his bat k. Win n t m e wi 11* out into tho open count iy, lie expand) d his lun^s and took in gn at Im atiii ol air, w bile the blood rus-ln d to Jus lace and his tyt s almost htaitid irom tin n* sutd^eo,. Thin, vtiy slowly ho exhiib d it all until ho grew pain iiom cm.Id it bo rein i? The Mm, lu^h in the In uveas, bin a its gen nil rays lull upon lnuuas he pi d- abd lianlieaMy along tho higliw.iy with aims akimbo, doubled nearly in two over his handles ami wild with de light. Tho smooth white road uitravoh d befi it him like a hall of twine, the hori zon apijearcd to advance toward him in friendly wi Iconic, and tho bushes and trees, winch looked like tiny hpcokH in tho distance, grew steadily, an it by magic, undi r his gaze and .ishumed mas - ivn and stately piopnrtions'. To Mi. Henno tho laiult-eupo hot mod to bo run ning the olhei way ; clumps of wood and bracken, little Jiousus, elm trees, Ileitis and milestones milttd away beioro him like a hit of nugar. Ho whistled gayly as Iuk bicycle devoured space, scoroliing down tho hills, attacking tho up gradts with easy assurance, whilo on a levid no bud would havo entered into compe tition. It wao simply glorious. Instead of orusshing his daily cares and trials un der his font ho redo lightly ovir thcra, and, leaving thun far bohind, looked buck at them over his shoulder hcoviii'ul- ly, lis if thoy were lost forever and an though it would be, u usolehs etl'orb on tlitiiv part to attempt to catch up witli lilin again. T*ho idea, however, of thoir oloso proximity to his hcoln worked tho pedalH fastor and fiiKtcr, whilobig drops of perspiration foil through tho oloudu of duBt which his energy raiyed upon tho road bcutmth. Almoai iutoxiorttod^as ho was by his enthuslastio flight through Fpaco, he liovor noticed that tho vioious littlo htrine, around Iiih oapo had slowly mid wii'kedly unfasitfiied, us tJiougli-ifc waiit- od to play him a niinty irlk. Wliilo ho wns givonovev to liis savago and all but aulmal enjoyment tho hypocrltioal hit of cool Hiinppt d in two, and oil ilnw tin' oa|io likou streak of liglit, unnofioed hy llin eyo, wliioh at tho tinm was eager ly Hemming u sigunowt. Nearly a niilo bohind lnm lliotdoak, blade and uiniii- nnito, lay in tho miilrlln of Ibo road, while jho bicyolo, lighter limn befom, tore di liriouidy on its winged way, Jh-i blis-ful igroiaiinu wast hort livid, hotu'vi r, and ilto nwaK' nit.g wns most cruel, lor, an Im sat under the awning of a fruiidly iislaurant, ra]liirouhly nip- plug santonin and sellers and ga'/ing with tin amy i\oii beaming with lovo and jiiide at he-1 whetl,'li leaned giai i fully ; gam I a tree in flout of him, a pnmonilion sii'/tdbini. Wind was on* .11ij.r-> Arid with a cry ho "prang to In i ft tt. It Will! the rape. An instim- tan> oi.-i eh mge ],,-. .M.'d ovei r.enne'a w'orhl; tin- wine -ouittl; a i-liaipwuni aio i w hir h i ii tlh d his Juur ant I I em per ; evi ry old track ann hh.-tii* sla-wtdout pLi inly on I ho varnisbul pints of his bieyc le, in it I c, en i be j nh her I iro look* d nn^i lahle, i oic!.y nnd worn. K( nno's h'-avt tnnn d ;iiok as ho sat lost in dejoi U (1- n (lection. All tho en ergy and stnngth of mind which ho brought so eoinajM ously into phiywliiln coning hu daily hi'-ad -( ( nn-d to lie It away and dn-,appi ar hi ioie tho ili-.i -, trou^ lo'-s of the ( ape. As lie sat with Ills Im ad buried in his 1 lands lie pud no d his lituiii and reception by Mine. Ki line. It would not take her half a second to diMovn* his nn^tortime, be thought, and well he knew what .soiiei would ensue t-ar.^( lanu ntatum^, i o- prtiarlu s, sulks and oathm-ls ol. in*-*, in which the litllevivn burly levi It d ill htr iiioim Ids of uncoiiUolled fury. Gracious hem en^t s-'f izi d with a chill, lie hurriedly jiuid Ins bill at tin* restau- lanl, and, jumping on bin poor old bicy- i le, w hu h bad beat' n the n coi d (oin ing, he started linmewaid. (Jnc wagon passed him after theothei hist, a hultdi- ir'> e.nt, :n xt an old fat woman driv ing 'i oonkt\, tin n a gyp-y wagon, with nn iinpudint, long haired rascal wiio stand mockingly but uneasily altir him. Kenne tell vi'ij mill h inclined to quer-thm him about his (ape, but ;i f.-i 1- ing of lelici nee withheld bun, for in. strongly susprclnl that the nam had found it, and that it lay hidtbn snute- wlu-io midi r tho lot of quarreling, cry ing rats which filh d the wagon buck of him; so be pedaled on hopeiully, be lieving that In! might y< t liml it on the road ju-t wlnroit had fallen. And as he WtlKd.ed ami thought it over bis temper rose scathing and sarcastic, A cloak, forsoolh, with a sumnur sun shining o\erlK',id. It was hot enough to boil eggs;, oh, to tho devil with the thing! Unhoped that it was lost lorover. What did In eiU-e? But suddenly the mocking look in the tramp's eytn camo back to him. Of i tiur.-e tho lellow had found ami taken bis cape. 1Unno ielt hiiro of it now. What could lie do about it, though follow him and seurrh hiswng- on? Huppo-e, alter all, tlu man had never seen it how likn a fool he would look! And so, little by little, bin nuger nub- silled, and the ridiculous hide ot tho iif- i'air pn "-oHtod itself to bis mind so forci bly be ielt like m'O auiing with l.iughur. Huswife appeared beloic bun in a dill'ert nt light altogi ther- Hho was no long* l a being to be dreadul, but to bo rnlieuh tl, and ho pondon d slowly over a summary vengeance to bo adiuin- istend upon tho tormentor who had he* it < ppio-Mug iiiin ioryiars. He would bear no more of hei petty pcrsf outions. Kiither would ho (hag coats and capos about on bis bieyeln through the huui- mi r heat and dust, and they might as well undei --taud each otlnr for oiico. Hut as he pidahd alongdifn rentcon- sideiations Miggestod tin niselves to his e.\cit<Ml imagination. *Tho cloak was new and had coit :i'.) francs. It was stu pid oi bun to have lo.-t it. And if his wife had urged lum to curry it, if was moro irom lovo than hate. After all, it would be idiot id to Jim- it, and tho instinct of ownership awakem d withm him as ho thought of the. old Bohemian driving his wagon, and pi rhapi laughing at him in bis beard as he pas-ul, and in turning the angle of the road he shook hia just ro- vi'iigeiully after the tianip. "Whim is your clunk?" called out Ainu. Ueniio in sluiU accents before lie \V!i.i oil Ins wheel. "Oh, heavens, you have lost it!"' And she ruined her hnniH in horror. 'My cloak? Oh," indifferently, *'U wah loo hot nnd heavy to lug about, and 1 sold it." "What! Vou sold it?" stammered the small t'Ctdd, gazing upon him with u mingling of four and distrust in bev eyes. Sho began to fear for his icanon, This calm might turn into fury. JJn could not bo sane. Drawing 110 francs fiom hi.spockot, he handed them to htv and said, "You Bee, I havo made (j lrnncs by tho bar- gam, and you Can buy yourself a littl" prt sentwitli tin- siuphiH." tilill woiried and suspicious, although utterly disannul, she wanted to know in a breath where and how and lo whom ho had sold his cape. "1 nnd a pour fellow in a cai'o who was lllwith'a severocohl or something, lie had a, bad cough and eyid my capo so wistfully that wo entered into con versation, you understand," and ho whistled gayly, delighted with his clov er falsehood, lio had been hoarding his pennies tfor days to oko out these, 85 irancs, but ho thought thorn well in vested, for at least ho was rid of bin odious capo. His wii'u turned tho uionoy over thoughtfully in her hand, and after u moment's pause said, "1 will buy you auother exactly like it tomorrow." Paul Marguerite in Parisian. Xntroriuolnir Ibo Woather, Grace (authusiuHtiottlly) I think flho in juBt ns pretty us the day is long. Bob (dronmily) now Bhort tho duya uro gottiug now, -Now Vorlc Prcsa. LUMBEHINtt ONTHK UTTAWI A UI'U OP OKHAT HAUDSMIP AND HX- POSURlh klvcr llrlvcr-. Of On Wi.Im (li.-p In k.- Wuturu -I*iihi-lick<.'l Itoilleti tbu Priaiut'iit Ontconit; Only (he Moi*t Rohu-it Cini .Sttmil 'Iiiin Weary kottiul uf li'il. l'*nmi tbu i UOumi Vu I'rnfui. Only thimo who buvo engaged in tho arduous oeciipiition of lumbering know bow dearly earned is their livelihood, for among tho umny vocations! of mon Hint, of lumberman ranks among Ibo niosl dangerous and diilieult. There in the heavy shnuty labor from, em-lient dawn lo evening star when the toiler foi halt' the >env in remote Irom homo and friends, and whose duily round i, to t at, w i rk ami sleep, only getting an occasional glimpse of tho outside wol'ld through a long looked loi lottor from s. iiiio loved one far aw ay. 'I'lien the dayii lengthen, tho frozen lake hivukh up, and conief. tho driving of logs and hewn limber (low n tho tor tuous Hwil'l running stream, when Uii'e.vUty often calla driver to wade body deep in tho swift (lowing ice waters. None hut Ibo strong can en gage in such heavy labor, only the urns! robuot areublo to stand the ton hours of duily toil, bul u ith n mid day hour's i'i ^jite. Snob, in brief, is the lib'ofnuny thoilHands of hiboiers in the, (ttttiwa valley, anil among the nniliv is Tims. Hobie, of KK) Head street, Chaudiere, who for twelve long >ears ban wrought for the great lumber King. J. li, Hoofli, lihantying in tho nuowy northern foro-ds, mid lifting three inch deal during tlu: summer hunts, ft is not lo ho wondered at that in his long experience and gieat exposure ho should contract a severe cold that in time took permanent lodging in the region of tho loins and kidneys. Like many others Lo thought to work it off, but in vain Soon the pains in tho region of tho kidneys became so in- tjnso that labor was a torture to hiiu, and it was only tho indomitable cour age, born of ii knowledge that others Wore dependent upon him, that urged him purniio his weary round of daily toil. Hvery sudden movement of tin- body was as a thorny goad that made him wince honeath its sting. Added to this wits an unumul and excessive uwonting which necessitated fre<iiu*nt changes of clothing, nnd which weak ened him to such im extent that his appetite was almost entirely gone, and eventually but little food and much wator was his daily fare. Many \in elVorts were made hy Mr. Dohie to free himself from tho pains which had fastened themselves upon him, nnd ono medicine after another was used, hut without effect, Life la came a burden and exisdonce a tiling nh;nmt mnb sir- able. Alter many fruitions etVoits he was induced to t.ry I h. Williams' I'ink Pills. When three boxes were taken the change in his condition was unir- vcIIouk, anil his own words aro "whoa I hud taken six boxes I was a new man mid consider the cure woith hundreds of dollars." Mr. Hobio, although com pletely cured, continues taking I'ink fills occasionally and is very enthu siastic in his prjd-sos of what tho pills )uwo done for him. Many of his fellow workmen seeing the great change wrought in him hy these lunum-. pills ha\e boon led to give (hum a trial foi otlior ailments ami are umuiiuiouh in pronouncing thorn superior to all other medicines. Dr. Williams' Piuk I'ills act directly on the blood and nerves, building tliom anew and thus driving ibo disease from tho system. There in no trouble due to either of those causes which Pink Pilln will not cure, and in hundreds of caaos thoy have restored patients to hoalth after all other remedies had failed. Ask for Dr. William*' Pink Pills and take uothhig else. Tho gen- uino aro always enclosed in boxes the wrapper around which bonis I lie full tnido murk "Dr. Williams* Pink I'ills for Pale People." May be hud from all deulors or sent post paid on receipt of f30 couts a box or six boxes for i^.fiO by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medi cine Co., JiroekvhTe, Out. .---------------.--------------- Whiledeur-huuthig nuar Puui Trie Har bor, on tho fvui^eon ponirihulf, Koyid Gawley, tif Spry, shot hi-i urothar lliehurd fatally. Hit mistook him for a deer. C.'aiarrli In tlu* flS<>u<l Ih a dau^orous diueatnt, Ji m-iv lead ;h roctly to oor.Minjption, G ttarrh in oaiuiLil ty impure blooJ, u:ui tho fcrno way to cure it io by purifying tlm blood, llood'u Hur fiapiirilhi euros car.nrrh becruneo it romovoa tho oauuo of :t by puritying tho hlocd. Thoueands tontify Unit thoy have boon ourod by Uo'id'n Baruapiu-ilht. Hoo.l's PiUa aro purely vogcuablo and do uotpui'Kc.puiti oryripe. AlldrujigialH. 25c. / Better than Ever. . . . v.i 3* *4 iF Cheap Reading*. Our Clubbing Offer this Year Excels All Former Ones- O YOU want a live up-to-date local paper that gives you the news of your own dis trict and the county ? If so, Subscribe for The 5SEX ^ * zrr*' I *i C60^ TiU lhC End 0f ,8^6' : The Free Press has an excellent staff of correspondents in all the snrroundmg town-' ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news. If you want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press you can] take advantage of the following offers: Free Press and "Weekly G-lohe - - tillJanuary, '97............ Free Press and Weekly Globe - till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail till January, '97 Free Press till Jan, '98- and Weekly Mail for 1 year r ee Press till January, is!)s, and Saturday Mail for 1 year Free Press and London W eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,..... Address all communications to 35C' $1.50 35c. $1.45 - $2.10 ' $1.50 BRETT &.AULO, ESSEX, 0NT. It ih ufl'tcially nhitcd at Itumo that Kme, 11 [unhurt Iuih reu.-ivi-d a telcyrarn trom Mfii-Jik, Kmperor of AbyhKima, iiti.tiun tl't fi treaty of peace between . VhynHima And Italy wu signed 00 October t*Glh. SLY GUtTIVA AMD THY G THE BEST OF THE flBfilOULTllRaL WcEKLIES. in:voTi;n 'io Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock and Dairying, While it ulso uicluik'H all minoi tlepftrt- tn. nfn ot Rural Intoni-t, t-ur.h ua tbn 1'oul 11 y y.ud, I'jiittJtuolo^Y, lieti-kni'pui^.OreL'ii- Ii.juiR' nnd Grapery, Y'torinnrv Hfjdie.., Farm Qut-srionti and AniiWrtfH, l?in-Hide Koiiding, Domentic Kcimouiy, ami u iiuin- m'trv of the Nuwit of tho Week, ['n i\Iar- lo-t lloportrt art! unmunUj camph'to, urul tnuuh iittco ion ih paid to tho VrnupcfU of th b^hfc upon oik* of tho hiohL impiirtaiiti uf all cpHiutioiiH WhtU to Jiuy niui Whtn to Sdl. It in hhurtdly II- hiHtrutt il, ami emit \\w& mom rnaibo^ mill- Lcr than over before. Tho Bubntiriptiun price is 'ZM) ptjr year, but wo oft'ur.a npuc- nd ltedtiction in our CLUB UYTIiS KOR 1H<7. Two Hubn<!iiptioun, 111 ono I'&mittumia&'l.OO Ki;; do do 1U.U0 Ten do Ud lo 00 tjt* To all Now SuliHoriherii for 1H117, puymn io advunco now, wo will mhkI llio papur wooldy, from our reooipt of tho ru- raittauco, to Junuo-ry lnt, 1H07, without ohni'Mo. IS" Spccimon Copion Frco, AddrobH, LUTHER TUCKER & SON, aj-iianv, n.v. X'ublifihoro. In n vrry rcniuiK.iblo jcniuly, both for IN- TFItNifj and KXIEIiNAI, tnir, arid xvoil- dciful In its quick actios to r-lh;vo <Uotroco, PAI i.\ ..IJwi-ijJ.t. VlllNl.ll, I PAIN-KILLER Ul ..l.j^lw.l, 'i'lil', HWkUtrllHt 41'iiiii'u l^lJi5 3l(^Jl, SSjr.fiHi'tyt Ci'.iuiyn, < lmU'liif )u! ill Coiui<Uiu '. PAW-KILLER l.'.S?-T-?;Sf iT.'.v:' hlclEiic-rf, HU'k U7t'(n'tn't 3"J>3if In (lio KI.u-U oiTihl1.*. J>l\ctii'i;ilt.iUl ati'lISl lU'inahlj l'V" I'.T'IF-.'AI n* tltf-1 .k:'-. >. * j.NiaiWi1 SSACvr. It 1 :i 'i '.,vi :> -' 1' 'i 1l ' M' I'M Hi" in nil i.ini t r,i l,: ui--oh, i't i-^, ln m*i '1 SfVi'Vtt PAIN-KILLER !. '?.', V^WS,* MiTliiinlc, f.-trmtr, I'll 1 u) 1* r, miilln fact.ill 0,11 1.1 waiilliu; A lm'ilit'J.H hIh.iji ntluiliil, oiuiHAF], 10 U'ii; Inicrnuliy ol- extc-rimliy with csrtatnty ufTilli'f. ll.iisimi uf ImlUtlotH. Tnltii lnrxi IUfI titil (.'(ilium* buia u\orywiiito. ssu. v.a iiottto. Very Urijo Uoitlu, fptJc WM. T. SIIJ1PS0H,. Rlaiiufi/c.turor ot Fob- toi'ii 1'ii-ttii.t Union ' Artificial 112 &JM llatoii nt, Do- trolt. Miira 1-oHOrfntivo ?atu]oj*tiun and hbmltB for inakfut: aiiplloutlouB for cnvimionmifr ordow for llmhti nnd trumipnirtftt.lon- ot oonunntntioi) tliorofor uont iraa ou umiHuatioa Utl- '*' ' . >^M^ *-'Mi: ' . * ' F ' ' ( I ,. -1,',M,.

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