Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 20, 1896, page 1

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,/ ;r tf '>** The Essex Si VOL XII. No 41. ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER '10, 1890. WHOLE No. C19 Wanted. JMJHOX Town OOUllClL p IIUj WANTKD Km jioniiriU hnuim-work Of Apply to Mru J. I). Anriarnoti, Kwhox. 4- &Co. For Sale; iAA ACIIMB OV LAUD VOlt HAU-J; 50 AC IUU von olniiYOd, ono mllo from lj<l([ar Rtu- tion.MCU., inut o(io ffoni uohool, pntitollloo, oto , choap Toirmn, to unit mivflhiuiHk*. M. UAUHlflT'l', 0<mtol\0. Card of Thanks. MR AND MltH. G M. THOttNTON, nt Qon- llnld North, iloiilre to wtum Miolr filncnro tliankii to tholt- irfomlfiiu)<lna(iitil>orH who It I ml ly romltmxl nUiiliitiLiico and uttnntlon during Huj rnonyliioi-loiui illnuwi of Mr Thornton, who wan 1il1<1 up for iiniuly Mit-no inonthii with an tit* trick of typhoid fovor but In now ablo to bo about. 17 The County Ccmneillofship. in Along* With Low Prices wo aim to givo you Good Quality. Some things aro bo cheap in quality that tboy are dear at auy price that land of goods wo don't want to doal in, Honoo you find among our Stock Standard Brands that are house hold words throughout tholand, suoh ati "Crompton's Corsets," u Totloy'a Teas," " Oort-colli "3illta, '* " Christy's Hats," "Campbollioid Flanuols," "Tho Ctum's Prints," "Granby Hub- bors^ -Ftiohards' Puro Soap," "Dolbi Cannod Goods," and bo on through tho list. Anything wo sell you can bo rolied on as tho best of it's kind. M on ay back if any purchaso prove un satisfactory. To the /ttcotom of No. 3 JOMrict, the County of Waiter : Fj'Xlo\v"RIjK( rowi I denlro to otato that I Intnnd o<YnrliiK mynolf itn u < iind'dato !or your fiulfracuii for tho ofttuo of Cojnry Councillor for >jo 2 DlHtrlot In tho Comty. tho nlootlou for which In to bo hold on Mm Unit Monday in Jan nary, 1SU7. Yourn ronpootfully, J. /;. STONK Kflfiox, Ont OotobAr Hlh, UTO County Gonneillofshjp. Fellow J'ltccJorx of Count)/ of /'Inner District No. 2, 'js* November Necessaries: Men's Heavy Pairs for Wool Socks, 2 9*0 Men's Heavy Wool wear, 45c. each. Under- Men'a Good Tweed Pants, 05c, up. Men's Blue and Black Heavy Beaver Overcoats with Velvet Collar, $5.95 each. Ladies' Long Sleeved Vests, 10c., up. Ladies' Mantles, Largest Variety in Eisex, $2 up. Men's Sonlette Caps. 76c, oaeh. White Bed Blankets, W 90c. a pair. Dress Goods in Great Variety. Millinery for Maids, Misses and Matrons at Prices to suit all purses, Try our Shoe Department, Largest in Essex. Clean, Fresh Groceries. Prompt Service and Close Prices, ~~~" Having consontod to stand as County Councillor of this "District jour votes and influouco are respectfully solicit ed. _ Yours respectfully, ____________JAMKS H. LAIRD. NEW JEWELRY STORL J. B. OVENS, Doirtron to iitinounoo to tho inoplo of Eonox uml nurronndioK country that ho hini opon- od out " i i t-Watch and Jewelry Repairing Establishment In JAS. MAY'S STORE, TalBot Street, - Essex. Mr. Ovorin linn had a lone oxponoiieo in thin linoofworK m hoiuo of tho hunt oHtab lliihnionti in Canada itnd tlio Unitml bt.ltoh and by Hti let uttontiori to buninoHii, hopon to lucolyo a iiharo of tho intuitu patronat,o ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Fine Watch Ropairing a Specialty. J. JB. OVKN8. ^ssesc... Music 4k $tw e jxxxxijxn ^ Organs* A S.I'KOIA.iyi'Y. Can furiiifdi any of tlio fallowing (Hit //< ////_///<///, /'(//, Noitihtitnuiy Si u>> ay, I hultnn^y h<aii^ id., Will iluplionto any limtiumtmt purchaund in tlio town within thu punt two yuiuu loi S'2T IjDhh than tli pricu paid Will furniHh ANY PIVNO for ^ir LEBh than yon (tin purohiuto olnowhoro Olefin'" "-"'l Howlnfj Ropu rod. Muaio Xjuhqoiio ^5 pok torm of iio loni>onu. IU J'rof, Layman. Mm hinoii M. FAFL, 2nd Door North of IH,<'.lt. I f I klri Forsythe, Anderson *& Go., BirtliM. (lOAici h Iii IUihox on TnoHday, Novombor Htb, to Air. and Mm, Mutthow Oonltoa, a (ion KoLi'Adi- InKiUfjnvillo, on Tnonday, Novombor 17th, to Mr. mid Mru, J Q Kolfnuo, a ddiij'h- me Hu'K HiNiiow In nsjox,on bunday, Novombor llth, to Mr anil illnt. .Inmou Ilutcldnuon, jr.. a non \ii o'n At Now Cumuiri, on Wodnoiulay, Novom bor 18lli, to Mr. mid Mru Jonoph hoott, n tlfiti^htur l'Aiiiti-ii In Goofiold North, on Huturday, No vombor 11 tli, to Mr and Mru, William l*ark- oi, ii dau^htoi, Mar rlii^o. Iii/olhatij At tho It C Churoh, WoodHlou, tn Wodnouduy, Novombor IBtli, by Ilov Fut-bor Hodrddniioii, Mr. 't'hoimin Fit/corald to Mlsu Aunon Stroiifl, both of Hocbontor JisNNini At tho ronldonco of hor diiunhtor Mm, H Ooldon Wlalo. Iluthvon, on ])Vldny, Novombor.llith, Mru, llanimli JtunncU-Jon, nor. iiBod 03 youiM, It monthii. ESSEX. Tliono BulmoriborH who promUod to briit^ in wood on Hubuonption tiro ruquodtocl to t!l".o us a oall riubb away us uat back yat-d is oomplefcoly empty. Tuottrtny, Novombor 17th, Oounoil mot at ft p.m. Pronont, Deputy Hoove MoDougnll, in tho chuir, Counoilloni PottH, Uninoii, X'orHytlio, J. 3VI. riicko, Soottund .T. A. ITiokH. MinutoH of provioua mooting v/cro road and udoptod. Tho uaual oomwiUnicnlion from tho Toronto lawyorM.rolativo to account for local option ciiho, \va road. ,T, A. HiclcH thought thoro ivaH not much uho fooling with tlio mattor any longer, tho account would hnvo to bo paid and it might .pint uh woll bo dono at onco. Tho clork roportotl that at tho requofit of tho EinaiU'o Committoo ho had writ- ton tho lnwyorH that tho account would bo paid at tho next mooting of tho coun cil. J. A. Kicks, comminHkmor for tho 1100011(1 ward, roportod on tho mattor of aidowallcH on Centre stroot. no had noon Mr. White, mauagor of tho Im- porial Bank, and ho rofuaod to build it. ITo had npokon to Mr. Winmor and Wm. Laiug about tho ivalk alongwiclo of tho Milno proporty and thoy Haid thoy woro getting in no nmall roturnn from tho proporty thoy could not hoc thoir way cloar to build tho walk, Mr.Foraythe thought walka should bo built and tho other moiubora of tho council acfiuioHciug, Mr. Hicks gave notice that ho would at next mooting, introduco a by-law to build wdo walka on Contro atieot in front of Tmporml Bank and tho Milno property. Mr. Church addroaeod tho council relative to rebate of taxes on block (18, to tho Landed Hanking and Loan Co. Thoir claim is for #1.84 for taxes in 1802, iHiM aud 180*1. They say it would not have boon paid if thoy had not boon advinod by tho collector that block 08 formed part of thoir 110} acres. Tho clork stated that it was shown that though tho block had boon included in tho company'h assessment tho amount of thoir assoRHiuont was increased. Movod by Dr. Potts, seconded by ,f, M Hicks that tho mattor bo roferrod to tho chairman of Finance Conimittoo to communicate with tho Loan Company Carried. Win, Nnylor addrosBod tho council about a lot that he bad purchased at tax salo, tho pioperty being foimoily owned by W, J. Johnston. Tho taxes on it amount to over 00. Ho bought tho lot on Dccm mber !Ji*d, 1H'.K5 Ho would bowilhng to pay ^^5 but no nnoro. On motion of Messis. -T. A. Hicks and Potts, tho matter was roforrod to tho Finance Committee. Ed. J)oan uddrosBod tho council re garding condition of sidewalk on Vic toria avenue. It was built six years ago, Hinco which time uo lopairi have boon made on it On motion of Messrs. Forsythc aud J. M. Hicks, the matter wasreforiod to eummissioiit'i of Wind No. 1. Tho following accounts were road and referred to tho Finance Committoo W, H. llicluirdson, hardwaic, filter services, coal oil, eU\, -28.H(I; W Rob erts, material and work on tank, ^2; W B Galhtnger, isolating infected family, m./jO; Lame Bros., sidewalk on linen avonuo, Hi[ l*i, Juhn Woitloy sulowallv on street crossing Arthur ave nue, HI .10 , Wm. Keown, gravel for waterworks, Johnston Bros,, lnm- lx i aud material, ^75 Si; Sylvoator Thornton, balance duo on contract of Town Line drain, rtH0.iir>. J A. Hicks said the Fire Brigade wanted power to blow tho lire whistle on practice nights and, on motion of Messis. Potts and Forsytho, tho Bri- tfado ^ as given power to blow whistle in some understood W1137. Dr. Potts wanted to know if tho Chairman of tho Fire, Water and Light Committoo over called out tho Firo Brigade to tost its efficiency. Mr. Hicks said ho did not. J. A. Hicks reported on tho changes coutoinplfttod at tho Waterworks. Tho estimates were -For lifting engine out of tho hole, si 50 ; new boiler, S400 ; obaugoH iu building, including bricking in of now boiler, ^360 ; removing old barn from lot and putting up a fonco, $2(1 ; changing position of present boil er and othor work necessary, .^lOO. Ho did not say that the figures woro tho exact cost of what would bo roquirod but ho behoved thoy woro protty uoarly eoiToot. If a now wall woro put down and another pump got, similar to tho one in tho M. C. It. pump house, tho cost in that Hue would bo $(5UiJ. Ho boliovod it would bo bettor to put down another woll before tho addition was mado to tho present building. Thoy had sovoral tenders for now boiler, Mr. Forsytho boliovod tho work real ly should bo dono, tho only hitoli hoing tho money. Tho ilrHt thing thoy should do was to rofor tho ninttpr lo soims eom- could bo put up and payments mude, Hiimo as if bought by an individual, Mr. Forsytho said wlion the Finance Committoo struck thoir rate they did noL make any estimato for repairs pro posed, Besides, tho work on sidewalks is exceeding tho amount hgurod on and unloss tboy woro vory wconomical tho expenditures would bo oxcooding tho estimates. Mr, Hicks thought Homothing oupbt to bo dono an soon hh posuiblo. Tho prosont boiler could boovor-hauletl and put in uhnpo no that it could bo used about one day a month whilo tho now boiler would bo cleaned out. Movod by Mossm. Forsytho and J. M. Hicks,that the mattor bo roforrod to tho Hoove and tho Finance Committoo to ascoitain what financial arrangements can bo mado. Carried. "Dr. PottH wanted to know whore tho plans aud specifications woro. J. A. Hicks invitod tho doctor up to tho watorworks and ho would show him what thoro was to bo dono. Itofor- ring tho mattor to a committee wan just a way of dolaying it. J. M. HickB said tho roport of tho committeo had never boon made before, Mr. MoDougall submitted tho agree ment between tho council and W. H. Edgar for taking care of tho Fair Grounds, in accordance with instruc tions givon him at last mooting. Mr. Edgar had signed tho agroomont sub mitted. Since tho last mooting, how- over, ho had rocoivod an offer from Thos. Irwin to takocaro of tho grounds for what hay thoro waa thoro. Mr. Irwin, who was prosont, sub stantiated Mr. McDougall'fi statement. Moved by Dr. Pottn, oocondod by Mi. ItninoH, that tho agreement bo signed by tho acting Mayor on hohalf of tho council. Carried. Tho agreement provides that Mr. Edgar shall oaro for tho crounds, koop tho fences aud buildings in propor re pair and pi event trespassing or pastur ing on tho premises. Movod by Mr. Scott, seconded by J, A. Hicks, that Mr. Edgar bo appointed a town constable. Cariied. The Finauoo Committoo prosontod thoir roport rocommonding payment of accounts of W. B. Gallangor, $1.50; W. ltoberts, $2; Wm. Keavn, $2; J. Wortloy, Qll.yO; McLaren k Co. bal- anco in full for law costs, Essex vs. Thrasher, $100; "W. H, Kichardson, $2.1.80, Laiug Bros , 880.45, Johnston Bios , tf4(J HH On motion of Messis. Potts and Kaines.tho roport was adopt ed. Dr. Potts thought tho Finance Com mittee should take stopi to recover tho $100 paid to McLaren k Co., from the paitios who ga\e tho bond. Thos. Ii win addressed tho council in regard to the townliuo ditch. Ho sorv od a notice on f ho council last ycai to huvo tho ditch cleaned out but it waB not done in time and bis wheat this yoar was damaged. ilia neighbor's yiold was 28 bushels to tho aero whilo his was only 11 bushels to tho aero Ho wanted .^25 damages from the town. J A. Hicks did not consider it safo to make comparisons with neighbors' yiold of wheat. J. W. Kichardson, his neighbor, grow an a\orago of Jt.l bush els to tho acio oft' 10 seres of wheat, whilo his average was only 21 bushels oil 10 acres, yot both Holds woro tile- diained and only sepaiatcd by a road. Tho account of McLaren & Co. was again alluded to. Mr. Forsytho said the mattor had boon up bofdio. It did not appear that tho town had any bond at all and tho paitios disputod thoir liability for tho account. They said if tho council would hold oft" thoy would try and got solicitors to throw off $100. Mr.Naylor still asks to have the council wait, hop ing to got tho bill reducod. Tho only claim ho can find that the town has against tho parties is tho resolution in tho minutes, whoro Messrs. Gundy and Naylor said thoy would becomo re sponsible Mr. Naylor says it takes two to mako a bargain and if tho agroomout had been drawn up thoy would, no doubt, havo had some re strictions to place in it. Dr. Potts considered it a small pioco of bumnoaa on tho part of some pooplo to put tho town to tho oxponso it was put to and thou sneak out of it. J, A. Hicks boliovod that the tempor- anoo pooplo should pay tho amount and ho, for ono, would bo willing to contri bute. 1 )r. Potts said tho agroomout as bo- twoon tho town and tho parties should havo boon in conformity with tho rosol- C. O. C. F. Annual tte~Uiiion. mittoo to Hud. out how they coulfl got tho money. Mr. Hioks said iio know,.t]io b utiou in tho minutes. Ho boliovod tho town had a legal right to reoovor tho amount. Mr. Forsytho considered that thoro was gross nogligoneo on tlio port of tho Mayor of tho town at that timo. The olork said Mr, Milno still olaima that on agroomout was drawn up. Mr. Forsytho said bond, as ho under stood it, was one givon guaranteeing tho court costs iu tlio ovont of the ease going against tho town. Tho discussion was tlion brought to a oIoho by tho retirement of J. M, Hicks and the council adjourned. Tho annual ro-union of Essex Coun cil, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, was hold in their lodge rooms, Dunstan Block, on Wednesday evening, and was vory successful. Tho chair was occu pied by Alex. ,T. Wilcox, Chief Coun cillor of the local council, and when or- dor was scourod at 8.15 thoro woronoar- ly 200 present many of whom woro mombors of tho order, tho balance be ing thoir guoiitn for tho ovening. Tho first pioco on tho program was a chorus by Frank Croon, C. Krioghoff, O. A. Church, JohnLaing and Ed. Laingand was woll rondorod. This was followed by an address by Thos. Hush, ono of tho chartor mombern of tho local court and prosont Itoeordor of tho samo. Mr. Bush expressed his pleasure at seeing so many present, and also at tho privi- logo of speaking for tho Ohoaon Friends. This is an ago of co-operation and tho ordor embraces tho mighty principle that humanity is applying in all the paths of life This principle has be como no amplified and oxtendod that now ovory villago has its own socioty, Years ago companies started out on this principle hut it was a mattor of business with them and thoro was no fraternity with them. Life influranco companies aro good things but thoy cost too much. Tho common pooplo find thoir means limitod and fiatornal organizations ap proach them with tho statement that thoy havo an institution that will_ni. sist thorn to provido something for thoso who aio left behind. Ho believed the Choson Friends as good an order as any, and it would hoar favorablo comparison with any other society on the continent. ItB ofllcors aro young, activo and brainy; it has a surplus of $50,000 deposited with tho Dominion Covornment.bosidos $50,000 in the Bank of Hamilton; tho membership exceeds 111,000. Should an" "epidemic occur tho order can fall back on its surplus. Tho ordor has many good things to oQ'or. It is purely a Canadian order; all its financial offi cers give seem ity; tho suiplus fund will protoct against epidemics; its afisoss- ments aro graded; it furnishes tho larg est bonoiit at tho smallest cost; it gives protection at from 25 to 50 per cent, loss than othor societies. Tho question is asked, aro the rates high enough ? Hjh nuswor to that is during four years it has piled up ^100,000 more than they could use. Tf a member becomes total ly disabled ho receivesono-half tho face of his policy; if ho lives to bo 75 yoais old ho gets tho wholo insurance An other good feature is that both soxes are admitted on an equal footing. There are strong arguments why w omen should carry insurance* as well as mtm. Tho membership of Essex Council now num bers 115, about half of whom are Indies. Twenty-two members ba-vo boon ad mitted within tho past yeai. Mr. Rush concluded his address by in viting tboRo in want of msuranco to try the Chosen Prionds. A duet, "Oomo whoie tlio nightingale sings" was then rendered by Misses Betcono and Burdick after which James F, Mc Queen read a selection from Ian Mc Laren's "Beside tho Bonnio Briar Bush." A chorus by tho cpiintotto, entitled "Petor Grey,1' was thou sung aud in response to an encore sang "Gottin' to do Gospel Tree." Bcv. M. P. Campbell followed in a short ad- dross. Ho commondod tho ordor ihst as it was purely a Canadian institution, and because it njlordod cheap insurance. Every young man or woman can affoid to take out hiBuiAuco in tho ordor as it was so cheap, costing only 20 conts a month for $500. Tho husband and wife can both join and go to tho meet ings together and thus spend a social evening. Tho total disability fund and paymonts of policy when mombor be comes 75 years of ago woro also good foaturoH.. He also favored tho surplus clause Tf tho A O. TJ. W. in Canada had not paid to tho othor jurisdictions and put thoir monoy into a surplus fund thoy would have saved about $200,000. Ho hoped tho A. O. V. W. would come to tho sumo basis as tho Chosen Friends and that many others would unite with tho local lodge. Walter Shaw then sang "Tho Swootost Story Ever Told" and was oncorod. This was followed by a humorous road- ing by O. Krioghoff, a solo "My Jack's Como Homo To-day," by G. A. Shor- rin, both of which wore duly applauded and a short addroflB by W. Churoh. Mr. Church attributed tho reason that thov had a big surplus to tho fact that thoir doath rale was low. Thoir Sooioty did not oo-opcrato with societies in tho States whoro tho doath rate was much highor than in Canada. Aftor a voto of thanks was passed to those who assisted and replied to on thoir behalf by Mr. Krioghoff, ^rofroshmojats woro sorvod. Tho musical part of'tho pro gramme was in ehargo of Mr, Krioghoff ancl Mrs.Wni Laiug acted as accompan ist, Edison Lning was to have contri buted a couple of ueleotionu on tho mouth organ and cuitoT but -s he was tuning up to start the first piece one of t'ao Btrings of his guitar broke. Comity Council irfattcru- As tho timo for holding tho County Council nominations approaches more candidates appear in tho Hold and the intorost incroasos. In No. 1 District, thoro aro now four candidates in tho field N. A. Costo, T. S. Patton, T. B. Whito and Oliver Boaumo. Tho name of W. T. Wilkiu- son is also montionod. Tn No. 2 District in addition to the names already published Messrs. Laird, Stone, Forriss and Richmond Wm. Campbell, of Colohoutor Vorth, aud Sol. Bailor, of Colchester South, aro also probablo candidates. Tn No. !J District, tho numnmtiouH will bo hold at the Town Hall, Kmgs- villo, and a new namo has boon brought out this week, that of Dr. S A. King, of Kingsville, Hubort Wiglo, Boovo of Kingsvillo, may also stand. Those with tho four previously announced - J. T. Brown, C. O, Fox, Zonas Orton and .Thomas T). Clark would givo six can didates in this district, two of whom would bo from oaoh municipality. In No. 4 District, tho present possible candidates oro W. F. MnKonzio, Wm. McSwoon, Bobt. Menary, M. J. Malott and Bobort Lamursh, J. E. Johnson will not be a candidate hut will run for mayor of tho town again. In No. 5 District, no now names have boon montionod, nor have boon men tioned from tho sixth and. soventh di visions. County S.S. Convention. Tho annual convention of tho Bssox County Sabbath School Association was held in Wesley Methodist Church, at Amhorstburg, on Tnonday and Wed nesday of last wook. The atten dant 0 was not largo owing to tho incle ment weather and tho rain making tho roads disagroeable for driving, thereby preventing a largo numbor from the country from attending. Alfred Day, of Toronto, Provincial Socrotary of tho S, S. Association, was in attendance, and gave four interesting n ulrcusos, all of which were highly ai>pn 'ah d by all who attended. Delegate- m*jo pro sont from Windsor, Walkorvillo, Ensox, KiugHville, Leamington, South Wood- sleo, Amhorstburg, Maiden and Col- chestor South, On Tuesday, Ilov. Dr. Cook, of Wal- koiville, road a paper on "Sunday Schcol Teachers' Preparation," Mr. Day gave an addroBB on "Homo Classes," and A. Itumball, of Windsor, road a paper on "Sunday School Music" Atthoovomug mooting, A. MoNee, County President , occupied tho ch.air. Hov. C W. Brown tondored an address of welcome on behalf of tho town which was responded to by Mr McNeo. N". A. Bartlct, the Counti' Tronsuior, present ed his repoit which was followed by an addross by Mr. Day Wednesday's proceedings woro pro- sided over by D. A. Maxwell, Mr. Mc- Neo having to return home on account of tho illnoss of Mrs. McNeo. Tho nominating conimittoo prosontoit thohr report recommending the following officers for tho ensuing year: Profi., C. E. Naylor, Essex, 1st Vico-Pies., Thos. Fuller, Leamington; 2nd Vico-Fros , A. K. Walker, Amhorstburg; Troas., N. A. Bartlct, Windsor; Secretary, B. C. Weese, Leamington; Committed on Resolutions, Rev. Mr. Ayors, Messrs. Smith and Latam and Mrs. Maxwell. They also roeommondod that tho u ^ convention be hold at Woods'^ report was adopted but Mr. !N. clinod to act as president and ' mitteo recommended that D. n. woll bo appointed to the ofiico. was adopted together with tho rooom- mendatiou that a Financo Committoo bo appointed, to consist of Messrs. Coatsworth, Smith and Naylor. Mr. Day thon addressed tho convention on "The Model Teaohor," after which E. 0. Weose, tho County Socrotary, pro sontod his roport showing tho numbor of schools, teachers and officers and scholars iu onch of tho districts in tho county as follows; * District. Schools. Amhorstburg, 0 " 1 0 de- JM- Tax- This Harrow ........ 13 ICingBvillo...... -11 Leamington.., lfi Windsor........ 8 Woodsloo...... 5 Essex............ 14 Combor......... 7 O.&T. 0(1 77 131 181 1011 M ir.i 07 Scholars. 710 .1110 (140 1480 * 1010 1185 10JJ8 402 7420 In the si oa Thoro aro still throo nohoole Harrow district and throo in tho Wind sor District to report. In the nfter- noon a fow accounts wore paid, votos of thanks woro passod to tho Secretary and to Mi?. Day and a resolution, ei- prossing tho appreciation of the work ers In tho advancement of tho tomper- nuoo cause in the oonnty and referring to tho Local Option in tho Town of tfsaox, was uuanimoUBly partsed. The convention was then brought to a close in the usual manner. * "$ b, Jii&ktiA). Head Fbib Pbbbs Clubbing rates. fa 31

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