t- JIS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, Agents for The Royal, The Guardian and Tho Lancashire, Thb**tInm-anofl Clani}>anIo*ln tbo world. Wexnako n, specialty Of Insuring Firui I'ro* portr.f Money to Loan at S and t>\4, t>et omi. ou Farm Tioparty. Fanners JnsUrtttow its Good JRtliahU Companies. NOTICE. All Accounts duo tho lato firm of Dns. Dkwa.ii h MoKunkik arc payable to Diu Biswaji, Wind- Bor. A prompt aotilomont in requested. The Essex Free Press, BRETT & AULD, l*HOPHIEYOHS. S1UDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1600. Town and Vicinity. Bevtiu wooka ttota today will bo Ohriot- maH Day. The Leamington Poot laut weak, appear ed in a uow droyu of typo, P. Dilno, who movod to Leamington laot 3r&ok, moved book to Ehhox thin wook. Itlohardnon ban nouie bar^aiun iti sooond hand boating atovoe; call and hoo thorn. B. fclouley who ban boon laid up for about three mouth a pant, id ablo to bo out a^ain. Tho mom born of Ebbox Lodge, C. O, (J# F,, intend having & eooiul in tbo aonruo of a couple of wookfl. Tho Walkervillo Horald mado its ap- pflRranoo laat wook. Tbo propriotorn a to MoBHrHi Row it' Douglas. 25o, tott at Smith'H equal to any in town at 40c.; got froo immplo. O. Greenfield, M.O.R. froitfht olork, wont to HaatiingB, Mioh., nu Tuoaday, to oaat hid ballot lu favor of tbo raou of hiwohoiao. Tho small boy Rot'iu Iiib uau<il work ou Saturday ovouing lant .flallowo'on.but no BerioUH damage to proporty ban boon ho far r enortod. J nti) on MoLareu, lately, bought a carload of oowt! and ntoorn from far mom in BoohoHtortownHhip and Hhippod thorn to hia homo at nifihgatd. Mabtor Earl Monro bun given up tbo B80X agency for tho Winduor Evomnq ecord and in nuoceodod by Moater Ah a twaon. fho magic lantorn ontorfcainmout in tbu dvation Army by Enaifm Soobol on Sat day overling last wan woll attoudod and very good programrao wan tfivon. Gob yonr grooorioa from G, E. Smith A i,, ohoapoat in Ehhox. Dr. II, P. Martin apont laot weok in Chatham taking a norioH of Igbqqub of in- BtruotitfuHon orown and bridge work, ho that bo ia now in aa good a ponition to do this kind of work an tbo bout oity dontintn. L. Woloh, M. C. XI. atfont at McGregor, and Mr, Tbomaa havn purolumod tho bust- nosfl at Whoatloy, formorly carried on by tho lato E, Grain^or, and havo taken pon- BOBflion of tbo nanio. M. V, Gorbm, roliev- . iuR aftout, ia at prouont iu ouartfu of Mc Gregor Btation. In tho Liberal Connervativo Union for Ontario, tbo Provinco in divided into 20 division B eaoh proHidod ovor by aoonvonor. J. \V. Sharp, of Dresden, in convenor for tho moat oouth-wofltorly diotriot in tho provioao which oompriHon South Ehhqx, North Eaaox, EuRt Kent, Went Kont, Euot Lambton and Wont Lambtou. LadioH* and ohtldren'n fine hIiooh, apocia* out pricoH noxt wook at Smith'B. A moyomonfi baa boon not on foot with tho objoot of liquidating all tbo liabilition of tho Diooobo of Huron, onpooially tbo flobt roatiDK on tho miuinon fnnda Tbo diooofio ban been parcollod out to thirtoou loruynjon, who will each tako a county, horo they will proacb and ponioually nvafifl for tho aoaompliuhmeut of tho do- *ad ond. Tho mombero of Ehhqx Contro Lodtfo, A. tf. W.i will Rive tboir aunaal bucket oial in their lod^a roomn, OddfollowH' all, Duofitan Block, noxt Monday oven- November Otb, at whioli a litorary ;rammo will bo given in addition to eeohoa by woll known goutlumon. lio- t^BhmontB will bo uorvod during tho cvoti- Eaoh naomber of tho lodgo baa the ilopo of inviting thruo fri'iudu and ad- fmlH^ion will bo by card only. All-wool underwear for men, 1 jo. each, ; at Smith'!!. B. HondorHon, who ban bi>on ornntoyed 'jntbcEaHOX Medical Hall for Hume time past, and who loft a few weoltH a^o to viHit Velativon ut Gnolph, will not loturn hero, having purohfiaod-u drujj; buHinoHy ut J^ray- ton. Georjjo Thatcher, who ban beon in 'pbargo of tbo G. N. W. Tc-le^raph- oflico 'iainco Mr. Uondornou'a doparturo returned to biu homo iu ltid^otowu ou Tuimhiy and iMiflP White, of Leamington, iu manipulat ing tno olootno koyn hero now. 5^;' Xtanfc TliurHday'fi Detroit Journal had Jhe following item : "JamoH DoulaH, blitihor of tho Walkorvillo Herald, wait at> ni^ht married at Ehhox to Mihh Happy B^nith.daufiliter of John Smith, of Etiaex. IJtooy will ronldo in Walkorvillo.M Tbo kfcovo itowi 1H all ritfht except that tho om^B DouglaB, who waH married, in a t^ofc and ahoo merchant in Ehbdx, John Smith liven iu Maidfltono uud tho newly arried couplo will ronido in Eaaox. Tbo as DouKlaflr-who ifl publinher of tho Ikervilio Horald, in a nophow to tho mes Dou(/lau, in Ehhox. Mou'h and boys' overcoats and BUitfl away down in prioo at Smith's. Mrs. Uioks, of Walkorvillo, spent Sun day and Monday In town with relatives. O.L.OrasBweller had hia roaidonoe rolaod and briok plent pat uudor it iu pUoo of tho wooden poets, Mahout ottHh prloe paid for hidoa aud uloo frout quarturn of boef Mold at i oontd a pound at II. Tato's. Job lot of ladioH* ooatn roduood from 910 to8U. G. E.Smith A Go. B. GomuoU ruburned to bin homo at lli^h^atu on Monday aftur viHitiiifj horo for a few dayii with rolatiyoH. Mrs. E. J. Loyolaoo and hou, Stanloy, who have boon yhutint; frionduin Walkor villo, roturnod homo Sunday. JudKe Bull, of Chatham, him rooormund< ud tbo ditmixmil of (Jo nut ablo Domini for alloj^od conduct nubnoormiif'an oflloor. J. E. Stone iiponl Sunday laHC in Chat ham with ralativoH. Qiii mother ih quito ill at tho homo of another uou in Chatham. Dr. J. W. Brion and John Gormloy loft on Monday for tho hunting jirouudu in MuHkoka. Tho party wdl return homo by tho 16th mitt. Mon'n lonpj hootfi, guaranteed wator- proof.oxtm olioap at Smith'ii. The Frovmoial Winter Eat Stock Show will bo hold ut Guulph on Dooorabor 8th, Oth and 10th, when SI,000 iu ohhIi will bo offered iu pruuH. A novel Hinht wan wituoniiod in London, Out., tho other iay whon mt hotol dining room Hir]u uotod an pall-buarora ut tho tun- oral of ono of thuir lute atiooiiiitua. Anthony Thouaan, a farmer, near Brandou, committed tuiioido by taking Htryobniuoou Sunday. No aauou in known for tbo rouh uot. Hiu widow and cluldron aro now vioitin^ at lJarii, Onfc, Tho law tlrm of llauua ifc Cowan, of Windwor, will bo dimolvod ubortly. Mr. Hanuii will oontumo the ofiico, while Mr. Cowan will eutor tho firm of Clurko, Bart- lot & Bartlot. Tbo iirm wiih or(jaui^od aixyoarH ago an<3 haa bnon vory nuocoaful. Dr. Paacoo loft on Monday morning on hia trip to Richmond, Vu., and other plaoon. Ho will bo tibnout for three Hab- batba. Xlm pulpit on Sunday noxt will ho ooonpiod by Rov. W. Ayorn, of South WnodHloo, and by W. R. Manning* tho fol- lowiufi Sunday. The Educational Department, ban ro- ooivod diplomat, ahowing that Ontario took hlghoat hooora at tho educational ex hibit at tbo World'a Fair. Tho dopartmout intonda lHiiuing a diploma to ovory ntndont in tho provinoo who nont ooutrihutioua to the Ontario oxhibit. An old obHorvor ayn : "I And from ob. uorvfttiou that wo invariably bavo a nnow- atorm and a Rouoral 'freeze out' botwoon tho 22nd and 2fith or Noyombor each yoar. During the first wook in April thoro in al- wavH a nnow-Htorm. A cold npoll notn iu during the flret wook in Juuo, and wo got nnothor botwoon tho -1th and Oth of July." A football match will bo played on tbo Aurioultnral Groundu horo to-morrow (Sat urday) aftornoon botweon the Wmdaor and Ehhox Junior toama. Gamo wil| bo called at ^;!J0. AcJmiHRion to gronodn, 15 oontn. Tho Enaox team hayo two Ramon already to their credit and tho Wmdaor toara ono, ho that to-morrow'n fjamo will likely bo a hot ono. Tho Hamilton Providont Loan Com pany ban domaudod immodiato paymont m full of the mortgago on tho Poninimlar Fair ^rounde at Chatham. The owners of Homo horuen aro also after mouoy wun in racea at the fair, but tho hoard m not in a pQHition to undortalco to pjiy any prizoa, until a definite Hotllomont with tbo loan company in roachod. Got yonr blankotn, yarnn, Hhooting and tlaunelH from M. J. Wiglo & Co. A wagon, blankotn and barnena wore found in tho woodn near Charlotte on Sat- aiday and two bay miron that evidently boIoiiHod to tho outfit, wore gmzing noar by. The wagon\viiif haokod to pieceH and on fire. It bad boon mado at Leamington, Out., but no ono thoro knew anything a- bout ltn owner. It m bulievod that the owner had beeorao mnano nud had wan- dori'd off into tho woodH and shot, hiraflolf. A quantity of ammunition wan found aaat- terod around, Tho Loamumton Pout nays; "Our otitoomod oiti/.ou, Jon. E. Tbompnon, haH boon on^atiod to put down a toot well at Wheatloy, and unothur at Ehhgx. Thoro ih not the ttliuhtettt doubt of huocohh at tbo former plauo, but Ehuox aiay be too far wont. It oouth littlo liowovor, to try for gRH, and it muiiriH proHponty to Ehbox if huocchi) attoudu tho effortti of hur uhiACuu. Mr. Tbompnon ih a competent and robablo man, and tho Ehhox puoplo aro to he con gratulated iu HL'curing him. Wo hope our HiHter town will bo Huooontiful m their tlforta to obtain gan or oil. Wo know Bomotlnngof tho oonyouieuooH and a'Jvaut- a^ije of po-iuoHHing tho former, and hope to participate in the prouparity that munt follow in theduvolopmont of tbo oil fieldn to tho oaat of tho town." Eoi the latent utylea and boot valuoa in haU and capa, try M. J, Wiglo & Co. Thoro camo nearly lioing a aorioua firo at J. A. I^rauoiH* htoro on Tuenday ovoning. Mr EranciH lofi tho Htoro at li o'olook and Mi, Wallace, bin clerk, wan oloaiug up. He had turned down tho light in the large lump iu tho ceiitro of tho ntore, wan looking tbo door and turned around to ueo if tho light had none out, whon tho lamp fell on tho tablo uennatli which wan illlsd with' ready made clothing. Tbo oil bping Hpilled out of tho lamp became ignitod from tho lighted* wiok. Mr. Wallaoo hurriod back and noon oxtiuguinhod tho blnzo, though in doing no one of hia handn wan burned. Had tho firo ntavtod but a fow moraontii later thoro would, no donbt, bavo boon a aorioua conflagration. Felt hata (or men, *i6c. eaoh, at Smith's. Mr, Barrett has beau east this week ou a business trip. Gns Monro moved hie family to Loam- ingfcon on Wednesday. I loud of Hplunlug wheels for sale. H. P hi mm or, MoGrogor. 3-mo-id , Homoruber that M. J. Wlglo & Oo. load tho trade iu tine toaa aud groceries. Edisou liaiug spent ^Saturday, Sunday ami Monday last with frionda in Windsor. ^Wrrwor(rplonnod-to-see I^atbor MoGeo on our Htroet on Tuesday laat aftor bin rooont illnuHH. G. J. Thomati roturnod Iiomo ou Tues day from a throe da>n' viait in Dotroit with hiu brother. J. II Taokaborry lmu noourod tho eon- tract of putting togothor a largo number of wagon juokH at Ehhox, Hepoftii of midnight raidn on hen roowtH in town aroourront, -Hoveral pernouu hav ing Muttered lodiioniu thin lino. JamoHGunuiughaoi, whoundorwout an operation at a Dotroit honpital a month ago, rotumod to hiu home horo on TuoHday. Tho Ladiun' Aid of tho MotbodiHt oburoli Intond having a parlor Hooial at tho par- nonage tho Urot Wudiionday in Dooombor. Prof. Layman, expert piano tuner, of Ohio, will bo at Eueox Muuio Storo noxt Monday. If you want your piauo dono right, call. Tho charge a^uinut Allan Doan for iui- iianlt on Robert Doacon, of Colohotitor North, was dmmiimod ou Friday laufc by P. M. Boaman. If you are houno oloaning and want to do any painting or decorating, don't forgot that Richardiiou keepn alabautino and tho Shorwin-Williamu' paintn, all ooloru, 11 Capt. 1'Vll and Liout. Ogilvio, lauaio ofli- oorn, will conduot tho mootmgu at tho S. A. Barracku ou Sunday, Novombor 8th. Capt. Smith oxohangea and yooa to Loam- ington. All aro welcome. Ezra Agla htm raovod from Harrow to Euhox and ia oooupying tho roindonoo on Albcfrt Btroot adjoining David Whitnoy'o, I\lr. Agla ban accepted tho general agency for a wiro fouuo and will mako Euhox hia head quartern. Zaoh. flolbort, oolorod, wan working on tbo coal docIiB of tho Cnddy-Mullou Co. in _AmhorHtburg on Monday whon a buckot of coal upuot on liim fluriouuly injuring him, Hm head wan cut and bin right leg badly lujurod. Ilo may not rooovor. Don't forgot that M. J. Wiglo & Co. aro tho olothiorn of Ehhox. Tho collootor of taxon will bo at tho afflao of W, D. Boaraun, on the lifteruootia of Saturday, tho 7th, 14th and Slnt aud ovory lawful day from tho 2fitb to tho 80th of Novombor. Thooo winhing to tako advan tage of tho .'I per cent, diflcouut, ploado tako notice. An Mjtb. Goorgo Kay with another Indy and a gontloraan woro driving from Ehhox to Edgar'n on Saturday laat thoy meL with an aooidout by which their buggy wan np- net and the oooupanto all moro or loan bruinod, though luckily nouo woro norioua* ly hurt. Tho Hpooial raootingn ia tho Epinaopal church woro brought to a ol <no on Friday ovoning lunt. All tho mootingi) woro large ly attondod and Ilov. A. Murphy'u ovango- lintio addroHHoa wero all attentively listonod to. Tho meeting woro iu progroaa for ton daye, Hmith'n upooialn for Saturday ; 34 lbn, granulated eu^ar, Jl ; 5 lbn. tapioca, y5c.; baking powdor, Ifm, pur lb. ; ataroh, (ic. per lb.; prepared cooounut, 20a. per lb. ; hairiH, l!lo. por lb. ; corn, poaH or tomatoes, 7c por can ; potatoon, 25o. por buahol; ooal oil, 18o. per gallon. Dr. McKon/.io, who ia ntill in tbo Gcnpi> al UoBpitul at Chatham, Buffered a rolapso liiec weok und ia now in a very ontioal con. dition. Mra MelCcnzie in at hm bedeide having gone down on Tuenday morning. A toloptiono moHHtigo wan rooeivod last (Tlinrnday) evening that the Dr 'a condi tion wan oouHidorably improved. A gamo of lootoall wan played on tho Agricultural Groundu hero on Tnouday evening botweon Ehoox and Maidntouo, tho Ehhox team being compound of tho follow ing plavora: backa, J. Guurlay aud F. Copoland ; half-buoltu, G- AIIihou, L otottH and n. Cook ; forwards, Alex. Gourlay, A. Hancock, Edition Laing, J. Edgar and J. lioomau. Tho gamo wan too muoh ono aided to ho iutcroHting and when time waH called tho acore otood i to 0 it) favor of tho town team. M. J. Wiglo & Co. are having a groat over-coat nalo ; the pnoen are doing it. Tho Uyoter Social given by the ladion of tho Presbyterian church at tbo romdonco Mro. John Tbratihor {kbordoou noune) on TuoHday evening wan largely attonded and a vory enjoyablo ovoning wan apont. Oya- lerH wero nerved at'.) o'olook and au into. ruHting program mo wun funnelled, Rov W. M. Fleming occupying tho chair. Two quartottoa woro iiung by W. C. Laing, Frank Green, Mine Botoono and Minn Bur- dick ; rocitatiunH by Nolho Fleming, Mil drod Richurduon and Mary Parltiunon ; a guitar hoIo by Ediaon Laing ; a readiug by W. B. Moran and a vocal uoln hy Walter Shaw. Arter paying tho oxponHOH the hidiea will havo ubont $20 left. Public School Trustee*. A regular mooting of the Public Sobool Trustees was held on Friday evening last, all the members pro sent. Minutes of provioufl meeting were read and adopted. Tho'following billa woro ordered paid: E. Ithyndress, list{ngB,9d; W. H. Richard- son. work, hardware, oil and glass, 927*44; Andrew Parkor and Was. Gladdery,mason work, 1530; B, Dean, labor, 99.50; X Es. sol tine, work, 60 cents; Roberts* Ed^ar, work and material, 928.71. Moved by J. Laing, seconded by W. D. Beamau that the Treasurer bo empowered to borrow I'JfjO to p*y aalaries__Oarrlod. Mr, Rus sell was instructed to see Principal MaU" niutf aud Alex. Laiug about getting up a lecture or ontortainmont) and to make all arrangements for carrying out tho unmu, the proceeds of said oritertaiumeut to he uuod for puruhoning a IManotarium aud othor iiohool ouppliofl, Kllirh School Note*. The noxt meatiug of tho Literary So- oioty will bo held on Friday of thia weok. Tbo proirram iu an follows; AJdroHa, O Oraimwollor; olioruH, arranged by Misses Rorko aud White; reading, Mr MoHugh ; vooul duot, MisHDH K Millar and Gaidar; guitar nolo, A E Laing; rocitafciou, Mian E Rainoa; reading, Mr L Bonuott; argus, Editor; National Authem. The following aro tho names of the Third Form Htudouts who obtained ovor BBJ% iu Algobra and Euclid examinations of last wook: A D Potter li, L GriQltb 70, ri RuuhoU 62, E Berry id, F Jarrain -15, S .WiKhtmau '13, G ttodd 43, L Wiglo -10, O Olvor H8, M Thihandoau 86. ThoHo in Booond Form who obtained ovor 30^% in Grammar examinations of lanb wook are : E Ramos 7H, E Richard- hou 71, A Cantor 06, C Olvor 60, M Grant 64, G Rodd G3, M MoRao Gl, L Bonnot 68, F Jarmin G8, S Cunningham C4, M Mo. nupjli 58, E White G3, W James -18, J Bmytho"i8,OKnlHfcor45,K Millar 411, M Rorko -111, S Wortloy 30. ThoHu in the Firut Form A. who obtained ovor 33i% in Litoratiiro oxaminationa of lant wook oro : E Laing 82, G Irwin 70, G MoQuoon 70, SPiKorGO, L MoQuoon 6*9, L, Sodgwiok &Q, U Lynoh 48, F Sheridan 18, T Fito 44, C Btono 41. Thono in tho Firat Form B. who ob tained ovor 33}% in Literature] examina tion of laut wook aro: L Wiglo 60, J Dowar CO, N Littlo 59, M Millar 49, L Hil- lior 40, E Naylor 44, B Thomas 44, A Gourlay 42, J Edgar 40, A*"Olvor 35, B Rono 35 ......- JobnHton BroH., of Kaaox, arc furnishing the matorial Jor a largo framo houao that George A. Wintomuto is erecting for his non. Chaa. Knapp died at hia homo in Har row on Thuraday of lait wook and waa buried on Saturday. Decoased had boon ill for aomo time with connumption. Ho wan about 50 yoarn of ago and loavoa a widow and throo children. NICW OUbiPORNKA. Jamon TownBond in vory ill. Gordon Wiglo has had bin houoo ro-paint- od. Mro. Gordon Wiglo has rotumod from her vinit to Chatham. Ed. Swoctman haa huulcod 705 bunholo of oorn from five aoroa. Geo. Caughill dufj a potato which woighed 2 lbn. 8 oz WOOnsXjKK. Tho rooont conoort at tho R. C. achool netted 815.80. MiHHKato Barrio, of Maidatone, in visit ing Mra. Wm. Hog an John Roody, wifo and daughter, Nellie, of Clovoland, O., viaitod rolativea horo laHt wook. Mihb Libbio Sauvo, of Toledo, 0., baa boon viaiting hor HiHter, Mra. Papmoau. tli in ^-MitPb. A dospatch from Winnipeg naya:------ "Promior Gioonway promifloa an an- noiincomont m rociard to tho acbool quen tion iiottlotnent to-day (Friday), non. Mr. Tin to will return horo from Rogina on that day, and tho oomprnrmoo, whatever it may bo, will then bo completed." A burglar olimbod to tbo third ntory of Alma Collogo, Ht.ThomaH, on Sunday morning, hy moano of tho firo onoapo, and entered a room oooupiod by Miubdh Btraohau and MoOarthy. Tho girto woro awakonod by tho uoiao ho made nntormg tho window and their aoreamu oaunod tbo intrudor to boat a retreat, leaving his hat bo hi rid in hia hurry. IBHOOKKIl. G. Gammon in vioitmg fnoodn in vicinity. Hoeuan Brunor ban purahaaod a new top buggy. Mro. J. K. Biroli upont laat wook with hor nutter at Ehhox Who would lend their waggon and rack, waH tho ory of tho iieauou. AraoH Gammon in moving to bin now home on tin* lOtli oonooHuion. E. Blair ban routed hin form to Joel Holkio and iutondii moving to Leamington Wu woro plea'iod to hoo Mm. Goorgo Smith out to church Sunday aftornoon for tho firat timo thin yoar. CJOTVAM. Tho ohooHo faci-oiy Jh running on altoi- nato dayti.. Ovor 2o loadu of hvo bogs paaaed through horo on Monday for Eohox. Mm. Spindor, noo Mian Doha Iltjr, in vit-itiug hor father, Ruy. ,1. ll.ir. Robt. Queon haa traded hiu diivmg borne and hug^y to Mr. Church, of Ehhox, for a bicycle. Tho Clerk of Goaliold Ncrth lately io- ooivod a letter from tho Bureau of Indna- trien, ouquinng tho oanno of tho great reduction in their taxoa thin yoar. Whilo ErnoHt Clark waa at dinner liutt Thurtulay ho wan startled hy ouo of hie neighbors tolling him hiH Iiouho wnu on flro. Soon a uiowd gathered with pails and, although it looked at ono time au if the lire wan going to do itu work, it wan at laut oonquerod. The rid go and ono ond waH hurnod through. Over-Stocked! We are Over-Stocked in Ladies' Coats, Regular $3.25 line cut to $2.50 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 it a <l m 6.00 8.00 10. 12. All New and of Latest Style. it it a (( it tt Snaps in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Suit or Overcoat ""^X. $6.00 Cut to $4.50 ' " ' 8.00 ' 6.00 10. , " 12. 16. 7.60 9.00 12.00 Lots of Odd Suits for Men and Boys about Hall Price. See Them. a- We Offer Special Inducements in Ordered Clothing Don't buy before you see us...........- I II | ! ------------------------1 ' Examine Our Stock of Boots and Shoes, We carry best makes only prices Have been Reduced to suit the Closest buyer. Special Line All Wool, Large Size, White Blankets, $2,25 per pair. G. E. SMITH &C0. WIIITNJISY BLOCK, ESSKX, LOOK OUT FOR THIS oPxxCEj NEXT WEEK. WILCOX & BROWN, SCOTT BLOCKT1ESSEX. You Will Save Money this Fal If you have to get a A Baltimore man livod iu a houao in- fontcd with Jlotui. Ilo oovorod each of hiu logn, from anklo to kaoo, with fly-papor, tho Btiolcy oido out, thou durUonod th rooraH, and walked around. Thiu plan oaught tho flonu in groat numbers. COOKING .or. HEATING To buy it from.....: Stove \- 11 W. H. Richardson, Hardware, Essex, ont. !