Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 6, 1896, page 2

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IJI^ Ef,v';' ","rV'l ! 6'.-; ('. Break Up a Gold in Time BY USING PYNY-PECTORAL The Quick Our* ttir COtf<illH, COI.OH. CHOW, lM>N- CniTlM, HOAlLtKNlBW, uin. Mkr, Jniilti-K Noiiwick, of 69 Soruuitm Ave., Toronto, wrllua: *'I*ynT-l'm;li'ml li< imvor fell*! to ur* my ctilfdruii f cnni|" n,,i" * Tow (!"*. It rttwtt hiylf or a. I.ii.l' -kLuiilltiif cnuutii{Ur Rnvnrnl f)ii<r tmin'itfc* linil rullnl. It li IiOWV(Mlimxi*i']|nt i-Aiitrti i:urr<>r tny l.nilly. 1 lrf.>r it to An* i-!li(;ir ljiiklli:lil tot ooUtftiJ, Cf uu[i or LoAiHtiiliiiJ. H, O. lUttlKMIU, of Llttlu Uoclior, N.D., wrllao i *'X* cur* far rnuulii rynylwu>r*l 1* tlm fc*t illijf niMllilnnl littVj my ell* tomura will tiuvn ti utlmr." tar^t Kntllti, tt CIm. PAVIS & LAWUIiNCB CO., Ltd. ^ ProprUtoru, Momthkal ^T A Canadian putout may bo gruntod for throo terms ol nix yours caoh, tho applica tion for tho toll term oil oi(jhtoon years costing 880. Aw Wull uu i;vor. Dian SniS, After nufforhitf for two yoars from aouto indigestion, I tried B. B. II. I took only throo bottlos, which made mo as wollas ovor I wan. I highly recom- tnond B. B. B. to all dyHpopticu. Mnfl. JonN Wiiiti!, Auutju, Mitu. Tommy Paw, what in tho Board of J5d- uoation ? Mr. Figg In tho day a when I wout to rcIwo) it wan a pino tminglo. Yofiucco Kl<<art. Much heart and norvo wealineno is caused by undnn use of tea, coffno, or tobacco ; palpitation, norvounuenn. irritability, ex citability,'lack ol confidence, etc., uro Hiiro oymptomn. Milhurn's flourt and Norvo PiIIh bring ready roliof, by uteadying tho norvon and regulating tho heart. Thoy aro a trno heart and norvo food. A Maine man who ban studied ohuroh fairs pretty oarnfully tlnm dofinos thorn : "A oh urn li fair in a placo wlioro wo spend morn money than we can afford for things we do not want, in ordor to ploutio pooplo whom *"o do not'likfc and to help the hoathonR, who aro happier than wo are." y Is Invaluable. If you aro run -' :a medicine. \ The S0--& L- Emulsion 3 ' <:iht,.1 lie.iltli te 3 -. Impaired. '1 \ The D- &, L. Emulsion ' iralitm of q '- Cod UvL-rOil.ntircuii.K wldi iln: muutilch- - ' cato momiiclis. i \ Tho D. fit L. Emulsion :l8prcacribed by tlm U-iulinj; iiliyaiciaiisof '. Canada. X The D. Bt L. Emulsion 3 : la a marvellous flesh produci-r ;md will \-\lvu 1 you an aupciiic. ^ GOc. & SI per Bottle 3 : Do euro you ct I DAVI8 & LAWRENCE Co., LTD. A : tho gunuino | uonthcal i xuii 111 m" " l""i AiAA * iUiiLUiii mm in J Toua Cooper, of Detroit, in Haid to liaye banked 912,000 an the roault of Ihh work on tho eyulo path tbia beaaon. Tho Detroit wonder ia in reoemt of a. niilury of 15 per week for uhiu^ a certain kind of chain on hta racing wheel; S10 por week for \\h\vu, a naddlo of certain multe ; 51,^00 per anuu.u for the tire and ^2,100 pur loinum for rid- inn tho remainder of the wheel. Oitfi Kvory Nl^lu, One Laxa-Livcr Pill taken each ni^ht during ;f0 dayn will cure CoiiHtipation, oft- returning Uendacben and irregular action of tho bowelfj. Laxa-Livcr Pillw leave no unploatJant aftereffect. Summer nearly jone ; len^theiiinL: Iii^htH, ahortoning dav'H, and furuaee iireti; Htorui windown and wbiht evcmin^H tho early proflpeet. fiurarner weather iu a guod deal like life, iiy the time you ^et tiling ho arrn^cii that ycju cati bt^in u, onioy it you ihid that the Wat of it i over. ICIood lu 1.11.'. It. ih the medium which tuuneM to everj- nerve, mtiKcle, nr^ui ami Jiine ith nuurihli- rr.ieiit and Htren^ih, if tho Ijloud ih pur--, rich and healthy you will be well ; if im pure, difloaHt* will hi Miii overtake >mi. Hood'H Sursapai'ill'i linti power to keep yon in health by midiin^ your hlo >(l rich ami pure. llood'H Pills aru easy to tida% eany t operate. C!uro incli^ehlion, biliounnens. 2oo. The dahlia wan named m honor of Andrew DahJ, a eelebrateii Swedndt t-ota- niHt aud pupil oT LinnieiiH, unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, which is al most unfortunate. Its best use is before you fear consumption ; when you begin to get thin, weak, run down ; then is the pru dent time to begin to take care, and the best way to take care is to supply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver" oTli~~winrEypo^ phosphites, will bring back Klumpness to those who ave lost it, and make strength where raw cod- liver oil would be a burden. A iubltiiuifi only I'tm'tmidt tk* original. Scott & llowwK.U*llevHI<j, Ont. . umJ 9i.tM THE LAST DECADE 1895. Naturo dlMliono'rtid by tho ro nho bore, Thn foolri of .knowliMleu, Hluvofl .Of Hbnrtyi Art tliut profuonH ttm nuptlnl aanotunry. Whom truth and bonuty wed foroy*>rnior; Lov tliat iniHta dowo itlio viistiil vbtt uh wore, To Join onrth' )Jaoobbi.f<wttval bd flo W(th tho -wild KUpnadH, lnthuir umluy% Dy ohunuod mountain pouli and dHori ihoi How loutf Hindi thoHo tbinKrilHiV Till Mta'u '>w wbie Iri drunk to fcliu huib dvoL'H of iilmmo und wro Till lnvo urltioii, btsautlful, fiuutord. And ]Hirlllud by fulth itntl r*V(irtnc tour Till mmi lookn Uodwjird and the word ritvtmi flowj forth unci) morn U> fihuiami the world bow IoiikP May Hiuolulr in Tmnplu Vii\V. A SINGULATl GUEST. Mr. Honry Appaof lloxton oomplotod tho fixing of tho-wiroH on tho lawn of Hnnlnip;h onurt, IIo looked up i\t tlin dim lififJit in tho dwHNinK room and ohnoklud Hoftly iih ho bout tho hint; yard of wire. "A trip in time," Haid Mr. AppH, "aivoH nine." Ho t.hri'W tho ropn luddor Rontly in tho air, inuVat the ilrt olTorfc it caught tho projnetinp; nuil. " *Ow!0 on board tho lnpfgof,' quotod Mr. AppH fucotioxiHly i\n ho mounted tho ropo luddor, 'and tho pjnrl i mine.' " IIo opnned tho window very gnntly and hooh hi nod iiiHido tho drciflHin^rooni. Noai* tho tublo in thn corner of tho room wan nn iron tmfo. "Well, Tin jiRgoredr* oxolnimod Mr. AppH. Ho lonKonod 1.1m flnpH nf bin fur rap and mopprd hin brow with thn bank of his bund. "Well, I'm jlgRprud if thoy 'uven't boon and ltift tho key in for mi:. I illicit havo Hivod myself, a lot of trouble if I'll knmvrd." Mr. Apjih nwuiitf open tho Jioavy door of tho Hiife- nnd lintennd to the munio down HtuirH. Young Lady StnplohurHfc wan givinfi, an Mr. AppH vory woll know, ii dnnco on her return from thn continent after hor torm of widowhood, "I'll joHt Hff, first of all," ho Raid, "that thooouHt in nhflolutely olonr, and thou then for a hatful." Mr. Hrnry AppH Htoppod out into tho broad^c Ho touched, with liin jimmy stinking out of Iijh oapaciouHHido po(d;ct, u fi!\v KtcpH toward tho HtuirH. Suddenly a girlifih figuro turned tlio corner. "Bb'KHiny 'nrtl" cried Mr. Appa. "Whyi how do you do?" Hnid tho' young lady, stopping forward. Shogavo n Roft laugh thut wiih vory pUiiumnt. "This is really delightful. Do you lenow I recognized you at onoo in Hpito of the coKtunui?" She hold tho hand of Mr. Apps for u moniont, causing that geiitlonian to gasp for breath, and called one of the ilia idh. "Just bring mo it ponciJ and a card," oho said. "I mHb arrange' for a enr- riagn to take Captain Norman back to his hotel in tho'morning. I wasn't nuro that ho would como." "I can walk," remarked Mr. App.s with restored Helf poKHt'HHion. "I won't hear of it. When Khali wo Hay, now?" I "Say in an hour'n time," Haid Mr. ] Apps. "I can go up stairs again alone, j change my logs and do all I want to." ' "And can't you Htay longer?" i She gave the card to the maid and; ordered it to be ilifipatched nt once. [ "I've got a busy night before uie," j urged Mr. AppHoxcuiHiiigly. lie thought of hi* dot.' waiting on tho lawn and l'eur- ; cd it might give an inopportune bark, j Besides, the safe was Htill open, and the ! diamonds were waiting for him. lie [ hud notierd with Hatinfaetion Lady Sta-! was wearing none. ..... j "You wen* always an active man, ) captain." ' "Always doing Koniething," ngreod . Mr. AppH. "If it isn't one thing, it's unother. " He shook his head reductive- i ly, "1 olun wonder I don'twriteu book j about it all." I "I don't hidiove you will knew any- ! body here, Captain Norman," she Kuid as they walki-il down stairs, "but I: couldn't lic'l]) sending you a card, see- [ ing how fiiendly \ve \yure on tho IJe- j shawur. Do you remomher thoso even- ing.s on deck in the Ki.-d sea?" ' She was really a vory lino young' woman, and in her costume she looked uxtivjindy v,vll. ! "Do I not?" said Mr. Appn with much fervni*. "Shall 1 ever forget 'em?" "And ihcn tin; journey from Brin- ' djsi, .von know, and that funny little , (rermaii you lvim-mber him?" "He warf u knockout, that German was." ; "And tliv; girl who played thn banjo, ! und'the" "It was great," agnted Mr, Apps "gl't-at, " 0 The large ballroom was very full. A Hmall covey of brightly dressed young people flow toward tho young hostess to complain of bur temporary absence from the room, and a broad shouldered gon- : dolier shook hands with her and took | up her card with something of an air of ; proprietorship. ' , "1 thought I had left tho key in the ; excuso Mie. " 'JMie young lumteHH took buok Inn-card from the gondolier. "I; urn engaged to tJuptain JNormuu. You don't know him? Allow mo." j "Pleased to meet you," Said Mr. Homy AppH. " 'Ow's the world UHing you?" "That'w an original costume of yours, Captain Norman," remarked tho goni dolior,. "I don't know that I've ever Been anything ho daringly real boforo. " "Well, wot of It?" domanded Mr. Appa with sudden aggreJisivenoss, "Wot's the oddtt to you wot I liko to tvoar? Yon needn't think you'ro" "Captain Norman," interposed tho floung hOHten laughingly, "youmuHtn't ovordo tho part. Look hero, I've put yoar naniG down for thia Wolta, but if you liko wo'll Hit it out that In, if you proraiHQ to koQp up that diverting oant end talk. H liko it. Do you think you eon manugo to do ho?" "Ra-thor," Haid Mr. Appa. "And It ia a capital mako up, Onp- iidn Nonuaaa," eho wont on. "Do you know that at first, juflt for ono momout, I thought you woro a roal burglar." "Kunoy thut now," nuid Mr. Apps. He was relieved at Booing un obvious way out of his difficulty. "Thorn'tt notliing like doing tho thing in a prop er, HtritoforWard w'y-" "And," Haid Lady fttaplohurst, with hor fan on bin arm uh thoy walked uoroHH tho roflni, "you huyo got tho oiiHfc ond iLoeont oapitully." " "i1aint HoduHfcy, irt itr" Sho beckoned to tho gondolior. "Captain Normal! and I urn. groat friondH,"- nho Huid in nn oxplanatory way. "HohuH not boon long homo from abroad, and ho known Hourooly anyone." "Not a blessed soul," eohood Mr. Appn. "Yon must lot mo show you round a bit, Captain Norman," Haid tho gondo lior with determined geniality. "Can you como round to my club ono night thiH week?" ."WhuiforV" demanded Mr. AppH aus piciously. "Why, to dino. Say Thursday." " 'Eaven knows whoro I shall bo on Furndny," said Mir Apps. "I don't." "You must oonsldot me at your di- poHal if you re(piiwi any introduotions. I know a good lot of pooplo, and any friend of Lady HtnplolmrHtV "Oh, come oil' the roof," Raid Mr. AppH with much discontent. "Wot's tho use of forking?" "Isn't It oapital?" ankod Lady Sta- plehurst of tho gondolior delightedly. "How much morn interesting it would bo if uvery ono would only talk to mo in their chuructor." Lady Htuplehurst rofio with something of hurry in hor manner aud npoko to Homy VIII. "What regiment do you belong'to, Cnptnin Norman?" asked tho gondolier. "Find out," said Mr. Apps. "Am I too curious? 1 know vory lit tle of the army, I'm afraid. " Thn gon dolior was resolved to be agreeable to Lady StapleburHt'o friend. "I always dodge tho army nights in tho house. I suppose you know fievernl of tho service members?" "I know us manyas I wnnttoknow," said Mr. Apps evasively. "A man in my poHition of life 'as to bo u bit careful who he mixes up with. " ' Tin* hostess returned from Henry VIII. "I can mako nothing of this man,'1 whispered the gondolier to her as he roso. "I think he's silly. " "If you knew his qualities, you wouldn't speak of him liko that." She rosumed her seat by tho side of Mr. Henry Apps. "Woll, blow mo," said Lady Htaplo- hurHt, screwing hor pretty mouth in her effort to iinitate tho ooeknoy's accent, "blow ine if this ain't a fair take I mean tike dahn," sho laughed^ "It'nof uo tine, Captain Norman. I can't talk ' as yon can. " "It's a gift," said Mr. Apps, "that's what it is." "You don't wunt to bo introduced to anybody hern, I supposo?" "Not me.}"You havo hoard of" She pointed in tho direction of tho gondolier. "All I want to." "lie's really making a big name in tho house, you know. I watch his ca reer with great interest." "Thinks a jolly lot of hissolf." "Oh, I think it lot of him, too," re marked Lady Stuplehurst X'h^isantly. "And is that a jimmy sticking out of your jacket pocket? This is, indeed, realism. You don't know how it works, I suppose?" " "Well, I've got a kind of a hidea," Raid Mr. Apps. "Look 'ere. You put this end in and" Mr. Apps found himsulf getting quite excited in tho explanations that ho gave. It was a new sensation lo meet one who showed un intelligent interest in his profession, and he could not help feeling flattered. Looking up, ho saw tho gondolier gazing at him. "He don't look 'appy, that chap," said Mr. AppH. "Will you excuso mo for ono mo ment?" "Wot are you going up to, miss?" he said apprehensively. "I want to speak to him. " "Oh," with relief, "I don't, mind that." While Lady Staplehurst was making tho gondolier resume his ordinary ex pression Mr. Apps thought and thought. The couples promonuding after tho waltz looked curiously at him. "It's the rummiest show you was ev er in, 'Knen, " said Air. Apps. "You're u 'avin Vm on lemur, you are, but you'll bo glad to get upstairs again. You wunt them diamonds, that's wot you wunt. Time means money to you, 'Knery. " Lady .Staplehurst hurried toward tho doorway. A murmur of amusement went through the room as the guoHts saw a new arrival in the costume of a police constable' uocompauied by a man in plain clothes. Mr. AppH, thinking over his exploits, gazing abstractedly ut his boots, and regretting their want of polish, did not boo them until tho plain clothes man tapped him on tho shoulder. "What! Apps, aguiu?" exclaimed tho man. "Yuh, " said tho burglar discontent edly. "Yuri, it is Apps ugine, Mr. Walker. And vurry glad you aro to seo him, I've no dnht." ' 'Always a pkuisuro to moot a gentle man like you," said Mr. Walkor oheor- Tully as he conducted him to tho door- Wuy. "I've wanted to run up against you before," Much commotion in tho ballroom at tho diverting littlti scene. General agreo- mont that Lady fcituplohurst was a per fect gonitis ut entertaining. "But, loveliest girl," said tho gon dolier confidentially to Lady Staplo- hurst, "isn't this carrying a joko rathor too far? That's a roal detective." "I know," Huid the loveliest girl, trembling now a little "That's a roal burglar too." "A roal" "Yes, yon. Don't mnkn a fuss. I don't want tho dauoo spoiled. Tuko mo down to suiipor, like a good follow,"* London Tit-Bite, " For Publication. A PERMANENT 0URE. A Letter.....that proves the Value of Paine's Oelery Oompoiind- A. Mcdieino That Milken Pooplo Woll and That KoopH Thorn Woll. I'*(irUH, Out., Kept. 22, lHOfl. Goutlomon : Tho following teiuimoiiiid, rolutivo to your Painti'u Colory Compound, will no doubt inlurest all who romembor my tuoti- muuiul uivtm morn than two yours itcri. Thin long iuturvul lnii affordnd mo umplo opportunity for jud^mu of tho effoots of thu uuidiciuu. . I havo always valued tho duration ol u. omo tuyru than the tumpovury rohuf. It iw dimuult, if indeed it is poiiuiblo, to got' a medicine Unit will produce a pormuuont, j^ood uuVot,, io much boing dn|mtidmit on j riuht unci and dietary reuuliilionn. Wo j must help Puino'n Colory (Jompouud ; wo j must conuider thu quantity au woll as tho quality of tho food wo oat. I am con- viuoud by oxporibnoo that, if thin modioino ho pinporly naod und afforded fair play, it will (lo.irood work. I am pnut Hovunty ; yot, aiiioo I took tho I'amo'fi Culury Compound, I fool an well nn no old man can fool For thin condition of hculth I ouu think of no othnr onuijit than u.-.i! of the Compound. I am, yontlomon, Yours thankfully, .IOI1N.IRJ3LAND. VVcIIh A Kiohurdnon Co., Montreal, P. Q.. Tho Chatham Banner uays : "Tho post oflico dopartmont in roportod to have ^runt- od a "concoHHion" to tho big city depart mental titfti-ed which flood, tlio country with bulky cata'lo^uoH, by allowing them to in clude prico liiitfj und ordor nhoots without extra postage. Thu pontage horotoforo has bi.'on four cents por pound on thu catalogues, and one cunt for each list or shoot. Why t luii "ouncesmon" should bo mado to obT courage tho dopartmoutal concornfi, aud practically uasist them in.competition with local tnurohiintH, is not plain. Tho mor- cliuntn in tho towns and smaller oitioti hayo uertainly u right to comphun, and should iniiist upon tho repeal of tho diuorimuiut* mil order, Tho momburn roproaonting country constituuuciuii should bo appoalcd to." Tho NovTHook Spoon 'Free to All.- I read in tho Chriiitmn Stuudard that Mish A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Louis, Mo.,' would givo un.fdoganL platod hook spoon to anyone sending her ton '2 cent stumps. I sent for ouo and found it is uho- ful that I showed it to my friandn, and made 8K1,00 in two hours, inking orders tor tho spoon. Tho hook spoon is a house- held necessity. It oanriot nltp iuto tho didh or cooking veined, buing hold in tho phico by a hook on tho back. Tho npOon is Homethiiig that lioutitkeopora Imvo nuodod (ivur flinco fipoons woro lirut mvouted, Anyone can tint a sample spoou by Honding tt;n 'Jcoiit stiunpj to Minn Fritz. TIhh is a. splendid way to make moiiey around homo, lf>-13t 'Vory truly, .Ii'Uhnkttk K. ----------- *>- fc------------.--------------- IflntorlalH lor iCvcnlnu: KircNHcw, Truuflpurout materials are preferred for ovonitig drcHtica, which multeu the lining an important item. If glace taffota,twenty iucmeff wido, is suleeted it costo twouty-livo couts; oilky-loaUin^ cotton linings, at thirty.fiyu couts, uro forty inches wido, re soluble linely-ribbed silk. Tho outiudo material may bo a chiffon at sixty cents, mouHHohuo do noio a littlo huaviur for u dollar, or a not at tho latter price ; tliOHo are forty inches wido. Thou tulle, two yards wido, may bo found at a dollar; gauffered Japuiuiuo oropo or silk oyen uh low nn forty couts, being twooty-four inches wide, aud lovely cottou crepes for nftoou couts. Small-lignrod, self-colored silks for Mveuing wear uro from nuveuty-tivu cjuta, but aro jiut us much liked aa the transpar ent materials, A ndk skirt, even of thu useful hubutai silk, twenty-four inchen wide and iifty auntu a yard, in light ami ghliuh when worn with a obi ft on waist over the same or silky cottou lining. Jim ma M. Hooper m November Ladiow' Homo .Journal. Cheap Reading1. Our Clubbing Offer this Year EJxcels All Former Ones- r\0 YOTJ want a live up-to-date.local paper *^ that gives you the news of your own dis trict and the county ? If so, subscribe for The"^^^> Essex Free * Press. ONLY $1 till the End of 1897, f C Cer|tS TH1 the End of t896< The Free Press has an excellent staff of correspondents in all the surrounding town-" ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news. If you want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press you can take advantage of the following offers: Of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pill aftor dinner, it will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of too hearty eating klutiro- ly vogotable Do not disturb tho system Safo, prompt, aoLiye, painless and pleusant 10o. a vial. Thia offuctivo little pill ih supplanting all tho old school nauseous purgatives. Tho demand is hard to knOp up with gitiao plfto- ing it on tho (Jutiadinn murliat. Take no HDbncituto. 10 dosoH, 10c, at all druggists. Hold by J. Thoruo. Mother Uoosjo. Mothor Gooso was a roal ohnraotor, and not, au unaginary portionupo, ild some pooplo suppose. Her muidon name wuh Klizaboth Foster, and sho was born in tho your IGOd hi tho colony of MmimichuBottfi Bay. Sho married Isaac Gooso in tho year 1C>8, and u few yoaro lator booarao a mombor of tho Old South Ohuroh, Bostou; Tho first edition of hor molodioii (wbioh woro originally trans to hor Kraudobildrou) wao published iu Booton in. 1710 by hor son-induw, Thomas Float. Mother Gooso died in 1707. Othorn havo found hoalth, vigor and vb tallty in Hood's BaraaparUIn, and it suroly this powor to holp yon alfio. Why not try it? Free Press and Weekly G-lobe - tillJanuary, '97............. Free Press and Weekly Globe till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail till January, '97..... Free Press till Jan-, '98 and Weekly Mail for 1 year * Free Press till Januarv, 1808, and Saturday Mail for 1 year Free Press and London "W eekly Advertiser till Jan., ,98,- Address all communications to 35C $I.'50 $1.45 " $2.10 $1.50 BRETT & AULD, ESSEX, ONT. Harvest Excursions In onlor'to givo evuryouo an opportunity Lo sue the grand crops in the Western states and enable tho intending oottlor to Hoouro a home, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paid U'y has ajrungnd to run m nerieri of harvest oxoursious to South and North Dakota, and Lo other states in tho West, Northwest and Southwest ouj-ho following dates: July 21, August -1 and IH, Septem ber 1, Uj 2'J aud October (> and 20, at the low rate of two dollars more than one hire for tho round trip. Ticket* will be '/ocd for return ou any Tuotiflay or Friday within twouty-ouo days from date of sale. For rates, time of tnuuu and furthor do- taihi applv to any coupon tiokob agont in or South, or address A. .T. Taylor, Canadian ^uKsengor agent, 2 King street E., Toronto, Out. ETVERY FAMILY *- SHOULD KNOW THAT I\lichaoI J. Brounan, who murdurud John A. Struthy, banker, at Barrio, on February 18th last, was found .'guilty or murdor in tho first dogroo at tho audi uoo at Barrio on Friday hint aud sentenced to bo hanged ou January 10th, next. Did You Ever Make Money Easy P Mb. Editor, I hayo road bow Mr. C E. B, mado'so much money in the Dish Washor businoasund thinlc Ihavo boat him, I am-vory yonugyot and havo hud littlo1 oxporionoo iu nolling goods, but hayo nmdo j ovor eight hundred dollara in ton wooks I dolling Dish Wunborn. It in simply won-, dorful bow Oftoy it in to soil thorn. AU you havo to do in to obow tho ladiea how thoy work aud they cannon holp but. buy ono. For tho honoflb of othoro I will otato that I got my start from tho Mound Oity Dlnh Wanhor Co., St. Louis, Mo. Writo to thora and thoy will Bond you full par ticulars. I think I aim olonr ovor 8(1,000 tho com ing year, and I am not going to lot tho op. portunity pass. Try it and publiuh vour Huooofju tor tlio bonollt of othorn. dG-0 J, F. O. Iu a very remarkable ramaily, botli for IW- a'ElRNAIi and. EXTEItNAJj n;io, and won- doriulinitu (iulelc aotlon to l'oliovo dl 11 trout), P AYW-T\*TT T V*Xf iu a *wcwa fr hi* <:1iI1)h, IViiiriliu-ii, a^3r4'3Mui>y, Ck-Jimiptt, ClllOlVt'Uf SlIlllllU UuHul Oull)|j|4lllU. PATN-THT T Pl^ 'the imwt wim- i ii.111 rVJ.l_,I_,J_,lY .,ly ktirnvii (ur H<mi- Hlcldii'HNi Mlrli Ilfiulaclic. I"nln 111 tliti Miacli oi' HUle, ItlicuiHiitl^iu ntul Acui*alulut PAIN-KILLER SiiKl?"JS^?te Hl.\l>I% U I'TlllKH ITKIil'Y AMI l'LKM.HiV.KT lti:LIi:|.a In .-ill uucb or ItriiiM-u, C'ulu* HinalnH, Huvi-o XIUt'llHt VtV. JTilXn lVIl-'JLr-Xv tniii flit-mi or tim Klrchniih't liU'lliCI-. B*liiu(tr. Hallor, ami In Iai:tnll nl;ihf wftiitliiK it tlll'illClllO iihinjfs iitlliiml, amunxme"!: inteniully tn* extorimlly wUb crtiliayorrollof: Itttvnro or fniltriLIonn. TtUn noun Inil U10 iiunuhi* "Pouv Uaviu." uolil ovorywlioro; '&c hUi WJtUa Vory lurcu uottlu, utc WM. T. SIMPSON, llannfnoturor of Foh- tor'o Patoiit Union Artificial Limbs 110 & ll-i Baton at j fio- troit, MIob. Bottorlvtlvo sataloRuoBunablankd for nu.Uing apnlluatlous for covoruniDiit ordors lor limbs and transportation or oonmiuuitlou tboxofov sont frtio on apulioatlon , Sfi- , -'I < 4 -v. ' t& -.'tl "\'. \- V: i 1 : 'i.ft I ,',"1 IMik^^<M^^l^MM t^M^\iM^

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