Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 23, 1896, page 8

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* . 6^ if: . Been on Judgment At the bar of Public Opinion and the Verdict has been unanimous, viz : " That if you want stylish and up to date Hats, Gaps and Furnishings, Whitney's is the place to get them" L: * ^ * A hM L #. ^ to TOAIDSTONB. Mrs. T. F. Kane will shortly move Detroit. Wm, J on kins baa rented bis farm to Wm. .Millar,___,. MAIDHTONB CHOSS. Hov. Father MoOee li steadily improv. in# from bis lato rooout illness. Harry North, of Ma Id atone Gross, on Wednesday answered to a chargei of Belling hqubr oat of ho are. Bo in the only lioon- Bee in the village. AiTinKiisxnum;. Rev. Father Benaud, of Amkerstbortf.dn Saaday waa presented by his oonRtoK tlon with a gold headod oano, Letter a patent have beou iBimod to tho AmherstbargEleotrio Light, Ilaat # Power Company, having a capital stock of K20, ooo, , Two of the children of Mr, and Mrs. Jauaca Arqnette who live ou Saudwloh atreet near tho M. 0. B. Bta on at Gordon dlod last, woek|from diphbhe Tho public library has boeu opened to tho publio. Mr. Muyuook is librariau. The ovaporator, ouo day last week, shipped two carloads of ohoioo evaporated applon to Germany. Attorney Frank Drake, of Toronto, at tend tho funeral of hie i*raudma, Mry, Morton, at this plaoo lant weak, J, Herrington Walkor hue oommonaod to remodel hiit home hero opposite the MotUwnu. Tho brickwork will bo replaced A. Whitney, rV A Good Thing Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They"get~Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what pur patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. Thia is tho loanfc wo oould possibly nay about them. If it wa*t not for our sxporionoo in leathor we could not Boll ho cheap. Call and bo convinced for yoiwiolf. ' Bijm 'ofthoJaoidon Boot, WHITNEY "BLOCK,. ESSEX. A CHOICE OP STYLES sr* Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our. work is the best, our de signs are upto-date. and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweed w of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of ftmcy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuifce you to in spect our good 8 before buying On the 1st day of November we give up'possession to our Successors,. Miesars, Wilcox & Brown. , In that time I must reduce my Stock as low as possible. Below we give some of the prices we sell at; Mrs. Bunn, of Ruthvon, visited with her motlioi', Mm. J. WiIhoii. A. Wilnon has, unfortunately, broken his oano pross sovoral fcimos this soasou, ominin^ a dolay of a uuraher of days' work, We woro ploasod to hoo tho ftimiltar face of Will Taylor, of Birmingham, Mioh., who oullod on old friondH and rolativou this wook. Mr. Saunders, wifo and daughter, and Rliea Floronoo Stokos, of Trenton, Mieh., a pout a few days this week with thoir cousins, John Wilson and wifo. WINKOI. Tho second gamo for tbo Walkor ohal- longe oup between Windsor and Detroit was played at Wulkorvillo on Saturday, Wimfsor winning by throe goalH to ouo. . Tho Windsor city fcronsuror baa written a letter to the Council to tho effoot that tho city's finances are hoing handled in an unbusinesslike way. Tho Oounail calm* ly filoa tbo letter and refuses to have it road. Tho Oounail might bo perfectly right but thoy take a poeuliar way of prov. big it. <:otvaM. Goo. PoarHO, toaohor, and wifo/of Har. row, vim tort frionds in Cottam lant week. Olcrk Jackson woufcto WmdHor thia morn- inn to return tho bullot boxen and pay a viHit to hin brother, Wra, Bennett and family movod to Staples thin week, Mr. Bennett having boon ongagod to work for Arthur Lonaburyi who in going to fit it ft a moat market. Ho haH rontud his farm to Allan Nowraan. Rov. W. H. Shaw annoanoed ou Sunday that Rov. Dr. Medd, of Ilnthyon, would preaoh m thu North Hidgo, Olinda and Oottam Mufchodint church en on noxt 8ab- huth, Qfith innt., Mr. Shaw attonding nor- viooa at Rufchvou. Gight Brown Sugar, 86 lbs., $1 Joffee lI 24 " 1 3-raxralated " S2 " 1 ttioo, 25 lbfl-l ; Cornmoal, 18 Ibn Tuil, 25cj )V a2o.or fi lbs for 81 ; Coffee, -10o for .1-1 o ; II ExtraotH, lOo for 7o j'Purb Poppar. 20u or Ific ; Pure Ginf'nr, 40o for iJUu ; Cv.'i- ,ia, puro, -lOo for HQo; AllHpioo, puro, 20o for I So ; MuHtar-1, pure, -10a for IlOo ; Nuhoiog, 8k for Ue ; Oroum Tariar, dOo for !U)v, >i.onewKro, ChurnB, Milk Puijh, HniN-r Oro/ilttt, tto., lflo per gil ; Pitohern, Tt:upot.y,' *VoM at ouHt," Sx, Oome Burly and Sacure the Bargains aa they will not last long at these price*. .' or Hmi-olaBBattor uad.Efige, " PartieH Indohtod to mo by Bock"&.ouimt or Note will kindly call and Bettlo. B. At Hotol Dieu,, Winduor, lant' wook, a Hon of Ohm-low Cazahon, wan fiuocgshjfully operated on for appendioitin by Dr. Can- grain. Ehhcx county ih liablo to havo tho ntimo fcroublo with tho Sovonth Day AdvonttotH an Kont county had laat year., Somo of tho roaidontft of Itoohontor townnhip havo joinod thin went, and peruuib iri working on Sunday.' The neighbor!) havo protohted with tliotn, but Without HiiGocrm, iir thoy olitim that thoy havo n right to obnorvo any day aa tho Sabbath. A. romdont of tho bcality wont to Wiudhor on Monday and connalted with MugiHtmto Bartlot on tho matter, TIio complainant wuh advjuod tn bo Knro about tho mattar, and then take logal Htop1) to compel tho Advontintn to re- Bpeot the Babbatli dav. It will bo romem- borfld that tho trouble with thin fieet near Chatham ended by tho offendom being uont to prison. ' ^ in.. ... Houry WilliamH, of Utiou, Alioh., waa hero calling ou rolativoit last Sunday. Mm, Charldfl ICuight, of Avon, Ohio, ih tho gucntof hor uuolo and aunt, William Cobhy and wifo, and othor rolativot). TJlio-protf-y little (jiiailw have boon killed without any morcy tho pant wook; if oyory ahot flrod killod a bird liurnly there oau- Hot-* h muny loft alive. Mia Mury MoCombn and Bljory Ma C.)iJibH, wlio havo been here on a vinit with rehitivoH for a few/ wooks, wtlirtod for their' hoi no in Wood o too ithint Monday. Wo are ploanod to lntimato that the inonibern of tbo North 'Bidgo Mothodiat ohuroli with thoir puotor,'purpose malting oxtonuivo improvomontu in tho odiOou. Tho voto ut polling unb-liviaion No. lj Worth Hirtg), of L'ownahip of Gonfiold H'lVtli'wuH'for John Allan A.uld,-tJ5; Kd- goiton Scntoh, MB; ranjjrlty for Auld, L'beral, 17- Waltor W. Smith and wife left for P jtiiiHylvimia lant week. . H* has boon uu woU for tiou-o iim.1 and hud , to quit . furm- in*i! ho wil, aa the Yankee aayn, have a le Mil re Hpoll for awhili. Mih. Joromy . J)hnuou, who ban bon pny ng a yiAit to her pareutu, William Henry'Billing, J. P., anil wifp, and other relativen. hIho ttartel.for Waodatook last wo^/rieiP.WO'1^ AV m with her and will rem*'"n there for a few weeks. OO&CHBITBB NORTH. Wm, J, Keaqe,' aon of John Koine of Oolobeater Kortb, who baa spent the past four years in Watortown, South Dako ta, where be Ib the representative of the amerloau Exprets Company, arrived home in company with hU'yoang bride (nee Mies Delia TeBaior) on Saturday laat >nd will pend part of hia honeymoon here.. On Monday evening, they were tendered a reception at tho remdenoo of his parents where, in epito of thefdiHa^roeahlo weather, a large number of friends and acquaint- anoes gathered, to show their roapeot and xpreas - thoir good wihIiob for the future welfare and prosperity of tho youn^ oonplo, Congratulations beinff over tho balanoo of the evening waa pleasantly and profitably bpaut in rnUBlo, gamua, oto., after whiob all sat down to an ample repast to wlnnh justice waa dono. All diepemod about midnight amid wishes of long life, boppi- noBH and proapority for the youu^ aouple. who leave wbortly to tako up thoir abode in Watertowu. The Morning Star at Book ford, III., of Ootober 14th, lBgo, contained tbiH local artlale : "A qulot wedding will be uoloimiUnd ut the borne of. Alfred Toualur on Mulburry street to-day when one of tho dauuluera of the houflahold will he homo away by au outsider. Tho oontraetin^ parties are William J, Koane. of Watortown , ^. D and Miwi Dolla^ TesBier. Tho oeromeny will bo performed at noon in the pmmmco cf & nmall company of fnoudii. Tho ttov. Jo'hh Wilcox, of nurritt, an old friend of the bride's family, will bo tho ofTfloiafciufi clergyman. Tho oowplo will lonvo on au early afternoon train on a honeymoon trip to Ontario, Canada, Thonco thoy will ko to thoir homo at Watnrtowu. MIph Tessior in a younti lady of ploaainu por- oonalit; and has Kninrjd many frionds during the period she has rotddod in Hook- ford. Mr. Koaiio, who wina huoIi a prizo, is a young man of worth. Ho is the American Express ugoDt at Watortown." It lu needleis to state that both yomin pooplo hftvo hoHlfl of friends in Watertow n and vioinity who join in wishing thorn a most proaporoua and happy life. Tho bride, until the past fow moutlm, has boon a resident of this oity for a number of yoara, coming horo with her paronto in pionoor tiraus. She has tho uuhoundo d ontcom and ootindonoo of all who Know hor. Tho groom is rop;ardod as a pro misingyoung man who is worthy of tho aonfidonoo of all with whom ho may oomo in contact. Mr. and Mrs. Koano, it iaaafo to say, havo the united wishes of hundreds of triomls for futnro suoootuu. Thoy aro expooted to arrive homo tho first of Nov ember and will bo "at homo" to their frionds aftor tho lfith. OolcliOHtcr North Gouncvl, Gosto, Ootober 10th. Council mot, as por Prenont, Konuody, mot, i Hcovo Burrott adjenrnmont. and oounoillor(i Ouollotto, Hodd and Thomas. Minutos of provioDu meeting road and. on motion, adopted. On motion, Mr. Thomas whh authorixod to havo bridao ropuired on south townlino and ono-half ahurgod to Colohcntor South, Clerk to notify Hoove of Colohoator South to havo rubbish oloan- od out of drain running from our town ship iuto his, about lot 13. On motion, rcoovota'HQC solicitor ro his bill about 13th Concession Drain. An account was hand, od in by. Xj. E. and D. B. Co. for eravol furnished on went townhno. On motion, Boovo appointed to hoo tho different muni cipalities intorostod ai)3 make sottlerr.ont. Tenders woro oponod for tho oonatruotion of a bridgn across tho Canard. .Tohn Wortloy awardod contract at 8271. Mr, Tinliu askod pormission to movo bin fonoe on tho road allowance no an to not out bodge fonco, Uamo granted. Mr. Kon- nody to soo aboat building oulvorb on 12th concession road. On motion, Roovo to consult solicitor ru petition handed in for tho construction of a drain from north townlino to Craig's Crock. Mr. ThomaB gayo notioo that he will iutrodiioo a by-law at next mooting for tho appointing of a Collector. On motion, Clork to write to tlio munioipnlicy of Maidstono, re tho pur- ohaso of a road uorapor on nortli townlino, asking tbora to sottlo ono-half tho coat, being $5. Mr. Rodd was look aftor cleaning out tho Wilton Drain from Gosto aide road to, tho Canard and making a proper outlot. . Considering tho potition handed hi, Asking ditching done on the south sido of Maldgn road from O-impholl sido road wont, rauolvod that it oannot bo ontertai'iod this year. On motion, Olork to writoWm. McCaffrey and hia Hurotfim that if tbo [Fontor drain in not completed in twenty days thoy will cancel tho con- tract and roloc it and hold thorn for any coHts.that may ba incurred. Mr. ThomaH was appointed to havo nrobish cleaned out of draiuH complained of. On motion, ohocku granted :--John' Itodd, plank aud jopairing bridge,'.^'1.57-j John Rodd, for making sottlomont ro Ruakov Ornk Draiiii 81.60 ; BroW A Auld, SuO.fiO-; B. J. Woldon, postn^o'to date, 8U.12; Mrs. Lovi Mitoholl. two<thirdH valno of nhoop killod by clogs,8 ; Viotor Bondy, valuating sheep, Mrs. K R.' Dorsoy, for Mrs. Boiisoii, charity, $U ; D, 0. Ouolette, Jfor Mrs. La> framhoin, ohanty. 8; J. 8. Laird for plans, oto., Campbell sido road and Wilton Dratu, $50 ; J. A, Coulter, to pottle .for so- lootioti of jurors anil trip to Sandwieli, 815 , Alex. Bondy, repairing culvert oil 8th con- cession, $2; Joseph Tomomiro, two road Borapar*, 62). On motion, oounoil to meet on WedncBiay evening, 21st mat., to con- aider drainage work,. Ou mbtibu,- oounoil adjourned. ..'. , i Bjkshart Hayes, farmer, Blaushard,' and Bister, Mar.% were both, killed while driv ing home from St. Mary's Sfttarday ni^ht. THE Event of the Year. Remarkable, Bill Tru.tlx. Saturday Morning We Place oil Sale ! <12 Piocoa of 82-Inoh Flanuolotto--tho ro^nlar 10c. quality ,for Co. por yard, 2-Yards Wido Plain and Twilled Sheeting regular price 22o. a yard reduced to lfio. por yard. 2-YardH Wide Bleach Twilled Hhutitni~tho 2tfc quality re- dnoed to 18o. per yard, HG-Inch Heavy Oroy Oottou rcdaood to fio. por yard. 10 I*iodcs of BU-Inoh l^iuU to Clear at Co. per yard. 10/4 White Spreads, worth 91.KO for #1.00 11/4 Win to MUrdollIoH Bproads, for UM Bemnants j3X.jJyobs Goods, Prints, Gbighamn, Bateotia, Zep hyrs, Ac, during this salo at Half Price. All Our OSo. Bout 'Fronoh Challios~durin^ tins sale for Iflo. por yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and To We/a. CO-Inoh tfluoTablo Linen regular priao UCo. per yard Salo pnoo 25o. per yard. 57-Iuoh Pino Tablo Linons at H5o., fl7io., lOc, 4Co. and fiOo. por yard worth regular 20 por oont more. Throu-Quartor Bizo Linen Tablo Napkins for 81 per Dozon. Bnautiful Towols at 2 for 2fia. ' 'm :.-^ Spaoe Does Not Permit ns to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in All Departments, You riust Gali-and 5ee." T ^ Oar Wondorful Bargains in Now Dress Goods. Our Itomarkablo Halo of fllon's and Boys1 Buits. Our Reasonable Offerings In Clothing to Order. Our Groat .Reductions in Boots and Shoes. Our Bpooial Quotations of Sugar by the' Barrel. Our Gigantic Sale ofLadies' and Children's Now Fall and Winter Mantles. The Millinery Department Now Open. is DEEBEL & BRIGKER. -4 % 1 ^1 t T\0 YOU want a live up-to-date local paper that gives you the news of your own dis trict and the county ? If so, subscribe for The^^^ Essex Press. =B5S^- ONLY J! till the End of 1897, -20 Cents Tm the End of l896- The Free Press has an excellent staff of correspondents in all the ships and villages and special attention is lpaid to home news. ' 'S" M :'M 35m $i.So ' '-'V'>i If you want to take one of the Gity;J^ Weeklies along-with the Free Press you can take advantage of the, following offers; &^|" Free Press and Weekly Globe - till January, '97-.....'.*. ... Free Press and Weekly Globe till Januaryi ^98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail - till January,'97- Free Press till Jan, '98, and '..'-. Weekly Mail for 1 year- - * r . Free Press till January, I8te,and Saturday" vMail for 1 year-- - Free Press and London "W eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,......... Address all communications .'/ ' !!%$ w, *!$k ;ty iliiip^i^MiiliijIilii^^

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