Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, page 7

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__-. v ^5 BtookinR, lak, Mrs H.'Hedriak ; 2nd, Mrs J Hall. Floor mat, 1st, Adam Knister; 2nd, Mra J E Hall. Lamp or fancy mat. 1st, Mm T Bnrobiol; 3nd, Mro I G Hodgson. Crazy work, 1st, S Coutta; 2nd Mro W. C. Dainty. Cro- chot work in wool, lot, S Contta, 2nd Mrs EL Hodriok. Croobot work in cotton, lat,W G Dainty; 2nd, S Contta. Borlin work oa oimvan, lat, S Contts; 2nd, W 0 Dainty. Berlin work not on canvas, lnt, Mrs H Hodrick ; 2nd, S Coutta. Cbonillo work, lot and 2nd, 8 Coutta. Croton work, not pastod, lot Mro J E Hall; 2nd, S Contta. Arraaono, lat, Mra R Davidson ; 2nd, Mra WC Dainty. Embroidery ou silk, 1st, S Coutta ; Mra H Hodrick. Em broidery on cotton, lot, Mra IG Hodgson; 2nd, Mra IT F Jonoo. Embroidory, chain atitch, let Mra 3? F Jonoo ; Mra W C Dainty. Point lace, lat and 2nd, S Coutto. Mncramc work, lat, Mro R Davidson; 2ud, 5 Coutta. Spocimon knot, wool or cotton, lat, Mra Adam Formor ; 2nd, B Contts. Darned net, lot, J D A: G A Ainslio ; 2nd, Mra .1 E Hull. Scarf,lat, Mra W C Dain ty ; 2nd, Mra I G Hodgson. Hood, lot, Mra T Burchiel ; 2nd, Mra I G Hodgson, Rihbon work, lBt, M Prondargast; 2nd. 6 Coutta. Picture noedlo work, 1st, Mrs W CDainty; 2nd, Clara Taylor. Child's dress, lat, J D it G A Aioalio ; 2nd Mra I G Hodgaon. Tidy, lat, Goo E Morria ; 2nd, JD&GA Ainalia. Sofa pillow,let, W C Dainty ; 2nd, John White. Braided work, lat, S Contts ; 2nd, Ilobt Getty. Collection of trimmod huts and bonnota, D McAliator. Collection of houao flow- era, lat, Mro J E Hull, 2nd, John Whito. Collection of garden floworo, Ww Elliott. Bouquet of Flowers, lot.Wm Elliolt, 2nd, H Lindaay. Ornamental Plant, lat, Mra J E flnll ; 2nd, John Whito. Crocbot work, let, Mra I G Hodgoou ; 2nd B Contta. Rio-Rao, lat, S Contto ; 2nd, Mra F F Jones. Artificial ilowora, let 2nd, Bonj Brown, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS. Judges Wm Millon and Chas Davia. Tab or crock of batter, lot, J D & G A Ainalio; 2nd, Mra Wm Elliott ; 3rd, Mra Alex Jaokaon. Roll of butter, let, Mra Wm Elliott; 2nd, Mra H Hodrick ; 3rd, Mra Robt Gotty. Throo printa of bettor, 1st, Mra Thomas Burohiel ; 2nd, Mra Chan F Allen ; 3rd, Mra H Iledriok. Factory cheQao, lot, Wm Ludlam, Com- bor eheoso faotory ; 2nd, A J Hermoaton, Bt Joachim cheoao factory. Honoy in comb, Geo Robb. Ambor oano ayrnp, lat, Cbaa Mitchell ; 2nd, John N Datot. Diaplay of canned frait, lat, Mra J E Hull ; 2nd, Mra John Whito ; 3rd, Mra Alox Stacqy ; dioplay of canned vogatn- hloa, lat, Mra J E Hall ; 2nd, Mra John White. Display of cannod piokloa, lat, Mra J E Hull; 2nd, Mra John Whito. FRUIT. Judgoa, DrC N Anderoon and Chaa Clark. Peacbca, Enoch Bcoob. Largo poara, lot, J E Hull; 2nd, R F Seymour. Smail poara, lat, R F Boymonr ; 2nd, Hogh Lindaay. Cluator black grapoa, Enoch Boocb. Cluator ambor grapoa, Enoch Beech. Cluster whito grapeo, Enooh Beech. Grimea goldon apploa, J A Buohanan. Winter runaots, let, H Cranston ; 2nd, S Taylor. Fall Rusaota, 1st, Hugh Lindaay ; 2nd, Alex Jaokaon* uubuaKED as hie color.' Mr; baraiou ap pointed J. W. King, of Kingaville, ob his financial agont and chose B&vk aa his color. On tho platform wore J. A. Auld, 3E. Scratch, Hon, E, J. Davis, Provincial Soorotary, Frank Podloy, of Toronto, Wm. McGregor, M.l\, Jnmon Clancy, M. P., H. W. Allan, cx-M.P., Lewis Wiglo, cx-M.P., G. F. Cronk, Lewis Arnor, Wm. MoSweon. Tho proaa was roproaontod by A, MoNoo, of tho Windsor Rocord ; J. E. Johnaon, of tho Leamington Poot ; J. H. Long, of tho Windsor Raviow and It. R. Brett, of tho Essex Froo Press. The ball was pretty well filled when speaking commoncod and before tho first spoakcrliud finished every seat was oc cupied. Johk At'M>, tho candidato of tho Liberal rising to_<ipeak was roceivod with an outburst of applause which luatod for several minutoa. Aa ooon aa tho ovation hubtiidcd he said ho felt flattered at tho recaption given him. It wag more than be certainly could expect being personally almost a stranger to a largo number of thorn. He might mention thercaaon that this nomination was boing hold. All aro aware of tho faot that tbo lata represent ative, the Hon. W. D. Balfour, who for ho many years faithfully roproaontcd tho riding in tho Legislature, was called into tho Cabinet to fill the position of Pro vincial Secretary and that shortly after wards ho was taken sick and diod. All aro aware too of tho nbilities of Mr. Bal four and it wai not necessary for him to further dwell upon them. There was not a gontloman in tho house but whom ho could, if bo wore hora, walk np to, take by tho hand and call by name. All know how faithfully ho discharged lua duties ; that anything ho*undortoolc to do ho fin- iabed evon to tho minutest detail. No mattor what it was bo carried it out. All know hia wonderful push and energy and it was not nocesbary for him to toll thorn further of his many good qualities. Pro bably ho know Mr. Balfour bettor than anybody. Ho was acquainted with him for 25 years and had cloao business with him for 22 yoaro, and thoro was no ono who knew Mr. Balfour hotter than be did. Tho people of tho riding know him and trusted him and lie know tho people and trusted them. Now to a good many ho (Mr. Auld) was almost a comploto stranger ; not but that ho knew their names and nil that but ho could not go up and grasp them by tho hand and call them by name as Mr. Balfour could. All know that during the paBt 12 or 13 years ho had boon a representative in the County Council and had fillod tho Warden's chair. In municipal affairs ho had mado a record and that record wao beforo them. All know what that record in and tho questions that were brought up in tho County Council. He always took a prominent part, no mattor what tbo subject was and they always found him fighting in the interests o! tho county. Thore aro dozens of rnon bore to-day with whom ho had cat in tho County Council and ho did not think thoro was a ainglo ono of thorn who would say that ho had not fought in tho inter ests of tho county from tbo firat day that ho wont thoro. Ho could point with pride to tho town of Amheratburg whioh cloven yearn ago elected him by a trTbutintt&OAQQ *nd no W Windsorhaving to bear the whole aipenae '^^"S? S building, lfelfc coata more for in uunba tuwiu than 36Q,OO0, irod &20.O3O, lot the nlte, or offers a site which Is aaceptabla, worth not losa than 920,000, nud aUothe expense of romorlng tho registry oftloo; also luol, light and wator froo. Tlmt, when Wind nor haB shown to tbo County Commtttoo tbtit they have curried out tbolr part of tho bargain oatlfifaotorily, tho Warilon hi liovoby rorjuontod thon, anrl nob until then, tooall a tipoclal no on ion of thisi Oouuall to iluioh thin diaousHion and thou either carry lout tho aaroomout with Windoor or coon with tho hullclinfio at Sandwich an thlo Coun cil may uooldo. Carried. This roaolation unanimounly passed tho council. Ho might toll thorn that tho plans and specifications, an carried out wore ob* tamed and paid for beforo Mr. Scratch over saw tho insido of tho Council Chamber, and not until onoyoar ago had Mr. Scratch ovor soon thorn, when ho (Auld) explained thorn to him. Ho asked them if they thought it fair that Mr. Scratch Bhould bo going up and down tho county saying that ho (Auld) was trying to give Windsor tho best of a bargain with tho county. Did ha give Windsor the boot of tho bargain in the mattor of tho criminal juatico accounta when ho atuclc out for 93,000 and Windaor only wanted to pay 81,500|a yoar to the county*? The matter wont to arbitration and to-day Windsor is paying SiJ.JpO a year to tho county for criminal juatico. Was ho not fighting for tho county when ho fought the County Treauuror when bo waa a defaulter to tho amount of 820,000. Ho was in favor of tho County Counoila Aot and conaidorod it a Htop in tho right direction-, Publto opinion demanded it and tho Mowat-Haruy Government gavo it. Tho Provincial Government is giving 825,000 a yoar direct to this oounty for education, agriculture and other mac- tora that would othorwiao have to bo raised by taxation boaidoa taking caro of tho insane, deaf, dumb and othor unfor tunates. If ho wont to Toronto ho would Bupporfc the Hardy Government when ho found thorn in tho right but when ho found thorn in tho wrong ho would toll thora and if tho wrong woro not rightod ho would oppoae tho raeaBaro. Ho was in favor of \vomanhood auffrago. Among some of tho good acta passed by tho Mowat Government woro thoExemptiona Aot, tho Fraternal Societies Act and acta for tho laboring class. If elected he would go aa tho representative of the wholo riding, without rogard to party, religion or nationality. Mu. Scuatcii stood beforo thorn as tbo indopendont candidate of tho Liboral- Oonaorvatlvo party in the South Riding. Ho waa not, howovor, tho only ihdopon- dont in tho campaign, aa Mr. Auld also claimed to bo an independent aa ho (Auld) aayn if he finda tha govornmont doing anything wrong ho will go to tbom and toll bo, and it they do not do right ho would oppose tho moaanro. Liko Mr. Auld, ho waa firat olootod by a majority of 2, which at tho olootion laat yoar waa inoroaaod to 142, and this voar he waa olootod by acclamation. Lie bad boon ropreaontativo from tho Townobip of Moraoa in tho County Council for tho past throo yours and during that timo ho had fought against Mr. Auld in oomo mattoro. Ho agreed with Mr. Auld ou tho County Buildings question, but what Mr. Auld opoko about was brought out after tboy had fought tho quootion out on civil and orimlnal laws that can be framed. In tbepablio worka department m ill I on h upon rriilliona of dollars passed through the hands of the late Hon. O. F. Frasor, yot tboy bavo got to find a man who can put his fingor on ono cent that wao wasted in that dopartmont. In the financo dopartmont ovor 80 millions was apont and tbo Govornmont now haa a onrplua of ovor 5 raillioaa and not a cont of clobt. Go to continental Europe to Groat Britain or to tho ltopablio to the south of us and it will be found that thoy have not boon able to got along without boaping up a hoavydoot. Quobocatartod in on aarae torme aa and tboy hftvo a debt of from 20 to 30 millions, whilo iMow Brnnswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia have also pilod up a public debt. Ontario stands in tho unique position of boing tho only country in the world that h*a no dobt. Tho Crown Lands dopartmont was also well managed, tho proaont Promior, Hon. Mr. Hardy having boon in charge of that dopartmont for oovoral years. When Mr. Clancy and Mr. Wiglo woro working with tho Dominion Govornmont, Mani toba and Quoboa ovor tho boundary award trying to take 07,000 square miles of timber landa wbioh the Judicial Com- raittao of tho Privy Council daoidod be longed to Ontario, tha Liboral Govern. mont was fighting for that largo tract of land. Millions of dollars have boon roceivod and oxpondod through thiu da- partraont yot not ono cont wag waatod. Mr. Scratch might have told us what ho thought of tho administration of agricul ture aa ahowo by Messrs. Clancy, Wiglo and othoro, Tho Conservatives mado tha Agricultural Dopartmont tho tail end of some othor Dopartmont. Whon tho Dominion Govornmont formod a Dopart mont of Agriculture thoy put John Cart ing a browor, at tho.hoad of it. Whon bo foil by tho wayoido thoy wont to Qaoboo and got a lawyer to manage that dopart mont. Not long aftor he dropped out of tho Cabinet beoauso ho had no oonfidonoo in them and Dr. Montague waa called in. With tho Mowat Govornmont, whon a Dopartmont of Agrioultnro wao organizod thoy put a practical farmor at its head. la educational mattoro, Egortou Ryor- aon found that it wan absolutely necessary to pi a oo at tbo head of this dopartmont a man who waa rooponaiblo to Govornmont and through thorn to tho pooplo. On tho advico of Mr. Ryoraon, tboy formod a Dopartmont of Education and ovary advantage to-day la oUorod tho boys and girlo of thia Provlnoo to got a good cdnoa- tion.At thoChioago world'o fair thoOntario oxhibifa wao tho boot oduoational exhibit in tbo exhibition, Mr* Podloy also ro- forrod to tho Liconno Aot, wbioh ho strongly approved of and oa taking bis goat wao loudly applauded. Luwjb Wiqle oaid at tbo last olootion tho Conservatives had no candidate aa Mr. Buchanan had romgned tho candi dature of the Ccmnotvativo party beforo tbo olootion. (Laugbtor). Whoa Mr. Bal four appeared for ro-olocfciou aftor being appointed Provincial Secretary, ho wao opposed to bringing out opposition to him, hut things havo changed now and tho Oonaorvativoa have a right to bring out a candidate Whon Mr. Mowat waa at Toronto he laid it down as a prinoiplo ment. wim qib t% years experience, Mr. Balfour was quite satisfied to trust the Government. Mr. Wiglo said Mr-Mowat had laid it down aa a principle that if a ConscrvRtivo Government was la power at Ottawa a Liberal Govornmont should bo at Toronto xand be thought that wuh a good prinoiplo to follow. All will agree with Mr, Wiglo as no govorn mont noodod ao much watching aa tho Conservative Govornmont at Ot tawa did, Liberals and Conoorva* livoa both ondoraod tho otatomont. Ho would ask Mr. Wiglo to show whore Mr. Mowat ovor oaid when a Liboral Govorn mont wao in power at Ottawa thoy should bo watohod by a Tory Govornmont at To ronto. Tho farmorti of thin Dominion havo boon opproaaod in tho past, It waa not the Government at Toronto who did it but tho Govornmont at Ottawa. Mill- iooo upon millions of dollars have boon takon from your pooltots and squandered by tho Ottawa Govornmont, ana ho waa in a position to know that if aparod to boo tlio next soaaion at Ottawa rovola- tionti will bo mado that will astonish tho pooplo of this Dominion. Mr. Wiglo uoornod to lind fault with tho Mowat Govornmont for having spout too much monoy for tho caro of tho inaano and othora. Ho thought all would agree with him that tho Govornmont should bo christian and humane enough totakocaro of thoao poor unfortunates who had loat their roason and givo tbom proper caro. Young mon havo raoro intorost at utako ia this contest than any others, and tho peoplo ol this Province, ho folt, would not take tho chance of having such a Gov ornmont at Toronto aa thoy had at Otta wa for soma years. Regarding tho Drainago Itoforcn, tbo Govornmont with an eye to ooonomy, bold the resignation of Mr. Britten for some weoka aitor it was handed in so as to uoo if thoy oould not got along with appointing another referoo and thus savo tho Provinco tho oalary of 83,200. Mr. Wiglo bad tho audacity to tell tbo mooting that all tho monoy opont for pubhabuildinga in tho Provinco waa opont by John Bandilold Maodonald. Such a otatomont was not oorroot. Have not tho Government in very rocont years orootod baikhoga for the unfortunates at Mimioo, at Orillia, at Brookvillo and at other places. Mr. Davis thon passod on to tho County Councils' Act whioh waa paanod by the Mowat Govornmont, endorsed by tho Hardy Government and ho endorsed it. No Aot was porfoct, but tho groat princi ples of tho Oounty Counoila* Aot, in tho main, aro oorroot. Thorn was a domand for logialation ; tho legislature was peti tioned by County Councils from all ovor tho Provinoo to roduoo tho number of County Coouoilloru, Ho had novor yot hoard any one oppooo rcduoing tho num ber. Ho admittod tho question waa a difuonlt ono to oolvo. Somo oaid let thoro bo ono vote for oaoh municipality, but that waa a wrong and iniquitous princi ple. It was not roprosontution by popu lation. Ht oitod an inatanoo to prove hia contention, Bollo Ri'vor has an oqualizod aaooasmont of $55,000, while Morsoa'a waa 81,500,000. Boos any man mean to nay that tho farmors of Morsoa would bo satisfied if thoy had but ono roproaonta- tivo, tho otimo aa Belle Rivar. On tbo 1 iloor of Parliament, tho lata Mr. Balfour present Government at Toronto are de stroying the credit of the Province ; they have qoit working for the country and are now working for party. Mr. Scratch J wati a farmor and he hoped tha people would oloot him. Tho mooting olosod at o.ld with usual boors. WINDSOR. ^oBfleld om_.. Tilbury North.. 312 Colchester South 843 Kingaville...... US EflsoxTown.... 173. Tilbury Woat.. 10S Morsoa ........ 301 Leamington ... K7 Polco Island.. ., 7-1 Colohoater North 110 Gooflold North.. 107 21 122 117 120 273 3(12 MO 51! 101 107 30 501 1 3 G9 91 4 1 25 38 233 200 437 757 311 131 275 372 Alvin, tho ton-yoar-old con oE Alox. Laforgo, broke bia arm while playing on Saturday aftornoon. On Saturday, tho M. A. A. football team, of Dotroit, dofoatod tho Windsor team by a Boors of 5 goals to 1. Enginoor Chator haa just oomploted his quarterly inspection of tho fire alarm system. Ho found everything in first class shape. ""Jacob Francs, tho Grand Rapido man, charged with a crimo against a little boy named Walker on tho track waa up be fore tho P. M. on Monday and tho obargo againat him was diamiaaod. Pohoo are investigating a oaao of aaaault by a colorod man on a Mrs. Bt. Louis re siding on Parent Ave. The offanBO was committed at four in tho aftornoon of Thursday of Inst weuk and waa a moat daring act. Sunday morninfj Gerald Doano, sooond son of George Mair, managor of tho Traders' Bank, aged M, diod of appendi citis at St. Catharines, whore ho waa at tending tho Biahop Ridley oollogo with hia oldor brothor. Two mon named Kinney and Triplet got drunk and woke 'up tho olooping oohoea on McDout^all-at. Ofiioora Lan- gloia and Gileo arrostcd thorn and thoy woro cont down for 1*J days in default of payment of ago lino. At a mooting of tho polica commiooion- ora tondora for police olotboa woro reoeivod from Bartlot it McDonald. MoDonali & Johnston, A. S. Gignac, Hohorlin Bros, and A. Rich. Tho contract was awarded to Bartlot it McDonald. John P. Molaskoy, formorly of Wind sor, diod Monday in Dotroit, agod 78. Tho iniormont took place on Wednesday at Windaor comotery. Tho docoased was a prominont Baptist and v/au aotiva in tho organizing of tho obaroh bore. Mra. William Morton diod at her resi dence, Pitt-st, Monday morning, agod 73. Tho late Mrs. Morton bad a paralytic; atroko Dooombor 11th, 1801. Since that timo oho had not boon out of tho houso although only oonfiqod to hor bod for a oouplo wooks past. Tho fnnoral took plaoo at Kingovillo on Wednesday. . Roforoa Maroon haa mado hit) roport in tbo oaao of Ann Maria Patching vs. A. Smith, Ho found thoro was duo to tho plaintiff tho sum of 91,101,50 mado up as follows : Wntor ratea and pfcroot sprink ling rates, 83'J.01; barn 915.55 ; damages 1,732 521 4,773 Maj. for Balfoar ovor Buchanan 78U ----- Maj. for Balfour ovor Dodaon, 2,000. Mr. Balfour also polled 207 more votes than Buchanan and Dodaon put togcthon South Eaaex Election in 1890. Jlalfmir. Amheratburg.... Colchostor South Colchoator North Ehhox Town.... Goafiold North.. Gosfiold South.. Kingaville....... Leamington .... Maiden ........ 110 Morsoa ........ 3011 Pcloo Island.... 52 Tilbury Webt.... 50'.) 203 330 147 157 105 112 140 2,503 2,208 4,803 South Esbox Election in 1886. Balfour, Amheratburg.... 218 Colchoator North Colohestor South Gooflold........ XCingavillo...... Leamington .... Maldon........ Morooa ........ Eooox Centra.... Tilbury Woot.... Peloo Island..,. to assign, 8150. Long Worms, Pin War ma, Hound Worms or Tape Worm* are promptly destroyed and removed by Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, KINGSVILLE* Miaa Clarko visited ia Detroit this1 weok. Abo Groon, of WalkorvUlo, vioitod hia paronta ovor Sunday. Mro. Ed. Bauolaugb, of Walkorvillo, apont a fow days with hor ruronts, Mr. and Mra. A. H. Woodbridgo, tbia woolc. Mioa Blanche Foator vioitod frionda in1 Windaor thia weok. She was accom panied homo by her cou;iin, Miss Rob-- lution. Mra.Morton, mother of Mra.(Dr.)Drakov died at her home ia Windsor on Monday.. IntormoVib at Kingavillo comotery on* Wodnoaday. Monday laat mg racoa, ov.u ; u ; . "-"*"(*- l Rov. Mr. Sundora left on xuoauay wn 830 ; damafloa by broaob of covenant not dnri ^ wI fc will attend lea tares during tho winter. Ho will proach tho anniversary aorvicos of Harrow Baptist ohuroh tbo 25th inst., and on tho ovoning of tha oamo dav, ho will proaoh his farowoll aormon in Kings- villo.

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