--? Lk. JD AG AAinaJie , Qovorlid, knit pr Bow, 2nd. Chun P Alloa. Bow and pig*, Wm Allen. Bow, undor six months old, *Jnd, K F Seymour. Pom fat pig*, any class, 1st and 3rd, J S Ainstio ; 2nd, Bam Taylor. POULTRY. Judged, D O Bonjamin, of Windnor, and C Croigbton, of Loamtogton. Whito Icghorna, lot, Wm. Wood ; 2nd, Bonj Brown, Brown Logbornn, lot, P Alloa ; 2nd, Amoa Kolly. Whito orostod black poland, Alox Stacoy. Cochins, lot, Amoa Kolly; 2nd,WmWood, Plymouth rocka, lot, Wm Wood ; 2nd, Amoo Kolly. Any other kind, 1st, Amoa Kolly ; 2nd, Jtenj Brown. Speckled Hamburga, Wm Wood. Golden Hamburg, Wm Wood. Bantams, lot, Wm Rogers ; 2nd, Wm Woori. Gamo fowls, lat, Amoa Kolly ; 2nd, Wm Wood. Black Spanish, Amoa Kolly. Bronco turkoy, ft 1Z Dodson. Tonlonoo goooo, lot, Amoa Kolly ; 2nd, .1 CranHton, Ernbdcn geese, J Cranoton, Common goose, lot, Bonj Brown ; 2nd, F Allen. Ayleobnry daohn, lat, Amoa Kelly ; '2nd, II E Dodcon. Roacn ducks, 1st, Amoo Kolly; 2nd, J Cranhton. Common docks, 1st, B E Dodaon; 2nd, Alex Jackson. Guinea fowl, lnt, Sam Taylor; 2nd, Alex Jackson, Pigeons, lot, B Brown ; 2nd, S Taylor. Babbita, lot, OrlaHill; 2nd, F rAllen, Pri^lod fowln, lat and 2nd, 6 .7 Hughco. Wyan- dottoo, lot and 2nd, W C Dainty. Hod capn, lat and 2nd, Jabcz Cranston. BOOTS AND VEGETABLES. Judgcii, Wm Millon and Chaa Davis, Potatoes, oarly iKtna, lot, Wra Elliott; 2nd, Hugh Lindaay. Amorican wonder, Jut, Enooh Booch ; 2nd, Hugh Lindsay. Burpeo'D nxtra oarly, Hugh Lindoay, Beauty of Hebron, lBt, Wm Elliott; 2nd, Hugh Lindsay. Early Ohio, Wm Elliott. Whito elephant, Hugh Lindaay. Rnral Now Yorker, lot, Wm Elliott; 2nd, llagb Lindaay. Green mountain, Wm Elliott. Swedish turnipo, lat, loaao Smith; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Whito turnips, lot, Wm Elliott ; 2nd, Chao Mitcboll. Fiold carrots, lot, R Wallior ; 2nd, C Dupuio. Gardon carroto, long, Wm Elliott. Gar den carmtu, half long, lot, Wm Elliott; 2nd, Win Wallace. Paranips, let, Wm Elliott ; 2nd, Enoch Booch. Rod mnn- gald wnrtzolo, 1st, t Smith; 2nd, Wm Allen. Yollow mangold wnrtzels, lot, Wm Allen ; 2nd, Hugh Lindoay. Long booto, lot, Wm Wallace; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Sugar booto, lot, Alex Jaokaoa; 2nd, Robt Keith ; Turnipo booto, lot, Wm Wallace; 2ud, Wm Elliott. Wintor radioboD, lot, Wm Elliott ; 2nd, Alox Jackson. Oniono, lot, Wm Wallaoo; 2nd, Wra Elliott; Cauhtloworo. Alborfc Kondrick. JTiold pumpkins, lot, Chao Mitoholl ; 2nd],Hugh Lindoay. Cabbago, lot, Wra Wallace; 2nd Wm Elliott. Celery, lot, R Walker; 2nd, E Booch. TomatooH, lot, T Stothard A Son ; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Variety of potatoao pro perly named, lot, II Lindaay ; 2nd, Wra Elliott. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Judgeo, Wm Rlillen and Chao Davis. Whito wheat, R F Soymour. Rod wheat, 1st, R Koith ; 2nd, Tboo Barchiol. Wbito barley, lot, Bon Roadhonoo ; 2nd, H. Hodriok. Buckwheat, Jabaz Crono ton. Ryo, 1st, Chaa F Allon ; 2nd, Bonj Brown. Largo peas, 2nd, J Cranoton. Small poao, 2nd, Bonj Brown. Common whito oato, lot, Tboo Bnrohiol; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Improved wbito oata lot, C F Allon ; 2nd, Sara Taylor. Whito dont corn, lot, H Hodrick ; 2nd, Wra Elliott. Yollow dont corn, lot, R Koith; 2nd, Wra Elliott. Yollow flint corn, I Smith. Whito flint corn, R F Seymour. Corn of any othor kind, lat, Wm. Elliott; 2nd, H Hodrick. Flax oeod, lat, E Hodrick ; 2nd. Wm Elliott. Largo wbito boann, H Cranoton. Small whito beana, lot, Thomas Bnrohiol; 2nd, Alex Stacoy. Aluiko olovor oood, E Hodriok. Samplo of hopa, lot, Geo Robb ; 2nd, J E Hull. Timothy, lot, C F Allen ; 2nd, Alox Btftooy. LADIES' WORK. Judgeo Mra (Dr) Bifton, Mro Seymour and Mioa Pcttlt. Boat display of Iadioo' work, Mioa S Contto. Rag carpot, lot, Mro II Hodriolt; 2nd, Mro J Wbito. Piooo of farmers' homo-mado ototh, lot and 2nd Oliver PoaroaU. Woollon otookings, lot, J *E Hull; 2nd S Coutta. Woollon soaks, lot, Mra. J E Hull ; 2nd, S Conttd. Hand knit Cotton stcokinga, lot Mrs J E Hull; 2nd Clara Taylor. Woollon mittens ; Mra Thoo Bnrohiol. Woollon glovoa, M. P<m- dergast. Woollen yarn, lot Albert Ken- drlok; 2nd; Robotfc Gotty. Patch quilt. let, lot G Hodgson ; 2od, Wm Elliott, Log cabin quilt, lat, F. F- Jones ; 2nd, Greenings, lat, J A Buchanan; 2nd, James Iilnday. Baldwins, 1st, Chaa Mitoholl; 2nd, T Stothard & Bon. Wa uera, lat, Wra Morris; 2nd, Jamoo Lin aay. Northern apy, lat, Chau Mitoholl; 2nd, James Lindaay. King of Tompkins Connty, let, Wm Morriu; 2nd, U CranH ton. Fall piplna, lat, Bon Rortdhonso ; 2nd, Alox Jaokoon. Snow npploa, lot, Wm Boaoh ; 2nd, Wm Elliott, Powau- kao, lot, John Taylor ; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Bon Davio, lot, R F Soymonr ; 2nd, Wm Roaoh. Bollo Floor, lot, Jaraoo Lind oay ; 2nd, John Taylor. Largo orab apploo, lot, JMoClancy; 2nd. J Lindsay. Small orab apploo, lot, Goo Robb ; 2nd, R E Dodoon. Qnincoo, lot, Sam Taylor; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Citrona, lot, Wm Elliott; 2nd, Adam Koiotor. Apploo, any othor kind, lot, Sam Taylor ; 2nd, Wm Elliott. Collection of apploo, cor rectly named, lot, Wm Elliott ; 2nd, Oliver Pearaall. FINE ARTS. Judges Mro J W Sifton, Mioo A Soy mour and MisoPcttit. Oil painting, lat, Sarah Coutts ; 2nd, W C Dainty ; 3rd, J D & G A Ainolio, Wator colore, S A Coutto. Ornamontal ponmannhip, lot, Samuel Taylor ; 2nd, John White. Crayon drawing, S A Contto. Plain writing by children undoe 14 yoara, lot, Misa Dodaon ; 2nd, John White. HOME MANUFACTURES. Judgeo J N Gangnior and P A Fla herty. Lumbor wagon, lot, W F MoKonzio ; 2nd, W S Pnlford. Domocrat wagon, W F MoKonzia. Covorod buggy, lot, 2nd and 3rd, WS Pnlford. 9ri;ciu.3. By T Andortion, SI, for tho boot baobol of rod whoat, Robt Koith. By Dr Sifton, $2, for tho boot 3 lb. roll of buttor, tho butter to bo tho dootor'a, Mro Jamoo McClonoy. By Tho Herald for ono year, for boot pair mon'a mittn, to become Ua property, Clara Taylor. By.laoKorr, oot of whifilotrooo and nock-yoko to tho ownor of tho boot walk ing team, Robt Keith. By B Hnghoo & Co, 82, to tho ownor of tho boot pona of nhoop. lot, 81.23 ; 2nd, 75o ; lat, Job Phillipo ; 2nd, Wm Rogoro. By J S Ainolio, 81, for tho boot ooloo- tion of oorn, not Iobo than three vpriotioo tocompoto, H Hodriok. By John Caza, 81, for tho boat bag of barley, tho barloy to bonomo tho property of Mr Caza, Bon Roadnoaao. By Moaoro. Hallatt & Wrigbton, a qaartor of rantton, to tbo ownor of tho boot grade railoh oow, Sam Taylor. By Wra Campboll, 32, for the boot oolootion of apploo not loaa than ton variotioo. lnt, S1.25 ; 2nd, 75c, lot, Alox Jaokoon ; 2nd, J A Baohanan. By Goo W Ainalio 81, for tho boat opooimon of writing by boya and girlo of 10 voani and nndor, Miim Dodaon. fiy Wm Elliott, 81.25, for tho boat pair of woollon glovoo, tho qlovoa to booomo tho proporty of Mr Elliott, Mra Robt Gotty. By Hngh Lindoay, 81, for tbo boot bnahdl of potatoes, tho potatooo to booomo tho proporty of Mr Lindoay, Wm Elliott. By R Walkor, oilvor picklo oruot, val- od nt 83, for tho boot three printa of bnttor, tho buttor to bo tho proporty of Mr Walkor, Mro Robt Gotty. SOUTH ESSEXJOM1NATI0NS John A, Auld and Edgorton Scratch the Candidates. In pursuance to tbo writ iasuod by tho Lieutenant-Governor, nominationa for tho vucanoy in tho Local Logialaturo, caused by tho death of Hon. W. D. Bal four were bold at tho town hall, Kinga- villo, on Tuoaday at 1 p. m., by Shoriff Ilor, tho rotnrning ofiicor, whon tho fol lowing nominations woro mndo : John A. Adm>, nominated by Thoo. Hood, of Colohootor South, noconded by Wm. McSwoon, of Leamington. Edqkiiton Scratch, nominatod by Dr. 8. A. King, of Kingovillo, Booondod by Philip Fornoo, of Coloboator Booth. Whon tho timo for nomination had ox* plrod, on motion of tho two candidatoo, Shoriff Ilor waa appointed chairman. A poll was domandod by Wm, MoSwoon and tho rotnrning officer announced tbo aub-divisioiiH at whioh polling la to tako placo on Tucyday next, polio %o open at 9 a.m., fast time and oloae at B p.m. Mr. Ania appointed W, 0?. Wilkinflon, of Am mirioriiy o! iwo. rfb had boon several timott ainoe olootod - by acclamation and at tho Ian* election he polled throa vokoo to ono givon for hin onponont, tho Bccro. tary of tho Liboral Conoorvafcivo Asiooi- ation for tho South Riding of Ehrox. At that election ho had a majority of 151. Ho would poll a largo voto in tho town of Amhoratburg whoro thoy knpw him boat, wharo thoy know ho had faithfully dano bio duty in town affairo without regard to orood or nationality. Whoro ho waa boot known ho would poll bio largest voto. Mr. Scratch uppoarod as an Indepen dent Liberal ConoorvaUvo if any ono know what that mount. Mr, Scratch wau nominated by a Conaorvativo con* vontion and i>i anpportod by uuch old war horooii a1! Lowis Wigfa and Mr. Clancy whom no one would nay woro Indepondonta. Is thoro any rcanon for an election at proaont timo, that tho country nhould bo put to a 81,000 ox- ponso ? Ilavo any groat changoo takon placo oinco Mr, Balfour wa<i olocted two yearn ago or ro olocted a fow montliH ago. Ho did not nay thio becanio bo wau afraid of a contort, ao ho was not. Ho did not havoanyfcivraof tlra result. -MjvScratch'a platform CQnaiQtqd of~tho Drainauo Act, the County Connoila Act and tho County Buildings question. Ho did not cay tho Drainago Act was perfect but it wau ao noar porfoct as it can bo. Mr. Scratch attacks two sub ooctiono of tho Drainago Act. In tho County Council, Mr.Soratch moved a ronolution against those two sub-tioctiona. Tho rooolution wag not put through in tho propor way. Ho did not know if tho rooolution wag evoraont to Toronto, Ho hoped it had not boon. Tho rooolution should havo gono to tho Legislation oommitteo instoad of coming boforo tbo wholo council. Ho would loavo it to tho farmora if tho Drainage Aot was not more satisfactory than tho old way, when disputes woro settled by arbi tration. If two men had a dispute ovor a drain thoy each selected an arbitrator, thoy too selected a third, each had hia owiflawyor and aftor tho award waa mado it was ten chances to ono that an appeal would bo carried to Toronto and tho law costu would bo moro than tho cost of tho original drain. Mr. Scratch says tho engineer cannot mako an ooti- mato of the damagos sustained by tho oproading of tho dirt from a drain on to a man's farm. If tho engineer and tho farmer could not get togothor and nrrivo at a proper estimate ho would liko to know who could. Mr. Soratoh also tolla of a eaao whore man assessed op tbo Ogle drain waa knocked out bo^anao ho did not ontor appeal in timo. Mr. Scratch was bead of tho municipality that de fended tho sait brought by Mr. Baohan an, and Mr, Scratob should havo noon justice dono. Tho ronolution moved by Mr. Scratch in tbo County Council waa shown to him by Mr. Laird, who said Mr. Scratch wantod it to go ; it waa liko tho old lady's modicino, "if it did no good it would do no harm." Ho had some amendments to offor to tho Drainage Act when ho gooo down to Toronto, Ho bolicvcd omall cases for damagos ariningout of drainago mattora ohould bo triod in tho Division Court if thoy did not exceed 8200. Tho Drainage Commis sion conoiatod of two farmora and tbroo lawyers and Mr. Balfour. Tho farmers were practical mon who bad muoh ex- pononco in drainago mattorrf. Mr. Scratch nnyo tho roforeo oaunadlaw suits. IIo (Auld) nays it stoppod law auita. Nearly ovory caoo appealed baa boon con firmed and tho Ontario Government now flnda that thoro is so littlo work for roforoo that tho work baa boon handod ovor to anothor officor, Mr. Soratoh saya bo oignod agrooraont giving Windsor butt end of tho bargain. Ho would liko to know if thoro was any ono who would beliovo ho would givo Windsor advnntago ovor tho county, Tho oonnty wan to con tribute 820,000, and no more. Windoor said thoy would givo 850,000 for building and sito and tho coot wao moro than that if Windsor wan to pay tho halanco. Ho wan in favor 9f itcoopting Windoor'o offor if it waa tho boat for tbo county. Tho ilrot offor tho county got from Windsor waa a good ono but whon Windsor tried to givo tbo county a oito that thoy did not want, whon thoy did not carry out thoir part ho quit thorn. Tbo county had a couple of memorandum agreements with Windsor in no way binding, but snggeotiivo. Tbo roaolutlon that would abow hlo position on tho mattor wa ono moved by hlmsolf and Mr. Do^lql qh follows : Moved by Mr. Auld, aodoudod by Air. Dozlot, that tbo dfsouflnlao on tho matter of County buildings be laid over uutll Wind nor lias car ried out the agreement mndo with the com mittee ot this council, vis: That Wind tor will provide; jby a vote of the people, 900,000. the flrafc fgreemytt, I! they had otrried* oat tho flrak agreement otered into the County would have been in bole. Mr. Auld, he admitted, wash hustler, but he hustled too fast sometimes. Ho beliovod Mr, Auld waa too honest to saddle tbo County with a groat uunoooaaary oxponso and but notions in thio mattor nil owed that ho must ha noar-oightod, Tho spoakor thou read tho agroomonl, aignod by tbo chairman of tho two com mi t too u, allowing that tho building waa to bo 100 by HO foot, to coot not looo than 830,000, of which tho County wao to pay 820,000, Windsor was to furnish a Bito and 930,000 to comploto tha~bniHmg: Anothor olauoo ahowod that tho ropaira woro tbon to bo mado to tho Court Houoo at Sandwich, tho oooto of whioh woro to bo borao by tho County and tho city, tho former pay ing uvo-yixtho and tho latter ono-oixth. If tbo joint building at Windaor cost 880,000, tho County would pay 820,000 and Itho oity 830,000; if tho oout waa 800,000, tho County would pay 8110,000, if it ooat 880,000, tbo County would pay $1)0,000. How bo arrived ni thio oonoln- Hion ho did not attompt to show. For tho ropaira, however, tho County would havo to pay flvo-sixtho of tho coot. Tho County would tbon havo to keep up two aoto of buildings. If Mr. Aula did not aign tho llrot agroomont, ho agrood to tho chairman oigning it for tho commlttoo. Ho (Soratoh) raised objootionu to thio agroomont which Mr. Auld knowa. Tho apoalcor thou took up tho Drainago Act.If a man wantod juotloo, according to tbo Aot, bo would havo to ontor an appoal agaiaat tho onginoor'a ronort within too daya or ho would bo too late. Mr. Anld doos oot understand tho drainago law bocnaoo ho ia not a farmor. Mr. Soratoh horo oitod tho oaoo of Mr. Buchanan, of Morsoa, who appoalod against tbo aoooEnmout of tho onginoor on tho Oglo Drain. A. H. Clarko, of Windsor,wao retained to dofond tbo township and his atrong arguraont waa that Mr. Buchanan had not entered his appeal within tho time limit. Judge McHugh, in snmming up tbo cvidooco, also laid great stroma on tbo samo mattor. In rogard to tho rooolution that Mr. Auld roforrod to, which wau rnovod by himself and Mr. Laird, Mr. Anld wonld rooall tho fact that wbon tbo mattor came up in tho Committoo on Legislation, thoy woro prooaod for timo and Mr. Anld said thoy oonld do tho buoinoao by rooolation; moro, Mr. Auld oupportod the motion in tho ooancil. Mr. Aald doniod tbo accusation, Mr. Soratoh continuing said bio otato mont was aorreot. Ho wanted to know wboro tbo Roforoo waa now. IIo io a mom hot of tho Dominion Hoaao and thoro Io no ono to try drainago caooa. Ho (Soratoh) had nearly fivo yoara meparionoo in municipal mattora and during that timo ho had triod to keop down oxponooa. Though hio township had boon to a big expanse in opening up tho Point Paloe land, thoy had kopt thoir rate down. Mr. Auld, ho understood, said he(Saratob)waa stingy boo an no he opposod aomo grants brought boforo tho oouoty council. In ovory inotanoo whoro unnoooooary ox- ponso waa to bo inourrod he fought against it. When a poor individual oooaoo up and wantti help from bia oounotl hm heart would go out in sympathy for tbo man, bat ho would look at it that thoro woro many who had a hard job to got onough money to pay thoir taxes and ho considered thorn in tho mattor. Somo aoouaod him of working ngainat a grant for tho Monica Agricultural Sooioty. Ho did not aupport it booauoo he know it bo did voto for it tboro would bo otbor ro- quooto for liko grants. If elected ho would work for tho intorosto of tho farm ora. FlUNic PisnivEY, tbo noxt spoakor, qnito oononrrod with soma of tbo provloaa anoakors rolative to tho oanao of the byo- otootion. y oujbavo had as your roproaonta- tivo for pant 12 or 11 yoara a gentleman who had given biu time, bia ability and bia talontti for tho good of tho Provlnco. No man otrugglod againat a weak consti tution with moro onorgy thin did Mr. Balfour. Ho daalrod to correct a otato- mont mado by Mr. Soratoh that thoro waa no man to try drainago apnoalo now aa Thomas Hodglna, tho Maator in Ordinary at Oogoodo Hall, Toronto, baa boon appointed by an order-ln-oounoil to do that work. When Ontario otartod in at Confederation oho had a alonn shoot. Tho ilrat Premier way John SnudHoId Maodonald, a Liberal Of the old sohool, and be was aaooooded by Hon. Edward Blake who In tarn was succeeded by Hon, Sir Oliver Mowafe who for past twenty-five yoara baa given to this Province a good, clean and honest administration under the able administration of Mr. m m'......<iIA||iii.i .ih - I that M long there was a Conservative Government'at Ottawa there should be a Liberal Government at Toronto. Now as there la a Liberal Government at Ottawa there should be a Conservative Govern- mont at Toronto. (Laughter). Mr. Balfour always did all ho conld for the pooplo of tho South Riding of Esoox. Ho waa a moat painstaking and bard working mombarand bo (Wiglc) alwayo gave him credit for working for tho boat interests of hio constituents. Mn. McGnuoon Yet yon alwayo op. poaod him. Bin. WirUiR said whon ho roprooontod Booth Eosox m tho Local Legislature ho appoalod to Mr. Mowat for a snbaidy for tho Loamington and St. Clair railway ao they woro giving oubaidioo to ditforont railways at that time, Mr. Mowat naked him if thoy conld ahow a credit to tho company of 81,200 per milo in tho bank. Whon ho wau representing tho riding in tho Dominion lion no and aakod that gov- ornmont for n subsidy thoy did not ask for a guarantee nor bow much thoy anb- ooribod. Thoy rocoivod a bonuo of 83,200 a milo for tho railway, Tho policy of tbo Conuorvativo party wao tho-polioy that built up tho South Riding. (Laugh- tor.) Mr. Auld aakod to bo acnt down to Toronto, yot if Mr. Balfour with bia 11 yoara of oxporionco could not got n. cont from tho Ontario Government how oonld Mr. Auld oxpoct anything. If South Eauox sondo Mr. Anld tho Govornmont will any South Eaoox ia solid anyhow, wo nood not worry about it. Touching upon tho pcovlnoo'a ourpluH flho comparod tho condition to that of a farmor who would givo bia son 500 acroo of land npon which was valuable (timber of oak, pine and othor woodo anu wonld raioo monoy whon ho wanted it bv oolling 50 or GO walnut, oak or othor trots and got along all right. Yea, oodar, too (laughter), f Wbon Mr. Podloy waa aponking bo did* not say that John Sand- fiold Mcdonald had built tho public buildingu that he wao claiming the Mowat Govornmont had opont monoy for tho oraotion of. Wbon Moooru. Moredith and Clancy woro in tho Logialatara they oup portod tho Government on all good qnoa- tiono. Mr. Wiglo tbon took up tho lioh- onoo matter, complaining that Mosoro. MoGrogor and Cowan wcro claiming credit for Iho opou ooatson boing extondod when tho Boason had been extondod boforo tho laot election, ivti bo would provo from a oiroular ooat to tho tiunery ovorooers in April last. Mn. McGitEoor. It was i^aaod juat bo- boforo tho olootion. Mr, Wiglo continuing said bo had writ- tou about fifty lottora in rogard to tho Uohory mattor and be wantod all tho credit. In closing, Mr. Wiglo said whon Mr. Scratch wao nolcod to como out as a candidate ho said bo wonld on ono condi tion and that waa that he would bo an Independent. Hon. E, J. Davis, tho Provincial Soa- rotary, was tbo noxt apoakor. Ho oaid no ono could regrot tbo oanao of tbo proaont olootion moro than ho ; ho oonld lay bin mead of praisa to Mr. Balfour's worth along with tho wordo already uttored. Mr. Balfour and bo woro tho alouoat poraonal frionds. ' Tho pooplo of South Essex honored thoir raprouontativo by Gloating him successively and ho bon- orod bia riding by discharging bio dutioa in a foarlosaand honest way. Mr. Bal four was ono of tbo boat trionda he bad in tho Logislatu.ro. Ho wao ploasod to visit tho county of Eaaox during thio campaign. Whon ho apoko at Combor tbo provloaa night and wbon ho oaw tbo largo mooting ing of inbolhgont ratepayora boforo him tbon bo did not wondor that thoir lata roprosontativo would bo tho man ho waa. If Mr. Balfour was olootod by ao. olaraation two wooka ago ho would liko to know what groat questions bad ariaoa since that there should bo a contest now. Mr. Auld was in oloao touch with Mr. Balfour on all tpoationu for 22 years and would make a tit ting eucoasoor to tho late representative. Some say why are tho Cabinot Ministers visiting in tbo rid ing during this campaign. 116 would an- swor for bimaolf and what would apply to htm would apply to the othor Ministers, ThoGovnrnmont io on trial in this riding and as Mr. Soratoh and others are opposed to their acts and thoir record, it wilt) but propor thoy ohould come before tbo olootors. Aro the eleotors satisfied with tho record of tho Ontario Govern* mont ? It is his duty and tho duty of otbere, when their policy is attacked, to como personally ana dofend It. Mr* Bal four waa sworn in as a minister on the 28ih ot July and when he took the oath of office to discharge bis duty to the beet of bis ability,,ha waa willing to march Oulder.to Bboalner with. thafcGovom: wai & strong supporter ot tho BUI, and no man knew more about municipal mat ters In tho Homo than did Mr. Balfour, whoooutendod that the Bill was a step in the tight direction. It would meftu a saving of 850,000 a year to the farmers of this Province. Every Patron and noarly ovory farmor in tho Houso supported tbo Bill. Ho had spoken to many farmora about it and tho conconoua of opinion was that tho Bill was a right move. Somo objoot bocanoo two or tbroo munici palities aro put into ono district. Io thoro anything wrong with that. Wbon a wan goes to County Council ho ohould look aftor tbo intoroata of tho wholo Coiinty and not just ono flection. In coming into tho County of Eaoox ho paoaod a nambor of largo drains nnd conld thon undorotand how it waa Mr. Bultouc grasped drainago mattorn uo roadily. Tbo Drainago Aot waa atrongly oupportod by Mr. Balfour, Has it not done muoh for tho pooplo of Eaoox Coum ty. It haa boon the moans of -allowing the farmora of thia Couuty to reclaim largo traota of land, booidoo thoy oan now got monoy for drainago purpouoo at n vory low rata of iutoroot. It tho Govornmont can bo ohown that a chango would bo in tho intorooto of tbo pooplo of tho Province tho change would bo mado. In Eaaox, yoa have all conditions of people. Thoro wao a timo whon a man voted bocauao ho had monoy. Mr. Mowat saw that waa a wrong principle that ovory man abould havo a voto, and an Aot wao paaaod giv ing ovory man a voto. Tho people on- dorsad that aot. The pooplo in thia Prov- inoo have oaid on aovoral oocaoiona that tho Govornmont havo given juatico to all. Tho Mowat Govornmont nover conoid- orod the qaoationota man's religion,crood or color. In tho mattor of tho&ucooaaion Datieo' Aot, tho Govornmont wanted to holp thoao who havo to atrugglo for their nnport and to losoon thoir burdono. Tbo Bill only oCfocta tho ootates of mon who havo aoaammolatoi groat wealth. Tho quoation of tho tarmors'intQroota haa boon opokon about by provioua opoakoro. Ho woald aok thom if Mr. Balfour looked aftor tbo farraoro' interests. He haa' hoard oncomiomo of praiao fair Mr. B.il- foar heoauao ho had worked for intorooto of farmora. Ia thoro any reason why Mr.Auld cannot look aftor farmora' inter* ootn as well as Mr.Balfour did.Mr.Soratoh did not give ono iota of ovidonco that tho Hardy Govornmont havo not looked aftor tbo interests of tbo farmora. Tbo Oatario Govornmont ia tho Urot Govornmont in tho Dominion who Ibonght that tho farm ing industry waa of anfiloiont importance to nood a miniotor. Wbon that dopart- mont woo formed Mr. 'Clanoy and bio friends wantod it tackod on to somo other donartmontd. Mr, Clanoy (Hoar, hoar.) Mr. Davis waa glad thai Mr. Clanoy endorsed his statoraonta. Tho Govorn mont took iaauo with Mr. Clanoy and tbo Opposition and pnt a practical farmor at head of tho Dopartmont and tho pooplo oudorsed tho Govornmont for doing so. Farmora' Inotitutoa havo boon established all ovor tho Provinco ; tbo Travelling Dairy has vioitod about ovory county and haa dono good work in toaobing the farm ers haw to make hotter buttor. Ovor 8180,000 a yoar io given by tho Govorn mont in grants to agricultural interoota. Mr. Auld haa given good oorvico to tbo county in county mattora and would make a good roprosontativo on the floor of parliament. Mr. Davia spoka for throe qaartora of an boor and hio addroeo was ocnoidored one of tho boat ovor dollvorod in tho Kingavillo town hall. Jambs Ci.amcv, M. P., waa to speak for 50 minatos bnt only took np 20. Ho cor roborated tho toolings of regret expressed by provtouu opo&kors about tbo cause of tho olootion. Mr. Balfour had noon rod the position hn did by dint of hard work. Ho claimed to bo a practical farmor. Tho Agrioultural Collego at Guolph wao built for tho farmor bnt how .many farmers have rocoivod bonofit from it. Tbo col lege has boon the biggest farco in the Provinco. Throa young men from Eaaox County bad attondod tbo institution and up to tho oIoko of 1805 it had coat tho Province 802,000 of whioh amount 830,000 had been paid for ofiioora' salaries. The Opposition, whoti a Minlator of Agricul ture was appointed, said there waa no need for anothor Minister, In tbo Gov ernment *ro four lawyers bat ouly one farmor. Hogardlng the bulletins issued by the collego tho re never was a bigger ouroo in the provinco* He found fan It with the not passed in 1891 that the county court clerk 'shall make oat a report ot the chattel mortgagee in the Province and send the sama to the De partment. The information was' only wanted to give the Liberate campai SOUTH ESSEX ELECTION IN 1894. Tho following is tho voto polled in the last local olootion in 1801 a mi 11: hot 11 u no. IialtQur.Iiuchmuin.DiHUnu 22 11 Ward 2. 0:i 13 in 32 5 2.51 (17 31 Mil I) *\ Town Hall.. ."7 2H 10 Turnpiko .... ,jl) ) {" I'Voih-... in 11 IS 170 17 hi cor.ciiLijiHi EOL'TII. Ward 1.. 20 0 45 2L * } It Ward !.. :r> 1 :n;i 122 ;ib cor,ciii;an:ii SOU Lit. Goiito___ 75 51 13 Now Caiman.. Uil- ,____4,5 0 McGrcgor .. .. as " 10 no 101 25 town or GBHKX. Ward No. 1 - 1.. OJ 31 0 Ward No. 2.. (it 41 ) Ward No. 3.. 51 45 I 173 120 3 MIAMtNfiTON. 41 ) 55 I Ward a 41 1 107 110 4 TIMIL'RY SOUTH. 0 5 0 4 11 2'.) No. 1.... 5 15 0 2 J112 21 55 TU.nunv west. Division N o. 1 52 135 15 M | 2 27 715 It H 1 3 21 59 0 *' . 1 5 i) 2'J 105 273 51) OOSnilLIJ SOUTH. Soc. No. 1. no 13 1 Kingovillo, 2.. 00 53 t; Olinda, 4. 23 22 33 Buthvon, K. !H 40 20 Division 5. 33 8 2S 101 13l> 100 aosriEi.D nohtu. 55 8 No. 2..... 0B 0 33 15 11 5 107 107 38 i MUIIBIU 37 o<> 77 OU 111 131 12 101 38 304 303 91 Town Hall.. i'i:lui: island. 74 5(i KINOS villi:. Two Divisiono 115 117 HAJOMTXB3. Balfour. Buchanan. Tilbury North........ 201 Coloboator South.. .. 221 Amboratburg........ 187 Maiden.............. 123 GosQold South........ Eesox Town.......... ColohoBtor North.... Xjcamington ........ Poloo Inland.......... Gosuold North........ Tilbury Woafc........ Morsoa.............. Kingsvillo............ 55 53 42 27 18 Tio. 1,017 228 Majority foe Balfour ovor Buchanan .... 780 lOtAt* VOTK, u P o Araberstbarg "den, a d a e] u D 07 47 S -i *8 & S55 83 .800