Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, page 1

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u ^^^^^^m^^^ww^.^^^m- : ^ff^w^ _ -- - ____-.__.______ . ' ' <\<S E* Ui*y+, The XrtTitlx sxx"E>r>le>Maen ^1l ; ' *3fci VOL XII. No 42. ESSEX ONT., FRIDAY. OOTOBBJft 16. 1896 WHOLE No. 014 I If-'1 T DROPSV_ CURED. IIK TfiiilornlKiioil ItiiiCd^urrttllo euro all cluinii - of Watur Dropny wlmlhor or loiiff or nhort duration. AbMOlutiily uoaliuwi) milium klinnut l- out Inimtlrly uwiiioriniiuoiifclyaurml. JAMhB uAMPuriLL. CotUm, Out._____________*' > T Pot- Sale: 1 AA AOILHB OK LAND VOU HAW CO AC IUU wihoIoilhhI; onn inllo from Kuunr Hta- tlon.MCJ.ll., ami four from iioliool, youtomao. oto ; olidttp T(>rmii, to unit purehiimrf. ' M. IWIIUKTT, Ooiito 1\0. Lost.' YN KTNGHVIDW'J. ON TIItlllHDAY, AMP X tombnr illtli, il blank and tun hound, ail nwnrn to thu inunn or "Drum." Any portion fnir- nfnhliiK liifonniitlnntliatwill load to his recov ery will bo mutably rowuvdod CIIAH.THUAHH15U, ISnx The County GouticilloPship,. To tfir JllroJartt of No. 2 Dtefrfat, in ihn County of J'Juftfjr: Fki.low Kij:otowj. I (k'l.irn to iitato that I Intoiul nfformu myiiolf aii a ciinuidato lor your miirri!OH for tlm ofllco of County Couuoli lor for No. i) Uiiitrlob 11 tlm County, tlio olootlon for which in to bo hold on tlio unit Monday In .Ian wiry, lfa')7. Youin ronpoctfully, ,/. E. STONfi. Krmo\, Out., October 11th, lKitl. Forsythe, Anderson & Co,, CMYK'S flDl/E^TISEfllEKT OF C50URT IH NHWSPflPEt?. Notich ib nr.itBiiy givbn that a Court will bo hold, puimuint to tho Ontar io VntorH'Lifitn Act of lhh'i by Ulu Honor, tlio .TiKlfjo of tho County (Joint of the County of EiKiux, at tho 'lown Hall, Cottum, on tu '"ah duy of Ootobor, Ififlfl, at ton o'uloclt In tlio foio- noon to hoar nud uxuininu tlio ntivoral com- Elaintu of oironi and oiulunionn in thu Voturn' irtt of tho Municipality of Gonflold North fur in m. All porhniif) bavlnf: buiiliuuin at tho Court urn roijulri'il to attend at tlio mud timo and place. Dated tho 15tit day of Octobor, 1BCJ. ISAAC JACK80N. Clorlc of tho iiaid Municipality. Leading Store of ESSEX &% n J*- 1^1 T. H. DeCEW Wants at Once, TWENTY MEN TO CUT WOOD. Steady employment for the winter. o a -4-* e O O a; % ~T3 *E ci 43 o 0 tfj O o cd o <0 r^ > to x We Want Your-Trade h ^ a) rl CO fcJDrcf d An -jo S] '-A 3^ ,-.0 0 g o a) a 03 o 2: a, o 71 <f) UJ a. UJ UJ a? LL a^ LU o o 3 i- COLCHESTERJOUTH FAIR. Tho lutvontootith nnnuiU fair of thu Col olioiitor South Aiirioultural Hooioty, wliioli wuh lioltl on tno iiooioty'ii ltouikIh ut tlm villftKo of Harrow, an TuomUy and XVodnoiulay of thin wciok, wim it fjrotit Hiiccotin, and oiuiily tnkon rank not only wt tho bout towntihip (ulr in Kimox county, but an oho of tho bout, towniiliip fniru in thu i'rovinco of Ontiuio. An tho tiaclc in not liir^o tmouKh far upeodintf, thin ox hibitiun linn novor lind thu drawing ud vaTita/;o of npouduiM contoiitu, but lmn dopondod rniroly on ttn marittt iui an a^rioultunu idiow iiikI yot nowhnro do tho pooplo turn out no uiuvoi'iiiilly an thoy do in thin townnliip, whilti their noii^h- horn como in from nil dirootionn to onjoy thu ffrnnd uafiitl holiday liuro afforded thorn. Not only wan nil availiiblo iijiilco for rij^jii on tlio ^loundiiooouniod^ut uvury utablo and tin pout for a niilo around wan pro-ornptod hy tho rij^n of vimtoru. An will ho iietm by tho lar^o lint of ontviou tho oxhibitu won) much mnro numorouu than in pruviomi yoai'fi. Tlw woathor on Wodnonday wan all that could ho deniii'd and tho fact tliat tho Proiniov oT tho l*ra- vinco wait to be on tho {jroundn during tho aftornoon tended to hulp nwoll thn crowd. Tlio varioiiH ojchilntHWoro mont oreditahlo tuul tho diffotont carriage manufaoturorn in tlio county wore iimnin on hand with thoir prodnctn. W, V. MoKon/.lu, W. Hcotfc fulford, Alfred Pulford and Win. Gray it Sous of Chatham, all being on tho uroundn with nnnmhor of their n^ti. Tho liuhc'i' work wan fully up to tho fstiLiidnrd aiwl the agricultural and hortioidtural dopartnientn gavo evcolUmt uvidouco of tho fertility of tho nod of Kimf* County. In tho building were aliio to bo found inntnintontn from tho fiiLabliMhinontu of J J, Hi aulfc and U. .1. Walkor and T. IJ. Adams had mi exhibit of mantle h, oto ,frum his Ilai row oHtublishmrnt. An is cimtomaiy at thin fair all the ntnndard breeda in tho live ntock dopiirtmontn worn veproHontod by animalij__tJmt__\yo_u]d carry off pro- inium-i any plnoo .Induing from u fin ancial Httindpomt tlio fair was nlnon[*tcat Hiicoenti tlio ruroipt'i lioint^ 8150 from tho from thu County, Sl'J'l Government grant, S'Jia.'Jij fjato recoiptri, ^.10 50 from standti andHtnllsand ftl'.lu' from mombei'Hhip fech making a total of R717.75. DuiinH tho aTteinoon of Wednesday on bohalf of tho nocioty and the town- uhip Ituovo Forvina prfuontud an iuldrei?H to Air. Hardy who replied in a nhort bpoeob from tho band ntand in tho prcts- unco of a very huge number, LIST 01 i Nrmi.s. ltt'Jo lftOd iror-irn............... ]20 CO Catth ................. 1:10 i:io Sheep............... fll K10 Kwino.................. *2H :i7 Poiiltrv ................ Ho fi*J (Jram'and H. < dn........ Ill 10B Kootsnnd Vi'tvUbh'U.... *J1H Dairy unri Provihiouh..... 51 -1:1 XVmt................... 300 -ISO 1 Tomi1 MannfacturoEi..... -10 '.\?> Ladies' Work............ '101 -YXA _____l.SHli 1,003 HOKHEB. dudgen Frank IloHobrugn, Francis K Laranno and Sylvontor Jlnmli. CVUIIIUiL 1IOI.BI n. Muro and foal, lnt, Jiil Shaw ; 'Jnd, W MoCormiek. Fillv or geliluig, .1 yearn nld, ltit, lib Wright;'2nd, A V TliompHon. Filly or gekliiif*, 2 jcum old, 1st, VA Shaw; '2nd, llubt fiullurrf. Filly orgold- iug, 1 year old, W McCormiok. ICn- tiru 2 year old colt, A 1* Thompson. Kn tiro 1 \onrold uolt, lut, VA Shaw ; 2nd, Aden Wright. Matched bpan, 1st, W J Quick ; '2nd, J Gibb. Itl.U'f.Uf-,. Bt.illion, Int, An<ln w Quick; '-.'n'1,-1 Gibb. Two >t ur old colt, Jtobt Howio. One joar old colt, ltobfc Howio. Matclud span, ltit, Andrew Wright ; 2nd, liobt Jlowio. Tliri'p year old coir, 1st, D Foh- ter ; '2nd, I\T .1 Matthc s. (H M !t\I IM ! 1 >>Si . hi. '2 U< Own, laowiil 81 in fctulhon. Audu' t Fin AIM <), AT Ml? > FAUl.'S.. Must k Cleared Out in Four Weeks: 1 ISvmiu IMuno, ih'w, - ipOOU I Ilynntt Piano, nonrly neav, 11 150 50 1S5 35 35 SO 15 Mandolin, m _ 6 4JuitnrH. Vlollim, olc, nHid n ilmabr ornQcomtl^uiiHid rhTiiliImoN At a Bafgaiit- H. M, PAUL, Bolo Afiout for Karn riauou, Karu, Bltig- r Bowing Mnoblnoij, oto, KKPAIUXNQ NBATIiY DONE. 1 Kurn I'liiiio-t'iiHO Organ. iroo<i hh niv, IMioiiomi nph, ncurly now, on lilt complete, Now MuiHiui <I snwliiir HI- clklno, Wotury, Now NCtmdurd Noxvlir Alii- rlilnp, Miuttln, B-drnwor Nw WllUuiiiO Sow- Intc rHufMlii*), iionciy now, Ouellluiluu; Sliifv^r, - I\Iani and foal, lHt, .lohn AIM <). ; ^u\, A L For- i ibii. !J jrur old colt, A Mmigcr. '2 year old tolt, lnt, ]t Afthck ; '2nd, Anguu Wright. 1 yi at- old colt, It Alllcck. Team, l-.t, Guidon Amor ; '2nd, John Birch. Ill >C! J.MM 0H4. Jlatohod ponn ii,hit,AijiL Cornwall ; 2nd, J 0 Bailey. Buggy homo, lut, John Clark , 2nd, Jamoi Shay. Badrlla horeo, W -) Quick. Wnlking team, Itobt Sul- him Beat i.uclding cult of lti'.ifi, Julm Alllcck. hl'l ( I M.S. By T B Adam", for belt ihiddlo horuo, gondii, 1, \V J (juiclc. By Melntyro Uioa., for bent general purpose team, whip, ifl, Gordon Amor. By ilenry llordinun, for bout general purpofio ttam, full nut of now ahoco, $2, Gordon Amur. By Jobcph W TomlniKin, for beet car nage team, whip, 91.2u, W J Quick. OATTIiK. Jutlgon, E F Darby, fo D Balkwoll and Tho-i II Parkfl. liUIt!I\MH. Bull, aged, W McCormick. Bull, 1 year old, Lowiti Arnui. Bull calf, 1st and 2nd, Lowin. Cow, lot and 2nd Ijowiu Arner. Iloifcr, 2 year old, ltit and 2nd lj Arnor, 1 year old, Ij Arnar. Hoifov Culf h Arnor. niiAin: ijuuhamh. Cow, lot, Mo'iafl Itono ; 2nd,J W Moln- doo Iloifcr, 2 yearn old, Thou MaLc-an. Ileifor, 1 year old, Win JJugheon. Uoifor oair, lut, Hoi. Her ; 2nd, J Mclndoo, AYUDIIIIIISII. Bull,II year ThonWilHama ; 2nd, A Wright Ball, 1 year old, lot and 2nd Thoa. WilliiwriB. Bull calf, Tboa Williama Cow, lut, Thon Wilhanm; 2nd, Wm Forritia. Iieifor, 2 yonra old, lilt and 2nd, Thon. Williamn. Iieifor, I year old. lut and 2nd, T Williams. Iloifor calf, lnt and 2nd Thoo Williamn. oiunn AYwmini!. Cow, lot, Goo. Catliorwood ; 2nd, Gor don Arnor, Iloifor, 2yoarn old, lnfc, Goo Cnthorwood ; 2nd, E Edgar. Iloifor, voarllng, 'lot, Goo Catliorwood ; 2nd E Ed^nr. aiuni( I'OWiiin ANnos. Oow, lut, Wm Forrtatj; 2nd, flapt O H Batifiofct. Iloifor, 2 yoarB old, Wm.ForriBa, Iloifor, 1 ^oar old, lafc and 2nd, William Eorriuo. Iloifor oalf, John Forriaa. - 011ADK ttlCVONH, Oow, B Foator, dATXOWAYU. Ball oalf, Wm Fmrlnn. .Cow, lei, Wm. ]"orriuu ; John Alllook. Iieifor, 2 yoaru old, lut, Johu Anhwki 2nd, Wm Forrhtn. filUJilfi OAW.OWAVU. Gow, .7 Anionic. Floifur, 2 yoarn old, J Afllook, Holfur, 1 year old, lHfc and 2nd, Wm Forrlmi. .nsitukvd. Bull, W 0 Cornwall. Bull, yearling, lnt, W G Baldwin ; 2nd, Ofloar Bquiro. Bull, oalf, Bit, E Edgar; Gapt 0 II Ban* iiutt. Gow, lnt, W G Cornwall ; 2nd, E Edgar. nlfar,2 yoaru old, lnfc.WC Corn wall ; 2nd Gapt G II Banuott. Bull, 2 yoorn old, CBuotham. Heifer calf, W G Cornwall. 0HAIM Jl'IKU'Vn. Cow.ldfc.J A Forriiia ; 2nd,JW Mclndoo* Iloifor, 2 yoaru old, lnt, J MoTndqo ; 2nd, 0 Bootham. Iloifor, yearling, Ink and 2nd, CBootham. Iloifor calf, lnt, O Boo tham ; 2nd, E Edgar. nouuTiNn, *t Bull, It Aflloclt. Bull, yoarling, Goo MoLoan. Bull, oalf, II B Quick. Cow, hit, }i Edgar ; 2nd, II B Quick. IToiior, 2 yoaru old, lot, II B Quick ; 2nd, U Sol- lam. Iloifor, 1 yoar old, It Bellaro. OHAnii ItOIiKTKTNft. Cow, lot, n II Quick ; 2nd It Afllook. noifor, 2 ynnri! old, lut.E Edgar ; 2nd, It Affleck. Iloifor, 1 yoar old, lnt, It. Sol- larn ; lut, G McLean. Iloifor calf, lut, B, Afllock; 2nd,Hol Ilor. MlficnrXANi'onB. Two yoar old atoor, Franoin Fox. Albort Huffman. Fat cow, lnt, Arnor; 2nd, A F, Siniuiao. HI'I.CIArft, By E F Darby, for boat fat cow, goodH, Eowin Arnor.i By a mombor, for tho bout hord of any pure brood of cattle, fcfif Lowin Arnor. SHEEP. Judgoo J am on Wih'on and Thoman Martin. iji:ici'fin:nn. Ham. (igoil, lnt, J Htaddon ; 2nd, D A Ouolletto. Ram, yearling, lnt, Ed Shuw; 2nd. II G Arnah! & Son. Ram lamb, lnt, R Preston A Son ; 2nd, It Affleck. Aged oweu, lnt, II G Arnald & Son ; '2nc\, Charlen Thompnon. Yearling owon, 1st, R Fronton it Son ; 2nd, R Affleck. Ewo Inmbfl, lnt, Ed Shaw ; 2nd, It Proa-* ton it Son. (OlimOM)R. Aged ram, lut, II G Arnald ft Bon ; 2nd, S Anh. yearling ram, lnt, S Anh ; Mid, 11 G Arnald A Son. Ram lamb, lnt, U G Arnald A' Son ; 2nd, S Anh. Aftod owon, lut, II G Arnald & Hon ; 2nd, S Aoh. Yearling oweu, lnt, II O Arnald A' Son ; 2nd, S Anh. Ewo lambu, S Anh. iwiiopfmwrii. Agod ram, lnt, John Birch ; 2nd, Jon Phillipa. Yearling ram. lnt, II G Ar nald A: Son ; 2nd, JoHoph Phillips. Ram lamb, lBt and 2nd, ,7on Phillipn, Aged ewes, lnt, Jon Phillipa ; 2nd, II II Juhen. Shearling oweu, lnt, Jou Phillipn ; 2nd, II 11 Julii'ii. Ewo Iumbu, Bit, Joaepb Phillipa ; 2nd, John Birch, Rum, agnd, lut and 2nd, II G Arnald & Sou. Shearling ram, Istand 2nd, II G Arnald A* Son. Ram lamb, lot and 2nd, II G Arnald A Son. Agod oweu, Bit and 2nd,II G Arnald & Hon. Hhearliuy owon, lnt and 2nd, II G Arnald A Son. Ewo larnbn, lut and 2nd, II G Arnald & Son. oMoim ami imiphiuui: dowkh. Ram, agid, 1st, Andrew Wright ; 2nd, IIII Julicn. Yearling ram, II G Arnald A' Son. Hum lamb, Isit, It Sellaru ; 2nd, Jou Phillip-! . Aged owon, lut, II G Ar nald it Son ; 2nd, II II Julien. Shear ling owon, H HJnl't.n. Ewo lamb.s, II G Arnald A' Son. 1- u nheop, lnt, Ilenry Watoru ; 2nd, II G Arnald it Son. MM.or,ss. Agod ram, II G Ainald ^ Son. Shear ling ram, II G Arnald Ar Son. Ram lamb, II G Arnald it Son. Agod owon, II G Ainald A' Son. Sherling owcb, II G Arnald A Son. Ewo lamba, II G Arnald A Son. SWINE. Jndgfn Simie an fur nhcep. nraksiniu s Boar, under 2 yearn, 1st, II II Julion 2nd, Angiiii Wright. Boar, under 1 year, Thon Williamn. ll'i'SI \ HI 1, Boar, aged, Kt.II B Quick ; 2nd, Wm Stail don. Boar, tindi r '2 year a, 'thou William*.. V>o\v, under 1 jear, Tho'* Williamn. Saw and nvn pigs, Thornai WilliamH. Sow under ljear, lnt, Then Williamn ; 2nd, II B Quick. Sow and boar under tnx monthn, lnt and 2nd, Thoa Williamn. 1'OI.AMi cm v VS. Boar, under 2 jearB, \V G Baldwin. Boar under 1 year, "W G Baldwin. Sow and ,1 pigh, John Affliok, Sow under 1 year, Bit and 2nd, W G Baldwin. Soiv and boar undiu (1 montbn, W G Baldwin. 'lA'uawoi.fiH. Sow,under 1 joar, W G Baldwin. omo imi'jiow i) f-iii'HTi:n. Boar under 1 voar, Idt, II II Juhen ; 2nd, Albert Huffman. Sow and boar under G monthq, II II Julion. CMTH'II n vHitrn. Sow undor 1 yoar, H II Julien. Sow and boar under I) montbn, U H Julien. ^OlUCSIIIUUM. II Halntead. Pat hog, John roue comb, T Williumii. Partrldgo Cooliiim, F Hutoliina. Plymouth Rookn, lnt, John Afflook; 2nd, A Agla. Ply mouth Rookn, white, lut, J Affleck ; 2nd, F Kutahinii. Houdanw, lnt and 2nd, F llutehinii. Cornifih Intllnn game, Bit and 2nd, O It Fullor. Minoroaii, lut, Jumoii Halntoad ; 2nd, J H IJiLlntiiad. Onmu, duokwing, Aden Wright. MrilCKnMWUOUll, notion duokii, adult, Int. J C Bailoy ; 2nd, Thon Williamn. Pokin duokii, F Ilutnhinn, Rouon dticka, young, Thou Williamn. Whito China goeno, J 0 Bailoy. Gninoa fowlu, F Ilutohmn. SEEDH. E Oarrott and Ebono/.or Boar, J Afllack. JlldgGQ Campean. POUETRY. E W Wyatt and Dr WJ Jmlgoti G Wright, jr. Black barloy, J C Bailoy. Timothy, lttt, F Hutohimi ; 2nd, A P Thompnon Flax, F Hiitnhinn. Black oatn, Bit, Wm Forriufl ; 2nd, G Bootham. Clover, lut, F Hutohinn ; 2nd, John Birch. White ofttu, lHt, W G Baldwin ; 2nd, Thon Clark. Barloy, lnt, D A Guollotto ; 2nd, Ronben Wright. Poan, lnt and 2nd,Thon Clark.' Ryo, lut, A B Quick ; 2nd, II Ferritin. Boanu, lnt, Jamoti Ford ; 2nd, Thou Clark. Whito wlmat, lnt, Ab Quick & Son ; 2nd, W G Baldwin. Spring whoat, Thon Clark. Rod whoat, lnt, C Bontham ; 2nd, R Sollarn. Workman corn, lot, F Hutchinu ; 2nd, J C Bailoy. Buckwheat, lut, II Forriun ; 2nd, J C Bailoy. Rod gourd nood corn, lnt, F Hutchinu ; 2nd, Wm Staildon. Califor nia corn, G II Knapp. Whito cap corn, Bit, F Uutchiun ; 2nd, E Edgar. Early mammoth Hint corn, A Ford. White flint, lut, F Ilutcbinn ; 2nd, Wm Forriaii. Yellow flint, lnt, F Ilutclunu ; 2nd, Wm Forriun. Red flint, Wm Forrino. Pop corn, Wm Staddon. Ohio mixed, lot, J G Bailoy ; 2nd, Jon Bent. Iowa nilvor mino corn, Ab Quick. White gourd, 1st H B Quick ; 2nd, J Initio. Barley corn, lot, Wm Staddon ; 2nd, Jon Bent. High mixed, W G Baldwin King of oarliont corn, Ab Quick. Man. Dent gourd nood corn, C II Knapp. Mautodon, F Hutch- int). Looming corn, Wm Staddon. Yel low gourd acod, ldt, II B Quick ; 2nd, F Hutohinn. i.i'i'oru.n. By T R Flood, for bout bnnhel of barley, COcontfi, I) A Ouolletto. By T R Flood, for bent bunhol of black oatn, ."0 contn, Wm Ferritin. By Chariot! Riclmrdnon, for bout bnnhel of rod wheat, gondii uO contu, G Bootham. By Charlun Riohardnon, for boHt bunhol yallow gourd nood corn, (joocln, 60 contu, H B Quick. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Judfjon Wm Stottu and C S Patton. Potatoes, oarly rone, William Staddon. Northern Spy, lnt, Robort Soliarn ; 2nd, I'1 Hutchinu. Late rone, Robt Sollarn. Early Piide, lnt and 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. Maggie Murphy, Ab Quick A Sou. Rural Now Yorker, lnt, Goorgo McLean; 2nd, IJ Fontor. American Wondor, 1st, Arthur Agla ; 2nd, Robt Sollarn. Groat Divide, John Fox. Carmen No. 1, Ab Quick A Son. Peachblow, J. Liitlo. Violin, Ab Quick <fc Son. Early Ilarvent, Ab Quick A'Son. Chicago Market, John Alllcck. Demptjcy, Robt Sollarn. Blue Victor, Robt SellarH. Early Ohio, John Sollarn. Monroe Seedlings), Int. J Little; 2nd, John Alllock. Early Maine, J II Lookhart. White Rock, J Staildon. Depew, J V/ Boetham. New Queen, lnt, J W Beotham ; '2nd, J Staddon. Baily Ohio, jr., J Staddon. Jiarly Vanguard*, CBootham. Early BurpicV, l^t, Wm ; 2nd, Wm Stu lilon. White Elophnnt, A Ford, ar. Rutland^Itoie, John Fox. Monroo tioedhng, John Fox. Now Northern, Wm Staddon. Polama, Wm Staddon. Burpeo'n extra L'arly, Jno Affleck. Lite Pride, J Staddon. Mangolds, globe, yellow. J II Locldiart. Mangoldn, long rod, S Balt/ur. Table beetn, long red, let, S Btdt/er ; 2nd, i\Ir F Pigeon. Field carrotn, let, Ab Quick A' Son ; 2nd, W J Quick, Parsnips, Her- , bert Ferriiin. Turnipn, J II Liakhart. CVdory, lnt, Ed Edgu ; 2nd, A Hackott. Tablo onionn, yollow, Arthur Agin. To- barco, White Burloy, Int. Alex Hackett ; 2nd, M Agin. Tobacco, other viuiety, lnt, W J Quick ; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. Table onionn, rod, lnt, Arthur Agla ; 2nd, , Wm Staddon. Tabic oarrotf, lMt, Ab Quick A Son ; 2nd, J Staddon. Tur nip1!, lot, II nutcbinn ; 2nd, .1 C Bailoy. Cabhago, 1st. J G Bailey ; 2nd, Arthur Agla. Red peppera, 1st, Alex Hackett ; 2nd, Arthur Agla. Watorraolon, Arthur Agla. Maukmelonfi, Arthur Agla. Hub bard tiqnash.A Hackott. Pumpkinti, Wm Staddon. Geiman pquanh, 1st, Jaa Hal- htend; 2nd, Alex Hackott. Vogotablo 'ranuparont crab. rowr.n. Brahman, light, lnt, F Hutohinn ; 2nd, C It Fullor. Bnff Coohinn, F Hutohinn. Black breauted rod game, lnt, Adon Wright ; 2nd, Angnn Wright. Wvan- dottf ti, uilver lacod, F nutchino. Wyan- dotten, goltlon, lut, F Hutchino ; 2nd, C II Fullor. Wyandotton, white, C II Fullor. Bantamn, lut, F Hutohinn ; 2nd, C H Fuller. Dorkingn, nilvov, C H Full or. Loghornn, whito, F Untoliina. Leg horns, brown, F nutchmn. Loghornn, brown rone comb, T Williams. Plymouth rookn, F Hutohinn. Iloudami, F Hutoh inn. Corninh Indian gamo, lnt, C H Fullor ; 2nd, F Hutohinn. Minoroan, black, J H Halfltoad. Lanqnhano, F Hutohinn, Silvor spangled Hambnrgn, G H Fullor. Ooldon upanglod Hamburgn, 0 H Fallor. CtllCKK. Coohina, buff, C H~ Fnllor. Black hroiiutod rod gamo, 1st, Angua Wright ; 2nd, Adon Wright. Wyimdottou, silver, lot, 0 H Fullor; 2nd, Oscar Squire, Wyo,*idottoa, whito, 0 H Fullor. Wyan* dotton, golden, lnt, 0 H Fullor ; 2nd, F, Hutohinn. Batitamtt, Bit, 0 H Pallor ; 2nd, Arfchnr Ada, Blaek Spanish Dor- Iklngy, 0 II Fullor. Loghorna,, whito, lnt and 2nd, F nutohins; Le^hornfl, brown, F Hutobina. Leghorn a, brown, oyitorn, Mrs F Pignon. Field pumpkins, ltit, Jan Hnlntead ; 2nd, Albort Huffman. Sugar boot, lnt, W G Baldwin ; 2nd, W J Quick. Field Turnipn, lot, Wm Stad don ; 2nd, William Fornna. Mammoth squash, Oscar Squire. bi'i:ciai.h. By T B Adamw, for bent, buahol pota toes 91.50 in goods, Goo MoLoaq. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS. Judges T It Flood and Mrs A E Sinauao. Gboono, factory, W* W Amos, Harrow cIipcbq factory. 5-lb roll of butter, ltit, Mrn A Mioklo; 2nd F W Boothnm, 2-gal crock of butter, lut Mm F Pigeon ; 2nd, Mrn Wm Forriun. Sorghum, lut. Wm Staddon ; 2nd, Wm Forrlon. Homemade broad, lnt, Mrs Joa Bout ; 2nd, Mrn F Figoon. Homo-mado bunu, lot, Joo Boot ; 2nd, Mrn D Footer. , CANNED FRUITS AND JELLIES. Jndgon Same ao for Dairy. Display of canned fruit, Mro Wm. Ilor. Canned appleo, lat, Ab Quick Ar Son ; 2nd, Mrn Wro Ilor. Poarn, lnt, Ab Quick A' Son ; 2nd, Mrn Wm Her, Poachon, lot, Mrn Wm Ilor ; 2nd, Ab Quick & Son. Rod ohorrioti, Mrs Wm lior. Whito curranto, *Mw Wm Ilor. Collection of jollloa, lot, Ab Qaiok A' Son; 2nd, Mrn Wm Ilor. Rhubarb, Mrn F Pigeon. Mulborry, Ab Quick & Son. Whito ohorrion, Mrn Wm Ilor. Btraw- borrioa, lat, Mro Wm Ilor ; 2nd, Mrs Wm "Staddon. Whito raapborrioe, Mro Wm Ilor. Black raapborrioa, Mra Wm Ilor. Red raapborriofl, lnt, Mro Wm Xlor; 2nd, Mrs Wm Staddon. Gro^n gooaoborrioa, let, Mra F Pigoon ; 2nd, Mro Wm Staddou. QulncoB, lefc.Ab Qulofc Si Son ; 2nd, Mrs Wm Staddon. Tohia- tooa, lot, Mra Wm Ilor; 2nd, Mra Wm Staddon. Pumpkin, let, Ab Qulok & Bon j 2nd, Mra Wm Staddon, Citron, Mrs Wm Ilor. Currants, red, let, Mrs F Pigeon ; 2nd, Mrs Wm Her.. Ourrftnte, blaok, let, Mrs F Pigeon; 2nd, Mra Wm Her. 3- FHIHT. Jndgon Goorgo Pcarso, A T Monger and A II Woodbridgo. Al'HJiH. Apples, If! variotien, lat, Jacob Mo- Ijoun ; 2nd, Ab Quick & Bon. Fall pippin, lut, Mm ] 2nd, Ab Quick it Bon. Jonathan, A R Ferris*. Culvert, Wm Forriun. Vandavlor, Tbos Clark, jr, Pock's plnauant, Bit, AbQalek A'Son; 2nd, Thou Clark, jr. Wlnosap, Wm Forriun. Maiden's blush, liit, Thoa Clark, jr ; 2nd, Mra Fred Pigoon. Baxfcm-'e rod, W J Ilalutead. Ributon pippin, Wm Forrms. It I greoning, lnt, Thou Clark, ji' ; 2nd, Ab Quick A- Son. Bon Davio, lnt, Ab Quick & Hon ; 2nd, Geo Biajoll. Northern npy, lnt, Mrs Fred Plgeoo ; 2nd, Wm Forriou. Tallman aweot, lat, Itobt Sellaru ; 2nd, Ilorborb Forriaa. Gutino greoningn, lut, S. Baltzer ; 2nd, Thou Hood. Gilhllowor, W. Mc Cormiok. Cooper's market, Thou Hood. Snow, lot, Thon Clark, jr ; 2nd, Uoorgo Bintiflll. Baldwin, lot, Thou Clark, jr; 2nd, Mrn Fred Pigoon. Fnllowator, lut, Wm Forriun; 2nd, Thon Clark, jr. King of Tompkins Co, 1st, Ilonry Walton J 2nd, George BhinoII. Riuvle'n Jannt, lufc, A R Forrino ; 2nd, George Rao. Pound iiwoofc, hit, It Alllock ; 2nd, Wm Mo- Cormick. Sook-no-furthor, lut, Herbert Porrinu ; 2nd, Wm Forriun. Wagnor, lnt, Robt Sollarn ; 2nd, Wm Forrin. Bollelleur, lot, Robt Sollarn ; 2nd, F Hutchinu. Mclntouli red, S Bait nor, Powaukeo, lot, S Balt/or ; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. Spit/enburg, lnt, Thop Hood ; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. Blenheim orango, 1st, Thou Clark, jr ; 2nd, Wm Forriun. Rambo, ltit, Ab Quick A Son ; 2nd, A R Ferritin. Mann, ThosClark, jr. Roxbury runnot, ltit, Thon Clark, jr j 2nd, II Walton. American golion niiuot, 1st, Goorgo Bmtioll; 2nd, Thoa Clark, jr. Engliuh golden ruunot, Int, H Affleck; 2nd, William Ferritin. Swcot ruiiuot, lat, Ed Shaw ; 2nd, Mrn F Pigeon. Mtintioy sweet, lot, J II Lockart; 2nd George Rao. 20-ounco pippin, Ed Shaw, Stark, lnt, Goorgo Biuooll ; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. Canada rod, lnt, Thou Clark, jr ; 2nd, F IIutohtnH. Grime's goldon, lnt, Ab Quick & Bon ; 2nd, B Balt/or. Domino red, Mrn Frank Qniok. Phoenix, Mro Frank Quick. Boauty of Kont, Ab Quick it Son. Waldbridgo, Ab Quick it Son. Newton pippin, lnt, W G Baldwin ; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. Bai- loy'n nweot, J C Bailoy. Pom mo Oris, Ab Quick & Son. Shorwood, or mimmoe queen, Ab Quick it Son Porter's, Ab Quick it Son. Ktnwiok oodliur Ab- QuickA:Son. Golden uweot, Mrn Frod Pifjoon. Smith's cidor, Ed Shaw, Bough Dago owoot, Mrn Fred Pigoon. Coop's apploar_J C J?ailoy. Wealthy, Mru Fred Pigoon. Bottlo greening, lot, GooBniiioll; 2nd, S Balt/or. Aloxandor, .1 II Lockhart. Hiolop'u crabapple, A.b Quick .t Son. Yollow Tr A R Forriun. ITACIII H. Clarinna, Ab Quick it Son. Sonor, Ab Quick it Son. SeotllingMillar'n cling ; lofc and 2nd, Ah Quick it Son. Fox'u ggckI- ling, Ab Quick A* Son. Columbia, Ab Quick & Son. Shoploy'u late, Ab Qniok it Son. Levy's late, Ab Quick it Son, Coolidgo Into, Ab Quick it Son. Ford'a late, Ab Quick & Son. Koyport whito, Ab Quick & Son. Bilyow'u lato, Ab Quick A' Son. Sunquohanna, Ab Quick it Son. Druid's Hill, Ab Quick it Son. Gibfcon'o lata, Ab Quick it Son. Stoadly, Ab Quick A' Son. Seedling, whito, Ab Quick it Son. Maiahall's lato, Ab Quick it Son. Jacques' rare ripo, Ab Quick it Son Lovett, white, Ab Quick & Son. Be i'i i in. k, Ab Quick .t Son. Iloatho'u free, Ab Quick A Son. bUimp tho world, Ab Quick & Son. Wonderful, lnt, C Boll it Son ; 2nd, Ab Quick & Son. Wheat land, Ab Quick ii. Son. Smock's fioo, Ah Quick it Son." Milton, cling, Ab Quick it Son, Clare's choice, Ab Quick it Son. Old Wixon, ChaB. Bull & Son. Lord Pulmorston, Chan. Bolltfe Sou. I'I'AllH. Bonrro Clairgeau, 1st, Thoa Clark, jr; 2nd, Mru Frod Pigeon. Benrro d'Anjou, lot, A R Ferries; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. ShiJdon, lab, Thos Clark jr 1 Ab Quick A-Son. Vicar of Wakefield, lut, R Af fleck ; 2nd, Thou Clark jr. Proatdont Drouilhird, S Balt/or. Belle Luorativo, Mrs Fred Pigeon. Uowald, Thou Clark,jr. DuchcKfl do Bordeaux, Mrn Frod Pigoon. Koiffor'a Hybrid, 1st, Mru Fred Pigeon; 2nd, C II Knapp. Bonrro do Aromborg, John Sollarn, Dnoheua do Aujoulono, lot, Geo Biuooll ; 2nd, Ab Quick & Bon. Doehoaa do Anjon, Gen Bmuoll. Tyoon, Mre Fred Pigoon. Sookcl, lut Robt Sol larn; 2nd, Mru Frod Pigeon, Lnuronco, Ab Quick A Son. Doyonno Bnauook, Ab Quick it Son. BeurroBaac, Ab Qniok tfc Son. Winter Nolhn.lut.Ab Quick it Son; 2nd, Thos Clark, jr. Butfam, Ab Quick A Son. Goodale, Ab Quick it Son. Fred erick Clapp, Ab Quick it Son. Flemish Beauty, lut, Thon Clark, jr ; 2nd, Ab Quick it Son. BnrtM, Ab Quick, A' Son- Vermont Beauty, Ab Quick A Son, Quincoo, mammoth, lot, Albort Huff man 2nd, S Baltzor. Grapon, 1st and 2nd,Mm F Pigoon. Wine, lat and 2nd,Mrs Frod Pigoon. Boat eollootion fruit not lenn than 4 kinds, Ab Quick. Boat display of poaohou, Ab Quick & Son. 8 vanotioa corrootly named poaro, Ab Quick tt Son. -tchiutoro concord grapon, Ab Qniok & Son. I largest poachou, Ab Qniok it Son. Bout bunhel King and Bpioo, Ab Quick & Son. mcvuii: hack. In tho Indian' bioyoliet raco-for the upooial prizoa offorod byClark Ss Boll and A E Sinaoaa, Minn Maggie Halutcad won flrot primo, S2in goods, and Mis Edna Bonsooy, second, $1, HOME MANUFACTURES. , Team harnoHB, G Johnsou. Single harnoso, lut, John Molntyro; 2nd, 0 Johnaon. Light wn^on, A Pulford. Opon buggy, lut, W F MoKonzle; '2nd,-/ A Pulford, Covered buggy, latt W F MoKoonio; 2nd, A Pulford. Lumber wagon, lufc, W F MoKonzio; 2nd, Chat ham Mfg. Oo. Forco pump, J H Van- znndi, Suotion and lift house pQmp, J H Vanzundfc. LADIKS' WORK. Judges Mrs. Lennox Thompson, Mra. Johu Boring and Miss Emily Haokott. , Quilt,' cotton patchwork, 1st, Mies Edna Greaves ; 2nd, Mrs Z Brueb. Quil,*; * cloth patchwork, 1st, Miss Bnsie Jallen i, J,'fM 2nd, Mrs Wm Her. Qallt, silk piiqaJ^fJ (Continued on last page.) '. ^ I'-iKi-* ' *$h ,v: \ /< (fei^a^^^ rf?AJjl(i!l. 'x:^iMi .Sh/v ^4Mb<^^^

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